Dokumen 1
Dokumen 1
Dokumen 1
Class of 2023. Before I start, let’s thank to God because of his mercyand love so we
can celebrate our graduation today.
I am Gracia Sitinjak and it is such an honor for me to have opportunity to deliver this
speech at our graduation.
First of all I would like to thank for all the teachers who have educated us though US
and trained us patiently. Also have helped us to grow in our six year journey.
I also would like to thank for all our parents and family. Your support, your motivation,
your sacrifice and your love make this day possible.
My dear fellow graduates. This is a milestone for us, the grade six students as we
exit the elementary level and step forward to middle school. The six years we spent
in the elementary school have left us with many memories, both bad and good. We
have gained friendships from our classmates, we have obtained love and guidance
from our parents and teachers, and most of all, we have learned and grown from our
every academic work in the classroom. This is the day for us to be extremely
thankful to them for they are the reasons behind our victory.
My dear fellow graduates, I am aware that our Elementary years were filled with
many performance tasks, quizzes and examinations, and we are all fulfilled that we
have overcome every challenge and task. The priceless lessons, skills and values
that we have learned from our beloved school SD bruder dahlia Pontianak will be our
powerful tools as we step forward to the next chapter of our lives. I know that the first
months of grade 7 will be hard, but if we, as a batch, cooperate and stick to our goals
and dreams, I believe that all of us can Soar high in the Junior High School.
Giving up to a challenge will not give you anything. But, moving forward and taking a
step is a big progress to make our future brighter. The six years we spent here in the
elementary have taught us to never give up to every challenge we face. Our
teachers have trained us to face every day with a positive attitude in life. Small wins
lead to big victories take the chance and enjoy the process of learning and
discovering. Mistakes are part of the journey and the only way to GROW is to correct
and learn from them and never look back.
Our victory is also our school and family’s success. Let us always be reminded that
our education is a gift and we should never take it for granted. Remember success is
not going to be so easy, because a great thing never easy. Let’s use it to be a
blessing to others.
Thank you for letting me being a part of yours and thank you for being a part of mine.
Thank you and may the Lord bless our future academic life.