Antispoofing in Face Biometrics: A Comprehensive Study On Software-Based Techniques
Antispoofing in Face Biometrics: A Comprehensive Study On Software-Based Techniques
Antispoofing in Face Biometrics: A Comprehensive Study On Software-Based Techniques
Corresponding Author:
Vinutha H
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology
Bengaluru, India
Biometric recognition systems for identifying people have grown tremendously in large scale for
population census, controlling workspace access, applying access control to sensitive information, in
forensics to identify criminals, while performing online transactions, law enforcement applications, and so
on, for either user identification or verification. Biometric recognition is an automated process to authenticate
and/or identify any individual using his or her physiological or behavioral traits. Examples of physiological
characteristics are fingerprints, palmprints, iris, face, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), and a few examples
of behavioral characteristics are gait, voice, handwritten signatures, and key strokes. Biometric identification
has various merits compared to the traditional identification system, which uses a smart card and password,
as biometrics is a person’s key that can never be lost or forgotten. Biometrics is always attached to the user,
and it is not easy to share or forge [1].
As we know now, biometrics utilize a user’s unique biological trait for identity verification. This
type of authentication falls under possession-based authentication, which relies on a secret that only you
have. The other type relies on a secret that only you know, called knowledge-based authentication. Such a
biometric authentication system is vulnerable to spoofing attacks, where a fraudster makes an effort to
compromise it. The type of spoofing attacks will change based on the different types of biometric modality,
whether the biometric technique uses an iris, a fingerprint, a face, a keystroke, or a voice. Few traits cannot
be easily compared to others. And hence, there is a requirement for specifically designed algorithms to
identify the spoofs.
Each biometric has its own merits and flaws. For example, a fingerprint is most commonly used for
commercial purposes to provide evidence of his or her presence; however, providing the fingerprint
impression requires strong user cooperation. Iris is extremely precise, but it is dependent on image quality
and requires users to actively participate in the scanning process. Face recognition is favorable in terms of
availability and reliability. In this biometric system, a biometric user’s face can be captured without
their knowledge or consent, meaning they need not cooperate and recognition can be done from longer
distances [2].
Fraudsters take advantage of the vulnerabilities of a secure biometric system. In a spoofing attack,
an individual attempts to masquerade as another person to get through a secured biometric recognition
system. So, there is a significant requirement for anti-spoofing techniques to secure the biometric recognition
systems. We need preventive measures to defend against unauthorized replicas of biometric traits.
Amongst all the biometric systems that are put up for commercial purposes, face biometrics play a
pivotal role since they are widely used in national border control, physical or logical access control,
forensics, e-commerce, surveillance, and e-governance domains. In a science fiction film, a young man
disguised himself as an elderly person to board a plane to Canada, using a silicon mask on his face to fool
border control agents [3]. since facial images can be captured in a non-intrusive manner using low-cost
sensors [4]. Hence, spoofing as an authorized individual using their information is the biggest threat to
biometric systems. Ramachandra and Busch [4] reports a black hat test that reveals the spoofing process in
face recognition in laptops from various vendors. These cases demonstrate the loopholes of a real-time face
recognition system. The attackers are highly motivated, as they can easily deceive the system by cost-
effectively creating the face artifacts. Various video tutorials are now available on the web that provide
information on how to create face artifacts [5]. And hence spoofing (including anti-spoofing) is the most
urgent problem for researchers to address in the face recognition domain.
These vulnerabilities are categorized into four groups according to Jain et al. [8]:
a. User interface attack: while the sensor is capturing the biometric information attacker presents fake
properties such as photos, videos, and masks.
b. Channel attack: the channels between the modules are intruded by replaying the old data, artificially
synthesizing a feature vector, intercepting the channels or overriding the final decision.
c. Module attacks: modules are attacked by overriding the feature extractor and the matcher modules, their
behavior can be modified.
d. Template database attacks: fraudster modifies a valid user’s template in the database by replacing it
with his biometrics.
Figure 2. Types of presenation attacks (a) valid user, (b) printed flat photo, (c) eye cut photo,
(d) warped photo, (e) video playback, (f) synthetic mask, and (g) paper cut mask [9]
Liveness detection can be defined is the ability of the biometric system to recognize a living,
authorized individual. Here biometric authentication involves verifying that the user who has initially
enrolled, is the same person who is appearing for authentication, not a 2D photograph, or digital version of
the face [11]. This can be achieved through algorithms that examine the input data collected from biometric
Liveness detection can be categorized as active and passive: Active method asks the person to
perform an action that cannot be easily reproduced. That is, asking the user to blink his/her eyes, and raise the
eyebrows. These are also called as challenge-response techniques [12]. BioID offers a challenge-response
technique to identify a spoof attempt. Here the BioID system challenges the user by giving some random
commands, and the response is validated. The passive method applies techniques to detect a non-live image
without user interference. For this purpose, the biometric data captured during the enrollment stage is used.
IDLive [12] a passive facial liveness detection, happens at the backend, which recognizes the spoof attempt
without requiring user interaction.
Hardware-based anti-spoofing techniques incorporate special hardware devices in the biometric
system to detect fake access. In the literature, authors have used different types of hardware devices in their
face biometric set up. These devices utilize different types of imaging technologies such as near-infrared
(NIR) images [14], [15], 3D depth images [16], or complementary infrared (CIR). These are captured by
comparing the reflectance information of real authenticated faces and the spoof equipments, using light
emitting diode (LEDs) and photodiodes set-up at various wavelengths. Thermal imaging has been explored,
by acquiring large datasets of thermal images of face using infrared cameras, for real as well as for the spoof
attempts in liveness detection [17]. Erdogmus and Marcel [18] used depth information of 2D photographs to
discover a 2D attack. Whereas Wang et al. [16] recovers a 3D facial information to determine the spoofing
attacks using specialized depth cameras. Ng and Chia [19] made use of facial expressions that randomly
changed the temporal information thereby verifying the liveness of users.[15] used a near-infrared band for
disguise detection.
Subsidiary sophisticated hardware increases the overall cost of the system and also most of the
mobile phone cameras and webcams available today are not compatible with it. So, this has motivated the
anti-spoofing research fraternity to shift to software-based anti-spoofing techniques which are cheaper and
they can be easily installed to the existing face biometric systems. Table 1 gives a brief insight into the
hardware-based methods utilized by the researches for spoof detection through the years.
Software-based anti-spoofing techniques make use of an algorithm that detects and categorizes the
captured face into either a spoofed face, as a result of any spoofing attacks or a genuine face. These sorts of
techniques incur lesser cost, easy to incorporate a piece of code running inside the face recognition system
and exhibit higher accuracy. Major advantage is it does not require specialized and higher cost hardware
equipment as in hardware-based anti-spoofing techniques and also doesn’t user need not co-operate, it can
work without the knowledge of the user accessing the face recognition system.
Software-based methods are further categorized into static and dynamic approaches. Static
approaches execute on only spatial information without requiring temporal data. Here a single image is
considered. If a video is presented and static approach is used then each frame of a video sequence is
considered for further processing. A static approach incurs less cost but yields good performance. Dynamic
approaches utilize spatio-temporal information of the video played before the face recognition system for
access control. This approach tends to find the relative motion of the video frames that are run against the
face sensor and hence it requires more time and effort compared to static approaches. State-of-the-art static
approaches are grouped into 3 different groups based on the nature of the algorithms used. They are texture
based, frequency-based and hybrid approaches (Refer to Table 2).
Texture based approaches analyze the microtextures of the facial image representation. This is the
most popular approach in determining display and photo attacks because this delineates amongst the
formation of pigments (formed while printing), specular reflection (due to quality variation) and a shade
(arising due to display attack). Määttä et al. [21] first came up with a widely used texture-based approach
based on local binary patterns (LBPs) and detected photo print attack. Edmunds [10] propose software-based
protection methods based on the LBP descriptor to evaluate texture-based anti-spoofing techniques, by
focusing on differences between natural and unnatural characteristics present in the face region. Here LBP
operator embeds color and contrast information in texture characterization and they combine the images with
HSI color model to form a HSI-LBP color texture descriptor which improves texture-based anti-spoofing
techniques on Replay Attack for CASIA and MSU databases. Chingovska et al. [22] also used the same LBP
descriptors to solve the replay video attack on the face recognition system. LBP captures the pigment
information on the image which is formed out of printers and also LBP captures the change in reflectance due
to the quality variation of the attack equipment.
Frequency-based approaches analyze and quantify the frequency component. Initial work was
based on the fourier spectrum analysis to successfully detect a photo attack for face biometric carried out by
Li et al. [23]. Liu et al. [24] also used fourier spectra to detect video replay attacks. There are different works
carried out by researchers like [24] those used discrete cosine transforms, Zhang et al. [14] made use of
difference of Gaussian (DoG) filters, and Peng and Chan [25] used components which are of high frequency.
Hybrid approaches combine more than one property or attribute associated with the spoofed
image. Many researchers have tried out their hands in combining various attributes to achieve better
recognition between fake and real faces, for example, Raghavendra and Busch [26] combined texture
attribute with time-frequency information, Määttä et al. [21] fused texture and shape, Komulainen et al. [27]
incorporated all the context information. Hasan et al. [28] fused modified DoG filtering and binary pattern
variance to identify photo spoofing, by analyzing both texture LBP and contrast (variance) characteristics.
Support vector machine (SVM) was used on the extracted feature vectors and they also prove that LBP-
variants (LBPV) with SVM classifier method gives better results compared to SVM and LBP in presentation
attack detection. Benlamoudi et al. [29] used the Viola-Jones face detection algorithm [30] and pictorial
structure model [31] to detect the face and then localize the eye positions; then, the coordinates of the eyes
are used to make right the posing of the face. In the multi block (MB) technique [32], face is divided into
square blocks and a texture descriptor is applied on each block. Three popular texture descriptors, binarized
statistical image features (BSIF), LBP, and local phase quantization (LPQ) are used in multiple levels,
forming a multi-level feature descriptors (FD-ML) for feature extraction. ML representation is formed by
combining multiple MBs [32]. Finally, Lib-SVM [33] was used to classify the feature vectors as valid or
invalid. Table 2 consolidates on software-based static countermeasures by quoting their methods adopted,
types of attacks, datasets and performance metrics used.
State-of-the-art dynamic approaches are of three kinds: motion-based, texture based and hybrid
schemes (Refer to Table 3). Motion-based approaches employ a structure from facial movements, which in
turn yield depth information for features of face. Kollreider et al. [38] has proposed a novel liveness
awareness framework by estimating face motion for face authentication which utilizes lightweight optical
flow and gives a liveness score. A generalized dynamic approach for spoof detection was proposed by Li et
al. [39] by utilizing pulses extracted from videos, referring to the fact that only a live face can have pulses
(motion) in it but not the printed photos or mask. Edmunds and Caplier [40] exploit conditional local neural
fields track face’s motions and bag-of-words feature extraction method extracts rigid and non-rigid motion
features using the fisher vector.
Texture based approaches exploit the characteristic of face representations that discriminate a live
face from fake ones. Research community started with relying on LBP patterns and its variants only to fuse
different characteristics to form hybrid schemes which prove to be more efficient comparatively. Pereira et
al. [41] extended regular LBP operator to VLB (volume local binary pattern) operator, the so-called
spatiotemporal characteristics (dynamic texture), to detect the dynamics of face micro-textures. Liu et al. [42]
has developed an remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) correlation model which extracts local heartbeat
signal patterns that discriminate against a mask and a live face. A confidence map was drawn using signal
strength that exploits the characteristics of rPPG distribution on real faces. Buolkenafet et al. [43] has
considered facial appearance to detect the liveness. They extract features from color spaces and the fisher
vector encoding method is applied to these features for liveness detection. They have tested on the following
benchmark databases: Casia, Replay-attack, MSU-MFSD and claim that their method outperforms the best
methods available.
Gan et al. [45] have exploited spatio-temporal features of video frames using 3D CNN which have
scored half total error rate (HTER) (refer to metrics for face anti-spoofing system evaluation section)
values of 0.04% and 10.65% for Replay Attack and CASIA databases respectively. Feng et al. [44] proposed
a hierarchical neural network model for antispoofing by integrating image quality and motion cues and
achieving 0% HTER and equal error rate (EER) for both Replay Attack and 3DMAD datasets. In the case of
CASIA FASD, the framework has achieved an EER 5.83%. Other than these, Pan et al. [50] utilizes
conditional random fields (CRF) that will be generated whenever an eye blink occurs in the face for liveness
detection. CRF works on context-based phenomena of temporal data.
The earlier works carried out in the literature using static or dynamic approaches make use of
handcrafted features like LBP, and scale invariant feature transform (SIFT), to discriminate between the real
and fake faces. CNN started gaining popularity, during which it was first used by Yang et al. [51] for face
anti-spoofing. The following are a few instances where CNN marked its presence assertively.
Nikitin et al. [52] fused two deep classifiers, first being used in identifying the presence of spoofing
medium and the second classifier is used to analyze the blinking of eyes and checks eyes openness
classification per frame. Muhammad et al. [53] incorporated a novel, sample learning-based recurrent neural
network (SLRNN) anti-spoofing architecture which makes use of the following 3 models: CNN, sparse
filtering and long short-term memory (LSTM). Sparse filtering was applied for augmenting the features using
residual networks (ResNet). The augmented features formed a sequence and were fed into a LSTM network
to construct the final representation. A 3D CNN framework was proposed by Li et al. [34] which takes both
spatial and temporal information, using the data augmentation method and employs a generalization
regularization thereby improving generalization performance. George and Marcel [35] proposes a dense fully
connected neural network architecture, trained with pixel-wise binary supervision. Here a single CNN model
which uses frame level information without requiring temporal data for detecting the presentation attack with
deep pixel-wise supervision. It has achieved HTER of 0% in the Replay Mobile dataset and an ACER of
0.42% in Protocol-1 of OULU dataset. A CNN-RNN (recurrent neural network) combination model was
employed by Liu et al. [46] for face depth estimation and rPPG signals estimation using pixel-wise and
sequence–wise supervision respectively. And depth information and rPPG signals are fused. Li and Feng [47]
used SVM to classify between real and fake by extracting handcrafted deep partial features from the
convolutional responses. Two sets of feature information extracted out of the CNN model and OVLBP
(overlapped histograms of local binary patterns) are fused by Sharifi [36] to form a score vector. A majority
voting of CNN, OVLBP, and fused score helps in fake detection. Table 3 summarizes the Software based
dynamic anti-spoofing techniques contributed by various researchers.
The area under curve (AUC) metric is obtained by the integral of a ROC, the grey area in Figure 4.
EER is the point of interference when FAR equals FRR on the ROC curve, and HTER is the point on the
ROC curve where the average of FAR and FRR is minimum. Finally, for overall accuracy (ACC) both
authorized users and fraudsters are considered. A variant of ROC called DET (decision error tradeoff) is also
used in some cases for showing verification performances. The only difference between ROC and DET is
that the primary difference is that the y-axis takes a false rejection rate instead of a true acceptance rate in the
DET curve.
For the biometric authentication in Android smartphone, Google recognizes two types of attacks:
“impostor” attacks and “spoof” attacks. A fraudster pretends to be an authorized user by disguising his or her
features in an impostor attack, but in a spoof attack, a non-live representation of the authorized user such as a
photograph or video is used to gain entry. Google sets a threshold of 7% accept rate or less for strong security
during attack detection that is the percentage of times an attack is not detected [11]. This is analogous to a
biometric “false accept rate”, which represents the likelihood that a person is incorrectly identified as a
biometric match. Figure 5 shows the plot of error metrics plotted for different static methods. The X-axis is
plotted with the static method (one of texture, frequency, and hybrid) along with the type of attack to which
this method is applied and Y-axis measures the EER and HTER values for each method if available.
20 17,46
HTER and EER - Error values
18 15 14,9
14 12,25
10,4 11
6 4,71
4 1,5 1,4
2 0 0,03 0 0,39 0 0 0
Based on the statistics in the graph it seems that out of all the texture components LBPV offers
better spoof recognition with the least error of 0.039 for the photo attacks. For the video attacks, the hybrid
approach of 3D CNN has the highest recognition rate of 100% that is 0 error. Raghavendra and Busch [26]
has applied texture descriptors for 3D mask attacks. Until now it is known to have the lowest error recorded
using texture descriptors. But it is also proved that the same video replay attacks have 0 HTER when CNN
are used for recognition. It is observed that hybrid approaches have higher HTER and EER values i.e. when
multiple descriptors are applied. So, there is a scope of research in this domain in which two descriptors from
texture and frequency-based methods will yield better spoof recognition and lesser error rates.
The error metrics for dynamic methods are plotted in Figure 6 where X-axis depicting one of the
three dynamic descriptors (motion, texture, and hybrid) with the attack type. Y-axis carries the HTER and
ERR values. Dense optical flow is best suited for identifying the print attacks as it is proven that its HTER
and EER values are 0. But if we use spatio-temporal descriptor (hybrid) or a 3D CNN for print attacks, for
video frames the captured error rate is 0.04, it incurs error with HTER of around 10, which is not acceptable
Antispoofing in face biometrics: a comprehensive study on software-based techniques (Vinutha H)
10 ISSN: 2722-3221
in anti-spoofing algorithms. 3D CNNs find their use here, that is when they are used. Hence in the literature,
the application of texture descriptors over the face image has proven to be a good approach in static methods
and dense optical flow works very well for both print and video attacks in dynamic methods. But deep
learning is manifesting the face recognition domain too and CNNs, deep neural networks are being
extensively used in discriminating amongst the original, valid faces and the spoofed faces.
12 10,65
EER & HTER Error values
8 6,9
4 2,2
2 0,5 0 0 0,04 0,024 0,09 0,26
Figure 6. EER- HTER error evaluation for software based dynamic methods
databases that are available, play a pivotal role in computing new and better face anti-spoofing techniques.
Here few face publicly available databases are discussed. Researchers around the world use extensively, the
seven publicly available benchmark data sets to evaluate their anti-spoofing algorithms. NUAA Photograph
Imposter [55], replay-attack [22], print-attack [55], CASIA face anti-spoofing [56], MSU-MFSD [57] are the
well-known datasets concerned with 2D attacks. For mask attacks, the 3D mask attack dataset [18], Kose and
Dugelay’s [58] data set are used.
The first and foremost public dataset that was made available for face anti-spoofing was the NUAA
Photograph Imposter dataset [55]. Images here were captured by regular webcams in different environments
under varied illumination conditions, in three sessions, between each of which with an interval of two weeks
were taken. Printed flat and warped attacks are evaluated. The print-attack dataset [55] was the standard
dataset used in the first competition for spoof detection. The images were captured by presenting a flat
printed photo of an authorized person to the system by hand-held method (i.e., the fraudster holds the photo
in the hands) or using a fixed support (i.e., photos are stuck on a fixed stand or wall). Print-attack dataset was
extended to the replay-attack dataset [22] for evaluating video and photo attacks. It comprises of 1,300 video
clips of video and photo attacks. Here trio attacks modes were considered: i) printed photo and video
playbacks, ii) using a low-resolution mobile phone and iii) an iPod screen. CASIA face anti-spoofing dataset
[56] has seven situations with different image qualities and various attack types. This data set presents
warped photo attacks, video playback attacks, and eye-cut photo attacks.
The first public database for mask attacks is 3D mask-attack dataset (3DMAD) [18] and it
comprises an RGB-D camera recorded video sequences. ThatsMyFace13 manufactured the masks using the
frontal and profile images of an individual. MSU mobile face spoofing dataset [57] has 280 video clips of
video and print photo attacks. A color printer printed all the photos of 35 participants used for attacks on a
large-sized paper. Each participant’s video playback was taken to perform an attack. MORPHO Company
created Kose and Dugelay’s [58] dataset, which is a paid-mask dataset, using a 3D scanner. To obtain
authorized images of face shape and texture, it uses a structured light technology. Then Sculpteo 3D Printing
technology manufactures the masks, and are recaptured by the same sensor to get the fraudster images.
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