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MARCH 2023

1. Paving our Way for Continuity of Learning

By Elizabeth S. Cuizon

(A) The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our education system
over the past months. (B) Despite this, the Department of Education has been
adamant about delivering quality education for all learners. (C) Teachers have
undergone various training and webinars to be equipped for the new normal.
(D) Likewise, parents have been informed of essential information about the
distance learning delivery modalities. (E) Modules and other supplementary
learning materials have been produced. (F) All of these have helped ensure
school readiness for the new normal in education.

1. What is the main topic of the paragraph?

A. education B. learners C. pandemic D. teachers

2. What is the main idea presented in the paragraph?

A. Preparations have been made before the school year began.
B. The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed our education system.
C. Teachers have undergone various training and webinars to be equipped
for the new normal in education.
D. The Department of Education has been adamant about continuing to
deliver quality education for all learners.

3-5. Identify three (3) sentences from the paragraph that support the main
idea. Write the letter that corresponds to your chosen sentences.
Sentence ____________________________________________
Sentence ____________________________________________
Sentence ____________________________________________

2. "A Message of Hope."

Video transcript:

It's interesting that the things we cherish most are the same things we walk
right by. They become so intertwined in the status quo that ultimately, it becomes
impossible to tell them apart from our day to day. That is impossible until things
change because, as it turns out, that the thing we call life, it has a say. There's a
saying you never really know what you have until it's gone. Sometimes it takes the
most abrasive of reminders, the harshest of times, to help us recapture that
perspective, to lift us up and show us what we had previously failed to see. And while
our darkest moments test our strength, they push our boundaries, even transform
our reality. They can also be the bridge that leads us exactly where we need to be.
They remind us that sometimes it's not about how we spend our time, but who we
spend it with.That quiet brings clarity, and the world can spin so fast that we forget to think
about our place within it. It reminds us how humanity is more significant than the sum
of its parts, and it takes just as much energy to build up as it does to tear down. It
reminds us that no matter where we live, what we speak, or who we pray to, we're
not so different after all. It reminds us that there is so much good in this world than
evil, so much more love than hate, and so much promise for tomorrow. Someday,
we'll look back on this moment with the lessons we've learned, the hardships we've
faced. We will be reminded of the miracle that is the human spirit, unwavering in its
resolve, unbreakable at its foundation, stronger than we could ever comprehend.
See, sometimes, it's hard to look around and find a reason to be optimistic, to
understand or comprehend "why." But what we'll find is that if we look hard enough,
immersed in the uncertainty, the disruption, and in some cases the tragedy, there's
something to be gained.A tiny candle flickering in the night that will eventually grow to light our
way.Because that road to tomorrow is paved with hope, there are pages unwritten, stories
untold, and a new chapter to begin.

Main Idea:_______________________________
Detail 1_______________________________________________

Detail 2_______________________________________________

Detail 3______________________________________________



Video transcript:
Let's learn about the importance of vaccination. While a vast
majority of parents get their children vaccinated, very few know how they work and
some are sceptical. Over the past 50 years, immunization has saved millions of lives
and made once common diseases like measles, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis B, mumps,
and pertussis. Vaccination protects you and your loved ones from serious illnesses
and complications from those illnesses such as hearing loss, seizures, brain damage,
and death. Not vaccinating your kids puts them at risk for all of these things. But it also
puts countless other people at risk as well. If your child isn't immune, they are capable
of spreading the disease to other people who have weak immune systems, aren't
vaccinated, or are too young to be vaccinated. Contracting one of these diseases that
only has the potential to kill those who can't be vaccinated infants and people who are
immunocompromised but could also cause an outbreak an outbreak is a cluster of
cases of a particular disease within a community. Outbreaks and epidemics caused by
unvaccinated individuals are becoming more and more common. For example, one
person with measles who didn't yet know they were sick. Disney's Magic Kingdom
recently started an outbreak that spread across half of the United States and infected
189 people. There was no magic that caused this disease to spread so fast and so
wide. It happened because people were unvaccinated, and measles is extremely
contagious. Measles has been declared eliminated in the U.S in 2000, but now it's
back. To keep deadly diseases from returning and spreading, we need to have enough
people vaccinated to act like a force field. Those that are immune surround an infected
individual and prevent disease in taking hold in a community. It is everyone's
responsibility to prevent measles and other diseases from turning the happiest place
on earth into the home base of a dangerous upgrade. Vaccines are safe and effective.
They may not be magic, but they'll protect you and your loved ones. We are a
community. We vaccinate to protect. Hashtag immunity in your community.

A. Directions: Use one of the given expressions to agree or disagree with each
1. Vaccination is essential to protect people against contagious diseases.
2. Vaccines work like magic. They wipe off diseases in a snap.
3. Measles and rubella are diseases that vaccines cannot cure.

4. Unvaccinated individuals can cause outbreaks and pandemics.

5. Community members need to support vaccination to stop the spread of



Transcript: Why should you a typical person care about the health of the
environment. You have your own job your own family and your own personal
interests. So, why should you take the time to concern yourself with
environmental issues that appear to have no effect on your everyday life? Let's
take a look forward to the year 2100 by looking at the life of your now grown-up
grandson or daughter. The average global temperature has increased by
approximately four degrees Celsius and this dramatic increase caused the sea
levels to rise six feet. if he or she is one of the seven hundred million people,
10% of the world's population that lives in a coastal area, they and millions of
others will no longer have a house to call their own. This increase in temperature
has also plunged 40 percent of the Earth's habitable regions into severe droughts
which has resulted in widespread famine and increased food prices around the
globe. and while the world's largest cities like Manhattan, Los Angeles, Shanghai,
Tokyo and Mumbai are underwater, reliable sources of fresh water are
unavailable to a significant portion of the population. And the worst part is that
the global temperature is expected to rise not pay for degrees but by six.

1. What type of evidence was used in the selection?

2. What was the result of the increase in temperature?
3. Why should we care about the health of the environment?
4. The average global temperature would possibly increase by 4 degrees Celsius and will
cause the sea levels to rise six feet.. what type of evidence is this?
5. is the article relevant to the world? Why?

5. Single-Parent Families Cause Juvenile Crime

R L Maginnis Date Published 1997
Children from single-parent families are more likely to have behavioral problems because they
tend to lack economic security and adequate time with parents.
The Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency reports that the most reliable indicator of
violent crime in a community is the proportion of fatherless families. Fathers typically offer
economic stability, a role model for boys, greater household security, and reduced stress for
mothers. This is especially true for families with adolescent boys, the most crime-prone cohort.
Children from single-parent families are more prone than children from two-parent families to
use drugs, be gang members, be expelled from school, be committed to reform institutions, and
become juvenile murderers. Single parenthood inevitably reduces the amount of time a child
has in interaction with someone who is attentive to the child's needs, including the provision of
moral guidance and discipline. According to a 1993 Metropolitan Life Survey, "Violence in
America's Public Schools," 71 percent of teachers and 90 percent of law enforcement officials
state that the lack of parental supervision at home is a major factor that contributes to the
violence in schools. Sixty-one percent of elementary students and 76 percent of secondary
children agree with this assessment.
1. What is the main argument of the article?
2. Base on the study done by the Journal of research in Crime and Delinquency what is
the most prevalent indicator of violent crime in a community?
3. Who is the most crime -prone cohort?
4. What is the major factor that contributes to the violence in schools?
5. How many percentage of law enforcement joined the survey?

6. Directions: Listen to an excerpt from Angelina Jolie's speech on Equality for

Women. Then, answer the questions that follow.

A. analogical evidence C. statistical evidence

B. anecdotal evidence D. testimonial evidence

A study done on tablet vs book reading found that people read 20-
30% slower on tablets, retain 20% less information, and understand 10% less
of what they read compared to people who read the same information in print.

“..In fact, our support should be strongest where rights are threatened the
most. We seem incapable of upholding minimum standards of humanity in many
parts of the world. That this comes at a time when humankind is richer, and more
technologically advanced than ever before, is all the more painful. Eighteen years
ago, when I first began working with the UN Refugee Agency, there were just under
20 million displaced people worldwide, and the numbers were falling. Today there
are over 65 million people displaced, and the numbers are rising. More countries
are experiencing some form of violent conflict today than any time in the last thirty
years. UN peacekeepers now comprise of the second largest group of forces
deployed overseas, and are often required to serve where there is little or no peace
to be kept. Against this backdrop, it is easy to dismiss our institutions as flawed or
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjfKL5vYThs (starts at 1:53 and ends

1. What is the point/claim raised in the excerpt?

2. What pieces of evidence were provided to support the point/claim?
3. What are the types of the pieces of evidence used?
4. How do the pieces of evidence relate to the point/claim?
5. Are the pieces of evidence enough to prove the point? Why or why not?

Listen to an excerpt from Emma Watson's speech on Gender Equality and analyze
how the speech was analyzed and evaluated. You may refer to the transcript given
“Men—I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender
equality is your issue too. Because to date, I’ve seen my father’s role as a parent being
valued less by society despite my needing his presence as a child as much as my
mother’s. I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help for
fear it would make them look less “macho”—in fact in the UK suicide is the biggest
killer of men between 20-49 years of age; eclipsing road accidents, cancer and
coronary heart disease. I’ve seen men made fragile and insecure by a distorted sense
of what constitutes male success. Men don’t have the benefits of equality either. We
don’t often talk about men being imprisoned by gender stereotypes but I can see that
that they are and that when they are free, things will change for women as a natural
consequence. If men don’t have to be aggressive in order to be accepted women won’t
feel compelled to be submissive. If men don’t have to control, women won’t have to be
controlled. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women
should feel free to be strong... It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum not
as two opposing sets of ideals.”
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9FPp3YzjB4 ; starts

List the point/claim in the paragraph

Point/Claim: ________________________________________________________
Evidence: __________________________________________________________

Point/Claim: ________________________________________________________
Evidence: __________________________________________________________

Directions: Listen to an excerpt from Emily Blunt's speech on Women's Education,

then complete the table that follows. You may refer to the transcript given below.

“So, Malala is the name of a 19th century Afghan freedom fighter. It’s a soft sounding
name that certainly packs a punch and how appropriate for the person who bears it.
The most compassionate of hearts, but courage and will of steel. Her name is sort of
seared into our memories when news broke of the 15-year-old girl who was shot in
the head by the Taliban on her school bus after hearing the demand, ‘Which one is
Malala?’ And we wanted to know the same, who was she. This girl shot in the head
for championing in girls’ education. Who was she? She along with her friends on that
bus was determined to continue her education no matter the threat. And as schools
were bombed and houses were raided, and teachers were killed. She was unbowed
and untethered by the intolerable limitations that were placed on her freedom to be in
the one place that she wanted to be in school. When the bullets rained down on these
girls, the world stopped in their tracks and they listened to Malala. But most importantly
so did millions of girls around the world put in the same position. This courageous
eloquent and inspiring girl became their light. There are over 130 million girls missing
out on an education. Because they have to work, or they are married by the age of 12
or they lack access to school facilities or have to care for younger siblings. Denying
them their fundamental right to an education. And the Malala fund is working tirelessly
to ensure 12 years of school until they are 18 for every girl worldwide.”

POINT/CLAIM :___________________________________

EVIDENCE : ____________________________________

TYPE OF EVIDENCE:_____________________________________



Choices for Types of Evidences:

A. analogical evidence C. statistical evidence
B. anecdotal evidence D. testimonial evidence

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