Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
a. Animals.
There are a lot of animals on our planet. They can be wild and
domestic. Wild animals are those animals who live in nature without
people. Wolves, foxes, giraffes are wild animals. Domestic animals are
animals who live with people, who are not really scary. People always
call them “pets”. Cats, dogs, sheep are domestic animals.
Animals also can be classified based on their habitats. They are,
terrestrial animals, aquatic animals and amphibian. Terrestrial animals
are animals that live predominantly or entirely on land (e.g. cats, dogs,
ants, spiders), as compared with aquatic animals, which live
predominantly or entirely in the water (e.g. fish, lobsters, octopuses), and
amphibians, which rely on a combination of aquatic and terrestrial
habitats (e.g. frogs, turtle
b. Plant
Plants are living things that can grow almost anywhere on the
Earth. Plant life on the earth can be distinguished from each other in a
number of ways. The simplest is to divide on the basis of region. Plants
that grow specifically in the mountains area will be very different from
those that grow at tropical area.
Plants that are adapted to grow in the cold and windy climate of
the mountains are mountain plants. We can find plants that grow in the
mountains like oak, deodar, pine, maple, spruce trees, edelweiss etc.
Both animals and plants are living thing which should we protect.
Animals and plants both have an important role in life on earth. Indirectly,
their presence also maintains the balance of the ecosystem on earth
Answer this question!
1. Find main idea of the second paragraph!
2. Mention the animal’s classification based on their habits!
3. What are the differences between mountain plant and tropical
4. Based on your opinion. between plants and animals, which one is
more be protected? Explain the reason!
5. Why do we should protect plants and animals?
Activity 1
Observe the living thing around your area. Mention and write down on
the table below!
Animals Plants
Activity 2
Describe about this picture!
Present the group discussion result in front of the class
Listen a short English podcast or news about plant or animals, and write
down the words that you can hear as many as possible!
Vocabularies :
Existence = keberadaan
Ecological = ekologi
Balance = keseimbanagan
Classified = dikelompokkan
Wild = liar
Habitats = habitat
Terrestrial = darat
Predominantly = terutama
Compared = dibandingkan
Aquatic = perairan
Tropical = tropis/ kering
Blooming = berbunga
Foliage = dedaunan
Palms = palem
Orchids = anggrek
Presence = keberadaan
Maintains = mempertahankan
1. Find the main idea of the forth paragraph ?
2. Compare about Indonesia as lungs of the world on the past and
3. Examine the message from the text !
4. Why oxygen is essential for life ?
5. Conclude about the text above !
Describe steps the way to plant the tree
Discuss with your friend about kinds of people responsibility, and
mention the example !
Present the result in front of your class.
a. Air polution
b. Green environment
c. Reforestation
d. Illegal logging
e. Fire forest