EM-24 - 11394 Macroporous Elastic Polyacrylamide Gels Prepared at Subzero Temperatures - Control of Porous Structure
EM-24 - 11394 Macroporous Elastic Polyacrylamide Gels Prepared at Subzero Temperatures - Control of Porous Structure
EM-24 - 11394 Macroporous Elastic Polyacrylamide Gels Prepared at Subzero Temperatures - Control of Porous Structure
Macroporous polyacrylamide gels (MPAAGs) with unique elastic morphology and open porous
structure are prepared at subzero temperatures. The porous structure of MPAAGs consisting of
large, 1–100 mm-sized interconnected pores, is controlled by the freezing temperature, the content
of the initiator system (ammonium persulfate and N,N,N9,N9-tetramethyl-ethylenediamine) in the
initial reaction mixture and the solvent used. The initiator content, through its effects on the
kinetics of polymerization, is an efficient tool of control allowing for the preparation of well
defined macroporous elastic structures with either open interconnected pores or closed pores. In
the semi-frozen reaction mixture, the dissolved monomers and initiators are concentrated in the
unfrozen liquid microphase where the polymerization reaction proceeds. The final freezing
temperature, Tf (defined as temperature fixed in a low temperature thermostat), as well as the
solvent used affect the porous structure through their effect on the formation of the unfrozen
liquid microphase.
This journal is ß The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006 J. Mater. Chem., 2006, 16, 4065–4073 | 4065
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Experimental was determined (md). The gel fraction yield was defined as
(md/mt) 6 100%, where mt is the total mass of the monomers
Materials in the feed mixture.
Acrylamide (AAm, more than 99.9% purity, electrophoresis Water flow resistance was determined as follows: the
reagent), N,N,N9,N9-tetramethyl-ethylenediamine (TEMED), MPAAG monoliths of the same geometrical size (inner
ammonium persulfate (APS), N,N9-methylenebis(acrylamide) diameter and height of the monolithic cryogel rod in the
(MBAAm), allyl glycidyl ether (AGE, 99%) were from Aldrich swollen state were 1 and 4 cm, respectively) were inserted
(Aldrich, Steinheim, FRG). Formamide was from Sigma into a glass column (i.d. 1 cm). The water flow path was
(St. Louis, USA). Dioxane and sodium chloride were from determined as a flow rate through the MPAAG monoliths
at the constant hydrostatic pressure equal to 1 m of water
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No re-swelling within 1 h
No re-swelling within 1 h
Gelation yield was determined as described in the Experimental section. b The water flow resistance was measured as described in the Experimental section. c The properties of a traditional
polyacrylamide gel prepared at room temperature and initiator concentration 1.2% are presented for comparison. d Compressive strength at failure at 24 and 30% compression for 1.2-PAAG
at high degrees of dehydration.20 However, ESEM is not
suitable to reveal the fine structure at the micrometer scale.
Re-swelling time of
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is suitable to charac-
terize the fine structures of porous materials but only in the
dried sample/s
dried state. For many soft and highly hydrated materials
this technique can hardly be used due to considerable
changes in pore structure when drying prior to sample
preparation for SEM. However, in the case of macroporous
cryogels (particularly, in the case of MPAAGs), SEM is the
Table 1 Properties of the MPAAGs prepared from reaction mixtures with different contents of initiating system (APS/TEMED)
(i.e. drying of the sample via gradual replacement of water
with ethanol, followed by critical point drying18) was non-
significant and the fine porous structure was essentially
preserved due to the mechanical stability of the pore walls in
MPAAGs. Thus, we believe that the fine porous structure of
the MPAAGs (roughness, tortuosity, micro/macro-porosity)
visualized by the SEM technique reflected the real structure of
the material, rather than appeared as the result of drying
Gel fraction
artifacts.20,29,30 yielda (%)
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Fig. 3 SEMs of MPAAG prepared in aqueous media at 212 uC with different contents of initiating system in the initial reaction mixture: (a,b)
1.2-MPAAG (freezing before gelation). (c,d) 5-MPAAG (freezing after gelation).
in size as protein molecules with sizes of a few nanometers The load–displacement curves obtained for 1.2-MPAAG
penetrate through the gel, e.g. during electrophoresis. showed typical behavior of highly elastic materials (Fig. 4).
However, there is a distribution of pore sizes. Hence, the 1.2-MPAAG showed no breaking point against compression
water starts freezing in larger voids whereas it is transported least at a strain of 90% (data not shown). These results indicate
through smaller pores to join the ice crystal as long as the that 1.2-MPAAG (i.e. prepared according to ‘‘freezing before
water remains above its freezing temperature in the smaller gelation’’) have extensive flexibility and shape-recovery pro-
pores. That process results in the formation of ‘‘ice lenses’’ perties against compression. The compressive strength for
surrounded by relatively desiccated areas. To some extent the 5-MPAAG was higher than that of 1.2-MPAAG (Table 1),
pore formation in the cryogels in this case is similar to ‘‘frost however failure occurred at compression .30% for 5-MPAAG
heave’’.41 Melting of ice lenses resulted finally in the formation due to the increased rigidity (compared to 1.2-MPAAG) of
of the closed pore structure of MPAAG. these gels and the formation of a porous structure with closed
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Table 2 Properties of the MPAAGs prepared at different temperatures from the reaction mixtures with 1.2% content of initiating system
Temperature/uC Notation for prepared MPAAG Gel fraction yield (%)a Compressive strength/kPab Water flow path/cm h21 c
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and 22% compression for D-MPAAG). For details see the Experimental section.
solvents for preparation of cryogels is mainly specified by the for PAAG synthesized in formamide (Fig. 8a). In contrast, the
melting point of the solvents, i.e. the solvents should be PAAG synthesized in 95% 1,4-dioxane showed microporous
freezable at moderately low temperatures (not lower than structure due to the segregation of the polymeric phase during
220 uC). The solvents can be divided into two categories: the polymerization process (Fig. 8c). The SEM micrograph of
solvents which are miscible with the resultant polymeric F-MPAAG prepared at 220 uC showed an oriented porous
network and solvents in which phase separation is initiated structure with long pores (Fig. 8b) as a result of the formation
during the polymerization process. Polymerization induced of needle like formamide crystals. Due to the solvent induced
phase separation (PIPS) is a process in which an initially phase separation process, a bimodal porous structure (com-
homogeneous solution of monomer and solvent becomes posed of large macropores with microporous pore walls) was
phase separated during the course of its polymerization.39 visualized for D-MPAAG (Fig. 8d). The high water flow
Righetti et al. synthesized macroporous acrylamide hydrogels resistance for D-MPAAG confirmed the preparation of a
by adding a hydrophilic polymer (polyethylene glycol) into porous structure with closed macropores (Table 3). The
the monomer mixtures.15 It was postulated that the competi- compressive strengths of F-MPAAG and D-MPAAG were
tion between the gelation process and the phase separation less than that of W-MPAAG (Table 3) due to the different
process is responsible for the formation of pores that are much porous structures of these gels.
larger than those obtained in the absence of added hydrophilic
polymer.15,52 Conclusion
The organic solvents formamide and 1,4-dioxane with
melting temperatures of 2 and 11 uC, respectively, and Pore size, shape and morphology in the macroporous poly-
different polarities (in the order: formamide . water . 1,4- acrylamide gels produced by radical polymerization at subzero
dioxane) were used for preparation of MPAAGs in water– temperatures can be controlled in a rational way. Depending
organic media at 220 uC (Table 3). The amount of initiating on the conditions used (the content of the initiator, freezing
system (APS/TEMED) in the reaction mixtures was kept in the temperature and the solvent used) a broad variety of porous
ratio to maintain the mode ‘‘freezing before gelation’’. Due to structures ranging from closed macropores with microporous
the association of polar molecules of formamide with the walls to open interconnected macropore systems with
monomer molecules (AAm and MBAAM), the formamide nonporous walls and uniform (in water) or oriented (in
solvent belongs to the first category (i.e. solvent miscible formamide) porosity have been produced. Presumably, the
with resultant polymeric network) and 1,4-dioxane, as
expected, is able to induce phase separation during the
polymerization process.
The freezing thermogram in formamide medium showed
overcooling to 214 uC for 2 min followed by a crystallization
plateau at around 25 uC (Fig. 7, dashed line). The freezing
thermogram in 90% dioxane is characterized by the plateau of
the solvent crystallization around 2.7 uC despite the fact that
pure dioxane freezes at 11 uC (Fig. 7, dotted line). In both
systems (formamide and 1,4-dioxane media) as well as in water
(Fig. 7, solid line, presented for comparison) the reaction
mixtures were frozen within 6 min (Fig. 7).
The SEM analysis of conventional PAAG synthesized in
95% formamide indicated a nonporous structure (Fig. 8a). The
association of the monomers (AAm and MBAAM) and the
Fig. 7 Thermograms for freezing of monomer solutions in 95%
polymer network with formamide results in better solvation of dioxane in the presence of 1.4% initiating system (APS/TEMED)
hydrophobic MBAAM in the formamide medium compared (dotted line) and 95% formamide in the presence of 0.5% initiating
to water and the probability for the formation of highly system (APS/TEMED) (dashed line) at 220 uC. The freezing
concentrated MBAAM regions within the network (that were thermogram of the monomer solution in water in the presence of
observed for PAAG prepared in water, Fig. 2) has disappeared 1.2% initiating system is presented for comparison (solid line).
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initiating system (APS/TEMED); and conventional PAAG prepared at 22 uC (c) and D-MPAAG prepared at 220 uC (d) in 95% dioxane in the
presence of 1.4% initiating system.
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