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MOG1007 Assignment 1

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MOG1007 Assignment 1 – Open Textbook Project [20%]

This activity will assess you on the material from learning outcomes 1 – 3 of MOG1007.
You may not work with another student and/or collaborate on your answers. To do so would be
considered cheating and would be a violation of Cambrian's Academic Integrity policy.
This assessment should take approximately 6 – 8 hours to complete.

Did you notice that the free open textbooks for Excel online are out of date and do not include video
resources to help explain the concepts? One of the essential skills for this course is to be able to use
what you learned about Excel to research and apply new Excel tools! In this assignment you will create a
lesson that expands on your learning in the course for one topic. You will need to think as a teacher to
clearly present how to use Excel to beginners for your chosen topic. Together, we will work towards
creating our own open text that can be used by future students in this course. You will create your
lesson to contribute to an open textbook by following these instructions:
1. Select ONE (1) topic from this list MOG1007 Assignment 1 Topic Sign-Up Sheet. You must be
logged into your @mycambrian.ca email to access this spreadsheet. If you have any access issues,
please contact your professor immediately. Topics are on a first-come first-served basis.
2. Do research to learn more about your topic. I recommend using Microsoft Office Help
(https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/excel), our free textbook Beginning Excel, and other
resources online. Please note that you must cite all materials used in APA format. You CANNOT
copy and paste any information. All text and data should be unique to you.
3. Create a lesson to explain your topic to an Excel beginner. Your lesson must include:
• Learning objective you are teaching (this is your selected topic)
• Written instructions to explain your topic (graded for content quality and writing clarity)
• Screenshots from Excel to demonstrate how to perform tasks from your topic (graded
for including screenshots to support all written steps)
• Video to demonstrate your topic live within Excel (graded for content quality and
speech clarity). Videos can be recorded by sharing your screen using a FREE software
like Screencast-O-Matic, Zoom, or another software of your choice.
o Download Screencast-o-Matic for FREE here: https://screencast-o-matic.com/
and follow the instructions in this video on how to use it:
https://youtu.be/5ttvsqf9CXQ. **I recommend using this method
o Use Zoom to record your screen following the instructions in this video:
• THREE (3) or more quiz questions to test the learner’s knowledge with full solutions
(graded for appropriateness and correctness)
• References in APA format
4. In order to demonstrate your topic live within Excel you may need to use a data set. Please
create your own data (self-generated data must be unique to you and NOT copied from any
other book or website) or use data from an applied activity like the IMDB movies data that
comes from an open source that is cited.
5. Make sure your lesson is well designed. You will be graded on if your lesson material is easy to
read, visually appealing, and consistent in terms of colour coding, formatting for video links,
screenshots, etc.
6. The assignment is also designed to give you a chance to show your creativity while making a
product that can be used by future students! You will be graded on if your lesson is of
professional quality, creative, and could be used outside of the course in a real open text!

For this assignment, an exemplar has been provided within Moodle. Download the file “MOG1007
Assignment 1 Exemplar” to use as a template Word document for your topic. You may use the exact
format provided in the template or create your own consistent formatting.

You lesson should begin with the learning objective, explain the topic in writing, have embedded
screenshots/videos to fully explain EVERY step required in Excel, finish with a “Test Your Understanding”
quiz, and include all references in APA format as shown in the screenshots of the exemplar below.

If you are unable to upload your videos to YouTube and include them as embedded links within the
Word document you can upload entire video files as .mp4 files to Moodle. However, including links to
YouTube directly in your lesson is recommended.

Submission and Grading

Please upload a Word document for your submission for Assignment 1 to Moodle. You may also upload
.mp4 files of your recorded videos if you do not have YouTube links for the videos.

This assignment must be submitted before Wednesday, June 1 at 11:59PM. Late assessments will not
be accepted. In the case of illness or other extenuating circumstances, prior notice must be provided
and alternate assessment due dates must be approved by your professor.

Please consult the rubric on the next page for details on how you will be graded. This rubric is also
available on Moodle directly in the Assignment 1 link. The activity will be graded out of 25 marks and is
worth 20% of your final mark.

Criteria 0 marks 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks

Learning There is no learning objective included. The learning objective based on the topic N/A N/A
Objective selected is included.
Written The topic in Excel is missing main The topic in Excel is missing some key The topic in Excel is clearly explained in The topic is Excel is explained in writing at
Lesson - components and is unclear in writing. components in writing to have a clear writing (at the level taught in class). an expert level (more in depth that taught
content understanding. in class).
Written Errors in word selection, usage, sentence Many errors in word selection, usage, Some errors in word selection, usage, Few errors in word selection, usage,
Lesson – structure, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation,
writing style capitalization, APA format, and informal capitalization, APA format, and formal capitalization, APA format, and formal capitalization, APA format, and formal
writing detract from meaning. writing style. writing style. writing style.
Screenshots No steps in Excel are supported with clear Few steps in Excel are supported with Some steps in Excel are supported with All steps in Excel are supported with clear
screenshots that demonstrate the topic. clear screenshots that demonstrate the clear screenshots that demonstrate the screenshots that demonstrate the topic.
topic. topic.
Video - No knowledge of topic and preparedness Somewhat good knowledge of topic and Good knowledge of topic and Extensive knowledge and preparedness
Comprehensi are demonstrated in video recording for preparedness are demonstrated in video preparedness are demonstrated in video are demonstrated in video recording for
on the steps in Excel. recording for the steps in Excel. recording for the steps in Excel. the steps in Excel.
Video - No attention of audience, reads from Minimal attention of audience, often Consistent attention of audience, rarely Holds attention of audience, does not
Speech lesson notes for the whole video, and refers to lesson notes, speaks in uneven refers to lesson notes, speaks with refer to lesson notes, speaks with
speaking is not clear or audible. volume with little inflection to emphasize satisfactory fluctuation in volume and fluctuation in volume and inflection to
key points. inflection to emphasize key points. emphasize key points.
Quiz to “Test 0 of 3 quiz questions related to the topic 1 of 3 quiz questions related to the topic 2 of 3 quiz questions related to the topic 3 quiz questions related to the topic with
Your with correct solutions are included. with correct solutions are included. with correct solutions are included. correct solutions are included.
Overall The lesson is not easy to read, visually The lesson is somewhat easy to read, The lesson is mostly easy to read, visually The lesson is easy to read, visually
Lesson Design appealing, and consistent in terms of visually appealing, and consistent in terms appealing, and consistent in terms of appealing, and consistent in terms of
colour coding, formatting for video links, of colour coding, formatting for video colour coding, formatting for video links, colour coding, formatting for video links,
screenshots, etc. links, screenshots, etc. screenshots, etc. screenshots, etc.
Overall The final lesson does not meet the The final lesson somewhat meets the The final lesson meets the expectations: The final lesson exceeds expectations:
quality expectations: professional quality, expectations: professional quality, professional quality, creative, and could professional quality, creative, and could
creative, and could be used outside of the creative, and could be used outside of the be used outside of the course. be used outside of the course.
course. course.

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