MCN401 M1 Ktunotes - in
MCN401 M1 Ktunotes - in
MCN401 M1 Ktunotes - in
(safety introduction)
Need for safety. Safety and productivity. Definitions: Accident, Injury, Unsafe act, Unsafe Condition,
Dangerous Occurrence, Reportable accidents. Theories of accident causation. Safety organization-
objectives, types, functions, Role of management, supervisors, workmen, unions, government and
voluntary agencies in safety. Safety policy. Safety Officer-responsibilities, authority. Safety committee-
need, types, advantages.
Whether your work environment is an office or an industrial facility, reducing downtime is the key to
maintaining productivity. In the office, this might mean maintaining a reliable IT infrastructure. A
factory, on the other hand, would rely on having machines that run at peak efficiency. In either setting,
employees are necessary to maintain optimal productivity. Because businesses rely on employees in
this way, injuries will lead to lost productivity in any workplace. Businesses that cut corners to save
time and speed up production can often seem productive and profitable. In the long term, these
environments can also be unsafe, leading to increased downtime. While safety programs and
implementing safe work practices often require an initial investment, they also have a positive impact
on employee health. Because healthy employees are more reliable and productive, they're also good for
the bottom line.
A key aspect of finding a balance between productivity and safety is the enforcement of safety culture.
A study by Lockheed Martin of their Paducah Plant found that by developing a safety culture, they were
able to increase employee productivity by 24% and reduce factory costs by 20%. Lockheed Martin’s
study found that the major reason for this increase was their focus on reducing errors that lead to job
hazards and accidents. By implementing safe job procedures, extensive training, improving pre-work
preparation, and auditing all safety processes, plant personnel were able to increase safety while also
reducing expenses.
As part of a safe workplace and culture, updated safety information and education, with both employees
and management, is integral to success and improved safety. There are many great options for online
safety training available such as the OSHA and National Safety Council in the United States
and the CCOHS in Canada. But in addition to these great resources, there are many, many other options
for online safety training, seminars, and education for all kinds of industries and safety challenges.
Well-researched safe work practices and safe job procedures help protect employees by providing
specific instruction and directions around work performance and conduct that will reduce the safety
risk of harm to employees, the environment, and equipment. These work practices and work procedures
are the guidebooks to mitigating safety hazards specific to your organization and team.
Safe working conditions often go hand in hand with ideal operational conditions. With safeguards in
place, employees can focus on their work, instead of the dangers and job hazards in their workplace.
Keeping a cleaner, more organized space will help reduce safety hazards, and can also improve
efficiency. Safety in the workplace is productive in other ways, too. Employees who take personal
accountability in their safety are more likely to be engaged and happy at work. Many studies have
One of the ways that personnel at Lockheed Martin's Paducah Plant improved efficiency was by
reducing the paperwork for permits by combining their processes. Employee protection was still
addressed through the new procedures, but reducing paperwork helped Lockheed Martin see other
benefits. SafetyLine can benefit organizations in the same way, by reducing the time and effort required
by manual work-alone systems and improving the health and safety of your
unsafe act
• The unsafe act is a violation of an accepted safe procedure which could permit the occurrence of an
accident OR
• People make the violation of the standard rules & met with an accident.
• 80% of all injuries on duty are the result of unsafe Acts by people.
• More difficult to reduce as they revolve around people and what they do.
• Some examples of unsafe acts are:
o Speed – operating a machine at a speed it is not designed to run at.
o Working without authority – entering a confined space before it has been declared safe.
o Adjusting moving machinery – lubricating bearings or changing the drive belts while the
machine is still running.
o Chance taking – Running in front of a fork lift
o PPE not worn – not wearing safety goggles when grinding.
o Worker standing on ladder in swimming pool
o whilst operating an Electric Drill
o Failure to warn
o Failure to secure a load or improper loading •
o Making safety devices inoperable or removing safety devices
o Using defective equipment
o Using equipment improperly
o placement of work or task
o Improper lifting •
Dangerous occurrence
• Dangerous occurrences are certain unintended, specified events, which may not result in a
reportable injury, but which do have the potential to cause significant harm.
• Dangerous occurrences usually include incidents involving:
o Lifting equipment
o Pressure systems
o Overhead electric lines
o Electrical incidents causing explosion or fire
o Explosions, biological agents
o Radiation generators and radiography
o Breathing apparatus
o Diving operations
o Collapse of scaffolding
o Train collisions
o Wells
o Pipelines or pipeline works
Theories of accident causation
• Accident causation theory is the art and science that seeks to understand the deeper roots of why
accidents happen.
• Understanding accident causation theory is essential in determining why workplace incidents occur
and so that we can prevent re-occurrences.
• Overload amounts to an imbalance between a person’s capacity at any given time and the load that
person is carrying in a given state.
• A person’s capacity is the product of such factors as his or her natural ability, training, state of
mind, fatigue, stress, and physical condition.
• The load that a person is carrying consists of tasks for which he or she is responsible and added
burdens resulting from environmental factors (noise, distractions, and so on), internal factors
(personal problems, emotional stress, and worry), and situational factors (level of risk, unclear
instructions, and so on).
• The state in which a person is acting is the product of his or her motivational and arousal levels
Inappropriate Activities
• Human error can be the result of inappropriate activities
• An example of an inappropriate activity is a person who undertakes a task that he or she doesn’t
know how to do.
• Another example is a person who misjudges the degree of risk involved in a given task and proceeds
based on that misjudgement.
• Such inappropriate activities can lead to accidents and injuries.
Accident/Incident Theory
• The accident/incident theory is an extension of the human factors theory. sometimes referred to as
the Petersen accident/incident theory.
• Petersen introduced such new elements as ergonomic traps, the decision to err, and systems failures,
while retaining much of the human factors theory.
• In this model, overload, ergonomic traps, or a decision to err lead to human error.
• The decision to err may be conscious and based on logic, or it may be unconscious.
• A variety of pressures such as deadlines, peer pressure, and budget factors can lead to unsafe
• Another factor that can influence such a decision is the “It won’t happen to me” syndrome.
• The systems failure component is an important contribution of Petersen’s theory.
• First, it shows the potential for a causal relationship between management decisions or management
behavior and safety.
• Second, it establishes management’s role in accident prevention as well as the broader concepts of
safety and health in the workplace.
• Traditionally, safety theories and programs have focused on accidents and the resulting injuries.
• However, the current trend is toward a broader perspective that also encompasses the issue of
industrial hygiene.
• Industrial hygiene concerns environmental factors that can lead to sickness, disease, or other forms
of impaired health.
• This trend has, in turn, led to the development of an epidemiological theory of accident causation.
• Epidemiology is the study of causal relationships between environmental factors and disease.
• The epidemiological theory holds that the models used for studying and determining these
relationships can also be used to study causal relationships between environmental factors and
accidents or diseases
• The key components are predispositional characteristics and situational characteristics.
• These characteristics, taken together, can either result in or prevent conditions that may result in an
• For example, if an employee who is particularly susceptible to peer pressure (predispositional
characteristic) is pressured by his coworkers (situational characteristic) to speed up his operation,
the result will be an increased probability of an accident
• A system is a group of regularly interacting and interrelated components that together form a unified
whole. This definition is the basis for the systems theory of accident causation.
• This theory views a situation in which an accident may occur as a system comprised of the following
components: person (host), machine (agency), and environment.
• The likelihood of an accident occurring is determined by how these components interact.
• Changes in the patterns of interaction can increase or reduce the probability of an accident.
o For example, an experienced employee who operates a numerically controlled five axis
machining centre in a shop environment may take a two-week vacation. Her temporary
replacement may be less experienced. This change in one component of the system
(person/host) increases the probability of an accident. Such a simple example is easily
understood. However, not all changes in patterns of interaction are this simple. Some are so
subtle that their analysis may require a team of people, each with a different type of expertise.
• The primary components of the systems model are the person/machine/environment, information,
decisions, risks, and the task to be performed.
• Each of the components has a bearing on the probability that an accident will occur.
• As this model shows, even as a person interacts with a machine within an environment, three
activities take place between the system and the task to be performed.
Safety organization
• Safety organization can be defined as the structure and process by which groups of people
(employees) are divided into sections or departments, each section or department is assigned
specific safety function or duty.
• Authority and responsibility of everybody is clearly defined and interrelationship between them is
specified for the accomplishment of organizational safety goals.
• A large unit may have safety department which may have groups of people for division of such
safety function and responsibilities.
• But in a small unit (majority) if such division is not possible and only a few persons are available
for safety work, they will be assigned specific duty and other departmental heads (production,
purchase, personnel etc.) will be explained their role and responsibility towards safety goals.
• All supervisors shall be integrated with safety as part of their duty. ‘Safety is everybody’s duty’
will be explained to all with their safety duty given in writing or by displaying at their workplaces.
• There’s an unofficial rule of safety management that goes like this: a safety program will only be
as strong as the leasteffective shift supervisor.
• Every rule has its exceptions, but it’s exceedingly difficult to achieve sustained safety success in a
workplace where supervisors and other leaders lack the skills and knowledge to support the
company’s safety efforts.
• Supervisors may not set an organization’s direction but they’re the ones who are ultimately
responsible for translating a company’s policies and intentions into action.
• Even when a new safety initiative is driven by the safety officer, at most workplaces it’s up to team
leaders to oversee it on a daily basis.
• To put it simply, supervisors are where the rubber meets the road.
• If you’re skeptical of the impact that supervisors have on safety, try this quick thought experiment.
• The most commonly cited workplace safety challenges include recurring injuries, a lack of worker
engagement and buy-in, employees taking shortcuts or not following rules, a lack of personal
accountability for safety, and competing organizational priorities.
• Pick any one of these issues and consider how the problem’s impact would change if every
supervisor in the workplace had strong communication skills, understood advanced safety concepts
like human factors, and had experience with empowering their team to improve on the issue.
• It’s not hard to imagine that safety-oriented supervisors would result in employees taking fewer
shortcuts and more personal accountability for their own safety.
• All work is carried out without undue risk of injury or industrial disease
• Machinery and equipment are capable of safely performing the functions for which they are used
• All permanent and temporary buildings and structures are capable of withstanding any stresses
likely to be imposed on them
• All buildings, excavation structures, machinery, equipment, tools, and places of employment are
maintained in good condition so workers will not be endangered
• Regular inspections are made to prevent structures, grounds, excavations, tools, equipment,
machinery, and work from becoming unsafe
• Any unsafe conditions are corrected without delay
• Each worker is supplied, at no cost, with all protective safety equipment required by WorkSafeBC
• All workers are instructed in the safe performance of their duties
• An accident prevention program is set up
• There is a safe means of entry to and exit from the work area
• Firefighting equipment is provided and maintained
• You must not remove any safety equipment from machines or equipment. This includes shields
from grinders, mixers, etc.
• You must have had adequate instruction about a piece of machinery or equipment before you
use it.
• You must make sure that no machine, equipment, or tool is used in a way that would cause
injury to someone else.
• You must make sure that there are safe entrances to and exits from the workplace.
• You must make sure that the work area is safe for the movement of workers, equipment, and
• You must wear protective eyewear when using grinders and other equipment that may be
hazardous to the eyes.
• Companies need workers. But workers have the right to a safe and fair working environment.
• Unions leverage this by increasing the demand for union laborers, which in turn forces companies
to negotiate with them to access union workers.
• This, in turn, sets the standard for non-union workers.
• A specific workplace may not be unionized, but an industry is – and that means that the workplace
must comply with industry standards.
Safety Policy
• An organization's safety policy is a recognized, written statement of its commitment to protect the
health and safety of the employees, as well as the surrounding community.
• The safety policy also details the measures the company takes and will take to protect the life, limb,
and health of their employees, often surpassing the requirements set out by the laws or by the
standard practices of the industry.
• The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires employers to develop and implement a safety
• To succeed, a safety policy requires both a commitment and endorsement from the employer and
buy-in from the employees.
• There are generally three sections in a safety policy, which include:
o Statement of the policy - The employer’s commitment to managing health and safety and the
goal of the policy
o Responsibility - Stating who is responsible for implementing, enacting, and tracking each
element of the policy
o Arrangements or procedures - Outlines the details of procedures including the reduction of
hazard policy
It may also include details about the following:
o Employee training
o Use of administrative controls, hazard isolation, locking, warnings, signs and symbols marking
hazards, etc.
o Use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
o Removing hazardous materials or replacing them with less harmful alternatives
o Improved lighting and working environment
o Prevention of slip, trip, and fall incidents
• The safety officer is an internal employee who is assigned to prevent accidents, respond to
• A safety officer identifies safety hazards, investigates them thoroughly, and controls them before
• The safety officer is the ‘head’ of the safety department and, in most organizations, reports to the
• The safety officer also checks if the safety program is working effectively and efficiently to meet
all requirements.
• The role of a safety officer can vary from company to company, but they all have one thing in
• They verify that everyone on the site is following safe work practices and doing their jobs safely.
• Planning
Safety officers must create a safe environment by making sure they have all the necessary
equipment for their team. They also have to ensure that they have all the required things for their
An example of this would be ensuring they have shoring equipment at hand that they can use to
shore up an unstable wall. Making sure that the employees have all the necessary tools to finish
• Organizing
Safety officers are also responsible for organizing their workload so that no harm will come to them
or anyone else during their work activities. They have to make sure that employees can complete
the tasks without causing any damage to the workplace or anyone else.
• Supervising
Finally, safety officers are responsible for supervising everyone who works under them to ensure
knows their role in the process and where they fit in.
Safety officers handle a broad range of tasks, including various first-aid procedures and safety
checks on equipment. They also help set up and operate emergency equipment correctly. In some
companies, they may be the only person on-site with first-aid training. In some other companies,
they will oversee a group of first-aid trainers or safety managers who do not have their own training
as first-aid responders.
• Irrespective of their specific role or position in the organization, all safety officers should follow a
set of responsibilities.
• The safety officer is responsible for ensuring the safe and effective operation of any and all areas
and facilities in the organization. Here are some of the specific responsibilities that every safety
officer has.
o Identify and assess hazards, risks and control measures for a specific operation or process.
o Conduct ongoing review of operations and processes to identify potential hazards, risks and
control measures that should be implemented to reduce these risks, including all costs involved
o Assess and document hazards, risks and controls in a manner consistent with established
o Improve workplace safety and employee productivity by transitioning from manual safety
o Investigate workplace accidents and injuries and refer them to the proper authorities.