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Pre Compliance Testing

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Failing EMC testing?

> 50% of products fail EMC testing first time around

An engineer of a small or medium size enterprise usually has to rely on his experience and
on best practice methods in order to design an EMC compliant product.
Nevertheless, it is estimated that > 50% of products fail testing first time around. Anytime
an engineer sends a new product for compliance testing, it is a shot in the dark.
Failing is very expensive. Not only that re-testing costs are high, but also the project
schedule and market introduction gets delayed.

What to do?
Besides applying best practice with respect to all EMC related aspects
of the design, it is essential to carry out pre-compliance testing

• Pre – compliance testing in a test house

• Pre – compliance testing in-house
EMC pre-compliance testing

Pre – compliance testing in a test house

Radiated emission tests are typically carried out in anechoic chambers, using antennas to
pick up the radiated signals. Due to bandwidth limitations, several antennas are required
to cover the complete frequency range. Furthermore, it requires much space and the
cost of the equipment for a standard conformant setup is immense.

Advantage: standard compliant test set up and accurate measurement results

Disadvantage: very expensive; time consuming – a test house is not always around the
corner and not any time available; quick modifications of the DUT can not be carried out
as conveniently as in the own lab

Pre – compliance testing in-house

Advantage: there are solutions for any budget; convenient; modifications can be
checked with respect to their effect on EMC immediately;
Disadvantage: depending on the available equipment, the set-up may not be
standard conformant; measurement results may need to be considered being rather
qualitative or relative than quantitative,
results must be interpreted carefully in order to develop countermeasures
historical data needs to be tracked to form meaningful limits on radiation
Tekbox EMC pre-compliance solutions
One of the key components for an in-house EMC compliance test set up is a
spectrum analyzer. Spectrum analyzers have significantly dropped in price over
the last years. Entry level models already start at approximately 1,5K USD.
However price of the remaining equippment required for pre-compliance testing is
still high.
In the laboratory of Tekbox, various EMC pre-compliance accessories were built
over the years for the purpose of in-house testing. It significantly reduced our failure
rate. Consequently we decided to industrialize our tools and to offer it at a very
competitive price. With Tekbox products, EMC pre-compliance testing has become
affordable for any company. A complete pre-compliance set up may cost less than
repeating a failed EMC test at the test house.

5µH LISN for conducted emission testing of DC powered equipment
50µH LISN for conducted emission testing of AC powered equipment
RF current monitoring probes for conducted emission testing on power, control or data cables
TEM cells in various sizes for radiated emission and immunity testing
Measurement antennas for various frequency ranges for radiated emission and immunity testing
EMC probe set to localize the origin of emissions or to localize the origin of immunity issues
Coupling / De-coupling networks for conducted immunity testing
Bulk current injection probes for conducted immunity testing
Modulated power amplifiers for immunity testing
Near field probes for localizing sources of radiation and immunity issues on PCB
EMCview software for CISPR 16 compliant measurements using spectrum analyzers
EMC precompliance test flow

• Step 1: Conducted emission testing and improvement

Conducted emissions often go hand in hand with radiated emissions. Reducing
conducted emissions also reduces radiated emissions
Required equipment: spectrum analyzer, LISN, RF current monitoring probes
• Step 2: Radiated emission testing
Check the radiated spectrum for spurious with excessive level
Required equipment: spectrum analyzer, TEM cell, measurement antennas
• Step 3: Localize the source(s) of excessive radiation and improvement
Scan the board with near field probes to track down the sources of radiation
and apply countermeasures
Required equipment: spectrum analyzer, RF near field probes
• Conducted immunity testing and improvement
Required equipment: RF signal generator, Modulated power amplifier, CDN or BCI probe
alternatively: Spectrum analyzer tracking generator substituting RF signal generator
• Step 4: Radiated immunity testing
Required equipment: RF signal generator, Modulated power amplifier, TEM cell
alternatively: Spectrum analyzer tracking generator substituting RF signal generator
• Step 5: Localize the origin of immunity issues and improvement
Feed the near field probes with an RF signal and scan the board to track
down the origin of immunity issues; apply countermeasures
Required equipment: RF signal generator + (RF power amplifier) + EMC near field probes
alternatively: Spectrum analyzer tracking generator driving TBMDA1
Conducted emission testing

Setup for conducted emission testing of automotive equipment (e.g. CISPR25)

EMCview software

The DUT shall be isolated and elevated from the groundplane. The spectrum
analyzer shall measure the conducted emissions on both supply lines. The RF output of
the unused LISN shall be terminated with 50 Ohm. If the power return line is less
than 200 mm, a set up with a single LISN is sufficient. For the exact details of the set up
and for the limits of conducted emissions refer to the CISPR 25 or relevant
applicable standard.
Conducted emission testing

Setup for conducted emission testing of AC-powered equipment (e.g.CISPR16)

EMCview software

The DUT shall be isolated and elevated from the groundplane. The spectrum
analyzer shall measure the conducted emissions on both line and neutral.
The value of the parallel combination of the capacitors is 12µF from line and neutral to ground.
This causes around 0.75A flowing into the earth connection and would trip the ground fault switch.
Hence, an insulation transformer is required and good grounding is essential for safety.
For the exact details of the set up and for the limits of conducted emissions
refer to the CISPR 16 or other relevant applicable standard. A built in limiter or
a limiter between the LISN RF output and spectrum analyzer is essential for the protection
of the equipment.
Radiated emission testing

Setup for radiated emission testing

Terminate any of the two ports of the TEM cell with the 50Ω load, connect the DC-Block to the
other port and connect it to the input of the spectrum analyzer. Place the DUT under the septum
and power it on.
Monitor the radiated spectrum.
As a rule of thumb, given that the PCB is positioned not much higher than 1-2cm above the bottom
wall, any spurious with amplitudes higher than 40dµV may potentially cause a failed compliance
Use compliance tested DUTs and the corresponding test reports as a reference for measurements
in the TEM cell.
Read chapter 3 of https://www.tekbox.com/product/QA_OpenTEMCells.pdf for more information
on conversion of measurement results.
Affordable Tekbox measurement antennas complement TEM cell measurements for
an optimum approach to pre-compliance radiated noise testing.
Radiated emission testing

Radiated emission testing using measurement antennas and EMCview


EMCview software

Use EMCview to apply the antenna factors to the measured spurious levels
Localizing the source of emissions

Localize the source of unwanted emissions on the DUT PCB using near field probes and a
spectrum analyzer.
Implement counter measures and re-test the DUT inside the TEM cell to verify if the
modifications result in a reduction of the radiated emissions
Simplify testing with EMCview

• numerous pre-configured project files for CISPR-xx (EN550xx) emission measurements

• Graph supports two complete measurement runs, same as in test house
• fast Quasi-Peak scan of critical peaks, immune to frequency drift of the selected peaks
• configurable limit lines and segment files
• configurable correction files for cable, LISN, amplifier, antenna etc.
• configurable margins for the identification and selection of critical peaks
• supports import and overlaying of reference measurements for comparison purpose
• linear or logarithmic frequency axis
• automatic creation of test reports
• many import/export-functions
• Selective measurement of frequency segments
• RF-coverage measurement mode
• modifications result in a reduction of the radiated emissions

Supports all Rigol and Siglent spectrum analyzer models. Support for Rohde & Schwarz FPC and FPH
series. Support of Owon analyzers.
Check our website for the latest list of supported analyzers and for the latest EMCview version.
RF immunity testing
Setup for RF immunity testing


Terminate any of the two ports of the TEM cell with the 50Ω load, and connect the signal
generator + power amplifier to the other port. The signal needs to be AM modulated (80%)
according to most standards. The power of the signal has to be chosen according to the
required field strength. Place the DUT under the septum and power it on.
Sweep the signal generator and monitor the DUT for RF immunity issues.
The picture above shows a minimum setup. Inserting a directional coupler with connected RF
power meter in between power amplifier and TEM cell would be of advantage to monitor
power levels.
Depending on selected TEM cell and Tekbox modulated power amplifier, field strength of up to
600V/m can be generated.
Radiated immunity testing

Alternative set up for RF immunity testing using a tracking generator as signal source

EMCview software

EMCview can also be used to control the tracking generator of spectrum analyzers. Various modes
such as manual frequency stepping, fixed frequency, frequency sweep with configurable step size
and dwell time and more enable versatile control of the tracking generator.
Localizing the origin of immunity issues

Localize the section on the DUT PCB which is susceptible to RF.

Use a power amplifier only, if the output power of the Signal generator alone was not sufficient to
reproduce the immunity issue.
Implement counter measures and re-test the DUT inside the TEM cell to verify if the modifications
removed the RF immunity issues.
Conducted immunity testing using CDNs

Use EMCview Pro to calibrate the set up and run the immunity test.
Conducted immunity testing using BCI probes

Use EMCview Pro to calibrate the set up and run the immunity test.
Further details can be found in our product
manuals and application notes on www.tekbox.com

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