10.1039 D3MH01220D
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5152 | Mater. Horiz., 2023, 10, 5152–5160 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023
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theoretical investigation was conducted. This study provides a absorptions in the visible region and strong absorptions in the
supramolecular perspective on understanding the nature of glass. UV and IR regions (Fig. 1c), indicating the potential of BSGs as
anti-UV/IR glasses. These results are consistent with the macro-
scopic behavior of BSGs. In addition, the refractive indices of
Results and discussion UD and TD are 1.53 and 1.51, respectively (Fig. 1d). These
observations manifest that BSGs display excellent optical prop-
Preparation and optical properties of the BSGs erties, which are comparable with those of modern inorganic
Two BSGs, uridine/20 -deoxyadenosine (UD) and thymidine/20 - glasses.30
Published on 07 September 2023. Downloaded by Xian Jiaotong University on 7/12/2024 8:47:50 AM.
deoxyadenosine (TD), were constructed according to the solution– In addition to the optical properties, density and contact
evaporation method.29 With the fabrication of UD as an example angle are important glass parameters. UD and TD have densi-
(Fig. 1a), uridine (U, 0.01 mol) and 20 -deoxyadenosine (D, 0.01 mol) ties of 1.47 and 1.41 g cm3, respectively, which are only 56–
were first dissolved in deionized water (10 mL). The aqueous 59% of that of man-made glass (2.5 g cm3), showing the
solution was heated in an oven at 100 1C, and then the crude potential of BSGs as light-weight optical materials (Fig. 1e).30
product was placed under vacuum at 25 1C to yield UD as a BSG. The contact angles of UD and TD with water are 35.5 and 32.61,
UD and TD are transparent materials. As shown in Fig. 1a, a respectively, demonstrating their hydrophilic nature (Fig. 1f
colorful print covered by a piece of UD (0.5 cm thick) is easily and Fig. S1, ESI†). A detailed comparison of BSGs and inorganic
and clearly identifiable by the naked eye. Transmittance tests glass is presented in Fig. 1d–f.
confirm the good transparency of BSGs (Fig. 1b). UD and TD
exhibit the transmittance of 89.4% and 88.6%, respectively.30
No obvious changes in the transmittances of TD and UD were Morphologies and mechanical properties of BSGs
observed when the measurements were carried out at low Next, attention was focused on the surface morphology and
humidity. Due to the good water solubility of nucleosides, BSGs mechanical behavior of BSGs. No fractures or cracks are
are not stable in water or highly humid environments.31–33 observed in BSGs either with the naked eye or via an optical
The optical properties of UD and TD were studied comprehen- microscope (Fig. 1a and Fig. S2, ESI†). The results of scanning
sively. The solid-state UV/Vis spectra of UD and TD show poor electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM)
Fig. 1 Preparation and properties of BSGs. (a) Preparation method of BSGs (UD). (b) Transmittance spectra of BSGs with the thickness of 2.0 mm.
(c) Solid-state UV/Vis spectra of BSGs. (d–f) Physical properties of BSGs. (g) AFM image of TD.
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reveal smooth microscopic surfaces of UD and TD (Fig. 1g and temperature-resistance (Fig. 2f, g and Fig. S6, ESI†). Moreover,
Fig. S3, S4, ESI†). For example, the roughness of TD is approxi- the long-term structural stabilities of the BSGs were further
mately 1.3 nm, which is lower than that of common optical confirmed by time-dependent 1H NMR spectra. No obvious
glass (6.0 nm). changes in 1H NMR spectra of the BSGs were observed after
UD and TD exhibit good mechanical properties under 30 days (Fig. S7 and S8, ESI†), demonstrating that no covalent
ambient conditions. Macroscopic weight loading tests demon- interactions occurred in the BSGs. Meanwhile, the BSGs exhibit
strate the good mechanical strengths of BSGs. No deformations good optical and mechanical stabilities in low-polarity solvents
or ruptures are observed, when a piece of UD is hung or covered (toluene, dichloromethane, and chloroform) (Fig. S9, S10 and
Published on 07 September 2023. Downloaded by Xian Jiaotong University on 7/12/2024 8:47:50 AM.
by a weight of 500 g (Fig. 2a). During the nanoindentation tests, Tables S3, S4, ESI†). What is more, the compressive strengths of
elastic moduli of 4.50 0.49 and 5.87 0.47 GPa are observed UD and TD are 3.3 and 2.6 MPa, respectively, indicating their
for UD and TD, respectively, which are comparable with those good hardness (Fig. 2h). The Shore hardnesses of UD and TD
of some artificial tough materials (Fig. 2c and Table S1, are 36 and 32 HD, respectively, which are lower than that of
ESI†).34–37 Storage moduli of BSGs over 107 Pa are obtained polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA, 49 HD). Although UD and TD
from the dynamic thermomechanical analysis tests (Fig. 2d and are tough under ambient conditions, at high temperatures,
Fig. S5, ESI†). Furthermore, UD and TD display good tensile they behave as soft materials, which can be easily processed.
and compressive strengths. As shown in Fig. 2e, UD and TD UD and TD of various sizes (410 10 1 or o0.1 0.1
show tensile strengths of 1.24 and 1.27 MPa, respectively. The 0.05 cm3) and shapes (cylindrical, square, and circular) can be
tensile elastic moduli and compressive elastic moduli of TD are fabricated using the hot-forming method. Meanwhile, long and
4.94 0.32 and 58.7 3.11 MPa, respectively. The above flexible glass fibers with a diameter of 10 mm are successfully
information indicates that UD and TD belong to stiff materials cast from the molten BSGs, as shown in Fig. 2b. Temperature-
(Table S2, ESI†). Time- and temperature-dependent tensile tests dependent rheological tests clearly confirm the effect of heating
demonstrate that UD and TD have long-term stability and low- on the processing of BSGs (Fig. S12, ESI†).
Fig. 2 Mechanical properties of BSGs. (a) Macroscopic stretching behavior of UD. (b) Glass fibers of UD. (c) Nanoindentation load–displacement curve
of BSGs. (d) Temperature-dependent storage modulus, loss modulus, and tan d of UD. (e) Tensile strength–displacement curve of BSGs. (f) Time-
dependent tensile stress of BSGs. (g) Temperature-dependent tensile stress of BSGs. (h) Compressive strength–strain curve of BSGs.
5154 | Mater. Horiz., 2023, 10, 5152–5160 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023
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covalent interactions.39 Broad and intense bands (at approxi- (Fig. S23, ESI†). No diffraction peaks are observed in the small-
mately 2950 and 3104 cm1) and obvious band shifts (i.e. from angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) spectra, indicating the lack of
1656 to 1674 cm1, for the amide group in U) are observed in an ordered periodic structure in the BSGs at the mesoscopic
Raman spectrum of UD, suggesting the formation of intermole- scale (Fig. 4a). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic (XPS) results
cular hydrogen bonds therein (Fig. 3b and Fig. S17, ESI†). further support the isotropic nature of the BSGs (Fig. 4b and
Similar observations are made in the Fourier transform Fig. S24, S25, ESI†). Similar binding energies and intensities
infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the BSGs (Fig. S18, ESI†). Two- were observed at different depths in the BSGs. Simulations
dimensional infrared correction spectroscopy was used to of Young’s moduli of the BSGs at different directions produce
investigate the subtle hydrogen bonds and temperature- similar results (Tables S8 and S9, ESI†). For example, UD exhibits
dependent molecular movements in the BSGs (Fig. 3c and Young’s moduli of 7.68 (X), 7.84 (Y), and 8.02 (Z) GPa, manifest-
Fig. S19, S20, ESI†).36,40 With UD as an example, according to ing its isotropic state. In addition, the refractive-index values
Noda’s rule, the order of the signal intensity change was obtained at random positions in the BSGs are the same. UD and
determined to be 1641 4 1679 4 1652 cm1, manifesting that TD show glass transition temperatures (Tg) of 56 and 62 1C,
the free amide group is more sensitive to elevated temperature respectively, which are considerably lower than that of man-
than the hydrogen-bonded amide group. The hydrogen bonded made optical glass or metal glass (Fig. 4c and d).30 The low Tg
structures in the BSGs were further confirmed via density values may be ascribed to the high fractional free volume of
functional theory simulations (Fig. 3d and Fig. S21, S22, BSG (8–9%) (Fig. 4e–g and Tables S10, S11, ESI†). Meanwhile,
Table S7, ESI†). during reversible heating–cooling cycles, the BSGs exhibit glass
Fig. 3 Driving force of BSGs. (a) Solution-state 1H NMR spectra (400 MHz, D2O, room temperature) of UD, D, and U. (b) Raman spectra of UD, D, and U.
(c) Synchronous correlation spectra (left) and asynchronous correlation spectra (right) of UD from 20 to 100 1C. (d) The IGM isosurfaces for the
interaction between U and D (molar ratio 1 : 1). The color bar shows that blue, green, and red represent strong attraction interactions (hydrogen bonding),
van der Waals interactions, and strong nonbonded overlap, respectively.
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Fig. 4 Glass nature of BSGs. (a) SAXS spectra of BSGs. (b) Wide-scan XPS spectra of UD after different etching times. (c) DSC spectra of UD. (d) DSC
spectra of TD. (e) Fraction of free volume of complex containing T + D + 3 wt% water at 298.0 K. (f) Fraction of free volume of complex containing U + D
+ 3 wt% water. (g) Configuration of molecular models of a complex containing T (fuchsia) + D (purple) + 3 wt% water at 298.0 K. (h) Radial distribution
function (RDF) of the U/D/water composite at room temperature. (i) Radial distribution function (RDF) of the T/D/water composite at room temperature.
transition behavior similar to that of synthetic optical glass or yielding the thermodynamically metastable BSGs. Rheological
metal glass, demonstrating the structural reversibility of the experiments provide detailed information (Fig. 5b).29 With a
BSGs. The low Tg values of UD and TD enable an investigation decrease in the testing temperature from 120 to 20 1C, the
of their glass nature under mild conditions. viscosities of the BSGs decrease considerably. At 20, 100,
Coexisting long-range disorder and short-range order char- and 120 1C, UD shows viscosities of 2.10 108, 384.27, and
acterize the structure of glass.15 UD and TD have this feature, as 8.44 Pa s, respectively, demonstrating that the viscosity of UD at
confirmed via radial distribution function (RDF) characteriza- 20 1C is more than 107 times its viscosity at 120 1C. Such a
tion. No prominent peaks are observed in the RDF spectra of significant change in viscosity results in the formation of a
the BSGs when the distance is more than 4 Å (Fig. 4h and i), metastable BSG. In a control experiment, single crystals were
indicating the absence of ordered structures at the long-range obtained when a UD aqueous solution was slowly evaporated
scale. In contrast, peaks assigned to intermolecular non- (Fig. S26, ESI†). This result indicates that in the low tempera-
covalent bonds are found at distances less than 4 Å, suggesting ture range, the high viscosities of the BSGs hinder the crystal-
the existence of short-range ordered structures in the BSGs.15 lization abilities of the nucleosides, thus maintaining their
The simultaneous appearance of isotropic, long-range dis- metastable states.
order, and short-range order is directly related to the chemical
structure and rapid annealing treatment of the BSGs. In DNA, Relaxations in the BSGs
base pairs apply self-sorted molecular recognition patterns.20 Relaxations are intrinsic and universal in natural/artificial glass
However, in the fabrication of BSGs, UD or TD is first heated to and are crucial for its glass transition behavior, mechanical
form a liquid with low viscosity and high mobility, as shown in properties, and stability.14 Herein, broadband dielectric
Fig. 5a. Subsequently, the liquid-type BSG is rapidly cooled to spectroscopy was applied to study the relaxation of the BSGs,
yield a compact solid, during which versatile hydrogen bonds because dielectric spectroscopy has various advantages, includ-
are formed and the dynamical recognition motifs are frozen, ing high sensitivity and a wide temperature range.39 Three
5156 | Mater. Horiz., 2023, 10, 5152–5160 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023
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Fig. 5 Thermodynamically metastable state of the BSGs. (a) Volume change with transforming from solution to crystal or BSGs. (b) G 0 , G00 and |Z*| value
of UD in reversible temperature-dependent rheological tests. (c) Average relaxation time as a function of temperature for relaxation processes in the
BSGs. Solid lines represent Arrhenius fitting for b-, g-, and d-relaxation. (d) Activation energies (Ea) of the BSGs for b-, g-, and d-relaxation.
distinguishable relaxation processes (b, g, and d) occur at formation of ordered and disordered structures.42 In the for-
temperatures below Tg. To quantitatively analyze these relaxa- mation of common inorganic glass, the importance of metal,
tions, the dielectric loss spectra were fitted using a combi- covalent, and ionic bonds outweighs that of hydrogen bonds
nation of the Havriliak–Negami function and a conductivity and van der Waals forces. Therefore, the coexistence of short-
term. b and g relaxations are the slowest and fastest processes range ordered and long-range disordered structures is directly
in supramolecular polymerization (for TD at 23.0 1C, the governed by the synergistic effect of metal, covalent, and
relaxation time required for the b and g processes are 5.03 ionic bonds.
and 2.35 105 s), respectively, indicating a greater mobility of In the formation of a BSG, hydrogen bonding is the main
the functional groups on the glass surface than those in the driving force. The directional and saturated character of hydro-
glass interior (Fig. 5c). Relaxations in the BSGs have a promi- gen bonds results in the formation of short-range ordered
nent temperature dependence, with b relaxation occurring at structures during supramolecular polymerization, while the
higher temperatures. The activation energies (Ea) of the b, g, weak and reversible nature of hydrogen bonding enables
and d relaxations were calculated using the Arrhenius equation asymmetric and random connection of short-range ordered
and are equal to 4.59, 3.61, and 0.84 kJ mol1, respectively, structures to a long-range disordered network. Compared to
in TD (Fig. 5d). The Ea values of the relaxation of UD and TD silicate or metallic glass, BSGs exhibit lower annealing and
(o5.0 kcal mol1) are considerably lower than those of artificial glass transition temperatures; thus, their glassy nature can be
glass materials because of the absence of covalently linked easily studied.34,43,44 The low-molecular-weight BSGs enable
polymeric structures.36,40 These results demonstrate that the more choices for characterization. For example, solution-state
segmental motion occurs easily even at temperatures below Tg, H NMR spectroscopy can be used to study the driving forces in
because of the metastability of the BSGs. BSGs.45
Discussion Conclusions
The definition of glass has never been established. In fact, it In conclusion, BSGs were fabricated via the non-covalent poly-
continuously changes over time. Intuitively, glass is a transpar- merization of low-molecular-weight nucleosides. BSGs exhibit
ent material with desirable optical properties. In addition to excellent optical and mechanical properties comparable to
traditional inorganic glass, a variety of new glass materials, those of some synthetic glasses. They display distinguished
including metal–organic framework glass and metallic glass, features on various scales. Macroscopically, the structures of
have been fabricated.7,41 It has been found that glass vitrifica- BSGs are random, long-range disordered, and isotropic; how-
tion is a highly complex thermodynamic process involving the ever, BSGs exhibit short-range order and anisotropic molecular
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organization patterns in a limited and localized scale. Solvent 106 Hz at each temperature from 40 to 80 1C with a 3 1C
evaporation and rapid cooling during the preparation process interval.33
determine the amorphous and thermodynamically metastable The Havriliak and Negami (H–N) function is employed to
characteristics of BSGs. Various relaxations in BSGs are analyze the dielectric spectra. The complex dielectric permittiv-
assigned to the local molecular motions in isolated regions of ity (e*) data as a function of frequency can be described by the
the structures. The development of BSGs from nucleosides following equation:
provides a supramolecular view of the nature of glass. De
e ¼ e1 þ
½1 þ ðiotHN Þa b
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