Matery Boct
Matery Boct
Matery Boct
1.1.1 Background
Tankers can range in size of capacity from several hundred tons, which includes vessels
for servicing small harbors and coastal settlements, to several hundred thousand tons, for
long-range haulage. Besides ocean-or seagoing tankers there are also specialized inland-
waterway tankers which operate on rivers and canals with an average cargo capacity up to
some thousand tons. A wide range of products are carried by tankers, including:
■ hydrocarbon products such as oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and liquefied
natural gas (LNG)
■ chemicals, such as ammonia, chlorine, and styrene monomer
■ freshwater
■ wine
■ molasses
Tankers are a relatively new concept, dating from the later years of the 19th century.
Before this, technology had simply not supported the idea of carrying bulk liquids. The
market was also not geared towards transporting or selling cargo in bulk, therefore most
ships carried a wide range of different products in different holds and traded outside fixed
routes. Liquids were usually loaded in casks—hence the term "tonnage", which refers to
the volume of the holds in terms of how many tuns or casks of wine could be carried. Even
potable water, vital for the survival of the crew, was stowed in casks. Carrying bulk liquids
in earlier ships posed several problems:
■ The holds: on timber ships the holds were not sufficiently water, oil or air-tight to
prevent a liquid cargo from spoiling or leaking. The development of iron and steel hulls
solved this problem.
■ Loading and discharging: Bulk liquids must be pumped - the development of
efficient pumps and piping systems was vital to the development of the tanker. Steam
engines were developed as prime-movers for early pumping systems. Dedicated cargo
handling facilities were now required ashore too - as was a market for receiving a
product in that quantity. Casks could be unloaded using ordinary cranes, and the
awkward nature of the casks meant that the volume of liquid was always relatively small
- therefore keeping the market more stable.
■ Free Surface Effect: a large body of liquid carried aboard a ship will impact on the
ship's stability, particularly when the liquid is flowing around the hold or tank in
response to the ship's movements. The effect was negligible in casks, but could cause
capsizing if the tank extended the width of the ship; a problem solved by extensive
subdivision of the tanks.
Tankers were first used by the oil industry to transfer refined fuel in bulk from refineries to
customers. This would then be stored in large tanks ashore, and subdivided for delivery to
individual locations. The use of tankers caught on because other liquids were also cheaper
to transport in bulk, store in dedicated terminals, then subdivide. Even the Guinness
brewery used tankers to transport the stout across the Irish Sea. Different products require
different handling and transport, with specialized variants such as "chemical tankers", "oil
tankers", and "LNG carriers" developed to handle dangerous chemicals, oil and oil-derived
products, and liquefied natural gas respectively. Among oil tankers, supertankers are
designed for transporting oil around the Horn of Africa from the Middle East. The
supertanker Sea wise Giant, scrapped in 2010, was 458 meters (1,503 ft) in length and 69
meters (226 ft) wide. Supertankers are one of the three preferred methods for transporting
large quantities of oil, along with pipeline transport and rail. Despite being highly regulated,
tankers have been involved in environmental disasters resulting from oil spills. See Exxon
Valdez, Braer, Prestige oil spill, Torrey Canyon, and Erika for examples of coastal
Petroleum Tankers
Typical Min Typical Max
Class Length Beam Draft
Seaway max 226 m (741 ft) 24 m (79 ft) 7.92 m (26.0 10,000 DWT 60,000 DWT
228.6 m 32.3 m 12.6 m (41
Panamax 60,000 DWT 80,000 DWT
(750 ft) (106 ft) ft)
253.0 m 44.2 m 11.6 m (38
Aframax 80,000 DWT 120,000 DWT
(830.1 ft) (145 ft) ft)
Suezmax 16 m (52 ft) 120,000 DWT 200,000 DWT
VLCC 470 m 60 m (200
20 m (66 ft) 200,000 DWT 315,000 DWT
(Malaccamax) (1,540 ft) ft)
ULCC 320,000 DWT 550,000 DWT
There are more ships smaller in size. At nearly 380 vessels in the size range 279,000
DWT to 320,000 DWT, these are by far the most popular size range among the larger
VLCCs. Only seven vessels are larger than this, and approximately 90 between
Flag states
As of 2005, the United States Maritime Administration's statistics count 4,024 tankers of
10,000 DWT or greater world wide P^ 2,582 of these are double-hulled. Panama is the
leading flag state of tankers with 592 registered ships. Five other flag states have more
than two hundred registered tankers: Liberia (520), The Marshall Islands (323), Greece
(233), Singapore (274) and The Bahamas (215). These flag states are also the top six in
terms of fleet size in terms of deadweight tonnage.^
Largest fleets
Greece, Japan, and the United States are the top three owners of tankers (including those
owned but registered to other nations), with 733, 394, and 311 vessels respectively. These
three nations account for 1,438 vessels or over 36% of the world's fleet.
Asian companies dominate the construction of tankers. Of the world's 4,024 tankers, 2,822
Compartments by fore-and-aft bulkheads. The tanks are numbered with tank one being the
forward most. Individual compartments are referred to by the tank number and the after
part ships position, such as "one port", "three starboard", or "six center.''
A cofferdam is a small space left open between two bulkheads, to give protection from
heat, fire, or collision. Tankers generally have cofferdams forward and aft of the cargo
tanks, and sometimes between individual tanks. A pump room houses all the pumps
connected to a tanker's cargo lines. Some larger tankers have two pump rooms. A pump
room generally spans the total breadth of the ship.
In every crude oil tanker of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above and every product
carrier of 30,000 tonnes deadweight and above delivered after 1 June 1982, as defined in
regulation 1.28.4, except those tankers that meet regulation 19, the segregated ballast
tanks required to provide the capacity to comply with the requirements of paragraph 2 of
this regulation, which are located within the cargo tank length, shall be arranged in
accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 13, 14 and 15 of this regulation to
provide a measure of protection against oil outflow in the event of grounding or collision.
(MARPOL Annex I Reg 18.12) Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers
delivered before 6 July 1996 For the purposes of this regulation, oil tankers are divided
into the following categories:
- Category 2 oil tanker means an oil tanker of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above
carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000
tonnes deadweight and above carrying oil
other than the above, which complies with the requirements for oil tankers delivered
after 1 June 1982, as defined in regulation 1.28.4 of this Annex; and
- Category 3 oil tanker means an oil tanker of 5,000 tonnes deadweight and above
but less than that
A major component of tanker architecture is the design of the hull or outer structure. A
tanker with a single outer shell between the product and the ocean is said to be single-
hulled. Most newer tankers are double-hulled, with an extra space between the hull and
the storage tanks. Hybrid designs such as double-bottom and double-sided combine
aspects of single and double-hull designs. All single-hulled tankers around the world will
be phased out by 2026, in accordance with the International Convention for the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (MARPOL). The United Nations has decided to phase out
single hull oil tankers by 2010. In 1998, the Marine Board of the National Academy of
Science conducted a survey of industry experts regarding the pros and cons of double-hull
design. Some of the advantages of the double-hull design that were mentioned include
ease of ballasting in emergency situations reduced practice of saltwater ballasting in cargo
tanks decreases corrosion increased environmental protection cargo discharge is quicker,
more complete and easier tank washing is more efficient and better protection in low-
impact collisions and grounding. The same report lists the following as some drawbacks to
the double-hull design, including higher build costs greater operating expenses (e.g.
higher canal and port tariffs) difficulties in ballast tank ventilation the fact that ballast tanks
need continuous monitoring and maintenance increased transverse free surface the
greater number of surfaces to maintain the risk of explosions in double-hull spaces if a
vapor detection system not fitted and that cleaning ballast tanks is more difficult for double
hull ships
In all, double-hull tankers are said to be safer than a single-hull in a grounding incident,
especially when the shore is not very rocky. The safety benefits are less clear on larger
vessels and in cases of high speed impact. Although double-hull design is superior in low
energy casualties and prevents spillage in small casualties, in high energy casualties
where both hulls are breached, oil can spill through the double-hull and into the sea.
Pipelines are simply what their name suggests, lengths of steel pipes which connect
groups of cargo tanks to one another and by which those tanks are loaded and
discharged. Short lengths are bolted together by means of flanges or expansion joints.
The latter consists of an oil-tight metal collar which surrounds the ends of two lengths and
as the ends of the lengths do not touch, any horizontal thermal expansion or contraction
will not damage the pipeline. Figure 5.1 shows a cross-section of an expansion joint. Lines
pass directly through bulkheads, once again being secured by oil-tight flanges, and any
sharp turns are constructed by bolting short curved lengths of pipe,' known as bends, into
the system. Branch lines are short lengths of pipes which serve individual tanks, the ends
of such pipes expanding into a shape known as 'bell mouth', 'elephant's foot', or simply
'tank suction'. The tank main pipelines connect with cargo pumps and the deck pipelines,
the diameter of the pipes varying from 25-30 cm (10-12 in) to 91 cm (36 in) depending
upon the size of the vessel.
Figure 1 . 1 Expansion joint. For purposes of clarity only two bolts are shown
The various valves fitted within the pipeline system fall into five basic categories:
Manifold valves
Cargo is loaded or discharged via shore hoses or metal loading arms which connect to
athwart ships deck pipelines known as manifolds. Valves which are constructed in the
lines close to the connecting flanges route the cargo as desired by the ship's officers.
Drop valves
Each of the main tank pipelines has a counterpart on deck and loading lines which lead
vertically from the deck lines to the tank lines are known as drop lines. Each main line has
one or two drop lines and drop valves control the flow of oil in those lines. Refer to Figure
5.2 and locate the drop valves and the other valves mentioned in this section.
Master valves
At each place where a fore-and-aft pipeline passes through a tank bulkhead a valve is
fitted in the line. This is known as a master valve and separates tanks served by the same
fore-and-aft line. Tanks are usually constructed in sets of three transversely and are
numbered from forward, e.g. the foremost three tanks are called 'One Port' (IP), 'One
Centre' (1C), and 'One Starboard' (IS). The three tanks as a set are known as 'One
Across1 (IX). Thus to separate the cargo in IX from 2X the master valves in the lines at the
athwart ships bulkhead between the tanks must be closed.
Crossover valves
Athwart ships tank lines joining the main lines are known as crossover lines and the
crossover valves separate the main lines from each other as well as separating individual
tanks. Thus 2P can be separated from 2C by a crossover valve. Briefly, master valves
separate in a fore-and-aft direction and crossovers in athwart ships direction.
Tank valves
Close to each bell mouth is located a valve which controls the flow of oil into and out of
that tank.
These valves are operated either manually from the deck above or automatically from the
cargo control room. Manual valves are operated by turning a wheel on a deck stand; this
turns a metal extended spindle rod which opens the valve in the pipeline. Automatic
valves are activated by an hydraulic oil pipeline system similar to that which operates
steering gears. Many manual valves are of the 'gate' type; a threaded spindle when
turned, vertically moves a steel plate which is fitted in grooves in the pipeline, thus
opening or closing the valve. Automatic valves are often of the 'butterfly' type; these are
circular valves which turn on a central spindle. When open the plate is parallel to the pipe
direction and the oil flows past it; when closed the plate turns across the pipe, thus
preventing the flow of oil. Figures 5.3 and 5.4 show the operation of a gate valve during a
discharging operation.
This system is now found only on older ships. It has basically a 'square' or 'circular' layout
whereby, if necessary, oil can be pumped up one side of the ship, across to the other, and
then back down that side. On vessels with mid ship's pump rooms one ring main serves
the tanks forward of the pump room while another ring main serves the after tanks. On
ships with an aft pump room several layouts are common. One is shown in Figure 5.5
Where by one main serves the forward tanks and the outer pumps and another the after
tanks and inner pumps, both ring mains being connected with each other in three wings by
short lengths of pipes.
Ring main systems are generally found on older product carriers ('products' refers to oils
such as petrol which have been refined from crude oil) where versatility is required for the
carrying of various grades of products. Versatility is the keyword for this system; with both
ring mains being connected to each other any pump can discharge any tank. It also
assists the loading and transporting of grades as one can ensure good pipeline
segregation of cargo. A high standard of tank and line cleanliness is essential for carrying
products and the circular layout aids tank and line washing. A major disadvantage of the
system is that it is expensive to build due to the extra lengths of piping required and the
necessary proliferation of joints, bends and valves. An offshoot of this is the problem and
expense of the maintenance of joints, etc. Erosion of bends is a problem, due to the
turbulence produced by the oil changing direction, and leaks on the external radius of
bends are not uncommon on older ships. If the cargo is pumped by a 'roundabout' route
line friction slows the pumping rate, e.g. in Figure 5.5 a slow rate can be expected if the
vessel discharges 5P with the starboard pump. Line washing can take longer due to the
number of pipes involved and it is essential to ensure that all crossover lines are washed
through by pumping sea water across from one main line to another.
Stripping lines
All the above layouts have stripping lines, separate from the cargo lines, incorporated into
the systems. These are small pipelines, connected to low-capacity pumps, which are used
for draining or stripping out the last few centimeters of oil in the tanks. The oil stripped out
is pumped to an aft cargo tank, known as the slop tank, and from there it is pumped
ashore by a main cargo pump. The stripping lines and pumps are also used in tank
washing an ballast operations.
Constant reference should be made to Figure 5.2 while reading this section on lining up.
up period, i.e. if it was possible to view a group of tanks from the side they should have
the appearance of stairs (Figure 5.10). These procedures space out the topping-up
operations and prevent 'panic stations' when quite a few tanks require topping-up at the
same time. Accidents sometimes occur when changing over from full tanks to empty
ones. Empty tanks must always be partially opened some time prior to the changeover,
otherwise cargo-loading pressure may prevent valves opening or closing and thus
causing a spill.
While the shore hoses are being connected the tanks should be ullaged, water dips,
temperatures and samples taken, and the pumps warmed through. Water dips ascertain
the amount of water, if any, which has settled out of the cargo during transit. A tank is
'sounded' by manually lowering a metal rod with a paste smeared upon it to the bottom of
the tank. If water is present the color of the paste changes, thus indicating the water level.
Tank calibration tables convert this figure to the amount of water in a tank.
The pipeline suction valves to the pumps and on the deck delivery lines should be opened,
leaving the tank and manifold valves to be opened just before discharging commences.
Once again it is a safe practice to commence discharging from one tank only in order to
ensure that the ship and shore lines have been set properly. Sometimes more than one
grade will have to be discharged using the same pump. Some contamination will result but
by working with the terminal representative this can be kept to an acceptable minimum. As
above, the vulnerable grade should be discharged first. If a pump is to be used for diesel
oil and marine fuel, then the diesel should be discharged first.
A discharge plan must be adopted which will allow the main pumps to work for as long as
possible while permitting the stripping pumps to drain some tanks when there is still a
considerable amount of cargo in other tanks. Most of the tanks should already have been
drained before the final tanks are pumped dry. A good stern trim must be maintained
during the discharge in order to assist tank stripping.
It is best to ballast the vessel when the discharge is completed. However, it may be
necessary in exposed locations to ballast during discharge. The tanks to be ballasted must
be completely isolated from the cargo and a two-valve separation should be regarded as a
minimum separation in any pipeline which contains both water and oil. It is sometimes
possible to commence ballast without using the pumps, i.e. 'running in' the sea water. This
can result in oil escaping overboard and the author would not use that method. Cargo
pumps used for ballasting should be started at a slow rate before opening the sea valves.
At some terminals de-ballasting is concurrent with loading; extreme care must be taken
during the operation. During the voyage clean ballast will have been pumped into some
cargo tanks and all pumps and lines will have been thoroughly cleaned. Part of the ballast
will be run out before berthing, leaving only sufficient on board to keep the vessel
manageable. At the end of the de-ballasting operation the tanks will have been fully
drained and the main cargo pumps and lines will also have been stripped. Under current
regulations some ships will have permanent clean ballast tanks. These are known as
segregated tanks and are served by pumps and a line system which are entirely separate
from cargo pumps and lines. Cargo and segregated ballast systems are usually worked
Master should acquire the correct chemical name of the cargo to be loaded and, if the
cargo is not adequately covered by the data sheet kept on board, sufficient additional
information required for its safe and efficient carriage should be obtained from the shipper
and other parties concerned (shore terminal).
Master and all those concerned should use the data sheet and/or any other relevant
information to acquaint themselves with all characteristics of each cargo to be loaded. If
relevant information essential to its safe and efficient carriage is not available, despite
Master's efforts to acquire, loading of the cargo may be deferred.
Knowledge of the physical and chemical properties, hazards and response action to be
taken in the event of emergency is essential for the safe and efficient carriage and
handling of chemical cargoes.
The following notes are intended to give guidance to Master and all those concerned on
the use of the cargo data sheet to achieve safety.
1) Specific gravity
To safeguard the structure, cargo tanks should not be subjected to a greater
hydrostatic pressure than that they are designed. Master should ascertain this pressure
and ensure that the weight and vapor pressure of cargo does not exceed the design
When loading cargoes of high specific gravity, Master should be aware of the following:
a) Effect of free surface and sloshing in slack tanks.
b) Effect of slack and/or empty tanks on stability.
c) Effect of slack and/or empty tanks on structural stresses on Vessel.
3) Freezing Point
Freezing Point is same as Melting Point.
Taking into account the minimum air and water temperature expected, the freezing
point indicates whether or not cargo heating will be required. A cargo with a high
freezing point may solidify in tank and cargo line, sometimes in vent line. Special
attention is emphasized during loading in the winter due to cargo freezed. To make
transportation of certain cargoes easier, at cargo owner's Instruction, freezing point will
be made lower by adding fresh water into some chemical cargoes with a high freezing
point. [ Exp.: Phenol, Neopentil glycol ]
Solidified cargoes should be paid careful attention for cargo custody. Master have to
handle them in accordance with the Appendix "HANDLING MANUAL for THE
SOLIDIFYING CARGO". When a cargo is heated, special consideration should be
given to the possible effects of heat transfer to unheated cargoes in adjacent tanks,
particularly if cargoes are self-reactive or have a high vapor pressure. [See to Chapter
4 for details]
5) Vapor Density
The vapor density is expressed relative to air and is a main factor controlling the
dispersion of cargo vapor released to the air during loading and accumulating in
enclosed spaces. Most of cargo vapors are heavier than air and when released into the
atmosphere will tend to fall, especially in still conditions. Such vapors should always be
vented at the highest possible level to give the greatest chance of them being diluted to
harmless concentrations before reaching working areas. When empty enclosed spaces
are being checked for vapor, special attention should be given to the bottom of the
spaces where the vapor is most likely to accumulate. Conversely, when the vapor is
lighter than air special attention should be given to the upper part of enclosed spaces.
Attention is drawn to those cargoes which may react with metals to form hydrogen, a
light gas which forms flammable mixtures in air.
6) Solubility
A cargo, which is highly or completely soluble in water, is likely to destroy normal fire-
fighting foam. A cargo with low solubility will form a separate layer above or below a
water layer depending on the specific gravity. When the specific gravity is high, a layer
of cargo should always be suspected beneath water (e.g. in pump room bilges), which
may result in hazardous vapors being released when the layers are disturbed.
The hazard arising from reactions between water and some cargoes is referred to
para.15.16.2 of IBC code. [Exp. Sulfuric Acid, TDI (Toluene di-isocyanate)]
7) Electrostatic Generation
Entries in the data sheets under this heading are, with the exception of cargoes carried
as liquefied gases, in terms of two classes as follows'-
Class A Electrical Conductivity less than 1Cf12Q/cm
These materials are capable of retaining an electrostatic charge and precautions should
be taken for overall loading, etc. [ Exp.: CPP, BTX, other flammable chemicals ]
Class B Electrical Conductivity greater than 10" 12Q /cm
These materials do not present a static electricity hazard during normal cargo handling
[ Exp.: Inorganic liquid products, Vegetable oils, CTC, etc.]
a) Self-reaction and reaction with air where only the particular chemical itself is
involved. Small amounts of other chemicals or contact with certain metals ma promote
reaction. Polymerization is a common type of self-reaction. [Exp.: Styrene Monomer]
A cargo, which is self-reactive as in (a) or reacts with others in (b) may also react with
water. [Exp.: Sulphuric Acid, TDI, etc.]
2) Corrosive Liquids
a) Corrosivity
Generally, they corrode normal construction materials at an excessive rate and need
special materials for the cargo tanks and handling system to ensure safe containment.
b) Fire
When they corrode metals, hydrogen may be produced which forms flammable
mixtures with air. Contact with fibrous materials such as cloth, sawdust, etc., may in
some cases cause ignition of the material. Some corrosive liquids are combustible.
c) Health
They destroy human tissue causing serious damage, which may be permanent. This is
usually, but not always, accompanied by severe pain. Less corrosive liquids may only
be irritating to the skin, but can result in serious damage to the eyes or mucous
all ambient temperatures, others only at higher ambient temperatures and others only
when heated.
For the purposes of the safe handling procedures dealt with in this guide, the flammability
characteristics of cargoes are divided into three broad categories according to the flash
Flammable cargoes, those with a flash point below 80°F. Combustible cargoes, those with
a flash point above 80°F. Non-Combustible cargoes, those which have no flash point and
do not burn.
The above description of flammability considers cargo vapor mixed with air. If air is mixed
with sufficient inert gas such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide, its oxygen content will no
longer be capable of supporting the combustion of chemical vapor. Suppression of
combustion by this means is known as inerting and is a measure, which may be
recommended or otherwise adopted for preventing ignition of vapors within enclosed
spaces such as cargo tanks. It is important to remember that an inerted mixture may
become flammable on mixing again with air, for instance, on venting the mixture to
atmosphere or during gas-freeing with air.
Gas freeing involves the elimination of the risk of explosion and toxic hazards by removing
the sources of chemical vapours through cleaning and driving off the explosive or toxic
vapours by ventilation. Gas freeing makes tanks safe for men to enter them and adjacent
gas-free compartments and contributes generally to the safety of Vessel, crew, other
personnel and the surrounding area.
When gas-freeing for shipyard or hot work, it is essential to remove oil held by rust, cracks
of coating or scale to guard against the regeneration of vapors by welding or burning.
Adequate ventilation must be provided before or during cleaning. This may be natural
ventilation by opening OTH and TCH or forced by using water-driven fans or blowers. It is
stressed that large volumes of gas will be dissipated and al I sources of vapour ignition
must be excluded from the work area.
Fixed fan or 2(two) sets of water driven fan (1 fan for supply, 1 fan for exhaust )should be
placed on TCH, with air duct( Explosion proof type )without fail. Note: An end of duct
should be kept at about 3 - 4 feet height from tank bottom.
1. Empty tank heating should be carried out through steam lines (Heating coils in
cargo tank) just after starting to drive fans.
1) Working time should be decided depends on condition of each cargo tank.
2) Checking leakage of heating coil should be carried out to prevent contamination as
usual manner.
Precautions :
1. To verify that the atmosphere in cargo tank is less than L.E.L. (Lower Explosive
Limit )by inflammable gas detector without fail before setting gas free fans. In case
that the atmosphere in cargo tank is in explosion range, never to operate above
PROCEDURE 2. Until it become lower than L.E.L. (Lower Explosive Limit ) by
procedure 1.
2. To prevent ignition source, not to carry out any work, which can cause sparks.
3. To release static electricity from human body before going to deck.
4. To open valves of cargo line and a breather valve of vent line.
5. To keep checking temperature in cargo tank so that it may not become more than
6. To wear gas mask and/or protective suits as necessary.
7. To verify that vapour content of solvent-gas in cargo tank is lower than regulated
maximum allowable content( as above mentioned )by toxic gas detector.
8. To shut off the steam inlet line of cargo tank on deck with spectacle blind flange after
completion of gas freeing without fail.
9. To close all openings and valves after completion of gas freeing, and to confirm it by
responsible officer.
10. Not to carry out the procedure in this guide to the tank which is adjacent to the tank
stowing polymerizing cargo (i.e. SM) or highly volatile cargo (i.e. MEC)
Before men are permitted to enter a tank it must be tested, inspected by gas-detector
and/or 02 METER and certified gas-free and containing sufficient fresh air by a authorized
ship's officer as per entry permit. Men should not enter a tank except at the express
direction of the officer in charge and a safetyman should be stationed on deck beside the
tank hatch coming.
The gas-free and safe condition must be maintained by constant ventilation while men
are present regardless of meter readings and the ambience must be tested repeatedly at
regular intervals.
If for some special inevitable reason it becomes necessary for a man to enter a tank
before it has been proved gas-free and safe, approved breathing apparatus and a lifeline
must be worn and two
safety attendants stationed to observe the man. It must be noted that a metered content of
as little as 0.1% of hydrocarbon vapour is an indication that a tank is unsafe. A specific
working permit for entry must be obtained before such work is carried out.
When petroleum is ignited, it is the gas progressively given off by the liquid which burns as
a visible flame. The quantity of gas available to be given off by petroleum liquid depends
on its volatility which is frequently expressed for purposes of comparison in terms of Reid
vapour pressure. A more informative measure of volatility is the true vapour pressure but
unfortunately this is not easily measured. It is referred to in this guide only in connection
with venting problems associated with very volatile cargoes, such as some crude oils and
natural gasoline’s.
Petroleum gases can be ignited and will burn only when mixed with air in certain
proportions. If there is too little or too much petroleum gas the mixture cannot burn. The
limiting proportions, expressed as percentage by volume of petroleum gas in air, are
known as the lower and upper flammable limits. They vary amongst the different possible
components of petroleum gases. For the gas mixtures from the petroleum liquids
encountered in normal tanker practice the overall range is from a minimum lower
flammable limit of about 1 % gas by volume in air to a maximum upper flammable limit of
about 10% gas by volume in air.
As a petroleum liquid Is heated the concentration of gas in air above it increases. The
temperature of the liquid at which this concentration, using a specific measuring technique,
reaches the lower flammable limit is known as the flashpoint of the liquid.
Flammability Classification
There are many classification systems for defining the flammability characteristics of
petroleum liquids, most of which are based on flashpoint and Reid vapour pressure data.
For the purpose of this guide, which deals only with the particular conditions in petroleum
tanker cargo handling, the division of such liquids into the two broad categories of non-
volatile and volatile, as defined below, is in general sufficient to ensure that proper
precautions can be specified.
• Non-Volatile
Flashpoint of 60°C or above as determined by the closed cup method of testing.
• Volatile
Flashpoint below 60°C as determined by the closed cup method of testing.
Gas Density
The gases from normal petroleum liquids are heavier than air and inert gas, thus the
possibility of layering of gases is very important in cargo handling operations. The density
of the undiluted gas from a high vapour pressure distillate, such as motor gasoline, is likely
to be about twice that of air and about 1.5 times that from a typical crude oil. These density
differences diminish as the gases are diluted with air. Flammable mixtures usually contain
at least 90% by volume of air and consequently have densities almost indistinguishable
from that of air. More detailed information on the density of petroleum gases is given in
Chapter 15.
Comparatively small quantities of petroleum gas when inhaled can cause symptoms of
diminished responsibility and dizziness similar to drunkenness, with headache and
irritation of the eyes. The inhalation of a sufficient quantity can be fatal.
These symptoms can occur at concentrations well below the lower flammable limit.
However, petroleum gases vary in their physiological effects and human tolerance to these
effects also varies widely. It should not be assumed that because conditions can be
tolerated the gas concentration is within safe limits.
The smell of petroleum gas mixtures is very variable, and in some cases the gases may
dull the sense of smell. The impairment of smell is especially likely and particularly serious
if the mixture contains hydrogen sulphide.
The absence of smell should never be taken to indicate the absence of gas.
More detailed information on the toxic properties of petroleum, and of substances
associated with the carriage of petroleum, is given in Chapter 16
2.2.4 Notices
Portable and permanent notices prohibiting smoking and the use of naked lights should
conspicuously displayed at the point of access to the vessel and at the exits from
accommodation area. Within the accommodation area, instructions should be
conspicuously displayed.
2.3 Galley
It is essential that galley personnel be instructed in the safe operation of galley equipment
Unauthorized and inexperienced persons should not be allowed to use such facilities.
A frequent cause of fires is the accumulation of unburn fuel or fatty deposits In galley is
within flue pipes and filter cowls of galley vents. Such areas require frequent inspect
ensure that they are maintained in a clean condition. Oil and deep fat fries should be with
thermostats to cut off the electrical power and so prevent accidental fires.
Galley staff should be trained in handling fire emergencies. The appropriate fire extinguish
and fire blankets should be provided.
Additional restrictions on the use of galleys while in port are contained in Section A:
2.4.1 General
All portable electrical equipment including lamps should be approved by an authority and
must be carefully examined for possible defects before being used, care should be taken
to ensure that the insulation is undamaged and that cables are \ attached and will remain
so while the equipment is in use. Special care should also l to prevent mechanical damage
to flexible cables (wandering leads).
other areas designated by the operator should not be proceeded with until the master has
informed the operator's shore office of details of the work proposed, and a procedure has
been discussed and agreed
Before hot work is started a safety meeting under the chairmanship of the master should
be held at which the planned work and the safety precautions should be carefully
reviewed. The meeting should be attended at least by all those who will have
responsibilities in connection with the work An agreed plan for the work and the related
safety precautions should be made The plan must clearly and unambiguously designate
one officer who is responsible for the supervision of the work, and another officer who is
responsible for safety precautions including means of communication between all parties
All personnel involved in the preparations and in the hot work operation, must be briefed
and instructed in their own role. They must clearly understand which officer is responsible
for work supervision and which for safety precautions. A written hot work permit (see
Appendix F) should be issued for each intended task. The permit should specify the
duration of validity, which should not exceed a working day.
A flow-chart for guidance is shown in Figure 2-1
with water. Other cargo tanks which are not gas free should be purged of hydrocarbon
vapour to less than 2% by volume and kept inserted and secured.
On a vessel without an inert gas system/all cargo tanks except tanks containing slops
should be cleaned and gas freed. Slops should be placed in a tank as far as possible from
the hot work area, and the tank kept closed.
Adjacent ballast tanks, and compartments other than cargo tanks, should be checked to
ensure they are gas free and safe for hot work. If found to be contaminated by
hydrocarbon liquid or vapours, the cause of the contamination should be determined and
the tank(s) cleaned and gas freed.
All interconnecting pipelines to other compartments should be flushed through with water,
drained vented and isolated from the compartment where hot work will take place. Cargo
lines may be subsequently inserted or completely filled with water if considered necessary.
Vapour lines and inert gas lines to the compartment should also be ventilated and isolated.
Heating coils should be flushed.
All sludqe cargo-impregnated scale, sediment or other material likely to give off vapour
which is flammable, should be removed from an area of at least 10 metres around the
area of hot work Special attention must be given to the reverse sides of frames and
bulkheads. Other areas that may be affected by the hot work, such as the area
immediately below, should also be cleaned.
An adjacent fuel oil bunker tank may be considered safe if tests using a combustible gas
indicator give a reading of not more than 1 % LFL in the ullage space of the bunker tank,
and no heat transfer through the bulkhead of the bunker tank will be caused by the hot
• The earthing connection is adjacent to the work site with the earth return cable led
directly back to the welding machine.
Any changes in the conditions which formed the basis for issuing the original hotwork
permit should invalidate it. Hot work should cease, and not be restarted until all safety
precautions have been re-checked and a new hot work permit has been issued.
The work area should be gas-free and clear of combustible materials. The ship must not
be engaged in any cargo, bunker, ballasting, tank cleaning, gas-freeing, purginq or inertinq
Non-ferrous, so called non-sparking, tools are only marginally less likely to give rise to an
incendive spark, and, because of their comparative softness, are not as efficient as their
ferrous equivalents. Particles of concrete, sand or other rock-like substances are likely to
become embedded in the working face or edge of such tools, and can then cause
incendive sparks on impact with ferrous or other hard metals. The use of non-ferrous tools
is therefore not recommended.
2.10 Aluminium
Aluminium equipment should not be dragged or rubbed across steel since it may leave a
smear which, if it is on rusty steel and is subsequently struck, can cause an incendive
It is therefore recommended that the undersides of aluminium gangways and other heavy
portable aluminium structures be protected with a hard plastic or wooden strip.
2.13 Auto-Ignition
Petroleum liquids when heated sufficiently will ignite without the application of a naked
flame. This process of auto-ignition is most common where fuel or lubricating oil under
pressure sprays onto a hot surface. It also occurs when oil spills onto lagging, vaporizes
and bursts into flame. Both instances have been responsible for serious engine room fires.
Oil feeder lines require particular attention to avoid oil being sprayed from leaks. Oil
saturated lagging should be removed and personal protected from any re-ignition of
vapours during the process.
Personnel should consult the responsible officer to determine whether entry into such
enclosed spaces is permitted. It is the duty of the responsible officer to check the
atmosphere in the compartment, ventilate the space, ensure the appropriate procedures
are followed, ensure the safety of the personnel concerned, and issue an entry permit.
2.17.3 Ventilation
Because of the potential for the presence of hydrocarbon gas in the pump room, SOLAS
(Chapter II-2, Regulation 59.3) requires the use of mechanical ventilation to maintain the
atmosphere in a safe condition.
The pump room should be continuously ventilated during all cargo operations.
Before anyone enters a pump room it should be thoroughly ventilated, the oxygen content
of the atmosphere should be verified and the atmosphere checked for the presence of
hydrocarbon and toxic gases.
Ventilation should be continuous until access is no longer required or cargo operations
have been completed.
2.17.8 Miscellaneous
Which operators may wish Manually activated trips for the main cargo pumps provided at
the lower pump room order to reduce
The P-200 series gas detectors are rugged, lightweight, handheld portables for detecting
combustible gases/vapors and monitoring atmospheric oxygen content. Engineered to
serve the demanding field requirements of industrial, public works, utilities, and landfills,
these instruments share many common features and offer the user distinct advantages in
terms of economy, dependability, maintainability and ease of operation. Built to withstand
rough field environments, all Series P-200 instruments are constructed with rugged cast
aluminum housings, and incorporate highly reliable electrical design characteristics. All
active and passive components are mounted on easily accessible printed circuit boards. In
operation, all P-200 instruments are not only easy to use, sharing common functional
characteristics, but they are extraordinarily fast in providing accurate readings. For
combustible indicators, the response time is about 4 seconds, and for oxygen indicators
Model GP-204 NP-204 XP-204 XP-204A
Combustible Natural Gas Oxygen Oxygen,
Indicator Detector Deficiency Amplified
Indicator Dual Range
Part Number 72-0001RK 72-0004RK 72-0050RK 72-0052RK
Range 0 - 100% LEL 0 - 100% LEL 0 - 25% Vol. 0 - 25% Vol.
0 - 100% Vol. 0 - 5% Vol.
Calibration Methane Methane Oxygen Oxygen
Detection Catalytic Catalytic Combustion Electro-chemical Electro-
Method Combustion (LEL) Sensor chemical
Thermal Conductivity Sensor
Response 4 seconds 4 seconds 6 seconds 6 seconds
Sampling Hand aspirated Hand aspirated Hand aspirated Hand
Method aspirated
Batteries 2 “D” size 2 “D” size 9 volt 9 volt
(Alkaline or Ni-Cad) (Alkaline or Ni-Cad) transistor type transistor
Operating 6 6 30 30
Operating 0 - 120 F 0 - 120 F 10 - 110 F 10 - 110 F
Temperature (-15 to +50 C) (-15 to +50 C) (-12 to +45 C) (-12 to +45 C)
Meter Light Standard Standard N/A N/A
Size 6.5” x 5.3” x 4” 6.5” x 5.3” x 4” 6.5” x 5.3” x 4” 6.5” x 5.3” x
Weight 5 lbs 5 lbs 3 lbs 3 lbs
accurate reading is attained within 6 seconds.
By maximizing the use of common components and operating characteristics, RKI offers
not only high quality field instruments, but has greatly simplified and expedited other very
important considerations, such as field service, personnel training and accessory
interchangeability. The commonality of components can save valuable time when field
service becomes necessary. Fundamental operating features are easy to under-stand and
all components are very accessible for checkout, replacement or repair.
3.1.1. Model GP-204 Portable Combustible Gas Monitor
a. General Description
compact battery operated portable instrument used for taking an air sample and indicating
the presence and concentration of combustible gas. Samples of the air under test are
drawn by means or a rubber aspirator bulb and analyzed for combustible gas content on a
heated platinum filament in a Wheatstone bridge measuring circuit. A built-in meter
indicates combustible gas content in units of explosibility. Power for operation or the
instrument is provided by two size "D" alkaline or Ni-Cad batteries. A probe and extension
hose permit withdrawal of samples from remote locations and the instrument fits in a
compact leather case with over the shoulder carrying strap. The model GP-204 is suitable
and recommended for testing tanks, manholes, vessels, pressure cylinders, pipelines, and
other closed systems or confined spaces to determine presence or absence of
combustible gas. It is a valuable aid for safety of operations whenever combustible gases
Vapors are handled.
b. Operation
Before taking instrument on the job, check battery voltage. To check, put switch in VOLT
ADJ position. Meter should rise to the "CHECK" position near top of scale. Lift and turn
VOLT ADJ control clockwise to determine maximum voltage setting. If it cannot be set
beyond mark, batteries need recharging or replacement. Do not attempt to use instrument
at all if voltage reading cannot be set up to mark.
If voltage is satisfactory, continue with the next steps of preliminary adjustment as follows:
- Confirm operation of pilot light/meter illuminating lamp.
- With sample inlet in fresh air, squeeze bulb several times to flush out any remaining
- Check zero setting by turning switch to ON position. Meter should read close to
zero. Lift and turn ZERO knob to bring reading to exactly 0.
- Couple sampling hose to instrument inlet on left hand end, and connect probe to
end of hose. Hold finger over probe to block flow and squeeze bulb. Bulb should
remain squeezed while finger blocks inlet.
- Admit a sample of some combustible gas to end of probe, and confirm that meter
rises upscale.
- Instrument is adjusted and ready to use. lt may be turned off and carried to the job.
c. Interpretation
Meter readings are taken on a scale graduated 0 - 100% LEL. The abbreviation L.E.L.
stands for Lower Explosive Limit, and represents the lowest concentration, which can be
ignited by a source of ignition, hence the lowest concentration which can produce an
explosion. This quantity is also spoken of as the Lower Flammable Limit (L. F. L.).
The model GP-204 is calibrated before shipment to read directly in percent L.E.L. of
methane in air, based on the known L.E.L. for methane of 5.0% by volume. That is, a 5.0%
by volume will produce a reading of 100%, and smaller concentrations will read in
Other combustible gases will read in approximate terms of explosibility. For maximum
accuracy, the unit should be calibrated to the gas intended to be detected.
Concentrations may also be interpreted in terms of volume percent by multiplying the
percent L.E.L. in the sample (determined from the meter reading and the curve) by the
published figure for L.E.L. in volume percent. as noted on the curve. The maximum
concentration allowable in a space where men are working or where welding operations
are carried out is primarily a matter of local regulation and of judgement based on
knowledge of conditions. A maximum reading of l0% or 20% is usually allowed. If 20% is
selected, this is often spoken of as a factor safety of 5, as the concentration must be
increased five times before explosive conditions are reached.
d. Maintenance
Calibration and Adjustment
In addition to the normal operating controls found on the top panel, the following
auxiliary controls are available.
Calibration Potentiometer
This adjustment is used to set the meter reading to the desired level, while sampling a
known concentration or combustible gas. To access this adjustment, the top plate must
be removed by taking out the screws in each corner. The calibration potentiometer is a
slotted-shaft control located above the right upper corner of meter. Turn clockwise to
increase meter reading.
Sensor replacement
The sensor assembly consists of an active filament and a similar but enclosed
reference filament, potted into a flame arrestor. It should be replaced if zero cannot be
set within the range of the ZERO ADJ., or if reading cannot be set high enough on a
calibration gas sample using calibration potentiometer. To replace:
- Loosen the two panel hold-down screws. Remove and invert top panel.
- With switch off, loosen (do not remove) the three screws holding the terminals
for red, black and white wires. Pull wires from terminals.
- Remove the four screws holding the rectangular sensor plate. Pull out sensor
and replace with the new one in same position. Check that the gasket is in place
on chamber before installation of new sensor. Install wires on terminals as
- Turn instrument on and adjust zero.
- Recalibrate the new sensor using span gas.
The model GP-204 is furnished with two standard size D batteries, either alkaline or Ni-
Cad. These batteries will give 4 to 5 hours of operating life before replacement or
recharge. When meter cannot be set as high as the "CHECK" line with switch in VOLT
ADJ. position and VOLT ADJ. knob all the way clockwise. batteries require
replacement or recharging.
To replace batteries, remove instrument from leather case, and loosen the coin slotted
captive screw found in center of bottom plate. Remove plate, exposing batteries in
their spring contact holders. Pull old batteries out, and install new ones in the same
position, observing polarity as marked on holder.
Sample system
1) Hose
The hose used is teflon-lined, synthetic rubber jacketed, and immune to absorption or
attack by any combustible vapors or solvents. Keep hose clean and be sure that
couplings make air tight contact, checking occasionally by holding finger over hose
inlet. Bulb should remain flattened after squeezing if there is no leak. Extension hoses
in various lengths are available.
Meter lamp
The meter lamp is on whenever the instrument is on, and provides illumination to
permit meter reading in dark places. If lamp fails, it should be replaced as follows:
Remove four screws holding top plate to the top panel. Take off top plate exposing
lamp. Loosen set screws, which lock lamp wires to terminals, and pull lamp out. Install
new lamp in the same position.
gas. The most commonly encountered catalyst poisons are silicone vapors, and
samples containing such vapors even in small proportions should be avoided.
Occasional calibration checks on known gas samples are necessary, especially if the
possibility exists of exposure to silicones. A calibration check on a known methane gas
concentration is the most dependable as an indication of normal sensitivity. A
convenient calibration kit is available and described under "Accessories".
Rich mixtures
When high concentrations of gas are sampled, especially those above the
considerable heat is liberated at the filament. This heat may cause damage to the
filament or tend to shorten its life, so sustained testing of samples beyond the meter
range should be avoided. When sampling rich mixtures, the following instrument action
may be expected:
- Mixtures up to 100% L.E.L. reading on scale.
- Mixtures between L.E.L. and Upper Explosion Limit (U.E.L.) readings at top of
- Mixtures above U.E.L. - As sampling continues the meter first goes to top of
scale, then comes back down on scale, depending upon concentration.
- Oxygen deficient mixtures
Samples which do not have the normal proportion of oxygen may tend to read
low, if there is not enough oxygen to react with all combustible gas present in
the sample. As a general rule, samples containing 10% oxygen or more have
enough oxygen to give a full reading on any combustible gas sample up to the
- Oxygen - Enrich mixtures
Sample having more than the normal proportion or oxygen will give a normal reading.
However, they should be avoided because the flame arrestor used is not dense
enough to arrest flames from combustible gas in oxygen, which can be much more
intense than those in air. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THE MODEL GP-204 ON
Instruments for measurement of oxygen concentration are available from RKI
Instruments Inc.
f. Accessories
Extension hoses
Additional lengths of hose may be used for sampling from deep tanks and manholes.
The polyurethane hoses are satisfactory for most samples including natural gas,
hydrogen, propane, and gasoline vapors.
Water trap (Option)
Where there is danger or water being drawn into the instrument, a water trap should be
used. This glass bodied trap with sintered metal filter couples to indicator inlet and will
collect water that is drawn into or condensed in the sample hose. Inspect trap
periodically while in use, and empty or clean bowl and filter whenever visible water or
dust accumulate. Regular sample hoses connect to inlet of trap when it is installed on
g. Parts List
The following parts are considered as normal repair or replacement items (Option) and
may be ordered separately, by description and number. Always specify model and serial
number of instrument for which parts and accessories are required. For problems with
parts not listed, write RKI Instruments Inc. for information or request shipping instructions
for return or the instrument for repair.
Part Number Description
30-0401RK Aspirator bulb
49-1140RK Battery, size D, Alkaline
49-1240RK Battery, size D, Ni-Cad
62-0110RK Sensor / flame arrestor assembly
80-0150RK Sampling probe, 10", plastic
80-0001RK Hose, 1 m teflon-lined, complete with couplings
80-0002RK Hose, 2 m teflon-lined, complete with couplings
80-0007RK-10 Hose, 10 ft. polyurethane, complete with couplings
80-0007RK-15 Hose, 15 ft. polyurethane, complete with couplings
80-0007RK-20 Hose, 20 ft. polyurethane, complete with couplings
80-0007RK-30 Hose, 30 ft. polyurethane, complete with couplings
0-0220RK Water trap
81-GP204 Cal Kit for GP-204, 2.5% Methane in Air
b. Measuring Procedure
CO measurement
Power on the meter by pressing the " Power Button " ( 3-2, Fig. 1), wait about 30
seconds to warm up the meter, Display ( 3-1, Fig. 1 ) will show the CO value with
the " PPM " unit in the upper display, at the same time the lower display will show
the Temp, value that sensing from the " CO Sensing Head " ( 3-14, Fig. 1 ).
Remark :
* If the measuring environment is not existing the CO value, the upper display
will show 0 to 1 ppm. Under open air environment,
* If Display show few digits CO value, please make the Zero adjustment",
* Response time of CO measurement is < 30 seconds typically, however It is
depend on the environment air circulation.
* The Temp, display unit is defaulted to " t ". If intend to let the meter's
temperature unit default to " °F ".
CO Alarm Setting
During the CO measurement, press the " Alarm Button " ( 3-6, Fig. ) once, the
display will show the indicator" ALARM " and going on to execute the CO alarm
function. If the measurement value over the " Alarm setting value ", the buzzer will
* When the Display show the " ALARM " indicator, press the " Alarm Button "
( 3-6, Fig. ) once again, will disable the CO alarm function, the ' ALARM "
indicator on the LCD will be disappeared.
* The procedures of setting the CO alarm value.
Data Hold
During the measurement, press the " Hold Button " ( 3-3, Fig. ) once will hold the
measured value & the LCD will' display a " HOLD " symbol.
* Press the " Hold Button " once again will release the data hold function.
- Press the " REC Button " ( 3-4, Fig. ) again, the " REC. MIN." symbol along
with the minimum value will appear on the display. If intend to delete the
minimum value, just press the " Hold Button " ( 3-3, Fig. ) once, then the
display will show the " REC. " symbol only & execute the memory function
- To exit the memory record function, just press the " REC " button for 2
seconds at least. The display will revert to the current reading.
c. Advanced Setting
When execute the following Advanced Setting Procedures should cancel the " Hold
function " and the " Record function " first. The display will not show the " HOLD " and the "
REC " indicator
Press the " Set Button " ( 3-5, Fig. ) continuously at least two seconds will enter the "
Advanced Setting ", then press the " Button " ( 3-5, Fig. ) or" Button " ( 3-6, Fig. ) once a
while in sequence to select the three main function, the lower display will show:
Meter PC
(3.5 mm jack plug) (9W “D” Connector)
Center Pin……………..Pin 4
Ground/shield…………Pin 2 2.2 K
Pin 5
The 16 digits data stream will be displayed in the following format :
D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
e. Battery Replacement
1. When the left corner of LCD display show " ", it is necessary to replace
the battery. However, in-spec. measurement may still be made for several hours
after low battery indicator appears before the instrument become inaccurate.
2. Loose the " Screws for Battery Compartment" ( 3-8, Fig.) take the " Battery
Cover" ( 3-7, Fig.) away from the instrument and remove the battery.
3. Replace with DC 1.5 V battery ( UM4, AAA, Alkaline/heavy duty ) x 6 PCs, and
reinstate the cover.
4. Make sure the battery cover is secured after changing the battery.
f. Zero Adjustment
Put the meter into the clean air environment ( not contain any CO value ), power on the
meter by pressing the " Power Button " ( 3-2, Fig. ), wait about 30 seconds to warm up the
meter. If the display not show " Zero " CO value, then pressing " Alarm Button " ( 3-6, Fig. )
continuously at least two second will offset the display value and show " 0 PPM ".
* The zero adjustment procedures are effected only existing Display value is within 10
g. System Reset
If the meter happen the troubles such as :
CPU system is hold ( for example, the key button can not be operated...).
Then make the system RESET will fix the problem. The system RESET procedures will be
either following method :
During the power on, use a pin to press the " Reset Button " ( 3-13, Fig. ) once a while will
rest the circuit system, After execute the "System reset" the setting value of : Advanced
Setting " will be cleared and return to default value.
b. Measuring Procedure
Before the measurement, the meter should be processed the following calibration
1) Disconnect the " OXYGEN PROBE plug " ( 4-21, Fig. ) from the " Probe input
socket" ( 4-15, Fig. ).
2) Power on the instrument by pushing the " Power Off/On button " ( 4-2, Fig. ).
3) Slide the " 02/DO selector" ( 4-11, Fig. ) to the " 02 " position.
4) Push the " Zero button " ( 4-9, Fig. ) and the display will show zero value.
5) Connect the " Oxygen probe plug " ( 4-21, Fig. ) with the " Probe input socket" (
4-15, Fig. ). Wait for approx. 5 minutes at least until the display reading values
become stable & no fluctuation. Push the " 02 Cal. button " ( 4-12, Fig. ) and
the display will show the values exactly same as 20.9 or 20.8. (As the oxygen in
air is 20.9 % typically, so use the environment air 02 value for quick & precise
Calibartion Consideration :
Please process calibration procedures under wide and ventilating environment for
best effect.
1) After the meter be calibrated ( above procedure 5-1 ), the meter is ready for DO
2) Slide the " 02/DO selector " ( 4-11, Fig. ) to the " DO position.
3)"% Salt" compensation of the probe :
a. Push the " % Salt button " ( 4-10, Fig. ) first, and the display will show. :
0 %
b. Push the " Factor Adj. button " ( 4-8, Fig. 1 ) once will add " 1 % " to the
original salt % value until the adjusting reading reach the desired salt values.
Then push the " % Salt button " ( 4-10, Fig. 1 ) again to finish the adjusting
procedures. At this moment the new % salt values will be executed.
c. If the measured liquid is the pure water or the factor of salt % can be
neglected, then adjust % salt compensation value to 0%.
4) "Height" compensation of the probe : Bear in mind that the DO measurement
is considered to be taken at sea level. However if the measuring environment is
not at sea level ( 0 meter ), then should adjust the " Height " values for the probe
compensation when make the DO measurement.
a. Push the " MT ( Height) button " ( 5-13, Fig. ) first, then the display will show
b. Push the " Factor Adj. button " ( 4-8, Fig. ) once will add " 100 meters " to the
original height values until the adjusting reading reach the desired height
values ( meters ). Then push the " MT ( Height) button " (4-13, Fig.) again to
finish the adjusting procedures. At this moment the new height values
(display unit is the " meters ") will be executed.
7) Rinsed the probe accurately with normal tap water after each series of
e. Temperature measurement
During the measurement, the lower LCD Display will show the temperature values of
measuring solution.
* Push the " °C/°F button " ( 4-4, Fig. ) once to select measuring unit in °C or °F.
f. Data Hold
During the measurement, Push the " Data Hold button " ( 4-3, Fig. ) will hold the display
values & LCD will show the " D.H " marker.
* Push the " Data Hold button " again will exit the data hold function.
Calibration procedures
Power on, slide the " DO/02 selector " to " 02 " position
Disconnect the probe from the meter. Push the " Zero button ", display will show
Connect the probe to the meter. Until the display reading reach the stable values
( approx. 5 minutes ). Push the " 02 Cal. " position, then display will show 20.9.
Other Function :
Power Management
Not available in
Memory Record function
Besides the risk of fire and explosion that we have already discussed, two basic dangers
lurk inside empty cargo tanks : 1) gassing – caused by breathing poisonous hydrocarbon
vapors and 2) asphyxiation-caused by lack oxygen.
Petroleum vapors are poisonous. Even low concentrations can kill a human being in
minutes. The gassing victim first feels a slight dizziness, followed by a mild elation. He
quickly loses his sense of smell, begins to feel drunk, slurs his speech, staggers, becomes
increasingly confused, loses consciousness, and—unless removed to fresh air in short
order— dies.
This all happens very quickly. Some gases, such as hydrogen sulfide, can render a person
unconscious after two or three inhalations. Hydrogen sulfide, which is found in Arabian
crude and other so-called "sour" crudes, is characterized by a "rotten egg" odor in small
concentrations. However, in higher concentrations it has virtually no odor, because
Fig. 9-18. Both man and machine are dwarfed by the dimensions of a modern cargo tank.
Salen & Wicander.
hydrogen sulfide, like all hydrocarbon vapors, quickly deadens the sense of smell.
Before entering a tank, always check the vapor content with a combustible gas indicator
(figs. 9-19 and 9-24). The indicator draws a sample of the tank atmosphere by means of a
"sniffer" attached to a long tube.
This sample should be taken close to the bottom of the tank, where petroleum vapors
Muck, sludge, and scale give off vapors which can quickly gas up a tank. Crew members
walking through puddles of oil or sludge may accelerate this process. Leaky fittings such
as pipelines, valves, and heating coils can also introduce vapors. If you suspect a tank is
gassing up, get out immediately. But remember don't, rely on your nose for warning.
After working in the tanks, it is not uncommon for crew members' boots and clothing to be
covered with oil and sludge. It is important that crew members not store this oily clothing in
their quarters or other living spaces.
Vapors given off by such clothing can be a serious health hazard, particularly in a small
room with poor ventilation. Furthermore, the risk of fire-even explosion-is all too real,
especially if crew members smoke. Oily clothing should therefore be laundered promptly
and kept out of living quarters in the meantime.
As a final note on gassing, it is important to understand that a crew member can be
gassed even while wearing a breathing apparatus. This has happened more than once
after someone has gone into a partially full tank to fix a piece of equipment, such as a
broken reach rod. Needless to say, a person who passes out and falls into a tank full of
cargo is in a very bad place indeed. Therefore, the foolish practice of entering tanks with
cargo in them should never be allowed.
Human beings quickly perish without oxygen. A compartment containing less than 21
percent oxygen by volume is unsafe.
Permanent ballast tanks, cofferdams, chain lockers, peak tanks, and other sealed spaces
may become deficient in oxygen as a result of the rusting process, which consumes
The following precautions should be observed when entering tanks:
1. Check for petroleum vapors before entering. Don't rely on smell; use an Explosimeter or
similar device. The slightest movement of the needle denotes an unsafe atmosphere.
2. Make sure oxygen content is adequate (21 percent).
3. Operate blowers continuously while crew members are below.
4. Have rescue equipment close by the tank entrance and ready for immediate use.
5. Assign somebody to remain topside and keep an eye on workers below. Should trouble
develop in the tank, his job is to sound the alarm first, before attempting a rescue.
6. If at any time while working in a tank you begin to feel dizzy or giddy, leave the space
immediately. Have other crew members do the same.
The following equipment should be available for tank and pump room rescues: 1) lifeline,
2) harness, 3) large tripod or similar device from which to rig the lifeline, and 4) self-
contained breathing apparatus.
The pump room is the most frequent source of gassing accidents. One set of equipment
should therefore be kept at the top of the pump room at all times. Another set should be
available for tank rescues.
Practice using the rescue equipment before you run into an emergency. When one of your
shipmates passes out in a tank or pump room, seconds count. Don't waste them reading
instructions on the breathing apparatus or trying to figure out how to rig the lifeline. Learn
these things beforehand. Speed is essential. If the victim remains below longer than 4 to 6
minutes, he will suffer brain damage and, in all probability, death. Four minutes is not
much time. Even a well-trained rescue team working with good equipment laid out ahead
of time (not always the practice, unfortunately) may have only a poor chance of success.
The situation is particularly bleak on VLCCs. A person climbing around in a VLCC center
tank is little more conspicuous than a flea and, if unconscious, just as hard to find. Noel
Mostert paints an apt picture in his book, Supership:
... to reach someone lying in the remoter regions of the tank, lost from sight and with only
a rough idea where he might be, was tantamount, surely, to being told atop the dome of a
darkened Gothic cathedral to descend an eight-een-inch-wide stairway pinned to its walls
and buttresses and to find somewhere at the bottom among the naves, bays, chapels,
colonnades, and apses a senseless form that had to be brought aloft, all within four
The breathing apparatus is an essential part of any rescue; don't go down without one. To
illustrate: try climbing out of a tank sometime while holding your breath; then imagine what
it would be like with a 200-pound man on your back. It would be virtually impossible. You
would have to breathe and, in all likelihood, would also succumb to the vapors. Don't try to
be a hero. Too many people have died that way.
Along the same lines, don't remove your air mask to give air to the victim unless an
unavoidable delay makes it necessary. The important thing is to get him out quickly.
Fig. 9-23. Compressed air breathing apparatus, shown with spare tank. It is important to
learn how to use the breathing apparatus before an emergency occurs. During an
emergency, such as the gassing of a crew member, speed is essential. Mine Safety
Fig. 9-24. The Gascope combustible gas indicator is used in oxygen-deficient atmo-
spheres. The readout indicates total percentage of hydrocarbon vapor present (as
opposed to the Explosimeter, which indicates vapor as a percentage of the lower
explosive limit). This model features an electric pump, which replaces the aspirator bulb
used on the older model (Tankscope). Mine Safety Appliances.
passengers. Besides, a company owned and employ them must comply with the
provisions that should be, and thus safety factor is really guaranteed.
a. Fire Resistant Clothing And equipment
To witstand for heat, firefighters must wear fireproof clothing and equipment:
helmet, protective mask (mask), gloves and boots for the fire extinguisher.
Headgear (helmet) made of materials "reinforcedplastic" which has the properties of
heat resistant, strong and lightweight. At the front there for a protective glass front,
so as to protect the eyes from heat or sparks. Being made of fire resistant clothing
materials "alumix" who have the ability
1)Having the power of preventing heat / fire resistant which is great.
2) to reflect the heat, so that the wearer is protected from radiant heat from the fire.
3) Very light, so as to have a resilient nature / strong
For firefighters who will perform the fire fighting wearing apparel at ¬ kit, the need to pay
attention not to bring / bagging materials that are flammable, such as lighters, because it
can be dangerous for him. Although it had been wearing fireproof gear, the heat is
sometimes still occur, if in a conflagration in which the sting of a very high heat. Therefore,
the fire fighters must consider the factor of safety
b. (Breathing Aparatus)
Fire FightingEquipment
One of the things that are important in a good fire suppression, which in this case in the
most important thing is to reduce the damage caused by fire, if possible for a human, is
to find the scene of the fire. The fire can deplete oxygen in the air, or toxic gas release
or cause disease. Things like this often happens in a fire on board, and therefore the
use of respiratory equipment (breathing apparatus) become important. These
extinguishers are divided into two categories Atmospheric, depending on the
1). atmosphere for air supply
2. Self containde (with himself), bringing his own air supply
All usage of this type depends on sufficient oxygen in the air. Only be used in air
containing toxic gases only. Can not be used in smoke-filled air. Instructions for care and
1. Check whether the ring-ring is in place or already aus/rusak.
2. Storage areas, must be clean, dry and terventilasi.
3. When wet after use, keringkan/jemur.
4. Protect the screw-threaded coupling
Type self-contained.
Compress air; all cylindrical, gray with black and white shoulder. Katubnya systems differ
slightly, but its operation is essentially the same. Use of onboard equipment required for
sound warnings on the cylindrical compress the air. Must be considered truly the
instructions given in the booklet provided by the manufacturer.
Siebe Gorman "Airmaster": consists of: The device compresses the air industry types.
The series of air-breathing exhaust that opens to the atmosphere. Single cylinder. Air
contains as much as 42 cubic feet (1240 liters). In the full state of the pressure is 132
atmospheres, or 1980 lbs per square inch
Power-operated valves.
1. The main valve
2. By-pass valve
Automatic valves
1. Regulating valve (reducing), regulate the flow of air pressure 80 psi
2. Demand valve, the air entering the mask only when breathing alone.
3. Withdrawal valve breather.
4. Breathing exhaust valves.
How To Operate
Filled with a demand valve mask. Partial vacuum to suck the breath at times can lead to
liver diaphragn press. Air with a pressure of 80 psi. Will lift the valve so that air can flow to
the user. A small spring valve will close again after each drawing breath.
1. Work is in - 60 minutes
2. Hard work - 26 minutes
Record the time factor this fall, and remember that all fire fighting is hard work.
automatic valve
1. Regulating valve (reducing), regulate the flow of air pressure 80 psi
2. Demand valve, the air entering the mask only when breathing alone.
3. Withdrawal valve breather.
4. Breathing exhaust valves.
How to operate
Filled with a demand valve mask. Partial vacuum to suck the breath at times can lead to
liver diaphragn press. Air with a pressure of 80 psi. Will lift the valve so that air can flow to
the user. A small spring valve will close again after each drawing breath.
How to test
■ Check the by pass valve is closed
■ The book full of main valve - each alert will sound when the needle up through the low-
level indicators are red.
■ Read the gauge.
■ Put the mask on the face, anchovies and blowing a deep breath to check whether the
demand valves, discharge and withdrawal of breath work well.
■ Remove the pressure.
■ Clean the glass mask with anti-condensation material. Procedures for use
You do what is described above, then put on the plane. Adjust the strap so that the plane
was comfortable to wear. Put the mask loop straps to the back of the head. Open the main
valve to the full. Put your mask on first and then tighten the chin strap from the bottom up
and test kekedapan air by closing the main valve and breathing for a moment. If the mask
is airtight terpesan with, then the mask will be attracted prominent.
If everything is done correctly, the work can be carried out until the pressure reading or
flute sounds indicate the time to return to fresh air. Read the gauge in each period of
regular (regular intervals). Careful calculation must be made on the time used to achieve
the objectives and sufficient time back into the fresh air.
If you experience difficulty breathing, or smoke / gas into the mask, or damage to the
equipment, return quickly to fresh air. By-pass valve is only used in emergencies only.
Usually this is always closed, but in case of difficulty in breathing slowly open so that
channeled fresh air for comfortable breathing. Remember that if the by-pass valve is
opened the air flow remains to be a waste of air, therefore the valve is opened only as
Note I: The tool is designed to protect the respiratory organs of breathing in air that can
not , hot and humid. This tool does not warrant the use of excessive heat. Someone could
have collapsed from heat; same tool wear quickly if he is or not. Therefore we must use all
the theory given in extinguishing the fire.
Exercise should be performed as often as possible so that personnel familiar with the use
of existing types of equipment on board, and also that he felt more confident in yourself if it
should work in an emergency.
Note II: The cylinder-cylinder newer type has a larger capacity (approximately 3000 psi). It
is stamped on the cylinder with black writing. The numbers on the basis of the color yellow
and stamped with fade resistant ink on the neck of the cylinder
Safety Equipment
There are two kinds of protective equipment / safety, that is for machinery and power tools
These tools are provided by the factory to the workers (personal safety equipment) in
order to protect workers from hazards that may happen at any time in the running task.
Means of protective / safety are:
• Tools protective skull
• The tools to face and eye protection
• Tools protective agency
• Tools protective agency
• Protective Equipment limbs (arms and legs)
• Respiratory Protective Equipment
• To Tools hearing protectors
• drowning prevention equipment
2. Spray sand cap helmet Sprayed with sand or a job working in a tank by
means of a rope / line helper.
3. Welding hood / Hand-held Protective face and eyes when welding power
4. Kap welding head Face shield, eye and skull with an electric welding
should not be taken outside these places by personnel, nor should they be carried on the
tank deck or in any other place where petroleum gas may be encountered.
The risk involved in carrying matches, and more particularly cigarette lighters, should be
impressed on all personnel. Matches used on board should only be of the 'safety' type.
Naked Lights (Open Flame)
Naked lights must be prohibited on the tank deck and in any other place where there is a
risk that petroleum gas may be present.
Portable and permanent notices prohibiting smoking and the use of naked lights should be
conspicuously displayed at the point of access to the vessel and at the exits from the
accommodation area. Within the accommodation area, instructions concerning smoking
should be conspicuously displayed.
3.3.3. GALLEY
It is essential that galley personnel be instructed in the safe operation of galley equipment.
Unauthorised and inexperienced persons should not be allowed to use such facilities.
A frequent cause of fires is the accumulation of unburnt fuel or fatty deposits in galley
ranges, within flue pipes and filter cowls of galley vents. Such areas require frequent
inspection to ensure that they are maintained in a clean condition. Oil and deep fat friers
should be fitted with thermostats to cut off the electrical power and so prevent accidental
Galley staff should be trained in handling fire emergencies. The appropriate fire
extinguishers and fire blankets should be provided.
The use of portable electrical equipment on wandering leads should be prohibited within
cargo tanks and adjacent spaces, or over the tank deck, unless throughout the period the
equipment is in use:
- The compartment within which or over which the equipment and the lead are to
be used is safe for hot work (see Section 2.8), and
- The adjacent compartments are also safe for hot work, or have been purged of
hydrocarbon to less than 2% by volume and inerted, or are completely filled with
ballast water, or any combination of these, (see Section 2.8) and
- All tank openings to other compartments not safe for hot work or purged as
previous point are closed and remain so; or
- The equipment, including all wandering leads, is intrinsically safe; or
- The equipment, is contained within an approved explosion-proof housing. Any
flexible cables should be of a type approved for extra hard usage, have an earth
conductor, and be permanently attached to the explosion-proof housing in an
approved manner.
In addition there are certain types of equipment which are approved for use over the tank
deck only. The foregoing does not apply to the proper use of flexible cables used with
signal or navigation lights or with approved types of telephones.
Air Driven Lamps
Air driven lamps of an approved type may be used In non-gas free atmospheres although,
to avoid the accumulation of static electricity at the appliance, the following precautions
should be observed:
- The air supply should be fitted with a water trap; and
- The supply hose should be of a low electrical resistance. Permanently installed
units should be earthed.
telephones and radio pagers must not be used on the tank deck or in areas where
flammable gas may be present.
All operations utilizing the cargo or ballast system, including tank cleaning, gas freeing,
purging or inserting should be stopped before hot work is undertaken, and throughout the
duration of the hot work. If hot work is interrupted to permit pumping of ballast or other
operations using the cargo, venting or inserting system, hot work should not be re-started
until all precautions have been re-checked, and a new hot work permit has been issued.
No hot work should be carried out on bulkheads of bunker tanks containing bunkers, or
within 0.5 metres from such bulkheads.
Hot Work in Enclosed Spaces
A compartment in which hot work is to be undertaken should be cleaned and ventilated
until tests of the atmosphere indicate 21 % oxygen content by volume and not more than 1
% LFL. It is important to continue ventilation during hot work. Adjacent cargo tanks,
including diagonally positioned cargo tanks, should either have been cleaned and gas
freed to hot work standard, or cleaned and hydrocarbon vapour content reduced to not
more than 1 % by volume and kept inerted, or completely filled with water. Other cargo
tanks which are not gas free should be purged of hydrocarbon vapour to less than 2% by
volume and kept inerted and secured. On a vessel without an inert gas system, all cargo
tanks except tanks containing slops should be cleaned and gas freed. Slops should be
placed in a tank as far as possible from the hot work area, and the tank kept closed.
Adjacent ballast tanks, and compartments other than cargo tanks, should be checked to
ensure they are gas free and safe for hot work. If found to be contaminated by
hydrocarbon liquid or vapours, the cause of the contamination should be determined and
the tank(s) cleaned and gas freed. All interconnecting pipelines to other compartments
should be flushed through with water, drained, vented and isolated from the compartment
where hot work will take place. Cargo lines may be subsequently inerted or completely
filled with water if considered necessary. Vapour lines and inert gas lines to the
compartment should also be ventilated and isolated. Heating coils should be flushed. All
sludge, cargo-impregnated scale, sediment or other material likely to give off vapour which
is flammable, should be removed from an area of at least 10 metres around the area of hot
work. Special attention must be given to the reverse sides of frames and bulkheads. Other
areas that may be affected by the hot work, such as the area immediately below should
also be cleaned. This flowchart assumes the work is considered essential for safety or the
immediate operational capability of the ship, and that it cannot be deferred until the next
planned visit to a repair yard
An adjacent fuel oil bunker tank may be considered safe if tests using a combustible gas
indicator give a reading of not more than 1 % LFL in the ullage space of the bunker tank,
and no heat transfer through the bulkhead of the bunker tank will be caused by the hot
Hot Work on the Open Deck
If hot work is to be undertaken on the open deck, cargo and slop tanks within a radius of at
least 30 metres around the working area must be cleaned and hydrocarbon vapour
content reduced to less than 1 % by volume and inerted. All other cargo tanks in the cargo
area must be inerted with openings closed.
Adjacent ballast tanks, and compartments other than cargo tanks, should be checked to
ensure they are gas-free and safe for hot work. If found to be contaminated by
hydrocarbon liquid or vapours they should be cleaned and gas freed.
On a vessel without an inert gas system all cargo tanks except those containing slops,
must be cleaned and freed of hydrocarbon vapour to less than 1 % LFL. Tanks containing
slops should be kept closed and be beyond 30 metres from the work area.
Hot Work on Pipelines
Hot work on pipelines and valves should only be permitted when the appropriate item has
been detached from the system by cold work, and the remaining system blanked off. The
item to be worked on should be cleaned and gas freed to a "safe for hot work" standard,
regardless of whether or not it is removed from the hazardous cargo area. Heating coils
should be flushed and opened to ensure that they are clean and free of hydrocarbons.
Checks by Officer Responsible for Safety
Immediately before hot work is started the officer responsible for safety precautions should
examine the area where hot work is to be undertaken, and ensure that the oxygen content
is 21 % by volume and that tests with a combustible gas indicator show not more than 1%
LFL Adequate fire-fighting equipment must be laid out and be ready for immediate use.
Fire watch procedures must be established for the area of hot work, and in adjacent, non-
inerted spaces where the transfer of heat, or accidental damage, may create a hazard eg
damage to hydraulic lines, electrical cables, thermal oil lines etc. Monitoring should be
continued for sufficient time after completion of hot work. Effective means of containing
and extinguishing welding sparks and molten slag must be established.
The work area must be adequately and continuously ventilated. The frequency of
atmosphere monitoring must be established. Atmospheres should be re-tested after each
break in work periods, and at regular intervals. Checks should be made to ensure there is
no ingress of flammable vapours or liquids, toxic gases or inert gas from adjacent or
connected spaces.
Welding and other equipment employed should be carefully inspected before each
occasion of use to ensure it is in good condition. Where required it must be correctly
earthed. Special attention must be paid when using electric-arc equipment ensuring:
- That electrical supply connections are made in a gas free space;
- That existing supply wiring is adequate to carry the electrical current demanded
without overloading, causing heating;
- The insulation of flexible electric cables laid across the deck is in good condition;
- The cable route to the worksite is the safest possible, only passing over gas free or
Any changes in the conditions which formed the basis for issuing the original hotwork
permit should invalidate it. Hot work should cease, and not be restarted until all safety
precautions have been re-checked and a new hot work permit has been issued.
Hand Tools
The use of hand tools such as chipping hammers and scrapers for steel preparation and
maintenance may be permitted without a hot work permit. Their use must be restricted to
the actual deck areas and fittings not connected to the cargo system.
The work area should be gas-free and clear of combustible materials. The ship must not
be engaged in any cargo, bunker, ballasting, tank cleaning, gas-freeing, purging or inertinq
Non-ferrous, so called non-sparking, tools are only marginally less likely to qive rise to an
incendive spark, and, because of their comparative softness, are not as efficient as their
ferrous equivalents. Particles of concrete, sand or other rock-like substances are likely to
become embedded in the working face or edge of such tools, and can then cause
incendive sparks on impact with ferrous or other hard metals. The use of non-ferrous tools
is therefore not recommended.
Aluminium equipment should not be dragged or rubbed across steel since it may leave a
smear which, if it is on rusty steel and is subsequently struck, can cause an incendive
It is therefore recommended that the undersides of aluminium gangways and other heavy
portable aluminium structures be protected with a hard plastic or wooden strip.
frequently as possible to check the security of the anodes and mountings. With the advent
of high capacity tank washing machines, anodes are more liable to physical damage.
Petroleum liquids when heated sufficiently will ignite without the application of a naked
flame. This process of auto-ignition is most common where fuel or lubricating oil under
pressure sprays onto a hot surface. It also occurs when oil spills onto lagging, vaporises
and bursts into flame. Both instances have been responsible for serious engine room fires.
Oil feeder lines require particular attention to avoid oil being sprayed from leaks. Oil
saturated lagging should be removed and personnel protected from any re-ignition of
vapours during the process.
vessel s course altered if necessary. Boiler tubes should not be soot blown when the
vessel is in port.
Cleaning Liquids
It is preferable that cleaning liquids be non-toxic and non-flammable. If flammable liquids
are used they should have a high flashpoint. Highly volatile liquids such as gasoline or
naphtha should never be used.
Cleaning liquids which are flammable should be kept in closed, unbreakable, correctly
labelled containers and stored in a suitable compartment when not in use.
Cleaning liquids should only be used in places where ventilation is adequate taking into
consideration the volatility of the liquids being used. All such liquids should be stowed and
used in compliance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Direct skin contact with, or the contamination of clothing by, cleaning liquids should be
Oil Spillage and Leakage
Oil spillage and leakage in the engine and boiler rooms is not only a fire hazard, but can
also cause slips and falls. Spills and leaks should therefore be avoided. Floor plates
should be kept clean and bilges should be kept free of oil and waste.
Personal Hygiene
In View of the danger to health which may arise from prolonged contact with oil, personal
hygiene is most important. Direct skin contact with oil or with oily clothing should be
Bunker Safety
Although residual fuel oil normally has a flashpoint above 60 C. it should be remembered
that it is often stored and managed at temperatures close to. or even above, its flashpoint.
High flashpoint fuels sometimes contain residual quantities of light components which
slowly miqrate into vapour spaces after loading, so raising the flammability. It must
therefore never be assumed that the vapour spaces in, and emissions from, bunker tanks
will always be sate simply on account of a high specified flashpoint. For this reason,
ullaging dipping and sampling procedures must follow the recommendations.
On vessels fitted with inert gas systems, care must be taken to maintain the water supply
to the deck water seal, to prevent freezing of static water and to control the heating of such
water to prevent boiling. In addition the pressure/vacuum breaker, if filled with water, must
be protected from freezing by adding glycol.
Precautions should be taken to ensure that the fire main system is kept operational. Steam
operated winches and windlasses should be rotated slowly to avoid damage.
General Precautions
Cargo pumprooms, by virtue of their location, design and operation which require the
space to be routinely entered by personnel, constitute a particular hazard and therefore
necessitate special precautions. A pumproom contains the largest concentration of cargo
pipelines of any space within the ship and leakage of a volatile product from any part of
this system could lead to the rapid generation of a flammable or toxic atmosphere. The
pumproom may also contain a number of potential ignition sources unless formal,
structured maintenance, inspection and monitoring procedures are strictly adhered to.
Routine Maintenance and Housekeeping Issues
Pumproom bilges should be kept clean and dry. Particular care should be taken to prevent
the escape of hydrocarbon liquids or vapour into the pumproom.
It is important that the integrity of pipelines and pumps is maintained and any leaks are
detected and rectified in a timely fashion. Pipelines should be visually examined and
subjected to routine pressure tests to verify their condition. Other means of non-
destructive testing or examination, such as ultra-sonic wall thickness measurement, may
be considered appropriate, but should always be supplemented by visual examination.
Procedures should be established to verify that mud boxes and filters are properly sealed
after they have been opened up for routine cleaning or examination.
Valve glands and drain cocks should be regularly inspected to ensure that they do not
leak. Bulkhead penetrations should be routinely checked to ensure their effectiveness.
The security of critical bolts on the cargo pumps and associated fittings, such as pedestal
fixing bolts, pump casing bolts and bolts securing shaft guards, should be ensured. In
addition, requirements for their examination should be included in routine maintenance
Because of the potential for the presence of hydrocarbon gas in the pumproom, SOLAS
(Chapter II-2, Regulation 59.3) requires the use of mechanical ventilation to maintain the
atmosphere in a safe condition. The pumproom should be continuously ventilated during
all cargo operations. Before anyone enters a pumproom it should be thoroughly ventilated,
the oxygen content of the atmosphere should be verified and the atmosphere checked for
the presence of oxygen.
Pumproom Entry
It is strongly recommended that operators develop procedures to control pumproom entry,
regardless of whether or not a fixed gas detection system is in use. Clear procedures
should be established with regard to undertaking pre-entry checks, gas testing, and
subsequent regular atmosphere monitoring. In addition to detailing pre-entry checks,
procedures should include the use of personal gas monitors for those entering the space.
A communications system should provide links between the pumproom, navigation bridge,
engine room and cargo control room. In addition, audible and visual repeaters for essentia!
alarm systems, such as the general alarm, should be provided within the pumproom.
Arrangements should be established to enable effective communication to be maintained
at all times between personnel within the pumproom and those outside. Regular
communication checks should be made at pre-agreed intervals and failure to respond
should be cause to raise the alarm.
The frequency of pumproom entry for routine inspection purposes during cargo operations
should be reviewed with a view to minimising personnel exposure. Notices should be
displayed at the pumproom entrance prohibiting entry without permission.
The integrity of the protection afforded by the design of explosion proof or intrinsically safe
electrical equipment may be compromised by incorrect maintenance procedures. Even the
simplest of repair and maintenance operations must be carried out in strict compliance
with the manufacturers instructions in order to ensure that such equipment remains in a
safe condition. This is particularly relevant in the case of explosion proof lights where
incorrect closing after simply changing a light bulb could compromise the integrity of the
In order to assist with routine servicing and repair, ships should be provided with detailed
maintenance manuals for the specific systems and arrangements, as fitted on board.
Inspection and Maintenance of Ventilation Fans
Pumproom ventilation fans are required to operate by drawing air out of the space. As a
consequence, should gas be present in the pumproom the vapours will be drawn through
the blades of the fan impeller and could be ignited if the blades contacted the casing or if
the fan's bearings or seals over-heated.
Pumproom extractor fans, including impellers, shafts and gas seals, should be inspected
on a regular basis. At the same time, the condition of the fan trunking should be inspected
and the proper operation of change-over flaps and fire dampers confirmed. Routine
vibration monitoring and analysis should be considered as a means for providing early
detection of component wear.
Cargo Draining Procedures
On some existing tankers, no provision is made for effective line draining and In order to
meet the demands of certain product trades, final line contents are drained to the
pumproom bilge. This is an unsafe practice and it is recommended that cargo procedures
are reviewed with the aim of preventing a volatile product being drained to the bilge.
It is recommended that consideration be given to the provision of a comprehensive
strippinq arrangement to enable all lines and pumps to be effectively drained to a cargo
tank slop tank or dedicated reception tank for subsequent discharge ashore
There are a number of ways to enhance the safety of pumprooms which operators may
wish to consider, including:
- A fixed gas detection system capable of continuously monitoring for the presence of
hydrocarbon gas. Where such equipment is fitted, procedures should be developed
in respect of its regular testing and calibration and with regard to the action to be
taken in the event of an alarm occurring, especially relating to vacating the space
and stopping cargo pumps.
- A fixed sampling arrangement to enable the oxygen content within the pumproom to
be monitored from the deck by portable meter prior to pumproom entry. Any such
arrangement utilised should ensure the effective monitoring of the remoter parts of
the pumproom.
- Temperature monitoring devices fitted to main cargo pumps in order to provide
remote indication of the temperature of pump casings, bearings and bulkhead
seals. Where such equipment is fitted, procedures should be developed with regard
to the action to be taken in the event of an alarm occurring.
- A high level alarm in pumproom bilges which activates audible and visual alarms in
the cargo control room, engine room and the navigating bridge.
- Manually activated trips for the main cargo pumps provided at the lower pumproom
- Spray arrestors around the glands of all rotary cargo pumps in order to reduce the
formation of mists in the event of minor leakage from the gland.
- Examining the feasibility of retro-fitting a double seal arrangement to contain any
leakage from the primary seal and to activate a remote alarm to indicate that
leakage has occurred. However, the impact of any proposed retro-fit on the integrity
of the pump will need to be clearly assessed in conjunction with the pump
- Particular attention to be given to the adequacy of fire protection in the immediate
vicinity of the cargo pumps.
- Because of the problems associated with flashback re-ignition after the use of the
primary fire fighting medium, consideration to be given to the need to provide a
back-up system, such as high expansion foam or water drenching, to supplement
the existing system. On ships fitted with an inert gas system, the provision of an
emergency facility for inertlng the pumproom could be an option, although careful
attention must be paid to the safety and integrity of the arrangement.
- The provision of an escape breathing apparatus set located within the pumproom
and readily accessible.
3.4. First Aid With Reference To A Material Safety Data Sheet (Msds)
Serious Inhalation:
Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a
collar, tie, belt or waistband. If breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not
breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
WARNING: It maybe hazardous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation when the inhaled material is toxic, infectious or corrosive. Seek immediate
medical attention.
If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting unless
directed to do so by medical personnel.
Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a
collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention immediately.
Serious Ingestion: Not available.
1. Sound the alarm. A continuous sounding of general alarm and whistle will warn
shipboard and shore side personnel of danger and, equally important, will summon
2. Evaluate the fire. Above all, don't panic. Pause to think. How should this fire be fought?
How can it be kept from spreading? How can sources of heat, fuel, and oxygen be
eliminated? What is the greatest danger from this particular fire? How can this be
blocked? A few seconds of clear, logical thought will prepare you to act decisively.
3. Get the fire under control. Isolate the fire by cooling surrounding bulkheads. Remove
combustible material from adjacent compartments and, if possible, fill nearby cargo
tanks with inert gas or steam. Cut off air to the fire by shutting down ventilation and by
closing doors, portholes, hatches, and other openings.
4. Extinguish the fire. Take final steps to eradicate the fire completely: by cooling,
smothering, breaking up the chain reaction, or a combination of these methods.
5. Guard against reignition. Make sure the affected area has cooled completely before
securing fire-fighting gear. This may take several hours.
Each fire must, of course, be attacked individually. The following pages outline a general course of action for specific
types of fires.
Fig. All-purpose dry chemical extinguishers can be used on Class A, B, and C fires. General Fire
Fire in pump room.
The pump room presents the greatest risk of cargo fires. Most pump room fires start near
the bottom of the pump room, where they are difficult to reach. Usually, if a small fire is
caught immediately it can be put out with portable foam or CO2 extinguishers; if not, it
must be fought indirectly. One method is to hang hoses from the top of the pump-room.
With all-purpose nozzles in the fog position, the fire is extinguished by a combination of
cooling and smothering as water vaporizes and produces steam. Pump room on some
vessels are fitted with fixed water fog systems that make lowering of hoses unnecessary.
Other ships are equipped with fixed CO2 or foam systems. As a rule, these systems
should be operated only after other methods have been tried. Should it become necessary
to activate the fixed system, be sure the pump room is sealed and all ventilation turned off.
On some ships, the vent fans shut down automatically when controls to the fixed
extinguishing system are operated.
Cool surrounding decks with water fog. If the pump room adjoins the engine room, the
bulkhead between them should also be sprayed with water. If the fixed system is not
functioning or has been depleted, it may be possible to put out the fire by sealing the pump
room as thoroughly as possible. Provided that adjacent compartments are cooled or
inerted, the fire will eventually burn itself out. After the fire has been extinguished, allow
adequate cooling time before reopening. If possible, wait several hours. This precaution
will avert possible reignition or explosion. Ventilate the compartment thoroughly before
allowing crew members to enter.
Fire on deck.
This type of fire is usually precipitated by a spill, as from a broken hose or overflow.
Therefore, the first step is to cut off the fuel supply by shutting down transfer operations.
Close ullage covers to prevent the fire from spreading to the tanks.
Foam is usually the most effective agent against fires on deck. Dry chemical, if available in
sufficient quantities, is also effective against spill fires. It should be applied from upwind
whenever possible.
Fig. 10-19. This semi portable CO2 system employs a hose reel and two fixed cylinders. The hose is reeled
out, then charged with CO2 by opening the cylinder valves. The gas is directed at the fire by operating the
control lever on the discharge horn. Ansul.
Fig. 10-20. Close-up of cylinder valves and attachments used with the semi portable CO2 system. Ansul
Fire on dock.
When a fire occurs on the dock or adjacent area, your first concern as officer in charge
should be the safety of your ship. Take immediate steps to move her. Shut down the
cargo, disconnect hoses and loading arms, single up lines, and have the engineers put
steam on the engines. Call tugs if necessary. If a strong tide is running and no obstruc -
tions lie downstream, simply throw off mooring lines and allow the vessel to drift to safety.
When well clear, drop the anchor.
4.2. Fire hazard associated with cargo handling and transportation of hazardous
noxius liquids in bulk
The world fire strikes fear in the hearts of seamen, especially those who have seen a ship
burn. These individuals have felt the panic and desperation that only a fire at sea can
cause. But a shipboard fire need not end in tragedy. Calm, resolute, and intelligent action
can defeat the most terrible conflagrations. An amazing example of this was provided by
the crew of the 8,000-ton British tanker San Demetrio during World War II. While steaming
in an Atlantic convoy the San Demetrio was shelled and Badly damaged by the German
pocket battleship Admiral Scheer. Fire engulfed the tanker, which was carrying a full cargo
of gasoline. It is not surprising that the crew quickly decided to abandon ship. They drifted
in the Atlantic for 20 hours. No help arrived; they had been given up for lost. Then the
badly scarred hull of the San Demetrio, still ablaze, drifted back into view
Faced with a lack of other alternatives, the crew decided to reboard the burning vessel in
the hope of saving her. They climbed aboard with tremendous difficulty and, after two
harrowing days, succeeded in extinguishing the fire. Eventually the San Demetrio limped
into port and delivered most of her cargo.
More than one tanker crew has chosen to abandon ship before making, a serious attempt
to fight a fire. Abandoning ship is a perilous undertaking in itself, especially in rough
weather. The safer alternative is often to stand fast and fight the fire. As the crew of the
San Demetrio demonstrated, even a serious fire can, with calmness and courage, be
fought successfully.
Modern tankers are supplied with fire-fighting equipment which is at once sophisticated
and reliable. But even the most expensive equipments useless if crew members are
ignorant of its operation, each officer should learn the location and function of every piece
of fire-fighting equipment.
This knowledge is crucial on any ship, and especially so on a tanker
Fire cooks our food, warms our homes, and powers our machines. Without it, civilization
could not exist as know it. But fire can be a danger as well as an asset, as the caveman
who discovered it undoubtedly learned.
Fig. 10-1. Crew members practice with portable foam equipment during fire drill. British Petroleum.
Fire burns people, too. It burns their homes, their farms, their cities. It is dangerous in
other ways as well. It uses oxygen and causes asphyxiation; creates carbon monoxide,
thick smoke, and toxic gases, all of which can quickly kill.
Fig. 10-2. This tanker, the Salem Maritime, was gutted by fire in 1956. U.S. Salvage
1. Fuel.
This is the vapor from petroleum or other combustibles that com¬bines with the oxygen
to produce fire.
2. Heat.
Hydrocarbon molecules must be heated substantially before they will combine with
oxygen. For example, a piece of wood left lying in a cold fireplace will not ignite, but
apply a sufficient amount of heat (as with burning newspapers) and it bursts into flame.
Heat need not be applied with an open flame, however. Heat can trans¬fer through a
steel bulkhead and ignite a tank of fuel oil without the aid of an open flame. This
process is known as conduction. Heat also spreads by convection—the tendency of
hot air to expand and move from one location to another—and by direct radiation
(much as the sun heats a sandy beach on a hot summer day). Once ignited, a fire
produces its own heat and continues getting hotter, often reaching temperatures above
2,000°F. (1,100°C.).
3. Oxygen.
People and fires both need oxygen to survive. The earth's atmosphere contains
approximately 21 percent oxygen by volume. Lower this figure far enough (to 10 to 15
percent) and you literally "suffocate" the most tenacious fire.
Fig. 10-3. Kings Point midshipmen attack a blaze at fire-fighting school. National Maritime Union of America.
4. Chain reaction.
Molecules must pass through several steps in the oxidation process, one after another,
in a regular progression. This is a little like building a tower out of toy blocks. Remove
one of the blocks, and the whole structure collapses. Similarly, remove one step from
the molecular chain reaction, and a fire ceases to burn.
To extinguish a fire, therefore, at least one of four elements—fuel, heat, oxygen, chain
reaction—must be removed. Modern fire-fighting equipment and methods have been
developed with this in mind.
To aid in preventing fires and, when necessary, in extinguishing them, it is important to
understand the following terms:
Flash point.
The temperature at which petroleum vapors form a flammable mixture with air is called its
flash point. For many petroleum products (such as gasoline), the flash point is below the
average temperature found in cargo tanks. In other words, you can assume explosive
vapors are present when such products are carried.
Table 10-1
(Percent by Volume in Air)
Product Lower Upper
Limit Limit
Crude oils (average) 1.0 10.0
Gasoline 1.3 7.6
Karosene 0.7 6.0
Propane 2.1 9.5
Methane 5.0 15.0
Benzene 1.4 8.0
JP4 (military jet fuel) 1.4 7.6
Ethylene oxide 2.0 100.0
Fig. 10-4. Applying dry chemical to a Class B fire. Seafarers International Union.
When vapors are present in amounts above the upper flammable limit, the mixture is said
to be too rich to burn. If below the lower limit, it is too lean. Oddly enough, an empty tanker
is more likely to fall within these dangerous limits than a full one. In fact, most tank
explosions occur in empty or ballasted vessels. On vessels with full tanks, the mixture is
generally well above the upper flammable limit: too rich to ignite.
This was apparently the case when, in October of 1970, the Pacific Glory collided with the
Allegro off the Isle of Wight. The Pacific Glory, a 77,000-ton tanker fully laden with
Nigerian crude, suffered severe engine room explosions. Fire engulfed and destroyed her
superstructure and spread to the surrounding water. Nevertheless, her cargo remained un-
touched; it was eventually delivered to its destination in Europe.
Ignition temperature.
Any flammable substance will ignite when heated sufficiently. The point at which this
happens is called the ignition temperature. For petroleum products this temperature is
anywhere from 490° to 765°F. (255° to 405°C.) When heated to its ignition temperature, a
product will ignite without the aid of a spark or other external source of ignition. Once
ignited, a fire produces its own heat and continues to get hotter, reaching temperatures
hundreds of degrees above the ignition temperature. This fact underlines the paramount
importance of speed in fighting fires. An incipient, relatively cool fire is much easier to
extinguish than a white-hot blaze several hours in the making.
Table 10-2 lists the various classes of fire and the preferred extinguishing methods
Table 10-2
A Ordinary combustibles such Cooling with water or water fog. Foam, CO2, and all-
as wood, paper, and canvas purpose dry chemical are less effective but can be
B Flammable liquids such as Smothering with foam, CO2, inert gas, or steam. Dry
fuel oil, kerosene, and gasoline chemical is also effective.
C Live electrical equipment Extinguishing agent must be non conducting : CO2,
dry chemical.
Water and foam must not be used.
Removing fuel.
In theory, removal of fuel is an excellent method of fighting fires, but on tankers carrying
thousands of tons of petroleum it is usually impractical. Nevertheless, certain situations
demand that this method be used.
For example, a fire on deck is fed by an overflowing tank. This situation obviously calls for
an immediate cessation of loading. Other, less obvious circumstances sometimes arise
when the removal of fuel is indicated. Therefore, never dismiss this method as a possible
means of fighting a fire.
Removing heat.
Water is one of the most effective cooling agents known. When sprayed on a fire, it quickly
turns to steam, thereby absorbing and carrying away heat. Water is most useful on Class
A fires since it can penetrate to the hot core of burning material. Aqueous film forming
foam (AFFF) also has considerable cooling properties. Other types of foam, however,
provide only minimal cooling.
Removing oxygen.
Fires, like people, perish without oxygen. It follows that a fire can be extinguished by: 1)
diluting the oxygen content until it falls below the amount necessary for combustion (10 to
15 percent) and 2) smothering the surface of the flame so oxygen cannot enter. Generally
speaking, the first method employs carbon dioxide, steam, or inert gas; the second,
mechanical foam.
Fig. 10-6. Spraying foam on an oil fire. Seafarers International Union.
fighting fires. These agents somehow interrupt the vital chain reaction in a fire, thus
bringing on its quick demise.
Fires are easy to start but extremely difficult to extinguish; therefore, the obvious solution
is to prevent them from starting. The first step in fire prevention is to remain fire conscious
at all times while on board a tanker.
This is the number one cause of fires at sea. Many of these fires occur in the living spaces
where they are extinguished before much damage is done. Some are serious, however,
and one example is a tanker's captain who went to bed one night with a bottle of whisky
and a lighted. Cigarette a bad combination. Sometime later, crew members noted a large
quantity of smoke billowing out of the bridge voice tube leading to the master's cabin. They
rushed below, but were too late. The "old man" was dead from asphyxiation and smoke
Never allow yourself or the people working with you to become lax about smoking rules.
Encourage crew members to leave their cigarettes in their rooms or other safe areas. This
precaution prevents an individual from lighting up a cigarette in an unsafe area. Only
safety matches should be used; cigarette lighters should not be allowed on board.
Areas considered safe for smoking while at sea may be extremely hazardous in port. An
example is the fantail. Vapors from the dock make smoking in such places a definite
hazard—something crew members may not realize. The risk is particularly great after a
long voyage during which the crew has become accustomed to smoking in these areas.
Be alert for crew members who may "light up" without thinking.
Fig. 10-7. The CO2 room. The gas is released by remote control, then carried by pipes to the protected
areas. The device in the upper right-hand corner is a time release mechanism, which gives crew members
time to evacuate spaces before CO2 is released. Ansul.
the leaky valve. He sniffed the air, detected no gassy smell, and lit a cigarette. A moment
later he was engulfed in flames as the pump room exploded. He was lucky, however;
although badly burned, he lived to tell the tale.
There are two lessons to be learned from this episode:
1. Never trust your nose to detect petroleum vapors.
2. Always assume an explosive atmosphere exists in the pump room.
Pump room bilges are rarely dry, especially on older ships. It is a com mon practice to
drain pumps and lines into the bilges; leaky fittings contribute their share as well. On very
old ships the pump room can become a tropical rain forest of dripping oil and leaky steam
Gasoline and other volatile products evaporate quickly, especially when spread across the
pump room bilge plating. The resultant vapor is both toxic and explosive. It is therefore
imperative to use great care when descending into the pump room, and to make sure the
ventilation system is operating while crew members are below.
crew members and completely destroyed the ship. Several precautions help to avert this
kind of tragedy:
1. Make sure your ship's inert gas system is used properly (see chapter 13).
2. Keep all doors, portholes, and other accommodation area openings fronting the cargo
deck closed during cargo or ballasting operations.
3. Stop loading operations whenever heavy concentrations of vapor accumulate m the
cargo-handling area. This is most likely to happen on hot humid days with no wind.
On older, smaller tankers without inert gas systems, ullage covers are often opened for
gauging and sampling. On such ships, keep ullage covers closed whenever possible.
When they must be left open for any length of time, use a flame screen (a piece of fine
wire gauze that fits over the ullage hole). A flame screen permits the passage of vapor, but
not of name.
Sources of ignition.
Watch for situations that could bring a spark or open flame in contact with flammable
vapors. Keep a careful eye on visitors; people unfamiliar with tankers are liable to "light up"
in nonsmoking areas. Make sure no unauthorized electrical equipment or other spark-
producing devices are used around cargo tanks, in the pump room, or in other gassy
areas. Carefully watch all activities on the dock. An automobile or burning cigarette on the
dock could ignite low-lying vapors. In turn, these could flash back to the ship's tanks and
cause an explosion. The close approach of a tug or other vessel during cargo operations
is equally hazardous. Hot, smoldering soot from the stack exhaust could trigger an
explosion (it has happened).
In port, a serious fire hazard is sometimes presented by the crew themselves.
Unfortunately, it is not unheard of for crew members to return to the ship intoxicated. To
prevent such individuals from unwittingly lighting a cigarette in prohibited areas, and to
prevent them from breaking their necks, they should be escorted to their quarters
immediately upon their return to the ship.
Electrical storms.
One of the first ships I worked on after getting my third mate's license was a small,
multiproduct tanker. She was a delightful little ship and a lot of fun to work on.
Unfortunately, about a year after I left her, she was struck by lightning while her tanks
were being cleaned at sea. The ensuing explosion killed several men and injured several
others. Lightning generates ample heat to ignite a flammable mixture. It is foolhardy (and
illegal) to load, discharge, clean tanks, or transfer cargo during electrical storms.
Spontaneous combustion.
Certain substances such as oily rags, oily sawdust, wet laundry, and oil-soaked rubbish
are vulnerable to a process called spontaneous combustion. Slow, oxidation generates
heat, and over a period of days or weeks, or even months, a substance may eventually
reach its ignition temperature. It then ignites spontaneously.
Such fires have been a problem at sea since the Phoenicians first sailed the
Mediterranean thousands of years ago. More than one ship has gone to the bottom gutted
by flames that started spontaneously. Joseph Conrad dramatized this danger in his story,
Youth, in which the bark Judea, carrying a cargo of coal to the Orient, catches fire and
sinks in the Indian Ocean:
You see it was to be expected, for though the coal was of a safe kind, that cargo had been
so handled, so broken up with handling, that it looked more like smithy coal than anything
else. Then it had been wetted—more than once. It rained all the time we were taking it
back from the hulk, and now with this long passage it got heated, and there was another
case of spontaneous combustion.
Cleanliness is the best weapon against spontaneous combustion. Paint lockers, laundry
rooms, and other enclosed spaces must be kept as clean as possible. The chief culprits
are piles of rags, rubbish, or clothing that have been impregnated with paint, grease, or
vegetable oil. Such items should be laundered or disposed of promptly.
4.3. Fire fighting agents used to extinguish oil and chemical fires
Flame Inhibitors
1) Sands.
The main function is to restrict fire spreads, but for a small fire can be used to covered the
surface of source of fire, so that can be separated the air from the flammable process that
2) Chemical Powder.
Based on class of fire that can be extincted, so the chemical powder can be devided as
follows :
a) Regular dry chemical powder, to extincted the fire comes from liquid, gas, electrical
Materials that used :
Sodium bicarbonate/baking soda (Na HCO2)
Potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) known as purple “K” that can prevent
hidoscopis nature (absorbed water) dan round up. To give better active power,
can be added stearate metal and other additive.
Potassium carbonat that famous as “Monnex”.
Potassium Cloride (KC1) that famous as Super “K”.
b) Multipurpose chemical Powder, known as chemical powder ABC. It’s effectively to
extinguished fire class A,B,C, Such as oil, wooden, gas, and electrical instruments. The
raw materials as follows :
1. Mono Amonium Phospate (NAP) or NH2) H2PO2.
2. Kalium Sulfate (K2SO2).
c). Dry Chemical Powder / Special, is used for extinguished the metal. The source of of
dry chemical :
1) Water
Water is the most common cooling agent. This is largely because water possesses
very good heat absorbing qualities and is available in ample quantities at terminals
and on ships.
Water spray and water fog may be used effectively against oil fires and for
making a screen between the fire-fighter and the fire. Owing to the danger of
electrical equipment.
2) Foam
Foam has a limited heat absorbing effect and should not normally be used for
a) Chemical Foam, it can be happened because any other chemical processes, with
ingredients of :
Single powder, if its mixed with water it can be change into a foam.
Picture 5: on water mixed foam liquid so that could be changed into a foam. Because of
stiring process or air vaporing into the foam mixture so it formed mechanical foam.
1. Protein
2. Fluora protein (FP 70)
3. Fluorocarbon surfactant (AF2, light water)
It can be extinguished the fire fisically through cooling and blanketing (delution). All
sorts of gas can be used for extinguishing fire, but mostly used is a charcoal acid gas
(CO2) and limp essence gas (N2). N2 is used to pushed chemical powder to the fixed
fire extinguisher or solution in BCF, whereas directly used for fire extinguisher is an
acid gas (CO2). In consumption that directly gas CO2 is saved on a bottle with pressure
1000 – 1200 psi (+/- 80 atm). An advantage on using CO2 : clean, cheap, easy reached
on market, it can put down a live electricity, spraying with its own vapouring. The loss is
a heavy container and its difficult moving for its user.
This media works with cutting chain reaction of fire and pushed air or separated acid
essence. Coomon name of this media is HALON or HALOGENATE HYDROCARBON,
is a bond of methan and halogen (Jodium, Flour, Chlor, and Vrom). Just than an air,
halon is more heavy., like a halon 1301 five time air content.
Kind of fire extinguisher on Halon for this time is cannot used again because of
chemical reaction of its can be offend ozon layer.
heat. There are a number of different types of foam concentrates available. These include
standard protein foam, fluoro-protein foams and synthetic concentrates. The synthetics are
divided Into aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) and hydrocarbon surfactant type foam
concentrates. Normally the protein, fluoro-protein and AFFF concentrates are used at 3%
to 6% by volume concentration in water. Hydrocarbon surfactant concentrates are
available for use at 1% to 6% by volume concentration. High expansion foam has an
expansion ratio from about 150:1 to 1500:1. It is made from hydrocarbon surfactant
concentrates and is used to extinguish a fire in an enclosed space by filling the
compartment rapidly with foam, thus preventing the movement of free air. The foam
generator, which may be fixed or mobile, sprays the foam solution on to a fine mesh net
through which air is driven by a fan. High expansion foam is unsuitable for use in outside
locations as it cannot readily be directed on to a hot fire and is quickly dispersed in light
winds. Medium expansion foam has an expansion ratio from about 15:1 up to 150:1. it is
made from the same concentrates as high expansion foam, but its aeration does not
require a fan. Portable applicators can be used to deliver considerable quantities of foam
on to spill fires, but their throw is limited and the foam is liable to be dispersed in moderate
winds. Low expansion foam has an expansion ratio from about 3:1 up to about 15:1. it is
made from protein based or synthetic concentrates and can be applied to spill or tank fires
from fixed monitors or portable applicators. Good throw is possible and the foam is
resistant to wind. Foam applicators should be directed away from liquid petroleum fires
until any water in the system has been flushed clear. Foam should not come into contact
with any electrical equipment. The various foam concentrates are basically incompatible
with each other and should not be mixed in storage. However, some foams separately
generated with these concentrates are compatible when applied to a fire in sequence or
simultaneously. The majority of foam concentrates can be used in conventional foam
making devices suitable for producing protein foams. The systems should be thoroughly
flushed out and cleaned before changing agents, as the synthetic concentrates may
dislodge sediment and block the proportioning equipment.
Some of the foams produced from the various concentrates are compatible with dry
chemical powder and are suitable for combined use. The degree of compatibility between
the various foams and between the foams and dry chemical agents varies and should be
established by suitable tests. The compatibility of foam compounds is a factor to be borne
in mind when considering joint operations with other services.
Foam Mains
Where pipelines for foam solution or concentrate are provided the lines should have a
number of accessible take off (hydrant) points which should be spaced not more than two
or three standard hose lengths apart. The take off (hydrant) points generally consist of a
header fitted with two outlets individually valved and fitted with a fire hose connection
suitable for the particular type of fire hose coupling in use locally. Isolating valves should
be fitted so as to maintain the integrity of the line in the event of fracture. Suitable pipeline
drain valves and wash out facilities should be provided. A foam solution pipeline of this
type should cater for a design minimum of 115 cubic metres/hour of solution. Fire-fighting
craft, especially those at terminal with buoy mooring berths, should have a connection for
an International Shore Fire Connection (see appendix E) for use in boosting pressure in,
or supplies to, a tanker’s fire water mains, or a suitable adaptor for this purpose. The craft
should also have a connection to enable them to supply water to, or boost pressure in, a
terminal fire main.
Keterangan :
1. Tutup pengaman
2. Pemecah seal timah
3. Seal timah
4. Saringan gambar
5. Cairan A
6. Cairan B
7. Selang
Keterangan :
1. Kerangan
2. Tutup
3. Klep karet
4. Selang g a m b a r
5. Pemancar
6. Cairan A
7. Cairan B
proceeds to the powder post being released. Several posts can be utilised at the
same time, but each post must be triggered in the same way.
Stationary dry powder systems are normally delivered with powder (NaHCO 3 -
natrium hydrogen carbonate or KHCO 3 - calcium hydrogen carbonate) for
extinguishing fire in class B or E. That is all types of liquid like: petrol, alcohol,
acetone, oil, painting etc., and different types of gases like methanol, methane,
butane, propane etc.
Dry powder systems utilise N2 (Nitrogen) or CO2 (carbon dioxide) as propellant gas.
The gas is kept in pressure cylinders. A gas pressure regulator reduces N2 -gas or
CO2 - gas (200kg/cm2) to 20 kg/cm2 before it goes via the riser in to the powder
aggregate. The riser's gas taps are very important, as the powder together with the
propellant gas must be able to "float" as a liquid through the pipe system and the
powder jet.
The stationary powder post (monitor) should have a capacity of at least
10kg/second. Manual equipment, "hand hoses", should have a capacity of at least
3,5kg/second, but not too large for one man to operate. The length of a hand hose
should not exceed 33 m. It is very important that the hose is pulled out to its full
length before setting the pressure. The extension should be at a minimum of 10
metres for both stationary and hand based equipment. The plant's powder capacity
should be of the size that utilises all posts. The delivery of powder should progress at
a minimum of 45 seconds.
Below is an example of this with the following data: 4 stationary and 4 hand stations:
Stationary: (4 pcs. x min.10kg./s x min. in 45s) = 1800 kg. Hand based: (4 pcs. x
min.3,5kg./s x min. in 45s) = 630 kg. Minimum powder capacity: = 2430 kg.
Technical description
The powder type NaHCO3 and KHCO3 has an extinguishing effect based on a
reaction inhibitor along with some cooling of the fuel surface and the gas face.
Powder is not electrically conductive in dry conditions. To avoid humidity in the
powder, a water-repellent material is added usually silicon.
Dry chemical systems consist of a mechanical part that includes a powder aggregate
with valves, release mechanism, pipe system and jets. Everyone must memorise
maintenance routines and test routines, based on the plant on the specific vessel.
(This is part of the fire drill onboard).
An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment,
especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. The term is
mostly used to describe marine oil spills, where oil is released into the ocean or
coastal waters. Oil spills may be due to releases of crude oil from tankers, offshore
platforms, drilling rigs and wells, as well as spills of refined petroleum products (such
as gasoline, diesel) and their by-products, heavier fuels used by large ships such as
bunker fuel, or the spill of any oily refuse or waste oil. Another significant route by
which oil enters the marine environment is through natural oil seeps.
When the vessel alongside, all of the fire fighting equipment and oil spill prevention
must be standby near of manifold that used. It caused by :
Mechanical damage
Human error
On 1926 oil pollution at sea accepted by an international admission in Washington
The suggestions that give on conferention are:
Obligatory OWS (Oily Water Separator) installation on vessels that used fuel
oil and load cargo as a contents.
Determine maritime zone where cannot discharge an oil overboard as :
Dutch, Belgia,Swedish,England, USA. Accepted clauses 50 miles from
nearest land is a prohibited zona of discharge overboard.
Oil spilled on the sea undergoes a series of processes collectively known as
“weathering” which will change its characteristics and behavior. The main factors
affecting the behavior of oil are :
- Physical characteristics of the oil, in particular, specific gravity, viscosity and
boiling range.
- Composition and chemical characteristics of the oil.
- Meteorological conditions (sea state, sunlight and air temperatures) : and
- Characteristics of the seawater (specific gravity, currents, temperature,
presence of bacteria, nutrients and dissolved oxygen and suspended solids).
Emergency Procedures
This Chapter deals with the preparation of plans both by the terminal and by the
tanker to meet an emergency that may in any way concern the cargo or cargo
handling, as well as the immediate action to be taken in such an emergency.
All tankers and terminals should have procedures ready for immediate
implementation in the event of an emergency. The procedures must anticipate and
cover all types of emergency which might be encountered in the particular activities
of the tanker or terminal. Although the main aim of the procedures will be to respond
to a fire, all other possible emergencies such as hose or pipeline bursts, cargo
overflow, pumproom flooding, men overcome by gas within tanks, breakouts of
vessels, weather or blackouts, must be covered. Similarly, while the deployment of
fire-fighting equipment will be prominent in any emergency procedures, equipment
such as breathing apparatus, resuscitation apparatus and stretchers must also be
covered, together with details of means of escape or exit.
drawn up in consultation with the port authority, fire brigade, police etc. and be
compatible with any port.
Emergency plan. The plan should include:
• The specific initial action to be taken by those at the location of the emergency
to report, contain and overcome the incident.
• Procedures to be followed in mobilizing the resources of the terminal as
required by the incident.
• Alerting responsibility and procedures.
• Reporting location for personnel involved.
• Emergency organization giving specific duties of each person.
• Communication systems.
• Control centres.
• An inventory, including location details, of emergency equipment.
Each terminal should have an emergency team whose duties involve planning,
implementing and revising emergency procedures as well as executing them. An
emergency plan, when formulated, must be properly documented in an emergency
procedures manual which should be available to all personnel whose work is
connected with the terminal. The main points of the initial response to an emergency,
such as reporting and action to contain and control it, together with the location of all
emergency equipment, should be conspicuously displayed on notices at all strategic
locations within the terminal.
Ships alongside the terminal berths must be advised of the terminal's emergency
plan, particularly:
• Alarm signals.
• Emergency escape routes.
• How to summon assistance in the event of an emergency on board.
5.2.2. Control
It is essential that the terminal emergency plan makes absolutely clear the person, or
persons in order of priority, with overall responsibility for dealing with the emergency.
The responsibility, under that person, for the actions of those parts of the terminal
organisation which may be called upon to participate in the effort to contain and
control the incident must also be clearly laid down. Failure to define lines of
responsibility can easily lead to confusion and to the loss of valuable time.
It is particularly Important that the role of any civil fire-fighting brigade commander is
clearly stated. In some countries it is mandatory that he takes overall charge of all
fire-fighting activities and the terminal's plan must reflect the true relationship
between Civil and terminal fire-fighting controllers before and after the arrival of the
civil fire brigade on the scene.
At major terminals, an office should be designated as a control centre, ready for use
in the event of emergencies. This control centre should be located at a convenient
central point not adjacent to likely hazards, possibly in the main terminal office.
During an emergency the control centre should be manned by a leading
representative from the terminal, port authority, fire brigade, tug company, police or
other appropriate civil authority.
When possible, it may also be desirable that a responsible officer from the casualty
vessel be in attendance at the control centre to give advice. A public relations officer
should be designated to relay information to the public. It Is essential that the
persons who are to man the control centre are aware of its location and of their duty
to proceed there without delay immediately they are alerted. All other alerted
personnel should also report to the main control centre unless another location is
specified in the emergency plan.
A secondary unit, the forward control, may be needed, particularly in the case of
major fires, to take charge of operations at the site of the incident, under the overall
command of the control centre. The forward control should be manned by an
emergency team trained in emergency techniques and completely familiar with their
To fulfill its purposes the control centre must have good means of communication
(see Sections 14.2.3, 14.2.4 and 14.2.5). It should also be equipped with;
• The terminal emergency plan.
• A prepared list of human and material resources and their location.
• Tape recorder (radio and telephone calls should be recorded).
5.2.3 Communications
The control centre should be capable of directing, coordinating and controlling, either
directly or through the forward control, all fire-fighting and other emergency activities,
including advice to shipping. For these purposes it must have a communications
system linking it with:
Within the terminal:
- Fire service (shore and afloat).
- Personnel.
- Medical service.
Outside the terminal:
- Fire service.
- Medical service.
- Harbour authorities.
- Tugs and launches.
- Pilots.
- Police.
- Other appropriate civil authorities.
It may not in practice be possible for small terminals to implement all the
recommendations regarding communications which follow, but they should
endeavour to deploy a communications system adequate for their requirements,
including a fire alarm.
Reliable communications are essential in dealing successfully with emergency
situations. Because of their Importance, consideration should be given to setting up
a secondary system to take over if the main system is put out of action.
• The co-ordination and control of all fire-fighting and emergency activities, including
movement of vessels.
Most of the equipment should therefore be portable or mobile, particularly that for
use by t| forward control. Moreover, it should be of a type approved for any location
in which it is like to be used. The most satisfactory system to meet all these
requirements is a UHF/VH transceiver system. Tugs, water-borne fire-fighting
equipment and designated reselllaunches, if available, should be permanently fitted
with UHF/VHF transceiver equipment capable of operation on the channel
designated for emergency use. This channel or channel should .be made known to
relevant personnel involved in the emergency.
As fire-fighting tugs may be used for either the movement of ships or fire-fighting,
they should have at least two separate UHFA/HF channels. When fire-fighting, tugs
must be in direct communication with and under the control of the senior fire-fighting
officer in charge. For communication links from the control centre, the following are
typical methods:
In order to avoid the public telephone system being swamped by incoming telephone
callsf an unlisted outgoing only public telephone should be installed in the control
Any emergency that requires, or might requiere, assistance beyond the resources of
the terminal should immediately be reported to the local fire services or the local
5.2.11 Pilots
If in an emergency, the partial or total evacuation of jetties is decided upon, the local
pilotage organisations may be called upon at short nitice to provide a number of
pilots to advise on the handling of ships not involved.
5.2.12 Tugs
If tugs are used to berth or unberth tankers at a terminal, all or some of them may
be fitted with fire-fighting equipment specially designed to fight fires on tankers at the
terminal berths or on the terminal itself, and they may also be equipped to pump fire-
fighting water into the| terminal's fire main system.
Where the fire-fighting capability of tugs is part of a terminal's planned response to
fires on-tankers or on the terminal itself, they must be made available as soon as
they are required their contribution is to be effective. Arrangements must be made
with the pilots so that, should these tugs be assisting a ship berthing or unberthing at
the terminal or in some other part of the harbour when a fire emergency occurs, they
can be released in the shortest. possible time to assist in fire-fighting. When these
tugs are idle between routine tasks, they must be moored with easily slipped
moorings, within easy reach and, where possible, within sight of the terminal, and
must keep a continuous radio and visual watch on the terminal. Where the
attendance of these fire-fighting tugs at a fire cannot be assured within a reasonable
time scale, their contribution to the fire-fighting plans of the terminal should be
downgraded accordingly.
The decision to use tugs to assist in fighting a fire on a tanker or on the terminal, or
to use them to sail other vessels in danger of becoming involved, should be made by
the person in overall charge of the fire-fighting and in conjunction with the harbour
authority. Fire-fighting tugs should be equipped with UHFA/HF radio with separate
channels for towing and fire-fighting and, when fire-fighting, they must be in direct
contact with and under the control of the person in overall charge of the fire-fighting.
Tugs should not fight fires independently of the person in charge of fire-fighting as
this could impede his fire-fighting strategy.
Tugs with fire-fighting equipment should be inspected regularly to ensure that their
equipment and foam compound stocks are in good condition. Tests of the fire pump
and monitors should be carried out weekly. The foam filling points on the tugs must
be kept clear so as to be immediately ready for use.
A decision should be made as part of the terminal emergency plan as to whether
trained fire fighters should board the tug or whether the crew will be used for fire-
fighting duties. The decision should be supported with appropriate training for the
chosen fire fighters (see Section 5.2.17).
Command Centre
There should be one group in control of the response to the emergency with the
master or the senior officer on board in charge. The command centre should have
means of internal and external communication.
Emergency Party
This group should be under the command of a senior officer and should assess the
emergency and report to the command centre on the situation, advising what action
should be taken and what assistance should be provided, either from on board or, if
the ship is in port, from ashore.
Engineering Group
This group should be under the command of the chief engineer or the senior
engineering officer on board and should provide emergency assistance as instructed
by the command centre. The prime responsibility for dealing with any emergency in
the main machinery spaces will probably rest with this group. It may be called on to
provide additional manpower elsewhere.
The plan should ensure that all arrangements apply equally well in port and at sea.
Preliminary Action
The person who discovers the emergency must raise the alarm and pass on
information about the situation to the officer on duty who, in turn, must alert the
emergency organization. While this is being done, those on the scene should
attempt immediate measures to control the emergency until the emergency
organization takes effect.
Each group in the emergency organization should have a designated assembly
point, as should those persons not directly involved as members of any group.
Personnel not directly involved should stand by to act as required.
Ship's personnel should be familiar with the theory of fire-fighting outlined in Chapter
22 and should receive instruction in the use of fire-fighting and emergency
equipment. Practices and drills should be arranged at intervals to ensure that
personnel retain their familiarity with the equipment.
If an opportunity arises for a combined fire practice or conference with shore
personnel at a terminal (see Section 5.2.17) the master should make an officer
available to show the shore personnel the location of portable and fixed fire-fighting
equipment on board and also to instruct them on any design features of the ship
which may require special attention in case of fire.
Personnel in the vicinity of the fire should apply the nearest suitable extinguishing
agent to attempt to limit the spread of the fire, to extinguish it, and thereafter to
prevent re-ignition. If they are unsuccessful, their actions should very quickly be
superseded by the operation of the tanker's emergency plan.
After all personnel have been evacuated from the vicinity, all doors, openings and
tank apertures should be closed as quickly as possible and mechanical ventilation
should be stopped. Decks, bulkheads and other structures in the vicinity of the fire,
and adjacent tanks which contain petroleum liquids or are not gas free, should be
cooled with water.
should be maneuvered so as to resist the spread of the fire and allow it to be
attacked from windward.
Once the alarm has been raised, responsibility for fighting the fire on board the ship
will rest with the master or other responsible officer assisted by the ship's crew. The
same emergency organization should be used as when the ship is at sea (see
Section 5.3.2) with an additional group under the command of an officer or senior
rating to make preparations, where possible, for disconnecting metal arms or hoses
from the manifold.
On mobilization of the terminal and, where applicable, the civil fire-fighting forces and
equipment, the master or other responsible officer, in conjunction with the
professional fire fighters, must make a united effort to bring the fire under control.
whether or not to use them to assist in the evacuation of unaffected ships (see
Section 5.2.16 for the emergency removal of a tanker on fire from a berth).
The terminal control room will be responsible for summoning any outside assistance
such as the civil fire brigade, rescue launches, medical aid and ambulances, police,
harbour authority and p
• Discharge should take place through the sea valve and where possible on the
side opposite to the engine room intakes.
• All non-essential inlets should be closed.
• If discharge must be from the deck level, flexible hoses should be rigged to
extend below the water surface.
6.1. The Effects of oil and chemical pollution on human and marine
6.1.1 Introduction
Research in the 1970's and 1980s led to a dramatic increase in the awareness and
understanding of the effects of oil on the marine environment. Ongoing research
continued to add to this, and more recently has been supported in the 1990's by
comprehensive studies following major oil pollution cases. The following discussion
therefore reflects some thirty years of research and study, from which an extensive
range of knowledge has been established, confirmed by experience in the field.
The effects of a particular spill situation will depend on many factors. These include
the volume of the oil spilled, its physical, chemical and toxicological characteristics
(particularly those that determine the oil's ability to persist in the environment) and
condition (as a floating slick or dispersed in the water column); local conditions at the
time of the spill (e.g., temperature, wind); time of year; the presence of structures or
resources in the path of the spill; and location of the spill in relation to the nature and
mixing of sediments, sea bottom topography and geomorphology of the coast. The
variability of these and other factors and their interaction can lead to a wide range of
ecological, economic and physical effects.
The topic discussions that follow are not intended to suggest any particular order of
priority with regard to effects. The ultimate value placed on various impacts will
depend upon the circumstances surrounding the particular spill event.
A distinction should be made at the outset between the effects of spilled oil itself and
the effects of cleanup measures. Major categories of remedial (control and recovery)
measures include manual, mechanical and chemical means. In some instances, the
remedial measures themselves may have adverse consequences, which are more
fully discussed in subsequent chapters.
On fine sandy beaches the oil is likely to remain on the surface where it can be
removed. However, in some instances, oil on sandy beaches may be covered by the
sand and emerge again later due to the action of wind and tides. On beaches of
cobble, gravel or even coarse sand, the oil may penetrate with the tidal water table
down to hard substrata.
In sheltered tidal flats, mangroves and salt marshes, oil can penetrate into the anoxic
muds, facilitated by animal burrows, decaying root masses and interstitial water
movement, where it may cause local biological effects for long periods. In such
areas, biota are susceptible to physical smothering in the early stages of a spill and
may exhibit chemical contamination of their tissues for extended periods.
6.1.4 Ecotoxicology
In addition to the direct physical effects of smothering or fouling, much of the
mortality that occurs during the early stages of an oil spill results from toxicity of the
more water-soluble, lighter aromatic components of oil. These more toxic
components (e.g., alkyl-sub-stituted benzenes and naphthalenes) generally
disappear relatively quickly. The toxicity of a spill to marine organisms therefore
varies according to the presence and amount of these components in the oil and
whether they have dissipated before exposure to the organisms in question. The
more toxic oils, such as gas oil and kerosene, contain higher proportions of a variety
of more toxic components, but they also tend to dissipate quickly and leave little
residue. Crude oils and medium fuel oil contain less toxic components but are more
persistent and can still exhibit toxicity to marine organisms. Heavier crude oils
contain lower amounts of toxic components but heavy fuel oils may contain light
products blended in, which are more toxic to marine organisms than the heavy fuel
designation might otherwise suggest.
Bioassays have been used extensively to estimate the toxicity of different oil types to
different species and life stages of organisms. Most tests have measured the
mortality of test organisms during an acute exposure period (usually 96 hours). The
96-hour LC-50 (concentration of oil producing mortality of 50% of the test organisms
over the specified period) for most organisms tested falls in the range of 0.5 mg/£ to
10 mg/£ (parts per million). Standard toxicity test conditions, however, may have
limited relevance to actual field exposures in open-water habitats, which usually are
more dynamic and transient. Also, since laboratory tests cannot readily estimate
reproductive potential or survival of organisms under field conditions, these bioassay
results represent very incomplete information about the potential long-term effects of
an oil spill in the natural environment. Nonetheless, they do provide a measure of the
potential for toxicity of a spill during its early stages when concentrations of oil in the
water column are highest. The highest concentrations of oil measured in the water
column during most spills have generally been in the range of 0.2 mg to 0.5 mg/£.
Much higher concentrations of 0.5 mg/£ to 1.0 mg/£ have been measured under
surface oil slicks within 20 km of a subsurface blow-out. Near the wellhead,
measured concentrations exceeded 10 mg/£ in surface waters. However,
concentrations in this range are very short-lived, and exposure of water column
organisms to these levels is likely to be short-term.
The effects of acute toxicity during the early stages of an oil spill may be local or
transient or may persist for several years after the spill depending on the size,
location and season of the spill and the impacted species. If the spill occurs during a
peak period of reproduction, the entire current-year class of organisms in the
immediate area of the spill could be lost, along with the adults and juveniles. Effects
of such magnitude, however, have rarely been observed on a population scale. The
ultimate impact on the population depends on the life span, adult mobility and
reproductive strategy of the species (i.e. planktonic versus sessile larvae). Species
with short life cycles, high adult mobility and/or planktonic larvae typically exhibit only
short-term effects. Long-term effects may be evident in localized or confined areas
where oil is highly persistent.
ability to escape predators), growth or reproduction and may lead to disease or early
sublethal effects on local finfish populations have been observed in heavily oiled
areas after some oil spills, but effects on region-wide productivity were small or not
After initial destruction of intertidal or benthic organisms, resistant or opportunistic
species may undergo dramatic population increases and fluctuations in the affected
area. Repopulation by the original species may sometimes be slow. Some near-
shore benthic communities oiled by a major crude oil spill began to show significant
recruitment only in the second year and recovery was still not complete after three to
four years in the most heavily impacted areas. Damage to marshy areas or
mangroves can be transitory, but in other cases may persist for decades if the loss of
vegetation leads to extensive erosion and changes in soil characteristics or
elevation. Damage may also continue if oil persists in the sediment or in surface tar
The principal concern at the outset of an oil spill is one of public and vessel safety.
Spills that occur in areas where the oil remains confined increase the initial risk of
fire or explosion. Public and vessel safety must be addressed immediately and the
necessary actions that are taken to mitigate potential safety hazards could be
economically costly. Areas may need to be closed or access temporarily restricted
for vessels, vehicles, and personnel. Operations such as welding, cutting, or other
spark-generating activities may need to be restricted or prohibited until the risk of fire
hazard no longer exists. Such restrictions and interferences may affect normal
operations in the port, harbour, or marina, to the extent that the indirect costs could
exceed the direct costs associated with any physical damage from collision,
explosion or fire, loss of cargo and cleanup.
Actions taken to minimize or prevent the spread of floating oil, such as the
deployment of booms, or the closure of dock or lock gates, may affect vessel transits
through the affected area. Depending on the nature and extent of a spill, these
restrictions could be broad in scope and may need to be continually adjusted to
reflect the changing situation.
Direct contamination of vessel hulls, mooring ropes, fenders, and work access points
such as steps, ladders, and slip-ways is a common occurrence. An oily film may
adhere to surfaces extending between the high-water and low-water marks of all
structures and objects subject to tidal influence. Inclement weather can impede
cleanup efforts and can serve to spread the oil more quickly to unaffected areas.
Restrictions on normal activities may be needed or imposed until such time as safe
working conditions have been restored and cleanup has advanced sufficiently to
allow normal operations to resume.
Interrupting, restricting, or prohibiting normal shipping and com¬mercial port and
harbour activities, commercial and sport fishing, recreational boating, or other
waterborne activities at port and harbour facilities and/or marinas could affect many
segments of the local economy and extend to those of other communities. In
addition, unsightly oil-covered docks, boat hulls and other structures,an nilv smell,
mav discourage recreational and commercial use of waterfront facilities, and
adversely affect tourism in the area. Some ports and harbours may also contain
environmentally important areas, whose features and sensitivity to oil pollution are
described elsewhere in this chapter.
Various port operations may be affected
addition to any measures being taken during an oil spill to protect the intakes, an
added precaution may sometimes be taken to interrupt or slow down operations to
avoid any possible damage, but potentially causing temporary water supply
problems for consumers.
6.1.10 Fish
Direct oil spill effects
Direct kills of adult fish have been observed at only a few oil spills. At other major
spills, some fish were found to have ingested oil and oil contamination of muscle
tissue was found in several instances, giving rise to tainting. Reproductive effects
have been noted after some incidents. Some laboratory experiments have indicated
that fish eggs are very sensitive to extremely low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons
and reduced hatching of fish eggs has been attributed to oil exposure at some spills.
Sub-lethal effects
The effects of sub-lethal exposures of fish to petroleum have been extensively
examined in laboratory experiments. In some cases, exposures to realistic
concentrations (i.e. similar to those observed under field conditions) have produced
effects on reproductive processes including behaviour, fecundity, and success of
fertilization and hatching; have induced aberrations (e.g., of development, behaviour,
biochemical processes, and subcellular structure) that could lead to premature death
through increased susceptibility to predation or disease; and also induced
carcinogenesis and mutagen¬esis. Some of these laboratory observations have
been supported by field observations, either under spill circumstances or in
chronically contaminated marine environments. Detectable effects have usually been
confined to the immediate vicinity of the spill, or the effects of the oil have been
obscured by the presence of other contaminants at the site.
The formation of tumours has been detected in field populations of fish and molluscs,
and the incidence of tumours has been related to exposure to polynuclear aromatic
hydrocarbons or petroleum products arising from sources other than oil spills.
Intertidal areas of shellfish culture are particularly susceptible to spill effects. The
shoreline effectively traps any oil that may be transported there and holds it while
successive tides deposit and redeposit it in the intertidal zone. Wave action may
disperse the oil throughout the shallow water column and mix it into sediment layers.
Together, these processes can cause direct physical contammination of the shellfish;
bio-accumulation and tainting of the edible tissues and persistent chemical
contamination of the sediment, rendering the environment potentially unsuitable for
shellfish production for several years. In areas remote from the spill, shellfish may be
saved by immediate harvest before the spill arrives. Shellfish in moderately
contaminated areas may be relocated to clean areas for depuration or cleansing of
the tissues. Shellfish in more heavily contaminated areas might have to be
destroyed. Where sediments have been contaminated, restoration may be
accelerated in a number of ways during shoreline cleanup.
Economically important algae and other plants in the intertidal zone may be broken
away from their rocky substrata by the weight of oil clinging to the fronds. Small
decreases in population density may occur for a year after the spill. Cultured
seaweeds grown on floating nets are particularly prone to contamination by floating
or dispersed oil. Submerged plants, such as kelps, are less vulnerable to spills
because of the depths at which they occur.
fish on the market. This can result in loss of sales over a wider area than that
actually affected by the spill.
Kinds of effects
Exposure to oil may occur through physical contact with floating, dispersed or
stranded oil, by ingestion of oil or contaminated food or by inhalation. ''
Animals that depend on fur or hair for thermal insulation (such as otters and fur
seals) suffer loss of body temperature when their fur is fouled with oil. Most other sea
mammals rely on blubber and vascular constriction for controlling their body
temperatures and thus are more resistant to the thermal effects of oiling.
Marine mammals confined close to the source of a spill, or surfacing repeatedly in
fresh oil slicks, will inhale vapours of petroleum. While prolonged inhalation of high
vapour levels could cause death or nervous system damage, short-term inhalation is
likely to produce only mild inflammation of mucous tissues. Because the volatile
components of oil disappear within hours of a spill, animals away from the immediate
area of a spill are not likely to suffer serious consequences of inhalation.
Mammals other than otters are unlikely to consume significant quantities of oil except
through ingestion of contaminated food. During feeding, baleen whales may
encounter oil dispersed in the water column, but they are more likely to consume oil
that was ingested first by their zoo planktonic prey.
During pupping season, seals are particularly vulnerable to oil spills. Seal pups may
be smothered by thick deposits of oil. New-born seals possess little fat and depend
on their fur for temperature regulation, and therefore are susceptible to hypothermia
as a result of oil fouling. Oiled fur seal pups suffer from high rates of mortality.
Because seals are sensitive to all types of disturbances when pups are present,
wildlife management officials should be consulted in carrying out cleanup activities
near breeding or pupping areas.
Unless otters are quickly and properly cleaned, fouling of their fur is likely to cause
death, either through hypothermia or as a result of oil ingestion or aspiration of oil
into the lungs during grooming. Although ingestion of oil for short periods usually
does not result in serious effects, prolonged consumption may lead to organ damage
and hormonal imbalances.
reproductive rate are particularly vulnerable to oil spill effects. In addition, some
species (auks and sea ducks) cannot fly during their moulting period, and others
(penguins) do not fly at all. Sea-birds may come into contact with floating oil at sea
by swimming into the slick, diving through it or surfacing into it from below.
Shorebirds may also be impacted while feeding or nesting on oiled beaches.
Effects on populations
With only a few possible exceptions, oil spills appear not to have had major effects
on the overall populations of the species involved. The annual mortality may be
naturally high for many species of sea-birds, especially during winter storm events,
relative to mortality caused by spills. Species that are dispersed over large ranges,
therefore, are unlikely to suffer notable population decreases except on small and
local scales. By contrast, species that are very restricted in their ranges, or that
congregate at some time of year in a restricted location, are much more vulnerable
to impacts from a major spill. Most vulnerable, perhaps, are those species with
limited ranges that are subjected to repeated spills and low-level oil pollution from
nearby shipping routes or oil terminals. Once impacted by a spill, local populations
may recover quickly if the mortality is minimal.
Effects on corals
The likelihood of oil affecting corals depends on factors such as the size of the spill
and type of oil, the type of coral reef and its depth, the local wave energy and the
current state of stress of the corals (arising from other external influences, such as
sediment loading).
The greatest damage is likely to occur through physical smothering if an oil slick is
stranded on the upper parts of the reef (the reef flat) at low tide. Submerged reefs
may be exposed to oil droplets in the water, especially if the oil is either dispersed
through high wave energy or by the application of chemical dispersants. If oil slicks
float over submerged reefs, without significant dispersion, adverse effects are likely
to be minimal and recovery very rapid. Deep corals are unlikely to come into contact
with oil unless it adheres to sediment particles that are being deposited on the coral.
Oil spills have occurred in the vicinities of coral reefs and near shorelines with
fringing intertidal reef communities. These spills have caused substantial mortality
among the fish and invertebrates (including lobsters, crabs, gastropods, bivalves,
octopus, sea urchins, sea stars, and sea cucumbers) in intertidal areas, on the
surfaces and margins of coastal fringing reef platforms and in adjacent shallow
subtidal areas. Natural algal species and sea grasses were also destroyed in many
of these areas. In general, however, the subtidal reef corals tend to survive these
individual events.
Many corals generate large quantities of mucus when exposed to oil and this may
protect them from more serious damage. Exposure of corals to dispersed oil causes
a variety of responses that may influence the long-term effects of pollution. Oiling
impairs the reproductive process, reducing both the numbers of breeding colonies
and the number of larvae produced per coral head and decreasing the rate of larval
settlement on artificial substrates. Some coral larvae are ordinarily released only at
night and exposure causes premature release of the larvae and decreases chances
of their survival. Impaired feeding responses have also been noted in corals exposed
to oil. These reproductive and feeding effects may account for decreases in coral
and fish diversities observed in areas near oil terminals where there is considerable
tanker traffic and where more regular, small operational spills may occur.
Dense growths of green algae frequently appear in impacted reef zones after the
initial mortalities associated with a spill. These blooms probably result from an
abundance of available nutrients and the absence of large populations of grazing
organisms. After the initial toxicity has dissipated, recruitment of planktonic larvae
and adult organisms can begin from nearby unaffected areas. Recovery of impacted
reef communities occurs in most cases within a few years.
erosion effects of sea and wind. These plant communities (mangrove forests in
tropical areas and salt marshes at higher latitudes) and their associated fauna are
highly vulnerable to impact from oil spills in coastal waters.
root mats. A totally devastated mangrove forest may take several decades to return
to a fully mature state. Restoration of both mangrove and saltmarsh communities
may be enhanced by artificial reseeding or by transplanting young plants from other
unaffected areas.
Bunker tanks which have been topped up should be checked frequently during the
remaining bunker operations to avoid an overflow.
Unless there are permanent means for retention of any slight leakage at ship/ shore
connections for bunker transfer, it is essential that a drip tray is in place to catch any
leaking oil.
The removed bunker oil and the used clean-up material should be retained on board
in proper containment units until it can be discharged to a reception facility.
Identify leaking tank; consider diver if necessary and possible. Reduce level in tank
in question well below sea level.
If it is not possible to identify the leaking tank, reduce level in all tanks in vicinity. In
this case give careful consideration to hull stress and stability.
If there Is a spillage due to suspected hull leakage reduce the head of bunker and
promptly transfer the bunker oil to an available empty or slack tank or, if berthed,
discharge ashore in suitable barges/ tanks.
Inform in line with SECTION 2 all parties interested about Hull Leakage and the
actions taken so far.
determine remedial action to be taken for ensuring the safety of the ship and its
Furthermore, the Master should also consider
• Danger to the ship's complement if the ship should slide off grounding site
• Danger of ship being shattered by heavy seas or swell
• Health hazards to the ship's crew and surrounding population due to release
of oil or other hazardous substances in dangerous concentrations
• That fires may start due to released flammable substances and uncontrolled
ignition sources
• Should the damage which the ship has sustained be of such an extent that
the stability cannot be computed on board, the Master should seek assistance
according to subparagraph 3.6
Also, the ship's Master shall take into account the following considerations:
• Is the vessel constantly being struck in the seaway?
• Is the vessel exposed to torsion?
• Is there a large difference in the tidal rangers at the grounding site?
• Are there strong tidal currents in the grounding area?
• May the vessel drift further up on the shore, due to high tides, wind and
Soundings of ballast tanks/ bunkers tanks are to be compared with last soundings to
check for possible leaks.
Sounding to be taken around the ship establish the ship's position on the grounding
When the ship is aground, due regards should be given to the indiscriminate opening
of ullage plugs, sighting ports etc. as loss of buoyancy could be the result of such
Any list of the ship shall be noted and included In the report for assistance.
• whether the ship is damaged in such a way that It may sink, break up or
capsize after getting off
• whether the ship after getting off may have maneuvering problems upon
leaving the dangerous area by own means
• whether machinery, rudder or propeller are damaged due to grounding or may
be damaged by trying to get off ground by own means
• whether the ship may be trimmed or lightened sufficiently to avoid damage to
other tanks in order to reduce additional pollution from oil/ bunker spillage
• weather evaluation: whether there is time/ reason to await improvements in
weather or tide.
Inform in line with Section 2 all parties Interested about the Grounding and the
actions taken so far
Steps to control the discharge of oil will depend largely on the damage to ship and
Special information thereto is contained in subparagraphs 3.2.4, 3.2.5 and 3.2.6.
Inform in line with Section 2 all parties interested about the Fire/ Explosion and the
actions taken so far.
6.2.4. Collision
Should the ship be involved in a collision with another ship, the Master should as
soon as possible identify the extent of damage to his own vessel.
When a collision occurs, the GENERAL ALARM should be sounded immediately for
the personnel to muster at their designated Muster Stations.
The following check list should assist the Master in assessing the situation:
• Are any tanks penetrated above or below the waterline?
• If ships are dead in the water and interlocked, what is most prudent, to stay
interlocked or separate?
• Is there any oil spill at present - small or large? Will a separation of the
interlocked ships create a larger oil spill than if the ships stay interlocked?
• If there is an oil spill, will the separation of the ships cause sparks that can
Ignite the spilled oil or other flammable substances leaked out from the ships?
• Are the ships creating a greater danger to other traffic in the area if the are
interlocked than If separated?
• Is there a danger to either ship of sinking after being separated
• If the ships are separated, how is the maneuverability of the own ship?
In the event of a casualty the Master's first priority is to ensure the safety of the
ship's personnel, and to initiate actions which may prevent escalation of the
incident and marine pollution..
A. Ship grounded / stranded
Also, the ship's Master shall take into account the following considerations:
• Is the vessel constantly being struck in the seaway?
• Is the vessel exposed to torsion?
• Is there a large difference in the tidal rangers at the grounding site?
• Are there strong tidal currents in the grounding area?
• May the vessel drift further up on the shore, due to high tides, wind and
Check for visible oil along hull or in wake of the ship during day time. At
night a stick with white cloth (or sheet of sorbent) around it may be
lowered into the water alongside the ship to check for oil leakages.
All ballast/bunker tanks to be sounded (ullage), all other compartments
which may have contact with the sea should be sounded to ensure that
they are intact.
Soundings of ballast tanks/ bunkers tanks are to be compared with last
soundings to check for possible leaks.
Sounding to be taken around the ship establish the ship's position on the
grounding area.
When the ship is aground, due regards should be given to the
indiscriminate opening of ullage plugs, sighting ports etc. as loss of
buoyancy could be the result of such actions.
Any list of the ship shall be noted and included In the report for
3) Procedures to Reduce or Stop Outflow of Oil
The Master should assess the possibility of damage to the environment
and whatever action can be taken to reduce further damage from an oil
release, such as:
• Transfer of bunkers internally provided shipboard piping system Is
In an operational condition
• If the damage is fairly limited and restricted, i.e. to one or two tanks,
consideration should be given to transfer of bunkers internally from
the damaged tank(s) to intact tanks, taking into account the impact
on the ship's overall stress and stability
• Isolate damaged/ penetrated bunker tank(s) hermetically to ensure
that hydrostatic pressure In tanks remains intact during tidal
• Evaluate possibility of pumping water into a damaged tank in order
to form a water bottom stopping the out flow of oil
• Evaluate the necessity of transferring bunkers to barges or other
ships and request such assistance accordingly
• Evaluate the possibility of additional release of oil.
Inform in line with Section 2 all parties Interested about the Grounding and
the actions taken so far
B. Fire/ Explosion
Should an explosion and a fire occur on board, sound the GENERAL
ALARM immediately. Further actions should be initiated in accordance with
the ship's Muster List. In case of fire and explosion the following priorities
• Rescuing lives
• Limiting the damage/danger to the ship and cargo
• Preventing environmental pollution
Steps to control the discharge of oil will depend largely on the damage to
ship and cargo.
Special information thereto is contained in subparagraphs 3.2.4, 3.2.5 and
Inform in line with Section 2 all parties interested about the Fire/ Explosion
and the actions taken so far.
C. Collision
Should the ship be involved in a collision with another ship, the Master
should as soon as possible identify the extent of damage to his own vessel.
When a collision occurs, the GENERAL ALARM should be sounded
immediately for the personnel to muster at their designated Muster Stations.
The following check list should assist the Master in assessing the situation:
• Are any tanks penetrated above or below the waterline?
• If ships are dead in the water and interlocked, what is most prudent, to
stay interlocked or separate?
• Is there any oil spill at present - small or large? Will a separation of the
interlocked ships create a larger oil spill than if the ships stay
• If there is an oil spill, will the separation of the ships cause sparks that
can Ignite the spilled oil or other flammable substances leaked out from
the ships?
• Are the ships creating a greater danger to other traffic in the area if the
are interlocked than If separated?
• Is there a danger to either ship of sinking after being separated
• If the ships are separated, how is the maneuverability of the own ship?
■ Encyclopaedia Britannica (1911). "Petroleum"
&page=EDlA336) . In Chisholm, Hugh. Encyclopaedia Britannica.
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