Ass DB
Ass DB
Ass DB
Name : abdelrahem Hussein ali
The instructor table. State the name of the join for the following output.
code: for database
INNER JOIN: To retrieve the information about courses and their instructors, you can use INNER JOIN to combine the
course and instructor tables based on the instructor_id column:
LEFT JOIN: To retrieve all courses, including those that do not have an instructor, you can use LEFT JOIN to combine
the course and instructor tables, keeping all records from the left (course) table:
RIGHT JOIN: To retrieve all instructors, including those who do not have a course, you can use RIGHT JOIN to combine
the course and instructor tables, keeping all records from the right (instructor) table:
For example:
It is used to specify the rule that CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INT PRIMARY
allows or restricts what KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, age INT
values/data will be stored in the CHECK (age >= 18), email VARCHAR(255)
1-critically evaluate NoSQL database types
NoSQL databases are non-relational databases that offer flexible data models and scalability
Type Description Advantages Disadvantages
ACID ACID compliant (Atomicity, Not always ACID compliant, with eventual consistency being a
Compliance Consistency, Isolation, Durability) common approach