and chemicals. The unit is used for cargo Inspection, custody transfer, temperature measurement, free water
detection and verification of fixed installed level gauging systems. Connected to a 1 or 2 HERMetic vapour control
valve fixed installed on deck, the HERMetic UTImeter Gtex avoids any gas release during operation.
free water in addition to the petroleum liquid, it will generally be necessary to measure the level of the oil/water interface. If
the oil also contains suspended water and/or sediment, representative samples and analysis will normally be required to
enable the calculation of the net standard volume of the oil.
Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 Chapter II, Reg. 15(3)(b)
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 specifies that oil tankers shall be provided
with effective oil/water
interface detectors approved by the Administration for a rapid and accurate determination of the oil/water interface in slop
tanks and shall
be available for use in other tanks where the separation of oil and water is effected and from which it is intended to
discharge effluent direct to the sea.
The HERMetic UTImeter Gtex is a portable gas tight liquid level gauge designed for closed gauging
of hydrocarbons and chemicals. The unit is used for custody transfer, inventory control measurement
and free water detection on marine vessels and shore tanks. Connected to a HERMetic vapour control
valve fi xed on the tank, the HERMetic UTImeter Gtex avoids any gas release during operation..