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EM2 Final Mnual ETF19-23

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Electrical Machines-II Lab

ET- 222
Lab Manual

Student Name

Registration #

Course Instructor: Engr. Waqar Zahid

Lab Instructor: Engr. Ismail Akbar Khan

Department of Electrical Engineering and Technology

College of Engineering & Technology
University of Sargodha

1. Laboratory Safety Rules

2. Learning Outcomes
3. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
4. Lab Manuals
4.1 Perform open circuit test and short circuit test on a single-phase transformer and
determine parameters of its equivalent circuit.
4.2 Perform back to back test on two identical single- phase transformers and find their
4.3 Study three phase transformer and implement its various connection i.e. star/star,
star/delta, delta/delta, delta/star.
4.4 Study about the construction and working of induction motor.
4.5 Perform block rotor test and no-load test on single phase induction motor.
4.6 Study different methods of starting of induction motor.
4.7 Speed control of induction motor.
4.8 Perform open circuit and short circuit test on three phase alternator and draw its
open and short circuit characteristics
4.9 Determine voltage regulation of alternator by zero power factor method.
4.10 Study about the construction and working of synchronous motor.
4.11 Study the effect of variation of excitation and load changes on synchronous motor
and draw v-curves.
4.12 Find out synchronization of an alternator with infinite bus
Laboratory Safety Rules
While no such list can be complete, however you are required to familiar with below given

1. Do not make any changes in circuit or perform any connections when power is on.

2. When in doubt, turn power off.

3. Assume that panel jacks on your bench are electrically live unless power is off.

4. Make sure that you have fully understand the function and connections of any
configurations before implementing it on trainer.

5. Before power on, cross check configurations, setup and connections.

6. Do not repeat the same mistake.

7. Do not guess know! If in doubt, turn power off.

8. Do not wear loose-fitting clothing or jewelry in the machine lab.

9. Do not wear rings and necklaces, as they are usually excellent conductors in excellent
contact with your skin.

10. Powered equipment can be warm like Load Drum. Use caution when handling
equipment after it has been operating.

11. Acquaint yourself with disconnect switches, especially those at your trainer/

12. Work slowly and deliberately. Think as you act.

13. Use appropriate length of wires for connections. Do not allow wires to drop over the
mechanical/Electrical equipment.

14. Do not wires cross over while making connections. This also neatens your work and will
save time to recheck the setup/connections.

15. Keep your trainer working area organized and neat. It should be clear of lab manuals,
extra books and papers, and unused equipment.

16. Do not start work on trainer if your hands are wet, the “one-hand” approach is safest.

17. Do not pull wires out until you are absolutely sure that the power is off, regulated
supplies are reset to zero, and moving parts have been stopped
18. Shocks can occur if an inductive load (motor or transformer) is disconnected while

19. In the event of an accident or emergency,

• Do not panic.
• Shut off all power
• Call the Demonstrator
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:

No. Description PLOs

CLO-1 Demonstrate the operation of different configurations of electric machines 1

CLO-2 Implement and analyse the characteristics of AC machines at different loading 4

CLO-3 Write lab notes, effective communication and the design & analysis of the given 10
problem, to perform in the laboratory environment as individual & team.

Serial # Topics CLOs

01 Perform open circuit test and short circuit test on a single-phase transformer and 2,3
determine parameters of its equivalent circuit.
02 Perform back to back test on two identical single- phase transformers and find their 2,3
03 Study three phase transformer and implement its various connection i.e. star/star, 1,3
star/delta, delta/delta, delta/star.
04 Study about the construction and working of induction motor. 1,3

05 Perform block rotor test and no-load test on single phase induction motor. 2,3

06 Study different methods of starting of induction motor. 1,3

07 Speed control of induction motor. 1,3

08 Perform open circuit and short circuit test on three phase alternator and draw its open 2,3
and short circuit characteristics.
09 Determine voltage regulation of alternator by zero power factor method. 2,3

10 Study about the construction and working of synchronous motor. 1,3

11 Study the effect of variation of excitation and load changes on synchronous motor and 2,3
draw v-curves.
12 Find out synchronization of an alternator with infinite bus 2,3
The course is designed so that students achieve following PLOs:

1 Engineering Knowledge: √ 7 Environment and Sustainability:

2 Problem Analysis: 8 Ethics:
3 Design/Development of Solutions: 9 Individual and Team Work:
4 Investigation: √ 10 Communication: √
5 Modern Tool Usage: 11 Project Management:
6 The Engineer and Society: 12 Lifelong Learning:

Mapping of CLO’s to PLO’s

Course Program learning outcomes (PLO’s)

outcomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
CLO-1 √
CLO-2 √
CLO-3 √

Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all safety
precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section before
commencing experiments


➢ To perform open circuit test on single phase transformer.

➢ To perform short circuit test on single phase transformer.
➢ And to find its equivalent circuit parameters.


➢ Single Phase transformer

➢ Connecting leads
➢ Meter Panel


The principal purpose of a transformer is to convert ac power at one voltage level to ac power of
the same frequency at another voltage level. Transformers are also used for a variety of other
purposes (e.g. voltage sampling, current sampling, and impedance transformation).

Open circuit test:

This test is used to find the following parameters:

1. The magnetization current iM, which is the current required to produce the flux in the transformer
2. The core-loss current which is the current required to make up for hysteresis and eddy current
Losses in the core.
Short Circuit Test:

This test is used to find the following parameters:

1. Copper (I2R) losses. Copper losses are the resistive heating losses in the primary and secondary
windings of the transformer. They are proportional to the square of the current in the windings.
2. Eddy current losses. Eddy current losses are resistive heating losses in the core of the
transformer. They are proportional to the square of the voltage applied to the transformer.
3. Hysteresis losses. Hysteresis losses are associated with the rearrangement of the magnetic
domains in the core during each half cycle. They are a complex, nonlinear function of the voltage
applied to the transformer.
4. Leakage flux. The fluxes which escape the core and pass through only one of the transformer
windings are leakage fluxes. These escaped fluxes produce a leakage inductance in the primary
and secondary coils, and the effects of this inductance must be accounted for.


➢ First take single phase transformer and connect their primaries in parallel and their
secondary in such a way that current flowing through them is zero.
➢ When there is no voltage injected by regulating transformer and we gave supply to
primary winding at that time watt meter connected gives iron loss and ammeter gives no
load current.
➢ Now close the switch and injected the voltage to secondary winding by regulating
transformer so secondary shorted. At that time watt meter connected gives us copper

I=0 Vsc Isc Psc

Voc Poc
Due to O.C

Table 9.1 Open circuit test Table 9.2 Short circuit test
Observation & Conclusion:
Assessment Rubrics for Lab 1
Method of Evaluation: Lab report.
Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.


Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all safety
precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section before
commencing experiments

To determine the efficiency and losses of a given transformer accurately under full load condition


• Single Phase Transformer Trainer Panel

• Single Phase Transformers (Separate)
• Connecting Leads

FIG: two identical transformers coupled back to back

1. The back to back test only employed when identical T/F available. Both transformers are
connected to supply that one transformer is loaded on another.
2. Primaries of the two transformers are connected in parallel in a supply.
3. Secondary windings are connected in series such that emf’s of them are opposite to each other,
another low voltage supply is connected in series with secondary's to get readings.
4. T1 and T2 are identical transformers. Secondary windings are connected in opposite voltages EF
and EGH.
5. In this case as per superposition theorem, no current flows through secondary windings and thus
the no load test is simulated.

• The current drawn from V1 is 210 is no-load current of each transformer, thus input power measured
by W1=Iron losses of both transformers and Iron losses per transformer Pi=w1/2.
• Now a small voltage v2 is injected into the secondary of transformer T, the voltage V2 is adjusted
so that the rated current I2 flows through the secondary, in this case both primary and secondary
carry rated current. Thus, short circuit test is simulated and W2 shows full load copper losses of
both transformers i.e. Copper lose per transformer Pcu=W2/2.
• Full load efficiency will be as follows.
o Efficiency = output/output+W1/2+W2/2*100.
o W1 = Iron losses
o W2 = Copper losses
• Efficiency calculated will be full load efficiency of each transformer.

Sr. No. W1 V1 W2 I2 V2

Comments and Conclusion:

Assessment Rubrics for Lab 2

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.




Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all safety
precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section before
commencing experiments

To perform various connections of transformer

➢ Three phase transformer panel
➢ Connecting leads
➢ Load

Almost all the major power generation and distribution systems in the world to¬ day are three-
phase ac systems. Since three-phase systems play such an important role in modern life, it is
necessary to understand how transformers are used in them. Transformers for three-phase circuits
can be constructed in one of two ways. One approach is simply to take three single-phase
transformers and connect them in a three-phase bank. An alternative approach is to make a three-
phase transformer consisting of three sets of windings wrapped on a common core. A single three-
phase transformer is lighter, smaller, cheaper, and slightly more efficient, but using three separate
single-phase transformers has the advantage that each unit in the bank could be replaced
individually in the event of trouble. A utility would only need to stock a single spare single-phase
transformer to backup all three phases, potentially saving money.

Types of Transformers:

There are four basic types of three phase transformers w.r.t connections:

➢ Star-Star connection
➢ Star-Delta connection
➢ Delta –Star connection
➢ Delta-delta connection

Star-Star connection:

In Primary Winding Each Phase is120°electrical degrees out of phase

with the other two phases.
In Secondary Winding Each Phase is120°electrical degrees out of
phase with the other two phases.
Each primary winding is magnetically linked to one secondary
winding through a common core leg. Sets of windings that are
magnetically linked are drawn parallel to each other in the vector
diagram. In the Y-Y connection, each primary and secondary
winding is connected to a neutral point.
The neutral point may or may not be brought out to an external
physical connection and the neutral may or may not be grounded.

Star-Delta connection:

The primary side is star connected. Hence fewer numbers of

turns are required. This makes the connection economical for
large high voltage step down power transformers.
The neutral available on the primary can be earthed to avoid
The neutral point allows both types of loads (single phase or
three phases) to be met.
Large unbalanced loads can be handled satisfactory.
The Y-D connection has no problem with third harmonic
Component due to circulating currents in D. It is also more stable to unbalanced loads since the D
partially redistributes any imbalance that occurs.
The delta connected winding carries third harmonic current due to which potential of neutral point
is stabilized. Some saving in cost of insulation is achieved if HV side is star connected. But in
practice the HV side is normally connected in delta so that the three phase loads like motors and
single phase loads like lighting loads can be supplied by LV side using three phase four wire

Delta-Star connection:

In this type of connection, the primary connected in delta fashion while the secondary current is
connected in star

The main use of this connection is to step up the voltage i.e. at the beginning of high tension
transmission system. It can be noted that there is a phase shift of 30° between primary line voltage
and secondary line voltage as leading.
Delta-Delta connection:

In this type of connection, both the three phase primary and secondary windings are connected in
delta as shown in the Figure.
Primary side Line Voltage = Secondary Side Line Voltage.
Primary side Phase Voltage= Secondary Side Phase
Voltage. No phase shift between primary and secondary

Comments and Conclusion:

Assessment Rubrics for Lab 3

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.

Study about the construction and working of induction Motor

Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all
safety precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section
before commencing experiments

Objective: To study the different parts of induction motor and their working.

Induction Motor:
An induction motor (also known as an asynchronous motor) is a commonly used AC electric
motor. In an induction motor, the electric current in the rotor needed to produce torque is
obtained via electromagnetic induction from the rotating magnetic field of the stator winding.
The rotor of an induction motor can be a squirrel cage rotor or wound type rotor.
Induction motors are referred to as ‘asynchronous motors’ because they operate at a speed less
than their synchronous speed. So first thing to understand – what is synchronous speed?
Synchronous Speed:
Synchronous speed is the speed of rotation of the magnetic field in a rotary machine, and it
depends upon the frequency and number poles of the machine. The induction motor always runs
at speed less than its synchronous speed. The rotating magnetic field produced in the stator will
create flux in the rotor, hence causing the rotor to rotate. Due to the lag between the flux current
in the rotor and the flux current in the stator, the rotor will never reach its rotating magnetic field
speed (i.e. the synchronous speed)
Working Principle:
We need to give double excitation to make a DC motor to rotate. In the DC motor, we give one
supply to the stator and another to the rotor through brush arrangement. But in induction motor,
we give only one supply, so it is interesting to know how an induction motor works. It is simple,
from the name itself we can understand that here, the induction process is involved. When we
give the supply to the stator winding, a magnetic flux gets produced in the stator due to the flow
of current in the coil. The rotor winding is so arranged that each coil becomes short-circuited.
The flux from the stator cuts the short-circuited coil in the rotor. As the rotor coils are short-
circuited, according to Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, the current will start flowing
through the coil of the rotor. When the current through the rotor coils flows, another flux gets
generated in the rotor. Now there are two fluxes, one is stator flux, and another is rotor flux. The
rotor flux will be lagging in respect of the stator flux. Because of that, the rotor will feel a torque
which will make the rotor to rotate in the direction of the rotating magnetic field. This is the
working principle of both single and three phase induction motors.
Types of Induction Motors:
The types of induction motors can be classified depending on whether they are a single phase or
three phase induction motor.
Single Phase Induction Motor:
The types of single phase induction motors include:
1. Split Phase Induction Motor
2. Capacitor Start Induction Motor
3. Capacitor Start and Capacitor Run Induction Motor
4. Shaded Pole Induction Motor

Three Phase Induction Motor

The types of three phase induction motors include:
1. Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
2. Slip Ring Induction Motor

Why is Three Phase Induction Motor Self Starting?

In a three phase system, there are three single phase lines with a 120° phase difference. So the
rotating magnetic field has the same phase difference which will make the rotor to move. If we
consider three phases a, b, and c when phase a gets magnetized, the rotor will move towards the
phase a winding a, in the next moment phase b will get magnetized and it will attract the rotor
and then phase c. So the rotor will continue to rotate
Important parts of induction motor:
Like any other type of electrical motor induction motor, a 3 phase induction motor is constructed
from two main parts, namely the rotor and stator:
1. Stator:
As its name indicates stator is a stationary part of induction motor. A stator
winding is placed in the stator of induction motor and the three phase supply is given to it.
2. Rotor:
The rotor is a rotating part of induction motor. The rotor is connected to the
mechanical load through the shaft.

The rotor of the three phase induction motor are further classified as
1. Squirrel cage rotor
2. Slip ring rotor or wound rotor or phase wound rotor.

Depending upon the type of rotor construction used the three phase induction motor are
classified as:
1. Squirrel cage induction motor
2. Slip ring induction motor or wound induction motor or phase wound induction motor.

The other parts of a 3 phase induction motor are:

1. Shaft for transmitting the torque to the load. This shaft is made up of steel.
2. Bearings for supporting the rotating shaft.
3. One of the problems with electrical motor is the production of heat during its rotation. To
overcome this problem, we need a fan for cooling.
4. For receiving external electrical connection Terminal box is needed.
5. There is a small distance between rotor and stator which usually varies from 0.4 mm to 4
mm. Such a distance is called air gap.
Stator of Three Phase Induction Motor
The stator of the three-phase induction motor consists of three main parts:
1. Stator frame,
2. Stator core,
3. Stator winding or field winding.
Stator Frame:
It is the outer part of the three phase induction motor. Its main function is to support the stator
core and the field winding. It acts as a covering, and it provides protection and mechanical
strength to all the inner parts of the induction motor.
Stator Core:
The main function of the stator core is to carry the alternating flux. In order to reduce the eddy
current loss, the stator core is laminated. These laminated types of structure are made up of
stamping which is about 0.4 to 0.5 mm thick. All the stamping are stamped together to form
stator core, which is then housed in stator frame. The stamping is made up of silicon steel, which
helps to reduce the hysteresis loss occurring in the motor.
Stator Winding or Field Winding:
The slots on the periphery of the stator core of the three-phase induction motor carry three phase
windings. We apply three phase ac supply to this three-phase winding. The three phases of the
winding are connected either in star or delta depending upon which type of starting method we
use. We start the squirrel cage motor mostly with star-delta stater and hence the stator of squirrel
cage motor is delta connected. We start the slip ring three-phase induction motor by inserting
resistances so, the stator winding of slip ring induction motor can be connected either in star or
delta. The winding wound on the stator of three phase induction motor is also called field
winding, and when this winding is excited by three phase ac supply, it produces a rotating
magnetic field.

Squirrel Cage induction Motor:
We use the squirrel cage induction motors in lathes, drilling machine, fan, blower printing
machines, etc
Slip Ring Induction Motor:
Slip ring induction motor are used where high starting torque is required i.e in hoists, cranes,
elevator etc.

Comments and Conclusion:

Assessment Rubrics for Lab 4

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.



Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all
safety precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section
before commencing experiments


• Single phase induction motor (proxy brakes/block rotor).

• Single phase induction motor (proxy brakes/block rotor) coupled set.
• Connecting leads/probes/jumper wires.

1. The equivalent circuit of a single-phase induction can be developed by using double field
revolving theory. By using the equivalent circuit, the single-phase induction motor can be
2. The single-phase motor can be seen to be made of single stator winding and two imaginary
3. The developed torque of the induction motor is forward torque and backward torque.
4. The resultant forward stator flux and the rotor flux produce a forward air gap flux. This
flux induces the voltage in rotor. Thus, due to the forward flux, the rotor circuit referred to
stator as an impedance of r2 /2s+Jx2/2.
5. When the single-phase induction motor is running and the direction of forward revolving
field at a slip S, then the rotor currents induced by the forward field has frequency fs, the
motor mmf rotates at slip speed with respect to the rotor but at synchronous speed with
respect to stator.

1. A low voltage is applied to the stator terminals so that there in full load current in the
stator and the current voltage and I/P power are measured at the point.
2. When the motor is stationary, the slip S=1. The test is conducted at ¼ the rated frequency
because the rotor effective resistance at low frequency may different at high frequency.
As the current through the stator may exceed the rated current the test should be conducted

Sr.No Isc(A) Vsc(V) Wsc(Watt)

Zsc= Vsc/Isc
Xsc= √ Zsc2 – Rsc2
Rl=Stator Resistance
Xl=Stator Reactance
Magnetizing Reactance


Ns=Synchronous speed in rpm

Nr=Speed of motor in rpm

Ns=no of slots/teeth of stator

Nr=no of slots/teeth of rotor

For no load test the adjusting rated voltage is applied and note down the ampere, volt and
watt/meter reading.

In this test, the rotor is free to rotor.

CosΦ =Wo/VoIo


Io=no load current

Vo= no load voltage

By adding the load through the variable load, note down the ampere meter and voltmeter reading
of various value of load.


Sr.No Io(A) Vo(V) Wo(Watt)

Comments and Conclusion
Assessment Rubrics for Lab 5

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.

Student Name
Roll No.
Marks obtained
Instructor Signature

It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all safety
precautions described in the safety regulations for electric machine experiments section before commencing
➢ To study different methods of starting of induction motor.

Following are the methods of starting of induction motor.

1. Direct on-line starter. (DOL)
2. Auto transformer starter.
3. Star delta Starter.
In this case of starting full supply voltage is connected to the motor. This starter doesn’t provide any
reduction in starting current or starting torque. For small size motor (less than 2 HP) where starting
torque is about twice the full-load torque and starting period lasts only a few seconds, this type starter
is used. The schematic diagram for DOL starter is shown in Fig.

In this case starting torque, 𝑇𝑠𝑡 = 𝑇𝑓 ( 𝐼𝑠𝑐) 𝑠𝑓
Where 𝑇𝑓 = Full-load torque. 𝐼𝑓 = Full-load current.
𝐼𝑠𝑐 = Starting current. 𝑆𝑓 = Full-load slip.
In this method reduced voltage is obtained by three-phase auto-transformer. Generally, 60 to 65% tapping
can be used to obtain a safe value of starting current. The full rated voltage is applied to the motor by
star connected auto-transformer. When the motor has picked up the speed up to 85 % of its normal
speed auto-transformer is taking out from the motor circuit as shown in Fig.

Let the motor be started by an auto-transformer having transformation ratio 𝑘. If 𝐼𝑠𝑐 is the
starting current when normal voltage is applied, and applied voltage to stator winding at starting is
kV, then motor input current, 𝐼𝑠𝑡 = 𝑘𝐼𝑠𝑐 and

Supply current = Primary current of auto-transformer

= k x secondary current of auto-transformer
= 𝑘 2 𝐼𝑠𝑐
Starting torque, 𝑇𝑠𝑡 = 𝑇𝑓 𝑘 2 ( ) 𝑠𝑞 𝑆𝑓

In this method reduced voltage is obtained by star-delta starter. This method of starting is based up to the
principle that with 3 windings connected in star, voltage across each winding is 1/ √3 i.e., 57.7 %. Of
the line-to-line voltage whereas the same winding connected in delta will have full line to line voltage
across each. The star-delta starter is connected to the stator winding in star across the rated supply
voltage at the starting instant. After the motor attain the speed up to 85 % of its normal speed the
same stator winding is reconnected in delta through a changeover switch across the same supply
voltage as shown in Fig.
Since at starting instant, the stator winding are connected in star, so voltage across each phase
winding is reduced to 1/ √3 of line voltage and therefore starting current per phase become equal to
2 2
𝐼𝑠𝑐 1 𝐼
𝐼𝑠𝑐 / √3. So, starting toque 𝑇𝑠𝑡 = 𝑇𝑓 ( ) 𝑆𝑓 = 𝑇 ( 𝑠𝑐 ) 𝑆𝑓
√3𝐼𝑓 3 𝑓 𝐼 𝑓



Assessment Rubrics for Lab 6

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.


Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature

It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all safety
precautions described in the safety regulations for electric machines experiments section before commencing
➢ To study about the various methods of speed control of induction motor
Until the advent of modem solid-state drives, induction motors in general were not good machines for
applications requiring considerable speed control. The normal operating range of a typical induction motor
(design classes A, B, and C) is confined to less than 5 percent slip, and the speed variation over that range is
more or less directly proportional to the load on the shaft of the motor. Even if the slip could be made larger,
the efficiency of the motor would become very poor, since the rotor copper losses are directly proportional to
the slip on the motor.
There are really only two techniques by which the speed of an induction motor can be controlled.
One is to vary the synchronous speed, which is the speed of the stator and rotor magnetic fields, since the
rotor speed always remains near n sync. The other technique is to vary the slip of the motor for a given load.
Each of these approaches will be taken up in more detail.
The synchronous speed of an induction motor is given by:
𝑛𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑐 =
So, the only ways in which the synchronous speed of the machine can be varied are (1) by changing
the electrical frequency and (2) by changing the number of poles on the machine. Slip control may be
accomplished by varying either the rotor resistance or the terminal voltage of the motor
Induction Motor Speed Control by Pole Changing:
There are two major approaches to changing the number of poles in an induction motor:
1. The method of consequent poles.
2. Multiple stator windings.
The method of consequent poles is quite an old method for speed control, having been originally
developed in 1897. It relies on the fact that the number of poles in the stator windings of an induction motor
can easily be changed by a factor of 2:1 with only simple changes in coil connections. Figure shows a simple
two-pole induction motor stator suitable for pole changing. Notice that the individual coils are of very short
pitch (60 to 90°). Fig shows phase a of these windings separately for more clarity of detail. Figure a show the
current flow in phase a of the stator windings at an instant of time during normal operation. Note that the
magnetic field leaves the stator in the upper phase group (a north pole) and enters the stator in the lower phase
group (a south pole). This winding is thus producing two stator magnetic poles.
Now suppose that the direction of current flow in the lower phase group on the stator is reversed. Then the
magnetic field will leave the stator in both the upper phase group and the lower phase group—each one will
be a north magnetic pole. The magnetic flux in this machine must return to the stator between the two phase
groups, producing a pair of consequent south magnetic poles. Notice that now the stator has four magnetic
poles—twice as many as before. The rotor in such a motor is of the cage design, since a cage rotor always has
as many poles induced in it as there are in the stator and can thus adapt when the number of stator poles
changes. When the motor is reconnected from two-pole to four-pole operation, the resulting maximum torque
of the induction motor can be the same as before half of its previous value or twice its previous value
depending on how the stator windings are rearranged. Fig shows the possible stator connections and their
effect on the torque-speed curve. The major disadvantage of the consequent-pole method of changing speed
is that the speeds must be in a ratio of 2:1. The traditional approach to overcoming this limitation was to
employ multiple stator windings with different numbers of poles and to energize only one set at a time. For
example, a motor might be wound with a four-pole and a six-pole set of stator windings, and its synchronous
speed on a 60-Hz system could be switched from 1800 to 1200 r/min simply by supplying power to the other
set of windings.
Speed Control by Changing the Line Frequency:
If the electrical frequency applied to the stator of an induction motor is changed, the rate of rotation of its
magnetic fields 𝑛𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑐 will change in direct proportion to the change in electrical frequency, and the no-load
point on the torque-speed characteristic curve will change with it. The synchronous speed ofthe motor at rated
conditions is known as the base speed. By using variable frequency control, it is possible to adjust the speed
of the motor either above or below base speed. A properly designed variable-frequency induction motor drive
can be very flexible. It can control the speed of an induction motor over a range from as little as 5 percent of
base speed up to about twice base speed. However, it is important to maintain certain voltage and torque limits
on the motor as the frequency is varied, to ensure safe operation. When running at speeds below the base
speed of the motor, it is necessary to reduce the terminal voltage applied to the stator for proper operation.
The terminal voltage applied to the stator should be decreased linearly with decreasing stator frequency. This
process is called derating. If it is not done, the steel in the core of the induction motor will saturate and
excessive magnetization currents will flow in the machine. To understand the necessity for derating, recall
that an induction motor is basically a rotating transformer. As with any transformer, the flux in the core of an
induction motor can be found from Faraday’s law:
𝑉(𝑡) = −𝑁
If a voltage v(f) = VM sin 𝑤𝑡 is applied to the core, the resulting flux Φ is
𝜑(𝑡) = ∫ 𝑉(𝑡)𝑑𝑡
= 𝑁 ∫ 𝑉𝑀 sin 𝑤𝑡 𝑑𝑡
𝜑(𝑡) = − 𝑤𝑁 cos 𝑤𝑡
When the voltage applied to an induction motor is varied linearly with frequency below the base
speed, the flux in the motor will remain approximately constant. Therefore, the maximum torque which the
motor can supply remains fairly high. However, the maximum power rating of the motor must be decreased
linearly with decreases in frequency to protect the stator circuit from overheating. The power supplied to a
three-phase induction motor is given by If the voltage VL is decreased, then the maximum power P must also
be decreased, or else the current flowing in the motor will become excessive, and the motor will overheat.
When the electrical frequency applied to the motor exceeds the rated frequency of the motor, the
stator voltage is held constant at the rated value. Although saturation considerations would permit the voltage
to be raised above the rated value under these circumstances, it is limited to the rated voltage to protect the
winding insulation of the motor. The higher the electrical frequency above base speed, the larger the
denominator of Equation becomes. Since the numerator term is held constant above rated frequency, the
resulting flux in the machine decreases and the maximum torque decreases with it. If the stator voltage is
varied linearly with frequency below base speed and is held constant at rated value above base speed, then
the resulting family of torque-speed characteristics is as shown in Figure. The rated speed for the motor shown
in Figure is 1800 r/min. In the past, the principal disadvantage of electrical frequency control as a method of
speed changing was that a dedicated generator or mechanical frequency changer was required to make it
operate. This problem has disappeared with the development of modem solid-state variable-frequency motor
drives. In fact, changing the line frequency with solid-state motor drives has become the method of choice for
induction motor speed control. Note that this method can be used with any induction motor, unlike the pole-
changing technique, which requires a motor with special stator windings.

Speed Control by Changing the Line Voltage:

The torque developed by an induction motor is proportional to the square of the applied voltage. If a load has
a torque-speed characteristic such as the one shown in Figure, then the speed of the motor may be controlled
over a limited range by varying the line voltage. This method of speed control is sometimes used on small
motors driving fans
Speed Control by Changing the Rotor Resistance:
In wound-rotor induction motors, it is possible to change the shape of the torque speed curve by inserting
extra resistances into the rotor circuit of the machine. The resulting torque-speed characteristic curves are
shown in Figure. If the torque-speed curve of the load is as shown in the figure, then changing the rotor
resistance will change the operating speed of the motor. However, inserting extra resistances into the rotor
circuit of an induction motor seriously reduces the efficiency of the machine.


Assessment Rubrics for Lab 7

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.

Experiment No 08

Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all
safety precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section
before commencing experiments


• DC shunt motor-Three phase alternator panel

• DC shunt motor-Three phase alternator couple set
• Tachometer
• Connecting leads/probes/jumper wires

In open circuit, output of alternator remains idle. Neither short circuit nor connected load to the
outputs. By slightly exciting the field, voltage at output terminal increases i.e. max 400volt line-
to-line (VI).



1. The short circuit (SC) characteristics is taken by connecting ampere meter in the series
inline to line to record the line current (stator is in star or delta).
2. The field current is adjusted to zero and alternator is brought up to speed.
3. Reading are taken DC field current vs ampere current (SC) on short circuit, the alternator
terminal voltage is zero. The short circuit varies directly with the generated voltage and
field current is required to produce it (below saturation).
4. Since the internal impedance is an extremely lagging, low power factor load , the DC
magnetizing is such that it reduce the field flux (and the generated voltage) considerably.
5. Thus, fairly high field current may be used without producing unusually excessive short
circuit current

𝐼𝐺 = (𝐴1 + 𝐴2 + 𝐴3)/3
𝐼𝐺 = 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒
𝐼𝐹, 𝐼𝐿(𝐴1), 𝐼𝐿(𝐴2), 𝐼𝐿(𝐴3), 𝐼𝐺
𝐴1, 𝐴2, 𝐴3 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝐼𝐺 = 𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟

Comments and Conclusion:

Assessment Rubrics for Lab 8

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.


Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all
safety precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section
before commencing experiments


• DC shunt motor-Three phase alternator panel

• DC shunt motor-Three phase alternator coupled set
• Tachometer
• Connecting leads/probes/jumper wires
• Inductive load (Three phase star/delta 220/440v, 10 amp)


Fig: open circuit test


1. S1 is kept open.
2. The alternator is driven by its prime mover at its synchronized speed and same is
maintained constant throughout the test.
3. The excitation is varied with the help of potential divider from zero up to rated value in
definite number of steps. The open circuit emf is measured with the help of voltmeter. The
readings are tabulated.
4. The graph of IF VOC i.e. field current and open circuit voltage per phase is plotted to same
scale. This is open circuit characteristics.
To find voltage regulation of an alternator by zero power factor:
IF VS VOC of alternator = open circuit characteristic
IF = field current
VOC = open circuit voltage


1. The switch S1 is kept closed due to this; a purely inductive load is connected to alternator
through an ammeter.
2. A purely inductive load has power factor (cos90) i.e. zero lagging up. Hence the rest is
called zero power factor tests. The machine speed maintained constant at its synchronized
value. The load current delivered by an alternator to purely inductive load is maintained
constant at its rated full load value by varying excitation by adjusting variable inductance
of the inductive load. Note that due to purely inductive load, an alternative will always
operate at zero power factor lagging.
3. The between terminal voltages against excitation when delivering full load zero power
factor current.
4. Open point of this curve is zero terminal voltage (short circuit condition) and the field
current required to deliver full load short circuit armature current, while other point is the
field current is required to obtained rated terminal voltage which delivering full load
armature current.
5. With the help of these two points the zero power factor saturation curves can be obtained.

Potier Triangle method

Phasor diagram
Comments and Conclusion:
Assessment Rubrics for Lab 9

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.

Study about the construction and working of Synchronous

Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all
safety precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section
before commencing experiments

Objective: To study the different parts of synchronous motor and their working.

Synchronous Motor:
Electrical motors are an electro-mechanical device that converts electrical energy to
mechanical energy. Based on the type of input we have classified it into single phase and 3 phase
motors. The most common type of 3 phase motors are synchronous motors and induction motors.
When three-phase electric conductors are placed in certain geometrical positions (i.e. in a certain
angle from one another) – an electrical field is generated. The rotating magnetic field rotates at a
certain speed known as the synchronous speed.
If an electromagnet is present in this rotating magnetic field, the electromagnet is magnetically
locked with this rotating magnetic field and rotates with the same speed of rotating field.This is
where the term synchronous motor comes from, as the speed of the rotor of the motor is the same
as the rotating magnetic field. It is a fixed speed motor because it has only one speed, which is
synchronous speed. This speed is synchronized with the supply frequency. The synchronous
speed is given by:
Ns = 120f/P
• N= The Synchronous Speed (in RPM – i.e. Rotations Per Minute)
• f = The Supply Frequency (in Hz)
• p = The number of Poles
Stator of Synchronous Motor
The main stationary part of the machine is stator. The stator consists of the following parts.
Stator Frame:
The stator frame is the outer part of the machine and is made up of cast iron. It protects the inner
parts of the machine.

Stator Core:
The stator core is made up of thin silicon laminations. It is insulated by a surface coating to
minimize hysteresis and eddy current losses. Its main purpose is to provide a path of low
reluctance for the magnetic lines of force and accommodate the stator windings.

Stator Winding:
The stator core has cuts on the inner periphery to accommodate the stator windings. The stator
windings could be either three-phase windings or single phase windings.
Enameled copper is used as the winding
material. In the case of 3 phase windings, the windings are distributed over several slots. This is
done to produce a sinusoidal distribution of EMF.
Rotor of Synchronous Motor:
The rotor is the moving part of the machine. Rotors are available in two types:
• Salient Pole Type
• Cylindrical Rotor Type
Salient pole Type Rotor:
The salient pole type rotor consists of poles projecting out from the rotor surface. It is made
up of steel laminations to reduce eddy current losses. A salient pole machine has a non-
uniform air gap. The gap is maximum between the poles and is minimum at the pole centers.
They are generally used for medium and low-speed operations as they have a large number of
poles. They contain damper windings which are used for starting the motor.
Cylindrical Rotor:
A cylindrical rotor is made from solid forgings of high-grade nickel chrome molybdenum steel
forgings of high-grade nickel chrome molybdenum steel. The poles are created by the current
flowing through the windings. They are used for high-speed applications as they have less
number of poles. They also produce less noise and windage losses as they have a uniform air
gap. DC supply is given to the rotor windings via slip-rings. Once the rotor windings are excited,
they act like poles.
Methods of Starting of Synchronous Motor:

1. Motor starting with an external prime Mover:

Synchronous motors are mechanically
coupled with another motor. It could be either 3 phase induction motor or DC shunt motor.
Here, we do not apply DC excitation initially. It rotates at speed very close to its synchronous
speed, and then we give the DC excitation. After some time when magnetic locking takes
place supply to the external motor is cut off.

2. Damper winding:
In this case, the synchronous motor is of salient pole type, additional
winding is placed in rotor pole face. Initially, when the rotor is not rotating, the relative speed
between damper winding and rotating air gap flux is large and an emf is induced in it which
produces the required starting torque. As speed approaches synchronous speed, emf and torque
are reduced and finally when magnetic locking takes place; torque also reduces to zero. Hence in
this case synchronous motor first runs as three phase induction motor using additional winding
and finally it is synchronized with the frequency.
Application of Synchronous Motors:

1. Synchronous motor having no load connected to its shaft is used for power
factor improvement. Owing to its characteristics to behave at any electrical power factor,
it is used in power system in situations where static capacitors are expensive.
2. Synchronous motor finds application where operating speed is less (around 500 rpm) and
high power is required. For power requirement from 35 kW to 2500 KW, the size, weight
and cost of the corresponding three phase induction motor is very high. Hence these
motors are preferably used. Ex- Reciprocating pump, compressor, rolling mills etc.

Comments and Conclusion:

Assessment Rubrics for Lab 10

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.


Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all
safety precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section
before commencing experiments


• Three phase synchronous motor- DC shunt generator panel

• Three phase synchronous motor- DC shunt generator coupled set
• Resistive load (Three phase 220/440, star/delta, 10amp)
• Tachometer
• Connecting leads/probes/jumper wires


1. Stator is connected to three phase supply through W1 and W2 and ampere meter.
The ammeter reads line current IL, whereas voltmeter reads VL.

2. A rheostat in a potential arrangement is used in the field circuit. By controlling variable

excitation condition to note down the readings.

IL =Ia phase for star connection

IL/3 = Ia phase for delta connections

COSǾ can be obtained as

Ia=phase current for star connections

Comments and Conclusion:

Draw curves and phasor
Assessment Rubrics for Lab 11

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.


Student Name

Roll No.

Marks obtained

Instructor Signature


It is important and essential that all participants familiarize themselves and strictly follow all
safety precautions described in the Safety Regulations for Electric Machines Experiments section
before commencing experiments
• Synchronizing control panel
• DC shunt motor-Three phase synchronizing alternator couple set
• Tachometer
• Connecting leads/probes/jumper wires.
The synchronous circuit are classified as
• Dark lamp method
• Bright lamp method
• Bridge lamp revolving method

Fig: Dark lamp connection

1. The power CB is OFF.
2. There lamps are connected in above configuration.
3. As a result, the lamps simultaneously light up and go out again in rhythm with the
frequency difference between mains and alternator.
4. By adjusting the alternator speed the required frequency equivalence can be produced.
5. It may prove necessary to adjust also the alternator voltage to that of the main by regulating
the exciter current. The double voltmeter is used to indicate this.
6. Now that the synchronization condition has been fulfilled. The power circuit breaker can
be switched ON. Where all the synchronization lamps go out and the alternator are
connected in parallel to the mains.



Figure 1: Bright lamp method

1. The power CB is OFF.
2. There lamps are connected in above configuration.
3. As a result, the lamp simultaneously lights up and go out again in rhythm with the
frequency difference between mains and alternator.
4. By adjusting the alternator speed the required frequency equivalence can be produced.
5. It may prove necessary to adjust also the alternator voltage to that of the main by regulating
the exciter current. The double voltmeter is used to indicate this.
6. Now that the synchronization condition have been fulfilled. The power circuit breaker can
be switched ON. Where all the synchronization lamps go out and the alternator are
connected in parallel to the mains.



Figure 2:Bright lamp revolving connection

1. Power CB is OFF.
2. Modifying the circuit as to diagram and fulfill the three synchronization conditions.
3. As long as there is no frequency equivalence the light come of the synchronization inductor
a rotation in the counter direction means that the speed of the alternator is too low. The
power can be switched on where their lamp in the dark circuit configuration are out of the
raring light up equally brightly and the alternator is connected to the mains.

Comments and Conclusion:

Assessment Rubrics for Lab

Method of Evaluation: Lab report.

Outcomes Assessed:
Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks
Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty well. Did the lab but did not Participation was
and focused attention Stayed focused on the appear very interested. minimal OR student
on the experiment. experiment most of the Sometimes provides was hostile about
Routinely provides time. useful ideas when participating.
useful ideas when Usually provides useful participating in the Rarely provides useful
participating in the ideas when group and in classroom ideas when
group and in participating in the discussion. A participating in the
classroom group and in classroom satisfactory group group and in classroom
discussion. A discussions. A strong member who does what discussion. May refuse
definite leader who group member who is required. to participate.
contributes a lot of tries hard.
Connections Actively looks for Refine solutions Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
and suggests suggested by others. refine solutions, but is problems or help others
solutions to (Individual) willing to try out solve problems. Let’s
problems. Complete and error free solutions suggested by others do the work.
(Individual). connections done. No others. (Individual)
Complete and error neatness in the circuit (Individual) Many mistakes in
free connections and / or difficult to Few mistakes in connections, no
done neatly using comprehend for the connections. But neatly neatness in the circuit
appropriate sized instructor. done, easy to and/or difficult to
wires, easy to (Group) comprehend for the comprehend for the
comprehend for the instructor. (Group) instructor. (Group)
Running the Student is well Student is averagely Below average Poor level of
experiment prepared with the prepared with the theoretical knowledge. theoretical knowledge.
theoretical theoretical knowledge. (Individual) (Individual)
knowledge related to (Individual) Not following the Not able to run the
the experiment. Experiment is run step instructions mentioned experiment and/or
(Individual) by step and flawlessly on lab manual, but still incorrect readings.
Experiment is run according to the manages to run the
step by step and procedure provided on experiment anyway
flawlessly according the lab manual. Correct and/or semi correct
to the procedure reading set. (Group) readings set. (Group)
provided on the lab
manual. Correct
reading set. (Group)


Performance 5 Excellent 4 Good 3 Satisfactory 2-1 Needs Marks

Data and Professional Accurately Accurate Data are not shown
observations, looking and representation of representation of Or are inaccurate.
calculations and accurate the data in tables the data in written No or very poor
analysis representation of and/or graphs. form, but no tables calculations are
the data in tables Tables are labelled are presented. The done. The graphs
and/or graphs. and titled. The calculations are are not made. The
Tables are labelled calculations are done with a few relationship
and titled. The done with a few mistakes. Improper between the
calculations are mistakes and/or or no use of variables is not
done properly, following the scientific discussed.
following the standard rules of notations, prefixes
standard rules of error and units. Analysis
error measurements and is made very
measurements and significant figures. poorly. The
significant figures. Scientific notations relationship
Scientific notations & prefixes are between the
& prefixes are used and units are variables is
used and units are properly discussed but no
properly mentioned. patterns, trends or
mentioned. Analysis is made predictions are
Analysis are made accurately. The made based on the
neatly and relationship data.
accurately. The between the
relationship variables is
between the discussed and
variables is trends/patterns
discussed and logically analyzed.
logically analyzed.


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