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Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Liquid Crystal Polymers: Smart Materials With Stimuli-Responsive, Self-Healing, and Recyclable Properties

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Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Liquid Crystal Polymers: Smart

Materials with Stimuli-Responsive, Self-Healing, and Recyclable
Sean J. D. Lugger, Simon J. A. Houben, Yari Foelen, Michael G. Debije, Albert P. H. J. Schenning,*
and Dirk J. Mulder*

Cite This: Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Hydrogen-bonded liquid crystalline polymers have emerged as promising

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“smart” supramolecular functional materials with stimuli-responsive, self-healing, and

recyclable properties. The hydrogen bonds can either be used as chemically responsive
(i.e., pH-responsive) or as dynamic structural (i.e., temperature-responsive) moieties.
Responsiveness can be manifested as changes in shape, color, or porosity and as selective
binding. The liquid crystalline self-organization gives the materials their unique responsive
nanostructures. Typically, the materials used for actuators or optical materials are constructed
using linear calamitic (rod-shaped) hydrogen-bonded complexes, while nanoporous materials
are constructed from either calamitic or discotic (disk-shaped) complexes. The dynamic
structural character of the hydrogen bond moieties can be used to construct self-healing and recyclable supramolecular materials. In
this review, recent findings are summarized, and potential future applications are discussed.

CONTENTS Authors 4970

Author Contributions 4970
1. Introduction 4946 Notes 4970
1.1. Background 4948 Biographies 4970
1.1.1. Liquid Crystals 4948 Acknowledgments 4971
1.1.2. Stimuli-responsive Liquid Crystalline References 4971
Polymers and Networks 4948
1.1.3. Smart Materials with Stimuli-responsive,
Self-healing, and Recyclable Properties 4950
2. Shape Changing Materials 4951 1. INTRODUCTION
2.1. pH- and Humidity-responsive Shape Chang- Stimuli-responsive polymer materials have attracted significant
ing Polymers 4951 attention for developing materials that respond to external
2.2. Temperature-responsive Shape Changing triggers. These materials are designed to change their properties
Polymers 4953 when exposed to a stimulus, including heat, light, pH, solvents,
2.3. Light-responsive Shape Changing Polymers 4955 and chemicals. Over the past few decades, the field of research
3. Color Changing Materials 4960 developing “smart” polymer materials has been established as an
3.1. pH- and Humidity-responsive Color Chang- important topic within polymer science.1−4
ing Polymers 4960 The self-assembly and molecular order of liquid crystals (LC)
3.2. Temperature-responsive Color Changing are attractive for fabricating stimuli-responsive materials where
Polymers 4962 changes in nanostructure will alter the properties of the material
4. Nanoporosity Changing Materials 4964 such as shape, color, or porosity. As a result, LC polymers have
4.1. pH-responsive Polymers That Change Poros- emerged as promising smart, functional materials due to their
ity 4964
4.2. Chemo- and Ion-responsive Nanoporous
Special Issue: Smart Materials
Materials 4965
4.3. Light-responsive Nanoporous Materials 4968 Received: April 21, 2021
5. Conclusion and Outlook 4969 Published: August 24, 2021
Author Information 4970
Corresponding Authors 4970

© 2021 The Authors. Published by

American Chemical Society https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
4946 Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 1. Conceptual steps involved in the fabrication of hydrogen-bonded supramolecular liquid crystal polymer materials with stimuli-responsive,
self-healing, reprogrammable, and recyclable properties.

Figure 2. Examples of liquid crystalline phases. (a) Nematic mesophase with the molecular director n, (b) smectic mesophase, and (c) columnar
discotic mesophase. (d) Selective reflection of a chiral (cholesteric) nematic LC. (e) The ordinary and extraordinary optical axes of a calamitic LC and
their refractive indices (no and ne, respectively). (f) Definition of birefringence Δn (1), helical pitch P (2), and selective reflection wavelength λ0 (3).
(g) Circularly polarized transmission spectrum of a chiral nematic liquid crystal.

stimuli-responsive anisotropic properties and control over the Hydrogen-bonding interactions are valuable for controlling
nanostructure by supramolecular organization.5−9 Exciting the supramolecular organization in LC materials and enhancing
advancements in polymeric LC materials have highlighted the the stability of polymers and/or as the active trigger endowing
potential of these materials in various applications such as soft the materials with responsive behaviors. Hydrogen bonds are
robotics,10,11 smart textiles,12,13 deployable soft actuating ideal noncovalent interactions to fabricate supramolecular
devices,14,15 adsorbents,16 responsive pigments,17 and sen- materials because they are highly selective, directional, and
sors.18−22 dynamic.23 The hydrogen-bonding interactions in LC materials
4947 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 3. Representation of the director profiles and dimension changes in LC networks or elastomers on exposure to an order-lowering stimulus. (a)
Planar uniaxial, (b) chiral nematic, (c) splay, and (d) twisted nematic director profiles, and (e−g) their deformations, corresponding to a decrease in
the order parameter.

position molecules in specific, well-defined arrangements, as phase, there is only long-range order of the molecular
illustrated in pioneering work by Kato, Fréchet, and co- orientation; all the long axes of the molecules point in a
workers.24−27 Hydrogen bonds are formed when a donor with common direction. The molecular director n describes this
an available hydrogen atom interacts with an acceptor carrying orientation of the LC molecules. The smectic mesophase is a
nonbonding electron lone pairs. The strength of hydrogen bond higher-order phase, where, in addition to orientation, there is
interactions depends on its chemical surroundings (e.g., also positional order of the molecules, which results in a lamellar
solvent), the number of hydrogen bonds, and temperature, organization (Figure 2b).
making them attractive molecular triggers for smart materials When a chiral compound (dopant) is added to a nematic LC,
that respond to humidity, pH, and heat, for example. The helical twisting of the molecular director can be induced, leading
dynamic behavior of hydrogen bonds offers unique oppor- to a chiral nematic or “cholesteric” liquid crystalline (CLC)
tunities for developing circular polymers with, for example, self- phase (Figure 2d−g).28 The ability of a chiral dopant to induce a
healing and recyclable properties. twist in the nematic phase is quantified by its helical twisting
This review reports recent progress and demonstrates that power (β, see Figure 2f), enantiomeric purity (ee), and
hydrogen-bonding LCs can be applied in soft actuators, optical concentration ([C]). In the CLC, the two optical axes (Figure
materials, and nanoporous polymers. We discuss the recent 2e) of the LC moiety twist continuously through the layer,
findings regarding the chemistry, LC self-organization, and resulting in a periodic alteration of the anisotropic refractive
describe potential future applications utilizing humidity, heat, index throughout the material, resulting in a one-dimensional
light, and chemicals as environmentally present stimuli (Figure (1D) photonic material. The length of the helix required for the
1). Although magnetic and electric fields have been reported for molecular director to rotate 2π is called the cholesteric pitch (P,
use as stimuli, especially for robotics, these are beyond the scope Figure 2d). When light travels through such a medium, Bragg
of this review because it is predominantly required that the user reflection of a specific wavelength of light via constructive
be in direct control to operate the device, and the device is not interference determined by the CLC pitch results in structural
autonomous. We restrict our focus to LC polymers containing color, as seen in Figure 2g.
hydrogen bonding units. Other supramolecular interactions Discotic LCs consist of a rigid, disk-like core with multiple
such as ionic interactions and stimuli-responsive polymers like flexible tails and exhibit both nematic and columnar phases. The
hydrogels will not be considered in this work. Additionally, this nematic mesophase is similar to the calamitic LCs, having only
review provides an overview for using hydrogen-bonding motifs orientational order. In the columnar phase, positional order is
to construct self-healing and recyclable stimuli-responsive also present, as in the smectic calamitic LCs. The disk-shaped
materials and discusses their potential applications along with LCs self-assemble on top of each other, forming columns that
the challenges that still must be overcome to achieve these goals. can further assemble into columnar phases (Figure 2c).
To fully understand the subject of hydrogen-bonded stimuli- 1.1.2. Stimuli-responsive Liquid Crystalline Polymers
responsive LC polymers, we will first discuss the basics of
and Networks. Polymeric materials exhibiting LC order can be
stimuli-responsive hydrogen-bonded LC polymer materials.
obtained in a variety of ways.9 The polymeric materials discussed
1.1. Background in the review can be broadly categorized into two groups: (1)
1.1.1. Liquid Crystals. A LC phase is a state of matter chemically cross-linked networks and elastomers and (2)
between the liquid and the solid phases, also referred to as physically, supramolecularly cross-linked polymers.
mesophase. Typically, LCs are divided into two subclasses: (1) The best-known method of preparing chemically cross-linked
lyotropic and (2) thermotropic. In the first class, a mesophase is networks is by using reactive mesogens; that is, utilizing LC
induced by adding a solvent, whereas the second forms a molecules with polymerizable groups such as vinyl ethers,29
mesophase without solvent. In this review, we focus on polymer (meth)acrylates,30 epoxides,31 or oxetanes.31 For the prepara-
materials based on thermotropic LCs. tion of stimuli-responsive LC materials, it is important to achieve
Typically, stimuli-responsive LC polymer materials are either control over the molecular director throughout the whole
constructed from calamitic (rod-shaped) or discotic (disk- material (alignment, vide infra). During fabrication, the
shaped) molecules (Figure 2). The lowest order mesophase for molecular director in the mesophase can be readily controlled
calamitic LCs is the nematic phase (Figure 2a). In the nematic through a variety of alignment techniques (e.g., a polyimide
4948 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

alignment layer) and subsequently fixed by in situ (photo)- incorporated molecular triggers such as photoswitchable
polymerization into a mechanically stable polymer network.30 molecules.48 Azobenzene derivatives are the most reported
Similarly to the reactive mesogens, loosely cross-linked LC photoswitches in the field of stimuli-responsive LC polymers.
elastomers are prepared by (photo) cross-linking longer LC Their typical linear structure allows for the incorporation in a LC
oligomers: the products of chain extending bisacrylic reactive polymer without disturbing the molecular organization. Upon
mesogens using amines32 or dithiols.33 irradiation with UV light, azobenzenes can undergo E (trans) →
In the second category, physically cross-linked LC polymers, Z (cis) isomerization and isomerize back (Z → E) upon
the supramolecular cross-links are achieved by hydrogen exposure to visible light or heat. On one hand, the Z-isomer has a
bonding.34−37 Long-chain LC oligomers and polymers require kinked shape and exerts stress on the polymer.49,50 This results
an alternative approach to realize alignment, and the preferred in a reduction in order, and thus a shape change, a
method of programming the molecular director is by applying photomechanical response. On the other hand, the isomer-
strain or shear to the polymer material. By properly formulating ization is an equilibrium reaction; during UV illumination, the
the LC monomer mixture, the eventual properties of the azobenzene moieties shuffle continuously between the E- and Z-
material can be tuned to be suitable for different processing isomers. This process induces heat, which in its turn induces a
techniques, including coating,38,39 (photo-) lithography,40 and reduction in order, a photothermal response.51 Because the
(inkjet or 3D) printing,40−44 generating additional opportunities latter response relies on the generation of heat, it can also be
for hierarchically structured materials. achieved using other photothermal additives such as dyes52 and
Cross-linked polymer networks display similar molecular nanoparticles.53,54
order to their monomeric counterparts. They cannot undergo Many materials discussed in the review make use of hydrogen
the subsequent phase transitions as their monomers could, bonds involving carboxylic acid groups. When a material
however. When triggered by an externally applied stimulus, the composed of these bonds is exposed to, for example, a diluted
cross-linked LC polymer materials undergo a deformation potassium hydroxide solution, the hydrogen-bonding inter-
induced by a reduction in molecular order. In the case of highly actions are disrupted, and a potassium carboxylate salt is formed.
cross-linked LCs, only a slight decrease in order can be achieved, In the first place, this treatment leads to a reduction of the LC
while for weakly cross-linked LC elastomers, much greater order order and, second, increased hydrophilicity. In literature, this
losses are possible. procedure is often called the “activation” step55−57 because after
The LC alignment determines the nature of the mechanical this treatment, the material will become highly sensitive to
deformation of the LC polymer, depending on whether the
water/humidity55,56 and other polar solvents like alcohols.58,59
molecular alignment is uniform or nonuniform throughout the
Now, upon exposure to, e.g., water, a strong anisotropic shape
depth or in the plane of the material (Figure 3). In the simplest
change will occur due to swelling of the LC polymer.
case, uniform planar or “uniaxially” aligned LC polymers exhibit
Hydrogen-bonded LC polymers can also be employed to
simple expansion perpendicular and contraction parallel to the
make nanostructured and nanoporous materials. The general
molecular director in response to a stimulus (Figure 3a,e).
approach for fabricating these materials is using highly ordered
Alternatively, when using a planar chiral nematic LC polymer
smectic and discotic (disk-shaped) LCs with hydrogen-bonded
(Figure 3b), only an expansion of the material can be observed in
the direction of the helix. While the shape-change (Figure 3f) is mesogenic units, which can be disrupted after polymerization.60
somewhat difficult to observe by eye, the characteristic reflection When the hydrogen-bonded template molecule is not cross-
band shift is quite visible. More complex deformations can be linked, it may be extracted from the network, yielding
realized by using nonuniform alignment profiles. For example, a nanoporous systems with either two-dimensional (2D) or
splay alignment is obtained when one side of the material, let us one-dimensional (1D) pores.
say the bottom, has a planar alignment, and the other side, the Calamitic mesogens typically consist of reactive hydrogen-
top, has a vertical or “homeotropic” alignment (H, Figure 3c). bonded benzoic acid dimers that can be fixed in the desired
The bottom of the material will expand in one direction and mesophase upon (photo)polymerization, as discussed earlier.
contract in the other, while the top will expand uniformly. This After treatment with an alkaline solution, the hydrogen bonds
leads to a net bending deformation toward the bottom (Figure between the benzoic acid dimers are broken, resulting in a 2D
3g). A twisted nematic alignment is obtained when the LC nanoporous polymer network with ionic channels. This
molecular directors on top and bottom surfaces of the material approach has resulted in pH-responsive adsorbents,61−63
are angularly offset from each other (e.g., 90°, Figure 3d). membranes,57 and optically active64,65 and proton conductive
Typically, when using orthogonal alignment, a saddle-shape materials.66,67
deformation is obtained (Figure 3h). However, when the In contrast to calamitic LCs, discotic LCs use a different
material is not square but rectangular shaped, the deformation architectural design in which a template molecule is hydrogen-
over one axis is suppressed, and bending or twisting bonded with three or more reactive gallic acid derivatives
deformations are observed.45 containing flexible alkyl tails, affording disk-shaped mesogens.
As mentioned earlier, a nonuniform alignment can also be The attractive interactions between the planar aromatic core in
obtained in the plane of the material. This is typically achieved these molecules govern the hierarchical self-assembly of the
by using a photoalignment layer46 or 3D printing techni- hydrogen-bonded complex, contributing to the discotic
ques.41−44 The integration of a complex director profile in the columnar mesophase formation. After photopolymerization,
plane of a polymeric LC film allowed for unprecedented the LC morphology is fixed and selective removal of the
deformations into cone and anticone shapes, for example.46,47 template molecule with an organic solvent or alkaline treatment
The molecular order in stimuli-responsive LC polymers can yields 1D nanoporous materials with cylindrical pores. This
be reduced by simply heating the material; thus, temperature approach has been utilized to fabricate size-selective adsorbents
always plays a role even in materials designed to respond to other for ions68 and small organic molecules,69−72 guest−host
stimuli such as pH or light. Other approaches include the recognition,73−77 and optically active materials.77
4949 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 4. Humidity- and pH-responsive actuators. (a) The chemical structures of the benzoic acid hydrogen-bonded dimers, covalent cross-linker, and
chiral dopant used to create the polymer network. (b) Shape changes of an LC polymer film with twisted nematic director configuration under different
relative humidity conditions. Reproduced with permission from ref 55. Copyright 2005 American Chemical Society. (c) 3D alignment pattern of the
accordion-shaped actuator and the deformation of the material in response to pH changes. Adapted with permission from ref 88. Copyright 2013
Wiley-VCH. (d) Folding and curling deformations of humidity-responsive actuators with localized activation of the polymer films. Activated parts
(blue) respond to changes in uniform humidity and show bending and folding or curling, depending on the molecular director, whereas the
nonactivated regions (yellow) remained unchanged. Arrows indicate the director alignment. Adapted with permission from ref 89. Copyright 2014
American Chemical Society.

1.1.3. Smart Materials with Stimuli-responsive, Self- tunability.79−81 Moreover, the dynamic structural character of
healing, and Recyclable Properties. Stimuli-responsive hydrogen-bonding moieties allows construction of supra-
polymers are primarily based on permanent, fixed networks molecular materials exhibiting dynamic self-healing, recycling,
that are typically neither self-healing nor recyclable due to the and reprocessing properties (vide infra). Combining hydrogen-
chemical cross-linking. The supramolecular motifs in these bonding cross-links with stimuli-responsive LC polymers has the
polymers have been mainly used for achieving a stimuli-driven potential to endow the smart, functional materials with both
response. However, the field of stimuli-responsive LC polymers stimuli-driven responses and dynamic properties (Figure 1). In
is evolving toward smart materials with self-healable or this approach, the responsive and structural characters should be
recyclable properties. In recent years, the polymer community orthogonal rather than interconnected to ensure a robust and
has witnessed rapid advancement of sustainable and circular reversible system is obtained. The supramolecularly cross-linked
polymers to realize a more sustainable future.78 Consequently, network should exhibit sufficient structural and mechanical
functional polymer materials offering dynamic properties are stabilities reminiscent of classic covalently cross-linked stimuli-
being explored as potential smart materials that could satisfy the responsive polymers while simultaneously preserving the
demand for sustainable polymers. One approach to achieving stimuli-responsive and dynamic characters. Hence, upon
dynamic structural character employs supramolecular motifs to inducing a stimuli-driven response (to temperature, for
form physical junctions between polymer chains rather than example), the hydrogen-bonding interactions should normally
irreversible bonding, resulting in a reversible, noncovalently remain intact, ensuring the supramolecular polymer network
cross-linked network. Among the many supramolecular remains physically cross-linked, and only under specific
interaction options, hydrogen bonds have emerged as one of conditions (higher temperatures) should it be that the hydrogen
the motifs of choice for construction of physically cross-linked bonds are compromised, enabling the self-healing and recyclable
polymers due to their simplicity, specificity, and architecture properties to manifest themselves.
4950 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 5. Dual-responsive actuators. (a) The molecular structures of the LCs and dye used to prepare the LC polymer network-based actuators. (b)
Schematic representation of the nocturnal actuator opening and closing under dark conditions in response to humidity changes and the humidity-gated
actuation in response to light. Adapted with permission from ref 90. Copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH. (c) Curvature changes of the LC polymer network
strip upon increasing the relative humidity under dark conditions and upon illumination with light at high relative humidity. The scale bar corresponds
to 5 mm. Adapted with permission from ref 90. Copyright 2018 Wiley-VCH. (d) Schematic illustration of the SO2-induced change. Adapted with
permission from ref 91. Copyright 2019 Wiley-VCH. (e) The reversible and irreversible response gated by SO2. Adapted with permission from ref 91.
Copyright 2019 Wiley-VCH. (f) Images of the active flower reversibly opening and closing in response to a change in relative environmental humidity.
When exposed to SO2 gas, the flower becomes inactive showing irreversible motion. Adapted with permission from ref 91. Copyright 2019 Wiley-

2. SHAPE CHANGING MATERIALS subsequently photopolymerized to obtain a covalently cross-

linked network (Figure 4a).
2.1. pH- and Humidity-responsive Shape Changing To exhibit deformations in response to changes in pH and
Polymers humidity, a fraction of the carboxylic acid groups was converted
Shape changing polymer materials with pH and humidity to potassium carboxylate groups through alkaline treatment of
responses can be prepared from dimerized rod-shaped the hydrogen-bonded network, forming a hygroscopic polymer
mesogens, which typically have a hydrogen-bonded carboxylic salt. The activated LC polymer films readily absorb water,
acid core surrounded by aliphatic chains and reactive end leading to anisotropic swelling mainly perpendicular to the
groups. In this type of molecule, the hydrogen-bonding alignment director due to an accompanying decrease in order of
interactions between the carboxylic acid moieties govern the the material. Complete immersion of a uniaxially aligned
self-assembly of the rigid nematic core and stabilize the resulting activated network in water resulted in reversible expansion,
mesogenic phase,82,83 while the network is permanently fixed by whereas when exposed to water vapor, the film absorbs water
primarily from one side, resulting in the film bending away from
chemically cross-linked end groups.30,84 Hydrogen bonds are
the vapor source. Similar films with twisted molecular
susceptible to the polarity of the environment, and thus
alignments showed strong curling about one of the two axes
actuators can be prepared that reversibly change their shape in when immersed in water, while when subjected to a
response to environmental changes such as pH and humidity. homogeneous humidity change, the material exhibited a strong,
The formation of LC soft actuators is generated by the reversibly anisotropic response over the whole humidity range
combination of stability and responsiveness introduced by the (Figure 4b). Furthermore, the LC polymer films also showed
hydrogen-bonded mesogens. Utilizing this supramolecular reversible actuation as a response to environmental changes in
structure, a single-layer pH- and humidity-responsive actuator pH and nature of the solvent. In the presence of strong polar
based on hydrogen-bonded benzoic acid mesogens has been solvents, interestingly, the network swells due to the hydrophilic
prepared.55,85 The benzoic acid derivatives formed dimerized, nature of the salt network and forces it to bend in one direction.
rod-shaped monomers driven by self-assembly through the In contrast, less polar solvents extract water from the film,
hydrogen-bonding interactions. A mixture containing the resulting in anisotropic contraction of the network forcing
hydrogen-bonded LC monomers 1−3 and additional diacrylate bending in the opposite direction.86
chemical cross-linker 4 were aligned in either unidirectional or A similar LC mixture containing dimerized benzoic acid
twisted configurations within the nematic mesophase and monomers has been used to make hydrogel films that exhibit
4951 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 6. Bilayer and composite actuators. (a) Monomers used for the LC polymer actuator preparation. (b) Schematic representation of the
humidity-responsive bilayer film and response to humidity changes. The splay-aligned bilayer film exhibits a hydrogen bond gradient throughout the
thickness of the film, which results in anisotropic expansion of the LC layer. The LC layer exhibits a larger expansion (Δε1) than the polyamide layer
(PA6, Δε2), yielding bending of the bilayer actuator. Adapted with permission from ref 92. Copyright 2013 American Chemical Society. (c) SEM
image of the porous polymer composite. Adapted with permission from ref 93. Copyright 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry. Ribbons cut at angles
(φs) of (d) 75° and (e) 135° with humidity-induced shape changes when increasing the relative humidity from 11% to 98%. Adapted with permission
from ref 93. Copyright 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (f) Schematic illustrations showing the reversible deformation of the bilayer actuator in
response to humidity changes. Adapted with permission from ref 94. Copyright 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (g) Macroscopic deformation of
the bilayer actuators at high relative humidity levels forming a right-handing helix. Reproduced with permission from ref 94. Copyright 2018 The Royal
Society of Chemistry.

anisotropic expansion.87 In this work, the hydrogen-bonded responsive actuator was obtained that showed an accordion-like
moieties formed a smectic mesophase that was copolymerized deformation due to the opposite response of the distinct
with covalent cross-linker mesogens, and after breaking the domains (Figure 4c).
hydrogen bonds with an alkaline solution, a smectic ordered The responsive LC polymers discussed above exhibit a shape
hydrogel was obtained. During activation, the material readily change due to localized exposure to a stimulus or asymmetry in
absorbs water and expands around 50% perpendicular to the the molecular orientation. Humidity-responsive actuators could
alignment director while only minimally along the director. After also be prepared based on asymmetry in the responsive
alkaline treatment, the hygroscopic polymer salt exhibits molecular trigger instead, through localization of the activated
reversible expansion and contraction up to 20% in response to areas.89 Using this approach, soft actuators that bend, fold, and
a change in pH. curl have been made from the same polymer film that responds
LC polymer actuators with unidirectional or asymmetric to a uniform humidity change (Figure 4d). Uniaxially aligned
alignment throughout the thickness of the LC polymer film polymer films were prepared with the same LC monomer
results in relatively simple macroscopic deformations that mixture as highlighted before.55,85,86
reversibly contract, bend, or curl upon applying a stimulus. It was recently shown that a similar LC mixture of monomers
More complex reversible deformations were created by using LC 1−4 with selective activation of the polymer network could be
polymer films with three-dimensional patterned structures.88 used to mimic a nocturnal flower opening and closing in
Using a hydrogen-bonded LC monomer mixture based on the response to a change in ambient humidity under dark conditions
reactive dimers 1−3 and cross-linker 4 in combination with (Figure 5a−c).90 Furthermore, the incorporation of photo-
chiral dopant 5 (Figure 4a), LC polymer actuators were thermal dye 6 allowed for humidity-gated photoactuation of the
developed with twisted nematic alignment and alternating developed “flower”. The absorption of incident light by a
orientation between programmed domains. In this way, a pH- photothermal dye induces heating of the material, reducing
4952 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

molecular order and finally leading to macroscopic deformation. coating directing the macroscopic response. The bilayers were
This development demonstrates that different stimuli and developed by spray-coating an oriented polyamide film with a
trigger molecules can be combined to make multiresponsive photopolymerizable LC mixture composed of benzoic acid
bioinspired actuators. moieties 1−3, cross-linker 4, and a small quantity of chiral
Dual-responsive single-layer actuators have also been made of dopant 5 (Figure 6a).94 The self-assembled hydrogen-bonded
hydrogen-bonded LC polymers in which the humidity response dimers stabilize the chiral nematic mesophase aligned by the
was gated by exposing the material to SO2 gas.91 A monomer polyamide substrate, forming a twist-aligned LC polymer layer
mixture consisting of compounds 3 and 4 was used to obtain immobilized by photopolymerization. In contrast to previously
humidity-responsive polymer actuators by selectively converting discussed work,92 the hydrogen-bonded LC polymer layer is not
one side of the film to the carboxylate salt (Figure 5a).89,90 converted into a hygroscopic polymer salt. Rather, the
Interestingly, when the activated films were treated with SO2 gas, polyamide substrate layer itself reversibly absorbs and desorbs
the hygroscopic carboxylic salt at the surface is converted back water in response to changes in environmental humidity,
into carboxylic acid through acidification by sulfurous acid, resulting in a bilayer that bends or curls dependent on the in-
produced by combining SO2 and water vapor (Figure 5d). As a plane twist angle of the LC polymer, determined by the initial
result, the reversible humidity-induced deformation of the LC chiral dopant content. Upon increasing humidity, 0° and 90°
polymer films deactivates because the main driver for humidity twists of the LC director through the film depth result in simple
response, the carboxylate salt, is lost (Figure 5e,f). The response bending bilayer actuators, while intermediate twist angles induce
time of the SO2 gated behavior depends on the relative helical twisting motions instead (Figure 6f,g). Recently, using a
environmental humidity and could be tuned over a wide range of similar approach, dual-responsive bilayer actuators could be
20−70%. prepared based on a humidity-responsive polymer substrate and
In general, alignment of the LCs is obtained by using a temperature-responsive LC-coating.95 Their fabrication and
alignment cells. However, using cells is limiting and not readily demonstration of stimulus-sensitive bilayer actuators has
scalable, hindering potential applications. Therefore, bilayer potential for the development of smart breathable textile using
actuators have been fabricated by spray-coating the surface of a stretched polyamide fibers.
uniaxially oriented polyamide layer with a mixture of dimerized 2.2. Temperature-responsive Shape Changing Polymers
benzoic acid-derived mesogens 1−3 and cross-linker 4 (Figure
6a).92 In this way, it was possible to fabricate anisotropic bilayer Supramolecular polymeric LC materials exploiting hydrogen
actuators with well-aligned LCs in a more straightforward bonding can also be used to make temperature-responsive
manner than LC cells. The spray-applied LC monomers self- actuators. In these polymers, hydrogen bonds play an important
organize on the oriented polyamide substrate with planar role in the construction and stabilization of mesogenic structures
alignment at the substrate that rotates to homeotropic alignment and LC phases through self-assembly. Shape memory polymers
at the air interface, resulting in a splayed configuration (Figure (SMPs), defined as materials that show recovery of a temporary
6b). Photopolymerizing resulted in a prebent bilayer exhibiting state to its initial shape, have been widely exploited.96,97 Thermal
an inverse curvature radius (1/r), with the LC coating on the shape memory allows for programming an object or surface via
inside of the curvature due to both polymerization shrinkage and first mechanically deforming the polymer above its glass
increasing order of the LC network upon cooling to room transition temperature and then cooling the material, “locking”
temperature. The polymer bilayer was activated under alkaline the induced deformation. A reversion to the original shape
conditions, resulting in a carboxylic salt gradient through the occurs after exposure of the deformed SMP to a temperature
film depth due to the polyamide layer restricting diffusion of the around or above its glass transition temperature.
alkaline solution from one side. The bilayer actuator showed Two different approaches have been used to develop
humidity-responsive deformation in which increasing the thermally responsive SMPs, each using carboxylic acid-derived
humidity results in expansion of the LC layer and unbending moieties and a polymer matrix, forming phase-separated LC
of the prebent bilayer actuator (Figure 6b). polymeric composites. The first is based on a physical mixture of
An LC polymer actuator was prepared by utilizing the self- self-assembled hydrogen-bonded LC dimer moieties and a
organization of LCs guided by an oriented porous polypropy- polymer matrix, yielding LC polymer composites. These LC
lene structure.93 The LC mixture based on hydrogen-bonded SMP composites showed triple shape memory effects arising
benzoic acid moieties 1−3 and 4 infiltrates into the porous from the multiple thermal phase transitions of the polymer
polymer through capillary forces and spontaneously aligns matrix and self-assembled LC phases.98−101 Interestingly, these
within the pores (Figure 6a), which, after fixation by materials also show self-healing properties due to temperature-
photopolymerization of the nematic phase, yields an anisotropic induced recrystallization of the LC molecules.102 The second
composite material with enhanced mechanical properties and method utilizes a pyridine containing SMP and carboxylic acid
stability compared to single-layer LC polymer networks. The monomers that form a supramolecular LC complex through
orienting propylene scaffold provides improved physical hydrogen-bonding interactions. In this LC polymeric complex, a
characteristics. Humidity response was induced by the standard two-phase separated structure is obtained, comprising a polymer
activation method.89 Depending on the angle at which the films matrix and tethered hydrogen-bonded supramolecular LC
are cut with respect to their alignment (Figure 6c), humidity- structures rather than a simple physical mixture. In contrast to
driven bending, twisting, or curling deformations were obtained the preparation of other SMP systems based on pyridine-derived
(Figure 6d,e). By constructing bilayer composite films with mesogens,103 the intrinsic LC properties of this supramolecular
orthogonal orientation of the alignment directors, a double- complex were maintained. The hydrogen-bonded SMP
layered actuator was generated, exhibiting curling with inversing complexes have multishape memory properties exhibiting
handedness at approximately 40% relative humidity. triple104 and quadruple105 shape memory effects.
Another appealing, elegant way to prepare bilayer actuators is More recently, in contrast to the LC actuators that exhibit
by using humidity-sensitive polymer substrates with an LC only one-way shape recovery, thermally responsive supra-
4953 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
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Figure 7. Temperature-responsive actuators. (a) Chemical structures and schematic representation of the LC supramolecular hydrogen-bonded
polymer composed of pyridine containing polyurethane and benzoic acid derived moieties. Adapted with permission from ref 34. Copyright 2019 The
Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) Images showing the programming of ring-like shapes at Treset and fixing the structure at Tlow, yielding actuators that
reversibly change their shape when cycled between Tlow and Thigh. Adapted with permission from ref 34. Copyright 2019 The Royal Society of
Chemistry. (c) Demonstration of a gripper device capable of reversible catching and releasing a coin. Adapted with permission from ref 34. Copyright
2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) Molecular structure of the LC polymer with hydroxyl functionalized chain extender. (e) Images of thermal-
induced helical twisting motions of twisted nematic aligned LCs in the polymer rotating up to 720°. Adapted with permission from ref 106. Copyright
2018 American Chemical Society.

molecular SMP 7 exhibiting reversible shape memory effects (Figure 7b). The resulting actuator exhibits reversible shape
based on hydrogen-bonding complexes between benzoic acid- memory properties upon heating and cooling: at low temper-
derived moieties and SMPs with pyridine pendant groups has atures, the ring shape is closed, whereas at higher temperatures it
been reported (Figure 7a).34 LC properties and physical cross- is open. To demonstrate this material’s potential, an actuator
linking of the material were introduced through the formation of assembly was fabricated to form a gripper that can pick up and
supramolecular hydrogen bonds in the urethane hard segments. release a load (Figure 7c). This development has highlighted the
Polymer films were programmed into ring-like shapes by potential of thermal-responsive supramolecular LC polymers as
deforming the material at the shape-forming temperature and soft actuators for soft robotic devices.
subsequently fixed by lowering the temperature below the Temperature-responsive actuators have also been made of LC
melting temperature of the polycaprolactone soft segment elastomers with mechanical properties enhanced by introducing
4954 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 8. Light-responsive supramolecular cross-linked actuators. (a) Chemical structures of the hydrogen-bonded LC polymer network. (b)
Schematic representation showing the photoinduced bending mechanism and macroscopic deformation of the actuator when exposed to UV light
(366 nm), bending toward the light source, whereas it is recovered to its initial state upon using visible light (>540 nm). Adapted with permission from
ref 112. Copyright 2008 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Recycle process of the hydrogen-bonded LC film: (i) the pristine LC film, (ii) cut into
pieces, and (iii) recycled LC film. Adapted with permission from ref 112. Copyright 2008 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) Chemical structures of
the LC polymer containing azobenzene and self-complementary quadruple hydrogen-bonding side groups. (e) Schematic representation and (f)
images of photoinduced bending and unbending of the polymer fiber. Adapted with permission from ref 115. Copyright 2016 The Royal Society of
Chemistry. (g) Self-healing of a cut sample into its original shape. Adapted with permission from ref 115. Copyright 2016 The Royal Society of

hydrogen-bonding interactions.106 Oligomers with reactive end absorption of light, the bent cis azobenzene disrupts the
groups were prepared composed of LCs and a hydroxyl- molecular order, leading to contraction along the molecular
functionalized amine chain extender and photopolymerized into director and expansion perpendicular, resulting in macroscopic,
8, an LC elastomer with uniaxial alignment (Figure 7d). The anisotropic shape changes. The reverse cis−trans isomerization
incorporated hydroxyl moieties act as physical cross-linkers is initiated by either heating or light exposure, returning to the
between the LC polymer chains through intermolecular initial molecular alignment, leading to reversible macroscopic
hydrogen bonding, providing increased toughness and greater deformation.
elongation compared to polymer materials without hydroxyl end These selective and reversible light-driven deformations are
groups. The LC polymer film undergoes reversible actuation especially interesting as LC polymer actuators for soft robotics.
upon heating and cooling arising from the nematic−isotropic Most light-driven actuators consist of chemically cross-linked
phase transition. The formation of hydrogen bonds led to an systems. However, light-responsive LC polymer actuators based
increase in actuation strain, while the actuation temperature is on hydrogen-bonded supramolecular interactions without
actually decreased. When polymerized in the twisted nematic chemical cross-linking were also prepared.112 These materials
phase, thermal-induced helical twisting motions are observed combine a LC polymer containing azobenzene and benzoic acid
upon heating, causing the film to rotate up to 720° (Figure 7e). side groups with azobenzene bispyridyl derivatives as cross-
2.3. Light-responsive Shape Changing Polymers linker, forming the hydrogen-bonded complex 9 (Figure 8a).
Light-driven LC polymer materials containing molecular The hydrogen-bonding between the carboxylic acid side groups
photoswitches are capable of transducing absorbed light energy of the LC polymer and the cross-linker pyridyl governs the self-
directly into mechanical work and have become an emerging assembly, yielding freestanding supramolecular cross-linked LC
research area, offering remotely and precisely controllable polymer films with a stabilized mesophase. Irradiating the LC
actuation methods that can be applied in devices such as polymer film with UV light drives macroscopic bending arising
untethered soft robotics.107−109 Among different photosensitive from the generated cis−trans gradient through the LC polymer
molecules, azobenzene derivatives have emerged as a partic- film with higher cis-azobenzene concentration at the exposed
ularly attractive photoswitch, arising from its straightforward side, causing asymmetric contraction along the alignment
incorporation of the rod-like trans-azobenzene, which can director and bending toward the light source (Figure 8b).
stabilize the mesogenic phase without disrupting the align- Unbending of the polymer film toward its initial flat state occurs
ment.110,111 Upon undergoing trans−cis isomerization via when exposed to visible light due to the reverted cis−trans
4955 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 9. Photoresponsive side-chain LC polymer actuators. (a) Chemical structure and (b) schematic illustration of the light-induced conformational
changes of the supramolecular LC polymer complex. Adapted with permission from ref 35. Copyright 2019 Elsevier Ltd. (c) Images of the original
shape (i), temporary shape programming (ii), curling induced by photoisomerization of azobenzene (iii,iv), stable fixed shape at room temperature
(v), and recovery to its original shape upon heating (vi). Adapted with permission from ref 35. Copyright 2019 Elsevier Ltd. (d) Chemical structure of
hydrogen-bonded supramolecular polymer containing poly(vinylpyridine) and α-cyanostilbene derivative. (e) Macroscopic bending of the initial
shape (i) upon illumination with UV light (ii), eliminating the light-induced deformation by stretching (iii), and recovery to the bent state upon
heating the material (iv). Adapted with permission from ref 117. Copyright 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

isomerization. Interestingly, these supramolecular cross-linked molecule cross-linkers. LC polymers have been prepared based
materials can be recycled and used for reconstructing light- on azobenzene pendant groups with amide linkages forming
responsive actuators in contrast to chemically cross-linked LC hydrogen-bonding moieties with the polymer side chain, crucial
polymer films (Figure 8c). Through utilizing the dynamic for forming and stabilizing the smectic mesophase.114 Another
structural character of the hydrogen bonding moieties, example is the use of multivalent hydrogen bonds for the
recyclable supramolecular materials were obtained, providing a formation of supramolecular cross-linked LC polymers. By using
promising approach toward smart circular polymer materials. photoresponsive polymer 10 consisting of azobenzene moieties
Photoresponsive actuators with enhanced mechanical proper- and quadruple hydrogen-bonding side chains (Figure 8d),115
ties have been made using single-walled carbon nanotubes supramolecular cross-linked LC polymers were obtained
(SWNTs) in combination with a supramolecular hydrogen- through the formation of strong noncovalent interactions
bonded polymer film.113 The SWNTs were chemically modified, between self-complementary quadruple hydrogen-bonding
bearing carboxylic acid groups that self-assembled into hydro- moieties. These materials show reversible bending and
gen-bonding complexes with the azobenzene LC copolymer unbending deformations in response to light arising from the
containing benzoic acid moieties. The light-responsive isomerization of azobenzene (Figure 8e,f). Owing to their
composite actuator bends and unbends upon illumination dynamic reversibility, the introduction of supramolecular
with UV and visible lights, respectively. However, bending of the hydrogen-bonding interactions into the polymer side chain
composite was less pronounced than the same LC polymer allowed for self-healing and shaping capabilities, in contrast to
without SWNTs. Moreover, the mechanical properties of the covalently bonded LC polymers (Figure 8g). This capability to
composite polymer were improved by incorporating SWNTs self-heal via the multivalent hydrogen bonds functioning as
arising from the supramolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions. physical cross-links offers inspiration for constructing sustain-
Photoresponsive LC materials may also be made of side chain able supramolecular materials.
polymers with cross-linking induced by hydrogen bonding Other functional LC polymers have been prepared by
between pendant groups without using low-molecular-weight attachment of photoresponsive mesogens as side chain
4956 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 10. Photoresponsive LC polyurethane actuators. (a) Chemical structures of main-chain LC polymer consisting of an azobenzene soft segment
and a hard segment. (b) Schematic illustration and images of the light-induced deformation and shape-memory effect. Adapted with permission from
ref 37. Copyright 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) The original shape (i), photoinduced deformation (ii,iii), and stable deformed shape under
visible light (iv). Adapted with permission from ref 37. Copyright 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) Chemical structures and schematic
representation of the polyurethane composite. Adapted with permission from ref 122. Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (e) Schematic
illustration of the multiresponse shape memory behavior showing the reversible cycle. Adapted with permission from ref 122. Copyright 2021
American Chemical Society. (f) Shape memory performance in response to UV (365 nm) and near-infrared (800−900 nm) irradiation. Reproduced
with permission from ref 122. Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (g) Self-healing behavior of a scratched surface at 100 °C: (i) the scratched
state, (ii) healing state, (iii,iv) original healed state. Adapted with permission from ref 122. Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society.

structures through hydrogen bonds: pyridine-containing back- side, which induces a strain gradient throughout the material.
bones linked with azophenol moieties were elaborated for photo The resulting light-induced deformation can be eliminated by
deformation.116 The supramolecular polymer consist of a subsequently mechanically stretching the material. Bending of
complex with a smectic LC phase. When exposed to UV light, the LC polymer is recovered by heating the material due to the
polymer films with temporary programmed shapes could be stability of the E-cyanostilbene isomer. Later work developed
selectively returned to their initial and permanent state via side chain LCEs with covalently attached α-cyanostilbene
photothermally driven trans−cis photoisomerization of the derivatives and quadruple hydrogen-bonding moieties,118,119
azobenzene pendant groups. Photoresponsive shape memory the latter allowing for the formation of physically cross-linked
polymer 11 was also prepared by using polyurethane containing supramolecular structures through multivalent hydrogen-
pyridine groups and carboxylic acid functionalized azobenzene bonding interactions. Uniaxially oriented LC elastomers were
(Figure 9a).35 The mixture of these compounds formed obtained through melt drawing and demonstrated photo-
supramolecular complexes arising from the hydrogen-bonding induced deformation. Moreover, because the prepared polymers
abilities of the pyridine and carboxyl groups. The resulting LC are based on physically cross-linked supramolecular hydrogen-
polymer showed multishape memory behavior in response to bonding moieties, the dynamic material is both recyclable and
light and could be recovered to its initial shape through heating reprocessable and promising for achieving polymer materials
(Figure 9b,c). with both sustainable and circular properties.
Recently, light-triggered supramolecular LC polymers based Main chain polymers have emerged as another method to
on photoswitches other than azobenzene derivatives have been prepare photoresponsive LC polymer actuators in which
prepared. Hydrogen-bonded supramolecular complexes exploit- supramolecular cross-linking was obtained by hydrogen bonds.
ing interactions between α-cyanostilbene LC monomers bearing Azobenzene LC monomers with acrylate and amine end groups
phenol groups and pyridine containing poly(vinylpyridine) were polymerized to form a hydrogen-bonded main chain LC
yielded side-chain polymer 12, which exhibits photoinduced polymer.120 Secondary amino groups in the polymer backbone
deformation (Figure 9d).117 The trans−cis isomerization act as physical cross-linkers between individual polymer chains,
disrupts the molecular order and pulls on the polymer backbone yielding supramolecular cross-linked networks. The dynamic
similar to azobenzene derivatives, causing anisotropic expan- reversibility of the hydrogen bonds allowed for the preparation
sion/contraction (Figure 9e). Macroscopic bending of the films of aligned samples by drawing fibers from the polymer melt: the
is observed as absorption primarily occurs at the illuminated molecular order was maintained in the cooled material. These
4957 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 11. Hydrogen-bonded chiral dopants in photonic materials. (a) The chemical structures of monomers used to prepare the cholesteric films. (b)
Shift of the selective reflection band in responsive chiral polymers with 26% of monomer 3 before and during the treatment in 5% KOH solution.
Reproduced with permission from ref 127. Copyright 2010 Taylor and Francis. (c) Time needed to shift the selective reflection band as a function of
pH. Reproduced with permission from ref 127. Copyright 2010 Taylor and Francis. (d) UV−vis spectra of the film with the hydrogen-bonded chiral
dopant immersed in a 10% aqueous solution of arginine as a function of time (left-handed circularly polarized light). Reproduced with permission from
ref 128. Copyright 2006 American Chemical Society. (e) Shift of the SRB in the samples with an increasing concentration of the benzoic acid derivative
3. Adapted with permission from ref 128. Copyright 2006 American Chemical Society. (f) Shift of the SRB of the film after treatment in aqueous
solutions with different pH values for 5 days. Reproduced with permission from ref 129. Copyright 2013 Springer Nature. The insets are the
corresponding photos of the initiative films and the films after 5 days of treatment. (g) Reflection spectra of the film at temperatures between 60 and
200 °C. The insets are the images of the film at the corresponding temperature. Reproduced with permission from ref 129. Copyright 2013 Springer

materials exhibit bending through exposure to UV light with moiety 18 and gold nanorods were introduced, providing a dual-
complete reversibility to their initial state due to the supra- responsive behavior to UV and near-infrared light (NIR) with
molecular cross-links. Secondary amide linkages introduced in reversible cycles (Figure 10d).122 The formation of hydrogen
the backbone resulted in the formation of main chain LC bonds between the linear chains and π−π interactions between
polymers with enhanced tensile strength and faster light-induced the benzene rings of the azobenzenes yielded supramolecular
bending.121 cross-linking points in the system. It is worth noting that the
Light-responsive shape changing polyurethanes bearing mechanical properties of pure polyurethane without physically
azobenzene-derived hard segment 13 and soft segment 14 that mixed azobenzene and gold nanorods were insufficient to
are physically cross-linked through supramolecular hydrogen support themselves. Oriented temporary shapes were obtained
bonds between urethane linkages have also been prepared by prestraining the polyurethane composite (Figure 10e). When
(Figure 10a).37 Molecular orientation was induced by stretching exposed to UV light, the oriented sample macroscopically bends
the material while heated and subsequently fixed by cooling, toward to light source due to the photoisomerization of the
governed by the dynamic reversibility of the hydrogen-bonding azobenzene moieties (Figure 10f). After subsequent switching
interactions (Figure 10b). When the oriented film was exposed the light source to NIR light, the sample recovered to its initial
to UV light, trans−cis isomerization of the azobenzene occurred state, affording a reversible shape change. The recovery process
and led to strong curling deformations that persisted after the is triggered by the transformation of NIR light energy into
UV light had been switched off (Figure 10c). Remarkably, the thermal energy, thereby raising the sample’s temperature,
light-induced cis state increased the hydrogen-bonded cross- increasing the mobility of the system, and allowing it to recover.
links between the polymer chains, causing the glass transition This three-step (draw, UV, NIR) multiple stimuli-response cycle
temperature to exceed room temperature and fix the curled was performed 10 times, demonstrating the photoinduced
shape, even when exposed to visible light. Heating the temporary actuation behavior and performance. However, the composite
shape of the polymer material weakened the hydrogen-bonding requires preorientation before every cycle. Intriguingly, the
interactions, resulting in recovery of the initial shape. composite material exhibited self-healing abilities based on the
To circumvent contact-induced actuation in devices such as dynamic properties arising from the physical cross-linking
untethered robots, multifunctional polyurethane composite 19 interactions (Figure 10g), again showing how using hydrogen
was developed, composed of 15−17 in which azobenzene LC bonding interactions as physical cross-links with a dynamic
4958 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 12. Water, solvent, and vapor responsive photonic coatings. (a) Molecular structures of the components used to fabricate hydrogen-bonded
cholesteric LC polymer films. (b) Reversible dual color change of the CLC polymer coating. Adapted with permission from ref 56. Copyright 2015 The
Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Optical images showing three different polymer salt coatings patterned with the letter “F” in ambient conditions (dry)
and wet state (H2O), demonstrating the versatility possible through variations in the mixture composition. Adapted with permission from ref 56.
Copyright 2015 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) CLC polymer exposed to methanol and ethanol molecules, demonstrating the difference in color
change due to their distinct molecular polarities. Reproduced with permission from ref 57. Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. (e) Schematic
of the working principle of the Ca2+ patterning in a CLC polymer coating by local exposure to an aqueous solution containing Ca2+ ions. Reproduced
with permission from ref 130. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. (f) The full-color pattern appeared in the wet state due to the difference in
Ca2+ concentration and corresponding swelling of the CLC coating. In contrast, in the dry state, the patterned regions were indistinguishable, showing
a blue-colored state. Reproduced with permission from ref 130. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. (g) Transmission intensity change at
maximum SRB (λ Rmax) of CLC films exposed to 2% (SRB = 513 nm) and 13% (SRB = 524 nm) trimethylamine for different exposure times in water-
saturated nitrogen as the carrier gas. Adapted with permission from ref 132. Copyright 2014 Wiley-VCH.

character is a promising approach for constructing sustainable photoisomerization have been reported using intermolecular
supramolecular materials. hydrogen-bonding and can be used to obtain fast photo-
Typical photosensitive azobenzene molecules exhibit relaxa- responsive actuators. The cis−trans thermal isomerization of
tion times on the time scale of hours. Azobenzene containing LC azobenzene in a LC polymer was drastically increased by using
polymers showing fast thermal relaxation within seconds after azophenols instead of acetylated azobenzene moieties.123 The
4959 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

phenolic azobenzene can form hydrogen-bonding interactions previously discussed systems127,128 incorporated chiral dopant
with the nitrogen double bond, in contrast to the acetylated 21 based on an isosorbide isonicotinate moiety, with both
groups, promoting the azo-hydrazone tautomerism.124 Accom- pyridine ends promoting hydrogen-bonded assembly with the
panying the tautomerizable azohydrazone formation, a very benzoic acid LCs (Figure 11a).129 The resulting hydrogen-
rapid (<1 s) thermal back reaction is observed. Another bonded polymers showed a pH-dependent red-shift of the
approach consists of using “push−pull” azobenzene derivatives reflected wavelength when exposed to alkaline solution (Figure
bearing electron-donating/withdrawing groups inducing elec- 11f). Additionally, a reversible temperature-sensitive red-shift
tron delocalization to afford faster thermal relaxation times. from 60 to 200 °C was demonstrated (Figure 11g). This
Incorporated azopyridines formed hydrogen-bonding interac- phenomenon was ascribed to the temperature-dependent
tions with benzoic acid moieties to induce fast cis−trans thermal weakening of the H-bonds in the chiral dopant assembly.
relaxation after illumination with UV light.125 These LC The introduction of a methylated benzoic acid LC derivative
polymers exhibit continuous light-driven, wave-like macroscopic increases the temperature range of the cholesteric phase and
motion upon exposure to constant light arising from self- allows for the formation of hydrogen-bonded dimers with the
shadowing and have potential applications in light-driven nonmethylated benzoic acids. The photonic polymers consisting
locomotion and self-cleaning surfaces. of reactive carboxylic acid derivatives 3 and 22, diacrylate LC
cross-linker 4, and polymerizable LC chiral dopant 5 have
3. COLOR CHANGING MATERIALS become a typical system to create pH or humidity responsivity
via swelling of the photonic material (Figure 12a),56 similar to
3.1. pH- and Humidity-responsive Color Changing the humidity-responsive actuators discussed in section 2.1.
Polymers Because the pitch naturally increases with temperature (Figure
Hydrogen-bonded molecules have been used to introduce 3f), patterned cholesteric LC coatings can be made by
responsivity and influence structural properties, including photopolymerizing the monomer mixture through a photomask
alignment, interhelical order, modulus, and phase behavior of at different temperatures, yielding regions with different pitch
structurally colored LC polymer films.126 The stimuli-response lengths (Figure 12b). After activation, swelling of the polymer
of these LC polymer materials is often based on coordination of network results in an increased helical pitch, inducing a red-shift
hydrogen bonds and absorbing of solvent molecules, resulting in of the reflected wavelength, affording a cholesteric polymer
a photonic shift through volumetric collapse or expansion of the coating with a dual-color change. Interestingly, by changing the
LC polymer network. Photonic “selective reflection band” amount of chiral dopant in the monomeric mixture, dual-
(SRB) LC polymer coatings are typically made from mesogens colored coatings with different color-reflecting regions were
doped with a chiral dopant, affording the cholesteric mesophase. realized, indicating the versatility of this approach (Figure 12c).
As commonly encountered in this text, pH and humidity To create a film capable of distinguishing between solvents, a
responses can be enabled by incorporating dimerized benzoic LC polymer network with a similar composition based on
acid-derived rod-shaped mesogens. nonmethylated 3 and methylated 22 carboxylic acid derivatives
Early work demonstrated a change of the reflection color in and a polymerizable (diacrylate) LC chiral dopant 5, is
response to pH. A mixture of reactive benzoic acid LC 3, cross- incorporated with a nonreactive LC compound acting as a
linker 4, and a nonpolymerizable acid 20 as a chiral dopant was porogen (Figure 12a).58,59 After polymerization, the porogen is
used to prepare the cholesteric polymer (Figure 11a).127 The washed out of the cholesteric film, resulting in a collapsed
chiral dopant forms a hydrogen-bonded complex with the LC, cholesteric structure with a blue-shift of the reflected wave-
creating a structurally colored film responsive toward aqueous length. Subsequently, the cholesteric polymer network is
solutions of inorganic bases (KOH, NaOH, CsOH) and amino activated by aqueous KOH to form the carboxylate salt in situ.
acids, as they disrupt the hydrogen bonding to form a The resulting film exhibits differences in the swelling induced by
hygroscopic salt. Again, the carboxylate salt increases the methanol and ethanol. This difference in swelling was correlated
hydrophilicity of the system and allows the uptake and to the molecular affinity, based on the polarity, between the
accumulation of water inside the film, resulting in volumetric solvent and the carboxylate salt, allowing for the differentiation
swelling, increasing the helical pitch of the cholesteric helix and between alcohol molecules. Specifically, it was demonstrated
the reflection color to longer wavelengths (Figure 11b,c). that the hydrogen-bonded CLC network exposed to ethanol
Hygroscopic carboxylate salt formation can also be employed shows a greater red-shift than those exposed to methanol
to detect alkaline amino acids in an aqueous solution.128 Like (Figure 12d). Hence this photonic film can distinguish between
inorganic bases, alkaline amino acids can disrupt the hydrogen ethanol and methanol and potentially be used to detect either
bonds and form corresponding carboxylate salts in situ, resulting counterfeit or methanol-contaminated alcoholic drinks.
in swelling of the CLC polymer network. The swelling of the Cholesteric polymer materials that make use of non-
polymer increases as a function of time and is accompanied by a polymerizable LC porogens display a large swelling capacity,
∼170 nm red-shift of the SRB within 15 min (Figure 11d). The permitting a structural color shift over the entire visible
kinetics of the swelling depends on the pKa and molecular spectrum. A printable photonic polymer has been prepared of
volume of the alkaline moieties used, allowing distinguishing dimerized benzoic acid LC monomers 3 and 22, diacrylate
between different amino acids through the distinct SRB color dopant 5, and a porogen (Figure 12a).130 The swelling capacity
shifts. Furthermore, the degree of swelling is determined by the of the material was locally restricted by introducing a bivalent
concentration of benzoic-derived monomer 3 in the polymer, cation that forms bivalent metal-carboxylate complexes,
which can thus be used to tune the SRB shift by adjusting the preventing hygroscopic swelling (Figure 12e). After polymer-
composition of the mixture (Figure 11e). ization and formation of the carboxylic salt, ion exchange
A similar approach established pH- and temperature through local exposure of the coating to an aqueous salt solution
responses for CLC polymer materials using hydrogen-bonded containing calcium results in cross-linking through the
assemblies of chiral dopant and polymer. A variation on the formation of a Ca2+-carboxylate complex, so hygroscopic
4960 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 13. Humidity- and pH-responsive blue-phase LC film. (a) Chemical structures of the monomers used to prepare a blue-phase LC polymer. (b)
Images showing the activation and humidity-response in a fully reversible way. Adapted with permission from ref 133. Copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH. (c)
Images of the color change in response to solutions with different pH values (top). Schematic illustration (middle) and images (bottom) of the
patterned coatings. Reproduced with permission from ref 133. Copyright 2020 Wiley-VCH.

swelling is controlled locally, and a hidden pattern can be The swelling behavior of the CLC polymer network can also
exposed after water absorption (Figure 12f). The swell-reducing be modified for use as an indirect gas sensor. A cholesteric
effect of the ion exchange can also be applied as a sensor to mixture composed of nonmethylated and methylated carboxylic
detect Ca2+ in serum using a photonic polymer coating with acid derivative 3 and 22, LC diacrylate cross-linker 4, and the
benzoic acid-based chiral dopant 20 was used for inkjet printing
nonreactive moiety 20 simultaneously acting as chiral dopant
cholesteric LC films (Figure 12a).132 In this system, chiral
and porogen, which may be extracted by evaporation after dopant 20 is not extracted, in contrast to previously discussed
polymerization.131 This responsive optical material holds systems. By exposing the film to an amine gas such as
promise in the fabrication of inexpensive, easy-to-use, battery- trimethylamine, the hygroscopic salt is formed in situ because
free metal ion sensors for clinical diagnostics. the amine compound can act as a base and disrupt the hydrogen
4961 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 14. Fluorescent hydrogen-bonded optical materials. (a) The hydrogen-bonded complexes of carboxylic acid-derived monomer 3 and stilbazole
molecules. (b) Decreased fluorescence intensity for crown-ether-containing polymer 30 in response to potassium ions (0.01 M KClO4) after 0 min (1),
2 min (2), and 5 min (3). Reproduced with permission from ref 134. Copyright 2011 Springer Nature. (c) Chemical structures of the discotic
hydrogen-bonded complex. (d) The relationship between the emission peak and molar ratio x of the pyridine containing LC groups and reversible
fluorescence switching under strong proton acid vapor due to the protonation effect. Adapted with permission from ref 135. Copyright 2019 American
Chemical Society.

bonds between the carboxylic acid dimers, allowing the coating response to potassium ions by decreasing fluorescence intensity
to swell through the absorption of water in a humid air (Figure 14b).
environment. Hence, the degree of swelling is an indirect Another pH-responsive fluorescent LC is based on the
indicator of amine gas concentration (Figure 12g). It was columnar stacking of discotic molecules. In an example of a
demonstrated that volatile amines produced by a decaying fish color-tunable side chain LC coating, hydrogen bonds are used to
could be detected using CLC films as optical sensors, making attach luminescent LCs made using vinyl terephthalic acid
them interesting for smart food packaging. backbones with pyridine-containing LCs as side chain
Recently, the formation of carboxylate salts has been applied structures, yielding hydrogen-bonded complex 31 (Figure
within a LC polymer exhibiting a blue phase, i.e., 3D photonic 14c).135 The columnar stacking between the pendant LCs
chiral LC state. Benzoic acid derivatives 3 and 23 and chiral allowed for the fabrication of luminescent LC polymers due to
dopants 27 and 28 were combined with novel fluorinated aggregation-induced emission of the luminogenic moieties. The
mesogens 24−26 to broaden the temperature window of the LC emission behavior of the LC polymers exhibited molar ratio
blue phase (Figure 13a).133 Within this tailored mixture, dependence as a function of the luminogenic LCs (Figure 14d).
fluorinated monomer 25 was demonstrated to be the main Interestingly, fluorescence switching of the LC polymer coating
contribution to the enhanced temperature window via occurred when exposed to strong acidic vapor and was reversible
synergistic self-assembly into 3D nanostructures through the upon evaporation of the strong proton acid (Figure 14d). This
formation of hydrogen bonds. After fabrication of the photonic reversible color transformation, induced with various acidic
blue-phase LC polymer film, the classic base treatment creates vapors, arises from the reversible protonation of the pyridine-
the carboxylate salt to enable hygroscopic swelling of the LC containing LC moieties in the LC side chain structure.
polymer network, affording a reversible humidity- and pH- 3.2. Temperature-responsive Color Changing Polymers
responsive behavior through a color change (Figure 13b,c). The incorporation of hydrogen bonds can also afford thermal-
Again, patterning of the material is possible by local acidic responsive color changing LC polymers with reversible and
treatment that neutralizes the hygroscopic carboxylate salt irreversible responses. The approach to prepare materials with a
through protonation, resulting in restoration of the original state reversible response resembles the humidity-responsive systems
of the blue-phase LC film (Figure 13c). discussed in section 3.1. The monomer mixture comprises
Fluorescent hydrogen-bonded LC polymer coatings have also nonmethylated and methylated carboxylic acid derivatives 3 and
been reported. The reversible transfer of hydrogen atoms 22, LC cross-linker 4, and diacrylate chiral LC dopant 5 (Figure
facilitates the protonation of stilbazole molecules in the excited 15a).136 After polymerization and subsequent activation,
state by using the typical carboxylic acid LC derivative 3, absorbed water can be removed through evaporation in a dry
affording hydrogen-bonded complex 29 and 30 (Figure 14a),134 environment or a temperature difference between the coating
resulting in a difference in fluorescence properties and phase and the environment. Hence, the cholesteric LC polymer
behavior. This can be exploited to create a higher sensitivity in coating could be used as a humidity sensor and time−
fluorescent sensors. One example enabling a type of metal ion temperature integrator due to a change in the pitch length of
sensor is incorporating crown ethers (30) that demonstrate a the cholesteric material that is reflected by a change in reflection
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Figure 15. Temperature-responsive optical changing materials. (a) Chemical structures of molecules comprising the humidity- and temperature-
responsive cholesteric LC polymers. (b) The working principle of the temperature-responsive device. Reproduced with permission from ref 137.
Copyright 2020 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (c) Shift in the reflection peak by heating and cooling from the hydrogel side. Reproduced with
permission from ref 137. Copyright 2020 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (d) schematic illustration of the temperature-responsive mechanism.
Adapted with permission from ref 138. Copyright 2019 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (e) Transmission spectrum of the broadband Ch-LC coating
at 75% RH and various temperatures. Adapted from ref 138. with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry. (f) Schematic representation of the
CLC coating demonstrating (i) the embossing mechanism and (ii) the shape memory temperature response upon heating the material. Adapted with
permission from ref 139. Copyright 2013 Wiley-VCH. (g) The reflection band shift upon embossing the film and subsequently heating it to 60 °C.
Adapted with permission from ref 139. Copyright 2013 Wiley-VCH.

color. This concept was incorporated in a closed system infrared reflective coating with a bandwidth of around 400 nm
containing a cholesteric LC polymer coating to generate the was fabricated, demonstrating a reversible temperature-response
stimulus-response and a hydrogel as a water buffer to regulate through a humidity-gated shift of the reflected light. These
the humidity (Figure 15b).137 Heating the cholesteric LC photonic coatings are composed of 3, 4, 5, and 22 and a
polymer leads to deswelling and a concurrent blue-shift in surfactant to support alignment at the air interface (Figure
selective reflection. In contrast, by heating the hydrogel side, 15a).138 The obtained broadband reflective coating can be
water is released, increasing the humidity of the system, resulting converted to a humidity-responsive system after base treatment
in swelling of the cholesteric coating and thus a red-shift in the of the carboxylic acid derivatives, where in high humidity,
reflection peak. As such, the uptake and release of water can be increasing temperature results in water being desorbed from the
used as a temperature indicator through the temperature- coating, decreasing the helical pitch, accompanied by a blue
controlled reversible 100 nm shift in reflection over a 12 °C reflection band shift (Figure 15d,e). When the cholesteric
temperature change within a time scale of a few minutes (Figure coating is cooled, the material reabsorbs water, increasing the
15c). helical pitch, leading to a red-shift of the reflected wavelength.
Typical cholesteric reflectors are limited to a ∼75 nm Because the humidity-gated, temperature-responsive broadband
reflection bandwidth in the visible spectrum. A broadband infrared reflective coating is transparent to the visible spectrum,
4963 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

this technology becomes interesting for deployment as smart

windows for automotive, buildings, and greenhouses.
One approach to design irreversible temperature sensors is by
making use of shape memory in cholesteric LC polymers.
Irreversible temperature sensors can display the history of
exposure even when the external stimulus is no longer present,
for example, in food packaging. A chiral-nematic LC polymer
network is prepared by photopolymerizing a monomer mixture
of 3, 4, 5, and 22 (Figure 15a), which incorporates the
supramolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions to enhance the
structural properties, such as stabilizing the deformed
organization of the polymer chains.139 In the cholesteric LC
coating obtained, an indentation in the material results in local
compression of the cholesteric helix that is fixed upon cooling,
leading to a blue-shift of the reflected light in the embossed
regions (Figure 15f), stabilized by the supramolecular hydrogen-
bonded benzoic acid dimers. Heating the CLC network above
the glass transition temperature results in a large, irreversible
mechanical response accompanied by a permanent red-shifted
color change (Figure 15g).
An alternative approach to obtain an irreversible temperature
response is incorporating a noncovalently bonded dicarboxylic
porogen which also acts as the chiral dopant in the LC coating. A
planarly aligned CLC polymer coating was prepared by
photopolymerizing a mixture based on dimerized rod-shaped
mesogens 3 and 22 and chiral dopant 20.140 After polymer-
ization, evaporation of the hydrogen-bonded porogen causes the
structure to collapse, decreasing the helical pitch that results in a
blue-shift of the reflection band. By locally heating the polymer,
localized evaporation takes place, allowing patterning of the
material. This phenomenon was used to fabricate writable
photonic polymer paper.
Another recent irreversible temperature sensor displays
cholesteric order loss during exposure to temperatures above
the polymeric isotropic temperature. This polymer coating is
constructed from a mixture of benzoic acid derivatives 3 and 22
and monoacrylate chiral dopant 32: the acid groups provide
supramolecular cross-linking between the cholesteric helixes
(Figure 16a).141 Because no chemical cross-linker is present, the
hydrogen bonds present within the dimerized benzoic acid
monomers are fundamental to the structural stability and
thermal response of the system. The temperature-dependent
dimer−monomer equilibrium of the acid moieties in the
supramolecular network determines the stability of the
cholesteric order (Figure 16b,c). Exposing the photonic
polymer to temperatures above the isotropic transition yields a
disordered state; the resulting coating is scattering as it reflects Figure 16. Dual-responsive supramolecular cross-linked color changing
the full-wave spectrum because of the lack of order in the polymer. (a) Chemical structures of the monomers used to make a
nematic phase. The hydrogen-bonding equilibrium between cholesteric hydrogen-bonded film without covalent cross-links. (b)
Response to temperature exposure demonstrating color loss after
helixes is even more disrupted in the presence of water, enabling heating above the polymeric isotropic transition temperature.
a more rapid loss of order. Such a dual-responsive system is Reproduced with permission from ref 141. Copyright 2020 American
potentially attractive as a steam sterilization sensor in which the Chemical Society. (c) FT-IR spectrum showing the dynamic
color loss is accelerated by steam. equilibrium between dimerized and free carboxylic acid as a function
of temperature. Adapted with permission from ref 141. Copyright 2020

4.1. pH-responsive Polymers That Change Porosity in a nanoporous network with ionic 2D nanopores; the cross-
pH-responsive nanoporous materials have been constructed linker was used to provide mechanical integrity (Figure 17a).142
from hydrogen-bonded LC polymers using calamitic LCs. Interestingly, the breaking of hydrogen bonds was reversible
Disrupting the hydrogen bonds between the dimerized upon decreasing the pH or increasing temperature: the
mesogens of a smectic LC network based on a photo- nanoporous membrane could be switched between open and
polymerized reactive hydrogen-bonded benzoic acid mesogen closed states (Figure 17b). The reversibility of the acid−base
3 and a diacrylate LC cross-linker 33 by a basic solution resulted treatment on the anisotropic swelling of the system was further
4964 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

material and the accompanying formation of the hydrogen-

bonded network. After exposure to an alkaline solution, the
material was again able to reabsorb the dye. The consecutive
absorption and release of the dye were repeated for several
cycles, demonstrating reversible pH-response and reusability of
the material.
Recently, the reversible cationic dye binder concept was
applied in a nanoporous composite membrane to remove
cationic pollutants from a solution and improve the reusability of
the membrane.57 By combining the LC polymer network based
on reactive benzoic acid dimer 3 and cross-linker 33 with a
porous anisotropic scaffold, a composite film was produced in
which the LC network layer penetrated the scaffold. The
membrane was able to reject various anionic solutes based on
charge selective exclusion, whereas small cationic solutes were
adsorbed by the negatively charged membrane, resulting in
blocking of the pores (Figure 18a). By exposing the membrane
to an acidic solution, the carboxylate moieties were converted
back to the corresponding carboxylic acid, resulting in a release
of the pollutants and closing of the porous structure. Subsequent
treatment with an alkaline solution reformed the carboxylate and
porous structure, which had the same chemical and physical
properties before the fouling (Figure 18b). A similar method
based on an orienting scaffold was demonstrated for humidity-
responsive actuators (vide supra).93
LC polymer networks based on hydrogen-bonded benzoic
acid-derived dimers are not limited to flat films. Using
suspension polymerization, broadly dispersed single domain
nanoporous particles with an average size of 1.4 μm were
fabricated from an LC mixture composed of benzoic acid
derivatives 1−3 and cross-linker 33.61 The particles had planarly
aligned smectic mesogens and concentric lamellar pores,
yielding particles with an onion-like layered morphology. After
base treatment, the particles showed selective adsorption of the
methylene blue dye at high pH and desorption at low pH
(Figure 18c). The pH response arises from the deprotonation
and protonation of the carboxylic acid groups by changing the
pH. The fast adsorption kinetics of this system is attributed to
Figure 17. pH-responsive nanoporous materials. (a) Chemical the high surface area of the particles. Furthermore, the polymer
structures comprising the nanoporous materials. (b) Temperature
LC particles were able to be recovered, allowing for reuse of the
and pH reversible response of the nanoporous system. Adapted with
permission from ref 142. Copyright 2008 Wiley-VCH. (c) The material.
absorption process of the dye into the nanoporous LCN. Reproduced 4.2. Chemo- and Ion-responsive Nanoporous Materials
with permission from ref 62. Copyright 2014 Wiley-VCH. (d) Release
of the dye in an acidic solution. Adapted with permission from ref 62. In pH-responsive systems, a dye can be released by protonating
Copyright 2014 Wiley-VCH. the carboxylate moieties. Alternatively, the interaction between
carboxylates and divalent cations has been exploited to prepare
responsive nanoporous materials. Recent work showed the
investigated (vide supra), demonstrating the importance of the fabrication of responsive monodisperse particles based on
ratio of benzoic acid mesogens to cross-linker.87 hydrogen-bonded benzoic acid mesogen 3 and cross-linker 33,
The reversible breaking of hydrogen bonds in a LC polymer which used CaCl2 as a responsive trigger for the release of dye
network has also been used to prepare a pH-responsive molecules.63 Similar to the work in section 3.1, hydrogen bonds
adsorbent for small cationic dyes.62 Smectic hydrogen-bonded in the particles could be disrupted by exposure to basic solutions,
films were constructed using a hydrogen-bonded LC monomer resulting in nanoporous structures. However, in contrast to the
mixture with polymerizable benzoic acid derivative 3 and pH-responsive systems, the release of the dye is triggered by
reactive cross-linker 33 (Figure 17a). A basic solution was used exposing the saturated particles to a CaCl2 solution: the
to open the pores so the carboxylate groups become accessible carboxylate groups prefer to bind to Ca2+ ions, forming chemical
to cations. In the ionic state, the 2D nanoporous film could be cross-links between two carboxylate groups, allowing the
fully saturated with the cationic dye methylene blue, a model cationic dye to be released.
compound for small organic cationic pollutants (Figure 17c). The molecules that trigger a response in nanoporous materials
Subsequent acidic treatment of the saturated nanoporous film are often tailor-made using the intended guest molecules as a
resulted in the near-complete release of the cationic dye and the template during fabrication. Examples of this molecular
reformation of closed pores (Figure 17d). The pH-response imprinting approach are melamine and tris(triazolyl)triazine
arises from the protonation of the carboxylate moieties in the derivatives combined with three gallic acid derivatives to make
4965 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 18. pH-responsive nanoporous composite materials and polymer particles. (a) Rejection behavior of the nanoporous membrane. Adapted with
permission from ref 57. Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (b) Clean water flux and rejection of a small dye before and after the membrane
was fouled and cleaned via a response to an acidic and alkaline environment. Adapted with permission from ref 57. Copyright 2021 American Chemical
Society. (c) Selective methylene blue adsorption and desorption via a response to low and high pH. Reproduced with permission from ref 61.
Copyright 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

1D nanoporous films.69 Novel polymerization techniques were repeated for several cycles demonstrating the recyclability of the
demonstrated, involving a [2 + 2] cycloaddition of coumarin end system (Figure 19b,c). In addition, in the protonated state, the
groups on gallic acid derivatives. The hydrogen-bonded material could absorb and desorb small anionic species.
melamine 34 and tris(triazolyl) triazine-derived 35 discotic Thus far, the approaches discussed have used benzoic or gallic
units self-assembled into a columnar mesophase (Figure 19a). acid derivatives to generate hydrogen-bonding moieties with
Subsequent polymerization of the material and extraction of the two hydrogen bonds at each binding site. The use of thymine-
core unit led to freestanding nanoporous films with different derived side units resulted in the formation of complex 36 with
pore sizes depending on the core unit used. When the functional triple hydrogen bonds, leading to higher selectivity toward the
groups inside the pores were kept in their protonated carboxylic templated core molecule (Figure 19d).70 The complex
acid form, a high selectivity was found for the imprinted core consisting of melamine and three thymine acrylate function-
molecule, demonstrating the guest−host recognition concept of alized derivatives resulted in a hexagonal columnar mesophase.
this system. When the nanoporous films were treated with a Subsequent photopolymerization and removal of the melamine
basic potassium hydroxide solution, leading to a conversion in template core resulted in nanoporous melamine imprinted
the potassium salt form, the system was able to absorb various channels. The nanoporous structure selectively absorbs
cationic species. The subsequent release of the cationic species melamine from a solution containing additional small molecules
was achieved with acidic and basic washing steps, which were (primary amines) due to the specific size and location of
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Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 19. Chemo- and ion-responsive nanoporous materials. (a) Chemical structures of the carboxylic acid-derived coumarin moieties and templates.
Occupation degree of the (b) carboxylate and (c) carboxylic acid sites during three repeating adsorption−desorption cycles. Reproduced with
permission from ref 69. Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society. (d) Chemical structure of the melamine-thymine-functionalized gallic acid
hydrogen-bonded complex. Adapted with permission from ref 70. Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society. (e) Schematic representation of the
self-assembly into the columnar phase, polymerization, and removal of the thymine core resulting in a 1D nanostructured material with high selectivity
toward the original host. Adapted with permission from ref 70. Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society.

hydrogen-bonding sites in the nanochannel (Figure 19e). The adjust their pore size depending on the available guest molecule
recyclability of the system was demonstrated by performing while keeping their macrostructure unaffected.
multiple rounds of adsorbing and removing the melamine, In contrast to most work focusing on the formation of 3:1
making this material interesting for the removal of melamine in hydrogen-bonded complexes, 1:1 complex 38 containing a
pet foods and milk products. chiral 2-amino alcohol core unit was also developed to prepare
Dynamic morphology of 1D nanoporous polymer structures porous materials (Figure 20c).75,76 A library of hydrogen-
was demonstrated in a disk-shaped hydrogen-bonded com- bonded complexes between chiral 2-amino-alcohols derivatives
plex.143 A reactive gallic acid derivative was complexed with a and a gallic acid moiety has been investigated. The complexes
that formed a columnar LC phase through hydrogen bonds were
tris-benzimidazole template into the discotic moiety 37,
subsequently photopolymerized, resulting in nanoporous
affording a polymer film with a columnar mesophase (Figure
structures after removing the amino alcohol template.
20a). The gallic acid contained an additional 4-hydroxybenzoic Methylated derivatives of 2-amino alcohol resulted in an
acid group attached to the carboxylic acid, introducing a unstable columnar LC phase, demonstrating the importance
cleavable ester linkage, allowing for postmodification of the of hydrogen-bonding interactions in this system. The materials
porous structure (Figure 20b). Hence, four distinct types of exhibited enantioselective absorption of the hydrogen-bonded
nanoporous polymers were prepared with and without the guest molecules, indicating the potential for separating racemic
additional moiety with either neutral carboxylic acid or anionic mixtures by this type of nanoporous LC networks. 75
carboxylate pore interior. Interestingly, when the 4-hydrox- Morphological studies showed that desorption of the original
ybenzoic acid was removed, the anionic nanopores were able to guest molecule resulted in an amorphous structure, which was
4967 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 20. Dynamic nanoporous materials. (a) Chemical structures of the hydrogen-bonded disk-shaped complex. Adapted with permission from ref
143. Copyright 2018 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) Schematic representation of the columnar mesophase (i) and postmodification by treating it
with DMSO (ii), subsequent reaction with aqueous NaOH (iii), and hydrolysis of the cleavable ester linkage (iv). The anionic pores could absorb the
cationic dye methylene blue (v) or switch between collapsed and open pores (vi). Adapted with permission from ref 143. Copyright 2018 The Royal
Society of Chemistry. (c) Chemical structure of the 1:1 hydrogen-bonded complex. (d) Schematic illustration of the columnar LC complex
demonstrating structural switching upon desorption and adsorption of the core and guest amino alcohols. Adapted with permission from ref 144.
Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society.

so-called XRD silent (Figure 20d). Resorption of the guest selective breakage of the hydrogen bonds within the LC polymer
molecule resulted in the recovery of the original structure. Other network when illuminated with UV light at pH 9.5, allowing the
chiral amino alcohols could also be absorbed in the porous adsorption of methylene blue (Figure 21b,c). Illumination
structure, resulting in minor structural changes. When exposing resulted in a lamellar spacing shrinkage of 0.2 nm, decreasing the
the material to mixtures of various chiral amino alcohols, there availability of active binding sites. With this mechanism, a
was a preference for the original guest.73,75 cationic dye could be locally adsorbed by the UV light
4.3. Light-responsive Nanoporous Materials illuminated regions of the polymer film (Figure 21d).
Similar advances were recently achieved in discotic LC
While exposing nanoporous materials to light sounds trivial,
systems with photoswitchable nanopores based on a hydrogen-
designing effective, responsive systems remains challenging. In
the case of actuators, azobenzene moieties are readily bonded complex. Polymerizing complex 40 consisting of
incorporated to allow light-driven deformations (vide supra), azobenzoic acid derivatives and a tris-benzimidazole template
whereas this is uncommon in nanoporous materials. A light- core unit yielded the formation of a photoresponsive polymeric
responsive nanoporous LC polymer network was obtained by film with a columnar LC phase (Figure 21e).72 After removing
using hydrogen-bonded benzoic acid-derived LC monomer 3 the template molecule, the resulting nanoporous channels were
and an azobenzene derivative 39 as a chemical cross-linker able to absorb the cationic dye Rhodamine 6G with a relatively
(Figure 21a).145 The reactive LC mixture formed a smectic low uptake rate (Figure 21f). In the porous state, the azobenzene
mesophase that was polymerized to obtain free-standing moieties can be isomerized from their rod-like trans state to their
polymer films with planar alignment. Upon illuminating the bent cis isomer upon illumination with UV light, resulting in
film with UV light, the photoresponsive azobenzene moieties larger pores with greater polarity: the absorption of the cationic
undergo a trans−cis isomerization, inducing structural changes dye in the cis-enriched nanoporous film increased up to a factor
in the nanoporous LC material. The dipole moment of the two (Figure 21g). The Rhodamine 6G uptake of original films
azobenzene derivative changes upon isomerization, leading to a and irradiated films after relaxation were similar, demonstrating
change in the pKa of the benzoic acid moieties, resulting in the reversibility of the absorption rates.
4968 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
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Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

Figure 21. Light-responsive nanoporous materials. (a) Chemical structures of the light-responsive nanoporous material. (b) Images and (c)
absorbance of the photoresponsive adsorbent in a methylene blue solution upon exposure to UV light showing the adsorption of the dye due to
isomerization from trans to cis. Adapted with permission from ref 145. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society. (d) Selectively irradiated film
showing adsorption only at the exposed areas. Adapted with permission from ref 145. Copyright 2015 American Chemical Society. (e) Chemical
structure of the hydrogen-bonded discotic liquid crystal based on azobenzoic acid derivatives. (f) Graph with absorption kinetics and fitted Fickian
equation for both cis and trans state of the azobenzene moiety. Adapted with permission from ref 72. Copyright 2021 American Chemical Society. (g)
Schematic illustration of the trans−cis isomerization and absorption of rhodamine 6G. Adapted with permission from ref 72. Copyright 2021 American
Chemical Society.

5. CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK In comparing how the hydrogen bonds are utilized in the
This review demonstrates hydrogen bonds as a valuable various applications, there is a clear overlap in the motifs used to
fabricate the polymeric LC materials. The incorporation of
supramolecular interaction for making stimuli-responsive LC
hydrogen bonds is most often established by using reactive
polymers with outlook toward self-healable and recyclable
benzoic acid moieties. Typically, single- or two-fold hydrogen
futures. Hydrogen bonding directs network construction at the
bonding provides sufficient thermal stability to construct the
nanoscale and simultaneously serves as dynamic moieties for
material while maintaining the possibility of later breaking the
generating or enhancing the materials’ responsive character as
bonds, either thermally or chemically. Overall, hydrogen-
well as introducing dynamic and circular properties. Typically, bonded benzoic acid-derived moieties are still the golden
actuators and optical materials are constructed using linear standard. However, pyridine-benzoic acid type hydrogen bonds
calamitic hydrogen-bonded complexes, while responsive nano- are also used, and in a few cases, the four-fold115 or many-
porous materials are constructed from either calamitic or fold34,35,37 hydrogen bonds are exploited. By using the
discotic complexes. directionality of hydrogen bonds, the symmetry and geometry
When monomeric complexes are used, orientation may be of the hydrogen-bonded complexes (e.g., using a template) can
induced using a variety of alignment techniques making a wide be tuned in either calamitic or discotic LC phases.
range of director profiles possible. For actuators, these director By using materials that are both LC and hydrogen-bonded,
profiles enable complex deformation modes. The twisted chiral actuators with larger physical motions responsive to a wider
nematic or double twisted blue phases in stimuli-responsive variety of stimuli can be achieved. In all cases, the responsive
photonic and optical materials are obtained either by addition of behaviors are attributed to anisotropic deformations of the
chiral monomers or (hydrogen-bonded) dopants. Two-dimen- materials, induced by reducing LC order. In actuators, reducing
sional structured nanoporous materials are generally fabricated order leads to complex deformations determined by the director
using hydrogen-bonded benzoic acid derivatives, but in this case profile of the material. In photonic materials, expansion or
the monomer mixture has a smectic (layered) LC phase. One- contraction of the helical twist of the chiral nematic
dimensional nanoporous materials are typically prepared using a nanostructure driven by disorder results in red- or blue-shifting
template inducing a columnar discotic phase while using an of the wavelengths reflected, respectively. Here, an expansion or
amino-alcohol template is sufficient to obtain a discotic contraction of 10% or greater is needed to obtain structural color
monomer complex in other cases. changes. In nanoporous materials, reduction in order generally
4969 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
Chem. Rev. 2022, 122, 4946−4975
Chemical Reviews pubs.acs.org/CR Review

alters the porosity or selectivity of the material; however, the AUTHOR INFORMATION
macroscopic dimensional changes of the macrostructure Corresponding Authors
commonly seen in the actuators and photonic materials are
Albert P. H. J. Schenning − Stimuli-responsive Functional
often not desirable. Materials and Devices, Department of Chemical Engineering
All the applications covered in this review show substantial and Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB
overlap in stimuli. For instance, pH-change has been applied as a Eindhoven, The Netherlands; SCNU-TUE Joint Laboratory of
trigger in all applications discussed in this work. Some triggers Device Integrated Responsive Materials (DIRM), South China
have not been explored for all applications. For instance, light Normal University, 510006 Guangzhou, China; Institute for
responsiveness was demonstrated for actuators and nanoporous Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of
materials but not for optical materials. However, light Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands;
responsivity could be of great interest in photonic LC polymers orcid.org/0000-0002-3485-1984;
as a time-integrating UV exposure sensor, for example.146 Email: A.P.H.J.Schenning@tue.nl
Finally, as seen in nanoporous LC materials, molecular Dirk J. Mulder − Stimuli-responsive Functional Materials and
Devices, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry,
recognition could be of interest in the field of photonic and Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven,
actuating LC materials; by binding a particular guest, the The Netherlands; orcid.org/0000-0002-9269-4999;
material could provide visual or mechanical feedback, Email: D.J.Mulder@tue.nl
potentially leading to sensors with enhanced selectivity.
Like all polymer materials, stimuli-responsive polymers Authors
should become recyclable or reusable. Considering the dynamic Sean J. D. Lugger − Stimuli-responsive Functional Materials
character of hydrogen bonds, self-healing and recyclable and Devices, Department of Chemical Engineering and
materials should both be readily accessible. However, this Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB
topic has only been explored a limited number of times for LC Eindhoven, The Netherlands; orcid.org/0000-0002-5215-
polymer actuators36,147−151 and not at all for stimuli-responsive 1113
optical and nanoporous materials. Recent work in the field of Simon J. A. Houben − Stimuli-responsive Functional Materials
and Devices, Department of Chemical Engineering and
(supramolecular) polymer chemistry has demonstrated various
Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB
approaches to introducing self-healing through hydrogen Eindhoven, The Netherlands; orcid.org/0000-0002-9158-
bonds.152,153 Although these advances are promising, translating 056X
them to stimuli-responsive materials brings additional chal- Yari Foelen − Stimuli-responsive Functional Materials and
lenges because hydrogen bonds are required for both defining Devices, Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry,
the (micro) structure and the responsiveness of the material. Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven,
This self-healing could potentially be achieved by using The Netherlands
orthogonal hydrogen bonding, for example, involving both Michael G. Debije − Stimuli-responsive Functional Materials
acid or basic hydrogen bonds (e.g., benzoic acid or pyridine) and and Devices, Department of Chemical Engineering and
nonresponsive hydrogen bonds (e.g., UPy, amides, ureas, or Chemistry, Eindhoven University of Technology, 5600 MB
Eindhoven, The Netherlands; orcid.org/0000-0001-8844-
Smart, functional polymers offer an excellent platform for
materials and systems that integrate stimuli-responsive motives Complete contact information is available at:
to obtain life-like and intelligent materials with dynamically https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00330
adaptive and interactive functions. This emergent behavior is
Author Contributions
highlighted in interactive materials that can communicate with
biology and implement feedback loops with the promise to The manuscript was written through contributions of all
authors. All authors have given approval to the final version of
realize intelligent materials toward the next-generation
the manuscript.
systems.154−156 Within the scope of this review, sensing and
actuation hold potential for interactive materials in which one Notes
responsive motive responds to an external stimulus in the The authors declare no competing financial interest.
environment and subsequently triggers the other response. Biographies
Dynamic interactive behaviors such as these offer unique and
Sean J. D. Lugger received his B.Sc. (2017) and M.Sc. (2019) degrees in
complex phenomena, allowing researchers to gain further insight
Chemical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology, in
into adaptive and interactive materials and systems. which he studied mechanochemistry in polymeric materials under the
In this review, we have discussed stimuli-responsive liquid supervision of Prof. Dr. Rint Sijbesma. Afterward, he joined the group
crystalline polymers employing supramolecular hydrogen- Stimuli-responsive Functional Materials and Devices of Prof. Dr. Albert
bonded interactions. We have presented the basic principles Schenning at the Eindhoven University of Technology, where he is
and challenges in developing these materials, while we also currently pursuing his Ph.D. His research focuses on the development
showed the latest breakthroughs that can serve as an inspiration and processing of stimuli-responsive supramolecular liquid crystal
for sparking new ideas. We hope that it also became clear that elastomers as soft actuators.
these supramolecular materials have great potential in meeting Simon J. A. Houben received his B.Sc. (2014) degree in Chemistry at
social challenges in the fields of soft robotics, water manage- Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. Afterward, he received his M.Sc.
ment, sustainable energy, and health. (2017) degree in Chemical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of

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