(ED3) Ardanyans Revenge - Copy - Repaired
(ED3) Ardanyans Revenge - Copy - Repaired
(ED3) Ardanyans Revenge - Copy - Repaired
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Ardanyan’s Revenge
CREDITS ‡ ( $ 5
t + ' $ : 1 7 + , 5 ' ( ' t, , 2 1 ‡
Interior Artwork: Janet Aulisio, Peter Bergting, Joel Biske, Kent Burles, Storn Cook, Carsten Damm, Je Laubenstein,
Larry MacDougall, Mike Nielsen, Kathy Schad
Dedication:For my love and for my friends; eternal gratitude for your ongoing motivation and support. Also, special
thanks to Kathy for all the eye-candy and puing up with us!
Playtesters:Martin Barmeyer, David Bendfeld, Sacha P. Buck, Helge Bunk, Marco Burnus, Mahew Clay, Jens Elgeti,
Marcus Frowerk, Marcus Grau, Ingo Gronewald, Armin Herbertz, Stefan Hoba, Kerstin Huber, Stefan Katowiec,
Sebastian Klein, Marco N. F. Knief, Catherine Norman, Stefan Mauch, Tadele Zeißig
Earthdawn®is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Barsaive™ is a Trademark of FASA Corporation.
OriginalEarthdawn® content copyright © 1993–2009 FASA Corporation. Ardanyan’s Revenge™ is a Trademark of
FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® and all associated Trademarks used under license from FASA Corporation. Cover
artwork copyright © 2009 Kathy Schad
. Cover artwork and interior illustrations used under license from Kathy Schad
and Carsten Damm. All Rights Reserved. Published by RedBrick Auckland,
Limited New Zealand.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise without the written permission of the publishers. Permission to copy is granted for the
Appendix for personal use only
Internet: hp://www.earthdawn.com Contact:info@earthdawn.com
A 2009 F P
A r da n ya n’s R ev enge
You regard this tome as complete? Very well. Show me then
where I can find the Names of the heroes that survived this
• Merrox, Master of the Hall of records •
Personalities of Hangside. ........................................... 41Themes and Images............................................... 75
Civil Landside. ......................................................42 Behind the Scenes. ............................................... 75
Places of Interest. ..........................................................42Pit Trap............................................................................ 75
Personalities of Landside. ...........................................42 Leldrin I ntervenes. ........................................................76
Organizations.......................................................43 Escape!.............................................................................77
Town Council. ................................................................43
e Council. ....................................................................78
Merchant’s Guild...........................................................43 e Opening of Kaer A rdanyan. ...............................79
Market Authority......................................................... Troubleshooting
44 ...................................................79
Town Watch. .................................................................. 44 the Adventure ............................................80
The Cross of Ardanyan......................................... 45 Home Sweet Home...................................................... 80
Command Structure. ...................................................45
How the Order Works.................................................46 Loose Ends.......................................................80
Awarding Legend Points .....................................80
En Route........................................................... 47 Game Sessions. ............................................................. 80
Caravan Guards.................................................... 47 Legend Awards.............................................................. 81
Final Rest..............................................................48 Campaign Ideas.................................................... 81
A Slaver’s Debts.....................................................49 New Friends. ................................................................... 81
e City of Ardanyan. .................................................. 81
death on the Road.....................................50
Overview...............................................................50 Rumors and Research..............................82
Seing the Stage. ..................................................50 Ardanyan...............................................................82
Themes and Images...............................................50 Knowledge Skills. ..........................................................82
Behind the Scenes. ...............................................50 The Old Mines.......................................................82
Crossroads. ..................................................................... 50
Magical T reasures. ................................................83
A Plea for Help............................................................... Whispering
51 Earrings. ....................................................83
SurpriseYou’re Dead!. ..............................................52 Leldrin’s Sta. .................................................................83
Picking up the Pieces. ..................................................54
Onwards! Cast of Characters....................................84
Troubleshooting................................................... 55 Scaling the Adventure. .........................................84
Leldrin, Tenth Circle Elf Illusionist....................84
Deep Mines........................................................56 Argethiel, Tenth CircleElf Weaponsmith............86
Overview...............................................................56 Errin, Eighth Circle Elf Warrior.......................... 87
Seing the Stage. ..................................................56 Jania, Eighth Circle Elf Swordmaster..................89
Kaer Dwellers. Mangalin, Ninth CircleElf Wizard......................89
Adventurers ....................................................................56
Themes and Images...............................................56 Ri Tes of ProTecTionand Passage. ...... 91
Behind the Scenes. ............................................... 57 On the Constructionof Kaers and Citadels........ 91
e Mine Entrance. ....................................................... 57On the Structure of a Kaer. ........................................ 91
e Halls.......................................................................... 61
On Living in a Kaer. .....................................................92
e Caverns. ....................................................................62
Kaer Campaigns. ..................................................92
Troubleshooting...................................................64 Campaign Time.............................................................92
With A Pinch of Salt..................................65 Designing a Kaer..................................................93
Overview...............................................................65 Determine Population. ................................................93
Seing the Stage. ..................................................65 Determine Location. ....................................................93
Themes and Images...............................................65 Develop Kaer H istory..................................................94
Behind the Scenes. ...............................................65 Draw a Map....................................................................94
At the Gates. ...................................................................65
Creating K aer-Dweller Characters.....................94
Exploring Ardanyan. ....................................................66Namegiver Races. ..........................................................94
Wuschwusul and Caedrus. .........................................66 Disciplines .....................................................................95
Spellcasting . ...................................................................95
On the Run.....................................................................68 Shield Grimoire.............................................................
Break and Enter.............................................................70 Warping Shield. ..............................................................96
Troubleshooting................................................... 74
Handouts......................................................... 97
Breaking the Bonds.................................. 75
Overview............................................................... 75
Seing the Stage. .................................................. 75
Sharp Surprise
I… I can acknowledge now what you stated in front of the
council, Master Leldrin. They will not be pleased, but the
doubters will be silenced once and for all.
• Master Jandaan •
“Never trust an elf…” of view. Indeed, he knew that his friend’s aversion was really based
When Fearghus heard these words for the rst time, he on a personal maer. In his youth, Dunar had fallen in love with a
- consid
ered them nothing more than a proverb. But now, lying at inyoungthe elven lass. When he nally felt bold enough to confront her
dusty old minesha, he realized their wisdom. with his feelings, she just laughed. Even worse, his grandfather had
“Quiet!” he hissed, liing a nger to his mouth. “ey could be slapped him across the face for entertaining such a foolish infatu-
here any minute!” ation with a pointy-eared one.
He glanced at his companion, Dunar, whose hands were shaking Many hard-working dwarven miners failed to see that- the com
paratively light gardening work of the elves was equally important
as he tried to defuse a trap containing hundreds of poisoned arrows.
Fearghus felt a drop of sweat crawling down his face, leaving
- to the
a vissurvival of the kaer’s population. is lack of understanding
led to a blood feud between the dwarfs and elves of the kaer, an
ible trail as it washed the dirt from his skin. e two dwarfs had
almost made itonly this accursed tunnel separated them from event in the distant past that had separated the population.
their goal. He turned his head, looking for their pursuers, but Fearghus
the shivered and glanced around uneasily. Only a few
passage behind them was dark and silent. people remembered the incident that had driven the community
of Kaer
Dunar was working on a set of stone plates set into the walls and Ardanyan apart. ose times were long gone. And now,
the ground. He was the best crasman Fearghus knew. BackFearghushome, and Dunar had to pay the bill.
many people admired his skill as a Weaponsmith. As a follower “is of
should do it,” Dunar whispered. “is mechanism won’t
the Warrior discipline, Fearghus knew rst-hand how adepts usedtrigger anything anymore. But I guess it was not the last–” He
magic to accomplish their goals, but even Fearghus sometimes abruptly ceased talking and sat up to get a beer view. en Fear-
wondered how much magic was needed to compensate for Dunar’s ghus heard the footsteps, too. Suddenly, a light appeared, geing
normally coarse and stubby ngers when craing such well-bal
- brighter and reecting o the walls behind them.
ey were here.
anced weapons. Many people were jealous over the magical abilities
of adepts, oen expressing this with open shows of distrust. In“Run!”
the Dunar hissed and vanished into the darkness. Fearghus
past, the adepts’ most arduous adversaries had even tried had to passno option but to follow. Two elves turned the corner, calling
laws to restrict them from using their powers. On a certainout level,in surprise as they saw him f lee, their bows already drawn.
even if he wasn’t convinced ofFearghus heard arrows cuing through the air, missing him in
Fearghus agreed with that notion,
the necessity of such an action. ere were some adepts who the tookdark. e tunnel ahead curved, and he managed to get quickly
advantage of their calling and saw themselves as being above out of ; Fearghus already
range. Behind him, the elves followed
common mansome black sheep individuals who shamed their heard them running.
kind. Sadly, Dunar was one of them, and his haughtiness had Around
led another corner, the dwarf almost fell over his friend.
to many arguments between the two friendsuntil Fearghus - Dunar was lying in the middle of the passage, staring at something.
nessed Dunar selling his weapons for unusually high prices,Fearghus
using could not determine what it was.
his magic to trick some of his customers. at incident had led to “What the…?” he began, but Dunar silenced him with a wave
a serious ght that ultimately ended their friendship. Before of
this his hand.
mission, they had not talked with each other for years. “Now take a big step and get down, but be careful,” he hissed.
Fearghus forced the thought from his mind. At this moment, Fearghus realized what his friend was staring atand what he
Dunar was the only Namegiver Fearghus could trust. was about to do.
eir former companions were out to kill them. A moment later, the pursuing elves rushed into sight. eir bows
e people of Kaer Ardanyan had always quarreled about were the now slung over their shoulders, their broadswords drawn. A
dierences between the races. Unsurprisingly, Dunar and - puzzled look appeared on their faces when they spoed the two
ghus also held diering opinions. Dunar had never liked elves; dwarfs
in lying in the dust right before them. Moving closer to get
his eyes, they were slick and sly, hiding the true meaning of a their
beer view, they realized both dwarfs were showing -their big
words behind owery expressions. Prejudice was a common way gest forgrins.
dwarves to see their pointy-eared neighbors. Fearghus knewWith that a lightning-fast move, Dunar pulled at the thin wire in
Dunar was intelligent enough not to fall for such a shallow front
point of him. Anguished screams echoed in the tunnel as a broad
P R O L O G U E | Shar p Sur pr i se 5
sharp blade slid out of the wall, slicing through everything inMaster
its Jandaan greeted him with a nod, but did not care to stand.
path. Blood spilled from their tall bodies as the elves dropped to he received no reply. e visitor moved quietly into a corner
the ground like wet sacks. Vanishing between the stones as by the door, observing the room with watchful eyes. He was lean-
as it had appeared, only a thin line of blood showed evidence ing on of a stick.
the blade’s existence. ‘Brilliant,’ Ghandjoon thought. ‘e two most talkative people
With a triumphant laugh, Dunar stood and looked down - at of
Fearthe entire kaer in one room!’
ghus, who stared open-mouthed at the bodies lying in front “I of
think we can begin now.” Jandaan said aer a while and threw
him. Dunar helped him to his feet; both were unharmed. a demanding look at Ghandjoon. She moved closer to the table,
Wiping blood from his face with his shirt, Dunar holding the healing potion in her hands.
moved to pick up one of the swords. Still e old Nethermancer sat on a small stool next to the
stunned, Fearghus did the same. Dunar table and touched the temple of the dead dwarf. Clearing
pushed him down the tunnel. his throat, he began muering the formula of a spell he
“Two down. Five to go…” had taught to his apprentice just a few weeks ago. e
spell allowed him to experience the nal moments of
a corpse, images that were bound to bring pain and
agony along with them.
Jandaan closed his eyes when he finished the
“You are late, my child,” Jandaan spell and steered his soul into the realm of
said when Ghandjoon entered his the dead. His body began to slump forward,
laboratory. Closing the door behind her, she but Ghandjoon gently held him in place.
hesitated momentarily. When her master reopened his eyes, his
On the large table in the center of the lab- pupils had turned pale and stared into
oratory lay a dead body. Ghandjoon could an unknown distance.
not help but stare at it. She had seen many
corpses since she signed on as Jandaan’s
apprentice, but none of them were as
badly hurt as this one.
Deep cuts had opened the dwarf ’s Jandaan opened his eyes and found
chest, as if a set of enormous claws himself in a large cave lit by a murky
had torn him apart. Bite marks twilight emanating from naturally
from hundreds of teeth formed the grown light crystals. His body was
paern of a giant jaw, suggesting that that of Fearghus, one of the best
a very large creature was responsible for Warriors the kaer had ever produced.
the dwarf ’s demise. Fearghus was looking at another dwarf,
“Is it him?” she asked. who crouched behind a large rock.
e magician nodded. “It’s him. I need you Jandaan recognized him as Dunar,
for the ritual.” Jandaan paused, inspecting a the famous Weaponsmith of Khar
wound next to the oversized bite-marks. He Rhûz. Both had taken part in the
lied a bushy white eyebrow and scratched expedition, a mission to determine
his bald, taooed head. if the Scourge had ended. Obvi -
Ghandjoon’s master didn’t talk much. ously, the mission had failed.
Jandaan believed that people wasted precious Leldrin was the only one who had
time on chaer, therefore the old Nethermancer always returned, the only survivor of nine
got straight to the point. Faced with this directness, most people adepts that were sent out by the kaer
preferred to stay out of his way. council. Everyone else had been slain shortly
“is time, I will do it myself; you’re too weak for wounds this
aer they had turned their backs on the massive gates of the kaer.
deep. e ritual could hurt me; even kill me if I am not cautious. I
Leldrin had brought Fearghus’ corpse back from the journey, and
want you to have a healing potion nearby, just in case.” his arrival had truly been one of the saddest moments in Kaer
Ghandjoon nodded. She walked to one of the shelves toArdanyan’s
fetch history. Jandaan remembered the image of -the elf step
the potion. e shelves contained all kinds of alchemical ingredi-
ping through the gate, his ne robes soaked with blood. Countless
ents and covered every inch of the walls. She needed some time
kaer-dwellers had come to see their heroes return. When Leldrin let
to nd where the healing potions were stored. Fearghus’ body slide to the ground, the sound could be heard even
Someone knocked at the door. in Council Hall. Stunned silence lled the air for an eternity.
“Who’s there?” Jandaan said in a strong voice. Ghandjoon believed
Viewing the scene, the Nethermancer saw that Dunar, shaking
she heard an annoyed undertone. Her master continued to examinewith fear, was bleeding from a number of wounds. He stared at
the corpse. He received no answer. Aer a while, someone knockedsomething behind Fearghus. Jandaan felt Fearghus realizing what
again. With a subdued curse, Jandaan motioned for his apprentice to
his companion was doing and watched him turn his head slowly
open the door. Ghandjoon opened it just enough to peek outside.toward the tunnel in the wall behind him. A scratching, claering
A tall elf stood in front of her. She saw that he was bandaged;
sound, as if from a thousand claws, came from the dark passage
white linen cloth peeked out under his cloak at his right arm and
Jandaan felt a shiver running down Fearghus’ spine and a sudden
shoulder. A strong mint odor surrounded him, a smell- remind rush of adrenaline, as the dwarf jumped to his feet, preparing - him
ing her of the Garlen shrine in Okoros. She pulled the doorself open, for his last stand.
and the tall gure silently entered the room. His name -was Lel An abhorrent beast stepped out of the tunnel, standing up until
drin, the expedition’s only survivor. His wounds had been grave,
it towered almost three yards above their heads. It opened a large
but not deadly. mouth containing countless teeth juing outwards like needles,
6 P R O L O G U E | Shard Sur pr i se
Sharp Surprise
and gave a terrible shriek. e sound was so loud that Fearghus When Dunar saw Fearghus losing consciousness, he ducked
could feel the vibration in his chest. e Horror turned its eyelessdeeper behind the rock. His hands were still shaking; panic had
head toward the dwarfs, growling deeply. Fearghus moved in taken
front control of him. He heard the Horror throw the limp body
of his friend and stared at the approaching monstrosity. of his friend aside and heard footsteps approach.
“You can kill us, but you will never own us!” he screamed, bolting Four of the remaining elves stepped out of the tunnel, their
toward the creature. He was fast, his feet not even touching theheads covered with silken hoods.
ground. Slamming his broadsword into a so spot between - the ‘Finally!’
chi Dunar thought. ‘ey might have turned against us, but
tinous scales made the beast give out another high-pitched this shriek.
Horror is still a common enemy.’ A spark of hope made him
Black blood shot from the wound, burning Fearghus’ arm. pick up his sword. He risked a peek over the rock.
The Horror turned around, away from Dunar. Three thick The towering black creature did nothing—it just stood still.
tentacles shot aer the running Warrior, squirming aroundDunar his watched as one of his former companions strode over to
oundering body. Fearghus was lied up like a toy. He swungFearghus, his kicking his arm. He did not move. e elf pulled the
sword at the tentacles like a madman, but to no avail. e air hood was back, and Dunar gasped as he recognized her: Jania, the
pressed out of his lungs. Drained of his strength, his broadsword Swordmaster. Kneeling, she swily cut his friend’s throat.
fell from his hand. “NOOO!” Dunar yelled, and leaped out from his hiding place.
en the maw of the Horror was right in front of him, its sharp teeth
e Horror shrieked and turned, and suddenly Dunar again felt
looming closer, clicking in anticipation of fresh blood and esh.
- panic
Fear overwhelm him. He wanted to run, but instead he stumbled
ghus nally lost consciousness. Sweet darkness surrounded Jandaan’sand fell, sending his blade scaering across the cavern oor.
perception. It took what seemed an eternity until the Nethermancer e beast came closer, but Dunar was immobilized with fear. Eyes
felt the familiar pull of death swallowing him… wide open, he watched helplessly as the Horror approached. e
dwarf swallowed hard and blinked several times when the beast
began a transformation. e huge black body shriveled and began
to change color. Within seconds, it resembled a humanoid gure
another elf. is gure also pulled his hood back and revealed his
Jandaan woke on his stool, gasping for air. Ghandjoon used head:aLeldrin. Dunar swallowed again, breathing heavily.
piece of linen to wipe sweat from his forehead and oered him the
potion. But her master refused.
A er a few moments, he lied himself up and stood, turning
toward Leldrin. e elf had kept a straight face during the ritual,
and even now, his features seemed to be set in stone.
“I… I can acknowledge now what you stated in front of the - Coun
cil, Master Leldrin. ey will not be pleased, but the doubters will
be silenced once and for all.” Jandaan breathed heavily and
leaned on the table for support. ‘This couldn’t be true! Was Leldrin
“I’d like you to know that it is a great honor for me in league with the Horrors? Or was the
to share the same halls with a hero. Without you, Horror just one of his illusions?’
we would remain ignorant.” The tall elf smiled and walked to where
Leldrin turned toward the exit. He Dunar lay. The other elves surrounded him,
paused for a moment, then opened the two on either side, also revealing their faces by
door and le without saying a word. pulling back their hoods : Argethiel, Man
“Poor man” Ghandjoon said. “His galin, Errin, Jania. All of them laughing at
best friends le their lives out there, him.
for us.” Leldrin unsheathed a dagger and sliced
She tur ned to face her his right palm. Grabbing Dunar with his
master and saw that he had bleeding hand, he lifted the dwarf with
again sat down on the stool, ease. His words sounded like an incanta-
covering his face with his tion and drowned the quiet whimpering
wrinkled hands. of the shocked dwarf.
“is fellowship shall be Named the Cross
of Ardanyan. By the blood of Dunar, we
swear to commit revenge on all those who
destroyed our hopes with their greed.
Oh Raggok, take this sacrice to give us
strength for the task that lies ahead…”
P R O L O G U E | Shar p Sur pr i se 7
C h ap t e r O n e
Those who only trust what they can see are easily fooled by
simple plays of light and magic. Never trust your mundane
senses—it’s not gold just because it glitters.
• Leldrin, Survivor of the First Expedition •
he age ofEarthdawnis an era of magic that existed Ardanyan’s Revenge is intended for a group of three to five
thousands of years ago in our world’s dim past. Magic Initiate and Novice (First to Fourth Circle) adepts of any - Disci
touched every aspect of the lives of men and women pline,
of the and is ideal as an introductory adventure for a group of new
Namegiver races: humans, elves, dwarves, orks, trolls, windlings,Earthdawnplayers. is book contains everything needed to start
t’skrang, and obsidimen. However, as the levels of magic rose, anEarthdawn
so campaign, but is also exible enough to be used in
did the dangers in the world. e rise of magic brought Horrors a currently running campaign. Both Earthdawn
the Player’s and
to Earth, creatures from the depths of astral space that devouredGamemaster’s Guides are required to use this adventure.
all life in their path. For four centuries, the peoples of Barsaivee hid
seing material provided in this book can also be used as the
underground as the Horrors devastated their lands during the basis
darkfor further adventures. e town of Ardanyan is not a static
time that came to be called the Scourge. place; the player characters will play a vital role in its history,
- how
Now, the people of Barsaive have emerged from their sealed ever, and are likely change the face of the kaer forever. It is a plac
kaers and citadels, ready to ght for life and freedom against they
thewill come back to, especially if the characters begin play as
remaining Horrors and the oppressive eran Empire. From kaer-dwellers
all (see Preparing the Adventure, p.
across Barsaive, bold heroes step forward to champion their ough land, gamemaster characters can play signicant roles in this
arming themselves for their daunting task with powerful magical adventure, the gamemaster should not allow them to overshadow
spells and treasures. rough magic, skill, and daring, Barsaive’s the player characters. When the adventurers aempt to overcome
heroes strive to heal the world of the scars le by the Scourge. a particular
In obstacle, or try to think of a way out of some danger-
so doing, they become Barsaive’s living legends. ous situation, avoid using gamemaster characters to tell the players
Ardanyan’s Revenge how to resolve the problem. After all, if players make the right
is a roleplaying adventure set in the world
of Earthdawn. choices all the time, both they and the gamemaster have a lot less
When the Scourge was imminent, the people of the town fun.ofWhenever possible let your group of players make their own
Ardanyan sought shelter underground, expecting only- thebeds Hor and squirm in them.
rors to be a threat. Over the centuries spent conned in the kaer,
small quarrels grew into conicts, which in turn developed into
blood feuds and racial hatred. e Horrors would gladly have Making fed Tests
on Kaer Ardanyanif they had only found it. During the course Ardanyan’s
of Revenge , whenever char -
For generations, a secret society betrayed the unsuspecting
- acters
citi aempt to take actions such as casting a spell, swinging a
zens of Kaer Ardanyan. Now they struggle to keep their terrible sword at an opponent, tracking a Horror, or irting with
- a bar
secret. e player characters are the spark igniting a bon remaid, of the gamemaster or the player rolls dice against Diculty a
intrigue, deceit, and illusion. e heroes have to be careful, how-Number to determine the action’s outcome. ese dice rolls are
calledAction Tests(see the
ever, not to fall victim to the ames while on their dangerous quest Game Concepts chapter of thePlay-
to save the residents of a lost kaer. er’s Guide, p. 14).
To make an Action Test, the player or gamemaster rolls- the appro
priateAction Dice based on the Step Numberof the ability being
Gamemastering Notes used. If the dice roll result is equal to or greater than the Diculty
rdanyan’s Revenge Number, the test succeeds and the character accomplishes his
is a seing-based adventure, meaning
this book provides descriptions of several locationsaction.
and If the result is less than the Diculty Number, the charac-
ter fails to accomplish his action. In tests that deal with magic, the
a few events serving as the basis for an exciting story.
Each important location in this adventure is described in itsresult
own oen determines the duration of a magical eect.
section, along with an overview of the events most likely to occur Frequently, a test result determines not only basic success - or fail
there. All event descriptions include sucient information for theure, but the degree of success. A test may have one of six result leve
gamemaster to resolve each situation in dierent ways,- depend Pathetic, Poor, Average, Good, Excellent, or Extraordinary. Poor A
ing on the players’ actions. is allows the gamemaster to adapt result usually indicates simple failure at thePathetic
task. A result,
the adventure to suit his particular group of players. To run less
thethan the Diculty Number listed for a Poor result, is oen bad
adventure, the gamemaster needs a thorough familiarity with enough
the to have unpleasant side eects. Average
An result, equal
contents of this book. to or barely exceeding the Diculty Number, usually means the
8 C H A P T E R 1 |Introduc tion
character only just accomplished his action. A somewhat beer The Town of Ardanyan
roll yields Good
a result, and a total close to double the Diculty Providing a safe haven from the marauding ork scorchers in the
Number means Excellent
an result. To achieve an Extraordinary area, many people seek to rest in this prosperous trading town. A
result requires an even beer roll again. secret society Named the Cross of Ardanyan pulls the strings in the
Any result level greater than Average may give the character background, diverting people from the true source of its wealth.
some additional gain for his actions, including valuable extra
- infor
mation. e amount of gain for each result level is determinedDeep by Mines
the gamemaster, unless specically noted. e mines hide the entrance to Kaer Ardanyan and are - a dan
In many cases when the player characters must make a test, the and supposedly haunted place, lled with traps of all kinds.
required ability is given, followed by the Diculty Number of the Guards installed by the Cross of Ardanyan ensure that no one
task in parentheses. For example, a Perception (8) Test means that the mines and returns alive.
a character must use his Perception step to make a test against a
target Diculty Number of 8. A result of 8 or beer succeeds;
anything else fails. Encounters and Events
e Plot Synopsisin this chapter summarizes the story - back
ground and the most probable course of the adventure. The
How to Use This Book chapters containing encounters (see below) describe- the situa
tions and events the characters must deal with during the course
side from the information needed in Player’s
the and of the adventure. Each encounter contains ve sections: Over-
Gamemaster’s Guides, this book contains everything view, Seing the Stage,Themes and Images, Behind the Scenes , 1
required to runArdanyan’s Revenge . e gamemaster andTroubleshooting.
should read the adventure carefully to familiarize himself with e Overviewgives the gamemaster a summary of the action
the background before beginning the game. that occurs during the encounter, and also tells him the encoun-
e pace of Ardanyan’s Revenge is oen very fast, much like a ter’s objective.
rollercoaster ride. To stay on top of the adventure’s rap- The next section, Setting the Stage , contains a
idly changing events, the gamemaster must know description of the encounter’s surroundings
what happens in advance so he can hurl the and includes maps, if applicable. is section
unwiing characters into the next challenging may also contain a narrative describing
situation before the players have time to think. the player characters’ location and
e gamemaster should be familiar with the what is happening to them,
basic outline of the plot and know precisely as if the characters were
which developments trigger later events. As actua l ly there. A ny
always, the gamemaster should also- be pre special instructions
pared to deal with the unexpected. for the gamemaster
are highlighted.
Setting Themes and Images
helps the gamemaster
Information set the mood and pacing
There are three chapters in this for a particular encoun-
book that prov ide a complete ter. It includes hints about
description of the seing and its i mager y to u se i n t he
background. e History section scene, emotions to convey,
tells the story of what happened sounds, sensations, and so
and shaped this place in the on. The information provided
past. Each chapter provides an varies in form and content from
overview of the area as well as a scene to scene, ranging from - gen
complete map for the gamemas - eral themes to specific sensory
ter’s eyes only. impressions.
The following sections give Behind the Scenes explains what
details and maps on different is really going on in each encoun -
Places of Interest andPerson- ter. T h is sect ion prov ides t he
alities the area contains. e three gamemaster with all of the informa-
chapters are the following: tion he needs to run the encounter,
such as specialized descriptions of
Kaer Ardanyan locations and events, and statistics
A lost kaer whose population has for any gamemaster characters the
become divided during its long - his player characters may meet or - crea
tory. Unaware of the fact that the tures they may ght. If the players
Scourge has already ended, the or gamemaster need a map to play
people of Kaer Ardanyan believe an encounter, it appears here. As
that a Horror lurks in front of their withSeing the Stage, any special
gates. is chapter also includes instructions for the gamemaster
notes on how to create kaer- are highlighted.
dweller characters. T he f i na l sec t ion of each
C H A P T E R 1 |Introduc tion 9
oers suggestions to help the gamemaster get the adventureoccur back in the order the adepts seek them out and the gamemaster
on track should things go awry. For example, the characters presents
may them. e major events are described here in the order
that they are most likely to occur.
miss an important clue or lose a ght that they need to win. Most
gamemasters will not want the player characters to get discouraged
or killed o too easily. is section oers the gamemaster options False Secrets
for keeping the game going over trouble spots. e gamemaster can, is is the starting chapter for heroes starting the adventure
of course, ignore these hints and invent his own solutions, or inside
simply the kaer, providing hooks and ideas about how to get the
let the chips fall where they may. As noted earlier, however,
- the free
characters involved.
form nature of roleplaying means we can’t anticipate everything Gamemasters are encouraged to run the events detailed here as
the player characters might do. e gamemaster is again advised an introduction to the main story.
that he should be prepared to improvise if required.
e opening chapters ofArdanyan’s Revenge are linear and A Leap in the Dark
were designed to set up the story. Once it gets going, further scenes
The kaer council needs the characters for a secret- and dan
gerous mission. e exploration party has disappeared and the
characters are called upon to scout for the scouts
and report
what happened.
En Route
When this adventure is tied into a running campaign, this
chapter serves as the starting chapter for a traveling group from
outside the kaer.
Gamemasters are encouraged to run the events detailed here as
an introduction to the main story.
Game Information
e following chapters provide additional information on the
adventure, gamemaster characters, optional rules, and handouts.
Loose Ends
Following the encounters, this chapter sums up the consequences
of the adventure and suggests ways in which the gamemaster migh
use the adventure’s gamemaster characters and seings in future
is section includes Awarding Legend Pointsguidelines for
awarding the adventure’s Legend Points to the player characters.
e gamemaster awards Legend Points aer each gaming session
(seeGame Session Legend Points, below) as well as at the end
of the adventure.
10 C H A P T E R 1 |Introduc tion
Rumors and Research
is chapter provides gamemasters with all the information theIf the adventure does not suit the player characters’ strengths and
characters can obtain from outside sources: rumors, tales and leg- the gamemaster may use it as an outline, the bones on
ends, library research, and so on. which to develop an adventure of his own. Or, if it works well except
for a glitch here and there, the gamemaster can change any part of
If he wishes, the gamemaster can adapt much of the information
in this section for future adventures. the plot or events to make the adventure a beer one.
Several maps and handouts are included with this adventure. e
Cast of Characters gamemaster should photocopy any handouts and have them ready
is chapter provides game statistics and descriptions for to
theuse when needed. In addition to props, gamemasters might want
most signicant gamemaster characters. to use background music to help convey mood. Use the - descrip
tions in theThemes and Images sections to nd out what kind of
Rites of Protection and Passage music might be appropriate for a given encounter.
is chapter provides general information on how kaers were
designed and built before the Scourge. Gamemasters will find
useful hints on how to set up and run a kaer campaign, along with
other considerations to make when designing kaers and kaer-
dweller characters.
The most recent version ofRites
the of Protection and Pas-
sage(along with other free stu ) is available from our web site
at: earthdawn.com.
Player Handouts
Finally, this chapter contains information that the player
- char
acters will use during the adventure. This information can be
photocopied or handwrien by the gamemaster. Permission is
granted to copy these handouts for personal use
. only
Game Session Legend Points
In addition to awarding Legend Points to player characters at the
end of the adventure, the gamemaster awards Legend Points at the
end of each game session, whether or not the entire adventure ts
into that session. Each session also has a clear session goal.
e Awarding Legend Points section lists the encounters and
the appropriate Legend Point Awards in each session-for defeat
ing opponents, nding treasures, creative roleplaying and heroics,
and so on.
See theGamemasteringchapter of the Gamemaster’s Guide
, on
p. 97, for more information on awarding Legend Points.
C H A P T E R 1 |Introduc tion 11
Keep in mind that you, as the gamemaster, have a unique - respon
e feud is a terrible act of revenge, fuelled by the patron Passion
sibility to make the adventure exciting, keep the players involved,
of the kaer: Rashomon, who once stood for endurance, tolerance,
and hold the story on track. In describing the world
of , and perseverance. During the Scourge, the Passions Erendis,
try to answer all the players’ questions about what the characters
Rashomon, and Vestrial went mad and became Dis, Raggok, and
see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Feel free to go beyond- theVestrial.
descrip Raggok is the new Name of Rashomon, and his ideals are
tions provided in this book when evoking places and moods. now vengeance, bierness, and envy. e Order teaches the way
To keep the players connected to the action, ask “What do
them of Raggok to its members.
you do?” each time you describe a new scene to them. By having While
to the people of Kaer Ardanyan think that they are - threat
describe what they want their characters to do, the players helpenedtoby a Horror, the questors of Raggok celebrate their sweet
tell the story and add to their own enjoyment. vengeance and revel in the luxury provided by the miners inside
If the players wander from the storyline, nudge them back thein the kaer (see Kaer Ardanyan The Town of Ardan-
, on p. 14, and
right direction. If the players make choices that interrupt the yan,
storyon p. 37, for more details).
or make them miss a vital clue, drop hints to encourage them But tothere is a glimpse of hope. The town has become quite a
do what the adventure expects. Remember, however, to tryfavorite keep among travelers; Ardanyan is growing quickly, and the
things subtle. A gamemaster guides the players; he does Order not tellhas problems silencing everyone who does not t into its
them what to do. plans. Countless rumors exist about the extreme wealth of the
founders and the cursed mines in the nearby foothills. e mines
are a haunted and dangerous place. No one who has dared to go
Adventure Background there has ever come back. So far, no one has found out about the
kaer hidden below the mines.
ince the end of the Scourge, the dwarfs of roal have triedInside the kaer, the last hope of the current generation - is pre
, cities
to breathe new life into the trade between the large paring to leave. The kaer council has bowed to the will of the
mainly by nding safe routes for caravans. Some of thesepopulation and has decided to send another scouting party out
do not have much trac, while others have grown into busy trade of the gates, despite the dangers involved. Almost y years aer
routes. the rst expedition, another band of adepts will dare to see if the
One of the more important routes connects Bartertown with Horror threatening the kaer has gone.
Tansiarda, one of the largest post-Scourge construction sites.e eCross of Ardanyan is prepared to counter this expedition. It
people of Tansiarda are building a large bridge across the Serpent
has dispatched a group of loyal Cavalrymen to stand guard at the
River. ey have their problems though. ere are many factions mines. Farathiel, the leader of the group, has orders to imprison
unhappy about the construction, expressing their anger by - sabotag
everyone who comes out of the kaer. In town, the members of the
ing it. But once the bridge is nished, a direct overland connection
Order are everywhere. Newcomers usually serve the town watch
between roal, Urupa, and Parlainth will become a reality. So to itlook for trouble, while senior members pull the strings from
comes as no surprise to most that the road to Tansiarda already behind the scenes.
has a lot of trac;the route is brimming with new workers, - mere kaer is also watched from the inside. e leader of the Order,
chants, and caravans. an Illusionist Named Leldrin, is a hero honored by the kaer coun-
e road makes its way through the town of Ardanyan,- a wel cil. His hatred sits deep, and while business is running very well
come stop and place of rest for any traveler. People say that this he feeds on the ignorance of his prisoners. While most
town is one of the few places in Barsaive that were constructed of the others have succumbed to decadence and enjoy living in
without its people coming from a kaer. Instead, a group of wealthy
luxury, Leldrin chose to live among his victims, who regard him
merchants chose this place for trade. Ardanyan is a rich town as the for greatest hero alive.
rich people because they founded it.
Aside from wealthy merchants and construction workers, there
are many other people who have seled down in Ardanyan. e
town is bustling with activity, on its way to becoming a city.
- Plot Synopsis
badours sing their songs and perform their arts openly. Each day he player characters are the spark that will iname this
sees new faces oering their goods before they continue-their jour heap of intrigues, deceit, and illusions. It will burn bright,
ney. Countless rumors and stories from across Barsaive are told at but the characters have to be careful not to fall victim to
the local marketplace, and oen adepts and other adventurers thepay ames. As mentioned before, the characters can either be kaer-
a visit to Ardanyan, hoping to get hired by the merchants. dwellers or adventurers from elsewhere.
But a dark secret is hidden behind this peaceful seing. A select
circle of peoplea secret society Named the Cross of Ardanyan, or
sometimes simply the Order Kaer-Dwellers
keeps this secret and ensures silence.
e Order controls the town from behind the scenes. Quite a few Beginning characters will most likely start the adventure inside
people have vanished just because they dared to ask thethe wrong kaer. ey take part in a large celebration and witness -the scout
questions. e Order is led by a handful of elves hailing from inga party leaving through Freedom Gate. e expedition consists
kaer in the nearby foothills of the roal Mountains. No one else of their masters, some of the best adepts Kaer Ardanyan has to
remembers it, and those who did have no reason to care about oer. it… , and the characters are
But the expedition fails to return
anymore. The kaers existence is the Orders’ biggest—treasure sent out on a secret mission by one of the councilors. eir goal
because it is still populated. is to nd out what happened to their masters and return to report
e people living inside the kaer never opened it, since their rst
expedition revealed a Horror lurking just outside the gates. ey e heroes encounter the deep mines, a complex of shas and
don’t know that the Horror was just an illusion, and perhaps the that once served to keep intruders away from the kaer’s
kaer-dwellers will stay under the earth forever if no one tellsentrance
them deep underground. e Order has modied the mines
the truth. e reason for their blissful ignorance is an ancient feud
to ensure no one gets in or out unseen. Overcoming these - mecha
between the dwarves and the elves of the kaer. nisms is the rst part of the adventure. Once the characters reach
12 C H A P T E R 1 |Introduc tion
the surface, they realize that the Scourge has indeed come totoan hisend,
aid. He promises to share his treasure with them in return, a
treasure buried in the vicinity of the nearby town of Ardanyan.
but their masters are gone. Returning to the kaer proves impossible;
the characters are forced to nd another way inside. While he is sharing what he knows of the old mine, his enemies
arrive to nish him o. ey are the cause of his injuries and they
e heroes explore the forests surrounding the mines, and sooner
ght until the dwarf is dead. Tungar will most probably die, but
or later they nd out that their masters have not fought the Horror,
but must have discovered the town nearby. at the town bearseven the if he manages to survive , the heroes’ questions can only be
same Name as their kaer is only the start of their problems.answered
ey in Ardanyan. Tungar carries a leer and a map giving
encounter familiar faces people they thought dead for years, hints about the cursed mine close to the town, providing a basis
people who had the chance to leave the kaer and now serve for the
theheroes’ investigation.
Order. ey also discover that they are wanted themselves; the e group investigates the mines and the surrounding forest.
Order knows about them. e old complex is lined with traps, but there seems to be nothing
e characters will have many questions, but there aren’t athere lot worth being guarded. Farathiel and his men will do anything
of people giving answers. ey are in danger of being spoed and to prevent the heroes from geing in or out of the mines. Depend-
taken away the same fate that occurred to their masters. ing on the player characters’ actions, the Order might perceive the
Once the heroes understand the game being played- in Ardan group as a disturbing factor, which has to be eradicated.
yan, they will have to nd a way to communicate with their people. e town of Ardanyan is the most likely place where the heroes
will get answers to their questions. e Cross of Ardanyan is in
is is harder to accomplish, but there is another way into the kaer.
control here, however, and will do anything to discredit- the char
Unfortunately, it is located in the cellars of the town’s Council
Housethe Order’s headquarters. acters and capture them. Only few people trust the characters. For
If the characters manage to get inside the kaer, they canthe startmain
a part of the adventure, the heroes try to nd out who is
rebellionthe sheer numbers of people leaving the kaer willghtingbe them and why. As soon as they have revealed the secrets
enough to confront the Cross of Ardanyan.With luck, it will be guarded by the Order, they will have to nd a way to free the people
the end of the betrayers. in the kaer.
It is dicult to leave the town to get outside help, because the
Order takes every opportunity to cover its tracks. e heroes will
Adventurers only succeed with caution and an open mind. ey have to enter the
Council House and nd the alternative entrance to the kaer. With
If the adventure is tied into an ongoing campaign, the heroes
have to start somewhere else. On their travels, they meet athe help of the disgruntled kaer-dwellers, they can start a rebellion
Named Tungar, who is suering from several wounds he received and set an end to the tyranny of the Cross of Ardanyan.
in an aack. He begs for help, and is thankful if the heroes come
C H A P T E R 1 |Introduc tion 13
C h ap t e r T w o
Kaer Ardanyan
Can’t say that centuries-long nap wasn’t refreshing, but
things definitely changed around here —especially the smell.
Did you drill holes in the sky because the air went bad?
• Caszt T’Mordan, visiting Khar Rhûz •
and used the opportunity to trade with the elves of the nearby
aer Ardanyan is a closed environment: three small villages
with no connection to the outside world. Past conicts forests. Over time, as more people seled down in the area, the
have had profound consequences on Kaer Ardanyan’s crossing slowly turned into a permanent village.
society. Ork scorchers became interested in the site when it became
- pal
is chapter provides seing information and background-mate isaded, watching the selement carefully. On a clear night, they
rial on Kaer Ardanyan, including maps of the most interestingaacked,
areas razing the place without mercy, and slaying the- few war
riors on
in the kaer. At the end of this chapter are some hints and advice brave enough to take up the ght. Ardan Yan died along with
how to create kaer-dweller characters. Players should not read them.thise scorchers took everything they could load upon their
chapter; this information is for the gamemaster’s eyes only. massive thundra beasts.
To best use Kaer Ardanyan with this adventure, the gamemaster Aer the ork scorchers had moved on, the elves decided to rebuild
should be thoroughly familiar with the seing. Before creatingthe anyvillage, Naming it Ardanyan in honor of the fallen questor.
player characters, he should be able to describe the kaer - andWord spread fast, and soon other questors came to expand the
its his
tory to the players. Inviting players to explore how life works shrine
in the into a larger temple. Wealthy roalic merchants funded the
kaer may spark their creativity by allowing them to incorporate construction for their own interests, and provided mercenaries to
some of their own ideas. protect the village from further scorcher raids. e elves soon found
e gamemaster should work with the players to nd explana - themselves governing a small town that was growing so fast that
tions for questions that aren’t answered in this book and shouldbigger walls were needed for defense against scorcher aacks.
run with those ideas that work best for himself and his group.
On the Construction
History of Kaer Ardanyan
efore the Scourge, the eran Empire ruled over the - provA few decades before the Scourge, the town council negotiated
ince of Barsaive. e erans tamed the wilderness bywith eran ocials to receive theRites of Protection and Passage.
constructing roads and trade f lourished almost A selement the size of Ardanyan was barely worth the erans’
- every
where. Not all cities and towns were connected by eran roads, aention, so they suggested that the people of Ardanyan join a
however, and alternative trade routes emerged where the roads kaer instead of constructing their own. When the council
did not reach. members insisted on purchasing Rites,
thethe erans grudgingly
One of these trade routes developed in the foothills of -the demanded
south a price so high in goods, gold, and slaves, that the town
ern roal Mountains. It was roal’s link to the Serpent River,would not be able to aord to build their own kaer if they agreed
where a eran road ran from the city of Parlainth to the- sele to the deal.
ments along the coast of the Aras Sea. Back in those times, Negotiations
dwarf were again taken up when dwarven stonemasons
engineers decided to build their own road and a bridge across the deposits of precious gold and silver in the nearby foothills.
Serpent River. eran governor Kern Fallo disliked the idea; his ey took this as evidence of a cache of elemental earth buried
secret intent was to keep the dwarven kingdom small. Without deeper below the surface. Supporting the masons with -Elemental
support and protection from eran cavalry, the route to roal ists to dig into the hills faster than usual, enough elemental earth
remained largely insecure the caravans were easy prey for ork was mined to pay the erans for the Rites without resorting to
scorchers and brigands. slavery. And there was still plenty more True earth to be found.
Rich from their find, Ardanyan’s council hired the famous
dwarven architect Ghandoz to plan the construction of the kaer.
On the Fall of Ardan Yan Four large halls were carved out of the natural caves near the mines
Like an orb-shaped shield, protective runes were dimensioned to
e trade route forked in the forests between the Coil and Alidar
rivers, allowing travelers to reach the selements in the South.incorporate
is , providing sucient space for
the surrounding rock
crossing was the site of a shrine devoted to Rashomona place further excavation during the Scourge without risk of disturbing
where the questor Ardan Yan blessed travelers with courage theandkaer’s wards. e temple of Rashomon was integrated into the
endurance for the rest of their journey. Many people restedcentralhere, hall where fantastic mosaics and paintings decorated the
14 C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan
K aer Ardan Y an
long hallways. e domes of the halls were painted sky blue and Frustrated, several miners joined forces and developed a plan.
enhanced with illusion magic to make it easier for everyone Hiring
to an Illusionist to hide a secretly constructed tunnel, they
forget that they were underground. fooled the Miner’s Guild, the kaer council, and the architect
- Ghan
doz, at the same time. ey doctored their reports to the guild and
council, and in a dark cavern at the end of the tunnel, they stored
On Mining with Greed everything that was not reported: chunks of silver and- gold, pre
e mines of Kaer Ardanyan were soon brimming with activity. cious gemseven elemental earth.
Once the kaer’s gates had closed, everything of value was strippedFor decades, their tunnel remained a, until
the kaer coun
from the rocks and processed in anticipation of a new beginning cil decided to expand the temple of Rashomon. Samiel, highest
aer the Scourge ended. e treasures were enormous some veins questor and spiritual leader of the kaer, had requested more space
of elemental earth were so rich that generations of miners wouldto house and train his followers. e tragedy happened a few years
be needed to work them. e kaer council decreed that all familieslater, when tons of rock broke from the ceiling and buried the new
temple wing underneath. Almost all of the temple’s questors died,
would share the treasure in equal parts, as all of them contributed
, miners or not. A lion’s share wouldand, in shock at what he thought was his own failed ,planning
to the common goal of survival
be held back, however; saved to rebuild the town. Ghandoz almost took his own life.
e architect’s innocence was proven when the hidden riches
But all the riches served no one as long as the kaer was sealed.
There was no trade, and gold is impossible to eat. Still, were somefound beneath the rubble and the secret tunnel was - uncov
dwarven miners considered it unfair that their hard-working- ered.
fami e dwarven miners’ greed had taken the lives of Samiel and
lies would receive the same share as those elves tending the hiscrops
followers. Most of the culprits were caught and imprisoned
in the days following the investigations. e kaer council, still
and demanded bigger shares for their heirs. e kaer council denied
their requests on several occasions, and even the Miner’s Guild consisting
did of the same elves that founded Ardanyan, decided to
not back their requests. penalize the miner’s betrayal with death. e practice of -illusion
ism by dwarves was outlawed and 2
the kaer guard enforced stricter
control of the mines.
Samiel’s fate hung like a curse
over the temple grounds. Without
his guidance, the few remaining
followers lost both their hope
and their courage. No one was
ready to step into Samiel’s shoes,
and no one dared to rebuild the
temple. e temple grounds were
Named the Temple of Greed, and
le abandoned.
On the Separation
W hen the betrayal was- dis
cussed and investigated, the
Miner’s Guild nally took a rm
stance. While they lamented the
destruction of the temple and the
elven questor’s death, they began
to understand the problem that
drove the miners to
betray the council.
e guild’s ocial
request for bigger
shares led to a
ght in the coun-
cil house, when a
council member
uered a conde -
scending remark
about dwarven
family business.
He and t wo
guild members
were ba n ned
from Council
Hall as a result.
C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan 15
e presence of kaer guards in the mines fuelled unrest among jealousy. Only the remaining handful of followers felt a growing
the miners. Being watched so closely, they felt almost like urge slaves.for revenge.
Dwarven thick-headedness and elven arrogance had turned Leldrin, Kaer the oldest of Samiel’s surviving followers, sought - to sat
Ardanyan into a powder keg threatening to explode at any time. isfy the urge. He rallied the other followers and began turning his
In the following years, more and more people sought -the neighplans into reality , decades before the Scourge was predicted to end.
A re in the central library marked the beginning. e kaer guard
borhoods of their own kin rather than living peacefully side-by-side.
perceived it as arson, aimed to destroy the kaer’s documents. For
No elf wanted to live next door to a dwarven family possibly involved
Leldrin, it was just a diversion to steal
with the Temple of Greed and vice versa. Slowly, Khar Rhûz became Book of Sigils, a massive
the home of all dwarves while the gardens of Shal’Minar tome containing the secrets of the powerful eran wards.
- eventu
ally housed the complete elven population.
When the architect Ghandoz died of old age, the situation grew
desperate. e architect’s reputation and experience had made him On Leldrin’s
a Betrayal
respected negotiator between the elven kaer council and the dwarvenA few decades following the new council’s founding, -the magi
Miner’s Guild. His successor, Tahrkusz, was dierent. He had always of Kaer Ardanyan suggested that the time had come to mount
sided with the miners, but no one suspected him of being - thean expedition. ey frequently performed the ritual wrien in
tect of the hidden tunnel. Ocially backed by the Miner’s Guild, theBook of Tomorrow, and interpreted the results as an indicator
of the Scourge’s end. A call for volunteers went out to the adepts
Tahrkusz provoked the council by open rebellion. His expectations
were surpassed when the kaer council imprisoned him, closed of the
thekaer. Aer a few weeks of preparation, the kaer council sent
mines, and disbanded the Miner’s Guild altogether. out an exploration party to nd a safe way through the wards and
e council’s decision was unacceptable for all dwarves. Mining traps their forefathers had put into place.
works went on while the swords of the kaer guard clashed with Led by the Illusionist Leldrin, the party consisted mostly of his
dwarven warhammers and pick-axes. When Tahrkusz - wasfollowers.
dis e highly regarded dwarfs Dunar and Fearghus of Khar
played in Council Hall for his trial, several dwarven warriors took , the only explorers not part of Leldrin’s quest for revenge,
hostages and freed him in a small skirmish, turning Council Hallaccompanied them. No evil had touched the wards outside the
into a cauldron of openly displayed racial hatred. kaer; only a single trap had snapped and bound a minor Horror.
e ghting stopped when the people of Okoros decided to seal Leldrin led the party safely to the surface. Everything seemed ne.
themselves o and exiled all remaining elves and dwarves living e Scourge was over.
there. For the rst time in Ardanyan’s history, one of the halls hadWhen the two dwarves cheerfully turned back to report to the
closed its gigantic gates leading to Council Hall. e lines were council, the rest of the party unveiled their true intentions. Fleeing
drawn, and the kaer community was shaered into pieces when back into the maze, the dwarves killed two of them before they met
the other halls closed their gates as well. their nal destiny. Leldrin used his illusions to disguise himself
and mimic the trapped Horror. Fearghus died ghting, and Dunar
was sacriced , his blood used to create the Cross of Ardanyan with
On the Need for Trade Death Magic. e elves of the newly founded secret society parted
Supplies grew thin only a few months aer the separation. Noways:hall Leldrin returned into the kaer while his followers remained
Kaer Ardanyan had not beenoutside. With the help of Book
was able to feed its citizens alone the of Sigils and Leldrin’s illusions
designed for this. Cautious negotiations were taken up in the they
onlyused the kaer’s treasury to rebuild the town The Town
neutral area le: Council Hall. e ambassadors agreed on- a com of Ardanyan on p. 37 for more details on their story).
promise: the treasure currently in the vault would be distributed When Leldrin returned carrying the dead body of Fearghus
evenly among the families, minus a share for rebuilding the townin hisatarms, voices arose in the hall of Khar Rhûz. e governor
the end of the Scourge. Everyone was allowed to increase his demanded
treasure to verify what happened. e kaer council ordered the
by mining as long as he signed up with the Miner’s Guild and human
paid Nethermancer Jandaan from Okoros to prove Leldrin’s
taxes. Additionally, each hall was allowed to set up its own laws on Jandaan did as requested , but Leldrin’s illusions had fooled
trading, enabling everyone to master his own wealth. him as well. e council’s worst fears came: the trueScourge was
Council Hall became a marketplace, where designated - not
merover yet, and there was a Horror lurking in front of the gates.
chants bartered with what their halls had to oer in exchange for
other things they needed. e ambassadors regulated and governed
the new system of trade. It worked, but an undertone of distrustOn Hope Returning
between the halls remained. e mood in Kaer Ardanyan slowly dropped to an all-time low.
Within two centuries, a new government evolved. Generations of went missing over the next few years, and each day sprouted
ambassadors had met in Council Hall regularly. ey were aware new, scary stories. Whispered rumors of a secret cult devoted to
of problems aecting the whole kaer, the only ones able to see thetheHorror at the gates made their rounds, of cultists sacricing
big picture. e ambassadors already helped each other out, innocent
- some people to strengthen the Horror. Of all the Namegivers
times even bypassing the laws for the good of everyone. Aer a long vanished, the elven population was hit hardest. Apart from
time, they eventually convinced their rulers to ocially declare the missing, a series of strange diseases killed dozens of elves i
peace and create a new, united council governing the whole thekaer.
gardens of Shal’Minar. More rumors were raised when people
e governors formed the new kaer council, each of them still ruling that Leldrin had brought a curse back with him. Repeated
over his own hall with its own laws and customs. investigations revealed that there was no truth to these rumors,
and they eventually ebbed a year when
ago,a shining ray of hope
returned to end the dark times.
On Rashomon’s Madness Once every century, the only two obsidimen of Kaer - Ardan
e Temple of Greed, once the proud centerpiece of the kaer, yan wake from hibernation. ey end their long time dreaming
now closed and in ruins, slowly dissolved into oblivion. e mad- and talk to the people to hear stories of the things that- have hap
ness that befell the Passion Rashomon during the Scourge pened
went and how the kaer has developed. is time, the obsidimen
unnoticed by the population. No one witnessed how Rashomon stayed awake. ey didn’t say why, but everyone knew it had - some
changed to become Raggok, Passion of vengeance, bierness, thing
and to do with the Scourge. A few weeks later, their awakening
16 C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan
K aer Ardan Y an
was followed by the t’skrang. No one expected their return,lowest
and a levels are not only used to get rid of dead the bodies
sherman of Okoros almost had a stroke when the rst reptilian lling the pits is highly acidic and decomposes organic maer in a
Namegiver appeared on the shore of Lake Vross. maer of days–but the bones skimmed from the mud are usually
Almost y years have passed since the rst expedition, and returned to the families, who carve tools or jewelry from them. It
everyone feels that the Scourge must have ended. A great is burden
not unusual to use an ancestor’s skull as a mug or sit on a stool
rests on the shoulders of the kaer council. ey are forced to mount
made from his bones.
a new expedition by public demand, risking opening the kaer Since to a water is a common resource, it is frowned upon to swim
Horror waiting outside… in the lakes of the kaer. Some people don’t like to drink anything
others have swum in. Only Lake Vevenna in Shal’Minar is reserved
for this activity, but curiously enough, all people seem to ignore
what the t’skrang do in Lake Vross.
The Kaer ere was no trade in Ardanyan until the Separation. According to
he following section describes the kaer in generalkaer andlaw, only certied merchants are allowed to trade in Council Hall.
Not all merchants sell their wares for prot in their hall’s local market;
the separate halls in detail, including places of interest
and important personalities. e maps presented here for example, Shal’Minar barters only for goods of equal value.
are intended for the gamemaster’s eyes only, since they- showMinted loca coins are seldom used for trading; far more common is
the practice of accumulating a certain debt before ling- a trans
tions unknown to the characters. Players should use the hand-out
maps in the back of this book. fer of money at Council Hall. Coins are used to pay smaller sums,
however. Most taverns only accept hard currency as some people
tend to forget paying when they’re drunk.
On How Kaer Ardanyan Works Being a neutral place, Council Hall is not open to everyone. - Trav
The dwarven architect Ghandoz designed Kaer Ardanyan, elers must check in with the kaer guard regarding their destination
making it large enough that there was enough space for coming
generations and mining work. e protective wards are shaped
and approximate duration of their stay, before passing through 2
Council Hall in a quick and orderly fashion. Travelers have to spend
like an orb incorporating the surrounding rock, with a tunnel at least one night at a local inn when visiting another hall.
circling the kaer’s equator. is border tunnel also marks ground
zero of the kaerthere are levels above and below it. Four large
halls were carved out of existing natural caves, which were each
widened and expanded to have a domed ceiling. e three The Mines of Khar Rhûz
- larg
est halls calledKhar Rhûz, Shal’Minar, andOkoros were har Rhûz roughly translates Home
as of the Rock-eaters. It
planned as living areas centered around the smallest Coun-one, was the rst hall to begin mining. Dwarves mainly - pop
cil Hall, which served administrative purposes only. Today, the ulate this hall, but a handful of humans and orks have
kaer is home to about 3,200 Namegivers. immigrated in the past few years to work and learn here. About
Each hall is illuminated by a large light crystal mounted inonethethousand Namegivers live in Khar Rhûz.
center of its dome. During the day, the crystals emanate a yellow-Many people say that there are as many holes in the sky of Khar
ish glow reminiscent of sunlight. e ceilings are painted a light
Rhûz as in a colander, because the illusion of this hall’s blue sky is
blue and enhanced with illusion magic to create the image ofdisturbed
a clear by a large number of frames, pulleys, and stairs. Each
sky. e crystal light slowly fades on and o twice a day to create
stairway leads up to a mine entrance in the domed ceiling, the
the illusion of dusk and dawn. Countless smaller light quartzes set
entrances appearing like holes in the heavens.
into the domes simulate stars during the night. Ore is processed in large workshops, and the ne smoke rising
The underground levels serve various purposes. The levels from the chimneys along with the constant noise of hammers hit-
directly below the surface are mainly used for storage- andting coolcountless anvils adds an industrial feeling to the hall during
ing food, sometimes even as living quarters. Chamber pots theareday. Khar Rhûz has only limited space for plants and animals.
emptied in the lower halls and come back as fertilizer for theSheep
elds. and goats, along with chickens, ducks, and geese are housed
e deepest levels contain the death pits, where the bodies ofinthe a small number of guarded corrals. Fast-growing and nutritious
deceased are disposed. A deep layer of mud covers these pits, which
grain and crops ll the small elds, but none of the harvest is used
are regularly skimmed for bones. for trade in Council Hallit’s barely enough for the dwarfs.
An underground river was diverted to supply Kaer Ardanyan A small grove consisting mostlybal’nesh
of trees serves as a small
with water. e river enters the kaer’s wards near the hall of Okoros
park and recreational area. ese trees grow relatively fast and are
and descends deep under the lowest levels, where it exits the wardsused to fuel the res in the forges, as they produce almost
again. A number of water elementals were bound to ensure no the
smoke when burned. Several ponies spin the wheels on the
purity of the water and the safety of the kaer. ese spirits also
shore of Lake Goch to transport the water into a system of small
divert enough water to feed the lakes inside the halls. channels running above the houses to ll the cisterns distributed
Apart from naturally grown air sponges, several air elementals
throughout the neighborhoods.
clean the air and circulate it. As with the water elementals, the
spirits work in the background and are mostly invisible. When the
library was on re many years back, the displeased spirits - Places of
mani Interest
fested a great storm to clean out the smoke. e most prominent spots of Khar Rhûz include Gold Court
Square, the Mining Districts, the Deeps, and the Dwarven
On Customs
e Separation and the circumstances of living in a closed Gold Court Square
- under
ground environment had many lasting eects on Kaer Ardanyan’s A large statue of Upandal dominates the favored meeting place
society. Even though each hall has developed its own laws- and cus
of Troubadours in Khar Rhûz. Every morning, food and tools are
toms, everyone works hard to ensure the survival of the kaer. For here and the place is lled with people bartering small shares
example, most materials need to be recycled. e death pits inofthe
their families’ treasures for items brought in from Council Hall.
C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan 17
18 C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan
K aer Ardan Y an
Several impressive buildings of ne dwarven crasmanship himself serves delicious dwarven food and home-brewed stout ale.
- encir
e rooms are clean and service is exceptionally friendly. e upper
cle the square: the governor’s house, Kaldarn’s Tavern, Wuldon’s
Bakery, and a number of shops. class of Khar Rhûz meets here regularly to celebrate.
C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan 19
Silkworks creates the latest fashion; a garb from her is a must for von Gut
every well-heeled dwarf. Orgut’s Warehouse sells almost - every
Although Helman’s work on Grand
the Airships of Barsaive is
thing: candles, parchment, rope, tools, sacks, potions, and perfume.
mostly theoretical, this human can oen be seen on the- only air
Astendar’s Blessing is rather small in comparison, but- Felar Spi
boat in Khar Rhûz. He oen practices his skills over the rooops,
derhands is the most talented goldsmith who has ever existed in the air elementals to gusts and even storms, much to the
Kaer Ardanyan. annoyance of the neighborhoods below.
Mining District Flim and Jhonda Vreen
A collection of workshops is dedicated to processing the minedese dwarf siblings of the Warrior and Archer Disciplines are
ores and metals on Astendar’s Square. Gems are brought into shape,
the heroes of the kaer guard. eir teamwork has made them very
gold and silver melted to bars, and elemental earth stored in popular
special and there are at least two dierent songs about them sung
containers laced with orichalcum. A number of goldsmiths in have
the taverns.
seled here to be the rst to pick the best pieces. Flim and Jhonda are investigators, known all over the kaer for
e large house of the Miner’s Guild bustles with activity. etheir eectiveness.
sidewall of the house bears a large map of the Deeps, and has two
small shrines devoted to Upandal and Chorrolis next to it. Mongar
Fohr Brosle
Goldtooth, who coordinates the mining activities, leads the guild.
Brosle the ief became famous when he picked a star from the
The treasures of Khar Rhûz are not stored in a vault inside the for the woman with whom he fell in love, a feat no other
Hall they never have been, even in times of unrest. e kaer’s has managed to top.
treasury is located underneath Council Hall, considered the safest
e star in question was the one closest to the light crystal at the
place in the kaer by everyone. center of the hall’s domed ceiling.
The Deeps Elmar Firehammer
e mines are commonly known as the Deeps, forming a labyrinth Besides being the main Weaponsmith of Khar Rhûz, Elmar- Fire
of corridors, galleries, pits, and smaller halls on a disturbing number
hammer is the son of Dunar, the famous Weaponsmith who died
of levels. e miners of Khar Rhûz have created a large part of onthe
the rst expedition.
Deeps. As a result, most of the ceilings are low, built for dwarven size. has a deep-rooted hatred for all Horrors and works on
Almost all of the entrances are located in Khar Rhûz; a few his others
own heartblade, which he shall use to destroy the Horror at
are located in Okoros, which is also engaged in mining. the gate.
e border tunnel on the kaer’s equator serves as a measure for
planning the mining. No one dares to dig too close to the wards, Brelduin
to avoid the risk of weakening them. e architectural calcula - is dwarven Nethermancer lives underneath the pump house
tions are done by the Miner’s Guild, which takes great care toofavoidLake Goch. He is seen rarely, and there are rumors that he had
another disastrous cave-in. a major dispute with Ghandjoon, the grandmistress of Ardanyan’s
Dwarven Neighborhoods
Dwarven houses are small, built for dwarven size. e houses
usually have three or more levels, most of them underground. Over
the centuries, the houses have coalesced together. While The Silence of Shal’Minar
- a neigh
borhood might look like a group of separate houses from the outside, eing the home of Kaer Ardanyan’s elven population,
the opposite is true on the inside. Most of the neighborhoods in Shal’Minar is the main source of food for the whole kaer.
Khar Rhûz belong to extended families and form labyrinths of Idyllic fruit-gardens, wide elds, small forests, and huts
rooms, oors, stairs, and windows. woven from living plants dene the landscape of this hall; even the
Several places in Khar Rhûz are only known to the dwarfssidewalls
living are covered by ivy and wine. Horses, cows, sheep, and
there. For example, the tavern called Razier’s Den is visited
- exclurun freely here, guarded by shepherds. Ghandoz designed
sively by a certain kind of dwarven miner: those who tend toShal’Minar
drink with the elven and windling races in mind. Each of the
a pint too many aer a long day in the mines. Needless to say, hutsit isdoing the landscape is woven from living plants, although
not advisable for other Namegivers to show up here. only the roof is visible. Most of the huts extend further - under
Deep inside the neighborhoods, the guards of Khar Rhûzground;train some even have extended cellars.
their soldiers. As a branch of the kaer guard, these dwarfs maintain
Aer the Separation, most Namegivers of the other races decided
a state of law and order in Khar Rhûz and their part of the Council
to leave the elves alone and moved out. ere has not been much
Hall. Most of the guards in positions of command are adepts. change in Shal’Minar as a resultelves grow very old and have only
few children. Additionally, the elven population has seemed to have
an increasing rate of deaths due to a mysterious plague over the pas
Personalities of Khar Rhûz decades. Even though Shal’Minar was always sparsely populated
e following Namegivers hail from Khar Rhûz and are well only ve hundred Namegivers now live under the domed ceiling.
known throughout the kaer: e windlings make up at least half of the population.
Scholars suspect the illness is just a random event, as there are
Mongar Goldtooth no clues indicating Horror taint as the cause. eir investigations
Despite being the head of the Miner’s Guild and a relative counter
of the rumors in which Leldrin brought back a disease from
Tahrkusz, Mongar is anything but greedy. While feeling bad theforexpedition. e hero was examined several times for Horror
his heritage, he fears giving up the position he inherited from hisbut always with negative results. Now, about ve decades
forefathers and spends most of his time among the miners,- aerleavhe returned, no one dares to accuse the kaer’s greatest hero
without hard evidence.
ing most of the decisions to Dolbek Stonehammer, current master
architect and questor of Upandal.
20 C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan
K aer Ardan Y an
Places of Interest Of the Namegivers following the magician Disciplines, most of
e most prominent spots of Shal’Minar include the Wise Tree, the apprentices seem to come from the hall of Okoros. e house
the various lakes and elds, and the Groves. of the Magician’s Guild is located in Shal’Minar, however, and it
is the only one built with traditional materials: wood, stone, and
metal. There is one grandmaster for each magician Discipline.
The Wise Tree ey form the Council of Mages and are tasked with control of
A massive, old oak grows in the center of Shal’Minar. It the kaer’s wards.
is the
largest tree in the kaer, and the treetop holds the governor’s house
woven from the branches of the tree in elven tradition. Right Lakes
in and Fields
front of the Wise Tree is the largest gathering place of the hall:
As Kaer Ardanyan’s main source of food, Shal’Minar’s rolling
Sand Square. A wooden statue of Jaspree was carved fromfields a deadproduce enough wheat and grain for the entire -kaer pop
tree that once grew here. ere is a large gathering here once a
ulation. Over a dozen small springs water the fields, forming
week, when the elven merchants come to distribute tools, - cloth streams owing toward Lake Sumven and Lake Vevenna.
ing, and jewelry they have traded for the good of the community
While Sumven is the main source of Shal’Minar’s drinkable water,
in Council Hall. Vevenna is used for swimming and washing.
C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan 21
The Groves The Chaos of Okoros
Ijandii Grove, Jaspree’s Grove, and Sweetgrove are the three main
forests of the hall. Ijandii Grove contains a huge, hive-like
- forma hen the people of Okoros decided to separate - them
tion of rocks. e formation houses the windling clan of Ijandii. selves from the rest of the kaer, the hall became the
Small windling homes have been carved from the so sandstone, home of almost all Namegivers not of the dwarven
and elven races. Okoros is lled with houses of dierent architec-
but some windlings have built new homes in the nearby treetops.
Jaspree’s Grove is home to Ardanyan’s woodworkers and woodcra-styles, each one dominating a dierent district. Everyone
ers. e fast-growing bal’nesh trees produce rewood exportedbeganto building using their own plans aer the Separation, with
the forges of Khar Rhûz. A small shrine devoted to Jaspree can be concept.
no visible
found where the woodcraers create wooden farming tools. ee large longhouses of the kaer’s trollmoot stand right next
largest forest is Sweetgrove, although it looks more like atolarge
the orkish and rather hive-like Castel, which looks like a large
garden. Entirely composed of trees bearing fruit, Sweetgrove number
is a of buildings placed on top of each other. Simple - but ele
popular spot for taking extended walks. gant houses with shops on the oor level dominate the human
district, while the t’skrang hibernated in their underwater houses
beneath Lake Vross. e two obsidimen known as the Sleepers
Personalities of Shal’Minar have no house at all, living on the streets or with anyone - who pro
e following Namegivers hail from Shal’Minar and are well vides them with shelter.
known across the kaer: Remarkable is the unity that binds the dierent cultures together,
despite the fact that Okoros is only a few Namegivers short of being
Asandel overpopulated. e 1,700 Namegivers show their heritage openly,
As governor of Shal’Minar, Asandel lives on top of the Wise and tend to side with each other as soon as they deal with anyone
Tree alone. He is relatively young, and his family was killed not from Okoros. Outsiders are sometimes treated like intruders, as
by the
mysterious plague a decade ago. He relies on the judgement there
of hisis a denitive mistrust towards elves and dwarfs. More jokes
about elves and dwarves make their rounds than jokes about orks
mentor, although he constantly tries to beer the relationship with
the dwarves of Khar Rhûz against Leldrin’s advice. and trolls, although that might be for a dierent reason...
As a Nethermancer, Ghandjoon lives in a small hut on thePlaces of
edge Interest
of Ijandii Grove. The windlings are rarely seen here; -they cone most prominent spots of Okoros include the Sleeper’s Square,
Lake Vross, the Castel, and the Okoroi.
sider the grounds around it cursed. Ghandjoon’s master, Jandaan,
died only recently and she was appointed as a new member of the
Council of Mages. Sleeper’s Square
As opposed to the central squares of the other halls, Sleeper’s
T’Schrrt Zru’Ul Square has no statue anymore. But a rounded base is still there
is t’skrang Wizard came to the Magician’s Guild right aer which once held the obsidimen brothers known as the Sleepers. On
his awakening, stating that his long-time membership entitlesthe way to their Liferock, they were forced to enter Kaer - Ardan
him to a seat in the Council of Mages. His request was denied by just before it closed its gates. e Scourge was already too near,
the human Wizard Khandif, although very old documents clearlymaking it impossible for them to return home in time.
state that T’Schrrt was one of the guild’s founders almost A few months aer the closing, the brothers embraced each other
- ve hun
dred years ago. and became the statue on Sleeper’s Square. e sleepers woke up
only once every century, spending several weeks to eat and talk to
Vespundi the population. Almost a year ago, they woke up again and haven’t
Beastmaster Vespundi is tending to a swarm of Zoaks native entered their sleep since. All they say is that they don’t feel like
to Shal’Minar. He is oen seen taming them and teaching other dreaming anymore.
windlings how to ride. The elves watch his activities with care,A U-shaped building is the residence of Galvan Andur, the human
uncomfortable with the thought of a windling gang on- fast-f ly of Okoros. e house is made of white marble and its steps
ing mounts. lead up to the many pillars surrounding the house. e steps are
a favorite spot to sit and watch the stars during the evening or the
Rokku u Rôl colorful market in the morning.
Following the street towards the gate, a number of small
In charge of the horses living in Shal’Minar, the elven- Cavalry - work
man Rokku has a long and proud family history. He is said to have form the Artisan’s Mile. e crasmen and artisans of Okoros
ancestors native to the elven nation of Shosara. His brownsettled
steed, here to create clothing, barrels, and tools, and even to
Varak, is always close. butcher animals. Most of them have small stores aached to their
workshops. Members of all Namegiver races can be found here,
Sylphis dominated by an above-average share of humans.
Although it is forbidden to enter other halls and houses without
checking with the kaer guard, the windling ief Sylphis slipsLake
by Vross
them almost every day. e waterfall of Lake Vross is the main araction of Okoros. e
His enemy is Jhonda Vreen; the Archer usually pays him underground
a visit river enters the kaer here, and the lake below holds
rst if anything of great value is reported stolen. the t’skrang niall of K’Tan Vross. eniall’s small tower juts out
of the water on the northern shore, sealed shut until a few months
ago, when the t’skrang awoke from their hibernation.
e rst t’skrang to come out of the water scared away the local
shermen, who had never seen a living t’skrang before. One - sher
man almost had a stroke, and it took a moment before they realized
that the reptilians were not Horror-spawn, but Namegivers.
22 C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan
K aer Ardan Y an
C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan 23
Galvan Andur Places of Interest
The governor of Okoros is constantly trying to keep his hall e most prominent spots of Council Hall include Council House,
under control. at’s harder than one might think, as all -the dif the Pillar, the Temple of Greed, the library, and Freedom Gate.
ferent cultures are constantly quarreling with one another. e
unity shown to the outside is just that: show. Council House
Every day aer the market closes, the kaer Council meets in the
Okoroi Mangrath Armbreaker grand council house overlooking the hall. e council members
Mangrath is the main initiator of the games and challenges in discuss current events and problems aecting the kaer
the Okoroi quarter. He uses these challenges to practice - the War
as a whole. Kaer politics are made here, and many of-the discus
rior Discipline and oversee the training of his apprentices.sions As aeventually lead as the people say nowhere. On the front
regarded questor of ystonius, he also takes part himself, usu- wall near the entrance hangs a golden memorial plate, honoring
ally as an opponent for anyone participating. the dead of the rst expedition. A second door leads to the levels
underneath the council house, which contain the detention cells
Haragasun K’Tan Vross and are heavily guarded.
Haragasun is trying to reestablish her rightful position in the
lahala of the K’Tan Vross
kaer; as the niall, she strives to becomeThe Pillar
the new governor, or to at least get a seat on the kaer Council. A wide pillar stands in the middle of Council Hall’s square - bear
ing a huge statue of Garlen on top of it. Two large metal doors
Marliena Swordsinger covered with orichalcum ornaments lead to the levels directly
is Troubadour’s lute is almost as famous as her sword. - Marl
underneath Council Hall. e doors are heavily guarded and a
iena is also a Swordmaster and has wrien countless poems and railing keeps people from geing too close to the pillar.
songs about Ardanyan’s history. e door facing the council house leads to the safest and most
She knows how to touch a Namegiver’s heart and her fans tend place in Kaer Ardanyan: the treasury. All of the kaer’s
to go crazy when she appears somewhere to give a performance. treasures are stored in the caverns below, warded with mechanical
and magical traps of all sorts. A special division of the kaer guard
Grishnag the Poor watches the treasures underground.
is Cavalryman and his trusted donkey, Maul, are a sad sight. e other door is the entrance to the Azhûn-ka, a room in the
Grishnag lost his family’s money to a gambler and was exiled from exact the
center of the orb-shaped kaer. e walls inside the Azhûn-ka
Castel aerwards. His mount remains his only friend, and Grishnag are made of shimmering white marble lined with orichalcum. Each
is oen seen in Maul’s company on the shore of Lake Vross. piece of marble is enchanted with magical runes controlling one
of the numerous wards of the kaer. Only members of the Council
Sham’Sin of Mages have access to this room.
Sham’Sin is the highest-ranking Elementalist of Kaer Ardanyan
and head of the Council of Mages. He is in charge of the kaer’s wards
and elemental spirits. He recently moved to Okoros with his slug- A few decades have passed since the great re, which destroyed
gish apprentice, a fat lile windling nicknamed Broom. countless tomes, including the original copyBook of Tomor-
of the
row and the only copy of Bookthe of Sigils. e Library has been
Spilvan the Red rebuilt and restocked, so most of the literature remaining is of a
Spilvan is a common sight in the taverns of Okoros. He - is more
belligrecent date. e hall of records is located in the basement of
erent, and very quick to pull his blade. As a human Swordmaster of
the library, and governs birth and death certicates, logs of past
some reputation, Spilvan has found new friends among the t’skrang,council meetings, and the status of the treasury.
although he has had to prove himself worthy of their aention.e library used to hold the extended texts of kaer law until the
Separation. Most parts have been removed and are now governed in
the separate halls. e current laws stored here concern kaer-wide
Council Hall rules only, but mainly include rules on how business is conducted
he central hall of Kaer Ardanyan is nothing more than in Council Hall. When the trading between halls began, much
a very large square with several buildings huddled changed
up for the librarian, Master Xond. He now administers the
against the walls. Four gates dominate the hall. e three transfer of treasure between the halls and families’ accounts.
largest gates each lead to one of the other halls, while the fourth
one is smaller and opens to Freedom Gate. e way to Freedom Temple of Greed
Gate is opened only during the Passing of Years festival, when Thethetemple grounds are abandoned; there is no questor of
entire kaer celebrates the beginning of a new year. Rashomon le. Aer the hidden treasures had been collected, no
e large gates leading to Council Hall are usually closed, one but touched the temple. Broken pillars, shaered walls, and piles
the kaer guards let travelers pass between the halls. e gatesofopen rocks have been put behind a fence. A layer of dust has seled
only in the early morning of every third day, when the designated on the ruins over the centuries.
merchants enter Council Hall for business. During these hours,
the large square turns into a colorful market. e merchants oer Freedom Gate
their wares and deliver orders. ey buy or trade for items their hall A long, broad corridor runs from Council Hall toward Freedom
needs, depending on demand. e merchants from Khar RhûzGate. are e walls are covered with beautiful mosaics depicting the
known to be the greediest, using their position to sell everythingkaer’s history and Ardanyan’s past. Once a year, the gate leading
at a huge prot to their own kin. to the corridor is opened for festivities marking the beginning of
Travelers passing through Council Hall must check withathe new year. On the rst day of these celebrations, a new mosaic
kaer guards of their own hall and the guards of their destination.is uncovered showing the events of the past year. Dancers dance
ey need to le their Names along with their estimated duration and Troubadours sing of the beauty of the world to which the kaer-
of stay, which must include at least one night. dwellers will once return.
24 C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan
K aer Ardan Y an
In front of Freedom Gate is an elemental well, craed to perform
Book of Tomorrow. e well holds elemental
the rituals from the
water and a ball of elemental earth hovers just above the surface.
The ball has not moved in decades, which leads to discussions
among the magicians every so oen.
Joran Hardhelm
A distinguished human in his early 40s, Joran is the ambassador
for Okoros. He also acts as the speaker for the Council whenever
something needs to be announced to the public. Joran is not an
adept, although he usually wears long robes colored in brownish
tones and embroidered with elaborate paerns.
Gathlaen Velidien
Leldrin usually accompanies Ambassador Gathlaen when she
aends a council meeting, and she relies heavily on him whenever
she makes a decision. Like Shal’Minar’s Governor Asandel, she is
young and lacks experience. 2
Kolgan Redbeard
Being governor of Khar Rhûz, Kolgan is also one of the -most prom
inent Troubadours in the hall. He believes in taking things into his
own hands to make anything work. He displays the three braids of
his aming red beard proudly and always has a story to tell.
Master Xond
e changes concerning the Passion of Erendis were barely noted
in Kaer Ardanyan. Following the ways of Erendis, Xond’s - per
sonality twisted to become a follower of Dis almost unnoticed
by others.
As head of the hall of records and the library, he delegates mas-
sive amounts of writing work o to his underlings, while he takes
endless joy in calculating the current balances of the kaer’s
- numer
ous accounts.
Creating Kaer-
Dweller Characters
ome guidelines have to be established before characters
can be created that have lived inside Kaer Ardanyan for
their entire lives. Gamemaster and players alike should be
familiar with the seing and the kaer’s history in order to create
believable characters that have a place inside the kaer. is section
contains advice for creating characters living in Kaer Ardanyan.
While we have taken great care to integrate almost every - char
acter type available from Player’s Guide,
the there are a few
Namegiver Races
Dwarfs clearly dominate the population of Khar Rhûz, followed
Freedom Gate itself is watched by at least four kaer guardsby theat elves of Shal’Minar. ere is an animosity between - mem
any given time. e massive gate is the largest one in the kaer, andof these races, based on the events of the kaer’s past. Orks,
humans, or trolls living in Okoros tend to mistrust dwarves and
seems to be made entirely from orichalcum. in lines of warding
emanating an eerie white light cover the gate. Close to the gate isdue
a to these historical events. Mistrust and animosity have no
small caisson, resembling a round doorway. e caisson workseectlike on character creation rules, but should be taken into account
whenever the characters interact with members of those races. Of
a sluice, with one door on the inside and another on the outside.
course, exceptions make the players
Only one door can be opened at any one time, allowing- Namegiv rule; should be allowed to
ers to leave the kaer without compromising the wards. create open-minded characters.
C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan 25
e two obsidimen of Okoros do not have their own Liferock insideAll of the Disciplines presented in Player’s
the Guideare avail
Kaer Ardanyan. As explained above, they could not make itable backto player characters from Kaer Ardanyan, except for Sky
home in time and were forced to enter the kaer before the Scourge.
Raiders. Each Discipline has a place in the kaer, but the gamemaste
We haven’t provided any Names in case a player might wantshould to play feel free to come up with his own restrictions.
an obsidiman. However, a good adventure hook for such a characterWe have mentioned dierent personalities available -as train
would be to nd his Liferock once the Scourge is over. ers in the kaer’s description above, along with the Names of the
e t’skrang are new to Kaer Ardanyan’s society. Although they most prominent adepts. Apart from the personalities presented
have lived inside the kaer ever since it was sealed, until recently
in this book, there is plenty of leeway for gamemasters to develop
they did so in a state of torpor beneath Lake Vross in Okoros.their
eir own masters and mentors. Note that, with the exception of
hibernation ended only a few months ago, and the K’Tan Vross Leldrin, no adept inside Kaer Ardanyan has advanced beyond
niall is still learning about the events that took place duringEighth
the Circle, and there are no masters or ghost masters of higher
past centuries. Playing a t’skrang means that the character Circles
was available.
either born before the Scourge or hatched in the early years Whileaer there are a number of adepts integrated into the seing,
the kaer closed its gates. Eectively, every t’skrang is over 400
years should feel free to create their own; the kaer is large
old, although none of them have aged. enough to accommodate a few more adepts and their stories. We
Keep in mind that, due to their extended life spans, certain haven’t outed these characters with game statistics, which allows
Namegivers might have experienced the events of the Separation gamemasters to tailor them to their needs. However, we - do rec
rst-hand. We do not recommend playing characters older than ommend that the masters for player characters should be adepts
50 years, although it might be an interesting option. T’skrang in and
the Fih or Sixth Circle of their Disciplines.
obsidimen pose an exception to this rule, as they haven’t witnessed
Each player should know the Name and description of his char-
the Separation. acter’s mentor, and gamemasters should consider eshing out the
Like elsewhere in Barsaive, windlings are also rare in Kaer
- relationship
Ardan between the player characters and their masters. e
yan. Windling characters from the kaer usually belong to the Ijandii
gamemaster characters provided serve a crucial role in the main
clan (see The G roves, p. 21). adventure, because they have been chosen by the kaer council to
form the next exploration party. It is not crucial to the story if not
all characters have a master participating in the mission, but the
majority of them should.
The Masters and Mentors Table gives an overview of the
gamemaster characters presented earlier.
MasTers and M
enTors Table
Name Race Discipline Location Page Number
Helman von Gut Human Air Sailor Khar Rhûz 20
Jhonda Vreen Dwarf Archer Khar Rhûz 20
Vespundi Windling Beastmaster Shal’Minar 22
Rokku u Rôl Elf Cavalryman Shal’Minar 22
Grishnag the Poor Ork Cavalryman Okoros 23
Sham’Sin Elf Elementalist Okoros 23
Leldrin Elf Illusionist Shal’Minar 22
Brelduin Dwarf Nethermancer Khar Rhûz 20
Ghandjoon Human Nethermancer Shal’Minar 22
Fohr Bosle Dwarf Scout Khar Rhûz 20
Spilvan the Red Human Swordmaster Okoros 23
Sylphis Windling ief Shal’Minar 22
Marliena Swordsinger Human Troubadour Okoros 23
Flim Vreen Dwarf Warrior Khar Rhûz 20
Mangrath Armbreaker Troll Warrior Okoros 23
Elmar Firehammer Dwarf Weaponsmith Khar Rhûz 20
T’Schrrt Zru’Ul T’skrang Wizard Shal’Minar 22
26 C H A P T E R 2 |K ae r A rdanyan
C h ap t e r T h r e e
False Secrets
Be patient and keep your mouth shut! It will only take a few
minutes, brother. Wait and see—those dumb tusk-heads will
start any minute now. Ah, there we go… Happy birthday!
• Sylphis, Windling Thief •
day,’ and placed the gem inside one of the cinnamon rolls, just to
his chapter contains everything you need to get started
when running Ardanyan’s Revengefrom a kaer-dweller’s stage-manage a birthday surprise for his lile brother. us, Sylphis,
Keshrin, and a handful of other windlings sit atop another market
perspective. is chapter assumes that you are familiar
stand close to Wuldon’s, observing the brawl with great joy.
with the seing of Kaer Ardanyan, and that the players have already
created their characters (see
Creating Kaer-Dweller Charac - Other player characters might want to intervene and stop the
ters in theKaer Ardanyanchapter, on p. 25). Gamemasters are gahad: no one may
brawl, but that event just triggers Gimrod’s 3
encouraged to run an introductory scenario before moving meddle
on to with his aairs! e orks will probably lose the ght, and
A Leap In The Dark, on p. 30). it is unlikely that they get their hands on the jewel, which- is cons
the main story (which begins with
cated by the Kaer Guard when they arrive several combat rounds
is section provides three adventure hooks set in Kaer Ardanyan,
any of which can be used for this purpose. aer the ght has started. Seeing the three orks go to jail deeply
e following adventure hooks are intended to give both the satises the windlings.
gamemaster and the players a chance to explore the setting of
Kaer Ardanyan and forge the relationships of the characters.
Gamemasters should feel free to add their own or run the hooks
presented in any order desired. Ork Thugs (3)
t’s open market in Council Halleveryone can come and see.
PER (7): 4 WIL (11): 5 CHA (5): 3
While eating a cinnamon roll bought from the food stand - of Characteristics
don’s Bakery, one of the heroes bites down on somethingInitiative:hard, 6 Physical Defense: 8
which turns out to be a gliering, deep-blue jewel. e eating player Physical Armor: 0 Spell Defense: 5
character has to pass a Willpower (7) Test to avoid yelling out in pain.
Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 4
Wuldon, the dwarf owner of the food stand, inevitably takes notice and
Death: 40 Recovery T ests: 3
asks the character what he has bien on. e dwarf intends to oerUnconsciousness:
a 32 Knockdown: 7
“By the beard of Upandal!” when Wound Threshold: 11
free roll as compensation but screams, Movement:6
he spots the jewel. e gem is an old elven family heirloom worth aboutASkills
Acting (2): 5
1,000 silver pieces, reported stolen weeks ago. Avoid Blow (2): 8
Among the other customers at the food stand are threeOkoros orks:Lore K
(2): 6
Gimrod, Brakash, and Bolg. e trio is renowned for being greedy, Read/Write Language (2): 6–(Dwarf/roalic, Or’zet )
dumb, and violent. Someone told Gimrod about a secret deal, SpeakinLanguage (2): 6–(Dwarf/roalic, Or’zet )
which the jewel was to be transferred from the thief to an unknown Streetwise (2): 6
Unarmed Combat (2): 8
buyer inside a delicacy sold by Wuldon. Gimrod gured thatA he Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
could get his hands on the jewel rst by eating everything Wuldon
has to oer, and he brought two of his friends. Even though other None
customers complain about the orks bad manners, Wuldon sees no
reason to send them away; they’re well paying aer all! When Nonethe
orks realize that the player character found the gem before Equipment them,
they try to wrestle it from him, which is likely leading to a brawl Belt Pouch, Peasant’s Garb
among the customers of the food stand. Loot
e whole scene is a prank played on the orks by the windling 2 copper pieces
ief, Sylphis (seePersonalities of Shal’Minar in theKaer Ardan- Legend Award
yan chapter on p. 22). Gimrod harassed Sylphis’ little brother, First Circle
Keshrin, a few weeks before and now it’s payback time. Sylphis stole
the jewel, told Gimrod about a ‘secret deal happening on market As an ork, the non-adept possesses the Gahad and Low-Light Vision racial abilities.
oran Hardhelm, the speaker of the Kaer hint of his involvement. ey will
Council, approaches the player- char gure it out later.
acters. He wants them to deliver an
ocial invitation to Okoros, to the recently
awakened Lahala Haragasun of the t’skrang.
e invitation is rather short, but very impor - T’skrang Bullies (4)
tant. Being in hibernation for so long has
made thelahal’s place among the council Aributes
DEX (16): 7 PER (10): 5
void, and this invitation gives her a chance
STR (13): 6 WIL (12): 5
to get it back. TOU (14): 6 CHA (11): 5
When the heroes enter the underwater - habi Characteristics
tat of the t’skrang, K’van, a t’skrang servant who Initiative: 7 Physical Defense: 9
sees to the needs oflahal, the welcomes them. Physical Armor: 0 Spell Defense: 6
K’van is happy for the invitation, but says that the Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 7
player characters cannot meet lahal
thein person. Death: 36 Recovery T ests: 3
However, he’ll gladly take the message to her. A Unconsciousness: 28 Knockdown: 6
t’skrang player character passing a Perception (4) Wound Threshold: 10 Movement:6
Test might notice that he has never met this fellow Skills
Avoid Blow (2): 9
before. If he is confronted with this fact, K’van states K (2): 7
Okoros Lore
that he is rarely seen outside the’slahal chambers and Read/Write Language (2): 7–(Dwarf/roalic, T’skrang)
that he doesn’t know the player character either. Sculpting A (1): 6
A few days later, the council meeting takes place. e- popula Speak Language (2): 7–(Dwarf/roalic, T’skrang)
K (2): 7
tion awaits the announcement of several important decisions, and T’skrang Politics
Unarmed Combat (3): 10
many people have gathered in Council Hall to hear Joran - Hard
A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
helm talk. e player characters should be invited to accompany
their masters. ey will notice that a large number of t’skrang have
assembledmost likely because oflahal. the is assumption is
countered by the fact that several of them seem to be angry and
throw things at Joran Hardhelm as soon as he steps out onto the
balcony of the council house. e kaer guard intervenes aerBelt a Pouch, Sculpting Tools, Wealthy Traveler’s Garb
few combat rounds, calming the crowd.
Joran Hardhelm announces that the council has not yet agreed 6 silver pieces
on sending another group of explorers through the gates. Legend The Award
discussion on this topic is still going. A wave of murmurs - ripCircle
ples through the masses; everyone had anticipated a positive Notes
announcementweeks of discussion have passed already. As e a t’skrang, the non-adept possesses the Tail Combat racial ability.
second announcement, however, is worse. Joran Hardhelm states Commentary
that thelahal of the K’tan Vross niall will not receive a seat on theese t’skrang came to Council Hall to openly display their protest. Dressed in
council. Her failure to show up at such an important meeting colorful clothing, they are not the brightest members of their niall
. ey assume that a
ght will solve their problems, and want to show the player characters that they cannot
despite an explicit invitationindicates that she has lost interest be messed around with.
in the kaer’s aairs. One of the t’skrang yells that there never was
an invitation. At this point Joran names the player characters who
delivered the message and calls out for them.
Now the heroes have to explain openly what they did. If they
Weapons of Choice
mention that they gave the message to K’van, the t’skrang
ter that there is no one of that Name in theniall, entire
and may
coun he player characters have to help their masters -by partici
pating in a contest held among the kaer’s most reputable
react very emotionally if the player characters insist otherwise adepts. e contest takes place on the Gold Court Square
(“Are you calling us folk liars? You don’t want us to be on the council, of Khar Rhûz. It is likely that not every player character has a
master who wants to participateCreating
is that it?”). All it takes to resolve this situation is a lile diplomacy. (see Kaer-dweller
Someone has tricked the player characters, and the message never Characters in the Kaer Ardanyan chapter on p. 25), but every
got delivered. Although they cannot nd out who K’van really body comes to see and enjoy this event. e contests are mostly
was, they can try negotiating with the council and lahalthe
to based on combat and involve duels in melee and unarmed combat,
archery, and a show of spells. While the player characters do not
28 C H A P T E R 3 |Fal se Sec ret s
F alse SecreT s
take part themselves, they assist their masters in carrying Armorweap-
Leather Armor (Phys 3)
ons and equipment and generally act as their servants throughout
the event. Have fun to esh out and describe the various contestsWeapons
in detail. Short Sword (Damage 10)
While the magicians show o their spells, a strange thing- hap
pens. e giant light quartz in the ceiling of Khar Rhûz ickers Belt Pouch, Carving Tools, Traveler’s Garb w/Linen Robe
Human Wannabe Cultists
DEX (14): 6 STR (13): 6 TOU (14): 6
PER (13): 6 WIL (13): 6 CHA (13): 6
Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 8
Physical Armor: 3 Spell Defense: 7
Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 7
Death: 36 Recovery T
ests: 3
Unconsciousness: 28 Knockdown: 6
Wound Threshold: 10 Movement:6
Avoid Blow (2): 8
A (1): 7
Melee Weapons (2): 8
Read/Write Language (1): 7–(Dwarf/roalic)
Speak Language (2): 8–(Dwarf/roalic, Human)
Streetwise (2): 8
e Deeps K (2): 7
Unarmed Combat (2): 8
A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
A Leap In the dark
Ask yourself what our great hero Leldrin would do when
in trouble and make sure you come back. Your return is
important. The entire kaer will be doomed if you fail.
• Joran Hardhelm, Councilor of Kaer Ardanyan •
he encounters in this chapter open the main story ofAt thisthe Tavern
adventure and allow player characters to start earning a
e master adepts and their apprentices arrive one aer another
reputation by helping their masters prepare for the- explo
in the aernoon, with a few hours of spare time before the meeting
ration and exposing the rumored Gate Cult. A few days aerbegins. the Everyone at Kaldarn’s Tavern seems to be in a -hurry, tend
exploration party leaves the kaer, Joran Hardhelm contacts ingthe
his honored guest with the best service possible. e meeting
heroes for a secret and dangerous mission. e explorers seem room to has already been prepared, and no one but the master adepts
be lost, and the council is divided. Now the player characters andareKaldarn are allowed inside. While the masters mind their own
the only ones who can nd out what happened. business, the player characters are le on standby in the main tavern
room. Each of the players should be allowed to describe his char-
acter and have the proper time to introduce himself.
Overview From time to time during the meeting, a master will send for
“Get that
( bone scroll
he kaer council has nally reached a decision. Aer weeksapprentice, asking him to run an errand
of discussion, the talking has been concluded in favor of from my room, but hurry up!”). Other than that, the characters
public opinion: a new group of explorers will leavehave the a lot of time to gossip while waiting. e main tavern room
kaer! e bold heroes might face the same Horror who killed the is lled with more people than usual; most of them being drawn
rst expedition ve decades ago, but despite the dangers involved, to get a glimpse of the heroes to come. Several rumors make
some of the kaer’s best adepts have volunteered for the mission. the round, new ones developing each time another explorer arrives.
A few days before the expedition team is sent into the dark A dwarf barmaid Named Cecilia ensures that the characters have
unknown behind Freedom Gate, the population prepares a ceremony something to eat and drink, and apart from information about their
to honor the leaving adepts. Meanwhile, the explorers meet - masters,
in Kal she is interested in talking about the strange illness that
darn’s Tavern to discuss the details of their task and gather anyhaunts
helpfulthe elven population of Shal’Minar. She mentions that an
knowledge from Leldrin, the only survivor of the last expedition. physician living in Khar Rhûz died because of it a few days
Most of the adepts have brought one of their apprentices along ago, and fears that the illness might aect dwarfs as well.
the player characters. e apprentices are not directly involved In in return for the character’s answers, she shares other rumors.
the meeting; they act as trusted servants in case their masters need example, a gang of unknown criminals has recently beaten the
anything. Waiting outside the meeting room, the would-be heroes only questor of Mynbruje to death. He had no followers to
might uncover a plot to undermine their masters’ power. replace him; the number of questors in Kaer Ardanyan has - contin
When the expedition team fails to return a few days later, Joran to drop ever since the cave-in at the temple of Rashomon.
Cecilia thinks it might have been the rumored cult that worships
Hardhelm of the kaer council reacts quickly to prevent old feuds from
the Horror
tearing the council apart. In secret, he contacts the heroes to scout for in front of the gate; these foul people always need to
the lost expedition and sends them out unnoticed by the public. sacrice good men for their cause.
Kaldarn’s Tavern
Refer to the map on p. 31 for the layout of Kaldarn’s Tavern:
Setting the Stage
Creating Kaer-Dweller Characters Tavern Room
s suggested in the
section of the
Kaer Ardanyanchapter on p. 25, each of The large tables in the main tavern are filled with patrons—
the player characters should have a master who trains
mostly humans and dwarfs talking, drinking, and listening to the
him. We assume that these master adepts are those who form theof a troubadour playing a lute. Most of the interior is dwarf-
exploration party. If you haven’t run any of the events presented
sized; three dwarf barmaids serve food and ale.
in False Secrets
on p. 27, the meeting at Kaldarn’s Tavern forms
the hook that will bring the characters together. While there are
other ways to incorporate player characters into the story from
When not personally taking orders from the master adepts in
here on, they should be related to these events. the meeting room, Kaldarn works as bartender.
Storage Rooms
The storage room behind the bar contains mostly barrels
Themes and Images
and excess furniture, while the smaller ones store food for the
kitchen. er long years of uncertainty, depressing rumors, and
strange illnesses, a refreshing wave of hope energizes the
Stairs population. People feel that the Scourge is over, and most
of upper
A large set of stairs leads up to Kaldarn’s guest rooms on the them interpret the awakening of the t’skrang and the obsidimen
oor. e apprentices and their masters have rented one each. e as a sure sign for it. ere are the usual doubters, but to everyone’s
same set of stairs also leads down to the small cellar,- wheresurprise
Kal they are few in number. e explorers have become the
darn stores exclusive wine and other spirits. personication of hope in the eyes of the kaer-dwellers and are
already celebrated as heroes. People try to get their aention, bring-
Kitchen ing the explorers small gis or paying for their drinks. e player
Two dwarf cooks work the kitchen, which is renowned - forcharacters
pro are aected by this, since being so close to the heroes
ducing the nest of dwarf cuisine. of tomorrow gives them a certain status.
e mood in Kaer Ardanyan sets people into high spirits in the days
Stables leading up to the explorer’s departurean event most anticipated by
e stables are mostly empty, housing only the mounts Kaldarn’sthe entire population. An eerie silence follows once the gate closes
guests came with. A dwarf stable-boy tends to the animals.behind the explorers, and the kaer seems quieter than ever before.
the lives of any other believers, if they do its bidding.
eldrin’s inuence over the kaer council is fading. His voice
as advisor is not worth as much as in the decades before. Over the years, other outcasts of society joined Angiuspeo
Despite his advice to vote against the expeditionrea- ple who had lost hope and sought power by serving the Horror in
soning that the rumored Horror cult inside the kaer has to front
be of the gates. ey are about a dozen in number, but so far only
found and eliminated rstthe other councilors decided for theone adept has joined their ranks: a fallen Nethermancer Named
expedition. Silverbrow. Recently, several cult members have beaten the kaer’s
Since the exploration party poses a threat to his conspiracy,onlythe questor of Mynbruje to death. e questor had investigated
old elf has decided to play an ace from his sleeve to gain anthe cult and was close to uncovering some of its members. eir
tage. By turning the aention of the kaer council to the danger gameof statistics are listed further below.
the secret Gate Cult worshipping the Horror outside, the - expe In the days leading up to the meeting, Leldrin disguised himself
dition will most likely be postponed, giving him enough time again
to and provided Angius with information about the explorers.
properly prepare the Cross of Ardanyan for its arrival. He suggested that the cult should acquire a paern item represent
ing the explorers’ unity, which would increase the cult’s chances to
To achieve this goal, Leldrin needs to expose the cult. So far,
cult’s existence has just been a rumor; however, it is rather easy the Horror inside by manipulating the explorers using thread
Leldrin to reveal the cult: many years ago, he founded it himself in He dropped a hint that the explorers will form a Named
disguise (see The Gate Cult, below). His aim was to frighten the
group during the meetinga perfect chance for the cult, as the
population enough so they would never open Freedom Gate - ritual
with will require blood, which can be stolen during or aer the
out weeding out the cult rst. By controlling the cult and most meeting.
of When the adventure begins, the majority of the cult has
the council, his plan has worked for years. already assembled in the streets of Khar Rhûz. Angius has entered
Kaldarn’s Tavern and waits for the sign foretold by Leldrin: a bowl
of some sort being delivered to the meeting room.
The Gate Cult If the cult succeeds, Leldrin plans to use the stolen blood against
Angius, a former human poer from Okoros, once took a walk the explorers. Other members of the Cross of Ardanyan will then be
during the night and accidentally observed a man he knew had able
been to use thread magic (seeThread
the Magic chapter on p. 113
dead for years. He did not realize that the dead man who enteredof thePlayer’s Guide for details) against the explorers, providing
the kaer was actually a member of the Cross of Ardanyan planningthe Cross with an advantage when aempting to capture them.
32 C H A P T E R 4 |A L eap in the Dark
A L e a p i n t h e D a r k
The Meeting asks of burning oil at the tavern. eir aim is to create a diversion
by seing the tavern house on re, hopefully sending the tavern’s
Apart from the player characters’ masters, the revered hero Leldrin
patrons and sta eeing outside. In the confusion, Angius tries
himself is aending the meeting at Kaldarn’s Tavern as well. He arrives
last and comes alone. Everyone in the tavern sends his regards - to enter
by nodthe meeting room using the back door to steal the silver
ding or bowing to him when he passes by. Leldrin remains silent bowl.
whenLeldrin might help him to achieve his task, but the elf only
entering the tavern, heading straight to the meeting room. does so if there are no witnesses. With his experience, Leldrin is
Once the meeting has begun, the characters will not know what to make any errors.
is going on. Curious characters might want to look for a peep- On passing a Perception (5) Test, any player character near the
holethey can easily nd one, but risk being frowned upon by back door of the tavern can spot Angius eeing with the silver bowl.
everyone else in the tavern. If they nd a way, they overhear - It’sLel likely that everyone is occupied with the diversion, so the
drin sharing what he knows on the traps and wards outside. heroes
His have to go aer him themselves.
knowledge is a lile rusty, since so much time has passed since he Angius tries to enter the Deeps, where he meets the rest of his
was out there. e elf has prepared some drawings and writings of followers. e cult has set up camp in an abandoned tunnel of the
the mines and explains these to the explorers; as a result, peepingmines. Following Angius through the winding tunnels, shafts,
characters won’t have a chance to know what exactly the old and elfpassages
is is a hard task if none of the player characters has the
talking about unless they get hold of the maps. Tracking talent or skill. Angius’ fellow cultists also help him to get
About two hours later, the player characters are notied that away
their safely, trying to play cat and mouse with anyone who follows
masters are preparing for a ritual and require someone to fetchthemthey
a silver know that geing involved in a direct confrontation
bowl from Leldrin’s quarters. Characters who are trying to eavesdrop an adept means almost certain death. If none of the player
can overhear that the ritual is intended to create a group paern (see has the Tracking talent or skill, each of them is allowed a
- Perception Test for each combat round in the pursuit. e Diculty
Player’s Guide for details). A success
Thread Magic on p. 113 of the
ful ritual ensures that no one in the group betrays the mission. Number is equal to Angius’ Knowledge: e Deeps skill step.
To bring the bowl to Leldrin, one of the player characters has If to
the player characters manage to beat Angius three times in a
pass through the tavern room, where he is spoed by Angius,row, whothey have caught up to him. Alternatively, if the characters fail
is siing in the crowd waiting for the right moment. It is possible three times in a row, Angius gets away. Whenever a player - charac
that the characters take notice of him if they keep an eye on the ters roll a Pathetic result, Angius meets one of his fellow cultists
guests, but remember that Angius tries to keep a low prole. andOncommands him to stop the characters. Angius reaches the
passing a Perception (8) Test, the characters might notice Angius abandoned tunnel aer ten combat rounds, where he meets the
remaining four of his fellow cultists. Refer to the map for- an over
leaving aer the bowl has been fetched. He leaves to prepare
cult’s aack from the outside. If he is followed, he tries to lure the
of the hideout. 4
player characters into a dark alley where the other cultists e player characters can prove themselves worth their training
and aack on his command. Angius tries everything to escape the by defeating the cult and securing the silver bowl. Leldrin’s initial
combat to resume spying on the meeting. plan is spoiled if they succeed, but the Illusionist has succeeded in
e last stage of the group ritual requires each of the explorers buying
to some time for his great plan in either case.
swear a blood peace oath (see Player’s
the Guide, p. 124, for details)
to the group, now Named Ardanyan’s Saviors. While speaking the Mad A ngius
oath, each explorer cuts himself and releases some of his blood into
the small silver bowl in the center of the meeting room table. e
ritual ends once the last of the explorers has dipped his weapon of
DEX (14): 6 STR (16): 7 TOU (15): 6
choice into the collected blood. PER (13): 6 WIL (14): 6 CHA (6): 3
Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 8
Under Fire Physical Armor: 3 Spell Defense: 7
If Angius has managed to witness the end of the ritual, he signals
Mystic Armor: 2 Social Defense: 4
his followers to move. Silverbrow casts an Ethereal Darkness spell
Death: 38 Recovery T
ests: 3
on one of the meeting room windows, blinding everyone inside.Unconsciousness: 30 Knockdown: 7
e other cultists smash the remaining windows and start throwing
Wound Threshold: 10 Movement:6
ters have wrongly beaten up Harg for being a member of the Gate few things can go wrong in this chapter. If the- charac
Cult. eir reputation will be cleared once the situation is over. ters fail to recover the blood of their masters, the Cross
If the characters agree, Joran provides them with anything they of Ardanyan has an edge over the explorers. In this case,
need. He tries to get his hands on any requested piece of equipment the master adepts will not leave until the cult has been rooted out
within the next several hours. He does not want to lose precious and their blood is foundthe risk is simply too high. If the player
time, so he does what he can. characters are unable to find the hideout, they can try - to inter
Joran tells the characters how to use kaon-ma,
the a mechanism rogate the people who were at the tavern; it’s likely that one of
integrated into the Freedom Gate on the outside. It allows them them to noticed and recognized one of the cultists. e characters
create telepathic contact with a known individual inside themay kaer.also try to work with the kaer guard or call upon their - mas
eir masters have somehow failed to use it. If the charactersters, use but due to their apprentice status, it is likely that control of
the kaon-ma to contact Joran, he’ll open the Caisson again to theletsituation will be taken out of their hands if they exercise this
them back in. He also hands them a set of three keys, which will is is a quick and non-heroic solution, and will increase
allow them to turn o the various traps and wards that protect Kaer someone else’s reputation.
Ardanyan. He cannot tell them anything about the traps because e explorers’ leaving is delayed by another few days, giving
the Book of Sigils that described them was lost in a re almost Leldrina and the Cross of Ardanyan more time to prepare a proper
century ago. e player characters will just have to try their luck. welcome. e characters might be able to spoil the aack of the
Gate Cult altogether, which will raise their status once Angius is
interrogated and blows the whistle about his plans. It should be
The Caisson impossible to trace the connection back to Leldrin, as Angius does
e mission starts that same night. Using another secret passage not know his true identity. However, the characters can nd out
through the lower levels, the characters are led by Joran - to Free
that the cult has killed the questor of Mynbruje, giving them extra
dom Gate, where Ghandjoon joins them. e small hall is dark credit and in the eyes of the population and the council.
quiet, only illuminated by the light of the runes and the deep hum If the characters don’t accept Joran’s mission or are reluctant to
of the wards. Giessvald and Jus have been assigned to guarddo theso,gate.
Joran tries to appeal to their morale. e characters have the
Ghandjoon moves to perform the ritual to open the inner door of
chance to save the lives of the whole kaer and their masters. ey
the Caisson. As the runes on the door fade, she turns toward will the
be heroes, no maer the outcome of their mission. Joran does
characters and explains how they open the outer door: not want to force them to do it, but he can promise them anything
they want. Joran could force them to do it, but we don’t - encour
“You need to speak three words to transfer the magic of the age him to do soEarthdawnis about legendary heroes and not
outer ward to the inner wards. The words are magical and only about cowards.
work if spoken in the right order. Don’t dare to pronounce the If the magical words for opening the Caisson are spoken in the
words in a different way and don’t even try to speak them in wrong order, they set o the ward trap. Cruel gamemasters could
the wrong order. The words are Feh, Thark, and Berram. Feh, also alter the trigger condition to set the trap o if the words are
Thark, and Berram. Make sure you come back.” pronounced incorrectly…
the outside. Although his workers le no evidence, he ensured that
rdanyan is a town unlike any other. Its wealthy citizens
live behind secure, massive walls uncommon for all of them were killed. Only his most fanatic followers survived.
- a sele
Refer to the
ment of this size. In the past, ork scorchers of the Skull Kaer Ardanyanchapter on p. 14 for more informa-
Wharg tribe have failed miserably to overcome the town’s tion on what happened inside the kaer.
- forti
cations. Keeping a safe distance, they remain a threat to caravans Meanwhile, on the surface, the remaining conspiratorsAr -
outside Ardanyan’s sphere of inuence. For travelers and gethiel, Mangalin, Errin, and Janiaexplored Barsaive. Most of
- adven
turers alike, Ardanyan represents a safe haven for those seeking the kaers and citadels had already opened their gates, although
rest from traveling the trade route between Bartertown and the land had not yet recovered from the Scourge. Traveling from
- Tansi
city to city and from town to town, the four of them searched and
arda. But behind this peaceful atmosphere, a secret order of Raggok
questors pulls the strings. Emerged from a nearby kaer several destroyed evidence of Kaer Ardanyan’s existence. ey erased all
decades ago, the Cross of Ardanyan exists to keep it hidden entries
from they could nd about the kaer in the logbooks of the King-
dom of roal, burned ancient trading agreements and other papers
the rest of the world. e kaer is the Order’s main source of wealth,
and also its greatest secret. Members of the Order silently take related
care to Kaer Ardanyan’s construction. e elven questors even
of anyone asking the wrong questions… paid ork mercenaries to wipe out expeditions looking for kaers in5
is chapter holds a description of the town of Ardanyan. -e histhe area. While it took years, their eorts were successful in the
Kaerthe endany remaining traces of Ardanyan would be hard to nd.
tory picks up when the First Expedition le the kaer (see
Ardanyanchapter on p. 16), concluding with the plans of Leldrin Shortly aer the war against the returning erans, the group
returned to the kaer. As promised, they met their friend Leldrin
and his followers. e remainder of the chapter is divided into three
sections, each listing the important people and places of interest of workers had nished the tunnel in time for the meeting.
one part of the town. Adventurers and other travelers might know
something about the place; check Rumors
the and Researchchap-
ter on p. 82 for details on what’s told on the streets. On the First Building
e sparse remains of pre-Scourge Ardanyan proved helpful in the
construction of a small house erected to cover the secret entrance.
Only a few miles away, the old trade route had been infused with new
History life. e dwarf kingdom had recovered the old plans to construct a
hen the First Expedition passed the nal ward and bridge at Tansiarda and put them back into motion.
stepped out onto the world’s surface, the bold heroes Once the house was nished, the Order decided to go into busi-
realized that the Scourge was over. Sworn to ness. ey opened a tavern and organized a ferry service. Using the
- partici
pate in Leldrin’s conspiracy, the majority of the explorers ferry wereeased the journey of the caravans, which had to pass through
unwilling to pass this information on to the rest of the kaer.the e craggy foothills of the roal Mountains further north to get
otherstwo dwarfs Named Fearghus and Dunarran for theirpast the river any other way. Even with the additional coin involved
lives, but never reached the safety of Freedom Gate. e dwarfs to use the ferry, the merchants saved an additional day on their
met their deaths at the hands of the conspirators, who founded journeya
the deal most couldn’t refuse.
Cross of Ardanyan with their blood. Posing as merchants, the conspirators promised the rst dozen
Namegivers willing to sele a handful of silver pieces and a house
Before saying their farewells, the elf questor of Raggok, Leldrin,
and his companions swore a pact to meet again two decades made of stone. Soon, selers and crasmen arrived, and the rst
Only Leldrin returned into the kaer. He carried Fearghus’ corpse dozen houses were erected. e selement quickly turned into a
in his arms, convincing the kaer’s population that he was the small
onlyboomtown, frequently visited by passing caravans. Aer just a
survivor of the mission. e nightmare of a Horror lurking outside few years, the small selement outgrew all expectations. A new tavern
the gates became a terrible certainty with Leldrin’s help. Using wasthe built, and the old one expanded to serve as Council House.
books the Order had stolen from the kaer library, the mad questor In a big celebration, the four founders ocially Named their new
worked from inside the kaer to deactivate a small number selementof the Ardanyan. Despite the potential risk of being recognized
kaer’s Runes of Warding. His work concealed with permanent - andilluuncovered, they chose the same Name as a trap for those people
sions, the Council of Mages never found out. Leldrin gatheredwho more might know about the kaer, allowing the Order to take care of
followers over the coming years, and used them to dig a tunnel themtoshould they start questioning the selement’s past.
C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan 37
On the Skull Wharg Menace House, the elf revealed two re cannons he had purchased from
Word of Ardanyan spread like wild re, and eventually found the t’skrang downriver. e cannons were mounted, able to be
aimed at anything in sightbut there was only one target. Ghatz
its way into the ears of Korron Bor, a clan chieain of the Skull
Whargsan overly violent and destructive ork scorcher tribe. Bloodeyes was hit directly while charging down the main road; he
He dispatched a small group of ork scorchers and sent themand o tohis massive beast were torn apart in a huge explosion. In the
Ardanyan. Harassing the villagers in a small raid, they tookensuing
lives, chaos, most of the Skull Whargs ed. Ghatz’ successor,
gold, and food. Full of pride, the orks even announced their return. Bloodeyes, decided to leave Ardanyan alone from then on.
It was
Many villagers feared for their lives, but Argethiel, leader of the perhaps his wisest decision, but it fueled unrest among the
council, promised that the ork scorchers wouldn’t tribe’s leaders, turning them against each other.
be able to harm Ardanyan any further. Only e victory turned Ardanyan’s Name
a few of them believed the elf ’s words, into gold and it became synonymous
and many families le during the days as a safe haven. Again, the selement
that followed. grew in size and was soon too large
Only a week later, the scorchers to be ignored by dwarven ocials.
came back for more. Behind them, The Kingdom of Throal offered
Korron Bor’s entire clan- fol official support to Ardan -
lowed. Stopping on the yan, although the town
hilltop overlooking the rema ined an indepen -
area, the orks were- sur dent ally. With dwarven
prised to find a fortified trading houses recogniz-
village instead of a defense- ing the small market of
less settlement. Argethiel had Ardanyan, money began
hired a coven of Elementalists to to f low into the town’s
erect a protective wall encircling coffers. In time, a bridge
the village. Still, the fortication was replaced the ferry and the
too small to prove a hindrance for the walls and gates were nished.
chieain. His men were hungry for bale,
and he called upon them to raze Ardan - How the Order
yan on the same aernoon. But Argethiel
had prepared another surprise for the- charg Rules in Secret
ing scorchers. A dozen earth elementals buried e Cross of Ardanyan has a tight grip on
in the ground emerged during the aack, throw- the town of Ardanyan. e secret society has
ing the raiders o their mounts and forcing them to retreat. eyes and ears everywhere, controlling the town
Korron Bor was furious, but intelligent enough not to strike again. with an invisible iron st. Initiating more and
When the last scorcher passed out of sight into the foothills more
of thepeople to the cause, the Order traditionally binds its members’
nearby roal Mountains, there was no doubt that the orks would loyalty with blood magic. Several questors of Raggok have joined
not be easily defeated. the Order since it was founded, helping keep its secrets and spread
For a time, nothing happened. Soon, the selers returned,its andinuence. While Leldrin enjoys living an ascetic life among the
more came to join them. Ardanyan was again growing fast as a
unsuspecting kaer-dwellers, his companions prefer the decadent
place which showed much promise for many settlers- andwealth mer provided in the bustling town on the surface. Everyone in
chants. With mixed feelings, Errin and Jania trained a smallthe force
Order directly answers to them. See The Cross
the of Ardan-
and hired other adepts to protect the town from scorchersyan andon p. 45 for more information.
other bandits.
he following section describes the town of Ardanyan in
its Reputation general and its dierent parts in detail, including places
In the following year, the scorchers returned under the command of interest and important personalities. e maps - pre
of Ghatz Bloodeyes, chieain of the entire Skull Wharg tribe.sented
e here are intended for the gamemaster’s eyes only, since the
news of his underling’s defeat had enraged the old Warriorhe show locations unknown to the characters. Players should use the
had strangled Korron Bor with his own hands to remove thehandout
stain maps provided at the back of this book.
of his failure. e growing selement of Ardanyan was a thorn in
his side, as he claimed the caravans south of the Throal - Moun
tains as his personal property. One day after Ghatz BloodeyesOn the Surrounding Lands
arrived with the entire Skull Wharg tribe at his back, he ordered
e craggy foothills of the southern roal Mountains cover most
an all-out aack. of the area, rising up to a spine of mountains separating Ardanyan
Although the scorchers arrived in daunting numbers, they fell the Alidar River on the other side. e trade route winds
for Argethiel’s creativity in bale. Two dozen Archers had been
mostly around the hills, going over them only on rare occasions.
put into place on the half-nished wall, and several dozen - merce
Patches of wood and small forests are a common sight. e roal
naries were waiting on the streets on the other side. A hard ght
Mountains tower over the area to the North, their peaks almost
ensued, but the old ork chieain was sure that Ardanyan would always vanishing behind the clouds.
be reduced to rubble at the end of the day. e trade route coming from Bartertown parts a few miles before
When Ghatz Bloodeyes decided to enter the bale himself, he
Ardanyan’s gates, reaching further south along the shores of the
charged behind the walls with his massive thundra beast. Coil It wasRiver. It’s a ve-day walk from Bartertown to Ardanyan and
the fatal mistake Argethiel had waited for. On the top of Council
about a day’s walk from Ardanyan to Darranis. To the East, the
38 C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan
Th e T o w n o f A r d a n y a n
of strength on passing travelers. e fortications connect a
- hand urrounded by the old wall once erected by Argethiel’s hired
ful of smaller towers, and four large towers form the two gates of Elementalists, the central part of Ardanyan holds the - Coun
Ardanyan: Westgate and Eastgate. e road from Eastgate leads to cil House, the irsty Dragon Inn, Argethiel’s Forge, six
Tansiarda, and travelers from Bartertown arrive at Westgate. e
permanent shops, and the central marketplace. e council has
bridge is located inside Ardanyan, preventing it from beingdecided
used to leave the wall in place to commemorate the aack and
without paying a toll. to separate the market from the rest of town. A third reason is that
The Ring is the oldest part of town. A protective wall forms
theafortication eases the prospect of guarding the treasury in the
ring around the most important buildings at the town’s center.lower
e level of Council House.
wall dates back to the rst time the town successfully defended
itself against the Skull Wharg tribe and was initially erected by
earth elementals. Places of Interest
Hangside is the upper part of town, both rhetorically -and lite most prominent spots of the Ring include the irsty Dragon
erally. Its residences and mansions rise between the lush trees on
Inn, Argethiel’s Forge, the market, and Council House.
C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan 39
Thirsty Dragon Inn
is tavern is owned and run by Errin,
an elven Warrior (seeCastthe of Char-
acterschapter on p. 87). As an expensive
alehouse, it is a place for people who do
well: caravan leaders, merchants, and
adepts. It is also a common spot for
adventurers, because Errin has set up
a board where the merchants can - pro
vide offerings for caravan protection.
Errin usually reviews the oers and the
hirelings personally. e elf has a reputa
tion for testing the adepts who want a job.
Errin is a member of the town council, as
well as one of the leaders of the Order.
Argethiel’s Forge
Although Argethiel is no longer
working as a Weaponsmith, this forge
still bears his Name. Being the chief
councilor of the town, Argethiel nds
himself with less and less time to
- prac
tice his Discipline. Handreaux, who
was once Argethiel’s apprentice, now
runs the forge. He has a reputation of
producing high-quality weapons and
armor, and has an exclusive contract to
supply the town watch with weapons,
armor, and other equipment.
Six houses huddle up along the wall,
three on each side of Council House.
e central square is lled with tents
and wagons of passing caravans, and
the setup of the market changes on
a daily basis. The houses are -perma
nent stores, each belonging to a local
merchant. Each of them employs at least one wagon runningistheis a complete fabrication set up by Leldrin, as Argethiel
trade route between Bartertown and Tansiarda. eir shops wanted
sell his apprentice soon aer the town was formed. Kaer-dwell
imported wares from these selements, along with equipmenters
andmight recognize him or his Name and vice versa.
tools produced locally.
Whill Bronzeleaf
Council House While Whill Bronzeleaf is not a questor of Raggok, he is a low-
The second-largest building in Ardanyan was once used keyasInitiate
a of the Order. As an old acquaintance of Errin, their
tavern. Built decades ago, Council House was the town’s- rst common
build hatred of dwarfs has convinced him to sele in- Ardan
ing, and it has been expanded several times over the years. yan and enjoy a life in luxury.
the selement reached a certain size, the Order feared that Whillthe was once a wandering Troubadour, but in the rare cases when
secret tunnel underneath the building could be unveiled. he ey practices his talents, he now uses them to increase his prots.
turned the tavern into the Council House, and built a new tavern:
the irsty Dragon Inn. e cellar houses Ardanyan’s treasury, Khalos Morgond
which is a secret shrine devoted to Raggok. e Market -Author An unsuccessful dwarf merchant who has tried his luck on the
ity and the Hall of Records are located in the ground oor oftrade
the route, Khalos is close to giving up his business. He seems
building. For more information on Council House, Break
see to be haunted by bad luck and is known to be a prime target by
and Enter on p. 70. speculators. As a dwarf, Khalos is not initiated in the Order and
is unaware of its existence. His bad luck is actually nothing more
than sabotage and has become a running gag among the Order’s
Personalities of the Ring merchants.
e following Namegivers can be encountered in this part of
town: Borrusk
is ork outcast is relatively new to Ardanyan and he oers his
Handreaux services as a bodyguard to anyone in the Ring during the day. His
real of
Handreaux is an elven Weaponsmith, who was born in the Hall intention is to gather information about Ardanyan’s defenses
Okoros of Kaer Ardanyan. Inside the Kaer, people still talk of himthe town watch. He intends to nd a way to rob the treasury
and of his family, who commied suicide only a few decadesand return with glory to his tribethe Skull Whargs.
40 C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan
Th e T o w n o f A r d a n y a n
Hangside Residences Argethiel’s Villa
e mansion of the head councilor of Ardyanan is the only one
he walls of Ardanyan encompass the side of a largesurrounded
rocky by an additional wall. A small forge is attached to
hill. A few mansions are visible between the lush trees,
the building and it is rumored to have a secret tunnel leading to
leaving no doubt that Hangside is the richest part of town.
Council House. e rumor is only partly true: Argethiel’s cellar
Only merchants, nobles, and high-ranking Order membersiscall connected to Mangalin’s tower and the trees of Errin and Jania,
Hangside home. Rumor has it that the trees have been infused butwith
not to Council House.
Jaspree’s magic to grow this large. e trees serve as an additional
defense, preventing aacks from the hillside. Errin and Jania’srees T
e three tree houses owned by this couple are the most - prom
Places of Interest inent in Ardanyan. With the help of a questor of Upandal, they
e most prominent spots of Hangside include the Path of Gold, built their residence out of three dead
sol’tan trees on the hill.
Founder’s Place, the Silent Scream Tavern, and the residences of trees have bark almost as hard as stone, while the wood
the wealthy. inside is very so. When the trees caught re and died during the
last scorcher aack, the strong bark was all that remained. Errin
Path of Gold and Jania hollowed the trees out and built their residences inside
and on top of them.
A path of white cobblestones runs from the bridge to Eastgate,
branching several times to connect the mansions in an elaborate
Personalities of Hangside
Founder’s Place e following Namegivers can be encountered in this part of
In the middle of Hangside, the path runs into Founder’s Place,
boasting a large well containing animated water sprites. e center
of the well shows a miniature version of Ardanyan, while theCaedrus
outer rim shows ork scorchers mounted on fearsome beasts.eecurrent inhabitant of Omasu’s landhouse is an obsidiman
Warrior Named Caedrus. He is very calm and usually silent, but
scorchers are held at bay by the water sprites who dance between
them and the miniature city. A path runs from the place down friendly
to and open to receiving other guests. Caedrus has a secret,
the guarded rear entrance of Council House. however, which he shares with the merchant Omasu: his Liferock.
Ever since the eran fortress Triumph landed on top of Ayodhya,
Silent Scream avern T Caedrus has been one of the leaders in Omasu’s Liferock - Rebel
lion. Caedrus is looking for new members, but keeps a low prole.
Standing between the trees close to Founder’s Place, travelers
andspies are interested in his capture, which would be a hard
nd the best part of town: the Silent Scream Tavern. Exclusive
reserved for only the most inuential and wealthy guests, the usualfor the rebels.
blow 5
clientele prefer to remain among their own. No one else-could pos
sibly aord the rare delicacies served by the house; the prices are
outrageous and fuel a variety of rumors in Landside. e tavern Posing as a tour guide, the elf Selbion is an initiate of the Order.
serves as a meeting place for doing business, and oers a few Heguest
was raised in Kaer Ardanyan and emerged only a few years ago,
rooms for that purpose. feigning his death with a disease and Leldrin’s help. His hatred for
dwarfs runs deep: he lost his elder brother in the Separation (see
Residences the Kaer Ardanyanchapter, p. 15). Although he is not a questor of
Of the dozen villas, only a handful is of primary interest Raggok,
for Selbion informs the Order of any newcomers that might
this adventure: pose a danger. Older kaer-dweller characters might recognize him
or his Name, and vice versa.
Omasu’s Landhouse
Although the obsidiman is almost never present, his landhouse is Sanabar
open for any obsidiman passing through Ardanyan. It might seem is human from Marrek is of noble blood. e fall of his king-
like an inhospitable place to other Namegivers, mainly becausedom has le him with nothing but a title and a lile money. He tried
the entire house has no roof or windows, and the boom is made his luck at trading and le his home. Arraskan got lucky and turned
of cobblestones. e innkeepers of the town are happy abouthis thestarting investment into a small fortune when he decided to
house, and oen send traveling obsidimen there instead - of oer the rst selers of Ardanyan. He is not initiated in the Order,
but has the feeling that something is going on behind everyone’s
ing them a room, reducing the expense of obtaining new furniture
in their own houses. backs. Fortunately for him, the thought of waking something - dan
gerous prevents him from investigating the maer.
Mangalin’s Tower
Because of its location on top of the hill, Mangalin’s tower is Witherspoon
the landmark building of Ardanyan; it can be seen even from a
e elven cook of the Silent Scream Tavern was among the rst
few miles away. Its roof bears a midnight-blue ag with the tocrest
emerge from Kaer Ardanyan. He is a high-ranking questor of
of Ardanyan on it. A few years ago, Mangalin had two apprentices,
Raggok and frequently mixes his food with alchemical ingredients
but his madness caused him not to train others. Despite to being
help his conspirators manipulate other merchants. As a skilled
one of Ardanyan’s founders, the Wizard does not leave hispoisoner,
tower his cellar is full of the skeletons of those who once stood
much nowadaysonly on very rare occasions. ere are many in the way of the Order’s interests.
dark rumors surrounding the tower and its inhabitant, because he
does not even employ personnel, as opposed to the other people
living in Hangside.
C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan 41
Civil Landside
he base of the hill is called Landside, and
is home to most of Ardanyan’s citizens.
W hile Landside is not as beautiful as
Hangside, the houses are a testament to the town’s
prosperity nonetheless. e streets of Landside are
a small maze, and the houses stand close together,
often reaching three stories high. Apart from a
number of guildhouses, Landside offers various
smaller shops and taverns. Workers, crasmen, and
other commoners live here, with the occasional
adept in between. Landside is a very civil place, but
some of the darker passages are beer le alone
during the night.
Places of Interest
e most prominent spots of Landside include
the Passion’s Walk, the Red Raven Inn, the civil
quarters, and the guild quarters.
Passion’s Walk
Between the bridge and the Ring lies the - Pas
sion’s Walk and citizens tend to argue if it belongs
to Hangside or Landside. e argument has never
turned into a serious debate, however. e largest
temple is devoted to the Passion Garlen, and houses
a number of beds for the ill and an alchemical lab-
oratory for producing healing potions, salves, and
other medicine. Close to the bridge lies the temple
of Upandal, whose questors tend to the bridge and
collect the bridge toll from anyone passing it. e
tolls are shared with the town’s council and invested
in the temple’s workshops, which work for free on behalf- of the cit
as Mangalin’s successor. A wealthy place draws many scoundrels
izens. A number of smaller shrines devoted to the other Passions
and Ardanyan is no exception. e thieves of Ardanyan are not only
line the road, usually tended by traveling questors passing through
well organized, but also very nosy. Unknown to many, they have
Ardanyan. ere are no shrines devoted to the mad Passions.founded the ieves’ Guild, and their secret guildhouse faces the
town watch headquarters from the other side of the street.
Red Raven Inn
Close to the river is the Red Raven Inn, oering rooms and a tavern
Personalities of Landside
for caravaners and other travelers. Run by the t’skrang Hchal’Tssan,
e following Namegivers can be encountered in this part of
the personnel are rumored to smuggle goods in and out of the town.
No one has dared to accuse them so far, however; Hchal’Tssan’s town:
personal bodyguard Sant’Zabur is a high-Circle Warrior adept no
one dares to mess with. e house was built close to the water,Ferhaan
As the guild master, the human ief Ferhaan tends to make long-
a small pier serves as a dock for shing boats and other small ships
trading with selements further down the river. is sidearm of the plans. He has planted several spies among the other guilds
Coil River is too shallow for t’skrang riverboats. with access to the plans and cargo manifests of passing caravan
Ferhaan requires other thieves share their takings with him and
Civil Quarter his small syndicate. His enforcers are known to separate Namegiv-
Apart from the many residences rising upwards throughout ers from their hands if they don’t follow this rule.
quarter, this part of town also holds the headquarters of the town
watch. Led by Jania, who enjoys training the adepts who join Sant’Zabur
watch, it is the place where she is found most oen. A part of Santthe serves as the bodyguard of Hchal’Tssan, the owner of the
building features prison cells, mostly for people who haveRed been Raven Inn. His frightening appearance, combined with his
sentenced to hard labor. Long-term prisoners are held in the cellarof roing sh, has earned him respect throughout the town.
of the Council House. He is challenged every now and then, but so far has retained his
status. Sant is very straightforward and impatiently takes maers
Guild Quarter into his own hands when others hesitate.
The Guild Quarter is called that because most of the Guild
Houses stand close to one another. e guilds serve all kinds Astan
interest groups, and most of them fail to have a real impact one thehuman Astan is a ruthless bully who was a long-term member
town’s politics. e most prominent building belongs to the- Magiof the ieves’ Guild. His cold-bloodedness earned him the post of
cian’s Guild, which has not held much power in the town since Ferhaan’s right hand. He knows the ins and outs of Ardanyan very
Mangalin le. Halizum, an elderly human Wizard, was appointed well, and keeps his buddies always alert. If they ever catch anyone
42 C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan
Th e T o w n o f A r d a n y a n
guilds and the council. Mangalin used to control
the Magician’s Guild, but resigned his post a few
years ago. He still inuences the head of the guild,
but only sparingly.
e law is loosely based on roal’s Council Com
pact, but has a new section that allows slavery on
a very limited levelsentenced prisoners have to
work on behalf of the town.
Merchant’s Guild
What began as a simple union of the six most
inuential merchants that seled in Ardanyan, has
turned into the Merchant’s Guild. Responsible for
the export and import of goods, the guild’s - mer
chants have a tight grip on trade. ey are allowed
to raise taxes, but have to pay an annual tithe to the
town council for their freedom. Some, but not all of
the merchants have been initiated into the Order.
e Merchant’s Guild maintains good contacts
with the trading houses of roal and Bartertown
and organizes caravans and guards to Tansiarda.
Unfortunately, the guild’s hired guards don’t enjoy
the best reputation, since everyone able to hold a
sword has a good chance to get hired. Every - cara
van leader in need of good protection turns to Errin,
whose hiring service stands in keen competition
with the guild.
e guild house is located in Landside and - fea
tures a workshop to repair carriages and wagons.
The meadows and stables close to Westgate also
belong to the guild and are used to harbor caravans’
mounts during their stay. 5
stealing without the guild’s consent, it’s likely that Astan will cut
the culprit’s hands o himself. Typical Guild Merchant
Halizum Aributes
e aloof old Wizard is the current head of the Magician’s Guild.
DEX (12): 5 STR (11): 5 TOU (8): 4
He does not care for power or inuence, and is only interestedPERin (14): 6 WIL (12): 5 CHA (14): 6
researching the existence of the Passions. As a former apprentice
of Mangalin, Halizum is one of the few who know about his old 5
Initiative: Physical Defense: 7
master’s madness and devotion to Raggok. He does not know aboutArmor: 3
Physical Spell Defense: 8
the Order, however; his interest in researching Mangalin’s
- Mystic
madArmor: 2 Social Defense: 8
ness blinds his senses regarding anything else. Death: 28 Recovery T
ests: 2
Unconsciousness: 19 Knockdown: 5
Wound Threshold: 7 Movement:6 H /7 E
Organizations H, E
Denotes human or elf Movement rates, respectively.
lthough Ardanyan is just a town, a number of organiza-
K (2): 8
tions are at work here. is section gives an overviewArdanyan
on Lore
Bribery (2): 8
how these work together and highlights the most - inu
Conversation (2): 8
ential organization: the Cross of Ardanyan. A (2): 8
Entertainer (Storytelling)
Haggle (5): 11
Town Council Melee Weapons (1): 6
Ardanyan’s town council consists of four members, who Read/Write
have Language (1): 7 Dwarf (roalic)
not changed since the town was founded decades ago. e town A (1): 7
Robe Embroidery
council makes all decisions regarding the town’s future and paves Language (3): 9 (Dwarf/roalic, Elf/Sperethiel, Human)
roal Trade Routes K (2): 8
the way to turn Ardanyan into a city someday. e four council
rowing Weapons (1): 6
members are Argethiel, Errin, Jania, and Mangalinthe same A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan 43
2 gold pieces, 25 silver pieces, 50 copper pieces
Legend Award
First Circle
Elf merchants possess the Low-Light Vision racial ability.
e above game statistics represent an average merchant operating from out of
Ardanyan. Descriptions vary widely, but most merchants are human or elven.
Market Authority
All trade conducted inside Ardanyan’s walls is watched closely by
the Market Authority. Located on the ground oor of Council House,
the Authority administers the central market and its enforcers assign
spots for traveling merchants every day. Disputes are usually solved
in the oce of the Authority, which also serves as a tax collection
oce for the merchants conducting business in the town.
e Market Authority is run entirely by initiated members of the
Order who serve to protect the Order’s interests. Enforcers of the
Market Authority can also be seen in Landside, collecting taxes from
merchants selling their wares in their own stores. Collected taxes ow
directly into the town’s coers and are used to expand the market.
Town Watch
e town watch of Ardanyan is divided into three companies.
While members of the Order can be found everywhere among
the watchmen’s ranks, only the ird Company consists entirely
of insiders.
First Company , the largest part of town watch, enforces law and
order in both Hangside and Landside. Serving in Hangside has a
beer reputation among the watchmen, because the area is not a
busy place. e watchmen of the First Company also accompany
the tax collectors of the Market Authority on their rounds each
month. Captains of the First Company are usually adepts of the
Swordmaster or Warrior Disciplines.
e Second Company guards Ardanyan’s surroundings and
mans the town’s fortifications. The inf luence of the company
extends about half a day’s ride from the town in both directions.
Watchmen patrolling the road usually ride in groups of four orSkills
ve. K (2): 8
Ardanyan Lore
Adepts are usually employed as captains and follow the Scout or
Avoid Blow (2): 8
Cavalrymen Disciplines. A (1): 7
Crasman (Leatherworking)
e most reputableThird Company serves at the very center ofMelee Weapons (2): 8
Ardanyan. ird Company guards are responsible for law and order Read/Write Language (1): 7(Dwarf/roalic)
within the Ring, working hand in hand with the Market AuthoritySearch
and (2): 8
Speak Language (3): 9(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel, Human)
protecting Council House and the treasury. Known as the eliteStreetwise
of the (2): 8
town watch, the ird Company employs a larger number of adepts. rowing Weapons (2): 8
Non-adepts have to be well trained to join the ird Company. Unarmed Combat (2): 8
A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
Leather Armor (Phys 3)
Typical Town Watchman Weapons
Club (Damage 9), 2 × Daggers (Damage 8; Range 10–20 yards/5–10 hexes), Sap
(Damage 7)
Aributes Equipment
DEX (13): 6 STR (15): 6 TOU (12): 5 Belt Pouch, Elfweave Robe, Crasman Tools, Hooded Lantern, 2 x Flasks of Oil,
PER (13): 6 WIL (12): 5 CHA (11): 5 Traveler’s Garb
Characteristics Loot
Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 7 10 silver pieces
Physical Armor: 3 Spell Defense: 7
Legend Award
Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 7
First Circle
Death: 34 Recovery T
ests: 2
Unconsciousness: 26 Knockdown: 6
Elf town watchmen possess the Low-Light Vision racial ability.
Wound Threshold: 9 Movement:6 H /7 E
H, E
e above game statistics represent an average member of Ardanyan’s town watch. Most
Denotes human or elf Movement rates, respectively. of them are of human or elven origin. eir leather armor has been dyed a deep blue and
shows the golden insignia of Ardanyan on the breast.
44 C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan
Th e T o w n o f A r d a n y a n
Command Structure
Typical Town Watch Captain e Cross of Ardanyan has a pyramidal command structure,
with the Founders at the top, the Inner Circle in the middle, and
Aributes the Initiates at the boom.
DEX (14): 6 STR (16): 7 TOU (14): 6
PER (13): 6 WIL (12): 5 CHA (12): 5 The Founders
Characteristics The Order was founded by five elves, all of whom were born
Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 8 in Kaer Ardanyan and betrayed their people out of revenge. e
Physical Armor: 3 Spell Defense: 7 Founders are described in detail in Cast
theof Characters chap-
Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 7 ter, on p. 84. e Founders frequently engage in a Group Ritual to
Death: 36 Recovery Tests: 3 strengthen their bonds (seeThreadthe Magic chapter, on p. 113
Unconsciousness: 28 Knockdown: 7
of the Player’s Guide
, for more information).
Wound Threshold: 10 Movement:6 H /7 E
Leldrin is the leader of the Order. He is the only one who chose
H, E Denotes human or elf Movement rates, respectively.
to live an ascetic life inside the kaer, while the other four decided
to live above ground. Leldrin is a mad Illusionist, who enjoys being
Ardanyan Lore K (2): 8 revered as the greatest hero inside the kaer Kaer(see
Ardanyan ,
Ardanyan Politics K (2): 8 on p. 14, for more information).
Avoid Blow (4): 10 Argethiel is the undisputed ocial head of Ardanyan’s town
Crasman (Leatherworking) A (1): 7
council. As a trained Weaponsmith who has his own forge, he has
Detect Weapon (2): 8 proven to be resourceful in combat. Due to the constant coming
Disarm (2): 8
Melee Weapons (4): 10
and going of traveling Weaponsmiths, he is able to keep track of
Parry (3): 9 rumors and frequently hears news from the outside world.
Read/Write Language (1): 7(Dwarf/roalic) e Swordmaster Jania is in control of the town watch and - per
Riposte (3): 9 sonally commands Ardanyan’s ird Company, a considerable
Search (3): 9 lile group of veterans responsible for the security of the market
Speak Language (3): 9(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel, Human)
Streetwise (4): 10
and the treasury. She is a erce opponent, and her reputation with
Tactics (2): 8 the blade has spread far beyond Ardanyan’s walls.
Unarmed Combat (4): 10 Errin owns the irsty Dragon Inn, one of the most luxurious - ale
A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
houses in town. Errin has taken a step back from practicing the Warrior
Armor Discipline. Instead, he prefers to run a service for caravan leaders, hiring
Leather Armor (Phys 3) adepts to protect his customers and their possessions.
Mangalinhas gone mad and le his post as the head of -the Magi
Broadsword (Damage 12), Club (Damage 10), Sap (Damage 8) cian’s Guild years ago. As a result, the magicians of Ardanyan don’t 5
Equipment have much inuence on the town’s politics. Mangalin is rarely seen
Belt Pouch, Elfweave Robe, Crasman Tools, Light Quartz Lantern, Traveler’s Garb
outside his tower, and a number of rumors oen make the rounds
Loot about what happens inside.
20 silver pieces
Legend Award The Inner Circle
First Circle
The Inner Circle of members consists of Namegivers who are
Notes aware of the betrayal. Most of them emerged from Kaer Ardanyan
Elf town watch captains possess the Low-Light Vision racial ability.
themselves; a few others joined their ranks out of racial hatred or
Commentary deep-rooted friendship to the Founders. Each of them has - a control
e above game statistics represent an average leading member of Ardanyan’s town
ling function in the Order; refer to the various character descriptions
watch, a non-adept of human or elven origin (adepts of the town watch usually follow
provided in this chapter for examples. ey are paid well for their
the Warrior, Cavalryman, or Swordmaster Disciplines). eir leather armors have been
dyed in a deep blue and show the golden insignia of Ardanyan on the breast.
services, and have vowed their loyalty with a Blood Oath (see the
Blood Magicchapter on p. 123 of the Player’s Guide
for more infor
mation). Inner Circle members are questors of Raggok.
The Cross of Ardanyan
ts members also call this secret organization the Order. e
Order holds all power in Ardanyan. Its founders are exception
- Typical Questor of Raggok
ally rich and like to show it. While they pose as merchants, their
real source of wealth lies in the treasure chests of Kaer Ardanyan. e
coin rolling in from the town is also considerable. e Order is devoted
DEX (14): 6 STR (13): 6 TOU (13): 6
to Raggok, and all of the founders are questors to some degree. PER (13): 6 WIL (13): 6 CHA (16): 7
e Cross of Ardanyan was founded on revenge and is dedicated Characteristics
to holding the kaer-dwellers as unsuspecting slaves for eternity. Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 8
Denying the existence of a lost kaer is hard to accomplish,Physical so theArmor: 3 Spell Defense: 7
Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 9
main task for members of the Order is to carefully remove the
sources of any rumors that spring into existence. In return, the Death: 33* Recovery T
ests: 2
Unconsciousness: 25* Knockdown: 6
treasures extracted from the kaer’s vaults ensure the luxurious Wound Threshold: 9 Movement:6 H /7 E
standard of living for members of the Order. ere are only a few
long-term plans for the Raggok questors, which include - expand
* These values have been adjusted for blood magic.
ing to other towns and cities in Barsaive. H, E Denotes human or elf Movement rates, respectively.
C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan 45
Talents Skills
Questor of Raggok (2): 2 Acrobatic Strike (1): 8
Cause Pain, Inspire Rage, Raise Undead (2): 9 Animal Bond (4): 9
Skills Animal Handling (1): 6
Avoid Blow (4): 10 Avoid Blow (3): 10
Bone Carving A
(1): 8 Charge (1): 8
Melee Weapons (6): 12 Creature Lore (2): 7
Parry (3): 9 Melee Weapons (3): 10
Read/Write Language (1): 7(Dwarf/roalic) Read/Write Language (1): 6(Dwarf/roalic)
Riposte (3): 9 Speak Language (3): 8(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel, Human)
Speak Language (3): 9(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel, Human) Streetwise (2): 7
Streetwise (4): 10 Taunt (1): 6
Undead Lore K
(2): 8 rowing Weapons (2): 9
A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill Trick Riding (1): 8
Unarmed Combat (1): 8
Armor Weapon Rune Carving A
(1): 6
Leather Armor (Phys 3) Wound Balance (1): 8
Weapons A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
46 C H A P T E R 5 |T he Tow n of A rdanyan
C h ap t e r S i x
En Route
Think about it and you will come to the undoubted conclusion
that my offer is reasonable and honest. What else would you
expect from a dwarf with my reputation?
• Khalos Morgond, Merchant of Throal •
his chapter contains everything you need to get started
if you intend to tie
Ardanyan’s Revenge into a running Skull Wharg Ork Scorchers (8)
campaign or start with a new group of traveling adventur
The Town
ers. We assume that you are familiar with the seing of Aributes
of Ardanyan, and that the players have already created their- char
DEX (13): 6 STR (15): 6 TOU (11): 5
acters according to the rules presented in the Player’s. Guide PER (10): 5 WIL (13): 6 CHA (9): 4
Gamemasters are encouraged to run any type of introductory- sce
nario before moving on to the main story (which begins
Death in
on Initiative: 2 Physical Defense: 7
the Roadon p. 50). is section provides three adventure hooks Physical
set Armor: 10 Spell Defense: 6
in and around Ardanyan, which can be used for this purpose. Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 6
e following adventure hooks are intended to give both the Death: 32 Recovery ests:
T 2
Unconsciousness: 24 Knockdown:6*
gamemaster and the players a chance to explore the seing of the
Wound Threshold: 8 Movement:6
town of Ardanyan and forge the relationships between the * player e non-adept knows the Wound Balance skill.
characters. Gamemasters should feel free to add their own Skillsor run
the hooks presented in any order desired. Animal Bond (2): 6
Animal Handling (1): 7
Caravan Trade Routes K (3): 8
Melee Weapons (1): 7
hregas Kular, a human merchant running a small caravan
Read/Write Language (1): 6(Dwarf/roalic)
on the trade route between Bartertown and the town of Language (2): 7(Dwarf/roalic, Or’zet)
Ardanyan, hires the player characters to guard- hisTactics
pre (1): 6
cious goods on the caravan’s next tour. He does not expect anyA (1): 5
rowing Weapons (1): 7
real trouble, but the ork scorcher bands roaming the area might
Trick Riding (1): 7
nd his wagons an easy target if not protected well. Unarmed Combat (1): 7
Somewhere along the trade route, the caravan gets into trouble:
Wound Balance (1): 7
a small band of ork scorchers has blocked the road and aacksA Artisan
fromSkill; K Knowledge Skill
behind. e ght, however, is staged: the scorchers don’t intend Armor
kill everyone and pillage the wagons. Instead, the player characters
Chainmail (Phys 7; Init 3), Rider’s Shield (Phys 3; Init 1; Deect +2/0; Shaer 19)
nd it rather easy to drive them o. During the ght, the playerWeapons
character with the highest Perception step discovers that theBroadsword
driver (Damage 11), Dagger (Damage 8; Range 10–20 yards/5–10 hexes), Long-
Spear (Damage 11), Spear (Damage 10; Range 10–20 yards/5–10 hexes)
of one of the coaches seems to be dealing with one of the scorchers
behind a wagon, taking a package aboard while everyone Equipmentelse is
diverted. Soon aer, the orks break o their aack and leave. Adventurer’s Kit, Taooing Tools, Trail Rations (2 weeks worth), Traveler’s Garb,
Waterskin, Riding HorseCombat Trained (Bit, Bridle, Harness, Large Saddlebags,
If the player character confronts the driver with his observation,
Saddle, Stirrups, Blanket)
the man denies that such a thing happened. If the group talks to
Phregas Kular, he oers a reward if the heroes keep a low prole5 silver pieces
and nd out where the package is delivered. Legend Award
When the caravan has arrived in Ardanyan, the heroes discover
ird Circle (8)
that the package in question is handed over to Borrusk Per- (seeNotes
sonalities of the Ring in theThe Town of Ardanyan chapter on As an ork, the non-adept possesses the Gahad and Low-Light Vision racial abilities.
p. 40). It contains a carrier pigeon that he intends to use toCommentary
a status report back to his scorcher band. With a lile eort, Use
thethe statistics above for both the ork scorchers and Borrusk.
heroes might manage to uncover Borrusk’s plan and activities.
Informing the town council gets the heroes a further reward for
their eorts: Argethiel gladly covers their expenses during their
stay in Ardanyan.
C H A P T E R 6 |E n R oute 47
Riding Horses (8)
DEX: 6 STR: 7 TOU: 8
PER: 4 WIL: 4 CHA: 5
Initiative: 7 Physical Defense: 8
Actions: 1 Spell Defense: 6
Attack (1): 7 Social Defense: 7
Damage: Physical Armor: 0
Trample (2): 9 Mystic Armor: 0
Death: 44 Recovery T
ests: 4
Unconsciousness: 36 Knockdown: 8
Wound Threshold: 13 Movement:10
Legend Award
ird Circle (8)
Enhanced Senses (Listen, Smell) (2): 6, Great(2): 8, Sprint (3)
Indicates a General skill.
e scorchers’ riding horses are unbarded, but heavily braided with small bones and
metal fragments.
Final Rest
uring the player characters’ stay in Ardanyan, Isir Faang,
a Nethermancer who has set up a small fortune teller’s
shop in the back alleys of Landside, approaches the player
characters. During his regular talks with the denizens of the spirit
world, he has heard about an ancient necklace buried near a snow-
white birch tree in the woods close to the town. He wants to hire
the group to retrieve the item.
When the player characters leave for the site mentioned by Isir
Faang, they are already shadowed by a group of Initiates of the
Cross of Ardanyan. Upon the group’s arrival, an elven player- Finding
char Faang’s body should conclude the hero’s investigation.
acter, or anyone who passes an Elven Lore (5) Test, notices that e Order does not bother the heroes as long as they don’t ask too
they have stepped onto an elven burial site. e birch tree is easymany questions. No one else seems to care, so it is unlikely that any
to nd, as its bark is the only one of a pure white color. At thisinvestigation
time, regarding Isir Faang turns up anything of value.
the Order’s Initiates reveal themselves, posing as elves native to the
forest. ey demand that the characters leave immediately.
If the heroes decide to dig anyway, they are aacked by the elves. Elf Warrior Initiates (5)
However, the heroes might create a diversion or nd another way
of geing rid of their opponents. Buried next to the birch tree Aributes
is a
TOU (14): 6
skeleton wearing the desired necklace. Astral examinationDEX of (16): 7
PER (11): 5
STR (16): 7
WIL (11): 5 CHA (11): 5
item reveals that it is non-magical. Made from silver and gold, the
necklace has an estimated worth of about 500 silver pieces. e
Initiative: 7 Physical Defense: 9
only interesting thing about it is an engraving on the back whichPhysical Armor: 3 Spell Defense: 7
reads:“In memory of Ardan Yan.” Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 7
Aer the player characters deliver the item to Isir Faang, heDeath:
tells 34* Recovery T ests: 3
them that he might have another assignment and invites them to
Unconsciousness: 26* Knockdown: 7
come back in a few days. When the characters return, they nd Wound
thatThreshold: 10 Movement:7
he has le without a trace. His shop is empty and his neighbors
pretend not to know him (indeed some of them act a bit puzzled * Theseifvalues have been adjusted for blood magic.
confronted with this curiosity). Closer investigation reveals Skills
Faang has threatened to curse anyone who answers questions Acrobatic Strike (1): 8
Acting A (1): 6
regarding his whereabouts. If the player characters are - very con
Avoid Blow (2): 9
vincing they can nd out that Isir Faang was seen leaving theDisguise
town (2): 7
through the western gate, perhaps traveling towards roal. Elf Lore K (2): 7
If the heroes decide to follow him, they find his dead body MeleeaWeapons (2): 9
few miles from Ardanyan. e Order has learned of Isir Faang’s Missile Weapons (2): 9
Read/Write Language (1): 6(Dwarf/roalic)
research and killed him aer he received the necklace, staging Speak Language (2): (Dwarf 7 /roalic, Sperethiel )
the evidence as if ork scorchers have aacked him. Although the (2): 7
body in the grave was not that of Ardan Yan, it held the onlyrowing itemWeapons (2): 9
that was missing from the original burial site, which was ofUnarmed
great Combat (2): 9
A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
interest for the Order.
Leather Armor (Phys 3)
48 C H A P T E R 6 |E n R oute
E n R o u t e
Broadsword (Damage 12), Dagger (Damage 9; Range 10–20 yards/5–10 hexes),
Shortbow (Damage 10; Range 30–60 yards/15–30 hexes), Quiver (w/20
Elf Thief Initiate
shortbow arrows)
Equipment Aributes
Adventurer’s Kit, Disguise Kit, Trail Rations (1 weeks worth), Traveler’s Garb DEX (19): 8 STR (11): 5 TOU (12): 5
PER (16): 7 WIL (11): 5 CHA (11): 5
5 silver pieces Characteristics
Initiative: 8 Physical Defense: 10
Legend Award
Physical Armor: 3 Spell Defense: 9
First Circle
Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 7
Death: 32* Recovery ests:
As an elf, the initiate possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability. All initiates have T 2
taken a Blood Oath to serve the Order costing 2 Blood Magic Damage. Unconsciousness: 24* Knockdown:5
Wound Threshold: 9 Movement:7
* These values have been adjusted for blood magic.
Use the statistics above for the elves aacking the heroes.
Acting A (1): 6
Ardanyan Lore (2): 9
A Slaver’s Debts Avoid Blow (2): 10
Fast Hand (2): 10
hile the player characters are buying equipment atForgery the (2): 10
market in the Ring, they witness a group of slavers Lock Picking (2): 10
being imprisoned in the cells underneath Council Melee Weapons (1): 9
Picking Pockets (3): 11
House. While most of the prisoners are unknown to the public,
Read/Write Language (1): 8(Dwarf/roalic)
one of them rouses aention among the bystanders. It’s a dwarf Silent Walk (2): 10
Named Grankar Eisengiesser, a local merchant and shop Speak owner Language (2): (Dwarf
9 /roalic, Sperethiel )
from Landside. Rumor has it that he was the supposed headStreetwise of the (2): 9
slavers and that Ardanyan’s town watch was nally successful rowing inWeapons (1): 9
Artisan Skill; Knowledge Skill K
uncovering his activities.
Later that same day, Khalos Morgond, the only dwarven - Armor
Leather Armor (Phys 3)
chant with a permanent shop in the Ring, approaches the heroes
(seePersonalities of the Ring in The Town of Ardanyan chapter, Weapons
Dagger (Damage 7; Range 10–20/5–10 hexes), Short Sword (Damage 9)
on p. 40). Khalos tells them that Grankar Eisengiesser was indebted
to him and produces a certicate of debt proving his story. e Equipment
Belt Pouch, Map/Scroll Case, ieves’ Picks and Tools, Traveler’s Garb, Writing Kit
merchant is on bad terms with the town council and fears that he
might not be able to reclaim the debt himself. Even worse, heLoot feels
15 silver pieces
that his reputation might be at stake if people nd out that he dealt
Legend Award
with a slaver! Since the heroes are new in town, Khalos gures that
they might be willing to deal with the situation. He oers to sign
First Circle
the certicate over to their Names, and in return they can keep As anaelf, the initiate possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability. All initiates have
third of the sum they retrieve from the council. taken a Blood Oath to serve the Order costing 2 Blood Magic Damage.
If the player characters agree, they nd out that the town council
has already seized all of Grankar’s possessions and closed Use his the
statistics above for the thief robbing the heroes. He is a tall, wiry-looking elf
with dark hair. e thief is very cautious when aempting to steal the document and
If the group appears in Council House to retrieve the debt, the
retreats, rather than ghting, if detectedonly to aempt to steal the document again
council refuses to pay the sum demanded. Instead, the - clerk sug
at the next opportunity. He is completely loyal to the Cross of Ardanyan and will not
gests that the Eisengiesser family has to come up with silverrevealto pay his true occupation.
Grankar’s debts. e heroes aren’t allowed to meet the criminal, so
they have to investigate the location of his family on their own.
is information can be easily found by talking to his neighbors
in Landside, who state that Grankar was very proud of being born
in the Kingdom of roal. However, one of Grankar’s neighborsa
human mason Named Pilvartells them that he suspects - Gran
kar is being held prisoner under false pretenses. He knows that
Grankar had inuential friends and family in roal, who would
be interested in helping Grankar (and possibly pay the heroes for
their trouble).
Pilvar is not willing to say more because his reputation is at stake:
he fears losing his job and his friends if word gets out that he is
helping to free a slaver.
Of course, the Order has a close eye on the heroes and is already
planning to intervene. In the coming night, a thief Initiate of the
Order tries to steal the document from the player characters.
Whether the thief is successful or not, the heroes should decide
to travel to roal and nd the Eisengiesser family, which puts
them on their way to the events described in Death on the Road
on p. 50.
C H A P T E R 6 |E n R oute 49
C h ap t e r S e v e n
death on the Road
Thank the Passions you found me! Those pointy-eared
bastards really made my day. Let’s hope they’ve had enough
and don’t show their ugly faces again. Listen, I really owe you.
Let me get my bag and show you what I have to offer…
• Tungar, Dwarf Prospector •
his chapter marks the beginning of the main story for a
Themes and Images
traveling group from outside the kaer, independent of the
encounters describedEn in Route on p. 47. e heroes he rst part of this chapter thrives on the element of sur-
nd themselves ghting new enemies during the events Death
of prise. e quietness of a seemingly uneventful day of travel
on the Road , and make a new friend who puts them on a trail to is disturbed by an aack by masked raiders, who suddenly
a forgoen treasure. appear from out of nowhere, engaging the heroes in combat. Once
Tungar dies, the raiders vanish as fast as they appeared, leaving
group of puzzled heroes behind.
Overview e second part of this chapter inevitably throws up more ques-
tions than the player characters can answer. They realize that
hile traveling on the trading route between Bartertown
there is some kind of intrigue going on, a malevolent opponent of
and Tansiarda, the heroes encounter the injured dwarf
Tungar, who has been harassed by a band of -elven unknown
raid size. But what is it about? Who are the people behind
ers. e heroes nd themselves caught in the middle, as Tungar’s it? Why do innocent people have to die or go to prison? - e feel
enemies prepare for a quick aack to nish the dwarf o. ing of taking up a ght against an unknown enemy denes the
Tungar has a map and a leer describing an old and seemingly
- remaining
for encounters.
goen mine near the town of Ardanyan. e cold-blooded murder
of Tungar suggests that there is more going on than a simple dispute
Behind the Scenes
over the ownership of a mine. If the heroes have played the adventure
hookA Slaver’s Debts (see p. 49), they realize that Grankar - Eisen istance markers are small milestones, which have been put
giesser is not a slaver. e player characters are the only ones able to all over the province by the dwarfs of roal. King Varulus
nd out why he has been accused of a crime he didn’t commit. III saw the wisdom of marking the trade routes to guide the
people to his kingdom. Traveling has become a lot easier ever since
Setting the Stage because the route markers not only show how far it is to roal, but
also how far away other cities and towns are. is particular marker
group traveling through Barsaive’s wilderness rarely shows the directions to Bartertown and Darranis and directs - travel
encounters any other Namegivers. But following a ers trad-to the town of Ardanyan, which is only two days away.
ing route usually leads to new acquaintances, which isIfnot the players haven’t heard of such a marker before, every characte
always a good thing. In the shadows of the mighty roal- Moun skilled in Barsaive History or any other skill related to traveling in
tains lies such a route, leading from the edge of BartertownBarsaive
to the is allowed to make a test against a Diculty Number of 5if
construction site at Tansiarda. e player characters might have a test succeeds, the character knows the information given above.
heard from the bridge-building project, as the construction draws
workers from all over the province. It’s a mild day, and the rain
clouds of the early morning have given way to the warm face Crossroads
the sun. e road is not fortied and is still muddy from the rain.Assuming that the heroes travel on the trade route between - Bar
Rising smoke from a campre comes into sight; it seems that the and Tansiarda, they sooner or later end up on the road
road’s crossing to Darranis lies ahead. crossing to Darranis. It is likely that the group has started - its jour
e crossing is a perfect spot for midday rest, and is already being
ney in Ardanyan if they have entered an agreement with the dwarf
used by another group of travelers. e site bears a distance marker:
merchant Khalos Morgond (see A Slaver’s Debts
in the En Route
a small stone monolith six to seven feet high, bearing the symbolchapter of on p. 49), but that’s not a requirement for the story. e
the dwarf kingdom of roal. e pointed top has broken o, but group can also come from Darranis, Bartertown, or even out of the
each of the three sides is still readable. One side indicates that four
wilderness, if their previous adventures have taken them there.
days of walking are all it takes to reach the kingdom. e second A group of eight humans has set up camp near the distance marker
side points south, to Darranis, which lies on the shores of the of Coil
the crossing. A ock of chakta birds seles down for rest at the
Rivera twelve-day walk. e third side leads travelers to Ardan
- time the heroes arrive, landing in the surrounding trees or on the
yan, which lies only two days’ walk from the crossing. grass near the crossing. Chakta birds are capable of telepathic
- com
50 C H A P T E R 7 |Death on the R oad
D e a t h o n t h e R o a d
munication and appear to be very civilized. Find
complete game statistics and a detailed -descrip
tion on these creatures below.
If the player characters approach the camp
openly, the other travelers greet them from where
they sit, and invite them to share their re if the
heroes seem to be friendly. ey introduce them -
selves as honest workers on their way to Darranis.
Jilas, who seems to be their leader, is curious about
the heroes’ past adventures and politely asks them
to share a story or two with them. In return, he can
relate some gossip from Bartertown.
Soon, some of the chakta birds eye the new - travel
ers with interest. eir gold-ecked feathers glisten
in the sun. Once everyone has seled down, a trio of
chakta birds swoops down and lands near the player
characters, waiting to be invited to join them. Any
player character who passes a Creature Lore (5) Test
knows that chakta birds are generally friendly - ani
mals, which expect to be treated with courtesy.
Rude behavior enrages the birds, so the heroes
should look out and resist scaring them away; if
this seems likely Jilas might hold them back and point outwounded that and delirious from the sun. His clothing is torn and dirty,
the birds seem to be somewhat civilized. If the group acts friendly and Tungar has lost his boots. It seems that the dwarf has been eeing
towards the birds, they share their knowledge of what happened from someone. Refer to the map on p. 52 for his exact location.
on the Coil River in the past days and also relate what they e heroes can help Tungar using a healing potion or other
have - heal
heard from the other travelers. ing magic. Tungar’s game statistics are provided below, including his
e map shows the general layout of the road crossing. Refer current
to damage. Should the player characters take advantage - of Tun
the Rumors and Research chapter on p. 82 for more details on gar’s situation and search his belongings, they can nd a leer and a
what the player characters can learn here. map in his backpack. Both items are described further below.
Once he has recovered, Tungar thanks the characters and starts
cursing the ‘raiders’ and ‘pointy-eared bastards’ who did this to
Chakta Birds (5) himalthough he is sensible enough to refrain from any racial
insults if there are elves among those who help him. If asked what
happened, he willingly tells his story.
DEX: 8 STR: 3 TOU: 4
Along with his companionsUri, Galthan, Grankar, and Khord -
PER: 6 WIL: 7 CHA: 8 arTungar explored a forgoen mine close to the town of Ardanyan.
e mine is very old and appears to be from pre-Scourge times. Its
entrance was hidden by dense undergrowth, and once the dwarfs
Initiative: 8
Actions: 1
Physical Defense: 10
Spell Defense: 8 found it, they were aacked without warning by a group of elves 7
Attack (3): 12 Social Defense: 10 native to the forest surrounding the mine. e elves were far stron-
Damage: Physical Armor: 0
ger than the dwarfs, and when the dwarfs ed, the elves hunted them
Bite (7): 10 Mystic Armor: 3
down. Tungar and his friends ran and ran, but the elves did not let
Death: 30 Recovery T ests: 2
them go. One aer another, all of Tungar’s companions had to die.
Unconsciousness: 21 Knockdown: 3
Wound Threshold: 7 Movement:2/8* Tungar’s last encounter with the raiders happened the previous
night, and he was barely able to escape alive. Most of his equipment
and his pony were le behind in his haste to get away. Tungar- sus
* Flying Movement rate.
pects that the elves are raiders who use the mines as their hideout,
Legend Award
ird Circle
and don’t want anyone to nd out where it is. He doesn’t realize
that a larger organization is at work here.
Enhanced Senses [Sight] (2): 8, Paralyzation (5): 12
Once Tungar is again able to walk, he promises to reward the
heroes. He has no money to give them, but oers ten percent of
Chakta birds resemble large ravens with red-tipped wings and gold-ecked feathers. everything they nd in the mines if they agree to be part of his next
exploration team. All he needs is to contact a few of his friends back
is group of social animals travels in a ock of ve, and can use their limited telepathy
to communicate with intelligent beings within a 60-yard radius. For more informationin roal to set up another expedition, but he can only do it if the
and rules, see the Gamemaster’s Guide on p. 162.
heroes agree to protect him.
At this stage, player characters who have played theAevents in
A Plea for Help Slaver’s Debts on p. 49 might realize that Tungar is in league with
About two hours aer the heroes continue their journey, they hear Grankar
a Eisengiesser, since he mentions Grankar by Name. ey
whimpering noise from the nearby bushes. Closer inspection reveals might believe that Tungar is a slaver himself, and that he is lying
a trail of blood leading away from the road. Any character whoto them. If they confront him about it, he produces his map and
a Perception (4) Test can hear that it sounds like someone in Grankar’s pain; a leer to support his story. He has never heard of slavers in
Good result even reveals that it must have come from a dwarf. thisearea, and is proud of his roalic heritage. Depending on how
source of the noise is Tungar, a dwarf who lies hidden in the the heroes talk to him about the maer, he might even take oense.
Several broken arrows protrude from his chest; the dwarf is heavily However, hearing that Grankar is alive lls Tungar with joy.
Surprise—You’re Dead!
While the characters talk to Tungar, Garethiel has spoed their
position from the nearby hill overlooking the area. He and his men
have been searching for the dwarf the entire day, but Tungar- has man
aged to cover his tracks well. A few hours earlier, the elves set up camp
on a hill to look out for the dwarf. By the time the player characters
have managed to heal him, Tungar’s enemies prepare for aack and
Garethiel has ordered his men to surround the site. e map on p. 54
provides an overview of both Tungar’s and the elves’ positions.
e aack should come as a surprise, but wary characters might
have set up a watch post. Any hero standing guard might spot the
aackers early by passing a Perception (6) Test. On a Good result,
he hears the sound of horses approaching and has one combat
round to prepare and warn the others. An Extraordinary result
extends this time to two rounds.
Charging in on their horses from dierent sides, the elven raiders
concentrate their aacks on Tungar. Most of the ght is resolved
using the Mounted Combat rules found Combatin the chapter on
p. 233 of thePlayer’s Guide. Player characters defending the dwarf
are also aacked, but only until the elves can get to Tungar.
Once the dwarf dies, the raiders try to escape. Garethiel doesn’t
consider the heroes a threat to the Cross of Ardanyan, simply
because they have nothing in hand. e raiders don’t want any
20 silver pieces Armor
Fernweave (Phys 2; Myst 3)
Legend Award
Second Circle Weapons
Broadsword (Damage 11), Spear (Damage 10; Range 10–20 yards/5–10 hexes),
Notes Shortbow (Damage 9; Range 30–60 yards/15–30 hexes), Quiver (w/20 shortbow
As an elf, Garethiel possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability. He has taken aarrows)
Oath to serve the Cross of Ardanyan costing 2 Blood Magic Damage.
Discipline Abilities Adventurer’s Kit, Carving Tools, Hooded Mask, Trail Rations (2 weeks worth),
Second Circle: +1 Physical Defense Traveler’s Garb,× Waterskins,
2 Riding Horse (Bit, Bridle, Harness, Saddle, Stirrups,
Commentary Blanket, Small Saddlebag)
Garethiel is a slender elf with long blond hair that he usually wears tied in a knot. His
clothing is typical for his Discipline: fernweave armor worn over green and brown linen.
He wears a hooded mask during the aack. 5 silver pieces
Garethiel was young when Jania, one of the Order’s Founders, initiated him. Garethiel Legend Award
is secretly in love with Jania, ever since she rescued him from his village, whichFirst
was Circle
burned down by ork scorchers. He will ght to the death for her and the Order. Notes
As elves, the raiders possess the Low-Light Vision racial ability. All of them have taken a
Blood Oath to serve the Cross of Ardanyan costing 2 Blood Magic Damage.
e elven riders wear hooded masks during the ght. ey are loyal to Farathiel,
Garethiel, and the Order, but retreat when injured, rather than ghting to the death,
returning to aack on another occasion.
To Ardanyan
e heroes might decide to travel back to Ardanyan and start
asking uncomfortable questions. While they might have another
encounter with the raiders along the way, the Order will most If the player characters decide not to investigate and leave things
probably expect their arrival. e gamemaster can run any other as they are, the gamemaster should provide them with more moti-
encounter he deems appropriate to make the journey more - vation to solve the adventure. For example, Garethiel might change
esting for the players. his mind and consider the player characters to be a threat. e elf
Once the characters have reached Ardanyan’s gates, refer might to decide that the heroes have to be wiped out. Garethiel is
the With a Pinch of Salt chapter on p. 65, which deals with theable to call on reinforcements to help.
events happening in the town. If Garethiel is dead, the Order might send others to look for
them. e gamemaster is allowed to harass the players this way
if they deliberately avoid walking the way of legend! However, it
Troubleshooting makes no sense to kill a player character this early in- the adven
ture if it can be avoided.
he player characters will have a problem if they don’t nd
the map and the leer, or if these fall into the raiders’If the player characters decide to nish their business in roal, it
hands. If this happens to be the case, the gamemaster should be played out as quickly and briey as possible; this is not part
should make sure the bundle falls out of Tungar’s pack - by of the main story and serves only to bring the player characters back on
dent or give the players a chance to get them back. track if they don’t have enough motivation to investigate Ardanyan.
Deep Mines
We can deal with this situation in two ways; both end with you
getting out of this forest. You only have to choose if you want to
walk out or be carried out. The latter could be amusing, but I
prefer you leave our territory on good terms…
• Farathiel, Guardian of the Mines •
n old, abandoned mine lies hidden in the forests near the
Kaer Dwellers
town of Ardanyan and separates a lost kaer from - the surThe massive door slams shut behind you, and a sudden
face. Its dark tunnels and abandoned foundries are linedsilence follows. An uneasy feeling spreads in your stomach.
with traps of all kinds, built to prevent anyone entering from leav-
The silence is broken by a high-pitched noise as the wards on
ing alive. is chapter holds everything the gamemaster needs tothe inner door charge with magical power.
know when the heroes come this way. The tube-like chamber is small, with just enough space for
all of you. Dozens of small light crystals are set into the walls,
creating a weird illumination coming from all sides. On the
Overview other end of the tube is the outer door, leading upwards. The
door’s wards give off the same eerie light you saw on Freedom
ince there are two ways for the heroes to approach the mines,
the entire complex is presented from top to boom. e Gate. The central part of the outer door is dark, and you can
Cross of Ardanyan is interested in no one leaving the kaer,make out three smaller runes that seem to lie dormant, as if
which is why the Order has assigned Farathiel and his men to guardthey are just waiting to be activated...
the mines and the surrounding forest at all times.
e mines are intended as a mystery for the heroesa vital clue
indicating that something must be horribly wrong. It will take some
time until kaer dweller heroes realize that there is no such thingFor hours, you have walked through the light forests of
as the Horror of the Gate waiting for them. Instead, they nd outthe foothills of the Throal Mountains, trying to make sense
that someone else has taken care of their masters, and that of this
Tungar’s smeary handwriting. You haven’t met anyone,
someone will take care of them if they aren’t cautious. save for a few creatures living here.
Adventurer characters most likely come here because the mine
is marked on Tungar’s map. e dwarf ’s suggestion that this place Tired and exhausted, you long for the coziness of a campfire
is probably a hideout for a band of raiders might even prove true and
if a sip of ale. But then you see something familiar: the three
the characters assume that Farathiel and his men are nothing but boulders marked on the prospector’s map! Small trees
thieves. e heroes have no clue that a lost kaer is hidden in the and some underbrush cover them, but finally: the entrance
depths of the mines, but what will happen when they discover that to the mines lies in front of you!
the elven ‘raiders’ guard a place devoid of any treasure?
Themes and Images
Setting the Stage
he mines are a dangerous place: guarded by the Order,
e do not recommend handing out the maps presented dark tunnels end abruptly in deep chasms, traps hide
in the following descriptions. Instead we suggest that around every corner, and foul creatures call this place
the gamemaster uses them to describe what- thehome.
char e mood in this scene is uneasiness with a good part of
acters see while sketching the cave’s outline on a piece ofparanoia
scrap added in for good measure. No one knows what lurks in
paper. Players may even want to use miniatures to indicate the darkness. Heroes from Kaer Ardanyan will expect a Horror
characters’ positions on the map. playing games with them, while simple adventurers will - be sur
Once the player characters approach the mines, read oneprisedof thewhen they nd out what treasure is hidden on the other side
of those traps. e gamemaster should try keeping the players on
following passages aloud or paraphrase. e rst is for heroes from
inside the kaer, the other one for a group from the outside: their toes, describing moving shadows and weird noises to keep
the tension as thick as possible.
56 C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s
D eep Mines
Behind the Scenes raising unnecessary aention from whatever entered the caves 8
he mines consist of three distinct parts: Mine
the during the Scourge.
Entrance(below), which connects to the outside world;Aer the Scourge, the Cross of Ardanyan installed heavy doors
to keep intruders out. ey also created a trap to keep unwanted
theHalls (p. 61), which hold the heart of the abandoned
mines; and the
Caverns(p. 62), which connect to Kaer Ardanyan. visitors in place: each door has been warded to trigger a portcullis
Regardless of where the heroes come from, they have tonear the cave entrance. Farathiel and his men check on
travel - the port
through each level to reach their goal. Kaer-dweller heroescullis
Kaer Ardanyan start at Freedom Gate in the caverns and have to
work their way up, while adventurers from the outside start The Guards
at the
brithan’s cave in front of the entrance and have to work their The
way elf Farathiel leads a group of five guards who have been
down. Depending on how the story unfolds, the heroes may decide to guard the mine entrance and the surrounding area.
to come back later in the adventure. While Farathiel is usually close to the caves, he tends to rely on
the brithan defending its territory to alert him to intruders; the
creature’s roar is usually enough to serve as a warning to the elf.
The Mine Entrance e other guards take shis in patrolling the surrounding forest
e upper part of the mines once had a lorry system, but usually
the in pairs and on horseback.
tracks have rusted and rotten almost beyond recognition over Farathiel’s game statistics can be found on p. 58. For the ve
the centuries. A few remains prove its existence, and someoneother guards, use the game statistics presented for the elven raid-
who knows what to look for might even be able to dig up partsers in
of Death on the Road on p. 53.
a lorry wagon from the dirt. Kaer-dwellers exiting the mines have a slight advantage:
- Fara
The small caves here are small compared to what lies - thiel
under has not been informed about a second party leaving the kaer,
neath, and the miners began digging straight down fromsothe none of the guards expect them to appear. However,-kaer-dwell
beginning, searching for elemental earth. When the kaer was ers will
n- be surprised to nd Namegivers other than their masters
ished decades later, the shas were covered with rocks to here.
avoid Adventurers, in turn, are what the guards are looking out
C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s 57
for; but given Tungar’s warning, the heroes will be expecting to
nd elven raiders here.
e gamemaster should take a look at the map of the upper mines
and the surrounding area, staging an encounter with the brithan,
Farathiel, or a pair of guards as appropriate for the time of the
heroes’ arrival. It’s likely that the heroes encounter the brithan rst.
Once the creature roars, Farathiel and his men are alerted and sneak
up to see what happens. Farathiel has ordered his men to wait and
see what intruders do with the brithan; the guards intervene only
if the characters aack the creature or try to enter the mines.
If it comes to a ght, it’s likely that the guards have surrounded
the heroes already, aacking with their bows before charging into a
melee. eir goal is to hurt and capture the characters, killing them
only if necessary. ey intend to interrogate their captives later on
to nd out what they know. If the guards lose at least three of their
men, Farathiel and the remaining guards ee to Ardanyan forExcellent
help. Result:“ey’ve been brought to Ardanyan. It’s likely
If Farathiel dies, the remaining guards ee at once. that they are dead now.”
If the heroes manage to capture one or more of the elves, they
Extraordinary Result: “e Order keeps them prisoner. ey’ll
will probably want to ask questions. A selection of possible - ques
be sacriced soon.”
tions and answers are found below. e gamemaster should be
aware that the list is by no means exhaustive, and should use it as
guideline only, extrapolating further answers from the- informaFarathiel, Third Circle S cout
tion presented. Interrogating characters are allowed to make an
Interaction test against the Social Defense of the captured guard Aributes
(see theGamemasteringchapter on p. 93 of the Gamemaster’s DEX (18): 7 STR (12): 5 TOU (13): 6
Guide for more information on how to handle Interaction Tests). PER (16): 7 WIL (12): 5 CHA (12): 5
Share the following information with the players, dependingCharacteristics
the question asked and Result Level achieved on the test. Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 11
Interrogating Farathiel shows he’s a tough nut, however; he Physical
would Armor: 6 Spell Defense: 9
die for the Order because he owes them so much. To get himMystic Armor: 2
to talk, Social Defense: 7
the heroes have to achieve a test result at least one result level higher
Death: 51* Recovery T ests: 2
Unconsciousness: 40* Knockdown: 5
than those presented below to achieve the equivalent result.
Wound Threshold: 9 Movement:7
Karma Points: 12/12
Why did you attack us? * These values have been adjusted for blood magic.
Scout Talents
Poor Result: “Ha! e Passions guide my ways and I do not
Climbing D (3): 10
have to answer your questions.” Durability (6/5) (3): 3
D (3): 3
Average Result: “You aacked the brithan and we felt obliged Karma Ritual
Missile Weapons (4): 11
to help.” D (3): 10
Good Result: “We live here and you have violated our territory.”
Search D (3): 10
yan. Flee, you foolor the Order will be your doom!” A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
Where are our masters? Espagra-Scale Cloak (Phys 3; Myst 1; Init 0/1), Leather Armor (Phys 3)
Poor Result: “You have masters? How funny! Ahaa-ahaha- Weapons
ahahahahaah!” Broadsword (Damage 10), Longbow (Damage 9; Range 40–80 yards/20–40 hexes),
Quiver (w/20 longbow arrows)
Average Result: “I don’t know who your masters are.” Equipment
Good Result: “ey came through here like you did, but we didAdventurer’s Kit, Carving Tools, Climbing Kit, Fishing Kit, Navigation Charts in Map/
not ght them. ey have traveled to Ardanyan, it seems.” Scroll Case, Trail Rations (1 week worth), Traveler’s Garb, Waterskin
58 C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s
D eep Mines
Loot e portcullis and the corresponding holes in the ground can
30 silver pieces
be spoed with a Perception (5) Test, and the locking mechanism
Legend Award seen on a Perception (8) Test. With a Good result, a character also
ird Circle
notices that the locking mechanism is freshly oiled.
One of the keys on Farathiel’s chain can be used to unlock the
As an elf, Farethiel possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability. He has taken a Blood
Oath to serve the Cross of Ardanyan costing 2 Blood Magic Damage.
portcullis, enabling the characters to li it up manually. -e key
Discipline Abilities
hole for this lock is hidden near the cave entrance, as marked on
Second Circle: +1 Physical Defense the map. Anyone searching for the keyhole must pass- a Percep
tion (10) Test.
Farathiel wears ragged clothing made of so leather. He is at home in the wilderness,
and everything about him seems to reect that. He was born in an elven community of
the Servos Jungle, which has been at constant war with a tribe of Cathan ever since the
Scourge came to an end.
Krilworm Nest
Argethiel, one of the Founders of the Cross of Ardanyan, helped the elven community
A nest of krilworms is hidden in the back of the caverns. Both
entrances have been barricaded with dead wood from
during one of his journeys, and accepted young Farathiel to join him; the young elf - the sur
despised the human race and showed potential to become initiated as a questor rounding
of forests, preventing the krilworms from entering this
side of the cave.
e krilworms swarm out once a year during the month of Rua,
trying to nd a krillra to mate (refer toCreatures
the chapter on
Brithan Cave p. 181 of the Gamemaster’s Guide for more information on krill
A brithan uses the cave entrance as a lair. e creature is ras).
in or e swarm is harmless while le alone, but can be dangerous
close to the cave most of the day (and inside all night), leaving
if the characters enter the small cave with a torch.
only to hunt for food. ere is, of course, another opening in the krilworm cave that
can be used to escape if the portcullis traps the characters. All they
have to do is convince the krilworms that they don’t taste good.
Aributes Krilworms
DEX: 5 STR: 6 TOU: 9
PER: 5 WIL: 5 CHA: 4
Characteristics DEX: 5 STR: 5 TOU: 5
Initiative: 5 Physical Defense: 7 PER: 6 WIL: 7 CHA: 2
Actions: 1 (see text) Spell Defense: 7
Aack (2): 7 (see text) Social Defense: 9
Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 7
Damage: Physical Armor: 5
Actions: 1 Spell Defense: 7
Bite (7): 13 (see text) Mystic Armor: 2
Aack (1): 6 Social Defense: 7
Death: 54 Recovery T
ests: 4 Damage: Physical Armor: 0
Unconsciousness: 46 Knockdown: 7 Bite (1): 6 Mystic Armor: 2
Wound Threshold: 14 Movement:8
Death: 31 Recovery T
ests: 2
Legend Award Unconsciousness: 22 Knockdown: 5
Second Circle (one character or one group) Wound Threshold: 8 Movement:7*
Bale Shout S (Roar) (3): 7, Climbing
S (2): 7, Durability (1), Enhanced Senses (Smell) * Flying Movement rate.
S (2): 8
(2): 7, Swimming Legend Award
S Indicates a General skill.
First Circle
Dwarf hunters have described the brithan as a cross between a bear and an elemental
Locate Target (2): 8
having a bad day. Luminescent ecks color these animals’ eyes, and their large heads sit
atop ursine bodies covered with shaggy, deep-brown or blue-black fur. Commentary
Krilworms have segmented bodies about 18 inches long, with bat-like wings sprouting
Brithans are extremely territorial and will stand on their hind legs and roar a challenge
to anything that enters their domain. If a single character answers the challenge,near the the front. Eyeless, they “see” through divination magic organs that look like six
brithan enters into ritual combat with him, and the two ght until one submits. open, running sores.
is brithan has given up challenging Farathiel and the guards, because it has neverKrilworms are nocturnal yers, and this swarm is 50 members strong. It feeds on the
won so far. e creature allows Farathiel and his fellows to enter its territory. larger insects and small mammals of the surrounding forests. e needle-like teeth of
the krilworms drip a foul-smelling substance that many believe to be toxic.
e brithan submits aer taking a Wound; but baering the creature to Rules
unconsciousness is also a victory. A character need not kill the creature in orderOn occasion, this swarm of krilworms aacks large animals and humanoids, but a
to win
the combat. Defeating the brithan in ritual combat earns the character all of the determined hero can easily drive them o. For each krilworm killed ghting a larger
creature’s Legend Points. e brithan’s submission lasts for about three days, aer opponent, the swarm makes a Willpower (4) Test. If the test succeeds, the swarm
which it tends to forget who beat it. continues its aack on the target, otherwise the swarm leaves to nd easier pickings.
Any character who submits to a brithan must move at least half a mile away from the have a peculiar a nity for Nethermancers, and Nethermancers in turn
oen harbor a so spot for these loathsome creatures. is unusual a nity allows
victorious creature, taking his companions with him, or the brithan will aack to kill
him. If more than one character aacks a brithan, the animal ghts back savagely,Nethermancers to add a +2 bonus to any Interaction Tests they make against a
gaining +1 additional aack in each round of the encounter, and adding a +4 bonus krilworm’s
to Social Defense.
its Aack and Damage Tests. e krilworms’ ability to locate their targets replaces their normal sight, and also works
on invisible or hidden targets. e powerful divination organs can (so far) only be used
by krilworms, and are worthless on the open market.
A heavy portcullis falls down and locks into place if anyone Doors
one of the doors without using Farathiel’s keys (see below). IronThe Order installed three doors made of heavy oak wood to
bars lock into the ground, preventing the portcullis from beingseal each sha separately. All of the doors are locked. Each lock is
lied up again. Anyone inside the cavern is trapped. reinforced with iron and uses a dierent key. Opening the doors
C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s 59
Trap Initiative: 8/2D6
without using Farathiel’s keys will cause the installed doorguards
to trigger the portcullis near the front of the cave. Trap Eect : e portcullis near the cave entrance falls down and
locks into place.
A doorguard is a simple mechanism, using a thin wire running
from the lock of a door to the portcullis near the cave entrance.
Each of the three shas is ten yards deep and three yards across,
e wires are cleverly hidden, running along the back of each door
leading into the halls below. Centuries ago, when the mines were
and underneath the ceiling into a hole near the portcullis. Anyone
still used and Kaer Ardanyan was being constructed, conveyor
standing in front of a locked door cannot determine that the wire
cages is transported all kinds of cargo up and down. Nothing but
connected to the lock unless achieving an Excellent result against
rusted remains bear witness to this forgoen time, and only one
the Detection Diculty. sha is frequently used by the Order to get down into the mines.
Detection Diculty : 9 During the Scourge, heavy stone lids covered the shas, and their
Disarm Diculty : 9 broken remains can be found nearby. Examining the lids reveals
Trigger Condition: Opening the lock without using the proper that each of them has symbols carved on its underside. Any char-
key (in the possession of Farathiel). acter passing Knowledge (7) Test using a suitable Knowledge skill
(Magic Lore or History of the Scourge, for example) can determine
60 C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s
D eep Mines
that the symbols on the stones are remains of powerful illusion Pits
magic. Illusionist characters may make a Perception-based ere Half-are numerous steps and stairs in the tunnels of the halls,
Magic Test for this. A simple rope ladder is used to traversebut to theonly those surrounding the Grand Hall actually pose a danger
halls below. is usually lies rolled up into a bundle in the corner
to any intruder. e Order has lled the pits with a heavy gas. e
of the western room (as marked on the map), however, aergas thein these pits makes anyone inhaling it feel drowsy and tired. e
explorers from the kaer were taken prisoner, Farathiel’s guards gas is odorless, but it requires more eort than normal air to inhale.
forgot to pull the rope ladder back up. Passing through the pits takes three combat rounds if walking- cau
tiously. A character is allowed to make a Perception (6) Test each
roundthe Detection Diculty of the gas. If the test succeeds,
The Halls the character realizes what’s going on and can act accordingly
e halls have seen lots of change in the past. ey were once hold his breath or walk out of the pit.
the main part of the mines, holding foundries, grounding mills, For each round in which a character breathes the gas, he must
forges, tunnels and shas, workshops, and a good number ofmake lorry a Willpower (4) Test. If the test succeeds, the character feels
rails; the roen and rusted remains of all these things can still justbea lile tired. If the test fails, he falls unconscious and risks
found here. In the decades before the Scourge, the halls became drowning a if still in the pit.
staging area for Kaer Ardanyan’s construction. Aer the kaer was
nished, crasmen lled the tunnels and shas with deadly traps Small Cave
of all kinds. Runes of Warding and illusions were installed to The lure small cave in the northern part of the halls is- of natu
intruders away from the northern part of the complex leading ral toorigin the rst one in a larger complex of natural caverns
the natural caves hidden beyond. unearthed by the miners. A thin stream ows through it, sustain-
ing the rich subterranean vegetation found here and deeper below.
Shas A crevice has been broadened into a tunnel, leading downward to
e three shas connect the halls with the mines entrance (see the lower mines (see below).
above). Beneath each sha is a small area once used to loade and crevice holds a deadly combination of traps: two arrow traps
unload conveyor cages. A rope ladder hangs down from - theonwest
either end of the crevice, and a blade trap in its center. Although
ern sha. there is a mechanism that once allowed deactivation of the traps
(using the keys Joran Hardhelm issued to the kaer-dwelling - char
Grand Hall acters), the Order destroyed it. e remains of the mechanism are
found on each side of the crevice, in the walls close to the arrow
Eight pillars hewn from the surrounding rock support the ceiling
of the Grand Hall, surrounding an enormous crystal hovering traps.in Characters searching for the mechanism can nd it with a
the hall’s center. e crystal is twice a troll’s size, and emanates a Perception (6) Test.
pulsing violet light that illuminates the entire hall. Dancing shad-
ows inside the crystal support the illusion that somethingArrow in it Trap
must be alive. A large skeleton made of black bones lies onA the dozen small holes on either side of the tunnel shoot - tiny poi
ground nearby. e crystal is a powerful trap called a soulcatcher.soned arrows at passing targets, tranquilizing their victims. Numb
e dancing lights within the crystal have an immediate eect on and confused, most victims stumble right into the blade trap at the
anyone looking at them, magically invoking the urge to touch the of the crevice.
crystal, which, of course, proves to be fatal. e powerful magic Detection Diculty : 7
inherent in the crystal binds the consciousness of anyone touching
Disarm Diculty : 7
it. e skeleton on the ground is one of those victims: a Horror that
Trigger Condition: A number of pressure plates spread all over
entered the Grand Hall during the Scourge. e Horror’s- physi the ground. A character who wants to avoid stepping on one of
cal body died, as it was unable to do anything other than stare
the dancing shadows.
thematmust pass a Dexterity (5) Test.
Trap Initiative: Step 8
Trap Eect : If the trap is triggered, dozens of tiny poisoned arrows
Soulcatcher shoot out of the walls. The arrows are impossible to avoid and
A soulcatcher is a giant crystal imbued with powerful magic have a combined Damage step of 12/2D10. Physical Armor - pro
designed to aract and capture Horrors. Unfortunately, the soul- tects against this damage. e trap can shoot up to ten salvos. If
catcher also has a limited eect on other beings. Any Namegiver the or target suers any damage, the debilitating poison takes eect;
creature looking into the pulsing lights must pass a Willpower the(8) poison has a Step Number of 6/D10 and, unless resisted, takes
Test. e Diculty Number for Horrors and Horror Constructs is eect on the following round. e gamemaster rolls the poison’s
24. If the target fails the Willpower Test, it feels the urge to Eect
touchstep of 6/D10, the result of which is the duration of the poison
the crystal and must do so if possible. Once the crystal is touched,
in minutes. While aected by the poison, a character suers a –4
the gamemaster rolls the Trap Eect dice. If the result equals penaltya to his Perception step.
Good result against the target’s Spell Defense rating, the target
becomes trapped. A trapped target may try to resist the eect Bladeby Trap
making a Willpower Test against the Trap Effect step (use ethe nasty blade hidden in the wall means death to unwary (or
Step Number in parentheses for Namegivers). However, unless tranquilized) victims. A complicated feather mechanism allows
the target has been blinded, it must pass another test to avoid the fall-
trap to arm itself, causing the tripwire to stretch again.
ing for the same trick again.
Detection Diculty : 7
Detection Diculty : 24 (8) Disarm Diculty : 6
Disarm Diculty : NA Trigger Condition: A thin tripwire two inches above the ground.
Trigger Condition:Looking directly into the pulsing lights- ema Trap Initiative: Step 9
nated by the crystal. Trap Eect : A long, very sharp blade swings out of the wall to cut
Trap Initiative: NA through anything one yard above the ground. Everything within
Trap Eect : Step 30 (8)
C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s 61
5 yards of the tripwire takes Step 18 damage. Physical -Armorthepro
caverns in a dim light. A large underground stream ows right
tects against this damage. through the largest cavern, providing sustenance to the wildlife
down here. The fast-f lowing water is several yards deep and of
Tunnels vital importance for Kaer Ardanyan: it is part of the kaer’s defense
e remaining tunnels and shas on the map contain all types mechanisms as well as its main source of water. e water covers
of nasty traps installed to defend the kaer against invading
- Freedom
Hor Gate almost completely, which is located upriver from
rors. None of these traps are maintained by the Order. Somethe main cavern.
have been triggered during the Scourge, but most of them have
never been used. Freedom Gate
e gamemaster is free to place any trap he can imagine in here,
e kaer’s entrance was hidden beneath the fast-owing water of
but he should give his characters a fair chance of recognizing
underground stream; only the upper part is visible. e caisson
will happen to them if they step into the tunnelsand that alldoor
of is completely covered by water, since it opens to the riverbed.
them are actually dead ends. e magic of the gate and the ow of the stream are connected by
At the gamemaster’s discretion, using Joran’s keys may - deacti
elemental magic. When the wards on the outer side of the caisson
vate each trap. However, if the players are stubborn and insist on
are deactivated, a barrier of elemental water diverts the ow of the
searching every last inch of the halls, they probably deservestream
to deal into an alternate tunnel allowing the caisson to be opened
with the eects of a trap capable of taking out an elephant. safely once the water has drained to a small rivulet.
A few minutes aer the door is closed again, the barrier reverts
to its original position and the stream comes back with full force
The Caverns likely to wash anything in front of the gate away. e barrier can
A large complex of natural caverns makes up the lower part also of
be moved by casting the spell inscribed in the stones on shore
the mines. In the remaining caves, a good number of- subterraof the stream (located in the main cavern, see below). A small set
of stairs leads up into the main cavern, allowing characters to get
nean plants and creatures thrive, used to the absence of daylight.
out of the way in time.
Large patches of glow moss and natural light quartzes illuminate
62 C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s
D eep Mines
Between the wards of the gate is a metal orb, covered withInitiative:
nely 7 Physical Defense: 7
kaon-ma: a magical item Actions: 1
etched lines of orichalcum. is is the Spell Defense: 6
dedicated to creating a telepathic connection between theAack user (2): 7 Social Defense: 7
and one of the kaer’s inhabitants. Like so many things useful for
Damage: Physical Armor: 4
returning to the kaer, however, the Order made sure to dispel the(2): 7 (poison) Mystic Armor: 0
kaon-ma’s magic, and it may no longer be used to contact those
Death: 35 Recovery T
ests: 2
inside the kaer. Unconsciousness: 27 Knockdown: 5
Wound Threshold: 9 Movement: 8*
Flying Movement rate.
A pair of shadowmants lair inside the caverns, preying on *small
creatures living down here. e creatures are harmless if the heroes
Low-Light Vision, Poison [SD 8; Damage Step 9]
stay at a distance. However, the shadowmants care about their
recently hatched young, and aack anyone coming too close to Legend
their Award
Second Circle
nest. Anyone entering the smaller cavern containing the nest (as
indicated on the map) nds that the wildlife found in these caves
Stinger worth D10 × 10 silver pieces (worth Legend Points).
can be very hazardous.
8 feet wide with 5-foot-long tails, shadowmants resemble large ying stingrays. A
shadowmant’s outer side is black, its underside is dark gray, and its tail ends in a
crystalline stinger. A shadowmant has two eyes and a small mouth lined with rows of
Shadowmants (2) tiny needle-sharp teeth. Being nocturnal creatures, the shadowmants have everything
they need to survive in the lower mines. Alchemists prize shadowmant stingers, using
them to brew magical potions.
DEX: 5 STR: 5 TOU: 6 Rules
PER: 4 WIL: 5 CHA: 4 A shadowmant uses its tail to sting its victims. e stinger contains a poison powerful
enough to kill a troll within 10 rounds. Once the poison has killed its prey, the shadowmant
eats its victim.
Poison: e virulent poison resists the healing eects of talents or healing aids with a
Spell Defense of 8.
C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s 63
Runes of Opening Troubleshooting
A set of magical runes is etched into the stones along the stream’s
Water Ward
shore. A long time ago, these runes controlled the elemental bar- he mines should be nothing more than an obstacle for
the heroes. ere are lots of potential dangers here, but
the characters should be able to enter and exit the mines
without dying. Clever players should be able to trick or circumvent
the traps and gamemaster characters presented here.
To activate the Runes of Opening, a magician must read Farathiel
the is the most important factor in this chapter. He is the
inscription aloud. Once the words have been spoken, a deepconnection
voice to the Order and does everything he can to capture
answers from out of nowhere, asking for a password. the characters once he learns of their presence. e elf and his
Unfortunately for the heroes, the password is wrien onlymen in aren’t dumb, and he changes their tactics to inform the Order
the Book of Sigils, which detailed the kaer’s defenses and wards,
should the heroes prove to be more trouble than expected.
and was presumed lost to the re when the kaer’s library burned It should be very dicult to spot the kaer entrance, especially
down decades ago. (e book can be found in Mangalin’s - Resi
when the heroes don’t know what they are looking for. It should
dence in the town of Ardanyan, since the re was a ploy initiated
be next to impossible for any hero to open the kaer from - the out
by Leldrinrefer to theHistory section of the Kaer Ardanyan side. e Order prevents any exploration team from returning to
chapter on p. 14 for more information on how this came to be.)the kaer and reporting, by using the kaer’s defenses against the
Detection Diculty : 4 explorers.
Spell Defense: 12 If the characters have access to the Kaer Knocking spell - (or sim
Disarm Diculty : 14 ilar magic), the gamemaster must decide whether he wants the
Trigger Condition: Reading the inscription requires the- magi kaer-dwellers to react or not. Joran has explicitly stated that the
cian to make a successful Read and Write Magic (6) Test. kaon-ma must be used, so he and the council might consider - any
Trap Initiative: Step 10 thing else a trick. Of course,kaon-ma
the is broken, so no one is
Trap Eect : A deep voice asks the magician for a password. able
If theto use it.
correct answer is given, the elemental barriers divert the water Characters unfortunate enough to get washed away by- the under
away from the kaer’s gate into an alternate tunnel for -a fewground
min stream nd themselves in the river less than a minute later; the
utes, leaving enough time for one to enter or exit the kaer. stream leads directly into the waterfall shown on Tungar’s map.
64 C H A P T E R 8 |Dee p Mine s
C h ap t e r N i n e
With A Pinch of Salt
I order you to halt in the Name of the council! You are accused
of serious crimes against the people of Ardanyan, and you will
not leave this place unpunished. Hey—don’t you dare run
away! Hey! Stop! Stop!
• Prelor, Captain of the Town Watch •
n this chapter, the characters enter the town of Ardanyan to
Themes and Images
investigate, and soon face more trouble than they can handle.
ey meetand probably ally withTitoo, a human ief rdanyan is a wealthy town, and a haven from the dangers
in a similar situation. Unfortunately, the answer to their questions of the wilderness. e town is peaceful, but the waters
is only found in the most secure place in town: the Council House, are deep. A huge conspiracy blinds the population with
which also serves as headquarters for the Cross of Ardanyan. wealth and a false sense of security. e Order’s grip on Ardanyan
is very tight, as the heroes soon nd out.
e encounters contained in this chapter should impose a sense of
Overview paranoia on the characters; they have become prey to an unknown
predator, which is slowly revealed in this chapter, allowing the
t may not be the rst time that the characters have visited
heroes to turn the tide in an uneven ght. Once it has become clear
Ardanyan, but this time the heroes know that something what is going on, the heroes can do their part and start thinking of
doesn’t add up. Kaer-dweller characters come here freeing most the kaer and the town.
likely aer they had a confrontation with Farathiel and his men
(as described in theDeep Mines chapter on p. 57). Adventurers
may not have visited the mines yet and come into town to stock
Behind the Scenes
up on equipment and gather information. Either way, the heroes
have questions that need to be answered, likely raising - the aen his chapter starts when the characters approach one of the
tion of the Order. e situation might also be worse if the Order town’s gates. e trac is controlled by the town watch’s
already considers the heroes a threat (based on the outcome of Second Company, which is not a direct part of the Order,
any previous encounters). but is controlled indirectly. Regardless of the previous encounters,
While the characters explore the town, they continue tothe getheroes are unknown to the guards, and are expected to perform
into deeper trouble. When push comes to shove, they runa into greeting ritual before being allowed to approach the guards (see
Titoo, a human ief facing similar problems. One hand washes theSkills chapter on p. 88 of Player’s
the Guide for more informa
the other, and the heroes may decide to ally with him against a greeting rituals).
tion on
common enemy. 9
At the Gates
Depending on the outcome of the previous encounters, the Order
Setting the Stage might have been warned of the characters. In this case, an informed
Seen from the road, Ardanyan’s stone defenses look like spy from Ardanyan’s ird Company is posted at the gates. e
were erected just yesterday. The walls and towers of Ardanyanspy looks for the heroes as described by the gamemaster character
who warned the Order. If the heroes disguise themselves, have the
are an impressive sight; the town’s fortications almost resemble
those of a fortress. One half of Ardanyan was built on the side a a Perception Test against the Detection Diculty of the
forested hill, and the ceilings of pompous residences can
- be disguise
spot or similar abilities used by the heroes.
ted between the treetops. A tower bearing the ag and crestIfof the spy manages to spot the heroes, he discredits them
- by tell
Ardanyan stands on top of the hilla landmark that can be ing the guards that the characters are known troublemakers and
- spot
ted from miles away. suggesting that the regular town watch keeps an eye on them. is
A couple of caravan wagons wait right before the western buys him some time to inform the Order that the group has entered
waiting to be scrutinized by the town watch, which appearsthe town, while the guards take a close look at the heroes’
to be - posses
very thorough. Slowly, one wagon aer another enters the gatessions. If the guards can’t nd anything that would justify keeping
and vanishes behind the walls. No doubt the local market willthe be
characters outside, the heroes are asked to pay a toll
- of two sil
bustling with activity today. vers each for entering the town and using the bridge.
It is unlikely that Caedrus reveals any of this to the heroes at this stage, but he may K (2): 8
Ardanyan Politics
remember them in later adventures, possibly recruiting them to his cause. Crasman (Leatherworking) A (1): 7
Disarm (1): 7
Parry (1): 7
Read/Write Language (1): 6(Dwarf/roalic)
Wanted! Riposte (1): 7
Once the Cross of Ardanyan has been warned, the Order closely Search (2): 7
watches the characters’ actions, eventually dispatching a squad of
Speak Language (3): 8(Dwarf /roalic, Sperethiel, Human)
ird Company watchmen with orders to capture and detain the Streetwise (4): 9
Tactics (2): 7
heroes on charges of slavery. When the player characters arrive at
A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
a tavern of their choice (or try to get hold of the spy), they spot a
warrant freshly glued to a wall nearby. Alternatively, an honorableBuckler (Phys 1; Deect 1/0; Shaer 17), Espagra-Scale Cloak (Phys 3; Myst 1; Init
citizen might point at the characters and yell that theythelook like
0/1; w/Cloaksense Brooch), Padded Leather Armor (Phys 4)
criminals! e faces displayed on the warrant match the descrip - Weapons
tion of the characters, and the reward oered on their heads Broadsword
reads (Damage 12), Club (Damage 10), Sap (Damage 8)
300 silver pieces eachdead or alive! Equipment
If the ird Company squad arrives at roughly the same time Belt thePouch, Crasman Tools, Light Quartz Lantern, Trail Rations (1 week worth),
heroes read the warrant, the players won’t have time to preparepos
- Traveler’s Garb
sibly sending the group on a wild chase through the town. Of course,
the whole situation reeks of a setup. A direct ght with the ird
- Com
10 silver pieces
pany squad should be hard, and eeing should become the only Legend viable Award
option. e gamemaster should make clear that, while the heroes might
First Circle
manage to win this ght, more watchmen are already on their way. Notes
When the characters get caught, they are accused of having Human town watch captains possess the racial ability of Versatility. Elf town watch
worked with Grankar Eisengiesser, who was imprisoned captains a few possess the racial ability of Low-Light Vision. All town watch captains have
taken a Blood Oath to the Cross of Ardanyan costing 2 Blood Magic Damage.
days earlier. Of course, none of this is true, but it doesn’t maer:
the Order wants the characters out of its way in any case and puts
e ird Company employs adepts who are loyal to the Order and to the Cross of
them in jail to nd out what they know. While there is a trial, Ardanyan.
it is e ird Company soldiers use the information gained by their spies to
completely staged by the Order. Jania as chief justice makes root sure
out and capture or kill any threats to the Order. e statistics above represent an
average ird Company captain: a Warrior adept of human or elven origin. eir
that the characters remain locked away, approving forged evidence padded leather armors and bucklers have been dyed in a deep blue and show the golden
and fake witnesses controlled by the Order. insignia of Ardanyan on the breast.
e gamemaster is advised to carefully time the arrival of the
squad; it makes lile sense if the heroes aren’t aware of - the con
spiracy. e best moment is when the heroes have realized On the that Run
someone (the spy) is shadowing them. Using a situation in which Fortunately, the heroes are not the only ones facing -this situa
the heroes try to capture the spy is probably the most fun. tion. A young human ief Named Titoo is in deep trouble himself,
In any case, the player characters deserve a chance to ght although
and he isn’t wanted by the Order, but by the ieves’ Guild. A
escape. few months earlier, Titoo broke into the Red Raven Inn to separate
a merchant from his possessions. While searching the merchant’s
bags and coers, Titoo found a scroll case that he claimed (among
other things). He wasn’t able to read the documents, but the writ-
ing appeared to be ancient. Unsure what to make of it, Titoo sold
Market Authority
Break and Enter e oces of the Market Authority house a small reception room,
e solution to the player character’s problems is located in a large meeting room, and an oce. Trade agreements are negoti-
cellars of Ardanyan’s Council House. ere is no guideline on howated and signed here, and every merchant wanting to see his ware
the heroes should approach a break-in: they must nd a way onontheirthe market outside needs to register and pay a small percentage
own. e players may want to observe the building to nd a weak of his prots before he leaves town.
spot, so the Council House is described in detail below.
e gamemaster should remember that this is the Order’s head- Guard’s Rooms
quarters. It is a daunting task to get in and out unharmed, andese it isfacilities are used when the guards take a break or change
possible that one or more of the characters dies. However,shis. clever ere are bunks that are used during the night, to allow for
player characters should have a few aces up their Titoo
additional guards to remain on standby.
helps them, and other characters like Caedrus and Wuschwusul
may be convinced to help as well. Creative players might createBackyard a
diversion of some kind, and the gamemaster should keep in mind e council members and everyone more important than the
that the Order is not omnipresent. If the heroes nd a clevergeneral
way public use the backyard as the main entrance. - e back
of geing in and out, he should enable them to do so. yard’s gate opens onto the Path of Gold Hangside Residences
e gamemaster is free to call up reinforcements of any number;
on p. 41 of The Town of Ardanyan chapter). A metal fence keeps
if the Order nds out that their headquarters are compromised,unwanted
they visitors away and the four watchdogs inside. e two
do everything to stop the intruders from geing away unharmed. guards posted here oen remain inside the guard rooms playing
Note that the characters don’t necessarily need a way back out: of chance.
the secret passage located in the cellar leads them directly into
the kaer (see below).
Treasure Vault
Ardanyan’s treasury is usually locked. Two of the
guards have a key each, and both keys are needed to
open the vault. e treasury also hides a secret door
leading to the temple. e door has a Detection - Dif
culty of 10 (seeSecret Doorsin theAdventuring
chapter on p. 110 of Gamemaster’s
the Guide for
more information).
t is crucial that the heroes get in contact with Titoo. Ifwhich
the is important once reinforcements arrive. We don’t encourage
characters are not wanted by the Order, this might bethe gamemaster to have the characters face the founders directly, a
a bit
dicult. In any case, the heroes seem to be new arrivalsthis andis likely to mean certain death, especially if the heroes are First
Titoo might consider hiring them instead of helping them out.Circle
e characters! e founders are intended to be recurring villains
and a direct confrontation should be avoided at this stage.
ief oers 100 silver pieces per character if they help him (he does
not have the money, but plans to steal it from the treasury). Should one or more of the heroes get caught in any of the - encoun
is scene can become unpredictable and very dangerous ifters the presented above, they are brought into the prison cells of the
characters don’t nd out what is going on. e gamemaster should Council House. The drawback is that detained players cannot
be careful with his timing and use the ird Company squad only take part in the action when the group breaks into the Council
when the characters have gured out that someone is playing gamesHouse.
If the entire group ends up here, the gamemaster can play his
with them. Otherwise, the heroes might just give in and get arrested,
hoping that they can refute the charges pressed. wildcard and use Wuschwusul, Caedrus, and Titoo to intervene
e master characters encourage the heroes to nd and use at thethe last minute, helping the heroes out of trouble, and creating
secret passage. e connes of the cellar work in the player a debt which can be repaid in later adventures.
- char
Breaking the Bonds
Why didn’t the Horror come after us? Where are the evil things
that were supposed to break in and tear our kaer apart? It
seems to me that the Scourge has already ended—a long time
• Joran Hardhelm of the Kaer Council •
his chapter leads the player characters to Kaer - Ardan
yan, where they can begin to realize what happened. e Themes and Images
characters have to convince the unsuspecting kaer - popu he rst part of this scene is likely to be an escape from
lation and council that the Scourge is over while ghting the real the Council House and should be run fast and loose. e
mastermind behind the conspiracy: the Illusionist Leldrin. With guards try to follow the characters through the passage,
wits and luck, the heroes will be able to free the kaer and its but
not into the kaer, allowing the characters to escape, - but pre
driving the Cross of Ardanyan from the town. venting them from going back. e second part takes place inside
the kaer, where the characters are confronted with a potentially
unknown enemy. While they are likely to nd out that Leldrin is
Overview the real perpetrator, the player characters have to share -their knowl
edge with the council, which is easier said than done. Leldrin is
he passage hidden in the temple of Raggok leads through prepared to do everything in his power to stop the characters and
a long tunnel ending in Kaer Ardanyan’s Deeps. Inturn this the tide against them. e old Illusionist is powerful enough
scene, the player characters enter the passage and to end up
succeedat least as long as it takes him to escape.
inside the kaer. Unsuspecting characters might stumble out of it
and be really surprisedas are the kaer-dwellers. Finding the kaer
answers a lot of questions, and the player characters are likely to
Behind the Scenes
convince the kaer-dwellers of what is really going on. If they manage
to start a rebellion, they are able to destroy the Order’s plans and put he passage is well secured against intruders. e Order
an end to the Cross of Ardanyan’s oppression. ere is one catch, wants to prevent anyone from stumbling over it and - nd
however: the kaer’s greatest hero is now their enemy. ing out its true purpose. A handful of pit traps take care
While the characters might yet be unaware of Leldrin’s involve-of intruders along the way. While the traps are very hard to disarm,
ment, the Illusionist does his best to trick the characters and save
they are easily spoed once a character knows what to look for.
his own hide. e mad questor is a formidable enemy, with more
than a few tricks up his sleeve!
Pit Trap
A five-yard-long section of false f loor covers a deep pit filled
with wooden stakes.
Setting the Stage e trap is activated when a character steps on a pressure plate,
ead the following to the players when their characters causing the oor beneath and behind him to fall down on the stakes
open the secret door hiding the tunnel to the kaer: below.
Detection Diculty: 7 (5 aer encountering the rst one)
Disarm Diculty: 10
Opening the heavy door reveals a dark passage, a long Trigger Condition: Pressure plate
tunnel winding through the earth. Two light quartzes hang- Trap Initiative: Step 10
ing at the walls wait to be taken up and illuminate the way. Trap Eect: A section of the oor drops away and dumps the - char
Behind you, you hear angry shouts of the guardsmen. The rein- acters into a 5-yard-deep pit lined with stakes, causing Step 10 falling
forcements have arrived! Suddenly, the tunnel in front of you damage and an additional Step 12 damage from the stakes.
appears to be the only healthy way out of this situation. At the other end of the passage is a small room, which - is con
nected to the Deeps of Kaer Ardanyan. When members of the Order
enter the kaer, they usually bring two Initiates to guard this room,
preventing kaer-dwellers from accidentally nding it or geing past
this point. e room is shrouded from the Deeps by a permanent
illusion, which works like a one-way mirror: characters can look
through from the side where the passage ends, but not from within
C H A P T E R 1 0 |B reak ing the B ond s 75
By the time the characters enter the kaer, Leldrin has already
the Deeps. Outside the room, the passage is virtually undetectable.
Unless a character knows what he is looking for, or starts tobeen
hackwarned of their presence and is waiting for them, in order
to deal with them in his own way. Illusionists are known for their
at the illusion with a pick-axe (which would allow him to perform
a Sensing Test against a Diculty Number of 27, see Sensing subtlety,
and so he doesn’t go for a direct confrontation. Leldrin doesn’t
Disbelieving Illusionson p. 139 in the Spell Magicchapter of plan to blow his cover unless it is unavoidable. Instead, he uses his
the Player’s Guide), he’s unlikely to nd the passage. powers to turn the kaer’s population against the characters.
Leldrin’s Plan
Leldrin Intervenes Leldrin makes use of the One of the Crowd or Nobody Here
spells to stay close to the characters. He then tries to cast Twisted
Once the characters start wandering around in the kaer, people
are likely to notice them sooner or later. Since Kaer ArdanyanTongues on each of them to prevent the populace from understand
consists of three communities, the outsider characters mighting them. e spell has an interesting side-eect: the nonsensical
blather is likely to cause suspicion among the kaer-dwellers. Leldrin
raise lile aention (most likely due to accents and dressing styles
unknown to the kaer-dwellers). Depending on how the charactersexpects this, and is trying to push the population into believing that
act, the kaer-dwellers may ask them questions. Characters thethat
characters are Horror-tainted. To this end, he casts Rebel Limb
grew up in the kaer aract some aention, as the kaer council(causing
has a player character to aack a kaer-dweller for no reason)
ocially held them in prison. or Reversal of Passion to turn their argumentation against them
76 C H A P T E R 1 0 |Break ing the B ond s
Breaking the Bonds
(a character wanting to convince the kaer-dwellers that thereVulnerability:
is no Mobs take double damage aer subtracting armor from area of eect
aacks that cover their entire area. Unfortunately, they also usually aect any victims
Horror outside the gates instead says just the opposite). Leldrin
of the mob’s aack in the area as well.
may even go so far as to cast Revulsion or Flesh Eater on one of the
characters and have a number of illusory Horror constructs eaack above description is for a bunch of kaer-dwellers armed with pointy weapons. ese
game statistics represent human kaer dwellers; add other racial modiers and abilities
the kaer-dwellers using the Leaping Lizards spell (game statistics
as needed for other kaer-dwellers of dierent races.
are provided below). If that isn’t enough, he uses his Inspire Rage
questor power to send selected kaer-dwellers into a blood frenzy.
is scene is supposed to be fun for the gamemasterthe old elf Escape!
has a few good spells up his sleeve to meet this end, and also e has the may try to get back into the Deeps, hiding there and
advantage of knowing how to trick ‘his’ ock. See Castthe
of Char- hoping that the mob disperses, which isn’t going to happen soon:
acterschapter on p. 84 for Leldrin’s game statistics. As a result
Leldrinof continues to turn the kaer-dwellers against the - charac
Leldrin’s manipulations, the kaer-dwellers are likely to form aters
large and plants rumors about them in various locations. e kaer
mob to hunt the characters down. e group had beer not get caught,
watch and a large number of able-bodied kaer-dwellers continue
as the kaer-dwellers don’t intend to talk this over. e mob is out to
searching for the intruders. Leldrin does his best to steer the mob,
kill the tainted intruders and save their kaer from the demons.sometimes
From even hiding among them with his One of the Crowd
a safe distance, Leldrin tries to cast more spells as needed. spell. e player characters face a serious problem, as they cannot
get back through the passage eitherthe Order waits for them
on the other side!
Illusory M
Through the Kaer
Aributes If the heroes don’t know where to go, the gamemaster might
DEX: 6 STR: 15 TOU: 15 provide them with clues regarding where to nd Council Hall.
PER: 2 WIL: 6 CHA: 2 Kaer-dweller characters have an advantage in this situation, as they
Characteristics might recall the secret tunnel that leads from Upandal’s Hammer
Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 8 into the prison cell underneath Council Hall.
Actions: 1 Spell Defense: 3 ere are various ways to get to Upandal’s Hammer, but the player
Aack: 6 Social Defense: 3
Damage: Physical Armor: 0
characters have to be sneaky to get there, using the kaer’s shadows
Bite: 15 Mystic Armor: 2 and disguise. Keep in mind that all people living in the kaer
- are suspi
Death: 59 Recovery T
ests: 7
cious of what’s going on and alert the mob if they spot the heroes.
Unconsciousness: 52 Knockdown: 15 Harg, the owner of Upandal’s Hammer, is likely to be reasonable
Wound Threshold: 17 Movement:5 when confronted by the kaer-dweller heroes since he knows of Joran
Combat Movement: 28 Full Movement: 56 Hardhelm’s lile conspiracy. If they can convince him that - some
Legend Award thing is foul in the kaer, he opens the trapdoor for the characters
ird Circle and lets them proceed. Otherwise, he must be overcome.
ese abhorrent beasts are almost 10 feet tall, with eyeless heads and large mouths
containing countless teeth that jut out like needles. ey give out high-pitched shrieks
when aacking. ese illusions vanish as soon as Leldrin is more than 60 yards away.
DEX (11): 5 STR (16): 7 TOU (12): 5
Mob of K aer-Dwellers PER (11): 5 WIL (11): 5 CHA (8): 4
Aributes Initiative: 5 Physical Defense: 7
DEX (10): 5 STR (11): 5 TOU (11): 5 Physical Armor: 0 Spell Defense: 7
PER (10): 5 WIL (11): 5 CHA (10): 5 Mystic Armor: 1 Social Defense: 5
Characteristics Death: 34 Recovery T
ests: 2
Initiative: 5 Physical Defense: 6 Unconsciousness: 26 Knockdown: 7
Actions: 1 Spell Defense: 6 Wound Threshold: 9 Movement:6
Attack (1): 6 Social Defense: 6 Skills
One Target (3): 8;
Physical Armor: 0
Mystic Armor: 1
Armor Rune Carving
Cra Armor (5): 10
A (1): 5
Two Targets (2): 7; Cra Weapons (4): 9
ree Targets (1): 6 Crasman; Blacksmithing (6): 11
Death: NA Recovery T
ests: 2 Haggle (4): 8
Unconsciousness: 68 Knockdown: Immune Melee Weapons (2): 7
K (2): 7
Wound Threshold: Immune Movement:6 Ore Appraisal
Read/Write Language (1): 6(Dwarf/roalic)
Speak Language (2): 7(Dwarf/roalic, Or’zet)
10 copper pieces
rowing Weapons (1): 6
Legend Award Weapon Rune Carving A (1): 5
First Circle (Group) A Artisan Skill; K Knowledge Skill
Rules Armor
Mob Aack: e mob takes up an area with a center origin hex and all surrounding hexes. A
mob can use one standard action to make an aack. e aack is made against up to three
targets in the mob’s area. e aack result is compared to all targets. e damage step used
is based on the number of targets in the mob area. Knife (Damage 8; Range 8–16 yards/4–8 hexes), Warhammer (Damage 14)
Unconsciousness: e mob disperses when its current damage reaches its Equipment
unconsciousness rating. Belt Pouch, 2 × Carving Tools, 3 × Crasman Tools, Symbol to Upandal, Torch,
Traveler’s Garb
If the heroes are kaer-dwellers, read the following: “Don’t worry folks, they are harmless. However, their pres-
ence raises an interesting question: how did they get in here?
“Some serious events have occurred in the past hours. Some Freedom Gate is under lock and guard, and security has
of our trusted adepts seem to have fallen under the influence been higher than ever before in the past few days. It is hard
of a Horror, threatening the peaceful life we live here. It has to believe that the intruders opened the gate unnoticed!
taken a while, but we have captured them.” The answer to this mind-boggling question is easy: there is a
second entrance into our kaer! A secret passage which has—
much to my own surprise—been there for decades, hidden
Joran reveals the captured characters, and the - assem
bled council gasps.
by an illusion! Someone has kept it a secret, in the same way
some people hid stolen treasures in the past!
Now, I have assembled the council to answer the question
“Don’t worry folks, they are harmless. However, their of who created the entrance and the secret tunnel leading
presence raises an interesting question: how did the Horror from it to the outside. Why has this been kept a secret? The
influence them? Freedom Gate is under lock and guard, wards around the tunnel are deactivated; the kaer has been
and security has been higher than ever before in the past unsafe for a long time. No Horror came after us; no evil came
few days. It is hard to believe that the demon opened the down to tear our kaer apart. It seems to me that the Scourge
gate unnoticed! has ended—a long time ago!”
The answer to this mind-boggling question is easy: there is
a secret entrance to our kaer! An entrance which has—much
The council starts mumbling and discussing this - out
to my own surprise—been there for decades, hidden by an
rage. Joran continues.
illusion! Someone has kept it a secret, in the same way some
people hid stolen treasures in the past!
Now, I have assembled the council to answer the question “My friends, there is only one man in this room who might know
of who created the entrance and the secret tunnel leading an answer to this question. Master Leldrin, would you…”
from it to the outside. Why has this been kept a secret? The
wards around the tunnel are deactivated; the kaer has been Joran looks puzzled for a moment and starts scratching
his head.
What Happened?
As a master of his Discipline, Leldrin prepares a spell once he
realizes that his scheme has been uncovered. At the end of Joran’s
speech, Leldrin casts Form Exchange on Joran Hardhelm (see the
Spellschapter on p. 172 of Player’sthe Guide). e spell eect
switched his appearance and his position with Joran, allowing him
to ee once he had been blamed!
Perceptive heroes can disbelieve the illusion if they pass a Willpower
(14) Test. e gamemaster should not oer his players this option; they
should ask for it themselves. If they don’t trust this situation, they can
roll for it. e illusion falls apart about 15 minutes later.
If the heroes go aer Joran/Leldrin, they might run into the mob
out in Council Hall. e mob does not know the whole story yet,
and reacts accordingly. Meanwhile, Leldrin heads for the secret
tunnel to get out of the kaer as quickly as possible. e player - char
acters might even be able to capture him, but probably only with
the help of other gamemaster characters. Joran Hardhelm and the
council are unlikely go aer Leldrin in time; there is too much - con
fusion because of his spell. ey order the kaer guard to aid the
player characters and to secure the secret passage.
It is very likely that Leldrin escapes, but it might annoy-your playtheir way into the history books of Ardanyan. e return of Kaer
ers if they do not manage to defeat him at the adventure’s climax. Ardanyan’s population to the surface takes time.
Leldrin and the Order are perfect candidates to become recurring Upon their return to the surface, the Kaer Council aempts to seize
villains in future adventures; but unless you plan to have them control of the town. ey face hard negotiations with the merchants
reappear in your campaign, the player characters should be who able have seled here since the Scourge, given the kaer’s history,
to confront Leldrin directly. but the arrival of the kaer-dwellers changes the face of the town of
ere are a number of gamemaster characters who can comeArdanyan to forever. Ardanyan’s population virtually doubles overnight,
the group’s aid if the player characters have trouble defeating - Lel is bound to cause problems that need to be taken care of.
drin. e same is true for the rest of the Order. If you don’t intend to
let them get away this easily, they could stay and take up the bale
against the kaer-dwellers. It is a ght they’ll lose eventuallythe
truth can’t be hidden any longer and the number of the Order’s
Loose Ends
Your deeds have changed our future and we are proud that our
kaer produced such fine adepts as yourselves. Now we finally
leave our home behind us and stand at the dawn of a new era
for Ardanyan. And with your protection, no harm will come to
us ever again.
• Joran Hardhelm, Councilor of Ardanyan •
his chapter answers open questions and provides some - Kaer-dwellers
tions for using characters and story elements of this adventure
We suggest running the introductory adventure outlines provided
in future Earthdawn adventures and campaigns. in False Secrets (p. 27) before starting with the main adventure.
ese scenarios can be run in any orderor even simultaneously.
e session goal is to resolve these scenarios. Gamemasters are
After the Adventure encouraged to add their own ideas to the ones provided and allow
er the Cross of Ardanyan has been uncovered and expelledthe characters to get a feel for living in a kaer. Of course, - experi
from town, the rst days aer the kaer’s opening are spentenced gamemasters can run an entire kaer campaign before moving
in celebration. e party is everywhere; ale ows freely on with the plot of this story and taking the characters outside (see
and people dance in the streets. Kaer-dwellers begin to explore Ritesthe
of Protection and Passage on p. 91 for detailed information
surface, and mingle with other Namegivers for the rst time. on running a kaer campaign).
Of course, the celebration is followed by weeks of hard work. WhileOnce your characters are ready, start a new game session with
everyone in the kaer wants to be the rst to move outside, people from events outlinedA Leap In
in The Dark (p. 30),and have the
the kaer emerge to the world one family aer another. is leadsplayer to characters exploreDeep the Mines(p. 56) in the same-ses
serious problems in the town, as the population virtually doubles sion.ine players will notice that there is no way back into the kaer
a very short time. Most people huddle in tents on the open meadow and that Farathiel and his men are watching the mines for a reason
on the west side of the bridge, while others camp between the Once
treesthe characters start following the elves’ tracks or exploring
of Hangside. e council struggles to maintain security and has to the surrounding territory, it is likely that they will enter the town
coordinate the task of expanding the town as quickly as possible. and even meet Titoo With
in a Pinch of Salt (p. 65). e session
goal is to exit the mines and nd out about the town of Ardanyan
and the Order.
Home Sweet Home During the last session, it is likely that the characters will try to
While the town of Ardanyan gets crowded quickly, the council nd aisway to survive in the town of Ardanyan and enter Council
House without permission. e adventure can be concluded with
likely to oer one of the deserted residences to the player characters
as a reward for their help. ey can choose which mansion they them want trying to convince the kaer population of Leldrin’s betrayal
and use it as a base for further adventures. In addition, each in Breaking
char- the Bonds (p. 75). e kaer’s opening concludes the
acter receives the right to take the title Protector of Ardanyan. adventure, and also serves as the adventure goal.
Awarding Legend Points Gamemasters wishing toArdanyan’s
run Revenge
with estab-
he following section provides guidelines for awarding characters should run any of the adventure outlines provided
Legend Points to the player characters. As recommendedEn Route(p. 47) before starting with the main adventure. ese
in theIntroduction chapter on p. 8, the gamemaster scenarios can be run in any orderor even simultaneously. e
should award Legend Points at the end of each game session sessionas goal is to resolve these scenarios. Gamemasters - are encou
well as at the end of the adventure. e following guidelines for to add their own ideas to the ones provided and allow the
Legend Awards suggest the points to be awarded for each unsuspecting
task characters to get an overview of the town - Ardan
accomplished or goal reached in a game session. yan and its surroundings.
e main adventure should begin with a new session and the
events describedDeath in on the Road (p. 50). Tungar will lead
Game Sessions the heroes to the town of Ardanyan, but it is unlikely that they
Ardanyan’s Revenge will get into trouble yet. e dwarf ’s map will lure them to explore
is intended to be played over the course
the Deep
of at least three game sessions. Use the following suggestions to Mines and encounter Farathiel and his men. ey will
organize your game sessions, depending on where the -player undoubtedly
char raise the Order’s aention and be in big trouble once
acters hail from. they enter the town again With
in a Pinch of Salt (p. 65), where
80 C H A P T E R 1 1 |L oose End s
L oose Ends
they are likely to meet Titoo. e session goal is to explore Gamemaster
the character adepts can also share legends from their
own travels, adding color to the game and providing an easy way
mines, learn about the Order, and nd out that the Order is hiding
something in the mines. for the gamemaster to set the group up for further adventures.
The last game session will be dominated by the character’s For example, Caedrus is a high-ranking member of the Liferock
aempts to get by in the town of Ardanyan and enter the Council Rebellion (see the How It Came to Pass chapter on p. 15 of the
House to nally get some answers. e adventure can be concluded Gamemaster’s Guide for details), and might become interested in
with the heroes stumbling into the kaer, and trying to convince recruiting the characters for his cause. Of course, while-the charac
the population that the Scourge is over
in the Bonds (p. ters have proven that they are worth their training, Caedrus needs
75). e kaer’s opening concludes the adventure, and also serves to make sure that they will be loyal allies. e obsidiman might ask
as the adventure goal. the heroes to deal with a band of eran slavers, and send the group
to meet his brother Omasu if he is satised with the results. is way,
the player characters might get actively involved with the rebellion
Legend Awards and ght their own lile war against eran oppression.
As suggested in the
Gamemasteringchapter on p. 97 of the
Gamemaster’s Guide, each game session Ardanyan’s
in Revenge
awards a number of Legend Awards to the player characters. e
The City of Ardanyan
potential number of Legend Awards each character may earn in
Ardanyan is a living place with a shining future. e player
- char
each game session should take the following elements into account:
acters can use the town as a base for their adventures. To retain
completing the game session’s goal (1 Legend Award), conicts their status as respected members of the community, the town
(Legend Awards are listed with each creature or gamemaster - char expects them to continually serve for the good of the town
council 11
acter), individual deeds and roleplaying (1-2 Legend Awards), and
and protect Ardanyan from harm.
acquiring magical treasure (as listed with the magical treasure).
A single Legend Award should award a number of Legend The PointsMines
as determined by the character’s Circle. For example, a First Circle
Only a few months aer the adventure, the meadow on-the west
character receives from 25 to 75 Legend Points per Legend ern Award,side of the river is gone, lled with newly constructed houses
and a total of 2–5 Legend Awards per game session. In the nal
populated by the new citizens. e dwarfs of Khar Rhûz, however,
game session that concludes the adventure, the characters willmay
not entirely move to the town. Mongar Goldtooth and Kolgan
gain two extra Legend Awards for completing the overall - adven
Redbeard agree that the kaer should be turned into a mining - facil
ture goal. itywith the remaining wards turned o, there will be even more
riches! e mine soon draws new workers from roal. ere’s
enough space below the ground to house an entire mining - com
Campaign Ideas munity with its own workshops and a newly built lorry system.
ublishedEarthdawnadventures are designed to t into an Of course, the mines are still the ocial property of Ardanyan,
which might lead to friction with the miners. History is likely to
existing campaign with lile or no extra work on the part
of the gamemaster.
Ardanyan’s Revenge is special since repeat itself once the mining community grows out of its bounds
it allows starting a new campaign in a way unique
to and again struggles to establish independence from Ardanyan.
by oering an intriguing seing that can be used as a starting point
for further adventures. Ork Scorchers
Adventures do not exist by themselves if run in a campaign.With e Argethiel and the Order gone, the town may become prone
world ofEarthdawnis dynamic and changes over time. For - exam newly raised interest by the Skull Whargs. The ork
to a - scorch
ple, when using the events from this adventure to change the ers might get a tip from BorruskPersonalities
overall (see of the Ring
course of a campaign, the players can watch the changesin asThe Town
they of Ardanyan on p. 40) and hear that their former
happen and play an active role in it. is adds a sense of reality vital is goneand also that the town council is struggling to
to good roleplaying. No maer how you use this adventure, it is keep Ardanyan secure.
likely to make yourEarthdawngame more interesting; whether Of course, the kaer itself makes a good target for a raid; who
you use it as wrien or only by drawing on the ideas and- informaknows what treasures are still hidden underground?
tion given in this book to enhance your own stories.
Many of the situations and gamemaster characters presented The Order
this book provide hooks for further stories, and can be used
- toesup
Order has been hit hard: their secrets have been revealed and
plement a longer campaign. Feel free to use them in your ongoingthey have been forced to abandon Ardanyan. e Founders part
Earthdawn campaign in whatever ways you see t, and nd some ways and a good number of the Order’s members leave it behind,
additional advice below. decimating the secret society’s numbers. Only a small group of
loyal fanatics remains around each of the Founders. e Cross of
Ardanyan turns into a loose confederation of small sects devoted
New Friends to Raggok. However, this serves only to gather strength and hide
The deeds of the player characters have changed the face from of public aention. As soon as the Order nds a way, it will come
Ardanyan entirely. e heroes have impressed other adepts, espe- back and seek retaliation for its defeat.
cially those of lower Circle. All of them continue on their own Of course, the player characters may also set out with the goal
paths, but may eventually meet the heroes again along the way. of bringing
It’s each of the Founders to justice. ey will need to track
always benecial to be on good terms with other adepts, aseach theyof the Founders down, possibly stopping them from - perform
ing other crimes across the province.
can serve as potential trainers or worthy allies in other situations.
C H A P T E R 1 1 |L oose E nd s 81
C h ap t e r T w e l v e
Rumors and Research
Adventurers and explorers of the unknown, eh? Been there, done
that. Once I fell victim to one of those traps aimed at warding off the
Horrors. Do you know what that means. No? Wanna see my scars?
• Xarnabee Bardreen, retired Adventurer •
his chapter describes information that the player- charac
located on the trade route running from Bartertown to Tansiarda.
ters may learn from the various gamemaster charactersArdanyan has a bridge that crosses a sidearm of the Coil- River. Trav
presented in this book. It also includes detailed descrip-
elers and caravans use the bridge so they don’t need a ferry. e town
tions of the magical treasures the characters may come across.is safe and ensures law and order in the surrounding area.
he following tidbits of information can be heard from wanted to provide more security for their caravans from the erce
people on the streets of the town or along the trade route. Skull Wharg ork scorcher tribe. e tribe still threatens parts of the
No test is needed to hear them; the gamemaster can trade
useroute, but the area has become a lot safer in the past decade
them as he deems t. e merchants who founded the town are very wealthy, and have
a reputation for being decadent in certain circles. However, the
“You’re going to Ardanyan, eh? Clean place, I tell ya. Rich trade route seems to be a gold mineand is under the strict con-
people relying on us honest workers to do the dirty work, trol of these merchants.
though. But we’re paid well! I’m tellin’ ya, that money’s not
coming from outta nowhere—trade’s big ‘round here!”
“I stop there often—every time my trek has to cross the Coil.
The Old Mines
Nice market, but pay attention to your pockets. Thieves all part from the Order, no one knows any details about
over the place—pretty darn effective folks. I heard that they the mines. ere are a number of rumors making the
rounds, but people tend to believe that talking about
even organized into a guild—not a surprise once you’ve seen
the mines is bad luck.
how rich the place is.”
Characters who ask questions about the mines must make - a suc
“The month of Rua is a plague. Every year a swarm of flying
cessful Interaction Test against the gamemaster character’s Social
worms comes from outta nowhere and feasts on everything!
Defense before hearing any of the quotes below. If the test is failed
Even Namegivers are on their menu. Dunno where those the gamemaster character turns away, refusing (politely or rudely)
beasts come from, but fortunately, it’s just Rua.” to talk about the subject.
“The town’s founding happened after the Scourge. I think it
was in the decade when the Therans came back. One of the
few places that struck a vein; the town really prospers. But “Shhh, quiet! People don’t like to talk about that cursed
that’s kinda obvious—just take a good look around.” place. People say that Mangalin was there once and went
“All these merchants have a skeleton in the closet if you mad—which is why he turned down his post as a guild master.
ask me. I heard they imported the stones for the walls from I can only advise you to stay away from the woods.”
Darranis, downriver! How stupid is that; with the Throal “Mine? What mine? Please, don’t tell me you believe it
Mountains right in front of yer doorstep? As if stones were a exists? It’s a child’s story! The wood’s full of bad monsters
rare thing. Who paid for that stuff?” and demons haunting the place… buhaarrr!”
“I once knew someone who went there. He thought there
was something to be gained. One day he left, never to be seen
Knowledge Skills again!”
Characters hearing about Ardanyan for the rst time can use “You haven’t heard of the Skull Whargs yet, have you? They
Knowledge skills or Research to associate the following - informahave a camp in the woods, where they hide their stolen trea-
tion with the town. Especially useful are the following Knowledge sures. You shouldn’t dare venturing there, really—those orks
skills: Barsaive History (5) and Legends and Heroes (7).- (e Dif don’t like people on their territory! Maybe you manage to
culty Number for the Skill Test is shown in parentheses.) get past a few of them, but they’ll come back to hunt you
Kaer-dwellers cannot know this information, even if -they pos down with ten times as many. Even the town watch won’t
sess these skills. be able to help ya!”
“Treasure hunter, eh? Been there, done that. There’s nothin’.
Average Result Nothin’! A brithan crossed my path over in the woods and you
Ardanyan is a trading town in the foothills of the roal Mountains. know what that means. No? Wanna see my scars?”
It provides a safe haven from ork scorchers in the area. e town is
82 C H A P T E R 1 2 |R umors and R e search
R u m o r s a n d R e s e a r c h
Magical Treasures
he following magical treasures can be found during Leldrin’s Staff
the adventure. Each of them is in the possession
of a gamemaster character, who generally Maximum Threads: 3
won’t give the item away. Spell Defense: 13
Legend Point Cost : Master
Leldrin’s staff appears to be made of solid
Whispering Earrings iron, although it is very light. e sta is heavily
decorated with golden ornaments, but-other
Maximum Threads: 6 wise has the same characteristics as a normal
Spell Defense: 14 quartersta.
Legend Point Cost : Warden e sta was created from a delicate mix of
e Founders of the Cross of Ardanyan use forged iron and elemental air, and was given to
the Whispering Earrings to communicate with Leldrin as a gi by Samiel when he became a
each other. The earrings come in a set of six questor of Rashomon.
and are made of ornate silver jewelry, each one
shaped like a small net made of silver chains. Thread Rank One
e net covers the wearer’s ear. e edges of Key Knowledge:e wielder must learn the
the net are studded with small green and purple Name of the sta.
gems. e gems glow with a so light when used
for communication. Eect: e sta holds a Spell Matrix of a Rank
equal to the read Rank woven; the wielder uses
it as he would use a Spell Matrix Object.
Thread Rank One
Key Knowledge:The wearer must learn the
Name of the earring. Thread Rank Two
Eect: Everything the wearer says while wearing Eect: e sta is now Damage Step 5. e wielder
one of the earrings can be heard by anyone - wear adds +1 to his Spell Defense.
ing another of the earrings. ose listening must have
a thread woven to their own earrings and be within a Thread Rank Three
number of miles equal to the read Rank woven. Key Knowledge:e wielder must learn the com -
position of True air mixed with the iron of the sta.
Thread Rank Two Additionally, he must learn the source of the iron ore
Eect: e wearer can select who hears him- talk from which the sta was forged.
ing by stating the other wearer’s Name. Eect: e sta now holds a second Spell Matrix of
a Rank equal to the read Rank woven; the wielder
uses it as he would use a Spell Matrix Object.
Thread Rank Three
Key Knowledge:The wearer must learn the
Name of the earring’s creator. Thread Rank Four
Deed: e wielder must decide upon a Deed that tests
Eect: e earring makes mental communication his courage and endurance. For example, the wielder
possible to other characters that also have threads might negotiate a truce with the Skull Wharg ork tribe
woven to read Rank ree of their earrings. or beat a t’skrang in a swimming contest.
Eect: e sta is now Damage Step 6. e wielder adds
+2 to his Spell Defense.
Cast of Characters
I can feel the rage that makes your blood boil, my friend. It’s
revenge that you’re after — the glint in your eye gives it away.
What if I tell you that you aren’t the only one who feels this
• Argethiel, questioning a potential Initiate •
he secret organization called the Cross of Ardanyan confrontation
holds with the player characters anyway? e Found -
all the power in town. Its Founders, posing as merchants,
ers may win the ght, but lose precious time the Order needs to
are exceedingly rich; their real source of wealth, however,
escape from the rebelling kaer-dwellers (which are unstoppable,
lies in the treasure chests of Kaer Ardanyan. even for the Order).
The Order is devoted to Raggok, and all of the Founders Ifare the gamemaster doesn’t intend to use these gamemaster
questors to some degree. e Cross of Ardanyan was founded on
characters as recurring villains, and chooses to have a big fight
the motive of revenge and is dedicated to holding the kaer-dwell-
as the climax of the adventure, he should definitely use some or
ers as unsuspecting slaves for eternity. all of them. For Novice characters (First to Fourth Circle), the
is chapter holds game statistics and additional information gamemaster is advised to use friendly gamemaster characters
on the most powerful gamemaster characters Ardanyan’s
of like Caedrus or Wuschwusul as equalizers —entering the fight
Revenge —the Founders of the Cross of Ardanyan. to turn the tide when it looks like the player characters are losing.
Journeyman characters (Fifth to Eighth Circle) might not get
into trouble if they fight the Founders one after another, and
Scaling the Adventure Master adepts (Ninth Circle and higher) are powerful enough
amemasters might want or need to alter the game - tostasurvive a direct confrontation.
tistics for the characters and creatures given in this
adventure to t the needs of their group. Generally, if
you want to increase the overall power level of the opposition, the
easiest method is simply to increase the oppositions’ numbers. For
example, Farathiel could easily command twice the number of men Tenth Circle Elf Illusionist
to guard the mines and there could be any number of krilworms eldrin is of slender build, with long white hair that- he usu
nesting in the upper caves. ally wears in three long braids. He possesses only two
Another solution is to increase the gamemaster character’s- statis silken robes —of white and gray color —which he wears
tics—increasing an adept’s Circle, for example, will give him access
alternately, in turn. Opposed to the other members of the Order,
to more talents and higher step numbers. Refer Creatures
to the who have given in to decadence, Leldrin doesn’t care about money
chapter on 145
p. of theGamemaster’s Guide and theGamemaster and treasure. He lives a sparse existence, fueled by passionate
Characterschapter on p. 81 of Gamemaster’s
the Companion for revenge. Apart from his sta, he doesn’t appear to own anything
more information on how to change the opposition’s game - statis
of value. Leldrin is the mastermind of the Cross of Ardanyan.
tics to tailor them for your group. It has been a long time since Leldrin was one of Samiel’s pupils.
e gamemaster characters given below are an exception, - ehowold questor of Rashomon was a role-model for Leldrin, but
ever. ey are extremely powerful adepts —for a reason, since it when his mentor was buried by the temple cave-in, something
is quite a feat to pull o a conspiracy of the size described insnapped
this in Leldrin. It took a while, but when Rashomon went
book. Gamemasters who pit low-Circle kaer-dwellers againstmad these during the Scourge, some years later, Leldrin’s hatred of the
adepts will likely end up with a lot of dead player characters dwarfs in ared up again. His hatred turned into a plan, which he
their rst adventure, a situation which is bad for everyone involved.
turned into reality with the founding of the secret society Named
While it is reasonably possible to lower the game statistics ofthe these
Cross of Ardanyan.
gamemaster characters by up to three Circles, we advise you not
to do so. There are better ways to deal with them, as theyDEX were(13): 6 STR (11): 5 TOU (11): 5
designed (and intended) to become recurring —have villains fun PER (19): 8 WIL (19): 8 CHA (19): 8
with them later in your campaign!
At the end of this adventure, the Founders most likely want Initiative: 6 Physical Defense: 12 G
to save their hides and get away with as much of the treasure Physical Armor: 0 Spell Defense: 21 G
as they can carry —and come back for vengeance another day. Mystic Armor: 8 G Social Defense: 15 G
ey’re questors of Raggok —what’s the point in having a direct
84 C H A P T E R 1 3 |C a st of C harac te rs
C a s t o f Ch a r a c t e r s
Death: 70* Recovery T
ests: 2
Unconsciousness: 52* Knockdown: 5
Wound Threshold: 13 G Movement:7
C H A P T E R 1 3 |C a st of C harac te rs 85
Argethiel, Tenth Circle
Elf Weaponsmith
rgethiel is very tall and muscular for an elf. He is the
Order’s de-facto leader, and rules the town of Ardan-
yan. A follower of the Weaponsmith Discipline, he is
also a master tactician, and is occasionally seen riding through
the town wearing a masterfully-craed suit of plate mail armor.
Argethiel enjoys his public appearances, especially since most
of his daily routine involves being conned to the upper oor
of Ardanyan’s Council House —dealing with the bureaucratic
tasks necessary to keep the town running.
Argethiel is driven by his unsatised lust for power. He is loyal
to Leldrin and their common cause for as long as the conspiracy
remains hidden; but he has secret plans for his own future, should
it ever be uncovered. As a trained Weaponsmith, Argethiel has
his own forge, which enables him to keep track of rumors and
news from the outside world. However, the human Handreaux
runs his forge—Argethiel’s council duties give him precious
lile time to do so personally.
DEX (14): 6 STR (15): 6 TOU (14): 6
PER (16): 7 WIL (16): 7 CHA (16): 7
Initiative: 4 Physical Defense: 13 G
Physical Armor: 21 Spell Defense: 17 G
Mystic Armor: 9 G Social Defense: 14 G
Death: 94* Recovery T
ests: 3
Unconsciousness: 76* Knockdown: 6
Wound Threshold: 10 Movement:7
86 C H A P T E R 1 3 |C a st of C harac te rs
C a s t o f Ch a r a c t e r s
Read/Write Language (6): 13(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel, Human, Or’zet
, T’skrang,
Robe Embroidery (2): 9
Speak Language (6): 13(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel, Human, Or’zet
, T’skrang,
Streetwise (3): 10
Tactics (6): 13
Trick Riding (4): 10
Weapon Rune Carving (5): 12
A Artisan Skill;K Knowledge Skill
Elementalism Spells
Air Armor, Detect Magic (Elementalism), Dispel Magic (Elementalism), ,Fireball
Flame Strike, Flame Weapon, Fuel Flame, Ironwood, Lighten Load, Lightning Shield,
Perimeter Alarm, Puddle Deep, Repair, Rust, Shield Willow, Smoke Cloud, Snu,
Storm Manacles, Weapon Back
M Denotes a spell currently auned in a Spell Matrix.
Espagra-Scale Cloak (Phys 3; Myst 1; Init 0/1 w/Cloaksense Brooch), Plate
Mail (Rank 4; Phys 14; Myst 1; Init 2), Rider’s Shield (Forge 2; Phys 4; Deect 2/0;
Shaer 19)
Dagger (Forged +1; Damage 9; Range 10–20/5–10 hexes; Weapon Back spell), Long-
Spear (Forged +5; Damage 16), Mace (Forged +2; Damage 12), Spear (Damage 10;
Range 10–20/5–10 hexes; Weapon Back spell), Whip (Damage 9; Entangle 9; Group
Paern Item), Elven Warbow (Forged + 5; Damage 17; Range 48–96 yards/24–48
yards; cannot use shield), Quiver (w/20 elven warbow arrows; Forged +1)
Thread Items
Whispering Earrings (Rank 3; see Rumors and Research
, p. 83)
Adventurer’s Kit, 2 × Carving Tools, Elfweave Robe, Firestarter, Forge Tools,
Grimoire, Symbol to Rashomon, Trail Rations (2 weeks worth), Waterskin,
Wealthy Traveler’s Garb, War Horse (Plate Mail Barding Forge 5; Phys
14; Bit, Bridle, and Harness, 2 × Small Saddlebags, Stirrups, Saddle, and
900 silver pieces
Legend Award
Tenth Circle
As an elf, Argethiel possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability. Argethiel
has formed a Group True Paern costing 2 Blood Magic Damage with the core
members of the Cross of Ardanyan. He has ve Rank 4 threads aached to his
Defense Ratings and Mystic Armor.
Discipline Abilities
Second Circle: +1 Spell Defense
Fourth Circle: Karma on Willpower–only Tests
Fih Circle: Traveling Smithy
Sixth Circle: Karma on Perception–only Tests
Seventh Circle: Karma on weapon Damage Tests made by the adept
Eighth Circle: +1 Spell Defense
Ninth Circle: Elementalism; Karma on Recovery Tests
Tenth Circle: +1 Initiative step; +1 Spell Defense
C H A P T E R 1 3 |C a st of C harac te rs 87
Death: 106* Recovery T
ests: 3
Unconsciousness: 82* Knockdown: 6**
Wound Threshold: 15 G Movement:7
Espagra-Scale Cloak (Phys 3; Myst 1; Init 0/1 w/Cloaksense Brooch), read
Hardened Leather Armor (Rank 4; Phys 9; Myst 2; Init 1), Rider’s Shield
(Forged +2; Phys 4; Deect 2/0; Shaer 19)
Broadsword (Forged +3; Damage 14), 2 × Daggers (Forged +1; Damage 9;
Range 10–20/5–10 hexes), Short Sword (Damage 10; Group Paern Item), 2
× Spears (Forged +3; Damage 13; Range 10–20/5–10 hexes), Elven Warbow
(Forged +5; Damage 17; Range 48–96 yards/24–48 hexes; cannot use shield),
Quiver (w/20 forged elven warbow arrows; Forged +1)
Thread Items
Whispering Earrings (Rank 3; see Rumors and Research
, p. 83)
Adventurer’s Kit, Booster Potion, Carving Tools, Elfweave Robe, Healing
Potion, Light Quartz Lantern, Symbol to Rashomon, Trail Rations (2 weeks
worth), Waterskin, Wealthy Traveler’s Garb, Riding Horse (Bit, Bridle, and
Harness, × Small
2 Saddlebags, Stirrups, Saddle, and Blanket)
350 silver pieces
Legend Award
Eighth Circle (1 per 2 PC)
As an elf, Errin possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability. Errin has formed
a Group True Paern costing 2 Blood Magic Damage with the core members
of the Cross of Ardanyan. He has three Rank 5 threads aached to his Social
Defense, Wound reshold, and Mystic Armor.
Discipline Abilities
Second Circle: +1 Physical Defense
Fourth Circle: Karma on Strength-only Tests
Fih Circle: Bale Rites
Sixth Circle: Karma on Dexterity-only Tests
Seventh Circle: Karma on close combat Damage Tests
Eighth Circle: +1 Physical Defense
88 C H A P T E R 1 3 |C a st of C harac te rs
C a s t o f Ch a r a c t e r s
Jania, Eighth Circle Broadsword (Forged +3; Damage 15), 2 × Daggers (Forged +1; Damage 10; Range
10–20/5–10 hexes), 2 × Hawk Hatchets (Damage 11; Range 24–48/12–24 hexes),
Elf Swordmaster Short Sword (Forged +2; Damage 13), Two–Handed Sword (Forged +6; Damage 22)
Thread Items
hen Jania was young, she hated being —aer
an elf
her Whispering Earrings (Rank 3; see Rumors and Research
, p. 83)
parents died, humans in Okoros raised her. However, Equipment
some kaer-dwellers continually picked on her becauseAdventurer’s Kit, Elfweave Robe, Headband (Group Paern Item), Light Quartz
of her elven heritage. e turning point in her life came when Lantern,
she Symbol to Rashomon, Trail Rations (1 weeks worth), Wealthy Traveler’s Garb
cut the tips o her ears to look more human, in a pathetic aempt 350 silver pieces
to end her shame. She succeeded—the in that
ridicule ended as Legend Award
soon as her self-mutilation became publicly known. LeldrinEighth took Circle (1 per 2 PC)
her under his wings and allowed Jania to ee the connes of Okoros Notes
and start a new life in Shal’Minar. As an elf, Jania possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability. Jania has formed a Group
True Paern costing 2 Blood Magic Damage with the core members of the Cross of
Jania usually wears a headband to cover her disgurement. e
Ardanyan. She has three Rank 5 threads aached to his Social Defense, Spell Defense,
teachings of her mentor helped her turn her self-hatred into hating
and Mystic Armor.
others—humans, for the most part. She enjoys harassing other Discipline Abilities
Namegivers, and has the means to do so, as she is in charge of the
Second Circle: +1 Social Defense
town watch. Fourth Circle: Karma on Dexterity–only Tests
Fih Circle: Flourish
Jania personally commands Ardanyan’s ird Company, a small Sixth Circle: Karma on Charisma–only Tests
but considerable group of veterans responsible for the security Seventhof Circle: Karma on melee weapon Damage Tests
the market and the treasury. She is a erce opponent, and - herEighth
repuCircle: +1 Social Defense
tation with the blade has spread far beyond Ardanyan’s walls.
DEX (20): 8 STR (17): 7 TOU (16): 7 Mangalin, Ninth Circle
PER (11): 5 WIL (14): 6 CHA (9): 4
Characteristics Elf Wizard 13
Initiative: 7 Physical Defense: 10 hen the construction of his tower was nished, - Man
Physical Armor: 12 Spell Defense: 12 G galin began to build up a sizeable library by collecting
Mystic Armor: 10 G Social Defense: 13 G —the Wizard even
writings from all over the province
Death: 93* Recovery T
ests: 3
hired scribes to copy books from the Great Library in roal. One
Unconsciousness: 77* Knockdown: 7**
day, he acquired a set of books that had their origin in the fallen kaer
Wound Threshold: 11 Movement:7
of Hontiam. As it turned out, these writings were Horror-touched,
Karma Points: 32/32
wrien by a victim of the Horrors that breached Kaer Hontiam
G Enhanced by +5 for Group True Paern. during the Scourge. e curse forced Mangalin to read all of the
* ese values have been adjusted for blood magic.
** Jania knows the Wound Balance talent.
books, until he went mad himself and lost most of his—some
Swordmaster Talents (Knacks) of it remains, but his control over it is tenuous, at best.
Avoid Blow (8): 16 e mad Wizard rarely leaves his tower. His face is scarred and
Disarm D (8): 16 —the result of a powerful curse that almost ended
his body fragile
Durability (7/6) (8): 8
his life and crippled him forever. Mangalin uses a sta when - walk
First Impression (8): 12
Graceful Exit (8): 12
ing and oen mumbles senseless words. e other Founders have
Karma Ritual D (8): 8 lost hope that Mangalin will ever return to sanity, and don’t seem
Heartening Laugh D (8): 12 to care about researching the curse’s—maybe
source they once did,
D (8): 16
Maneuver but they no longer appear to have reason to do anything about it.
D (9): 17 (Armor Beater)
Melee Weapons
Questor of Raggok (8): 8Cause Pain, Inspire Rage, Raise Undead (8): 12
DEX (11): 5 STR (9): 4 TOU (7): 4
Parry D (8): 16
Resist Taunt D (8): 14 PER (22): 9 WIL (22): 9 CHA (7): 4
D (8): 16 (Claw Riposte)
Riposte Characteristics
Second Attack D (8): 16 Initiative: 5 Physical Defense: 12 G
D (8): 16
Second Weapon
Physical Armor: 3 Spell Defense: 13
Speak Language (4): 9–(Human, Or’zet , T’skrang, Windling)
Mystic Armor: 5 Social Defense: 10 G
Taunt D (9): 13
read Weaving [Weapon Weaving] (8): 13 Death: 61* Recovery T
ests: 2
rowing Weapons (8): 16
Unconsciousness: 43* Knockdown: 4
Winning Smile (8): 12
Wound Threshold: 11 G Movement:7
Wound Balance (8): 15
Discipline talent (e adept may spend karma on this talent) Karma Points: 36/36
Italicized talents require Karma (Except when also a Discipline talent) G Enhanced by +5 for Group True Paern.
* ese values have been adjusted for blood magic.
Ardanyan Lore K
(5): 10 Wizard Talents (Knacks)
Read/Write Language (1): 6(Dwarf/roalic) Arcane Mutterings (10): 14 (Arcane Curses)
Scarication A (4): 8 Armored Matrix (9): 9
D (9): 18
Speak Language (2): 7–(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel
) Astral Sight
Streetwise (5): 10 Book Memory D (9): 18
D (9): 18
Tactics(5): 10 Book Recall
A Artisan Skill;
K Knowledge Skill Durability (4/3) (9): 9
Enhanced Matrix (9): 9
Enhanced Matrix (9): 9
Buckler (Forged +1; Phys 2; Deect 1/0; Shaer 17), Espagra-Scale Cloak (Phys 3; Myst
Hold read D (9): 18
1; Init 0/1 w/Cloaksense Brooch),
read Leather Armor (Rank 4; Phys 7; Myst 2) D (9): 9
Karma Ritual
Lip Reading (9): 13
C H A P T E R 1 3 |C a st of C harac te rs 89
Questor of Raggok (9): 9Cause Pain, Inspire Rage, Raise Undead (9): 13
Range Paern (9): 18
Read/Write Language D
(9): 18–(Sperethiel, Human, Obsidiman, Or’zet
, Troll,
T’skrang, Windling)
Read/Write Magic (9): 18
Research (10): 19
Resist Taunt (9): 18
Spellcasting (10): 19
Spell Matrix (9): 9
Spell Matrix (9): 9
Spell Matrix (9): 9
Steel ought D (9): 18
read Weaving [Wizardry] D (9): 18
Willforce (9): 18
Discipline talent (e adept may spend karma on this talent)
Italicized talents require Karma (Except when also a Discipline talent)
Alchemy (4): 13
Alchemy and Potions (4): 13
Horror Lore (6): 15
Read/Write Language (1): 10(Dwarf/roalic)
Robe Embroidery (4): 8
Speak Language (6): 15(Dwarf/roalic, Sperethiel, Human, Or’zet
, T’skrang,
A Artisan Skill;K Knowledge Skill
Wizardry Spells
E, Counterspell
Astral Sense, Aura Strike, Blood Boil, Clean, Channel Raw Magic M ,
M , Divine Aura, Doom Missile, Draining E,Eye
Crushing Will, Dispel Magic
False Aura, Healing Sleep, Inventory, Iron Hands, Juggler’s Touch, Lightning
M , Seal,
Cloud, Mental Library, Mind Dagger, Notice Not, Razor Orb, Sanctuary
Triangulate, Wizard’s Cloak, Wound AMask
Denotes a spell currently auned in a Spell Matrix.
Denotes a spell currently auned in an Enhanced Matrix.
A Denotes a spell currently auned in an Armored Matrix.
Espagra-Scale Cloak (Phys 3; Myst 1; Init 0/1 w/Cloaksense Brooch)
Dagger (Damage 6; Range 1020/5–10 hexes), Quartersta (Damage 8;
Group Paern Item)
Thread Items
Whispering Earrings (Rank 3; see Rumors and Research , p. 83)
Booster Potion, Elfweave Robe, Embroidery Tools, Grimoire, Healing
Potion, Symbol to Rashomon (Group Paern Item), Wealthy
Traveler’s Garb
56 gold pieces
Legend Award
Ninth Circle
As an elf, Mangalin possesses the Low-Light Vision racial ability.
Mangalin has formed a Group True Paern costing 2 Blood Magic
Damage with the core members of the Cross of Ardanyan. He has
three Rank 5 threads aached to his Physical and Social Defense, and
his Wound reshold. Mangalin’s Tower features a small library and an
Alchemist’s Lab.
Discipline Abilities
Second Circle: +1 Spell Defense
Fourth Circle: Karma on Perception–only Tests
Fih Circle: Book Mage
Sixth Circle: Karma on Willpower–only Tests
Seventh Circle: Karma on spell Eect Tests
Eighth Circle: +1 Spell Defense
Ninth Circle: Karma on Recovery Tests; Matrix Split
Whenever Mangalin wants to use one of his talents or spells, he must rst make a
Willpower (6) Test. is test occurs before he spends any Karma or Strain on the
ability. If the test succeeds, he can use the ability as normal, otherwise nothing
happens —Mangalin simply stands in place, mumbling quietly to himself or staring
about with an obvious lack of focus.
90 C H A P T E R 1 3 |C a st of C harac te rs
C h ap t e r F o u r t e e n
Rites of Protection
and Passage
Of course we will provide you with the means to survive the
Scourge — that’s why we’re here. Yes, our services do come
with a price, but a very fair one. So tell me… what’s the
population size of your settlement?
• Kalladan Vhom, Theran naegate •
n the decades preceding the Scourge, the eran Empire’s placed were hard to reach, as they had to be underground. Natural
closely guarded secrets nally paid o.Rites e of Protection caves and mines were the best places to start withthey were most
and Passagedeveloped by the empire’s School of Shad - likely to provide the stability required to house a large population
owsbecame the key to expanding era’s borders. over a long time. Unfortunately, underground caves of sucient
eran negotiators began traveling the empire, visiting faraway size were rare and not found everywhere. Extending smaller caves
kingdoms, city-states, and other nations. Accompanied by - anwas
entou oen necessary, but oen proved very hazardous.
rage of magicians and advisors from the School of Shadows, eran Citadels were harder to build, and even more expensive. While
negotiators demanded a high price for the protective wards. aneunderground site was not needed, only by erecting large 14
- elemen
empire needed slaves, and, with the Scourge imminent, almost tal domes could a whole city be preserved. Because most citadels
everyone was willing to negotiate. By signing allegiance withcould era, not be hidden from sight, they were exposed to aacksa
many governments gave up some of their power in return for denite
pro- disadvantage when compared to the kaers. Many citadels
tection from the Horrors. Selling entire towns into slavery was fell during
a the rst decades of the Scourge.
common practice to aord the high prices era demanded.
But not everyone was willing to resort to slavery to meet the
empire’s demands. Kingdoms like Landis and roal worked On the Structure of a Kaer
- furi
ously to pay for the rites with raw elements. Wyrm Wood, among Although each kaer is unique in its design, most kaers constructed
others, never even started negotiations with era, instead trying under
to eran supervision followed similar concepts. For example,
build a kaer on its own. Desperate and dangerous people aempted the kaer’s government was usually housed in a central chamber. If
to gain theRites of Protection and Passage by forcesome were this chamber was large enough, it also contained other buildings
even successful. As a result, eran forces protected the- negotia such as a common meeting place, a library, and a hall of records.
tors’ airships and caravans. Smaller chambers contained living quarters. Only the largest
e rst part of this document provides general information on wealthiest kaers had the space to build real houses and a dome-
the construction of kaers, including guidelines aimed to help shaped
you ceiling, imitating a surface seing. Most kaers were built
in creating your own. e second part contains considerations a growing population in mind, so that there was enough space
for running a kaer campaign, and oers advice on creatingto accommodate more Namegivers over the centuries.
dweller characters. Food production and plant growth were usually separate from
the living quarters for several reasons. First, food and plants had
to be guarded from thieves and evenly split to ensure everybody’s
survival. Animals are lthy and stink if housed in crammed - quar
On the Construction tersmore than enough reason to keep them separate, if at all.
of Kaers and Citadels Many kaers never housed even a single animal for those reasons.
Light quartzes imitating sunlight provided light. Most of the
mmediately aer receiving the Rites of Protection and Passage, smaller light quartzes that glow constantly were used to illuminate
people began to construct kaers and citadels using era’s the tunnels and hallways. Larger and more complex ones were able
blueprints. During this time, everyone seemed to-be work to imitate a day/night cycle by fading on and o regularly,-and usu
ing on the shelters that were supposed to be safe havens from ally found
the their place in the ceilings of the larger halls.
coming Horror invasion. Most important was the supply of air and water. Bound elemen-
e costs of building a kaer or citadel were immense, and it oen tal spirits were oen used to keep these resources clean, but it is
took generations to nish the construction. Each and every also kaerknown that there were other means to lter water and air, such
required extensive planning and preparation. It is transcribed as the use of sponge plants and elemental water lters. If there
that many kaers were not nished due to lack of resources - orwasn’t
con an underground river that could be tapped for fresh water,
struction aws. then water had to be recycled. Fresh air came in through heavily
Finding a place that met the requirements for building awarded kaer shas or was produced by tiny portals into the Elemental
was itself a demanding task. e locations where kaers could Plane
be of Air.
C H A P T E R 1 4 |R ite s of Protec tion and Pa ssage 91
Every kaer has at least one large gate, primarily used to bring in
the construction materials. In addition, the kaer usually has at least
one smaller opening, called a e caisson works like a sluice,
with one door on the inside and another one on the outside. Only
one door can be opened at any one time, allowing Namegivers to
enter or leave the kaer without compromising the wards.
Strong defense mechanisms, both magical and mundane, - sur
round a kaer. All of a kaer’s exits were inscribed with the Runes of
Warding, which were powered from an aazhûn powerful magi-
cal device that allowed control of the wards from within the kaer.
Directly beyond these wards were other defenses: traps of all sizes to
defend the kaer from intruders. Some of these traps were designed
to kill even the strongest physical Horror, and could snap the neck
of an elephant within the blink of an eye. From the outside world, a
kaer was usually very well hidden. Naturally, the entries from the
surface were carefully chosen and disguised. Powerful deceptions
powered by illusion magic oen helped to obfuscate them.
he easiest way to introduce new players to the world kaerof is untainted before the gates are closed. e largest part of this
campaign takes place in pre-Scourge times, giving the players a
Earthdawnis to start play inside a kaer still sealed from
the rest of the world. By starting the campaign within chance
a to see how dierent the world was before the long night.
kaer, a gamemaster can introduce the players to a self-contained A third option is to have the kaer campaign start during the
environment, which is easy to explain to newcomers. Once Scourge,
the with no hope that the doors are opened during - the char
kaer opens, the players can learn about Barsaive along with acters’
their lifetimes. It is a dangerous and desperate time. e heroes
characters, exploring Barsaive piece by piece, and allowing might
thehave to ght Horrors and their spawn, preventing the kaer’s
gamemaster to carefully control each revelation for dramaticwardseect from being breached. ey might witness the separation of
Did a (Mad) Passion visit the kaer? What happened aer- the pop ome guidelines have to be established before characters
ulation le? Did anyone (or anything) take up residence in the that have lived inside a kaer for their entire lives can be
abandoned halls aer the inhabitants le? created. Gamemaster and players alike should be familiar
with the seing and the kaer’s history in order to create believable
characters that have a place inside the kaer.
Draw a Map
It’s usually best to begin with a simple sketch that can be altered
later. Once everything is in place, a nal version of the map can be Races
created. If the kaer has more than one level, there should be several
e population of a kaer is important for the choice of race. Not
maps, each indicating how to get from one level to the next.all Namegiver races are available in every kaer. If the kaer houses
e previous decisions will have an impact on the layout of members
the of more than one race, it’s likely that customs and culture
kaer, depending on where it is located and who constructed dier Player’s Guide. More impor
it. e from the descriptions in the -
map should try to take the following things into account: - atantly,
cen the kaer’s history might give reason to superstition and
tral chamber, living quarters, food production, animal housings,
prejudice between the races.
Initiate: Climbing
Novice:Avoid Blow, Wilderness Survival
Journeyman:Navigation, Shield Grimoire
Warden:Animate Object, Warping Shield
Master: Echo Location, Show Armor Flaw
Initiate: Impress
Novice:Avoid Blow, Etiquee
Journeyman:Lasting Impression, Shield Grimoire
Warden:Detect Weapon, Matrix Strike, Warping Shield
Master: Blood Guilt Weapon, Rally, Truth Skit
a higher Circle if magician characters have high natural Initiate: Disguise Self
Spell Defense Ratings) altogether to speed up play. Novice:Haggle, Book Memory
Areas with only short-term Horror activity or where Journeyman:Book Recall, Shield Grimoire
astral currents thinned out Horror activity, such as in a Warden:Temper Self, Warping Shield
kaer breached but swily freed from Horrors, or the out- Master: Astral Web, Temper Other
side during times the Horrors had not yet appeared in full
force, can also be assumed Safe in pre-Scourge BarsaiveWeaponsmith
before the onset of the Scourge (they are considered Open Warden:Steely Stare
post-Scourge; see Play-
Astral Regionson p. 110 of the Master: Detect Falsehood, Weapon Breaker
er’s Guide).
Matrices Initiate: Haggle
e history of Barsaive tells us matrix talents were only Novice:First Impression, Taunt
developed and spread aer the Scourge, and if you want Journeyman:Fast Hand, Shield Grimoire
to keep true to this in your game, magicians in your game Warden:Cold Purify, Enduring Art, Warping Shield
do not have access to the Spell Matrix, Enhanced Matrix, Master: Reshape Object, ought Link,
Armored Matrix, and Shared Matrix talents. If matrix oughtful Expression
talents are not available, magicians have to fall back to
raw magic, grimoire casting, and Spell Matrix Objects to
cast their spells. Magicians do not receive their extra Spell Shield Grimoire
Matrix talent at First Circle; they have ve Discipline
- Tal Step:Rank Action: NA
ents, just as the non-magician Disciplines do, and they and Karma: No Strain: 0
the Weaponsmiths do not gain matrix talents in any Talent The adept strengthens the pattern of his grimoire while
- cast
Pool either. If you feel it necessary to compensate these ing from it, making it less susceptible to being damaged. Any
Disciplines for the loss of options, see
the Replace
- grimoire from which the adept casts a spell receives the adept’s
ment and Matrix Alternatives optional rules. Shield Grimoire Rank as a bonus to its Spell Defense.
You can decide to completely ignore this historical
aspect to not laden your game with additional rules and
character development considerations, either completely Warping Shield
dismissing it or constructing a reason why the matrix
- tal Step: Rank + W IL Action: Simple
ents are available, for example because the magicians of Karma: No Strain: 1
the kaer were early adopters. e adept resists the harmful eects of casting raw magic,
- push
ing harmful astral energies back into astral space. When resolving
the eects of raw magic, the adept makes a Warping Shield Test; the
result replaces his natural Mystic Armor Rating to resist the raw
magic damage, even if it is lower than the adept’s natural Mystic
Armor. Warping Shield does not provide benets or disadvantages
in situations other than resisting warping damage.
Copyright © 2009 RedBrick Limited, FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
Map of the Town of Ardanyan
Copyright © 2009 RedBrick Limited, FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
Tungar’s Letter and Map
Copyright © 2009 RedBrick Limited, FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
Map of the Ground Floor of Ardanyan’s Council House
Copyright © 2009 RedBrick Limited, FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
Map of the First Floor of Ardanyan’s Council House
Copyright © 2009 RedBrick Limited, FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
Map of the Cellar of Ardanyan’s Council House
Copyright © 2009 RedBrick Limited, FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to copy for personal use only.
Map of the Roof of Ardanyan’s Council House
Copyright © 2009 RedBrick Limited, FASA Corporation. Earthdawn® is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted to copy for personal use only.