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Slides Part3

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Kumud Singh,

SO/F, Electromagnetic Applications Section

Accelerator Control Division
Contact no. 25596437, kumuds@barc.gov.in
Complying Standards
The standards establishes interface and associated verification
requirements for the control of the electromagnetic
interference (emission and susceptibility) characteristics of
electronic, electrical, and electromechanical equipment and
subsystems designed or procured for commercial or defence

1. Conducted Emission - CE
2. Radiated Emission - RE
3. Conducted Susceptibility - CS
4. Radiated susceptibility – RS

Commercial EMC regulations :Federal Communications

Commission (FCC) regulates the use of radio and wire
MIL-STD-461E - Requirements for the control of
Electromagnetic interference Characteristics of subsystems and
Equipment for Defence applications
Three sections of the FCC Rules and Regulations* have requirements
that are applicable to non-licensed electronic equipment. These
requirements are contained in
Part 15 for radio frequency devices;
Part 18 for industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment; and
Part 68 for terminal equipment connected to the telephone network
Part 15 is organized into six parts.

Subpart A —General,
Subpart B —Unintentional Radiators,
Subpart C —Intentional Radiators,
Subpart D —Unlicensed Personal Communications Devices,
Subpart E —Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
Devices, and
Subpart F —Ultra-Wideband Operation.
FCC subpart B
An unintentional radiator (device or system) that generates and uses
timing signals or pulses at a rate in excess of 9000 pulses (cycles) per
second and uses digital techniques; inclusive of telephone
equipment that uses digital techniques or any device or system that
generates and uses radio frequency energy for the purpose of
performing data processing functions, such as electronic
computations, operations, transformations, recording, filing, sorting,
storage, retrieval or transfer

Digital devices covered by this definition are divided into the

following two classes:
Class A: A digital device that is marketed for use in a commercial,
industrial, or business environment

Class B: A digital device that is marketed for use in a residential

environment, notwithstanding use in commercial, business, and
industrial environments
Emission Limits
The FCC Part 15 EMC Regulations limit the maximum allowable
conducted emission, on the ac power line in the range of 0.150 to 30
MHz, and the maximum radiated emission in the frequency range of
30 MHz to 40 GHz.
Emission and susceptibility requirements
Pre-compliance EMC measurements
 Compliance measurements performed according to various
EMC regulations using expensive and complex test facilities,
such as an open area test site (OATS) or a large semi-
anechoic chamber.

 The advantages of early EMC testing during the design phase

of a product include the following:
 Increasing the probability of passing the final compliance test
 Minimizing the number of retests required for compliance at an
EMC test Laboratory
 Eliminating surprises late in the design (caused by EMC failures)
 Ensuring that EMC considerations are part of the design—not add
Test environment
Radiated emission test facilities are carefully designed and
constructed to control reflections. The objective is to have only
one reflective surface, and that is the ground plane.

An OATS does this by locating the facility in an open area with

no metallic objects nearby. The one reflective surface consists
of a metallic ground plane located at the site.

A large semi-anechoic chamber,* with a 3- or 10-m measuring

distance, accomplishes the same objective by having a metallic
ground plane (the chamber floor) and using radio frequency (rf)
absorber material (carbon loaded pyramidal cones and/or ferrite
tiles) on the walls and ceiling to absorb rf energy and prevent
Test environment

Open area test site (OATS) for FCC radiated emission test. The equipment
under test (EUT) is on the turntable.
Test environment

A typical semi-anechoic chamber for radiated emission measurements

Common mode currents on the cable
The most useful pre-compliance measurement that you can make is to
measure the common-mode currents on all the cables attached to your

Because cables are always a major source of product radiation,

measuring the common-mode current is one of the most useful tests
that you can learn to do. The common-mode current can easily be
measured with a high-frequency, clamp-on current probe and a
spectrum analyzer
Conducted Emission tests
 This requirement is applicable for power leads, including
returns, that obtain power from other sources not part of
the EUT (Equipment under test). Conducted emission
regulations limit the voltage that is conducted back onto
the ac power line in the test frequency range .

 Pre-compliance conducted emission tests can be

performed easily using a line impedance stabilization
network (LISN)
Conducted Emission tests
Conducted Emission limits
CE 101(30 Hz-10 KHz) MIL-STD 461E
measurement (dB μA)
The limits are in terms of
current because of the
difficulty in controlling the
power source impedance in
test facilities at lower
frequencies. This type of
control would be necessary
to specify the limits in
terms of voltage. Emission
current levels will be
somewhat independent of
power source impedance
variations as long as the
impedance of the emission
source is large relative to
the power source
CE 102 (10 kHz to 10 MHz)measurements
This requirement is applicable to equipment and subsystem AC and
DC input power leads, not including returns. If the EUT is DC
operated, this requirement is applicable over the frequency range of
30 Hz to 150 kHz.
If the EUT is AC operated, this requirement is applicable starting from
the second harmonic of the EUT power frequency and extending to
150 kHz.
Line Impedance stabilization Network

 The power source impedance control provided by the LISN is a

critical element of this test. This control is imposed due to
wide variances in characteristics of shielded room filters and
power line impedances among various test agencies and to
provide repeatability through standardization. The LISN
standardizes this impedance. The impedance present at the
EUT electrical interface is influenced by the circuit
characteristics of the power lead wires to the LISNs.
Radiation Emission tests
 RE101, Radiated emissions, magnetic field, 30 Hz to 100 kHz.
This requirement is specialized and is intended primarily to control
magnetic fields for applications where equipment is present in the
installation which is potentially sensitive to magnetic induction at lower
frequencies. The most common example is a tuned receiver that
operates within the frequency range of the test
Radiation Emission tests
 RE102, radiated
emissions, electric
field, 10 kHz to 18
 This requirement is
applicable for radiated
emissions from
equipment and
subsystem enclosures,
all interconnecting
cables, and antennas
designed to be
permanently mounted
to EUTs (receivers and
transmitters in standby
Radiation Emission tests
Numerical Questions
Que 1: In Fig. P2-1 the stray capacitance between conductors 1 and 2 is 50 pF. Each
conductor has a capacitance to ground of 150 pF. Conductor 1 has a 10-V
alternating current (ac) signal at a frequency of 100 kHz on it. What is the noise
voltage picked up by conductor 2 if its termination RT is:
a. An infinite resistance?
b. A 1000-Ohm resistance?
c. A 50-O resistance?
Numerical Questions
Que 2: Fig. P2-2, a grounded shield is placed around conductor 2. The capacitance
from conductor 2 to the shield is 100 pF, The capacitance between conductors 2
and 1 is 2 pF, and the capacitance between conductor 2 and ground is 5 pF.
Conductor 1 has a 10-V ac signal at a frequency of 100 kHz on it. For this
configuration, what is the noise voltage picked up by conductor 2 if its termination
RT is:
a. An infinite resistance?
b. A 1000-O resistance?
c. A 50-O resistance?
Numerical Questions
Que 3: What is the maximum value of the mutual inductance between two

Que 4: How does the magnitude of the magnetic field vary versus distance from:
a. A single isolated conductor?
b. Closely spaced parallel conductors carrying the signal and return current?

Que 5: A receptor circuit consists of a 1-m long wire, located 5 cm above a ground
plane. Each end of the circuit is terminated with a 50-O resistor. An electric field
induces a noise current of 0.5 mA into the circuit. The magnetic field from the
same noise source induces a noise voltage of 25 mV into the circuit.
a. If the noise voltage is measured across each of the terminating resistors, what
will the two readings be?
b. What general conclusion can you draw from the above results?
c. What will happen if the polarity of the magnetic-field induced voltage is
Numerical Questions
Que 6: Explain why an unshielded twisted pair will only provide protection against
capacitive pickup when its terminations are balanced (i.e., both have the same
impedance to ground)?

Que 7.Calculate the shielding effectiveness of a 0.015-in-thick copper shield located 1 in

from the source of a 10-kHz magnetic field.

Que 8.What would be the shielding effectiveness of the shield of the previous problem if
it were located in the far field?

Que 9.What is the shielding effectiveness of a 0.032-in thick, soft aluminum shield
located 1 ft away from the source of a 10-kHz electric field?

Que 10.A shield is located 6 in from the source of an electric or magnetic field. Above
what frequency should the far field equations be used?

Que 11.Calculate the absorption loss of three different copper shields, 0.020 in,0.040 in,
and 0.060 in thick, to a 1-kHz magnetic field.

Que 12. A shield that contains 10 identical holes in a linear array is required to have 30
dB of shielding effectiveness at 100 MHz. What is themaximum linear dimension of one

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