3.2.4 Revision Questions
3.2.4 Revision Questions
3.2.4 Revision Questions
1. Write equations to show what happens when each of the following substances is added to water
and, in each case, suggest an approximate pH value for the resulting solution.
(a) sodium
Equation .....................................................................................................................
pH ...............................................................................................................................
Equation .....................................................................................................................
pH ...............................................................................................................................
Equation .....................................................................................................................
pH ...............................................................................................................................
(Total 6marks)
(b) Apart from argon, the Period 3 elements all form oxides.
(ii) The reaction in (b)(i) occurs very readily. Suggest why aluminium saucepans can be
safely heated on a gas cooker.
(iii) Complete the following table to show information about Period 3 oxides.
S o d iu m S ilico n Ph o sp h o ru s(V ) S u lp h u r
o x ide d io x id e o x id e d io x id e
P h y sical state at
ro o m tem p era tu re
Ty p e o f b o n d in g
p rese n t
(iv) Write an equation for the reaction of sodium oxide with water.
(v) Write an equation for the reaction of sulphur dioxide with water.
(vi) Samples of silicon dioxide and phosphorus(V) oxide are added to separate samples
of pure water and each mixture is stirred. State the approximate pH value of each
sample after the stirring.
(i), (ii) and (iii) (i) and (iii) only (ii) and (iv) only (iv) alone
(i) Al2O3
(ii) SO2
(iii) SiO2
(iv) Na2O
5. Write equations for the reactions of phosphorus(V) oxide and sulphur dioxide with water. In
each case predict the approximate pH of a 1M aqueous solution of the product.
Phosphorus(V) oxide.............................................................................................................
Approximate pH.....................................................................................................................
Sulphur dioxide......................................................................................................................
Approximate pH ....................................................................................................................
(Total 4 marks)