Sire 2.0 Training Planner For Sire 2.0
Sire 2.0 Training Planner For Sire 2.0
Sire 2.0 Training Planner For Sire 2.0
This training programme is for all officers onboard to review the Revised SIRE programme, commonly known as SIRE 2.0
This programme is accompanied by a few documents that require reading and discussion with all officers and crew(as required).
Please carry out a meeting onboard, atleast once every week and review and discuss the sections of the SIRE 2.0 questions library.
The purpose is to review the SIRE question along with the Expected Evidence and Potential grounds for negative observations in each relevant
chapter and prepare well for the upcoming inspections. Please note that there will be more emphasis on Human Factors and Competency of
individuals. Any crew member may be asked questions to judge competence relevant to their rank.
Please update the dates training conducted below and report the progress to your respective QHSE Department every 2 weeks.
Following schedule can be followed
Ref Chapter Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk10 Wk11 Wk12
1 Introduction & Guidance document and
2 Ch. 2 Certification & Documentation
3 Ch. 3 Crew Management
4 Ch. 4 Navigation & Communication
5 Ch. 5 Safety Management
6 Ch. 6 Pollution Prevention
7 Ch. 7 Maritime Security
8 Ch. 8.1 Cargo & Ballast Systems (Oil) [If
9 Ch. 8.2 Cargo & Ballast Systems
(Chemicals) [If applicable]
10 Ch. 8.3 Cargo & Ballast Systems (Oil &
Chemicals) [If applicable]
11 Ch. 8.4 Cargo & Ballast Systems (LPG) [If
12 Ch. 8.5 Cargo & Ballast Systems (LNG) [If
13 Ch. 8.6 Cargo & Ballast Systems (Gas – All
IGC ships) [If applicable]
14 Ch. 8.7 Cargo & Ballast Systems (Shuttle
Tankers) [If applicable]
15 Ch. 8.8 Cargo & Ballast Systems (OBO) [If
16 Ch. 8.99 Cargo & Ballast Systems (All types
of tankers)
17 Ch. 9 Mooring & Anchoring
18 Ch. 10 Machinery Spaces
19 Ch.11 General Appearance and Condition –
Photo comparison (as applicable)
20 Ch. 12 Ice Operations [If Applicable]