LP-Science-Khaye GRAVITY
LP-Science-Khaye GRAVITY
LP-Science-Khaye GRAVITY
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
A. Cognitive Domain: Define the gravity and its effect;
B. Affective Domain: Infer how gravity affects movements of objects and people;
C. Psychomotor Domain: Able to use gravitational force in daily life.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Who will lead the prayer? The assigned pupil will lead the prayer.
(pupils stand and pray)
2. Greetings
3. Classroom Management
4. Checking of Attendance
Let me check first the attendance, please say The pupils will say present when they call their last
present when I call your last name. name.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Review
What is asexual reproduction? Is a kind of reproduction which does not involve the
reproductive cells of the plants.
What are the two reproduce asexual plant? Natural and artificial way po.
What are the natural ways of vegetative Root cutting, stem cutting, special stem and runner
How about the artificial ways? Layering, Marcotting, Grafting and Budding
Before anything else class, let’s play “TUG OF
Are you familiar with the game, tug of war? Yes Ma’am!
How do your movement differ? Because on our team, we put strong force than
another team
Very Good!
Now, what happened on your experiment? We are using the force to release the marble and the
marble landing on the target and make a motion.
In your opinion, why does the rock fall faster? Because of gravity ma’am
Very Good!
In your own idea what is gravity? Gravity is one of the universe’s fundamental forces
and dominates every moment of our conscious
Correct! experience. It keeps us close to the ground.
Why do you think when we jump, we are going Because of gravity ma’am
back to the ground and we’re not floating?
I throw these two rocks, what did you observe? Their falling is faster
Why do you think it is faster? Because of gravity ma’am since it closer to the earth it
pulls faster on the ground
Now if I will throw this ballpen and paper upward Ballpen ma’am
what is the first object that fall into the ground?
Why? Do you think there’s an effect on the weight Yes, ma’am because the heavier of the mass the faster
of a mass to the gravity? it falls.
How about these two paper the one is crumpled and The crumpled paper
the one is not. What do you think is the first will
Because the shape and air resistance
- Falcon
Base on the astronaut, David Randolph Scott when - Hammer
he is in the moon, he tests what object will fall
faster, the hammer or falcon’s feather? How about
you what do you think?
Because in the moon there’s no air
The answer is both. In your idea why it is both fall
Very Good! - A. Keeping earth and the other planets in their orbits
around the sun
Did you know that gravitation is responsible for: B. Keeping the moon in its orbit around Earth
Please read (the teacher calls the pupil) C. The formation of tides
D. Convection by which hot fluids rise
E. For every existence of Earth, the sun, and most
macroscopic object in the universe.
Very Good!
D. Application
Since you know well our topic for today let’s have
an experiment. I will group you into three groups
and each group have an assign task that they will do.
Group 1: The Spinning Bottled Water
Open your book on page 192-193 and answer the letter A. and B.
4. Why does the moon’s gravity have a greater effect on the ocean tides than the sun?
a. The moon is smaller than the sun.
b. The moon is closer to the earth than the sun.
c. The sun is bigger than the moon.
d. The earth is between the sun and the moon.