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C15 Recommendations Manifolds Refrigerated Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers - Ed. 1994

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Oil Companies International Marine Forum

Standardisation of Manifolds
for Refrigerated Liquefied
Gas Carriers (LNG)

These standards are recommended to introduce conformity in manifold
arrangements on Liquefied Natural Gas Camers in order to promote improved
efficiency in operation and assist planning the position of loading and dis-
charging facilities on new jetties.
The specification has been prepared by drawing on the experience of LNG
ship operators, berth design specialists, naval architects, ship constructors
and equipment manufacturers. It is intended to serve as a guideline to LNG
ship owners and builders and to those planning jetty design. It is not implied
that existing vessels should be altered.


Class (A) 20,000m3 to 49,999m3
Class (B) 50,000mq to 135,000m3
Class (C) over 135,000m3


2.1. Centre of Cargo Manif old
2.1.1. Conventional Constructions
The longitudinal centre of the cargo manifold should be located a t mid-
length of the ship or as near as is physically possible. In n o case should
the Centre be more than 3 metres (10 feet) forward or abaft the mid-

2.1.2. Spherical Construction

Owing to the nature of their construction, spherical tank vessels may be
an exception to 2.1.1. For such vessels, the distance of the longitudinal
centre of the cargo manifold should always be placed as near as possible
to the midship point. Excessive distance of the manifold from midships
could lead to operational difficulties at many berths.

2.2. Manifold Arrangement (Fig. l a & lb)

2.2.1. Manifold: Vapour and Liquid Arrangement
For single loading systems, the manifold should be arranged so that
the liquid l~nesare placed e~therside of the vapour Iine(s). (See Fig. la).
Further, when an increased loading rate is required, each I~quidline
may be fitted with double connecting flanges.
In the case where ships are designed with two separate systems, each
separate manifold should follow the same arrangement as for a single
loading system. (See Fig. Ib).
2.2 2. Distance of manifold presentation flanges from ship's side.
The distance of the presentation flanges inboard from the ship's side
should not be less than 3 metres or greater than 4 metres. (See Fig. l a &
where pract~cable,such flanges should be presented on the same fore
and aft line.

2.2.3. Height of manifold presentation flange above deck or working

The distance between the bottom edge of the manlfold presentation
flange and the top of the deck or working platform should be 900mm (3
feet). (See Fig. 4).


3.1. Manifold Materials
The caIgo manifold flanges. reducers, distance pieces, supports and
valves should conform to the IMCO "Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gas in Bulk", and be acceptable
to the Administration of Flag States.

3.2 Manifold Strengths

The cargo manifold supports, distance pieces and reducers should be
capable of withstanding the loads at the presentation flange as outllned
in Table 1. (For definition of forces See Fig. 3).
Ship Volume Category A B C *
Vertical Force (tonnes) 5 5 10 15
Lateral Force (1 onnes) 2 2 3 4
Axial Force (tonnes) 5 5 7 10
Moment (tonnes metres) 5 5 10 15
Forces based on maximum loads
imposed by unsupported loading
arms of stated size 12" 16" 20" 24"
*24" loading arms not in use yet.
Note :-The above figures include allowances for dynamic loading
due to product flow, changes in freeboard, movement of
vessel etc.
3.3 Marking of Manifold
The cargo manifold should be permanently and clearly marked with the
safe wo~kingloads they have been designed to withstand.

3.4 Manifold Flanges

3.4.1. Material, type and presentation
Man~foldflanges should be vertical, be of the welded neck types, have
flat faces and conform to ANSI 150. Material should be in accordance
with Section 3.1.

3.4.2. Size and Spacing of Flanges

The ship should be able to present the following vertical flanges for load-
ing or discharging at the cargo manifold on each side of the ship. (See
Fig. la & Ib).


Liquid Lines Vapour Lines

Ship Volume H* Flange Size Flange Size

Class "A" 2.5 metres 12" 8"

Class "B" 3.0 metres 16" 12"

Class " C 3.5 metres 20" 16"
*H=minimum distance recommended between the manifold
flange centres. The distance should not be exceeded by more
than half a metre.

3.4.3. Minimum Bore Size (sometimes referred to as nominal bore size)

In order to avoid complications when using quick acting couplers
equipped with probes to assist with arm alignment, the minimum bore
size should never be less than the flange size specified.


4.1. Valves and Valve Actuation
Valves and valve actuat~onshould be as specified by IMCO "Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gas in Bulk".
4.2. Distance Pieces
4.2 I. Materials
As specified in paragraph 3.1.

4.22. Length
The length of the distance pleces should be kept to a minimum. However,
the length of the distance pieces should be adequate to provide sufficient
room for the fo1lowing~-
(a) to ensure that suffic~entspace is available for bolt withdrawal from
the valve/distance piece and distance piece/reducer flanges. A
minimum of 200mm should be allowed for this purpose on each
flange. (See Fig. 4).
(b) to take the manifold support. (See Fig. 4).
(c) to take other line connections such as relief valves, sample points
or drain lines, as may be required by the IMCO Code or Owners.
Such connections should always be fitted inboard of the manifold

4.3 Cargo Manifold Reduction Pieces

4.3.1. Specifications
All reducers should be made to the standards described in section 3.1
and be fitted w ~ t hflanges conform~ngto the requirements described
in section 4.1.
The inboard flange should be made t o bolt directly t o the distance piece.
The outboard flange on all reducers shall be known as the "manifold
presentation flange".

4.3.2. Length
The minimum length of all reducers should be 500mm in order t o allow
sufficient space for the operation of quick-acting couplers and the insert-
ion of open bolts.

4.33. Lifting Lug

All reducers should be fitted with a lifting lug. This lug should be placed
as near to the centre of balance as possible and at a location which
will not interfere with either the operation of quick-acting couplers or
with the bolting of flanges. (See Fig 2).
4.3 4. Number of Reducers
The number of reducers to be suppl~cdshould equal the total number
of manifold presentation flanges on one side of the vessel

4.3.5. Size of Reducers

The size of the reducer should be in accordance with the table below:-

~ --

L~quld L ~ r e Vapour Line

Presentalron Plecentatlon
Slup Volume flange flange
Catejory Size Reducer SIZ S~ze . Reducer SIZ

CIass A 12" 12"/16", 12"/10" 8" 8"/12" & 8 " / I O

12"/ 8" 12" 12"/8" & 12"/16"
Class B 16" 16"/12" & 16"/20"
Class C 20" 20"/ 16" 16 16"/12"

In normal circumstances, the prlnclpal cargo reducers should be bolted

directly to the distance pieces. On the occasions when a larger or
smaller presentation Aange is required, the principal cargo reducers will
have to be removed, and replaced by the appropr~atespare reducers
from the reserve stock.

4.4. Blank Flanges

Blank flanges fitted to the presentation manifold flanges should comply
with the materials spec~fiedin Section 3.1 and be fittzd with handles.


In way of the manifold, it is recommended that whenever possible, means
are provided to deflect a sp~llof LNG or liquid nitrogen overboard to
facilitate the rapid escape and evaporation of the liquid.

5.1. Sheathing Requirements

The deck m way of the sp~llagearea should be either constructed of a
material as specified in IMCO Table 6 3* or protected by a sheathing
compatible with low temperature liqu:ds, extendmg
Longitudinally for a distance of at least 1.5 metres beyond the outermost
edge of the outermost manifold flange.
Transversely from the ship's slde to at least 0.5 metres inboard of the
innermost gate valve. (See Fig. la, l b & 4).

5.2. Coaming Requirements

The spillage area should be provided with a coaming, of a material speci-
fied in IMCO Table 6.3, and of such a depth as wlll contain a quantity
of cargo at least equal to the maximum credible spill.

The containment area in 5.2 should be provided with a drain line capable
of leading a spill overboard e~ther:
by flexible hose to sea level, or
(2) by rigid pipe to main deck sheathing.
Such a line should be include any permanent means of closure, and
should be so aligned as not to deluge a jetty or its associated equipment
with liquid.

5.4 Water Curtain

[n either case adequate protection should be provided for the hull of the
ship by provision of a water curtain at the ship's side extending, at
least, over the full length of the spillage area detailed in 5.1 and 5.2.

5.5. Vessel Trim Considerations

Due attention should be given to the vessel's trim characteristics and
its influence upon the effectiveness of the spill arrangements planned.
*IMCO "Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gas in Bulk". Table 6.3 "Materials for Construction".

6 1. Number and Position
Four bunker connections should be provided, two on each side of the
ship. The distance of the presentation flanges inboard from the ship's side
should not be less than 3 metres or greater than 4 metres, (Flg. 4) and
lb). The height of the presentation flange above the deck or working
platform should be the same as for the cargo manlfold presentation
flanges. (See Section 3.4).
One bunker connection should be located forward of the manifold and
one located abaft of the manifold on each side of the ship.

6.2. Spacing
The spacing between the bunker line and the nearest cargo line should
be 2.0 metres for all classes of vessel.

6.3. Size and Number of Presentation Flanges

Class A vessels are to be fitted with 4 x 6" presentation flanges.
Class B & C vessels are to be fitted with 4 x 8" presentation flanges.

6 4. Number and Size of Reducers

Class A 1 x 6"/8" & 1 x 6"/10
Class B & C 1 x 8"/6". 1 x 8"/10" & 1 x 8"/12".

6.5. Strength
The bunker manifold supports, distance pieces and reducers should be
capable of withstanding the loads as outlined in Table 4.
(For definition of Forces. See Fig. 3)

Ship Volume Category A B&C

Vertical Force (tomes) 3 5

Lateral Force (tonnes) 1 2
Axial Force (tonnes) 2 5
Moment (tomes metres) 3 5
Forces based on maximum loads
imposed by unsupported loading
arms of stated size 12" 16"
6 6. Bunker Manifold Specifications
The bunker man~foldshould be constructed as spec~fiedIn the OCIMF
"Standards for Tanker Man~folds and Assoc~ated Equipment" 2nd
Edition, May 1975.

6.7. Bunker Spill Containment

The bunker connections are to be provided with separate splll contain-
ment, the capac~tyand spec~licat~on to conform with IMCO and U.S.
Coast Guard recommendations/ requirements.

It is recommended that, whenever possible, the presentation flange for
the Nitrogen line be in the same fore and aft line and as close to the
vapour lines as possible. Nitrogen line connections should be provided
on both sides of the vessel.

Diesel/Gasoil/ Waterlines
Where such lines are required, every effort should be made to place
the various presentation flanges in the cargo manlfold area, with at least
one connection for each on both sides of the vessel.

H. D I S ~b. e t ~ e e n
flange centres.
h D ~ s t .between
flange ceptres.

(a) S~ngle Load~ng System

c-h-H-H-H - a h -
H D ~ s tb. e t k c n h. D ~ s tbetween
flange centres. flange centres

(b) Separate Load~ng System


I of the vertical o=(

Dlstanccs from monlfold support t o F1g.4.
flarqes t o be not less than 2 0 0 m m (see Section 4.2.2>

A Not less than 3 metres or

greater than 4 m t n s .
A >I-
Presentation Flange I
9 0 0 mm
Sheathed Deck\
I -
1 ~ .
~ = . .

_I ---p-lo
4'; 4/
Water Curtain


D Refer t o Sect~on4 3 2.

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