Soft Matter: Paper
Soft Matter: Paper
Soft Matter: Paper
Seth Fraden, a Prerna Sharma, c Michael F. Hagan a and Zvonimir Dogic *ad
Published on 29 July 2019. Downloaded by Brown University on 10/2/2024 8:01:22 PM.
15, 6791
In the presence of a non-adsorbing polymer, monodisperse rod-like colloids assemble into one-rod-length
thick liquid-like monolayers, called colloidal membranes. The density of the rods within a colloidal membrane
is determined by a balance between the osmotic pressure exerted by the enveloping polymer suspension
and the repulsion between the colloidal rods. We developed a microfluidic device for continuously observing
an isolated membrane while dynamically controlling the osmotic pressure of the polymer suspension. Using
this technology we measured the membrane rod density over a range of osmotic pressures than is wider
Received 25th May 2019, that what is accessible in equilibrium samples. With increasing density we observed a first-order phase
Accepted 26th July 2019 transition, in which the in-plane membrane order transforms from a 2D fluid into a 2D solid. In the limit of
DOI: 10.1039/c9sm01054h low osmotic pressures, we measured the rate at which individual rods evaporate from the membrane. The
developed microfluidic technique could have wide applicability for in situ investigation of various soft materials and how their properties depend on the solvent composition.
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distortions, while allowing for continuous observation of the reservoir were not directly connected. The water reservoir was
assemblage with high numerical aperture optics. Technologies critical because of the long duration of the experiments and the
have been developed that equip microfluidic devices with small sample volumes. The samples were visualized with high
dialysis membranes that enable rapid spatial and temporal numerical aperture objective. The device thickness required a
buffer exchange.11,12 However, our experiments impose an long working distance condenser for brightfield and differential
additional constraint because of the need to exchange large interference contrast (DIC) microscopy. High resolution images of
molecular weight depletant polymers that do not pass through the membranes were obtained using fluorescence.
conventional dialysis membranes. Directly flowing fluid into the chamber resulted in air
Our microfluidic device had two PDMS layers bound bubbles trapped in the notches. Eliminating air from the device
together. The first layer contained the long channel with was accomplished through dead-end filling the device by closing
stepped notches on both sides, while a second layer contained the outlet valve and then using a syringe pump to load the
Published on 29 July 2019. Downloaded by Brown University on 10/2/2024 8:01:22 PM.
pressurised channels that act as valves that open and close the chamber. As PDMS is highly permeable to air, the chamber was
flow channel (Fig. 1).13,14 The notches reduced the laminar flow evacuated by the air diffusing through the closed valves. Once
velocity. Due to the continuity of the flow streams, larger loaded with a rod-polymer mixture, the formation of membranes
channel cross-sections reduced flow velocities. We performed with diameter of tens of microns required about 24 hours.
experiments in notches with one or two steps, but membranes Glass coverslips (GoldSeal, FisherScientific) were coated
stored in a notch with no steps were typically destroyed by the with the acrylamide polymer brush to prevent virus adsorption.15
laminar flow through the main channel. A critical element was Plasma treatment usually used for bonding PDMS to glass
the inclusion of the second layer that contained two on-chip destroyed the polymer-brush. We tried, but failed, to grow the
valves. When closed, these effectively blocked minute flows polymer brush after bonding the PDMS to glass. Therefore, we
during the many-hour long interval that is necessary for the clamped together the PDMS chip to the acrylamide treated glass
membranes to grow to a sufficient diameter. At a flow rate of coverslip using an aluminum frame (Fig. 1a). Every component
10 mL per hour, a complete buffer exchange took approximately in the device can be washed and reused. To avoid bending
ten minutes, including the time for the depletant to diffuse deformations of the thin PDMS layers when clamping the device,
from the main channel into the notches (Fig. 2). a slab of rigid Mylar plastic and a shaped shim plate of COC
The experiment required maintaining the same buffer com- plastic layer were used to apply pressure directly over the chip
position over many hours. To accomplish this, the device was elements forming the seal. To ensure uniform compression of
designed with a cavity that encircled the channel and notches the layers, and to provide compliance while sealing, a soft rubber
and acted as a aqueous reservoir that is included in the first O-ring was placed on top of the stack in contact with the
layer. This PDMS layer was sandwiched between a microscope aluminum clamp. The aluminum clamp was tightened using
glass slide and a plastic COC slab with low water permeability, four screws. Enough pressure had to be applied to avoid leakages
thereby minimizing the evaporation of water from the sample from the main channel or the reservoir, but too much pressure
chamber to the outside (Fig. 1). A hydrostatic pump was created yielded collapsed channels.
by closing the outlet and connecting the inlet to a solvent Manufacture of the microfluidic device required two photo-
filled tube that was positioned 1 m above the sample. This resist masters that were used to mold the PDMS device. The
replenished the evaporated solvent due to PDMS permeability. masters were fabricated using conventional soft photolithography
The main channel that contained the sample and the water techniques.16 The flow channel and the reservoir were produced
Fig. 1 The microfluidic device for buffer exchange. (a) Image of a fully sealed and assembled microfluidic device. The PDMS chip is clamped to a glass
coverslip, using two pieces of aluminium and four screws, to ensure no leakage between the two layers. (b) A schematic cross section of the microfluidic
device with individually labelled layers. A rubber O-ring and plastic spacer distribute the clamping pressure across the PDMS chip evenly. (c) Flow is from
right to left. A top-down view of the device design debossed on the PDMS chip. The design has an inlet and outlet (red), a flow channel with storage
notches (black), and two Quake valves (blue) that control the flow through the channel. Small circular posts, placed at the entrance of each notch,
combined with a step-shaped design, reduce laminar flow velocity in the notches. (d) Flow is from right to left. A brightfield image of a PDMS device filled
with depletant and buffer. The field of view is at the centre of the flow channel. (e and f) The valve that controls the flow within the channel, shown in
open and closed configuration. Scale bars, 1 cm (a), 1.5 mm (c), and 250 mm (d–f).
6792 | Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6791--6802 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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Fig. 2 Time delay associated with buffer exchange. (a) The microfluidic exchange device is viewed with fluorescence microscopy. The fluorescent
depletant and buffer mixture is flowed in from the right side of the page. Both valves are in the open configuration. The time after flow was started is
presented on each frame as min:sec. Measurements are performed in a small area of a one-step notch (shaded in blue in the last time frame). (b) Pixel
Published on 29 July 2019. Downloaded by Brown University on 10/2/2024 8:01:22 PM.
intensity measures the concentration of the new mixture in the device, relative to the original sample concentration. The complete buffer exchange
occurs after the intensity plateaus. The mean pixel intensity, with background subtraction, was measured in the shaded blue region as a function of time.
Scale bar, 250 mm.
from one master, with photoresist features of two different purified using standard methods.20 The viruses were prepared at
heights with one using positive photoresist and the other negative isotropic–nematic phase coexistence, and the experiments were
photoresist. The inlet and the outlet valves were deposited in a performed by only using viruses from the isotropic fraction.
positive photoresist to achieve a B10 mm height. The main Shorter rods preferentially partition into the isotropic phase,
channel with the notches and the reservoir, were deposited using hence this procedure reduced the number of long, end-to-end
negative photoresist with B50 mm height. A separate wafer fused oligomers that destabilize colloidal membranes.1 A deplet-
encoded the control layer for the two valves. Once molded into ing agent, Dextran MW 500 000 (Sigma-Aldrich, D5251, Lot
the PDMS, these pressure driven control valves were positioned #023K0675), was mixed with viruses at conditions known to
above the inlet and outlet valves. The PDMS device was fabricated promote assembly of colloidal membranes. All samples were
by spin coating a thin layer of PDMS over the wafer that contained made in 100 mM NaCl, 20 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0 buffer, and had
the inlet, outlet, main channel and reservoir. A several mm thick a final virus concentration of 2.5 mg mL1. Due to the difference
layer of PDMS was poured over the wafer that contains the in persistence length of fd-wt and fd-Y21M, the initial amount of
features of the valves. Unlike the original Quake formulation,13 depletant was different for each virus type:19 fd-wt and fd-Y21M
we used 1 : 10 ratio of PDMS components for both layers. Once membranes were assembled at depletant concentrations of
cured, both layers were bonded using plasma, and inlet and outlet 42 mg mL1 and 37 mg mL1, respectively. The mixture was
fill-holes were punched into the PDMS. This way, the inlet, outlet, transferred into tubing (PTFE #30 AWG, Cole-Parmer) using a
main channel with notches and reservoir were exposed and syringe (5 mL, Hamilton Gastight), and a syringe pump (PHD
clamped directly on top of the microscope slide, while the 22/2000, Harvard Apparatus) was used to dead-end fill the PDMS
valves that open and close the inlet and outlet channels where device. The sample was always introduced at constant flow-
situated directly above and oriented perpendicular across those rate, so the pressure in the device channels is unknown.
channels (Fig. 1). Fluorescent membranes were assembled with viruses labelled
with an amine reactive fluorescent dye (DyLight-550 NHS Ester,
Optical microscopy, data acquisition and analysis FisherScientific).21 There were about 20 dye molecules per virus
Experiments were performed using an inverted optical micro- as determined by the relative intensity of the absorbance at the
scope (Nikon Eclipse Ti) equipped with a long working distance wavelength related to the virus (269 nm) and the fluorescent dye
(LWD) condenser, and a 100 oil immersion objective (PlanFluor, (550 nm). Samples used to characterize the dynamics of the
NA 1.3). A optical tweezer, created by focusing a 1064 nm laser constituent rods were doped with labelled viruses at a ratio of
(Compass 1064, Coherent), and steered with a pair of acoustic- 1 to 50 000 of labelled to unlabeled particles. Fluorescence images
optic modulators was used to position membranes in the micro- revealed the dynamics of individual rods within the membrane.
fluidic notches.17 Images were acquired using a cooled CCD
camera (Clara, Andor) controlled by Micro-Manager. The colloidal Image analysis
membranes were visualized either with DIC or fluorescence micro- The membrane area was measured using two methods. First,
scopy. For fluorescence images, the microscope was equipped with we determined the area of a fluorescently labelled membrane
a mercury light source (X-Cite 120Q) and a single band dichroic with ImageJ, by setting an intensity threshold at two standard
filter (LED-TRITC-A-NTE-ZERO, SemRock). deviations above the mean pixel intensity. Second, we used DIC
microscopy to visualize the membrane’s edge, and from there
Sample preparation we measured the membrane area with the circle tool in ImageJ.
Bacteriophage fd-wt (wild-type) and fd-Y21M have almost the same Both measurements were consistent with each other. Due to its
contour length of B900 nm.18 The persistence length of fd-wt is 2. monolayer structure, the membrane area is directly propor-
8 mm while that of fd-Y21M is 9.9 mm.19 Both bacteriophages were tional to its volume. To convert the measured area into density,
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SAXS experiments
Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments on individual
membranes were performed at the ID02 beamline of the
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France.22 Fig. 3 Three views of colloidal membranes. (a) A top-down view of a 2D
Published on 29 July 2019. Downloaded by Brown University on 10/2/2024 8:01:22 PM.
The samples were held in the cover slip chamber with membranes colloidal membrane imaged using DIC microscopy. (b) A schematic of a
colloidal membrane. There is complete phase separation between the
lying flat on the coverslip. The chamber was set perpendicular to
self-assembled rod-shaped viruses (red) and depleting polymer, which
the X-ray device, so that the membranes were in a face-on maximizes the system entropy (polymer is not shown). Scale bar, 5 mm.
configuration with respect to the incoming beam. The sample
was scanned with a 20 20 mm2 X-ray beam for individual
colloidal membranes, and signal was recorded with a q range the mesoscale disks grew into mature membranes through
between 0.04 nm1 to 2 nm1. The intensity measured in the lateral coalescence.23 After reaching a certain size, the dense
supernatant was used as the background signal. The plotted membranes sedimented on to the coverslide, ensuring that
intensities were radial averages of the difference between the they remained in the image plane for the duration of the
scattered intensity from the membrane and the background experiment (Fig. 3). We formed colloidal membranes within a
intensity. microfluidic device. Subsequently, using an optical tweezer,
X-Ray experiments yield a scattered intensity I(q) with a we placed a few isolated circular membranes within a stepped
correlation peak positioned at qpeak, which is related to average notch on a side of the main channel. The membranes were
lateral filament separation (Fig. 4b). To estimate the average continuously visualized with either fluorescence, brightfield, or
distance between the filaments we need to divide the measured DIC microscopy. For conditions where equilibrium membranes
intensity by the form factor F(q) which would yield the structure formed, the mature membranes had a constant area as long as
factor: S(q) B I(q)/F(q). The form factor for our experiment the buffer composition remained the same, indicating that the
would consist of a dilute suspension of rods that are all aligned evaporation of the virus into the isotropic suspension was
along the along the direction of the incident X-ray beam. negligible on the experimental time scales. Consequently, any
In practice, this is not doable as dilute rod suspensions are change in the membrane area in response to changing osmotic
necessarily isotropic (Fig. 4a). To make progress we theoretically stress, or equivalently depletant concentration, was directly
estimate the form factor and from there calculate the structure related to the change in the virus density, within an unknown
factor of colloidal membranes. Note that the division by the form scaling factor.
factor shifts the peak location by at most 3% (Fig. 4b). From the We performed a sequence of buffer exchanges. After each
measured structure factor we estimate the average filament exchange, we waited B60 minutes to allow the depletant to
separation d = 2p/qpeak. Assuming local hexagonal packing yields diffuse into the stepped notch and the sample to equilibrate,
the density of rods within fd-wt membranes. before measuring the membrane area. The area significantly
To normalize the fd-Y21M equation of state, we estimated changed with depletant concentration. For example, increasing
the densities of these membranes using DIC microscopy. The the Dextran concentration from 33.5 mg mL1 to 100 mg mL1
DIC signal along the shear axis is proportional to the index of reduced the area by 42% (Fig. 5). We measured the area of the
refraction difference between the membrane and the buffer. In same membrane for B20 different dextran compositions.
turn, the membrane index of refraction is linearly proportional In order to average data from different membranes all measure-
to the virus density. The edge intensity along the shear axis ment sweeps had at least one data point with a common
and the membrane’s rod density should be linearly related. Dextran concentration, which was used to rescaling the area.
Comparing this data with the DIC edge intensity of a fd-wt The above-described procedure yielded the membrane area
membrane of a known density, yielded the absolute density of as a function of the applied osmotic pressure. Converting this
fd-Y21M membranes. Repeating this analysis on fd-wt membranes data into an equation of state requires the scaling factor that
with known densities from X-ray diffraction measurements relates area to virus density. Therefore, we have measured the
revealed that this method has B10% accuracy. virus density within a membrane by using small angle X-ray
scattering, which yielded an isotropic ring whose peak location
Experimental results can be used to calculate the average lateral filament separation
After mixing the virus and polymer suspension, one-rod length (Fig. 4). The scattering experiments were repeated at a few
thick mesoscopic disk-like structures nucleated in the bulk dextran concentrations for which equilibrium membranes
suspension. Within a few minutes, viruses completely phase formed, and the densities found in the X-ray were consistent
separated from the isotropic polymer suspension. Thereafter, with those found in the microfluidic measurements.
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6791--6802 | 6795
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Fig. 6 Equation of state of fd-wt and fd-Y21M colloidal membranes. (a) Rod density as a function of dextran concentration measured for fd-wt
membranes. Inset: Discontinuity in the equation of state at B54 mg mL1 is consistent with a first order freezing and phase transition between a 2D
liquid-like and 2D solid-like membrane. Diamonds indicate three samples where the in-plane rod density was determined with small angle X-ray
scattering measurement. Red bars indicate regions where colloidal membranes are equilibrium structures. (b) Equation of state for fd-Y21M membranes.
The membrane freezes at smaller osmotic stresses. The orange lines are guides to the eye. Error bars are the standard deviation of 10 measurements of
membrane area.
Fig. 8 A 2D colloidal membrane melts into a 3D nematic tactoids. A time lapse showing how a metastable 2D colloidal membrane melts into a stable 3D
tactoid (blue dashed outline) at low osmotic pressure. The tactoid nucleates from the membrane’s twisted edge, where nematic order is already very
high. The tactoids exhibit a surface frozen smectic monolayer. Scale bar, 10 mm.
6796 | Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6791--6802 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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Fig. 10 The electrostatic screening length and effective filament charge Fig. 11 The theoretical predictions for the osmotic pressure as a function
within colloidal membranes. The inverse Debye length, k (black line), of inter-rod separation are shown for persistence lengths corresponding
and the corresponding dimensionless effective linear charge density to fd-wt (lp = 2 mm, blue line) and fd-Y121M (lp = 10 mm, orange line),
xeff (dashed red line) are plotted as a function of inter-rod separation. overlaid on the experimental data. The theoretical results are obtained
The effective charge density is normalized by its bulk value, xeff = 36.15 for from eqn (4)–(9). The dashed black line shows the result in the rigid rod
kD = 1 nm1. limit (lp = N).
on the filament separation (Fig. 10). The local Debye length varies
by 40% over the experimental range of inter-rod distances.
To compare the experimental data to the theoretical model
we converted the dextran concentration into the osmotic pres-
sure using a modification of the previously published empirical
6798 | Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6791--6802 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019
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account for this effect because it is likely small in our case because separation from X-ray scattering, we obtained the rod density
the surface separation is large compared to the Debye length, and by measuring the assemblage area with optical microscopy.
it would require an additional fit parameter – the counterion- Since there is no significant exchange of rods on experimental
virus interaction strength. However, note that since our computer times scales, the membrane area is directly related to the
rod–rod interactions are quadratic in the effective charge, the filament spacing. Second, our technique permits in situ change
discrepancy between theory and experiment would be eliminated of the osmotic stress, which yields more accurate measure-
by reducing the effective charge to about half its value. ments. This feature revealed a discontinuity in the equation of
We performed an alternative calculation in which the viruses are state that is associated with a first other phase transition from a
treated as semiflexible filaments with hard-core interactions, liquid to a solid state. In a similar spirit, a recent study has
where the effect of the electrostatics is accounted for by an utilized the temperature dependence of poly(ethylene glycol) to
‘‘effective diameter’’ that is larger than the intrinsic virus diameter. extract the discontinuous change in the filament spacing
Published on 29 July 2019. Downloaded by Brown University on 10/2/2024 8:01:22 PM.
However, this approach failed to capture the scaling of the associated with the transition from the cholesteric to line
experimental data with drod or the lack of dependence on persis- hexatic.47 Finally, the ability to tune the osmotic pressure
tence length. in situ enabled assembly of metastable colloidal membranes,
It is possible to estimate the location of the melting transition while compatibility with optical microscopy enabled visualiza-
for an array of semiflexible chains interacting through hard-core tion of the kinetic pathways by which these metastable 2D
interactions.43 Extending this model to include electrostatic inter- colloidal structures transform into 3D materials.
actions is challenging and beyond the scope of the present work.31 Equilibrium colloidal membranes form over a fairly limited
However, we can make a qualitative comparison to the Lindemann range of depletant concentrations. Osmotic pressures beyond
criteria for a 3D crystal of point particles, which states that melting an upper critical value leads to the formation of bulk smectic
occurs when the typical size of particle fluctuations reaches 0.1a, phases, while pressures below a lower critical value lead to
with a the lattice spacing.43 The onset of the melting transition and nematic tactoids.48,49 Our microfluidic technique allowed for
its dependence on persistence length can be roughly captured by assembly and investigations of metastable colloidal membranes
equating the scale of undulations (eqn (4)) to the inter-surface using a two-step process. In a first step we assembled colloidal
separation between rods according to 0.17(drod s), where the membranes for a range of osmotic pressures where they are
factor 0.17 was fit by eye (Fig. 13). However, this comparison is equilibrium structures. Subsequently, we changed the osmotic
qualitative at best, and the melting transition predicted previously pressure, to values where colloidal membranes do not assemble
required undulations of about five times the Lindemann criteria.43 directly from an isotropic suspension. These experiments revealed
that colloidal membranes are metastable over a wide range
Discussion of osmotic pressures and also demonstrated the fundamental
difference between colloidal membranes and conventional 3D
Osmotic stress techniques have been used to interrogate pro- materials. Formation of either 3D tactoids or bulk smectic phases
perties of diverse soft materials, providing insight into the from a 2D colloidal membranes requires a rearrangement in
molecular interactions that govern behaviors of both lipid which rods collectively escape into the third dimension. Such
bilayers and biopolymer suspensions.44–46 Our method has a transformations have large nucleation barriers. At sufficient low
few differences with the standard implementation of the osmotic pressures, a membrane can either directly evaporate into an
stress techniques. First, instead of extracting the average filament isotropic phase or melt into a 3D nematic tactoid. Tactoid
nucleation always takes place at the membrane’s edge. This can
be rationalized as the boundary conditions enforce uniform twist
of the membrane’s edge that locally melts a smectic monolayer
into a nematic.24,50 Similar pathways were observed in mixtures of
viruses and thermosensitive polymer.51,52
Intermolecular interactions. Confined liquid crystalline
semi-flexible filaments have more restricted degrees of freedom
than filaments in a disordered isotropic suspension. Conse-
quently, there is an entropic penalty associated with the formation
of orientationally ordered phases. This penalty is smaller for more
rigid filaments; thus, the stiffer fd-Y21M filaments form mem-
branes at lower osmotic stress, when compared to the more
flexible fd-wt. Our results suggest that theories of colloidal mem-
branes phase behavior which do not account for semi-flexibility
will under-predict the osmotic pressure required to stabilize
Fig. 13 The scale of filament undulations, d, calculated from eqn (4) is
membranes. This is consistent with previous findings that
shown for fd-wt (blue line) and fd-Y121M (orange line) as a function of
inter-rod separation. The straight line is an effective Lindemann criteria,
increasing filament flexibility supressed the formation of both
d = 0.17(drod s), which estimates the inter-rod separation at which nematic and smectic liquid crystals.19,53–58 Intriguingly, the fila-
the membrane melts for each case. ment flexibility does not influence the equation of state at higher
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osmotic pressures or equivalently smaller filaments separations. bending modes. Recently, it has been shown that colloidal
Recent experiments using classical osmotic stress techniques membranes exhibit significant out-of-plane edge-bound modes
examined the interactions of both fd-wt and fd-Y21M virus, and that create saddle-splay deformations. These fluctuations are
reached the same conclusion.38 While our experiments studied a driven by the low and positive value of the Gaussian modulus of
different range of osmotic stresses, our data is consistent with colloidal membranes, and decay as one moves away from the
these results. edge.62 Both the edge fluctuations and a 1D cross-section of the
A Poisson–Boltzmann calculation that accounts for the height fluctuations scale as B1/q3. The only way to rigorously
increased density of counter ions within the membrane (com- distinguish between the two fluctuation modes is to analyze
pared to bulk) explains some features of the measured equation how the measured spectrum changes as one moves away from a
of state in the crystalline regime. This result indicates that free edge.
electrostatics are the dominant interaction between rods at The conflicting measurements of curvature modulus
Published on 29 July 2019. Downloaded by Brown University on 10/2/2024 8:01:22 PM.
surface–surface separation distances in the range 3–6 nm. demonstrate that the continuum properties of colloidal mem-
Consistent with the experimental results, the theory finds that branes are not well understood and further experimentation is
filament conformational fluctuations have a small effect on rod required. In particular, there is a need for methods that
interactions at inter-rod separations in the crystalline regime. use external force to robustly perturb a colloidal membrane
We found that theories which represent electrostatic effects structure in order to measure its bending rigidity. Alternatively,
through hard-core interactions and an ‘‘effective diameter’’ re-examining the height fluctuations of a colloidal membrane
could not describe the experimental measurements. Consistent viewed in the edge-on configuration, and how they depend on
with this observation, previous models of colloidal membranes the distance away from the edge, might provide additional
and rafts that did achieve quantitative agreement with experi- insight into the microscopic origin of previously measured
ments without accounting for electrostatics assumed that the bending fluctuations.
depletant osmotic pressure is given by an ideal equation of
state.4,59 In fact, the empirically measured equation of state for
dextran (eqn (9)) exceeds the ideal formula by an order of
Conflicts of interest
magnitude at experimentally relevant concentrations. There are no conflicts to declare.
Estimating elasticity of colloidal membranes. The measured
equation of state provides insight into the energetic cost of
elastically deforming colloidal membranes. Similar to lipid Acknowledgements
bilayers, the out-of-plane deformations of colloidal membranes
We thank Tom Powers for useful discussions, and Achini
are described by the Helfrich energy that contains two para-
Opathalage for suggestions related to the design of the micro-
meters, Gaussian and mean curvature moduli.60 The Gaussian
fluidic device. We acknowledge support of National Science
modulus of colloidal membranes, k, has been measured using
Foundation through grants (NSF-MRSEC-1420382, NSF-DMR-
two independent methods.61,62 Both methods yielded k, that is
1609742 and NSF-DMR-1905384). We also acknowledge use of
positive and of the order of B100 kBT, suggesting that mem-
Brandeis MRSEC biological synthesis facility, microfluidics
branes can lower their free energy by adopting saddle-splay
fabrication facility and optical microscopy facilities supported
configurations. An early study of colloidal membranes esti-
by NSF-MRSEC-1420382. TG thanks ID02 staff at the ESRF for
mated that k is also a few hundred kBT.1 The equation of state
their help with SAXS experiments.
yields an independent estimate of the curvature modulus, by
1 @A
calculating the lateral membrane compressibility, ka .
A @P Notes and references
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6802 | Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 6791--6802 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019