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N.pip - GSP.001 - 3B Piping General Specification

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The document establishes AB InBev's Global Technical Specifications for process and utility piping for breweries and production facilities. It covers materials, piping classes, valve types, welding requirements, design, erection, testing, and other specifications.

The main commodities, piping classes, and valve types covered are mentioned on pages 1-2.

The welding specifications and requirements are mentioned on pages 1-2.



Global Technical Specifications Page: 1 of 145

3B - General Specification Version: 2.0

Piping General Specification Date: Feb 12th, 2021


1 DOCUMENT SCOPE .......................................................................................................... 2

2 UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 2
2.1 Codes, Standards, Guidelines and Regulations ......................................................... 2
2.2 Deviations from General Specification Piping ............................................................ 2
3.1 Materials .................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Commodities.............................................................................................................. 4
3.3 Piping specification classes ..................................................................................... 29
3.4 Valve types and numbers ........................................................................................ 98
3.5 Pipe Labeling color code........................................................................................ 124
4 WELDING SPECIFICATION AND REQUIREMENTS...................................................... 127
4.1 General considerations .......................................................................................... 127
4.2 Welding Inspections ............................................................................................... 127
4.3 Welding Quality Requirements............................................................................... 131
5 DESIGN, ERECTION, AND TESTING ............................................................................ 132
5.1 Design – General ................................................................................................... 132
5.2 Wall and Floor Penetration .................................................................................... 132
5.3 Heat tracing ........................................................................................................... 133
5.4 Piping Support and Spacing................................................................................... 133
5.5 Storage .................................................................................................................. 134
5.6 Welding ................................................................................................................. 135
5.7 Erection ................................................................................................................. 138
5.8 Flushing and Cleaning ........................................................................................... 139
5.9 Pressure Test ........................................................................................................ 141
6 BATTERY LIMITS ........................................................................................................... 144
7 REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................... 145
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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This document establishes AB InBev’s Global Technical Specifications for process and
utility piping for both brewery (BOP) and verticalized operations (VOP).

What is NOT covered in this document:

 Process drain system in the production areas (process, packaging,
warehouse and utility areas). The extent of the process drain system in its
entirety i.e. from the top of the grating of the drain points/channel drains,
including the entire drain pipe system until/including the point of connection
to main system/BTP must be designed according to 3B General
Specification, Process Drains.
 Industrial sewer system: for this, please refer to 3A Plant Functionality and
Technology, Sewer under Environment in GTS portal.


2.1 Codes, Standards, Guidelines and Regulations

References to codes, standards, guidelines, and regulations: The versions valid at the
time of the Contract shall be used. Depending on local existing standards or regulations,
AB-InBev will decide which will be the codes that shall be used for each project (American
standards or European standards). When a standard is referenced in this document, it is
entirely up to AB-InBev to decide if an equivalent American or European standard shall be
used for a particular brewery instead of what is being used in this document. However, the
piping material shall maintain the same (carbon steel, stainless-steel, glass fiber
reinforced, etc). Different standards should not be mixed in the same facility.

All materials of tanks, piping, other equipment, fittings, instrumentation, seals, gaskets,
etc. in direct contact with the product shall be safe in accordance with EC regulation
1935/2004. The materials shall not release substances into the product in quantities that
could endanger human health, change the composition of the product in an unacceptable
way or deteriorate the taste and odor of the product.

2.2 Deviations from General Specification Piping

Deviations from General Specification, Piping are allowed only as follows:

 Specific requirements and specifications for a specific project as issued by AB-

InBev prevails and thus overrules GTS 3B General Specification, Piping

 Apart from above, deviations from the GTS 3B General Specification, Piping is
allowed only upon specific approval/agreement in each case by AB-InBev.
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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3.1 Materials

Materials and equipment shall be free from defects and imperfections, new and unused
and in accordance with all identified specifications. At AB-InBev’s request, Contractor shall
provide a record of the country of origin for all piping materials and equipment.

Upon AB-InBev’s request, Contractor shall provide certification of compliance with

specified codes and standards for all materials and equipment. AB-InBev will approve the
testing laboratory for certifying.

Materials and equipment which are not covered by detailed specifications shall be
standard products of reputable manufacturers and shall be suitable for the intended use.
Certificate of origin shall be provided on AB-InBev’s request. Contractor shall purchase
piping specialty fittings from AB-InBev-approved suppliers.

Contractor shall submit two samples of each size and type of stainless-steel pipe and alloy
pipe required by Contract for AB-InBev to review before Contractor purchases such
material. Each sample shall be 15 cm long. Upon AB-InBev’s acceptance, the samples
shall establish the quality benchmark for the initial purchase and all subsequent
purchases. One accepted sample of each size and type submitted shall be retained by

Stainless steel pipe shall be labeled by Manufacturer with continuous ink stripe identifying
the material alloy grade and piping specification class number. All fittings shall be identified
by Manufacturer as to material with an etched label.

Welding rods used to weld stainless steel piping shall be identified by Manufacturer as to
the grade of material. If rods identified only at one end are cut in half, the remaining
unidentified end shall be marked by Contractor with the industry standard identification

Carbon steel pipe and pipe spools shall be surface prepared, prime coated, and painted
by Contractor in accordance with GTS 3B General Specification, Painting.

In areas close to a marine environment, Contractor shall paint using a corrosion protection
system, according to GTS 3B General Specification, Painting.

Threads and welded joints shall be taped by Contractor with masking tape prior to painting.
Contractor shall remove the tape before shipping.
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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3.2 Commodities

The following commodities are used in AB-InBev. For each one of them, a piping
specification class is defined, as well as valves type, size, and number.

 Piping specification class (PSC) is described on chapter 3.3

 Valve type/numbering is described on chapter 3.4
 Pipe labeling color code method is described on chapter 3.5
If a commodity required by a particular project is not listed here, AB-InBev will define what
are the required PSC and valves for that commodity. This will be informed by AB-InBev in
a GTS 2B datasheet which will be part of the bidding documentation.

Pipe can be defined also by their design type, as Utility/General Industry (U/GI), Product
Contact (PC) and Sanitary (S).

U/GI: Utility (service) piping is defined as piping that is primarily concerned with conveying
utility (i.e. air, steam, ammonia, glycol, etc.) services to support brewing processes.

 Utility pipe systems shall be routed so as not to interfere with production equipment
and structural features. Routing should consider ease of access for maintenance.
 Where practical, pipe shall be routed in groupings for runs/drops to equipment or
specific areas.
 All control valves and instrumentation should be fully accessible for maintenance
and operation.

PC: Product contact encompasses the piping systems for commodities that are not direct
ingredients or components of an in-process product commodity but connect to a product
or in-process product commodity piping system.

 Product contact items must not have any pockets where product or cleaning
solution can accumulate.
 The P&IDs should describe the CIP flow paths for the piping designer to determine
the valves that should be close coupled and their location in relation to the process
flow. This eliminates potential pockets of cleaning solution.
 All branch connections are made using tees. Vents to bleed off high point air are
not allowed in Product Contact Piping.

S: Sanitary design is used for in-process product piping system.

 Sanitary design must not have any pockets where product or cleaning solution can
 The commodity is protected from contamination using block and bleed valves or
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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 Branches, connections, etc are all installed fitting to fitting. All branch connections
are made using tees.
 The piping system is always caustic or acid CIP’d.

Approved manufacturers for piping, valves and other accessories are defined by each AB-
InBev Zone Brewery Support team (ZBS) as each zone has many local approved
manufacturers which can be considered among global vendors. The list of approved
manufacturers will be informed by AB-InBev in a GTS 2B datasheet which will be part of
the bidding documentation.
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Acid, Phosphoric
DR: 150 PSIG @ ambient
Following Gaskets are A1/P5 PC Ball ½” – 2” FL973 APH Yellow Black
approved: Teflon (PTFE),
Kynar (FVDF), Viton

Acid, Red (38% Nitric

Acid & 2 % Phosphoric Gate ½” – 4" AF001
DR: 150 PSIG @ ambient Check ½” – 4" CF023, CF024
Ball ½” – 4" FL973
A8 PC ARE Yellow Black
Following Gaskets are
approved: Teflon (PTFE),
Kynar (FVDF), Viton ½” – 2” FJ959
Diaphragm KE145
Acid, Sulfamic Check ½” – 2" CF123
DR: 150 PSIG @ 100ºC 2½” – 10" CF135
DL259, DL260,
Plug ¾” – 2"
Butterfly 2" – 12" EH323, EH365
Ball 3" – 6" FF373, FF129
A1 PC SFA Yellow Black
FL970 (pump
drains and
½” – 2" instrument

FL971, FL972,
½” – 2"
FL973, FL974
Acid, Sulfuric Gate ½” – 4" AF001
DR: 100 PSIG @ ambient Check ½" – 4" CF023, CF024
1" – 4" CE117, CE118
Following Gaskets are A1 PC ACI Yellow Black
approved: Teflon (PTFE),
Kynar (FVDF), Viton Ball ½” – 4” FJ959
Diaphragm 1" – 4" KE145
Air, Compressor Suction Check 2" – 12" CF028
DR: 50 PSIG @ ambient A1 U/GI Butterfly 2" – 6" EH321, EH364 AIR Blue White
8" – 12" EH325, EH367
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Air, Plant Gate 2" – 16" AE102
DR: 125 PSIG @ 150ºC ¼” – 1½” AF401
Globe 2" – 10" BE110
¼” – 1½” BF408
Check 2" – 14" CE119
½” – 1½” CH416
Butterfly 2" – 6" EH321, EH364
2" – 12" EH322
8" – 12" EH325, EH367
B1/B2 U/GI Ball ¼” – 1” FH420 AIR Blue White

3/8” – 2" FL426

FL428, FL265,
½” – 2”
2" only FL981
4” FQ994
3” FS992
Angle 2" – 14" HE140
½” – 1½” HF442
Needle ½”
Air, Plant (piping in wet
areas or wash down Check ½” – 2” CF123
DR: 100PSIG @ 65ºC ½” – 1½” CH416
Butterfly 2” – 12” EF307
Air, Plant wet (discharge
Ball ¼” FH421
piping in brewhouse)
DR: 100PSIG @ 65ºC ½” – 2” FL266
½” – 2” FL427
U/GI AIR Blue White
½” – 2” FL429
½” – 2” FL973
½” – 2” FL978
½” – 2” FL996
½” – 2” FL997
4” FQ995
3” FS993
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Air, Sterile Check 2” – 3" CF030
DR: 100 PSIG @ 40ºC ½” – 1½” CF122
Butterfly 1" – 3" EF307
A1/A10 S 1” – 3” EF358 AST Blue White

FL976, FL977,
Ball ½” – 2"
Diaphragm 1½” – 3" KF270, KF985
Alcohol Gate ½” – 1½” AL402
DR: 180 PSIG @ 80ºC Globe 1" – 8 BF113
Check 2" – 12" CF030
½” – 2" CF123

A1 PC 2½" – 10" CF135 ALC Yellow Black

Ball 3" – 6" FF129, FF373
½” – 1" FL970
FL971, FL973,
½” – 2"
Needle ¼” only NW451
Alternate Chill proof
Gate ½” – 1½” AL402
DR: 150 PSIG @ ambient Globe 1" – 8" BF113
Check 2" – 16" CF030
½” – 2" CF123
2½" – 10" CF135
Plug ½" only DA951
¾” only DA952, DA958
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954

A1 S ½” – 1" DA955 ACP Green White

1" only DA957
Butterfly 2” – 12” EF307
1” – 12” EF358
Ball 3" – 6" FF373
8" only FF966
FL970, FL971,
½” – 2"
FL973, FL974
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Needle ¼” only NW451
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Ammonia Check 1" – 6” CL042
Discharge, Equalizing,
Liquid, Oil Drain, Purge, 8" only CL044
Suction, Vent, Pump out
DR: 250 PSIG – High
½” & ¾” CL535
pressure side
150 PSIG – Low
Butterfly 3” – 30” EF311
pressure side B3 U/GI NH3 Yellow Black
Expansion ¾” – 2” RL801, RL802V
Globe/Angle ¾” & 1”
1½” & 2”
3” – 16”
Ammonium Sulfate Check 1" – 1½” CF025
Slurry Plug ½” only DA951
¾” only DA952, DA958
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954
½” – 1" DA955
DA956 (pump
A1 S NSS Green White
½” – 1" casing, vent
and drain)
1" only DA957
Butterfly 2" – 12" EF307
EF358 (below
1” – 12”
140° F)
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Beer Check 1" & 1½” CF025
Filtered or unfiltered 2" – 12" CF030, CF031
DR: 150 PSIG @ 60ºC Plug ½” only DA951
¾” only DA952
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954
A1 S ½” – 1" DA955 BRE Green White
1" only DA957
¾” only DA958
Butterfly 2" – 6" EF307
1” – 6” EF358
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Boiler Blowdown (Low
Gate 2" – 16 AE102 BBD
Boiler Feedwater (Low
¼” – 1½” AF401 BFW
(74 PSIG and Below) Globe 2" – 10" BE110
DR: 74 PSIG @ 160ºC ½” – 1½” BF408
B1/B2 U/GI Yellow Black
Check 2" – 14" CE119
¼” – 1½” CH416
Angle 2" – 14” HE140
¼” – 1½” HF441
Boiler Blowdown
Gate 2½” – 4 AL011 BBD
(Medium Pressure)
Boiler Feedwater
6” – 16” AL012F BFW
(Medium Pressure)
(75 PSIG to 165 PSIG) ¼” – 2” AQ501
DR: 165 PSIG @ 190ºC B2 U/GI Globe 2½” – 16" BL020 Yellow Black
½” – 2” BQ507
Check 2½” – 12" CL043
½” – 2” CQ515
Angle 2½” – 12” HL068
Boiler Blowdown (High
Gate 2½” – 4" AL011 BBD
Boiler Feedwater (High
6" – 16" AL012F BFW
166 to 549 PSIG ¼” – 2' AQ501
DR: 550 PSIG @ 250ºC Globe 2½” – 16" BL020
B4 U/GI Yellow Black
½” – 2" BQ507
Check 2½" – 12" CL043
½” – 2" CQ515
Angle 2½" – 12" HL068
Boiler Blowdown
Gate 2½” – 12” AP071 BBD
Boiler Feedwater
½” – 2” AQ504 BFW
(550 PSIG & Higher) Globe ½” – 2” BD538
DR: 550PSIG @ 400ºC 2½” – 18” BP161
B5 U/GI Yellow Black
Check 2½” – 12” CP073
½” – 2” CQ540
Ball 2½” – 4” FT275
½” – 2” FT505
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Brewing, Flavor Injection Check 1" & 1½” CF025
2" – 12" CF030, CF031
Plug ½” only DA951
¾” only DA952
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954
A1 S ½” – 1" DA955 BFI Green White
1" only DA957
¾” only DA958
Butterfly 2" – 6" EF307
1” – 6” EF358
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Brine, Saturated Check ½” – 2" CF123
DR: 75 PSIG @ 65ºC P1 U/GI Ball ½” – 2" FF126 BRS Yellow Black
Diaphragm ½” – 2" KF555
Bromine Check ½” – 2” CF551
P5 U/GI Ball ½” – 2” FF701 BRO Yellow Black
Diaphragm ½” – 2” KF564
Check 2” – 16” CF030
Dry or slurry ½” – 2” CF123
DR: 120 PSIG @ 100ºC 2½” – 10” CF135
Butterfly 2” – 12” EF307
A1 S CAS Yellow Black
EF358 (below
1” – 12”
FL970, FL971,
Ball ½” – 2”
FL973, FL974
Diaphragm ¾” – 4” KF270, KF985
Carbon Dioxide Check 2" – 16" CF030
Bunging, Equalizing ½” – 1½” CF122
(Fermented), Fermenting
& Collection, Recovery A1 S Butterfly 1" – 12" EF307, EF358 CO2 Yellow Black
(Stack Gas), Supply, Vent,
Exhaust Ball ½” – 2" FL976, FL977

DR: 150 PSIG @ 60ºC Diaphragm ½” – 4" KF270, KF985

Carbon Dioxide, Dry Globe/Angle 3” – 8” BL251, BL252V

Dry, Equalizing, @
Storage Tanks, Dry
1” – 2” BL501, BL502V
(Fermented), Dry
(Purchased), Liquid, Purge
DR: 300 PSIG @ -30ºC Check 8" only CL044
B3 U/GI CO2 Yellow Black
½” & ¾” CL535
3" – 6” CL354
¾” – 2” CP354
Ball ½” & ¾” FL426
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Carbon Dioxide, Wet Gate ½” – 4" AL010
DR: 300 PSIG @ 150ºC A2 PC Check ½” – 4" CL041 CO2 Yellow Black
Ball ½” – 2" FL970
Caustic, 2% up to 50% Ball ½” – 4" FF056
DR: 150 PSIG @ 120ºC B2 U/GI Check ½” – 2" CF123 CAU Yellow Black
2” – 4” CF023
Chemical Treatment,
Gate ½” – 2" AL010
High Pressure A1/A10 U/GI CHH Yellow Black
DR: 325 PSIG @ ambient Check ½” – 2" CL041
Chemical Treatment,
Check ½” – 2" CL041
Low Pressure
DR: 100 PSIG @ ambient A1/A10 U/GI Ball ⅜”– 2" FL426 CHL Yellow Black

½” – 2" FL970
Chlorine Gas
P3 U/GI Ball ½” – 2" FF701 CLG Yellow Black
DR: 150 PSI @ ambient
Cleaning Solution Check 2" – 12" CF030
Supply and Return ½” – 2" CF123
DR: 150 PSIG @ 100ºC 2½” – 10" CF135

DF255 (at mash

Plug ¾” – 4" cooker & brew
kettle only)
DL259, DL260,
¾” – 2"
Butterfly 2" – 12" EF359T, (60ºC
A1 PC and above) CIP Yellow Black
EH323, EH365
2" – 12"
(below 60ºC)
Ball (see
3" – 6" FF129, FF373
FL970 (pump
½” – 1" drains,
and sample
FL971, FL972,
½” – 2"
FL973, FL974
Cleaning Solution, High
Globe 3" only BX252
DR: 750 PSIG @ Ambient A5 U/GI ¾” – 2" BX512 CIP Yellow Black

Check 1½” – 3" CP046

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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Condensate, Low
Gate 2" – 16" AE102
(74 PSIG and below) ¼” – 1½” AF401
DR: 74 PSIG @ 160ºC Globe 2" – 10" BE110
¼” – 1½” BF408
Check 2" – 14" CE119
B1/B2 U/GI CDS Yellow Black
½” – 1½” CH416
Butterfly 3” – 30” EF312
Ball ½” - 2” FP461
Angle 2" – 14" HE140
¼” – 1½” HF441
Condensate, Medium
Gate 2½” – 12" AF002
(75 PSIG to 165 PSIG) 6" – 12" AF003F
DR: 165 PSIG @ 190ºC ¼” – 2" AQ501
Globe 2½” – 16" BF016
½” – 2" BQ507
B2 U/GI CDS Yellow Black
Check 2½” – 12" CF034
½” – 2" CQ515
Butterfly 3” – 30” EF312
Ball ½” – 2” FP537
Angle 2½” – 12" HF065
Condensate, High
Gate 2½” – 24” AL070
(166 to 549 PSIG) ¼” – 2” AQ504
DR: 550 PSIG @ 250ºC Globe 2½” – 12” BL160
¼” – 2” BQ538
B4 U/GI CDS Yellow Black
Check 2½” – 24” CL072
¼” – 2” CQ540
Ball 2½” – 4” FT275
½” – 2” FT505
Condensate, Superheat Gate 2½” – 12” AP071
550 PSIG & Higher) ¼” – 2” AQ504
DR: 550 PSIG @ 400ºC Globe 2½” – 18” BP161
2” BQ506
B5 U/GI ¼” – 2” BQ538 CDS Yellow Black
Check 2½” – 12” CP073
½” – 2” CQ540
Ball 2½” – 4” FT275
½” – 2” FT505
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Distillation, Feed/Heads Gate ½” – 1½” AL402 DTT Green White
Denaturant Globe 1" – 8" BF113 DEN Yellow Black
DR: 120 PSIG @ 100ºC Check 2" – 12" CF030
½” – 2" CF123
2½” – 10" CF135
Butterfly 2" – 12"
A1 U/GI EF359T
EF358 (below
1” & 1½”
140° F)
Ball 3" – 6" FF373, FF129
8" only FF966
FL970, FL971,
½” – 2"
FL973, FL974
Needle ¼” only NW451
CF030 (any
Enzyme Check 2”
DR: 150 PSIG @ 80ºC Butterfly 2” (constant
exposure to
above 140˚)
A1 S EF358 ENZ Green White
1” – 2”
exposure to
above 60˚C)

Diaphragm ½” – 1”
exposure to
above 60˚C)

Ferric Chloride Check ½” – 2” CD566

DR: 75 PSIG @ ambient P5 U/GI Ball ½” – 2” FJ562 FCL Yellow Black
Diaphragm ½” – 2” KF564
Flavors, Flammable/Non- Butterfly Ball
1” – 12” EF358 FF129
flammable Diaphragm
All valves MUST use
Globe KF270 (Burkert)
Teflon Gasket material
DR: 50 PSIG @ ambient ½” – 6”
A11 S FLV Yellow Black

½” – 1”

½” – 1”
Fuel, Biogas Plug 2” – 4” DF519
DR: 75 PSIG @ 65ºC 6” & 8” DF256
X1 U/GI ½” – 1½” DL522 FBG Yellow Black
Butterfly 2” – 6” EF311
Ball ½” FW462, FW463
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Fuel, Diesel Oil Gate 2½” – 12" AF002
DR: 50 PSIG @ 65ºC ½” – 2" AQ502
Globe 2½” – 16" BF016
½” – 2" BQ508

B2 U/GI Check 2½” – 12" CF034 FDO Yellow Black

¾” – 2" CQ516
Ball ½” – 2" FL426
KF456 (for
Diaphragm ½” only instrumentation
Fuel, Natural Gas Plug 6" & 8" DF256
DR: 50 PSIG @ ambient 2" – 4" DF519
B2 U/GI FNG Yellow Black
½” – 1½” DL522
Ball ½” FW462, FW463
Fuel, Oil Gate 2½” – 12" AF002
DR: 200 PSIG @ 100ºC ½” – 2" AQ502
Globe 2½” – 16" BF016
B2 U/GI FOL Yellow Black
¼” – 2" BQ506
Check 2½” – 12" CF034
½” – 2" CQ515
Glue, Low Pressure
B1 U/GI Ball ½” – 1½” FS435 GLU Yellow Black
DR: 250 PSIG @ ambient
Glue, High Pressure
DR: 1,000 PSIG @ B4 U/GI Ball ½” – 1½” GLU Yellow Black
Glycol Gate 2” – 16” AE102
Supply and Return ¼” – 1½” AF401
DR: 100 PSIG @ 25ºC Globe 2” – 10” BE110
½” – 1½” BF408
Check 2” – 12” CE119
2” – 12” CF029
½” – 1½” CH416
B1/B2/B6 U/GI Butterfly 2” – 6” EH321, EH364 GLY Yellow Black
2” – 12” EH322
8” – 12” EH325, EH367
Ball ½” – 2” FL426, FL265
2” only FL981
4” FQ994
3” FS992
Angle ¼” – 1½” HF440
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
½” – 2”
FL976, FL996,
Glycol Ball (only use
Cellar and wet areas
Desiccant supply/return A1/A10 U/GI FQ995
(humidity control)
3” – 4” GLY Yellow Black
DR: 100 PSIG @ 25ºC (Only use FS993
Notes: Use stainless steel in cellar and wet areas where condensation and frost build-up on uninsulated
pipe would cause rust on carbon steel pipe. For types and sizes of valves not listed here for glycol
service in stainless steel, valves listed for glycol service in carbon steel may be used. Use appropriate
adapters and flanges as required.
AE102 (below
Glycol, Heating, Central Gate 2” & up
AK104 (65ºC
DR: 150 PSIG @ 95ºC 2” – 12”
and above)
BE110 (below
2” – 10”
Globe 1” BF113
BK019 (65ºC
2½” – 12”
and above)
CE119 (below
2” – 14”
Check 1” & 1½” CF025
B1/B2/B6 U/GI CF030 (any GHC Yellow Black
2” – 30”
Butterfly 2” – 4” EH321
EH321, EH322,
8” – 12” EH325, EH367
14” – 18” EH326, EH327
Ball ½” – 4” FF129
3” & 4” FF372
4” FQ994
3” FS992
Grain / dust, Raw
material handling B2 U/GI GRM Yellow Black
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
CF030 (any
Hop, Extract Check 2”
DR: 150 PSIG @ 80ºC Butterfly 2” (constant
exposure to
above 60ºC)
A1 S EF358 HOP Green White
1” – 2”
exposure above

Diaphragm ½” – 1”
exposure above

HTHW Gate 2½” – 24” AL070

High Temperature Hot
¼” – 2” AQ504
DR: 363 PSIG @ 225ºC Globe 2½” – 12” BL160
½” – 2” BQ538
B4 U/GI HTW Yellow Black
Check 2½” – 24” CL072
¼” – 2” CQ540
Ball 2½” – 4” FT275
½” – 2” FT505
Hydrogen Peroxide
Ball 1” – 2” FF060
A8 S HPE Yellow Black
DR: 50 PSIG @ ambient ¼” SC462
Kathene Solution Check 1" – 2" CF132
Supply and Return 3” – 8” CF133
(Lithium Chloride) P4 U/GI Butterfly 2" – 8" EF306 KAS Yellow Black
DR: 50 PSIG @ 120ºC Ball ½” – 6" FF127
Diaphragm ½” – 2" KF151
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Kieselguhr Check 1" & 1½” CF025
DR: 100 PSIG @ 60ºC 2" – 12" CF030, CF031
Plug ½” only DA951
¾” only DA952
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954
½” – 1" DA955
DA956 (pump
½” – 1" casing, vent, &
A1 S drain) KIE Green White

1" only DA957

¾” only DA958
Butterfly 2" – 6" EF307
1” – 6” EF358

¾” – 4" EL961

Ball ¾” – 4" FM952

Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985

CD566, CF405,
Magnesium Hydroxide Check ½” – 2"
CH416, CF551
DR: 75 PSIG @ ambient Ball ½” – 2" FJ562, FL429
B1/P5 U/GI MAG Yellow Black
Use PSC B1 at pumps,
Diaphragm ½” – 2" KF564
tanks, and
manifolds with numerous
Magnesium Oxide Check ½” – 2” CD566, CF551
P5 U/GI Ball ½” – 2” FJ562, FL429 MGO Yellow Black
Diaphragm ½” – 2” KF564
Mash in Check 2" – 12" CF030, CF031
A1 S EF308T, MAS Green White
DR: 100 PSIG @ 100ºC Butterfly 2" – 12"
Nitrogen Check 2" – 16" CF030
DR: 150 PSIG @ ambient ½” – 1½” CF122
Butterfly 2" – 12" EF307
A1 PC EF358 (below NIT Blue White
1” – 12”
140° F)
FL976, FL977,
Ball ½” – 2"
Diaphragm ½” – 4" KF270, KF985
Off Gas Check 2” – 3” CC160
DR: 25 PSIG @ 4ºC ½” – 3” CD565
3” – 8” CF133
P1/P9 U/GI OFG Yellow Black
Butterfly 4” – 16” EF314, EF315
2” – 4” EF355
Ball ½” – 2” FJ561
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Perlite, Slurry Check 1" & 1½”. CF025
2” – 12” CF030, CF031
Plug ½” only DA951
¾” only DA952
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954
½” – 1” DA955

A1 S DA956 (pump PLS Green White

½” – 1” casing, vent, &

1" only DA957

¾” only DA958

Butterfly 2” – 6” EF307
1” – 6” EF358
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Propane, Gas 6" & 8" DF256
DR: 50 PSIG @ ambient B2 U/GI Plug 2" – 4" DF519 PRP Yellow Black
½” – 1½” DL522
Propane, Liquid Check 1" – 6” CL042
DR: 300 PSIG @ 5ºC ½” & ¾” CL535
Ball ⅜" – 2" FL426
B3 U/GI PRP Yellow Black
Expansion 1" only RL801, RL802V
Globe/Angle ¾” & 1”
1½” & 2”
Sludge Plug 1½” – 2” DF049
Anaerobic, Primary 6” DF050
P1/P9 U/GI SLD Yellow Black
DR: 125 PSIG @ 30ºC Knife Gate 6” GF334
Diaphragm ½” – 2” KF563
Soap, Lubrication Gate ½” – 2" AL402
DR: 100 PSIG @ Ambient Globe ¼” – 2" BF408
A3 U/GI Check 1” & 1½” CF025 SLB Green White
Ball ⅜" – 2" FL426
Angle ¼” – 1½" HF441
Sodium Hydroxide
P5 U/GI Ball 1” – 2” FJ562 SHD Yellow Black
DR: 200 PSIG @ ambient

Sodium Hypochlorite Check ½” – 2” CD566, CF551

DR: 125 PSIG @ ambient P5 U/GI Ball ½” – 2” FJ562 SHC Yellow Black
Diaphragm ½” – 2” KF555, KF564
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Soft Drinks Check 1" & 1½” CF025
DR: 150 PSIG @ 60ºC 2" – 12" CF030, CF031
Plug ½” only DA951
¾” only DA952
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954
A1 S ½” – 1" DA955 SDK Green White
1" only DA957
¾” only DA958
Butterfly 2" – 6" EF307
1” – 6” EF358
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Spent Grain Gate ½” – 1½” AL402
DR: 120 PSIG @ 100ºC Globe 1" – 8" BF113
Check 2" – 16" CF030
½” – 2" CF123
2½" – 10" CF135
A1 U/GI EF308T, SPG Green White
Butterfly 2" – 12"
Ball 3" – 6" FF129, FF373
8" only FF966
FL970, FL971,
½” – 2”
FL973, FL974
Needle ¼" only NW451
Sparge Liquor Gate ½” – 1½” AL402
DR: 120 PSIG @ 100ºC Globe 1" – 8" BF113
Check 2" – 16" CF030
½” – 2" CF123
2½" – 10" CF135
A1 U/GI EF308T, SLQ Green White
Butterfly 2" – 12"
Ball 3" – 6" FF129, FF373
8" only FF966
FL970, FL971,
½” – 2”
FL973, FL974
Needle ¼" only NW451
Steam, Low Pressure Gate 2" – 16" AE102
(74 PSIG and below) ½” – 1½” AF401
DR: 74 PSIG @ 160ºC Globe 2" - 10" BE110
½” – 1½” BF408
Check 2" – 14" CE119
B1/B2 U/GI ½” – 1½” CH416 STM Yellow Black
Butterfly 3” – 30” EF311
3” – 30” EF312
Ball ½” – 1½” FP461
Angle 2" – 14" HE140
¼” – 1½” HF441
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Steam, Medium Pressure Gate 2½” – 12" AF002
(75 PSIG to 165 PSIG) 6" – 12" AF003F
DR: 165 PSIG @ 190ºC ¼” – 2" AQ501
Globe 2½” – 16" BF016
½” – 2" BQ507
B2 U/GI Check 2½” – 12" CF034 STM Yellow Black
½” – 2" CQ515
Butterfly 3” – 30” EF311
3” – 30” EF312
Ball ½” – 2” FP537
Angle 2½” – 12" HF065
Steam, High Pressure Gate 2½” – 24” AL070
(166 PSIG to 549 PSIG) ¼” – 2” AQ504
DR: 550PSIG @ 250ºC Globe 2½” – 12” BL160
½” – 2” BQ538
B4 U/GI STM Yellow Black
Check 2½” – 24” CL072
¼” – 2” CQ540
Ball 2½” – 4” FT275
½” – 2” FT505

Steam, Superheat Gate 2½” – 12” AP071

(550 PSIG and above) ¼” – 2” AQ504
DR: 550 PSIG @ 400ºC Globe 2½” – 18” BP161
¼” – 2" BQ538
B5 U/GI STM Yellow Black
Check 2½” – 12” CP073
½” – 2" CQ540
Ball 2½” – 4” FT275
½” – 2” FT505
Syrup, Liquid Sugar, CF030 (any
Check 2” – 6”
High Maltose temperature)
DR: 150 PSIG @ 80ºC Butterfly 2” – 6” EF359T (60˚C
and above)

A1 S (intermittent SSH Yellow Black
1” – 6”
exposure above

Diaphragm ½” – 1”
exposure above
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Tannin Gate ½” – 1½” AL402
Globe 1" – 8" BF113
Check 2" – 16" CF030
½” – 2" CF123
2½” – 10" CF135
Plug ½” only DA951
¾” only DA952, DA958
½” & ¾” DA953, DA954
½” – 1" DA955
A1 S TAN Yellow Black
1" only DA957
Butterfly 2” – 12” EF307
EF358 (Below
1” – 12”
Ball 3" – 6" FF373
8" only FF966
FL970, FL971,
½” – 2"
FL973, FL974
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Needle ¼” only NW451
Trub Check 1" – 1½” CF025
DR: 100 PSIG @ 100ºC 2" – 12" CF030, CF031
Plug ½” only DA951

A1/A10 PC ¾” only DA952, DA958 TRB Green White

½" & ¾” DA953, DA954
½” – 1" DA955
Butterfly 2" – 12"
Unfinished Spirits Gate ½” – 1½” AL402
DR: 120 PSIG @ 40ºC Globe 1" – 8" BF113
Check 2" – 8" CF030
½” – 2" CF123
2½” – 10" CF135
A1 U/GI UFS Yellow Black
Ball 3" – 6" FF129, FF373
8" only FF966
FL970 FL971,
½” – 2"
FL973, FL974
Needle ½”
Vacuum Gate 2" – 6" AE101
DR: Full Vacuum @ B2 U/GI VAC Blue White
Ball ½” – 6” FF055
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Vacuum Cleaning
Gate 2” AE101
BP&S Carton and
A1/A10 U/GI Ball ½” – 2” FF055 VCS Green White
Cardboard Staging
and Conveying – Dry Use
Waste Water Effluent
P1/P6/P9 U/GI Butterfly 8” – 16” EF314, EF315 WWE Green White
DR: 75 PSIG @ 40ºC
Waste Water, from Lift
Station to Energy
Check 2” – 30” CF030
Recovery System
BioCon™ Energy
Recovery System (BERS): X2/P9 U/GI WWB Green White
Butterfly 2” – 20” EF314, EF315
Heat production by dried
sludge combustion
DR: 100 PSIG @ 50ºC 2” – 4” EF355
Ball ½” – 2” FJ562, FL429
Water, Packaging (below
Gate 2" – 16" AE102
AL402 (for
DR: 150 PSIG @ 50ºC ½” – 1½”
Globe 2" – 10" BE110
Check 2" – 14" CE119
2" – 12" CF030
Butterfly 2" – 12" EF359T (60˚C
and above)
EF358 (Below
1” – 1½”
2" – 4" EH321
A1/A10 U/GI WPA Green White
EH322, EH321,
6" only
8" – 12" EH325, EH367
14" – 18" EH326, EH327
FL976, FL977,
Ball ½” – 2”
½” – 2” FL996
½” – 2” FL997
4” FQ995
3” FS993
Angle 2" – 14" HE140
Water, brewing (below EF307 (below
Butterfly 2" – 12"
50ºC) 60˚C)
Adjusted, Chilled, EF308T,
Filtered/Degassed, Ice, 2" – 12 EF359T (60˚C
Mash A1 S and above) WBR Green White
EF358 (below
DR: 100 PSIG @ 50ºC 1” – 12”
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270 KF985
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Water, Hot (50ºC and AE102 (below
Gate 2” & up
above) 65ºC)
AK104 (65ºC
DR: 150 PSIG @ 95ºC 2” – 12”
and above)
Note: A12 must be used
for chloride hot water to
BE110 (below
avoid chloride stress Globe 2” – 10”
corrosion cracking
1” BF113

BK019 (65ºC
2½” – 12”
and above)
CE119 (below
Check 2” – 14”
A9 / A11 / 1” & 1½” CF025
S WHO Yellow Black
A12 CF030 (any
2” – 30”
Butterfly 2” – 12” EF359T (60ºC
and above)
EH321 (below
2” – 4”
EH321, EH322,
6” EH364 (below
EH325, EH367
8” – 12”
(below 60ºC)
EH326, EH327
14” – 18”
(below 60ºC)
Ball ½” – 4” FF129
3” & 4” FF372
Water, Fire Protection Gate 2" – 16" AE102 WFP Red White
Water, Plant general ¼” – 1½” AF401 WPL Green White
DR: 150 PSIG @ 65ºC Globe 2 " – 10" BE110
¼” – 1½” BF408
Check 2" – 14" CE119
2" – 12" CF028
½” – 1½” CH416
Plug 6" & 8" DF256
2" – 4" DF519
Butterfly 2" – 6" EH321 EH364
B1/B2/B6 U/GI
2" – 12" EH322
8" – 12" EH325 EH367
14" – 18" EH326, EH327
20" & 24" EH328
Ball ⅜" – 2" FL426
½” – 2" FL975, FF055
4” FQ994
3” FS992
Angle 2" – 14" HE140
¼” – 1½” HF441
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Water, Cooling (Utilities) Gate 2" – 16" AE102
Supply/Return, Drain,
½” – 1½” AF401
DR: 50 PSIG @ 35ºC Globe 2" – 10" BE110
½” – 1½” BF408
½” & ¾” BH409
CE119, CF029,
Check 2" – 14"
16" – 18" CE121
¼” – 1½” CH416
B1/B2 U/GI Butterfly 2" – 6" EH321, EH364 WCU Green White

2" – 12" EH322

8" – 12" EH325, EH367
14" – 18" EH326, EH327
20" – 24" EH328
Ball 3" – 6" FF965
FL265, FL426,
½” – 2"
Angle 2" – 14" HE140
½” – 1½” HF441
Water, Chlorinated
Check 1" only CF551
DR: 75 PSIG @ 40ºC P1 U/GI Ball 1” only FJ563 WCI Yellow Black

Diaphragm 1" only KF555

Water, Chlorine Dioxide Check ½” – 2” CF551
P5 U/GI Ball ½” – 2” FF701 WCO Yellow Black
Diaphragm ½” – 2” KF564
Water, Deionized Gate 2" – 16" AE102
A1 S AL402 (for WDI Green White
½” – 2"
Water, Demineralized Gate 2" – 16" AE102
A1 S AL402 (for WDM Green White
½” – 2"
Water, Domestic
Gate 2½” & 3" AE102 WDO Green White
(hot/cold service)
Water, Comfort Heating
½” – 2" AE601 WHE Yellow Black
(hot service)
3" and smaller Globe ½” – 2" BE602
DR: 150 PSIG @ 60°C Check 2" – 3" CF028
Note: domestic water and
comfort heating in office
buildings and in ceiling
plenums for offices, toilets, ½” – 2" CH605
and similar personnel
applications located within
production areas.
Butterfly 2" – 3" EH321, EH364
Ball ½” – 2" FL665
Angle 2” – 3” HE140
½” – 2" HE610
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Water, Domestic (cold
Globe 2" – 10" BE110
4" and larger Check 2" – 14" CE119
DR: 150 PSIG @ 50ºC 2" – 12" CF030
Butterfly 2” – 12” EF359T (60ºC
and above)
EF358 (below
1” – 1½”
A1 U/GI WDO Green White
2" – 4" EH321
EH322, EH321,
6" only
8" – 12" EH325, EH367
14" – 18" EH326, EH327
FL976, FL977,
Ball ½” – 2”
Angle 2” – 14” HE140
AE102 (below
Water, Heating, Central Gate 2” & up
AK104 (65ºC
DR: 150 PSIG @ 95ºC 2” – 12”
and above)
BE110 (below
Globe 2” – 10”
1” BF113
BK019 (65ºC
2½” – 12”
and above)
CE119 (below
Check 2” – 14”
1” & 1½” CF025
B1/B2/B6 U/GI CF030 (any WHC Yellow Black
2” – 30”
Butterfly 2” – 4” EH321
EH321, EH322,
8” – 12” EH325, EH367
14” – 18” EH326, EH327
Ball ½” – 4” FF129
3” & 4” FF372
4” FQ994
3” FS992
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Water, Filtered (sanitary
Gate 2” – 16” AE102
piping design)
AL402 (for
DR: 150 PSIG @ 50ºC ½” – 1½”
Globe 2” – 10” BE110
Check 2” – 14” CE119
2” – 12” CF030
EF307 (below
Butterfly 2” – 12”
2” – 12” EF359T (60ºC
and above)
EF329 (Use for
A1 S 2” – 20” first valve WFI Green White
between pure
steam and WFI
line only. Install
side towards
WFI side.
EF358 (below
1” – 12”
FL976, FL977,
Ball ¼” – 2”
Angle 2” – 14” HE110
Water, Softened (50ºC
Ball ½” – 4” FF129
and above)
DR: 150 PSIG @ 95ºC A9/A11/A12 U/GI 3” & 4” FF372 WSF Green White
Butterfly 2" – 4"
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Piping Pipe labeling color code

Commodity & Design Design
Specification Valve Type Size Valve Number
Rating (DR) Type Acronym Field Letters
Class (PSC)
Wort Check 1" & 1½” CF025
DR: 150 PSIG @ 95ºC 2" – 12" CF030 CF031
Note: All valves must have
Plug ½” only DA951
PTFE gaskets and liners
½” & ¾” DA954, DA953
½” – 1” DA955
1" only DA957
A1 S ¾” only DA958, DA952 WOR Green White

EF307, (below
Butterfly 2" – 12”
2” – 12” EF359T (60ºC
and above)
EF358 (below
1” – 12”
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985
Yeast Check 1" – 3" CA209X
DR: 125 PSIG @ 95ºC 1" & 1½” CF025
2" – 12" CF030, CF031
Plug ½” – 1" DA955

A1 S 1" only DA957 YST Green White

¾” only DA958
Butterfly 2" – 12" EF307
EF358 (below
1” – 12”
Diaphragm ¾” – 4" KF270, KF985

Zinc Slurry
A1 S Gate ½” – 1½” AL402 ZCS Green White
DR: 125 PSIG @ 100ºC
Title: 3B General Specification Version: Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
Piping 2.0
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3.3 Piping specification classes

3.3.1 A1 – 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

ANSI B36.19 – except as shown in table below, Grade 304L, stainless steel, schedule 5S, welded, full finish, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled.
1. Pipe end configurations shall be square cut ends.
2. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A1.1.
3. Sulfur range shall be per ASTM 312.
½” to 2” – Tube,
4. Welds shall be cold reduced by a suitable method, such as bead rolling, drawing, or swaging. The resulting weld must be flush on the inside
diameter. There must be no undercutting on the ID or OD of the weld.
5. Surface profile of the interior of the pipe shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inch for 8” and below sizes, 10” and above shall be a hot rolled finish not to
shown below
exceed 150 Ra micro-inch.
½” thru 20"
6. Pipe shall be furnished in 21’-0” (+6” / -6”) lengths. Tube shall be furnished in 20’-0” (+6” /-6”) lengths.
3” to 20” – Pipe
7. Surfaces shall be clean, uniform, and free of mill scale, cracks, laminations, laps, burrs, discoloration, and free iron contamination.
8. Pipe shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
9. Wall thickness, OD, ovality shall be per below table.
shown below


Nominal Wall Tolerance
Nominal Size OD OD Tolerances Schedule Max. Wall Min. Wall Ovality Tolerance
Wall Thickness (+/-)
½” 0.840 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
¾” 1.050 +0.015 / -0.031 5S (from Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
1” 1.315 drawn A269 0.065 0.004 0.069 0.061 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
1½” 1.900 tube) Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
+0.031 / -0.031
2” 2.375 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
3” 3.500 +0.005 0.052 max
+0.031 / -0.031 0.083 0.088 0.073
4” 4.500 -0.010 0.063 max
5S (from
6” 6.625 +0.007 0.094 max
+0.062 / -0.031 A312 pipe) 0.109 0.116 0.095
8” 8.625 -0.014 0.120 max
10” 10.750 0.134 +0.008/-0.016 0.142 0.118 0.150 max
12” 12.750 0.180 max
+0.093 / -0.031 0.156 0.166 0.136
14” 14.000 +0.010 0.210 max
16” 16.000 -0.020 0.240 max
0.165 0.175 0.145
18” 18.000 0.270 max
20” 20.000 + 0.125 / -0.031 0.188 +0.012/-0.024 0.200 0.164 0.300 max
Title: 3B General Specification Version: Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
Piping 2.0
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Component Size Description

For APL Commodity Only: Schedule 40S, ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, welded and drawn, annealed, pickled, threaded ends. Brewery quality
¼”, ⅜”
not required for APL commodity.
Pipe – continued
For Process Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings Only: Schedule 40S, ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, grade 304L, welded, full finish, weld bead
removed, annealed, pickled, bevel ends.

Component Size Description

For Non-Sanitary Design Type Piping and as Specified on Drawings Only: Schedule 40S, ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, grade 304L, welded, full finish, weld
½” thru 1½”
bead removed, annealed, pickled, threaded ends.
For Sanitary Tank Internal Piping and Nozzles Only: Schedule 40S, ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, welded, full finish, weld bead
As defined
removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends. Surface profile of the interior of the pipe shall not exceed 90 Ra micro inch. Surface profile of pipe exterior to
on drawings
match internal tank finishes.
ASTM A 182, Grade F304L, stainless steel, forged, weld neck, flat face, brewery quality.
1. Weld end configuration:
1.1. ½” thru 8" sizes – square cut
1.2. 10” thru 20" – beveled
2. Bore surface finish shall not exceed 90 Ra micro inch.
3. Flange face surface profile 125-250 Ra micro-inch.
½” thru 20" 4. Sulfur range shall be .005 to 0.030% by weight.
Corrosion Weight
5. Flanges shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
6. Flange markings to include the Piping Specification Class “A1” identifier.

ANSI Flanges Shall be Used Only When Specified on Drawings: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade F304L, stainless steel, Class 150, forged, weld neck, flat
1. Weld end configuration:
1.1. ½” schedule 40S bore – beveled
1.2. ½” thru 8" schedule 5S bore – square cut
1.3. 10” thru 20" schedule 5S bore – beveled
2. Bore sizes:
2.1. ½” – schedule 40
Flanges 2.2. ½” thru 20" – schedule 5
½” thru 20"
ANSI 3. Bore surface finish shall not exceed 90 Ra micro inch.
4. Flange face surface profile 125-250 Ra micro-inch.
5. Sulfur range shall be .005 to 0.030% by weight.
6. Flanges shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
7. Flange markings to include the Piping Specification Class “A1” identifier.
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For APL Commodity Only: ANSI B16.3 (dimensions), ASTM A 182, Grade F304L, stainless steel, Class 150, forged, threaded ends.
¼” & ⅜”

Fittings For Process Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings Only: ANSI B16.9, ASTM A 403, Grade WP304L, stainless steel, schedule 40S, butt weld, bevel
ends, made from full finish pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled.
½” 1. Elbows shall be long radius unless specified unless otherwise on drawings.

Component Size Description

Where Required for Threaded Connections: ANSI B16.3 (dimensions), ASTM A182, Grade F304L, stainless steel, Class 150, forged, threaded ends
½” thru 1½”

½” thru 14”
ANSI B16.9 – except for tolerances defined below, ASTM A 403, Grade 304L, stainless steel, brewery quality, schedule 5S, butt weld, made from full finish
pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, passivated.
1. Weld end configuration:
1.1. ½” thru 8", square cut
1.2. 10” thru 20", beveled
2. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A 1 . 2
3. All fittings shall be full solution annealed and pickled after manufacture.
Fittings – 4. Interior surface roughness shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inches.
½” thru 20"
Continued 5. Sulfur range shall be .005 to 0.030% by weight.
6. Center to end dimension of elbows and tees shall be within plus or minus 1/16” for ½” thru 12” sizes and 3/32” for 14” thru 20” sizes.
7. Elbows shall be long radius unless specified otherwise on drawings.
8. Elbows 8" and larger may be fabricated from welded halves stamped from sheet.
9. Tees shall be welded outlet type in accordance with ASTM A 403, CR Type. Shop fabricated “pulled-tees” are explicitly forbidden.
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Maximum Minimum
Nominal Size OD OD Tolerance Schedule Wall Wall Tolerance
Wall Wall
½” 0.840
+0.005 / -0.012
¾” 1.050 0.065 +0.005/-0.005 0.070 0.060
1” 1.315
1½” 1.900 +0.008/-0.015
2” 2.375 +0.010/-0.016
3” 3.500 +0.006/-0.006 0.089 0.077
+0.015/-0.020 0.083
4” 4.500 +0.007/-0.007 0.090 0.076
6” 6.625 +0.020/-0.030 +0.008/-0.008 0.117 0.101
8” 8.625 +/- 0.035 +0.009/-0.009 0.118 0.100
+/- 0.042
10” 10.750 0.134 +0.010/-0.010 0.144 0.124
12” 12.750 +/- 0.052 +0.011/-0.011 0.167 0.145
14” 14.000 +/- 0.060 +0.016/-0.016 0.172 0.140
16” 16.000 +0.018/-0.018 0.183 0.147
+/- 0.094 0.165
18” 18.000 +0.021/-0.021 0.186 0.144
20” 20.000 +/- 0.125 0.188 +0.024/-0.024 0.212 0.164

Component Size Description

Special application long sweep elbows shall be used in GRS, HOS, and MAS commodities. Elbows shall be five diameter bends per the following.
1. Material:
1.1. ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, full finished, weld bead removed.
2. Construction:
2.1. Smooth bend contour formed from schedule 10S pipe for schedule 5S service.
2.2. 5% maximum difference between major and minor outside diameters.
2.3. Ends shall be taper bored to match bore of schedule 5S pipe.
2.4. Ends shall be square cut for butt welding.
2.5. Elbows in GRS commodity shall have the following bend radius dimensions:
Special Long 2” thru 6”
2.5.1. 2” pipe size – 36” center line bend radius
2.5.2. 3” pipe size – 36” center line bend radius
2.5.3. 4” pipe size – 48” center line bend radius
2.5.4. 6” pipe size and larger – 72” center line bend radius
2.6. Interior surface finish shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inches, with no ripples or wrinkles.
2.7. Annealed and passivated before and after bending.
2.8. All surfaces shall be free of iron contamination.
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For line size branches use tees. Use reducing tees for branches one line size smaller and less.
1. Flanged short outlet tees and crosses shall be used where valves are in branch immediately adjacent to header.
All sizes 2. All drains and bleeds between double block valves which are in process lines are to be made with tangential tees, with branch connection
positioned horizontally on bottom, unless otherwise noted.
3. Use flanges when adapting to dissimilar metals.
¾” thru 1½” Where Required for Connection to Valves and Fittings: ASTM A 182, Grade F304L, schedule 40S, thread one end, taper bored to Schedule 5S other end.
¼” thru ½” For Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings: ASTM A 182, Grade F304L, schedule 40S, NPT one end, bevel other end.
Hose Threads ¾” thru 8”
A-B, Inc.
Gaskets Garlock, Gylon 3545, ASTM Line Callout F419000A9B3, Microcellular PTFE, with rigid PTFE core, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16” thick. Use ring gaskets on
Flanges wafer type check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly valves with
integral seat liner/gasket surface.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
Bolting 1. Bolting for lug style butterfly valves shall conform to A-B Standard # GEN-STD-1300.
2. If stud bolts are required using certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
3. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade lubrication compound, part number FD-14.
Thread Lubricant Bolt Threads

Sanitary Design Type Piping: Teflon tape, Military Grade for Stainless Steel— Use on stainless steel threads. Specific gravity is 1.2 g/cc. Thickness is
0.0032”. Color is gray. Meets MIL-A-A-58092. Do not use Teflon tape on instrument air piping.
Non-Sanitary Design Type Piping
Pipe Threads
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Joint Configuration:
1. ½” thru 8” schedule 5S – square cut end, butt weld
2. 10” thru 20” schedule 5S and all schedule 40S sizes – bevel end, butt weld
3. ¼” thru 1½” threaded joint – threaded joints shall only be used as specified
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. De-burr with half-round or round hand files and deburring tools
or iron-free aluminum oxide flapper wheels.
4. Pipe ends shall not be beveled on schedule 5S pipe sizes ½” through 8”. The ends of ½” schedule 40S, 10” and larger schedule 5S, shall be
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding using tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. The joint gap between the two ends butted together shall not exceed 0.010” at any point in the joint.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 15% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by ASME Bioprocessing
Equipment (BPE), Figure MJ-1.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. Welds shall be made by using manual or automatic type equipment. The manufacturer and model of automatic type equipment shall be
approved by AB-InBev based on satisfactory weld samples.
6.2. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
6.2.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Pipe Joints ½” thru 20” Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
6.2.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
6.3. Welds for schedule 5S pipe sizes ½” thru 8” shall be accomplished by fusion only, without the use of filler metal.
6.4. Welds for ½” schedule 40S pipe and 10” and larger schedule 5S pipe shall have the first pass made by fusion and remaining passes with the
use of filler metal. Type 316L filler rod shall be used when required.
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. Maximum allowable outside diameter (OD) concavity shall be limited to 10% of the nominal wall thickness over the entire
circumference with 15% of the nominal wall thickness permitted over a maximum of 25% of the circumference.
7.2.2. Outside diameter convexity is limited to 0.015”
7.2.3. Manual type welds shall have a minimum weld face width of 2T where T is the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example D.
7.2.4. Face width of manual type welds shall be uniform. The minimum face width of each weld shall be at least 75% of the maximum
face wide, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example E.
7.2.5. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. Maximum allowable outside diameter (OD) concavity shall be limited to 10% of the nominal wall thickness over the entire
circumference with 15% of the nominal wall thickness permitted over a maximum of 25% of the circumference.
7.3.3. Outside diameter convexity is limited to 0.015”
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7.3.4. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.5. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
7.3.6. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3.7. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
Pipe Joints – 8.2. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
½” thru 20”
continued by Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.2 A2 – 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

½” ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, schedule 40S, welded, full finish, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
¾” thru 4” ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, welded, full finish, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
½” ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade 304L, stainless steel, Class 300, raised face, welding neck, schedule 40S bore, beveled end.
¾” thru 4” ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade F304L, stainless steel, Class 300, raised face, welding neck, schedule 10S bore, beveled end.
ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS SP-43, ASTM A 403, Grade WP304L, stainless steel, schedule 40S, elbows, long radius, made from full finish
pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, butt weld, beveled ends.
Fittings ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS SP-43, ASTM A 403, Grade WP304L, reducers may be grade CR304L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, made from
ANSI full finish pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
¾” thru 4”
1. Long radius elbows shall be used unless specified otherwise.
2. Shop fabricated “pulled-tees” are explicitly forbidden.
For Process Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings: ANSI B16.11, ASTM A182, Grade 304L, stainless steel, 3000 pound, forged steel, full coupling,
Branch ½” thru 1½”
threaded ends.
2” thru 4” For line size branches use tees. For branches one line size smaller or less use reducing tees.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 300 lb rating, ring type, 1/16" thick. Gaskets shall have the same
inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
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Joint Configuration:
1. All sizes and schedules – bevel end, butt weld.
2. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
Pipe Joints ½” thru 4”
4. Pipe ends shall be beveled.
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. The joint gap between the two ends butted together shall not exceed 0.010” at any point in the joint.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 10% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999,
Figure 1, Example A.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
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Component Size Description

6.1.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
6.1.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
6.2. Welds shall have the first pass made by fusion and remaining passes with the use of filler metal. Type 316L filler rod shall be used when
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. Maximum allowable convexity shall be 0.012”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example F.
7.3.3. Maximum allowable concavity shall be 0.012”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example G.
7.3.4. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.5. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
Pipe Joints ½” thru 4”
7.3.6. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3.7. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer's procedures.
8.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.3 A3 – 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

ASTM A 213 or A 269, Grade 304L, stainless steel, seamless or welded and drawn, fully annealed, maximum hardness of HRB 80 (Rockwell B-Scale
Hardness), plain end.
1. Minimum tube wall thickness:
Tube O.D. Wall Thickness
⅛” 0.028”
¼” 0.028”
Tubing ⅛” thru 1” ⅜” 0.035”
½” 0.049”
¾” 0.065”
1” 0.083”
2. Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending.

Pipe 1½” thru 2” ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 304/304L, stainless steel, schedule 40S, threaded ends.
Fittings – Tubing ⅛” thru 1” ASTM A 182, Grade 316, stainless steel, compression ends, as manufactured by Swagelok or approved equal.
ANSI B16.3 (dimensions), ASTM A182, Grade F304L, stainless steel, Class 150, cast or forged, threaded ends.
Fittings – Pipe 1½” thru 2”

Thread Lubricant Pipe Threads Teflon tape.

Joint Configuration:
1. ⅛” thru 1” tube – square cut end for tube fittings as specified above.
2. 1½” thru 2” schedule 80S pipe – threaded end.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
Pipe Joints ⅛” thru 2” all male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.4 A4 – 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

Tubing ¼” & ⅜” ASTM A 269, Grade 316, stainless steel, 0.035” wall thickness, seamless, fully annealed, maximum hardness of HRB 80, plain end.
1. Tubing to be free of scratches and suitable for bending.
Pipe ½” thru 2” ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 316, stainless steel, schedule 80S, welded, full finish, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
Flanges ½” thru 2” ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade 316, stainless steel, Class 300, raised face, weld neck, schedule 80S bore, bevel end.
Fittings – Tubing ¼” & ⅜” ASTM A 182, Grade 316, stainless steel, compression ends, as manufactured by Swagelok, Whitey, or approved equal.
Fittings – Pipe ½” thru 2” ANSI B16.9, ASTM A 403, Grade WP316, stainless steel, schedule 80S, made from full finish pipe, annealed, pickled, butt weld, beveled ends.
2” & under For line size branches use tees. Branches one line size smaller or less use reducing tees.
Connections ½” thru 1½” For Instruments: ANSI B16.11, ASTM A182, Class 3000, Grade 316, full coupling, threaded ends.

Valves ¼” & ⅜” ASTM A 182, Grade 316, stainless steel, compression ends, Swagelok Series 40 ball valve or approved equal.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 300 lb rating, ring type, 1/16" thick. Gaskets shall have the same
inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Joint Configuration:
1. ¼” thru ⅜” tubing – square cut for tube fittings as specified above.
2. ½” thru 2” schedule 80S pipe – bevel end, butt weld.
3. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
Pipe Joints saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
¼” thru 2” 3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
4. Pipe ends shall be beveled.
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 1/32”.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
6.1.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4.
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Component Size Description

6.1.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks that
are not made correctly.
7.3.2. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.3. Oxide islands greater shall not be acceptable.
7.3.4. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3.5. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
Pipe Joints ¼” thru 2”
weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer's procedures.
8.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.5 A5 – 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

½” thru 2” ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 304, stainless steel, schedule 80S, welded, full finish, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
3” Only ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 304, stainless steel, schedule 40S, welded, full finish, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
½” thru 2” ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade 304, stainless steel, Class 600, weld neck, flat face, schedule 80S bore, beveled end.
3” Only ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade 304, stainless steel, Class 600, weld neck, raised face, schedule 40S bore, beveled end.
ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS SP-43, ASTM A 403, Grade 304, stainless steel, schedule 80S, made from full finish pipe, annealed, pickled,
½” thru 2” beveled ends.
1. Long radius elbows shall be used unless specified otherwise.
ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS SP-43, ASTM A 403, Grade 304, stainless steel, schedule 40S, made from full finish pipe, annealed, pickled,
3” Only beveled ends.
1. Long radius elbows shall be used unless specified otherwise.
Branch 2” & under Use tees and reducing tees.
Connections 3” Use full size tees and extra strong “Weldolets”, ASTM A 182, 304.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM line call out F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 600 lb rating, full face, 1/64" thick. Gaskets shall have the same
½” thru 2”
inside diameter as the bore of mating flanges.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM line call out F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 600 lb rating, ring type, 1/64" thick. Gaskets shall have the same
3” Only
inside diameter as the bore of mating flanges.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Bolting Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
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Joint Configuration:
1. ½” thru 3” schedule 80S pipe – bevel end, butt weld.
2. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
Pipe Joints ½” thru 3”
4. Pipe ends shall be beveled.
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 1/32”.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
6.1.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4.
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Component Size Description

6.1.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.3. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
7.3.4. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
Pipe Joints – 7.3.5. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
½” thru 3”
continued weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer's procedures.
8.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.6 A6 – 20Cb-3 Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

ANSI B36.19, ASTM B 464, Carpenter Alloy # 20Cb-3, stainless steel, welded, beveled ends.
Pipe ½” thru 4” 1. Schedule 40S for sizes ½” thru 1”
2. Schedule 10S for sizes 1½” thru 4”
ANSI B16.9, ASTM B 366, Carpenter Alloy # 20Cb-3, stainless steel, butt weld, beveled ends.
Fittings – Pipe ½” thru 4” 1. Schedule 40S for sizes ½” thru 1”
2. Schedule 10S for sizes 1½” thru 4”
ANSI B16.5, ASTM B 462, Carpenter Alloy # 20Cb-3, stainless steel, Class 150, raised face, weld neck, beveled end.
Flanges – Pipe ½” thru 4” 1. Schedule 40S bore for sizes ½” thru 1”
2. Schedule 10S bore for sizes 1½” thru 4”
For line size branches use tees, branches one line size smaller or less use reducing tees. ANSI B16.9, ASTM B 366, Carpenter Alloy # 20Cb-3, stainless
steel, butt weld, beveled ends.
Branch ½” thru 4”
1. Schedule 40S for sizes ½” thru 1”
Connections 2. Schedule 10S for sizes 1½” thru 4”
½” thru 1½” For instruments only: Use 3000#, threaded full coupling. Carpenter Alloy # 20Cb-3.
Tubing ¼” & ⅜” ASTM B 622, Hastelloy C, seamless tubing.
Fittings/Valves –
¼” & ⅜” Hastelloy C, as manufactured by Whitey, Swagelok, or approved equal.
Flexible Hose ¼” & ⅜” Stainless steel flexible hose lined with TFE, with Hastelloy C tube adaptor end connections.
Garlock, Gylon 3540, white in color with black brand, ASTM Line Callout F419000A9B2, 150 lb rating, full face, 1/8" thick. Gaskets shall have the same
inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Bolting Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound.
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
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Joint Configuration:
1. ¼” thru ⅜” tubing – square cut for tube fittings as specified above.
2. ½” thru 1” schedule 40S pipe – bevel end, butt weld.
3. 1½” thru 4” schedule 10S pipe – bevel end, butt weld.
4. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
Pipe Joints ½” thru 4”
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
4. The ends of all pipe sizes shall be beveled. Dimensions of bevel joint shall be in accordance with the material manufacturer’s recommendations.
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. A root gap is required to ensure complete penetration of the weld root pass. Dimensions of the root gap shall be in accordance with the
material manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 1/32".
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
6.1.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
6.1.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
6.2. Filler metal must be used for all weld passes, including the root pass, to ensure the corrosion resistance of the weld joints.
6.2.1. Filler metal must be properly alloyed to ensure the structural integrity and corrosion resistance of the weld joint. Filler metal shall
be in accordance with the material manufacturer’s recommendation.
Welding heat input and interpass temperatures must be as low as feasible to ensure the structural integrity and corrosion resistance of the weld
joint. The material manufacturer’s welding parameters shall be followed.
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. Weld shall be deposited by stringer beads with a convex profile to minimize heat input. Refer to the material manufacturer’s
welding parameters for specific requirements.
7.2.2. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. Internal weld bead profile shall not be concave or flat. A convex profile is desired, but shall be limited to 1/32”. Refer to the
material manufacturer’s welding parameters for specific requirements.
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Component Size Description

7.3.3. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.4. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
7.3.5. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3.6. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer's procedures.
8.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The
Pipe Joints – specialized dies, taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling.
½” thru 4”
continued The specialized dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.7 A7 – Nickel Alloy 400

Piping Specification Class A7 was previously used for 210ºF hot water. Use for tie-ins and repair work only, do not use for new installations.
Component Size Description
ANSI B36.19, ASTM B 165, Alloy 400, UNS N04400, schedule 5S, seamless, standard finish, annealed, pickled.
1. Pipe end configuration:
Pipe 2” & up
1.1. 2” thru 8”, square cut ends
1.2. 10” & above, beveled ends
Flanges 2” & up Alloy 400, weld neck, Class 150 ANSI or Class 300 ANSI – as applicable to match mating flange on equipment or where noted on drawings.
Stub Ends 2” & up Alloy 400, stub ends, Type B, MSS length for carbon steel slip on back-up flanges, ASTM A 105
Schedule 5S, ANSI B16.9, Alloy 400
1. Weld end configuration:
1.1. 2” thru 8", square cut ends
Fittings 2” & up
1.2. 10” & above, beveled ends
2. Elbows 8" and larger may be fabricated from welded halves stamped from Alloy 400 sheet, ASTM B 366.
3. The back-wall thickness of elbows shall not be less than 90% of the minimum wall thickness specified for the pipe.
For line size branches use tees. Branches one line size smaller or less use reducing tees.
Fittings – A-B
Alloy 400 to Alloy 400: Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM line call out F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 1/16" thick, ring gaskets at stub ends.
Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of stub ends.
ASTM A 193 - Grade B5 or B7; heavy, hex head, alloy steel machine bolts or stud-bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A
(threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy, hex, alloy steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1-Class 2B (threads).
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Thread Lubricant Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound
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Joint Configuration
1. 2” thru 8” schedule 40S pipe – square cut end, butt weld.
2. 10” & up – bevel end, butt weld.
Welded Joints:
1. Nickel alloy pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination sources.
Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for nickel alloy pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
Pipe Joints 2” & up 3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
4. The ends of all pipe sizes shall be beveled. Dimensions of the bevel joint shall be in accordance with the material manufacturer’s
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. A root gap is required to ensure complete penetration of the weld root pass. Dimensions of the root gap shall be in accordance with the
material manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 10% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999,
Figure 1, Example A.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
allowed. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
6.2. Filler metal must be used for all weld passes, including the root pass, to ensure the structural integrity and corrosion resistance of the weld
joints. Filler metal shall be in accordance with the material manufacturer’s recommendation.
6.3. Welding heat input and interpass temperatures must be as low as feasible to ensure the structural integrity and corrosion resistance of the
weld joint. The material manufacturer’s welding parameters shall be followed.
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
• Weld shall be deposited by stringer beads with a convex profile to minimize heat input. Refer to the material manufacturer’s
welding parameters for specific requirements.
• The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and
individual Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
• Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for
tacks that are not made correctly.
• Internal weld bead profile shall not be concave or flat. A convex profile is desired, but shall be limited to 1/32”. Refer to the
material manufacturer’s welding parameters for specific requirements.
• The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
• Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
• The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and
individual Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
• Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the
entire weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints: The exterior of all site fabricated nickel alloy weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes. Power-
driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used. Any rust that occurs on shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the
piping system shall be cleaned by Contractor at no additional cost.
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3.3.8 A8 – 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

ANSI B36.19 – except as shown in table below, ASTM A 312, Grade 316L, stainless steel, schedule 5S, brewery quality, welded, full finish, weld bead
removed, annealed, pickled.
1. Pipe end configurations shall be square cut ends.
2. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A8.1.
3. Sulfur range shall be .005 to 0.030% by weight.
4. Welds shall be cold reduced by a suitable method, such as bead rolling, drawing, or swaging. The resulting weld must be flush on the inside
diameter. There must be no undercutting on the ID or OD of the weld.
5. Surface profile of the interior of the pipe shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inches for 8” and below sizes, 10” and above shall be a hot rolled finish not
Pipe ½” thru 20”
to exceed 150 Ra micro-inches.
6. Pipe shall be furnished in 21’-0” (+6”/-6”) lengths.
7. Surfaces shall be clean, uniform, and free of mill scale, cracks, laminations, laps, burrs, discoloration, and free-iron contamination.
8. Pipe shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
9. Wall thickness shall be within (+/-) 6.25% of the nominal wall thickness.


Nominal Wall Wall Tolerance
Nominal Size OD OD Tolerances Schedule Max. Wall Min. Wall Ovality Tolerance
Thickness (+/-)
½” 0.840
¾” 1.050 +0.015 / -0.031
1” 1.315 0.065 0.004 0.069 0.061
1½” 1.900
2” 2.375
+0.031 / -0.031
3” 3.500
0.083 0.005 0.088 0.078
4” 4.500
6” 6.625 5S Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
+0.062 / -0.031 0.109 0.007 0.116 0.102
8” 8.625
10” 10.750 0.134 0.008 0.142 0.126
12” 12.750
+0.093 / -0.031 0.156 0.166 0.146
14” 14.000
16” 16.000
0.165 0.175 0.155
18” 18.000
20” 20.000 + 0.125 / -0.031 0.188 0.012 0.200 0.176
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Component Size Description

For Process Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings Only: ANSI B36.19, ASTM A312, Grade TP316L, stainless steel, schedule 40S, welded, bevel
ends, full finish, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled.
For Non-Sanitary Design Type Piping and as Specified on Drawings Only: Schedule 40S, ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, grade 316L, stainless steel, welded,
½” thru 1½”
Pipe – continued full finish, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, threaded ends.
For Sanitary Tank Internal Piping and Nozzles Only: ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 316L, stainless steel, schedule 40S, welded, bevel ends, full finish,
As defined
weld bead removed, annealed, pickled. Surface profile of pipe interior not to exceed 90 Ra micro-inch. Surface profile of pipe exterior to match internal
on drawings
tank finish.
ASTM A 182, Grade F316L, stainless steel, forged, weld neck, flat face, brewery quality.
1. Weld end configuration:
1.1. ½” thru 8" sizes, square cut
1.2. 10” thru 20", beveled
2. Bore surface finish shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inches.
Flanges 3. Flange face surface profile 125-250 Ra micro-inches.
½” thru 20"
Corrosion Weight 4. Sulfur range shall be .005 to 0.030% by weight.
5. Flanges shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
6. Flange markings to include the Piping Specification Class “A8” identifier.
ANSI Flanges Shall be Used Only When Specified on Drawings: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade F316L, stainless steel, Class 150, forged, weld neck, flat
1. Weld end configuration:
1.1. ½” schedule 40S bore, beveled
1.2. ½” thru 8" schedule 5S bore, square cut
1.3. 10” thru 20" schedule 5S bore, beveled
2. Bore sizes:
2.1. ½”, schedule 5S or 40S as appropriate
½” thru 20" 2.2. ¾” thru 20", schedule 5S
3. Bore surface finish shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inch.
4. Flange face surface profile 125-250 Ra micro-inch.
5. Sulfur range shall be .005 to 0.030% by weight.
6. Flanges shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
7. Flange markings to include the Piping Specification Class “A8” identifier.
For Process Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings Only: ANSI B16.9, ASTM A 403, Grade WP316L, stainless steel, schedule 40S, butt weld, bevel
½” ends, made from full finish pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, passivated.
1. Elbows shall be long radius unless specified otherwise on drawings.
½” thru 1½” Where Required for Threaded Connections: ANSI B16.3 (dimensions), ASTM A182 – F316L, Class 150, forged steel, threaded ends.

½” thru 14”
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ANSI B16.9 – except for tolerances defined below, ASTM A 403, Grade 316L, stainless steel, schedule 5S, butt weld, brewery quality, made from full finish
pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, passivated.
1. Weld end configuration:
1.1. ½” thru 8", square cut
1.2. 10” thru 20", beveled
2. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A8.2.
3. All fittings shall be full solution annealed and pickled after manufacture.
4. Interior bore surface roughness shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inch.
Fittings ½” thru 20" 5. Sulfur range shall be .005 to 0.030% by weight.
6. Center to end dimension of elbows and tees shall be within plus or minus 1/16” for ½” thru 12” sizes and 3/32” for 14” thru 20” sizes.
7. Elbows shall be long radius unless specified otherwise on drawings.
8. Elbows 6” and smaller shall be Grade WP316L. Elbows larger than 6”, tees and reducers of all sizes shall be Grade CR316L.
9. Elbows 8" and larger may be fabricated from welded halves stamped from sheet.
10. Tees shall be welded outlet type in accordance with ASTM A 403, CR Type. Shop fabricated “pulled-tees” are explicitly forbidden.


Maximum Minimum
Nominal Size OD OD Tolerance Schedule Wall Wall Tolerance
Wall Wall
½” 0.840
¾” 1.050 +0.005 / -0.012
1” 1.315 0.065 +0.005/-0.005 0.070 0.060
1½” 1.900 +0.008/-0.015
2” 2.375 +0.010/-0.016
3” 3.500 +0.006/-0.006 0.089 0.077
+0.015/-0.020 0.083
4” 4.500 +0.007/-0.007 0.090 0.076
6” 6.625 +0.020/-0.030 +0.008/-0.008 0.117 0.101
5S 0.109
8” 8.625 +/- 0.035 +0.009/-0.009 0.118 0.100
+/- 0.042
10” 10.750 0.134 +0.010/-0.010 0.144 0.124
12” 12.750 +/- 0.052 +0.011/-0.011 0.167 0.145
14” 14.000 +/- 0.060 +0.016/-0.016 0.172 0.140
16” 16.000 +0.018/-0.018 0.183 0.147
+/- 0.094 0.165
18” 18.000 +0.021/-0.021 0.186 0.144
20” 20.000 +/- 0.125 0.188 +0.024/-0.024 0.212 0.164
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Component Size Description

For line size branches use tees. Use reducing tees for branches one line size smaller and less.
1. Flanged short outlet tees and crosses shall be used where valves are in branch immediately adjacent to header.
All sizes 2. All drains and bleeds between double block valves which are located in process lines are to be made with tangential tees, with branch connection
positioned horizontally on bottom, unless otherwise noted.
3. Use flanges when adapting to dissimilar metals.
ASTM A182, Grade 316L, schedule 40, threaded one end (TOE), taper bored other end to Schedule 5S, where required for connection to valves and
¾” thru 1½”
Adapters fittings.
¼” thru ½” For Process Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings Only: ASTM A182, Grade 316L, schedule 40, threaded one end (TOE), bevel another end.
Hose Threads ¾” thru 8”
A-B, Inc.
Acid Commodities: Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16" thick. Use ring
gaskets on wafer type check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly
valves with integral seat liner/gasket surface.

Gaskets ANSI Sanitary Commodities: Garlock, Gylon 3545, ASTM Line Callout F419000A9B3, Microcellular PTFE, with rigid PTFE core, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16” thick.
½” thru 20” Use ring gaskets on wafer type check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style
butterfly valves with integral seat liner/gasket surface.

Sanitary Hot Commodities (above 140º F): Garlock, Gylon 3504, blue in color with black brand, ASTM Line Callout F456999A9B7E99K3M6, 300 lb rating,
ring type, 1/16” thick. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade lubrication compound.
Bolt Threads
Thread Lubricant Sanitary Design Type Piping: Teflon tape, Military Grade for Stainless Steel— Use on stainless steel threads. Specific gravity is 1.2 g/cc. Thickness is
Pipe Threads 0.0032”. Color is gray. Meets MIL-A-A-58092.

Joint Configuration:
1. ½” thru 8” schedule 5S – square cut end, butt weld.
2. 10” thru 20” schedule 5S and all schedule 40S sizes – bevel end, butt weld.
3. ½” thru 1½” threaded joint – threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
Pipe Joints ½” thru 20” 1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. De-burr with half-round or round hand files and deburring tools
or iron-free aluminum oxide flapper wheels.
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4. Pipe ends shall not be beveled on schedule 5S pipe sizes ½” thru 8”. The ends of ½” schedule 40S, 10” and larger schedule 5S, shall be
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. The joint gap between the two ends butted together shall not exceed 0.010” at any point in the joint.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 15% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by ASME Bioprocessing
Equipment (BPE), Figure MJ-1.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. Welds shall be made by using manual or automatic type equipment. The manufacturer and model of automatic type equipment shall be
approved by AB-InBev based on satisfactory weld samples.
6.2. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
6.2.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1, Figure 2, Example 4.
6.2.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
6.3. Welds for schedule 5S pipe sizes ½” through 8” shall be accomplished by fusion only, without the use of filler metal.
6.4. Welds for ½” schedule 40S pipe and 10” and larger schedule 5S pipe shall have the first pass made by fusion and remaining passes with the
use of filler metal. Type 316L filler rod shall be used when required.
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. Maximum allowable outside diameter (OD) concavity shall be limited to 10% of the nominal wall thickness over the entire
circumference with 15% of the nominal wall thickness permitted over a maximum of 25% of the circumference.
7.2.2. Outside diameter convexity is limited to 0.015”
Pipe Joints – 7.2.3. Manual type welds shall have a minimum weld face width of 2T where T is the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard
½” thru 20”
continued D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example D.
7.2.4. Face width of manual type welds shall be uniform. The minimum face width of each weld shall be at least 75% of the maximum
face wide, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example E.
7.2.5. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. Maximum allowable outside diameter (OD) concavity shall be limited to 10% of the nominal wall thickness over the entire
circumference with 15% of the nominal wall thickness permitted over a maximum of 25% of the circumference.
7.3.3. Outside diameter convexity is limited to 0.015”
7.3.4. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.5. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
7.3.6. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3.7. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer's procedures.
8.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
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Component Size Description

Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
Pipe Joints – 2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
½” thru 20”
continued roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.9 A9 – 6% molybdenum Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

ANSI B36.19, ASTM B 673 (1925hMo) and B 675 (AL6XN, INCOLOY 25-6HN), schedule 5S, brewery quality, welded, full finish, weld bead removed,
annealed, pickled.
1. Only the following alloys, or AB-InBev approved equal, shall be used to manufacture pipe:
Allegheny Ludlum Special Metals Corporation ThyssenKrupp VDM
Alloy AL-6XN (UNS N08367) INCOLOY alloy 25-6HN (UNS N08367) Cronifer 1925 hMo (UNS N08926)
Chrome 20.00 – 22.00 20.00 – 22.00 20.00 – 21.00
Nickel 23.50 – 25.50 23.50 – 25.50 24.00 – 26.00
Molybdenum 6.00 – 7.00 6.00 – 7.00 6.00 – 7.00
Copper 0.75 maximum 0.75 maximum 0.50 – 1.50
Nitrogen 0.18 – 0.25 0.18 – 0.25 0.15 – 0.25
Carbon 0.030 maximum 0.030 maximum 0.020 maximum
Manganese 2.00 maximum 2.00 maximum 1.00 maximum
Phosphorous 0.040 maximum 0.040 maximum 0.030 maximum
Sulfur 0.030 maximum 0.030 maximum 0.010 maximum
Pipe ½” thru 20” Silicon 1.00 maximum 1.00 maximum 0.50 maximum
Iron As required to equal 100% As required to equal 100% As required to equal 100%
2. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A9.1.
3. Welds shall be cold reduced by a suitable method, such as bead rolling, drawing, or swaging. The resulting weld must be flush on the inside
diameter. There must be no undercutting on the ID or OD of the weld.
4. Surface profile of the interior of the pipe shall not exceed 150 Ra micro-inch.
5. Pipe end configurations shall be square cut ends.
6. Pipe shall be furnished in 21’-0” (+6/-6”) lengths.
7. Surfaces shall be clean, uniform, and free of mill scale, cracks, laminations, laps, burrs, and discoloration.
8. Pipe shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
9. Wall thickness shall be within (+/-) 6.25% of the nominal wall thickness.
**Note**See A11 section in case material becomes an issue.
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Nominal Wall Wall Tolerance
Nominal Size OD OD Tolerances Schedule Max. Wall Min. Wall Ovality Tolerance
Thickness (+/-)
½” 0.840
¾” 1.050 +0.015 / -0.031
1” 1.315 0.065 0.004 0.069 0.061
1½” 1.900
2” 2.375
+0.031 / -0.031
3” 3.500
0.083 0.005 0.088 0.078
4” 4.500
6” 6.625 5S Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
+0.062 / -0.031 0.109 0.007 0.116 0.102
8” 8.625
10” 10.750 0.134 0.008 0.142 0.126
12” 12.750 +0.093 / -0.031 0.156 0.166 0.146
14” 14.000
16” 16.000
0.165 0.175 0.155
18” 18.000
20” 20.000 + 0.125 / -0.031 0.188 0.012 0.200 0.176

Component Size Description

ASTM B 462, Grade AL6XN or INCOLOY 25-6HN (UNS N08367) or ASTM B 472 Grade 1925 hMo (UNS N08926), forged, flat face, weld neck, in
accordance with Anheuser-Busch Standard 1301.
1. Weld end configuration – beveled.
Flanges – 2. Bore surface finish shall not exceed 90 Ra micro-inch.
½” thru 20"
Corrosion Weight 3. Flange face surface profile 125-250 Ra micro-inch.
4. Flanges shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
5. Flange markings to include the Piping Specification Class “A9” identifier.
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ANSI B16.9, made from full finish pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, passivated. All fittings shall conform to ASTM B 366; chemistry shall match that listed
for pipe. Elbows 6” and smaller shall be Grade WP6XN or WP1925. Elbows 8” and larger and all size reducers shall be one of the following Grades; CR6XN,
CR1925, WP6XN or WP1925. Tees shall be Grade CR6XN or CR1925
1. Weld end configuration – beveled.
2. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A 9 . 2.
3. Elbows 8" and larger may be fabricated from welded halves stamped from sheet (ASTM B 366).
4. Elbows shall be long radius unless specified otherwise on drawings.
Fittings ½” thru 20” 5. Center to end dimension of elbows and tees shall be within plus or minus 1/16” for ½” – 12” sizes and 3/32” for 14” – 20” sizes.
6. Interior surface roughness shall not exceed 150 Ra micro inch, with no inside ripples or wrinkles.
7. All surfaces shall be free of iron contamination.
8. All fittings shall be full solution annealed and passivated after manufacture.
9. Tees shall be welded outlet type in accordance with ASTM B 366, CR Type. Shop fabricated “pulled-tees” are explicitly forbidden.


Maximum Minimum
Nominal Size OD OD Tolerance Schedule Wall Wall Tolerance
Wall Wall
½” 0.840
¾” 1.050 +0.005 / -0.012
1” 1.315 0.065 +0.005/-0.005 0.070 0.060
1½” 1.900 +0.008/-0.015
2” 2.375 +0.010/-0.016
3” 3.500 +0.006/-0.006 0.089 0.077
+0.015/-0.020 0.083
4” 4.500 +0.007/-0.007 0.090 0.076
6” 6.625 +0.020/-0.030 +0.008/-0.008 0.117 0.101
5S 0.109
8” 8.625 +/- 0.035 +0.009/-0.009 0.118 0.100
+/- 0.042
10” 10.750 0.134 +0.010/-0.010 0.144 0.124
12” 12.750 +/- 0.052 +0.011/-0.011 0.167 0.145
14” 14.000 +/- 0.060 +0.016/-0.016 0.172 0.140
16” 16.000 +0.018/-0.018 0.183 0.147
+/- 0.094 0.165
18” 18.000 +0.021/-0.021 0.186 0.144
20” 20.000 +/- 0.125 0.188 +0.024/-0.024 0.212 0.164

Component Size Description

For line size branches use tees. Use reducing tees for branches one line size smaller and less.
1. Flanged short outlet tees and crosses shall be used where valves are in branch immediately adjacent to header.
All sizes 2. All drains and bleeds between double block valves which are located in process lines are to be made with tangential tees, with branch connection
positioned horizontally on bottom, unless otherwise noted.
3. When adapting to dissimilar metals, use flanges.
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Sanitary Commodities: Garlock, Gylon 3545, ASTM Line Callout F419000A9B3, Microcellular PTFE, with rigid PTFE core, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16” thick.
Gaskets Use ring gaskets on wafer type check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style
½” thru 20”
butterfly valves with integral seat liner/gasket surface.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade lubrication compound.
Thread Lubricant Bolt Threads

Joint Configuration:
1. ½” thru 20” schedule 5S and all schedule 40S sizes – bevel end, butt weld.
2. ½” thru 1½” threaded joint – threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. De-burr with half-round or round hand files and deburring tools
or iron-free aluminum oxide flapper wheels.
4. The ends of all pipe sizes shall be beveled. Dimensions of the bevel joint shall be in accordance with the material manufacturer’s
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. A root gap is required to ensure complete penetration of the weld root pass. Dimensions of the root gap shall be in accordance with the
Pipe Joints ½” thru 20” material manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 15% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by ASME Bioprocessing
Equipment (BPE), Figure MJ-1.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
6.1.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1, Figure 2, Example 4.
6.1.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
6.2. Filler metal must be used for all weld passes, including the root pass, to ensure the corrosion resistance of the weld joints.
6.2.1. Filler metal must be over-alloyed to ensure the corrosion resistance of the weld joint. Filler metal shall be in accordance with the
material manufacturer’s recommendation.
6.3. Welding heat input and interpass temperatures must be as low as feasible to ensure the structural integrity and corrosion resistance of the
weld joint. The material manufacturer’s welding parameters shall be followed.
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Component Size Description

7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. Weld shall be deposited by stringer beads with a convex profile to minimize heat input. Refer to the material manufacturer’s
welding parameters for specific requirements.
7.2.2. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. Internal weld bead profile shall not be concave or flat. A convex profile is desired, but shall be limited to 1/32”. Refer to the
material manufacturer’s welding parameters for specific requirements.
7.3.3. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.4. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
7.3.5. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Pipe Joints – Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
½” thru 20”
continued 7.3.6. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer's procedures.
8.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.10 A10 – 304L & 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel “Press” system

Component Size Description

½” thru 2” ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, Victaulic “Vic-Press 304” System, pipe shall be certified for the use with this system by Victaulic.
Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, APW, AST, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, WCP, WFI, WPA,WPL, WRC)
Pipe ½” thru 4”
ASTM A 312, Grade 304L or 316L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, Viega MegaPress Stainless System
3” thru 12” ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, roll grooved ends, grooved ends shall be in accordance with Victaulic current listed standards.
Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, APW, AST, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, WCP, WFI, WPA, WPL, WRC)
½” thru 4” Viega MegaPress Flange Adapter; ANSI Class 150, ANSI/ASME B16.5, RF flange, ASTM 304L or 316L stainless steel. Press-connect end dimensions per
Flanges ANSI/ASME B16.51.
2” thru 12” Victaulic Flange Adapters, # 45, ANSI Class 150 RF Flange. ASTM A312, 304L stainless steel.
Vic-Press 304, ASTM A-312, stainless steel housings with ASTM A-276 and A-312, outlets and austenitic stainless-steel plain ends, type 304, with complete
½” thru 2” synthetic rubber gasket. Coupling and fitting shall be Victaulic Pressfit products formed of austenitic stainless-steel tubing. Couplings and fittings with Pressfit
end incorporate a self-contained O-ring seal. Certified for the use with this system by Victaulic.
Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, APW, AST, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, WCP, WFI, WPA,WPL, WRC)
½” thru 4” Viega MegaPress 304L or 316L couplings and fittings formed of austenitic stainless steel tubing. Couplings and fittings with Press-Connect ends
incorporate a self-contained sealing element, 420 stainless steel grip ring, 304 stainless steel separator rings, and Smart Connect (SC) feature.
Victaulic fittings shall be smooth turn full flow stainless steel with grooves designed to accept Victaulic grooved end couplings. Fittings shall be Schedule
3” thru 12”
10S. Specific style numbers are listed in Victaulic’s current literature.
All Sizes For line size branches use tees. For less than line size branches use reducing tees. No stub-in connections are permitted.
Vic-Press 304, ASTM A-312, stainless steel housings with ASTM A-276 and A-312, outlets and austenitic stainless-steel plain ends, type 304, complete with
synthetic rubber gasket. Coupling and fitting shall be Victaulic “Vic-Press 304” System formed of austenitic stainless-steel tubing. Couplings and fittings with
Pressfit end incorporate a self-contained O-ring seal.
1. O-ring seals shall be molded of synthetic rubber:
½” thru 2”
1.1. Grade “H” (HNBR) recommended for applicable services from -20 degrees F to +210 degrees F (-29 degrees C to +98 degrees C)
1.2. Grade “E” (EMPD) recommended for applicable services from -30 degrees F to +250 degrees F (-34 degrees C to +120 degrees C)
1.3. Grade “O” (Fluoroelastomer) for oxidizing acids and high temperature petroleum services +20 degrees F to +300 degrees F (-7 degrees C to
+149 degrees C).
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Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, APW, AST, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, WCP, WFI, WPA,WPL, WRC)
Couplings and fittings shall be Viega MeagPress 304L or 316L products formed from austenitic stainless steel tubing:
1. Viega MegaPress 304L stainless steel press-connect fittings and couplings with FKM (Fluoroelastomer) sealing element recommended for oxidizing
acids and high temperature petroleum services. Temperature ratings: 0 degrees F to +284 degrees F (-18 degrees C to +140 degrees C)
Pipe Joints & 2. Viega MegaPress 316L stainless steel press-connect fittings and couplings with EPDM sealing element recommended for water services and
Couplings required for product contact commodities requiring FDA CFR 177.2600 certification. Temperature ratings: 0 degrees F to +250 degrees F (-18
degrees C to +120 degrees C).
½” thru 4” 1. Sealing elements shall be verified for the intended use.
2. Pipe ends shall be cut on a right angle (square) to the pipe. Pipe ends shall be reamed chamfered and all grease, oil or dirt shall be removed from
the pipe end.
3. Visually examine the fitting sealing element to ensure there is no damage. Utilizing a Viega Insertion Depth Inspection Gauge mark the tube wall,
with a felt tip pen, at the appropriate location, or insert the pipe fully into the fitting and mark the pipe wall at the face of the fitting. Always examine
the pipe to ensure it is fully inserted into the fitting prior to pressing the joint.
4. MegaPress stainless fittings shall be installed in accordance with the most current edition of the Viega installation guidelines using appropriately
sized Ridgid Press Tool and Jaws.

Victaulic roll groove system. Mechanical couplings shall be Style 489 Rigid Stainless Steel or Style 77-S Flexible Stainless Steel, Type 316L, conforming to
3” thru 12”
ASTM A-351, Grade CF-8M.
For transition from Victaulic Vic-Press 304 System to Victaulic Roll Groove System.
1. Victaulic Style 587 Transition Nipple, Vic Press to Grooved:
½” thru 2”
1.1. Roll Groove end – immediately increase from 2” size using the appropriate Roll Groove components made by Victaulic
1.2. Vic Press end – continue on or decrease in size using the appropriate Vic-Press 304 components
Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, APW, AST, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, WCP, WFI, WPA,WPL, WRC)
For transition from Viega MegaPress 304L or 316L System to Victaulic Roll Groove System.
2” Only 1. Viega MegaPress adapter, Press-connect to Grooved:
1.1. Roll Groove end – immediately increase from 2” size using the appropriate Roll Groove components.
1.2. Press-connect end – continue on or decrease in size using the appropriate Viega MegaPress components.
Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, APW, AST, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, WCP, WFI, WPA,WPL, WRC)
For transition from Viega MegaPress 304L or 316L System to Victaulic Roll Groove System.
2-1/2” thru 4” 1. Viega MegaPress XL adapter, Press-connect to Grooved:
1.1. Roll Groove end – immediately increase from 2” thru 4"size using the appropriate Roll Groove components.
1.2. Press-connect end – continue on or decrease in size using the appropriate Viega MegaPress components.
Limit the use of these fittings to threaded hose ferrules. Directly weld ferrules to schedule 10S pipe or utilize appropriate Viega or Victaulic weld adapter.
For Viega Connections:
1. ¾” – 4”: Press-connect Style Weld Adapter, Press-connect to Pipe
Fittings 2. 5” – 8”: Roll Groove Adaptor, Roll Groove to Pipe
¾” thru 8”
A-B Standard for Victaulic Connections:
1. ¾” – 2”: Vic Press Style 561 Weld Adapter
2. 3” – 8”: Roll Groove Adaptor, Roll Groove to Pipe
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For Flanges: Garlock Gylon 3545, Microcellular PTFE, with rigid PTFE core, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16” thick. Use ring gaskets on wafer-type check valves
and raised face flanges. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly valves with
integral seat liner/gasket surface.
For Flanges on Sanitary Hot Commodities (above 140º F): Garlock, Gylon 3504, blue in color with black brand, ASTM Line Callout F456999A9B7E99K3M6,
300 lb rating, ring type, 1/16” thick. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.

For Viega Connections (Approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, APW, AST, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, WCP, WFI, WPA, WPL, WRC):
1. Viega MegaPress 304L or 316L: Sealing elements come pre-lubricated with an H-1 food grade silicone oil lubricant registered with NSF, USDA
and approved for use under FDA 21 CFR.

Gaskets All sizes For Victaulic Connections:

1. Vic-Press 304: Lightly lubricate O-ring seals with Vic-Lube® prior to installation.
2. Roll Groove:
2.1. General Service: Grade “E” EPDM compound (green color coded) conforming to ASTM D-2000 designation 2CA615A25B24F17Z. Grade “E”
gaskets are UL/ULC classified to ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86 degrees F (+30 degrees C) and hot +180 degrees F (+82 degrees C) potable
water service. Temperature operating range –30 degrees F to +230 degrees F (-34 degrees C to +110 degrees C).
2.2. General Service: Grade “EHP” EPDM compound (red color coded) conforming to ASTM D-2000 designation 2CA615A25B24F17Z. Grade
“EHP” gaskets are UL/ULC classified to ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86 degrees F (+30 degrees C) and hot +180 degrees F (+82 degrees C)
potable water service. Temperature operating range -30 degrees F to +250 degrees F (-34 degrees C to +120 degrees C)
2.3. Gaskets shall be pre-lubricated with Vic-Plus lubricant before installation

Coupling Coupling Bolts: Type 316L stainless steel oval neck track bolts per ASTM A-193, Grade B8 or B8M, ASTM F-593, Group 2, condition CW, provided
Bolts standard by Victaulic. Nuts shall be stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, conforming to same specification as bolts.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Bolting (threads).
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
Flange Bolts
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound.
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Note: Victaulic grooved mechanical pipe couplings, fittings, valves and other grooved components may be used as an option to welding, threading or flanged methods. All grooved and press
components shall be of one manufacturer (Victaulic Company of America) and conform to local code approval and/or as listed by ANSI-B-31.1, B-31.3, B-31.9, ASME, UL/ULC, FM,
IAPMO or BOCA. Victaulic’s representative shall periodically visit the jobsite and review installation. Contractor shall remove and replace any joints deemed improperly installed. At
the option of Contractor, Victaulic Construction Piping Services Division shall provide all equipment location drawings, piping layout drawings and piping isometric drawings for
fabrication and erection of 2½” and larger Victaulic piping systems required for a project. All of the above data will be provided in reliance upon mechanical drawings, specifications
and project information furnished by Contractor. Bills of material and pipe cutting sheets will be provided by Victaulic’s Construction Piping Services Division and will be cross-referenced
to all drawings. The drawings provided will govern only those systems directly related to Victaulic piping systems exclusively employing Victaulic products installed in strict accordance
with the latest specifications provided by the Victaulic Company of America. All Victaulic products described herein are to be installed in accordance with latest Victaulic published
literature. Victaulic’s factory trained representative shall provide on-site training for contractor’s field personnel prior to installation of product.
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3.3.11 A11 – 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel O.D. Tubing

Component Size Description

ASTM A 270 S2, Grade 316L (UNS S31603), stainless steel, welded, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, polished inside and outside, square cut ends,
high purity tubing.
1. Sulfur range shall be 0.005 to 0.017% by weight.
2. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A11.1.
3. Welds shall be cold reduced by a suitable method, such as bead rolling, drawing, or swaging. The resulting weld must be flush on the inside
diameter. There must be no undercutting on the ID or OD of the weld.
4. Surface profile
4.1. Internal – 20 Ra maximum, mechanically polished
4.2. External – 32 Ra maximum, mechanically polished
5. Supplied in standard 20’ lengths.
Tubing ½” thru 4" 6. Packaging/Shipping:
6.1. Packaging – ends capped and individually packaged in poly sleeving
6.2. Shipping – bundled together and packaged inside triple wall cardboard box
7. Pipe shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
AL6XN tubing is available and can be substituted for scoping out for lines depending on material lead times associated with A9 Schedule 5
piping or A12 2205 piping. Consider pricing this out versus A9 and A12 when material lead times are in question. Note – flange adapters and
concentric adaptors will be required when tying into existing A9/A12 piping systems.


Nominal Size OD OD Tolerance Wall Thickness Wall Tolerance Maximum Ovality – % of OD
½” 0.50 +0.005/-0.005 0.065 +0.0065/-0.0065 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
¾” 0.75 +0.005/-0.005 0.065 +0.0065/-0.0065 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
1” 1.00 +0.005/-0.005 0.065 +0.0065/-0.0065 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
1½” 1.50 +0.008/-0.008 0.065 +0.0065/-0.0065 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
2” 2.00 +0.008/-0.008 0.065 +0.0065/-0.0065 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
2½” 2.50 +0.010/-0.010 0.065 +0.0065/-0.0065 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
3” 3.00 +0.010/-0.010 0.065 +0.0065/-0.0065 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
4” 4.00 +0.015/-0.015 0.083 +0.0083/-0.0083 Ovality shall be within the OD tolerance
ASTM A 270 S2, Grade 316L (UNS S31603), stainless steel, made from full finish pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, polished inside and outside,
high purity fittings.
1. Dimensions, tolerances, and alloy composition shall be in accordance with ASME BPE-a-2004.
1.1. Sulfur range shall be 0.005 to 0.017% by weight.
1.2. Surface profile
1.2.1. Internal – 20 Ra maximum, mechanically polished
Fittings ½” thru 4"
1.2.2. External – 32 Ra maximum, mechanically polished
1.3. Minimum wall thickness shall not be less than 65% of the nominal pipe wall.
1.4. Packaging/Shipping
1.4.1. Fittings ends shall be capped and individually packaged in sealed transparent poly bags or shrink wrapped. Individual
bagged/wrapped fittings shall be packaged inside triple wall cardboard shipping box.
2. Shop fabricated “pulled-tees” are explicitly forbidden.
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Component Size Description

Garlock, Gylon 3545, ASTM Line Callout F419000A9B3, Microcellular PTFE, with rigid PTFE core, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16” thick. Use ring gaskets on
Gaskets –
½” thru 4" wafer type check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly valves with
integral seat liner/gasket surface.
ASTM A 193 - Grade B8; heavy, hex head, stainless steel machine bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimension) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads). ASTM A
194 - Grade 8; stainless steel, heavy hex nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1. - Class 2B (threads).
Bolting 1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade lubrication compound, part number FD-14. As manufactured by SAF-T-LOK International Corporation, 300 Eisenhower Lane
Thread Lubricant Bolt Threads
North, Lombard, IL, 60148, www.saftloc.com.
Joint Configuration:
1. ½” thru 4” – Hygienic clamp joint or autogenous fusion butt weld.
1.1. Welded joints shall be utilized wherever possible.
1.2. Hygienic clamp joints shall be used as detailed on Contract Documents.
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
Pipe Joints ½” thru 4” 3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
4. Pipe ends shall not be beveled.
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. The joint gap between the two ends butted together shall not exceed 0.010” at any point in the joint.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 10% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999,
Figure 1, Example A.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. Welds shall be made by using manual or automatic type equipment. The manufacturer and model of automatic type equipment shall be
approved by AB-InBev based on satisfactory weld samples.
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Component Size Description

1.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
1.1.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
1.1.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
1.2. Welds shall be accomplished by fusion only, without the use of filler metal.
2. Weld acceptance criteria:
2.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
2.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
2.2.1. Maximum allowable concavity shall be 0.006”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example B.
2.2.2. Maximum allowable convexity shall be 0.012”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example C.
2.2.3. Manual type welds shall have a minimum weld face width of 2T where T is the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example D.
2.2.4. Face width of manual type welds shall be uniform. The minimum face width of each weld shall be at least 75% of the maximum
face wide, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example E.
2.2.5. The start, termination, and width of the weld shall be consistent with the Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
Pipe Joints –
½” thru 4” 2.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
2.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
2.3.2. Maximum allowable convexity shall be 0.012”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example F.
2.3.3. Maximum allowable concavity shall be 0.006”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example G.
2.3.4. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
2.3.5. Oxide islands greater than 1/16” in diameter shall not be acceptable, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1,
Example H.
2.3.6. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
3. Cleaning Welded Joints:
3.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
3.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer's procedures.
3.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
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3.3.12 A12 – 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel

Component Size Description

ANSI B36.19, ASTM A790 UNS Designation S32205, 2205 Duplex stainless steel, schedule 10S, welded, full finish, weld bead removed, annealed,
pickled, beveled ends
1. Dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance with Table A12.1 (in accordance with ASTM A790)
2. Welds shall be cold reduced by a suitable method, such as bead rolling, drawing, or swaging. The resulting weld must be flush on the inside
diameter. There must be no undercutting on the ID or OD of the weld.
3. Surface profile of the interior of the pipe shall not exceed 150 Ra micro-inch.
4. Pipe end configurations shall be square cut ends.
5. Pipe shall be furnished in 21’-0” (+6/-6”) lengths.
6. Surfaces shall be clean, uniform, and free of mill scale, cracks, laminations, laps, burrs, and discoloration.
½” thru 20" 7. Pipe shall be certified free of radioactive material, mercury, cadmium, and other heavy metals.
8. Wall thickness shall be within (+/-) 6.25% of the nominal wall thickness.
Pipe 9. Minimum Sulfur content shall be .005% by weight.
10. In the base metal, Ferrite should range between 40-60%.
**Note**See A11 section regarding AL6XN tubing in case material lead times become an issue.

For Sanitary Tank Internal Piping and Nozzles Only: Schedule 40S, ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 790, 2205, stainless steel, welded, full finish, weld bead removed,
As defined on
annealed, pickled, beveled ends. Surface profile of the interior of the pipe shall not exceed 96 Ra micro inch. Surface profile of pipe exterior to match internal
tank finishes.

TABLE A12.1 – PIPE DIMENSIONS (IN INCHES) – Matches ASTM A790 and A999
Nominal Wall Tolerance
Nominal Size OD OD Tolerances Schedule Max. Wall Min. Wall Ovality Tolerance
Wall Thickness (+/-)
½” 0.840
¾” 1.050 +0.015 / -0.031
1” 1.315 0.083 0.010 0.093 0.073
1½” 1.900
2” 2.375
+0.031 / -0.031
3” 3.500
0.120 0.015 0.135 0.105
4” 4.500
6” 6.625 10S Ovality shall be within the OD tolerances
+0.062 / -0.031 0.134 0.017 0.151 0.117
8” 8.625
10” 10.750 0.148 0.02 0.168 0.130
12” 12.750
+0.093 / -0.031 0.180 0.203 0.158
14” 14.000
16” 16.000
0.188 0.211 0.163
18” 18.000
20” 20.000 + 0.125 / -0.031 0.218 0.027 0.245 0.191
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Component Size Description

ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade UNS S32205, stainless steel, schedule 10S, Class 150, raised face, welding neck, schedule 10S bore
1. Weld end configuration:
Flanges ½” thru 20" 1.1. ½” thru 8" sizes – square cut
1.2. 10” thru 20" – beveled
2. Maximum Sulfur content shall be 0.03% by weight.
ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS SP-43, ASTM A182, Grade UNS S32205, stainless steel, schedule 40S, elbows, long radius, made from full finish
pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
1. Bore sizes:
1.1. ½” – schedule 40
2. Maximum Sulfur content shall be 0.03% by weight.
ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS SP-43, ASTM A182, Grade UNS S32205, stainless steel, schedule 10S, elbows, long radius, made from full finish
pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
4. Weld end configuration:
4.1. ½” schedule 40S bore – beveled
4.2. ½” thru 8" schedule 10S bore – square cut
4.3. 10” thru 20" schedule 10S bore – beveled
5. Bore sizes:
5.1. ½” – schedule 40
¾” thru 20”
5.2. ¾” thru 20" – schedule 10
6. Bore surface finish shall not exceed 96 Ra micro inch.
7. Flange face surface profile 125-250 Ra micro-inch.
8. Maximum Sulfur content shall be 0.03% by weight.
Special application long sweep elbows shall be used in GRS, HOS, and MAS commodities. Elbows shall be five diameter bends per the following.
4. Material:
4.1. ASTM A182, Grade UNS S32205, stainless steel, schedule 10S, full finished, weld bead removed.
5. Construction:
5.1. Smooth bend contour formed from schedule 10S pipe for schedule 10S service.
5.2. 5% maximum difference between major and minor outside diameters.
5.3. Ends shall be taper bored to match bore of schedule 10S pipe.
5.4. Ends shall be square cut for butt welding.
Special Long 2” thru 6”
5.5. Elbows in GRS commodity shall have the following bend radius dimensions:
5.5.1. 2” pipe size – 36” center line bend radius
5.5.2. 3” pipe size – 36” center line bend radius
5.5.3. 4” pipe size – 48” center line bend radius
5.5.4. 6” pipe size and larger – 72” center line bend radius
5.6. Annealed and passivated before and after bending.
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For line size branches use tees. Use reducing tees for branches one line size smaller and less.
4. Flanged short outlet tees and crosses shall be used where valves are in branch immediately adjacent to header.
5. All drains and bleeds between double block valves which are located in process lines are to be made with tangential tees, with branch connection
All sizes positioned horizontally on bottom, unless otherwise noted.
6. Use flanges when adapting to dissimilar metals. ABSOLUTELY NO WELDING TO DISSIMILAR METALS. THIS INCLUDES TIE-INS MADE TO
EXISTING SYSTEM. A tie-in needs to be made in the original system material and connection to A12 made via flanged connection.
6.1 Insulation kits for the bolts and flanges need to be applied at each flanged tie-in when connecting existing system to new A12 extension.
Where Required for Connection to Valves and Fittings: ASTM A182, Grade UNS S32205, stainless steel, schedule 40S, thread one end, taper bored to
¾” thru 1½”
Adapters Schedule 10S other end.
¼” thru ½” For Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings: ASTM A182, Grade UNS S32205, stainless steel, schedule 40S, NPT one end, bevel other end.
Garlock, Gylon 3545, ASTM Line Callout F419000A9B3, Microcellular PTFE, with rigid PTFE core, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16” thick. Use ring gaskets on
Flanges wafer type check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly valves with
Gaskets integral seat liner/gasket surface.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
Bolting 4. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
5. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.

SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade lubrication compound

Thread Lubricant Bolt Threads
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Joint Configuration:
4. ½” thru 8” schedule 10S – square cut end, butt weld
5. 10” thru 20” schedule 10S and all schedule 40S sizes – bevel end, butt weld
6. ¼” thru 1½” threaded joint – threaded joints shall only be used as specified
Welded Joints:
9. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
10. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
11. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. De-burr with half-round or round hand files and deburring tools
or iron-free aluminum oxide flapper wheels.
12. Pipe ends shall not be beveled on schedule 10S pipe sizes ½” through 8”. The ends of ½” schedule 40S, 10” and larger schedule 10S, shall be
13. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
13.1. The joint gap between the two ends butted together shall not exceed 0.010” at any point in the joint.
13.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 15% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by ASME Bioprocessing
Equipment (BPE), Figure MJ-1.
14. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
14.1. Welds shall be made by using manual or automatic type equipment. The manufacturer and model of automatic type equipment shall be
approved by AB-InBev based on satisfactory weld samples.
14.2. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
14.2.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Pipe Joints ½” thru 20” Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
14.2.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
14.3. Welds for schedule 10S pipe sizes ½” thru 20” shall have the first pass made by fusion and remaining passes with the use of filler metal.
14.4. Welds for ½” schedule 40S pipe and 10” and larger schedule 10S pipe shall have the first pass made by fusion and remaining passes with
the use of filler metal. Refer to ASTM A928 for fusion with filler metal. Type 2209 filler rod shall be used.
15. Weld acceptance criteria:
15.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
15.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
15.2.1. Maximum allowable outside diameter (OD) concavity shall be limited to 10% of the nominal wall thickness over the entire
circumference with 15% of the nominal wall thickness permitted over a maximum of 25% of the circumference.
15.2.2. Outside diameter convexity is limited to 0.015”
15.2.3. Manual type welds shall have a minimum weld face width of 2T where T is the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example D.
15.2.4. Face width of manual type welds shall be uniform. The minimum face width of each weld shall be at least 75% of the maximum
face wide, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example E.
15.2.5. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
15.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
15.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks that
are not made correctly.
15.3.2. Maximum allowable outside diameter (OD) concavity shall be limited to 10% of the nominal wall thickness over the entire
circumference with 15% of the nominal wall thickness permitted over a maximum of 25% of the circumference.
15.3.3. Outside diameter convexity is limited to 0.015”
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15.3.4. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4.
15.3.5. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
15.3.6. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
15.3.7. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
15.3.8. In the weld metal, Ferrite range should be between 35-60% for optimal results. Guidelines supplement API 938C and provides
recommendations for Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) and Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) development to achieve
an optimum ferrite to austenite balance during welding.
16. Cleaning Welded Joints:
16.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
Pipe Joints –
½” thru 20” 16.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
system, as manufactured by J. Walter, Inc., Hartford, CT (www.jwalterinc.com), in accordance with manufacturer’s procedures.
16.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
16.4. Post weld annealing, while not necessary for many applications, will however provide optimum corrosion resistance in severe service
Threaded Joints:
4. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
5. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and roundness
after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
6. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.13 B1 – Carbon Steel

Component Size Description

¼” thru 2” ANSI B36.10, ASTM A 106, Grade B, standard weight, seamless, threaded and coupled.
Pipe 2½” thru 24” ANSI B36.10, ASTM A 53, Grade B, standard weight, seamless, beveled ends.
30” only API 5L, Grade B, standard weight, double submerged arc weld, bevel ends.
1. ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 150, forged steel, flat face, threaded.
2. Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, GCC, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, GHC, WAC, WFP, WPL, WCD, WCE,
¼” thru 2” WCR, WCS, WHC, WRA, VAC, WCL)
Viega MegaPress carbon steel flange (1/2" thru 2"); Class 150, per ANSI/ASME B16.5, flat face, female press-connect end with EPDM sealing
element, 420 stainless steel grip ring, 304 stainless steel separator ring, and Smart Connect (SC) feature.
For Process Instrumentation and as Specified on Drawings Only: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 150, standard weight bore, forged steel, flat face,
½” thru 1½”
welding neck, beveled end.
2½” thru 24” ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 150, standard weight bore, forged steel, flat face, welding neck, beveled end.
30” only MSS-SP44, ASTM A 105, Class 150, standard weight bore, forged steel, flat face welding neck, beveled end.
¼” thru 2” ANSI B16.3, ASTM A 197, 300-pound, malleable iron, threaded.
Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, GCC, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, GHC, WAC, WFP, WPL, WCD, WCE, WCR,
½” thru 4” Viega MegaPress carbon steel fittings shall conform to IAPMO PS117 or ICC LC1002, FM, and UL. MegaPress for use with IPS schedule 5 thru schedule 40
Fittings carbon steel pipe conforming to ASTM A53 or ASTM A106. MegaPress fittings shall have an EPDM sealing element, 420 stainless steel grip ring, 304 stainless
steel separator rings, and Smart Connect (SC) feature.
2½” thru 24” ANSI B16.9, ASTM A 234, Grade WPB, standard weight, seamless steel, beveled ends.
30” only ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS-SP-43, ASTM A 515, Class 2, Grade KCF65, fabricated from 0.375" plate, beveled end.
Branch For line size and/or reducing branches, use straight tee, reducing tees or "Threadolets" or "Weldolets", schedule to suit pipe, ASTM A 105. Stub-ins are not
All sizes
Connections permitted.
1. Nicholson Spiral Union Assembly, 3000 lb, forged steel. Gasket to be type 304 stainless steel with graphite filler.
2. Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, GCC, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, GHC, WAC, WFP, WPL, WCD, WCE,
Unions ½” thru 2” WCR, WCS, WHC, WRA, VAC, WCL)
Viega MegaPress carbon steel union with female press-connect ends and EPDM sealing element, 420 stainless steel grip ring, 304 stainless steel
separator rings, and Smart Connect (SC) feature.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 150 lb rating, full face, 1/16" thick. Use ring gaskets on wafer-type
Gaskets check valves and raised face flanges. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly
valves with integral seat liner/gasket surface.
ASTM A 193 - Grade B5 or B7; heavy, hex head, alloy steel machine bolts or double end threaded stud-bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI
B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy, hex, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1-Class 2B (threads).
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
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Component Size Description

Joint Configuration:
1. ¼” – 2”, threaded
2. 2½” – 30”, butt weld, bevel end
3. 1/2" - 4" Viega MegaPress Press-Connect Joints (Viega MegaPress approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, GCC, GDR, GDS,

Welded Joints:
1. Welding shall be executed by either the Shielded Metal Arc Welding or Gas Metal Arc Welding processes. The Shielded Metal Arc Welding process
shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7010 or E7018 for subsequent passes. Field welded joints shall be executed with the Shielded
Metal Arc Welding process using E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7018 for subsequent passes.
2.1. All welds shall be full penetration, continuous, and free of defects.
2.2. Low hydrogen electrodes used for the SMAW process shall be stored in commercially manufactured electrode stabilizing ovens. The
electrode manufacturer’s guidelines for atmospheric exposure and oven storage shall be followed.
2.3. Butt welds made in the effective straight run of carbon steel pipe, both up and downstream of any measuring device, such as an orifice plate
or flow meter, shall be ground flush and smooth with the inside diameter of the pipe to reduce turbulence.
2.3.1. Welds, other than for flanges or fittings required for the measuring devices, must be avoided in the straight run of pipe, both up and
downstream of the measuring device.
2.3.2. If not specified on drawings, the minimum straight run distance is 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream of
the measuring device. In a straight run of piping, locate the metering device to meet or exceed these upstream and downstream
straight pipe limits, with the majority of the excess added to the upstream side.
2.3.3. Interior welds that are ground flush and smooth shall be inspected and accepted by AB-InBev prior to further fabrication or installation.
Pipe Joints ¼” thru 30”
Welds located outside the specified diameter limits need not be ground.
3. The exterior of all carbon steel welded joints shall be wire brushed to remove all weld slag, foreign material, and to provide a neat appearance.

Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.

Viega MegaPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: APL, GCC, GDR, GDS, GLR, GLS, GHC, WAC, WFP, WPL, WCD, WCE, WCR,
Viega MegaPress Press-Connect Joints (1/2" - 4"): Viega MegaPress carbon steel fittings, couplings, unions, and flanges with EPDM sealing element
recommended for hydronic heating/cooling and fire protection. Temperature ratings: 0 degrees F to +250 degrees F (-18 degrees C to +120 degrees C).
1. Sealing elements shall be verified for the intended use.
2. Pipe ends shall be cut on a right angle (square) to the pipe. Pipe ends shall be reamed chamfered and all paint, lacquer, grease, oil or dirt shall be
removed from the pipe end with an abrasive cloth, or with the Ridgid MegaPress pipe end prep tool.
3. Visually examine the fitting sealing element to ensure there is no damage. Utilizing a Viega Insertion Depth Inspection Gauge mark the tube wall,
with a felt tip pen, at the appropriate location, or insert the pipe fully into the fitting and mark the pipe wall at the face of the fitting. Always examine
the pipe to ensure it is fully inserted into the fitting prior to pressing the joint.
4. MegaPress fittings shall be installed in accordance with the most current edition of the Viega installation guidelines using appropriate sized Ridgid
Press Tool and Jaws.
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3.3.14 B2 – Carbon Steel

Component Size Description

½” thru 2” Standard weight, seamless ASTM A 106, Grade B, plain end, ANSI B36.10.
2½” thru 24” Standard weight, seamless ASTM A 53, Grade B, bevel end, ANSI B36.10.
½” thru 2” Class 150, ANSI 16.5, standard weight bore, forged steel, raised face, socket weld or plain end weld neck, ASTM A 105.
Flanges 2½” thru 10” Class 150, ANSI 16.5, standard weight bore, forged steel, raised face, slip-on or weld neck, beveled end, ASTM A 105.
12” thru 24” Class 150, ANSI 16.5, standard weight bore, forged steel, raised face, weld neck, beveled end, ASTM A 105.
2” & under Class 3000, socket welding, forged steel, ASTM A 105, ANSI B16.11.
2½” thru 24” Standard weight, bevel end, seamless steel, conforming to ASTM A 234, Grade WPB, ANSI 816.9
Branch For line size and/or reducing branches, use straight tee, reducing tees, "Sockolets" or "Weldolets" schedule to suit pipe, ASTM A 105. Stub-ins are not
All sizes
Connections permitted.
Unions ½” thru 1½” Forged steel. Gasket to be Type - 304 stainless steel with graphite filler.
Welding Rings Knock off spacer pin type, low carbon steel. Welding rings shall be used as requested by AB-InBev Representative.
All Commodities Except Fuel Oils: Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 150 lb. rating, ring style, 1/16"
thick. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.

Fuel Oils (DOI, FOL, FOR, FOS): Garlock, Blue-Gard 3300, black in color, ASTM Line Callout F712400A9B4E34K5M9, 150 lb. rating, ring style, 1/16" thick.
Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.

For fire safe/fire rated applications for fuel oil and fuel gases use Garlock G-9900 fire rated graphite fiber with nitrile binder sheet gasket, 1/16” thick, 150 lb.
rating, ring style. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange.
ASTM A 193 - Grade B5 or B7; heavy, hex head, alloy steel machine bolts or double end threaded stud-bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI
B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy, hex, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1-Class 2B (threads).
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound
Thread Lubricant

Joint Configuration:
1. ½” – 2”, socket weld
2. 2½” – 24”, butt weld, bevel end
3. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Welding shall be executed by either or a combination of the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding or Gas Metal Arc Welding
Pipe Joints ½” thru 24”
1.1. All welds shall be full penetration, continuous, and free of defects.
1.2. The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process shall be used for all socket welded joints.
1.2.1. Socket weld joints shall be assembled with a 1/16" setback clearance between the end of the pipe and the socket per ANSI B31.3.
A Gap-A-Let, as manufactured by G.A.L. Gage Co., Stevensville, MI (www.galgage.com), may be used instead of the manual
setback method.
1.3. The Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7010 or E7018 for subsequent passes. Field
welded Shielded Metal Arc Welding joints shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7018 for subsequent passes.
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Component Size Description

1.3.1. Low hydrogen electrodes used for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall be stored in commercially manufactured electrode
stabilizing ovens. The electrode manufacturer’s guidelines for atmospheric exposure and oven storage shall be followed.
1.4. Butt welds made in the effective straight run of carbon steel pipe, both up and downstream of any measuring device, such as an orifice plate
or flow meter, shall be ground flush and smooth with the inside diameter of the pipe to reduce turbulence.
1.4.1. Welds, other than for flanges or fittings required for the measuring devices, must be avoided in the straight run of pipe, both up and
downstream of the measuring device.
1.4.2. If not specified on drawings, the minimum straight run distance is 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream of
the measuring device. In a straight run of piping, locate the metering device to meet or exceed these upstream and downstream
straight pipe limits, with the majority of the excess added to the upstream side.
Pipe Joints –
½” thru 24” 1.4.3. Interior welds that are ground flush and smooth shall be inspected and accepted by AB-InBev prior to further fabrication or installation.
Welds located outside the specified diameter limits need not be ground.
1.5. Welding rings, when specified, shall be knock-off spacer pin type, low carbon steel. Use as requested by AB-InBev.
2. The exterior of all carbon steel welded joints shall be wire brushed to remove all weld slag, foreign material, and to provide a neat appearance.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge.
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3.3.15 B3 – Carbon Steel

Component Size Description

¾” thru 2” ASTM A 106, Grade B, schedule 80, seamless, plain end.
Pipe 2½” thru 26” ANSI B36.10, ASTM A 53, Grade B, standard weight, seamless, bevel end.
30” ANSI B36.10, ASTM A 53, Grade B, standard weight, double submerged arc welded, bevel end.
¾” thru 2” ASTM A 105, forged steel, tongue and groove face (specify tongue or groove when ordering), socket weld, bored for schedule 80 pipe.
Flanges –
ASTM A 105, forged steel, tongue and groove (specify tongue or groove when ordering), weld neck, bored for standard weight pipe.
Ammonia Type 2½” thru 12” 1. For ammonia flanges 8” and larger, Contractor shall locate a source and submit technical data sheets for AB-InBev’s review prior to placing order.

ANSI Flanges for Control, Relief, and Butterfly Valves in AMS & AMV Lines Only: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 150, forged steel, raised face, socket
¾” thru 2”
weld, bored for schedule 80 pipe
¾” thru 2” ANSI Flanges for Control and Relief Valves Only: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 300, forged steel, raised face, socket weld, bored for schedule 80 pipe.
ANSI Flanges for Control and Relief Valves Only: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 300, forged steel, raised face, welding neck, bored for standard weight
2½” thru 10”
Flanges – ANSI ANSI Flanges for Control, Relief, and Butterfly Valves in AMS & AMV Lines Only: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 150, forged steel, raised face, welding
2½” thru 16”
neck, bored for standard weight pipe
ANSI Flanges for Control, Relief, and Butterfly Valves in AMS & AMV Lines Only: ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 105, Class 150, forged steel, raised face (use flat
12” thru 24”
face for butterfly valves), welding neck, bored for standard weight pipe
ANSI Flanges for Control, Relief, and Butterfly Valves in AMS & AMV Lines Only: MSS-SP44, ASTM A 105, Class 150, forged steel, raised face (use flat
face for butterfly valves), welding neck, bored for standard weight pipe.
Blind flanges shall be standard pattern, forged steel, shape to match companion flange. When mating blinds are not available use mating flange and weld
Flanges – Blind
on spool with cap.
¾” thru 2” ANSI B16.11, ASTM A 105, 3000 lb, forged steel, socket welding.
2½” thru 10” ANSI B16.9, ASTM A 234, Grade WPB, seamless steel, standard weight, butt weld.
12” thru 24” ANSI B16.9, ASTM A 234, Grade WPB, seamless steel, standard weight, butt weld.
30” ANSI B16.9, ASTM A 515, Class 2, Grade KFC 65, fabricated from 0.375" plate.
Branch For line size and/or reducing branches, use straight tees, reducing tees or "Sockolets" or "Weldolets”, schedule to suit pipe, ASTM A105. Stub-ins are not
All sizes
Connections permitted.
Unions None shall be used in this service. Use flanges.
Ring type, fiber, size, style, and thickness to suit tongue and groove ammonia flanges, ANSI B16.21, as manufactured for valve manufacturer whose valve
is used. All gaskets shall be soaked in refrigerant oil and graphite prior to installation. All gasket material shall be asbestos free.
Gaskets ANSI Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 150 lb or 300 lb, ring or full face, to match flange on valve, 1/16"
Flanges thick. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.
Gaskets for
To be specified as required based on the specific Freon being used.
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Component Size Description

Use only those machine bolts supplied by valve or flange manufacturer. When bolts are not supplied by manufacturer use ASTM A 193 - Grade B5 or B7;
heavy, hex head, alloy steel machine bolts or double end threaded stud-bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM
Bolting A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy, hex, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1-Class 2B (threads).
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound
For Ammonia Commodities – Limited to Threaded Instrument Connections ¾” and Smaller: Apply a combination of Teflon tape and food grade anti-seize
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads compound. Teflon tape shall be applied to threads first, followed by anti-seize compound. Anti-seize compound shall be Never-Seez White Food Grade with
PTFE. For Carbon Dioxide Commodities – Only at Threaded Instrument Connections: Teflon tape. All Other “B3” Commodities – Only at Threaded Instrument
Connections: X-Pando, threaded connections can be used at pressure gauges and at other instruments not available flanged.
Joint Configuration:
1. ¾” – 2”, socket weld
2. 2½” – 30”, butt weld, bevel end
3. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Welding shall be executed by either or a combination of the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding or Gas Metal Arc Welding
1.1. All welds shall be full penetration, continuous, and free of defects.
1.2. The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process shall be used for all socket welded joints and butt weld root passes of ammonia and carbon dioxide
commodity piping.
1.2.1. Socket weld joints shall be assembled with a 1/16" setback clearance between the end of the pipe and the socket per ANSI B31.3.
A Gap-A-Let, as manufactured by G.A.L. Gage Co., Stevensville, MI (www.galgage.com), may be used instead of the manual
setback method.
1.3. Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7010 or E7018 for subsequent passes. Field
Pipe Joints ¾” thru 30” welded Shielded Metal Arc Welding joints shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7018 for subsequent passes.
1.3.1. Low hydrogen electrodes used for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall be stored in commercially manufactured electrode
stabilizing ovens. The electrode manufacturer’s guidelines for atmospheric exposure and oven storage shall be followed.
1.4. Butt welds made in the effective straight run of carbon steel pipe, both up and downstream of any measuring device, such as an orifice plate
or flow meter, shall be ground flush and smooth with the inside diameter of the pipe to reduce turbulence.
1.4.1. Welds, other than for flanges or fittings required for the measuring devices, must be avoided in the straight run of pipe, both up and
downstream of the measuring device.
1.4.2. If not specified on drawings, the minimum straight run distance is 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream of
the measuring device. In a straight run of piping, locate the metering device to meet or exceed these upstream and downstream
straight pipe limits, with the majority of the excess added to the upstream side.
1.4.3. Interior welds that are ground flush and smooth shall be inspected and accepted by AB-InBev prior to further fabrication or installation.
Welds located outside the specified diameter limits need not be ground.
1.5. Welding rings, when specified, shall be knock-off spacer pin type, low carbon steel. Use as requested by AB-InBev.
2. The exterior of all carbon steel welded joints shall be wire brushed to remove all weld slag, foreign material, and to provide a neat appearance.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
Pipe Joints ¾” thru 30” male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
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3.3.16 B4 – Carbon Steel

Component Size Description

½” thru 2” Schedule 80, ANSI B B36/10, seamless steel, ASTM A106, Grade B, plain end.
2½” thru 14” Standard weight, ANSI B36.10, seamless steel, ASTM A53, Grade B, bevel end.
2” only Class 300, ANSI B16.5, Schedule 80 bore, forged steel, raised face, weld neck or slip-on, ASTM A181, Grade II.
2½” thru 14” Class 300, ANSI B16.5, Schedule 40 bore, forged steel, raised face, weld neck or slip-on, ASTM A181, Grade II.
½” thru 2” 3000 lb. socket weld, forged steel, ASTM A105, for Schedule 80 pipe.
2½” thru 14” Standard weight seamless steel welded. Bevel ends conforming to ASTM A234, Grade WPB.
Branch All line size and/or reducing branches use straight tee, reducing tees or "Sockolets" or "Weldolets", schedule to suit pipe, ASTM A105. Stub-ins are not
All sizes
Connections permitted.
Unions ½” thru 2” Forged steel. Gasket to be Type 304 stainless steel with graphite filler.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 300 lb, ring type, 1/32" thick. Gaskets shall have same inside
Gaskets 2” thru 14”
diameter as bore of mating flanges.
ASTM A 193 - Grade B5 or B7; heavy, hex head, alloy steel machine bolts or double end threaded stud-bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI
B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy hex, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1-Class 2B (threads)
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound manufactured by STL Corporation, Lombard, Illinois.
Thread Lubricant
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Joint Configuration:
1. ½” – 2”, socket weld
2. 2½” – 14”, butt weld, bevel end
3. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Welding shall be executed by either or a combination of the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding or Gas Metal Arc Welding
1.1. All welds shall be full penetration, continuous, and free of defects.
1.2. The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process shall be used for all socket welded joints.
1.2.1. Socket weld joints shall be assembled with a 1/16" setback clearance between the end of the pipe and the socket per ANSI B31.3.
A Gap-A-Let, may be used instead of the manual setback method.
1.3. Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7010 or E7018 for subsequent passes. Field
Pipe Joints ½” thru 14”
welded Shielded Metal Arc Welding joints shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7018 for subsequent passes.
1.3.1. Low hydrogen electrodes used for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall be stored in commercially manufactured electrode
stabilizing ovens. The electrode manufacturer’s guidelines for atmospheric exposure and oven storage shall be followed.
1.4. Butt welds made in the effective straight run of carbon steel pipe, both up and downstream of any measuring device, such as an orifice plate
or flow meter, shall be ground flush and smooth with the inside diameter of the pipe to reduce turbulence.
1.4.1. Welds, other than for flanges or fittings required for the measuring devices, must be avoided in the straight run of pipe, both up and
downstream of the measuring device.
1.4.2. If not specified on drawings, the minimum straight run distance is 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream of
the measuring device. In a straight run of piping, locate the metering device to meet or exceed these upstream and downstream
straight pipe limits, with the majority of the excess added to the upstream side.
1.4.3. Interior welds that are ground flush and smooth shall be inspected and accepted by AB-InBev prior to further fabrication
or installation. Welds located outside the specified diameter limits need not be ground.
2. The exterior of all carbon steel welded joints shall be wire brushed to remove all weld slag, foreign material, and to provide a neat appearance.
Pipe Joints – Threaded Joints:
½” thru 14”
continued 1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
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3.3.17 B5 – Carbon Steel

Component Size Description
½” thru 2” Schedule 80, ANSI B36.10 seamless steel, ASTM A106, Grade B, plain end.
2½” thru 16” Schedule 80, NSI B36.10, seamless steel, ASTM A106, Grade B, bevel end.
½” thru 2” Class 600, ANSI B16.5, Schedule 80 bore, forged steel, raised face, weld neck, ASTM A105, plain end.
2½” thru 16” Class 600, ANSI B16.5, Schedule 80 bore, forged steel, raised face, weld neck or slip-on, ASTM A105, beveled end.
½” thru 2” ANSI B16.11, 3000 lb socket weld, forged steel, ASTM A105.
2½” thru 16” ANSI B16.9, Schedule 80, seamless steel welded. Bevel ends, ASTM A234, Grade WPB.
For commodity Boiler Blowdown (High Pressure-Superheated), 5 diameter bends per B31.1 Section 129 ASME Boiler and Pressure Code shall be used.

Branch Connections All line size and reducing branches shall use straight tees, reducing tees, "Sockolets" or "Weldolets.” Sch 80 pipe, ASTM A105. Stub-ins are not permitted.
All sizes
Gaskets 2” thru 16” 1/8” thick, Class 600, Flexitallic Type CG. Gaskets to have same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges.
ASTM A 193 - Grade B7; heavy, hex head, alloy steel double end threaded (verify) stud-bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A
(threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy hex, carbon steel nuts each end meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1-Class 2B (threads).
1. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Thread Lubricant Bolt Threads Stud bolts to be lubricated with a graphite and oil paste prior to installation.
Joint Configuration:
1. ½” – 2”, socket weld
2. 2½” – 16”, butt weld, bevel end
Welded Joints:
1. Welding shall be executed by either or a combination of the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding or Gas Metal Arc Welding
1.1. All welds shall be full penetration, continuous, and free of defects.
1.2. The Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process shall be used for all socket welded joints.
1.2.1. Socket weld joints shall be assembled with a 1/16" setback clearance between the end of the pipe and the socket per ANSI B31.3.
A Gap-A-Let, as manufactured by G.A.L. Gage Co., Stevensville, MI (www.galgage.com), may be used instead of the manual
setback method.
1.3. Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7010 or E7018 for subsequent passes. Field
welded Shielded Metal Arc Welding joints shall utilize E6010 electrodes for root passes and E7018 for subsequent passes.
Pipe Joints ½” thru 16”
1.3.1. Low hydrogen electrodes used for the Shielded Metal Arc Welding process shall be stored in commercially manufactured electrode
stabilizing ovens. The electrode manufacturer’s guidelines for atmospheric exposure and oven storage shall be followed.
1.4. Butt welds made in the effective straight run of carbon steel pipe, both up and downstream of any measuring device, such as an orifice plate
or flow meter, shall be ground flush and smooth with the inside diameter of the pipe to reduce turbulence.
1.4.1. Welds, other than for flanges or fittings required for the measuring devices, must be avoided in the straight run of pipe, both up and
downstream of the measuring device.
1.4.2. If not specified on drawings, the minimum straight run distance is 10 pipe diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream of
the measuring device. In a straight run of piping, locate the metering device to meet or exceed these upstream and downstream
straight pipe limits, with the majority of the excess added to the upstream side.
1.4.3. Interior welds that are ground flush and smooth shall be inspected and accepted by AB-InBev prior to further fabrication or installation.
Welds located outside the specified diameter limits need not be ground.
2. The exterior of all carbon steel welded joints shall be wire brushed to remove all weld slag, foreign material, and to provide a neat appearance.
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3.3.18 B6 – Carbon Steel

Component Size Description

Pipe 3” thru 24” Carbon Steel, schedule 40 seamless, ASTM-A53, grade B – Roll grooved-ends to be grooved in accordance with Victaulic current-listed standards.
Vic-Flange® Adapter Style 741 2” –10” for connection to ANSI class 125/150 flanged components. Cast of ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade
65-45-12. Remove dimples from face of Vic-Flange® to mate to flat-faced flanges.
Flanges 3” thru 24”
Note: Vic-Flange® used within 90° of one another on a standard fitting may cause dimensional interference.
Victaulic fittings shall be full flow ductile iron or steel fittings with grooves or shoulders designed to accept Victaulic grooved end couplings. Shall be cast of
ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12, or malleable iron conforming to ASTM A-47, Grade 32510, forged steel conforming to ASTM A- 234,
Grade WPB 0.375” wall (9.53 mm wall), or fabricated of Standard Weight Carbon Steel pipe conforming to ASTM A-53, Type F, E or S, Grade B. Victaulic
Fittings All Sizes fittings and couplings are provided with an alkyd enamel finish.
1. When water or lug-type valves are used adjoining a Victaulic fitting, check disc dimensions to assure proper clearance.
2. Use Victaulic Style 47 Dielectric Waterway when connecting dissimilar metals in liquid systems. ½” through 8” (DN15-DN200) size range available
with grooved, threaded or plain end for FIT® combinations.
All Sizes For line size and/or reducing branches, use straight tees, reducing tees (Stub-ins are not permitted).
Victaulic Style 2” (DN50) through 8” (DN200): 107H (Quick-Vic™) Rigid installation ready coupling for direct stab installation without field disassembly,
Coupling housings with offsetting, angle-pattern bolt pads shall be used to provide system rigidity and support hanging in accordance with ANSI B31.1, B31.9,
and NFPA13.
Victaulic Style 10” (DN250) through 12” (DN300): Victaulic Style 07 (Zero-Flex®). Rigid Coupling. Coupling housings with offsetting, angle-pattern bolt pads
shall be used to provide system rigidity and support hanging in accordance with ANSI B31.1, B31.9, and NFPA13.
Couplings All Sizes Victaulic Style 2” (DN50) through 8” (DN200): Victaulic Style 177 (Quick-Vic™). Installation ready flexible coupling direct stab installation without field
disassembly. Use in locations where vibration attenuation and stress relief are required. Flexible couplings may be used in lieu of flexible connectors at
equipment connections. Three couplings, for ear connector, shall be placed in close proximity to the vibration source.
Victaulic Style 10” (DN250) through 12” (DN300): Victaulic Style 75 or 77 standard flexible couplings. Use in locations where vibration attenuation and stress
relief are required. Flexible couplings may be used in lieu of flexible connectors at equipment connections. Three couplings, for each connector, shall be
placed in close proximity to the vibration source.
For Flanges: Gaskets supplied with Vic-Flange® 741 flange. Use of Vic-Flange® against mating rubber gasket-faced valves, flanges, devices, etc., requires
the use of a Vic-Flange® steel washer between Vic-Flange® gasket and device gasket. All gaskets are to have same inside diameter as bore of mating flange.
1. For Victaulic connections: Gaskets shall be pre-lubricated with a water-soluble lubricant before installation.
2. General Service Victaulic Connections: Grade “EHP” EPDM compound (red color-coded) conforming to ASTM-D2000 designation
2CA615A25B24F17Z. Grade “EHP” gaskets are UL/ULC classified to ANSI/NSF 61 for cold -30 degrees F to +250 degrees F (-34 degrees C t o
+120 degrees C)
Gaskets 3. Note: Air systems without Hydrostatic carbons – Use Grade “L” Silicone compound (red color-coded) for dry air service operating temperatures
up to +350 degrees F (+177 degrees C).
4. Slurry Systems Victaulic Connections: Grade “E” FlushSeal® gaskets. Vacuum service may also use standard gaskets with a Victaulic internal
metal liner.
5. Chemical Service Victaulic Connections: Refer to latest published Victaulic literature, Gasket Selection Guide section, for gasket-type
recommendations for various chemical services.

Coupling Bolts: Zinc plated (ASTM B-633) heat-treated carbon steel oval neck track bolts conforming to physical properties of ASTM A-183, minimum
tensile strength 110,000 psi (758450 kPa) as provided standard by Victaulic. Use bolts with heavy hex nuts meeting same specification as bolts.
Bolting Flange Bolts: ASTM A 193 – Grade B5 or B7; heavy, hex head, alloy steel machine bolts or double end threaded stud-bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1
(dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 – Class 2A (threads): ASTM A 194 – Grade 2H; heavy, hex, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI
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B1.1-Class 2B (threads).

Note: ASTM A 307 – Grade B bolts shall be used when one or both mating flanges are Class 125 or Class 250 Cast Iron; and either flange has a raised
face, or a ring gasket is used.

Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket surface,
torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound.
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Note: Victaulic grooved mechanical pipe couplings, fittings, valves and other grooved components may be used as an option to welding, threading or flanged methods. All grooved shall be
of one manufacturer (Victaulic Company of America) and conform to local code approval and/or as listed by ANSI-B-31.1, B-31.3, B-31.9, ASME, UL/ULC, FM, IAPMO or BOCA.
Victaulic’s representative shall periodically visit the jobsite and review installation. Contractor shall remove and replace any joints deemed improperly installed. At the option of
Contractor, Victaulic Construction Piping Services Division shall provide all equipment location drawings, piping layout drawings and piping isometric drawings for fabrication and
erection of 2½” and larger Victaulic piping systems required for a project. All of the above data will be provided in reliance upon mechanical drawings, specifications and project
information furnished by Contractor. Bills of material and pipe cutting sheets will be provided by Victaulic’s Construction Piping Services Division and will be cross-referenced to all
drawings. The drawings provided will govern only those systems directly related to Victaulic piping systems exclusively employing Victaulic products installed in strict accordance with
the latest specifications provided by the Victaulic Company of America. All Victaulic products described herein are to be installed in accordance with latest Victaulic published literature.
Victaulic’s factory trained representative shall provide on-site training for contractor’s field personnel prior to installation of product.
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3.3.19 C1 – Copper

Component Size Description

Tubing ½” thru 3” Type “L”, hard drawn copper tubing conforming to ASTM B 88.
½” thru 3” Class 150, cast brass copper alloy #C84400, per ASTM B 584, flat face, female socket end, cup depth per ANSI B16.22.
Flanges Viega ProPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: WHO, WHE, WRA)
1” thru 3” Two Piece Adapter Flange; Class 150, zero lead bronze (1" thru 2") or cast copper alloy (2-1/2" thru 3"), per ANSI/ASME B16.5, flat face, female press-
connect end, dimensions per ANSI/ASME B16.51.
1. Wrought copper (ANSI B16.22) or cast bronze (ANSI B16.18), ASTM B75 alloy C12200, female socket ends.
2. Viega ProPress Fittings: (approved for use in the following commodities only: WDO, WHE, WRA)
½” thru 3” Zero lead bronze or copper press-connect fittings conforming to ANSI/ASME B16.51, NSF 61, NSF 61-G, and NSF 372. ProPress fittings shall have an
EPDM sealing element and smart connect (SC) feature. Fittings from 2-1/2" to 3" shall incorporate a 420 stainless steel grip ring and PBT separator
½” thru 3” Full and reducing branches shall be made with tees. See “Fittings” section, unless otherwise specified.
½” thru 3” NIBCO figure 733, cast copper, socket ends for soft solder. 270 psi @ 150˚ F.
Unions Viega ProPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: WHO, WHE, WRA)
½” thru 2”
Zero lead bronze union with press X press, press X FPT, or press X MPT ends.
Use where contact between dissimilar metals or equipment may result in galvanic action.
½” thru 3”
Dielectric Unions
Viega ProPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: WHO, WHE, WRA)
½” thru 2”
Zero lead bronze di-electric union with press X FPT ends and EPDM flat gasket/sealing element.
1. Wrought copper or cast bronze, female socket per ANSI B16.22 one end by male NPT other end.
Adapters 2. Viega ProPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: WDO, WHE, WRA)
Copper or zero lead bronze adapter, press end per ANSI B16.51 one end by FPT or MPT other end.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 150 lb rating, full face, 1/16" thick. Use ring gaskets on wafer type
Gaskets check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly valves with integral
seat liner/gasket surface.
Brass to Brass: ASTM F 468 - Alloy 651; regular, hex head, silicone bronze machine bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 -Class 2A
(threads): ASTM F 467 - Alloy 651; regular, hex, silicone bronze nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads).

Brass to Stainless Steel or Carbon Steel Plain or Carbon Steel Galvanized: ASTM A 193 - Grade B8, heavy, hex head, stainless steel, machine bolts
meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 8; heavy, hex, stainless steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2
Bolting (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads).

If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.

Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket surface,
torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.

Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade.

Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
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Soldered Joints:
1. All surfaces to be soldered shall be free and clean of oil, grease, and oxides. Ends of tubing shall be cleaned with sand cloth or sandpaper; steel
wool shall not be used. Female cup end of fitting, flange, or valve shall be cleaned with a wire brush just prior to making brazed joint.
2. Flux shall be brushed evenly on tube or pipe end, and into female cup end.
3. Joint shall be heated evenly before applying solder.
4. Solder metal of 95-5 tin-antimony in accordance with ASTM B32 classification shall be used to join copper to copper or copper to bronze or brass
joints. Alternate use of BCuP-5 brazing alloy in accordance with AWS A5.8 classification may be used at Contractor's discretion and to suit operating
5. Excess solder/braze shall be removed while still plastic, leaving a smooth fillet around the end of the fitting.

Viega ProPress: (approved for use in the following commodities only: WHO, WHE, WRA)
Viega ProPress Press-Connect Joints shall have an EPDM sealing element for applications with a temperature rating of 0 degrees F to +250 degrees F (-18
Pipe Joints ½” thru 3”
degrees C to +120 degrees C).

1. Sealing element shall be verified for the intended use.
2. Tube ends shall be cut on a right angle (square) to the tube. Tube ends shall be reamed and chamfered, all grease, oil or dirt shall be removed from
the tube end with a clean rag.
3. Visually examine the fitting sealing element to ensure there is no damage, and it is properly seated into the fitting.
4. Utilizing a Viega Insertion Depth Inspection Gauge mark the tube wall, with a felt tip pen, at the appropriate location, or insert the tube fully into the
fitting and mark the tube wall at the face of the fitting. Always examine the tube to ensure it is fully inserted into the fitting prior to pressing the joint.
5. ProPress fittings ½-inch thru 3-inch shall be installed in accordance with the most current edition of the Viega installation guideline using appropriate
sized Ridgid Press Tool and Jaws.
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3.3.20 C3 – Copper

Component Size Description

Tubing ½” thru 2” Type “L,” hard drawn copper tubing conforming to ASTM B 88.
Flanges ½” thru 2” Class 150, cast brass copper alloy #C84400, per ASTM B 584, flat face, female socket end, cup depth per ANSI B16.22.
Fittings – ANSI ½” thru 2” Shall be wrought copper (ANSI B16.22) or cast bronze (ANSI B16.18), female socket ends.
½” thru 2” Full and reducing branches shall be made with tees. See “Fittings” section, unless otherwise specified.
Adapters Wrought copper or cast bronze, female socket per ANSI B16.22 one end by male NPT other end.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3700, light grey in color, ASTM Line Callout F712900A9B4E99K5M9, 150 lb rating, full face, 1/16" thick. Use ring gaskets on wafer type
Gaskets check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flange. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly valves with integral
seat liner/gasket surface.
Brass to Brass: ASTM F 468 - Alloy 651; regular, hex head, silicone bronze machine bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 -Class 2A
(threads): ASTM F 467 - Alloy 651; regular, hex, silicone bronze nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads)

Brass to Stainless Steel or Carbon Steel Plain or Carbon Steel Galvanized: ASTM A 193 - Grade B8, heavy, hex head, stainless steel, machine bolts meeting
ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 8; heavy, hex, stainless steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) &
Bolting ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads).

If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.

Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket surface,
torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade.
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Soldered Joints:
1. All surfaces to be soldered shall be free and clean of oil, grease, and oxides. Ends of tubing shall be cleaned with sand cloth or sandpaper; steel
wool shall not be used. Female cup end of fitting, flange, or valve shall be cleaned with a wire brush just prior to making brazed joint.
2. Flux shall be brushed evenly on tube or pipe end, and into female cup end.
Pipe Joints ½” thru 2”
3. Joint shall be heated evenly before applying solder.
4. Solder metal of 95-5 tin-silver in accordance with ASTM B32 classification shall be used to join copper to copper or copper to bronze or brass
joints. Alternate use of BCuP-5 brazing alloy in accordance with AWS A5.8 classification may be used at Contractor's discretion.
5. Excess solder/braze shall be removed while still plastic, leaving a smooth fillet around the end of the fitting.
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3.3.21 P1 – Polyvinylchloride (PVC)

Component Size Description

Pipe ¼” thru 3” Schedule 80, Type I PVC rigid pipe, conforming to ASTM D-1785
Flanges ¼” thru 3” PVC for Schedule 80 pipe Class 150, ANSI B16.5, flat face, socket type, ASTM D-2467
Fittings ¼” thru 3” Schedule 80, Type I PVC, socket type, ASTM D-2467
¼” thru 3” Use tees, see Fittings.
Pipe Joints – Primer “Weld-On P-70”, clear color, PVC/CPVC primer.
Cement Cement “Weld-On 724”, gray color, PVC/CPVC solvent cement
Schedule 80, Type I PVC, male thread x socket, ASTM D-2467. To transition to metal pipe, use Schedule 80 PVC fitting with female threaded metal insert
or PVC to metal transition union.
Gaskets Neoprene, 50-70 durometer, full face, 3/16" thick.
ASTM A 307 - Grade B; heavy, hex head, zinc coated, carbon steel machine bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads):
ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H: heavy, hex, zinc coated carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads).
Bolting 1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Note: Pipe exposed to direct sunlight must be painted with a latex based paint to prevent ultraviolet light degradation. White or light color suggested. Refer to GTS 3B General
Specification, Painting.
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3.3.22 P2 – Glass Fiber Reinforced

Component Size Description

1” only Pipe shall be in compliance with ASTM D 2996.
Pipe 2” thru 12” Pipe shall be in compliance with ASTM D 2996 or ASTM D 2997.
14” thru 16” Pipe shall be in compliance with ASTM D 2996.
Glass fiber reinforced, according to ANSI B16.5, 150 lb bolt hole circle. Flanges shall have belled connections.
1” only
Glass fiber reinforced, flat faced and drilled according to ANSI B16.5, 150 lb bolt hole circle. All flanges shall have belled connections.
2” thru 16”

1” only Glass fiber reinforced; all fittings shall be by bell construction.

2” thru 16” Glass fiber reinforced, Fittings shall be of either bell by bell or flange by flange construction.
Glass fiber reinforced, Use tees for line size branches. If branch is one or more pipe sizes smaller than header, use a belled reducing saddle. If threaded
2” & 3”
Branch connections are required use spigot by threaded adapter.
Connections Glass fiber reinforced, Use tees for line size branch connections. If branch is more than one pipe size smaller than header, use a belled reducing saddle. If
4” thru 16”
branch is one pipe size reduction, use tee and a reducing bushing.
1” thru 6” Adhesive system. Include base adhesive, hardener, joint cleaner, brush, stir stick and instructions.
Adhesive system. Include base adhesive, hardener, joint cleaner, brush, stir stick and instructions.
Pipe Joints 8” thru 16”

2” thru 16” butt & weld

Tapered Ends When tapering end of pipe, use only tool recommended by manufacturer.
Use saddle fittings plus 2" blind flange drilled and tapped for 304 stainless steel Schedule 40 nipple, 2" long, threaded both ends.
Hydrocarbon rubber gasket, 60 durometer, full face, 1/8" thick. Use ring gaskets on wafer type check valves.

ASTM A 307 - Grade B; heavy, hex head, zinc coated, carbon steel machine bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads):
ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy, hex, zinc coated, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads).
Bolting 1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade.
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Note: Certain pipe exposed to direct sunlight must be painted with a solvent based paint to prevent ultraviolet light degradation. White or light color suggested. Refer to GTS 3B General
Specification, Painting
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3.3.23 P3 – Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)

Component Size Description
¼” thru ⅝” Smooth, flexible, translucent PVDF; minimum 1/16” wall thickness; square cut ends for mechanical tube fittings;
Flexible Tubing
Schedule 80 rigid PVDF thermoplastic; ASTM D 1785 for dimensions and tolerances; square cut, deburr and bevel ends for thermal socket fusion;
Pipe ¾” thru 2”

Rigid PVDF thermoplastic connector, elbow, tee and union to be fittings; ferrule nut with plastic gripper ring for use with plastic tubing;
Fittings ¼” thru ⅝”

Schedule 80 rigid PVDF thermoplastic couplings, elbows and tees; ASTM D 2467 for dimensions and tolerances; Tapered socket ends for thermal socket
¾” thru 2”
Schedule 80 rigid PVDF thermoplastic; ANSI B16.5 Class 150 for bolt circle and bolt hole dimensions and tolerances; Tapered face; Tapered socket ends
Flanges ¾” thru 2”
for thermal socket fusion
Unions ¾” thru 2” Schedule 80 rigid PVDF thermoplastic; Fluoroelastomer (Viton) O-rings; Tapered socket ends for thermal socket fusion;
Schedule 80 rigid PVDF thermoplastic adapter coupling with or without Schedule 80 rigid PVDF thermoplastic MPT by FPT reducing bushing; ASTM D 2467
Adapters ½” thru 2”
for socket dimensions and tolerances; ASTM D 2464 for threaded dimensions and tolerances.
Joints –
¾” thru 2” ASTM D 2657 Technique I: Socket Fusion.
¼” thru ⅝” Union tube fitting.
Joints –
¾” thru 2” Flange.
Permanent ¾” thru 2” Union.
⅛” thru ⅝” Connectors and reducing connectors for transition to MPT and FPT.
Joints – Transition ½” thru 2” Adapter with or without reducing bushing for transition to FPT.
¾” thru 2” Flange.
Gaskets ¾” thru 2” Fluoroelastomer (Viton A), 50 to 70 Durometer, 150 lb rating, full face, 1/8” thick.
Thread Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade
Lubricant/Sealant Pipe Threads 1/8” – 2” - Tetra fluoroethylene - TFE thread tape.
ASTM A 307 Grade B, heavy hex, zinc-coated, carbon steel bolts; ANSI B18.2.1 for bolt dimensions and tolerances; ANSI B1.1 Coarse Thread Series, Class
2A tolerance; ASTM A 194 Grade 2 H, heavy hex, zinc-coated, carbon steel nuts; ANSI B18.2.2 for nut dimensions and tolerances; ANSI B1.1 UNC Series
Class 2B thread fit.
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
¼” thru ⅝” Support continuously with 1” x 1” structural angle. One leg up for horizontal support.
Support Spacing
¾” thru 2” Support continuously with 1 1/2” x 1 1/2” structural angle, one leg up for horizontal support.
Note: The preferred joint method for pipe size 3/4” - 2” is Permanent Thermal Socket Fusion. The preferred non-permanent and transition joint method for pipe sizes 3/4” thru 2” is
Flanged. Use of red colored pipe is recommended for its added resistance to ultraviolet light degradation of both pipe and transported product.
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3.3.24 P4 – Glass Fiber Reinforced Epoxy

Component Size Description

Pipe 1” thru 6” Pipe shall be “Green Thread” in conformance with ASTM D 2996.
Filament wound "Green Thread" with belled connections for adhesive joints; flat faced and drilled to ANSI B16.5, 150 lb. Compression molded flanges are
Flanges 1” thru 6”
not acceptable.
Fittings 1” thru 6” Glass fiber reinforced "Green Thread" with belled ends for adhesive joints or with flanged joints. Flanged fittings are acceptable.
Branch Socket tees; for branches one size smaller than run, use tee & reducer; for branches more than one size reduction, use saddle; use threaded adapter for
Connections instruments or threaded devices.
Pipe Joints
Socket cemented joints.
Gaskets Neoprene, 60-70 durometer, full face, 1/8” thick.
ASTM A 307 - Grade B; heavy, hex head, zinc coated, carbon steel machine bolts (or double end threaded stud-bolts) meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) &
ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy, hex, zinc coated, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class
2B (threads).
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Note: Pipe exposed to direct sunlight must be painted with a latex based paint to prevent ultraviolet light degradation. White or light color suggested. Refer to GTS 3B General
Specification, Painting
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3.3.25 P5 – Chlorinated Polyvinylchloride (CPVC)

Component Size Description

ASTM D1784 – Class 24448 (material), ASTM F 441/F 441M-02 (design/dimensions), CPVC, schedule 80, National Sanitation Foundation approved. Pipe
Pipe ¼” thru 4” and fittings shall have a minimum pressure rating of 150 PSIG at 100ºF.
1. Approved Personnel
1.1. Personnel working with piping specification P5 material must be ASME B31 certified. As the certifications expire, the personnel must get re-
certified to retain up-to-date credentials.
ASTM D1784 – Class 23447-B (material), ASTM F 439-02e1 (design/dimensions), ANSI B16.5 Class 150 (bolting/facing), CPVC, flat face, socket type for
Flanges schedule 80 pipe.
¼” thru 4”
ASTM D1784 – Class 23447-B (material), ASTM F 439-02e1 (design/dimensions), ASTM F437 (threads), CPVC, Schedule 80, socket type. Adapters shall
Fittings/Adapters ¼” thru 4” be male thread by socket.
Module Drain ASTM D1784 – Class 23447-B, ASTM F2618, CPVC, Schedule 40, Light Gray.
Headers 3” thru 4”
Unions ¼” thru 4” ASTM D1784 – Class 23447-B (material), ASTM F 439-02e1 (design/dimensions), ASTM F437 (threads), CPVC, Schedule 80, socket type.
1. For FCL and SHD commodities use EPDM O-rings.
2. For MAG, RMI, and SHC commodities use Viton O-rings.

¼” thru 4” Use tees, see Fittings.
Pipe Joints ¼” thru 4” Use couplings, see Fittings.
Primer “Weld-On P-70”, clear color, PVC/CPVC primer.
Joint Chemicals
Cement “Weld-On 724”, gray color, PVC/CPVC solvent cement.
50 – 70 Durometer, full face, 3/16” thick.
Gaskets 1. For FCL and SHD commodities use EPDM.
2. For MAG, RMI, and SHC commodities use Viton.
Bolting ASTM A 193 - Grade B8; heavy, hex head, 316 stainless steel machine bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimension) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM
A 194 - Grade 8 heavy, hex, 316 stainless steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1. - Class 2B (threads).
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade P/N FD-14-lubrication compound manufactured by STL Corporation, Lombard, Illinois.
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Note: Pipe exposed to direct sunlight must be painted with latex based paint to prevent ultraviolet light degradation. White or light color suggested. Refer to GTS 3B General
Specification, Painting
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3.3.26 P6 – Glass Fiber Polyester

Component Size Description
Pipe shall be 3/16” nominal wall thickness rated for 5 PSIG pressure at 120ºF and 12 inches of water column vacuum at 120 F and shall meet all fire and
Pipe 4” thru 24”
safety standards, such as; local Building Codes, UL-181, and Factory Mutual Insurance Standards.
Pipe to pipe flanged connections shall be made using manufacturers standard flange design. Pipe to vessel flange or pipe to valve flange shall be glass
reinforced with belled joints, flat faced, Class 150, and drilled to ANSI B16.5.
All fittings such as elbows, laterals, tees and reducers shall be equal or superior strength to the adjacent pipe section. Standard elbows (up to and including
Fittings 24”) shall be molded of one-piece construction. Incorporation of straight pipe extensions on elbows is impermissible. Reducers of either concentric or eccentric
style will have a length equal to the difference in inches between the large and small diameters multiplied by 2.5.
See Fittings
Pipe Joints Flanged
The resin systems used shall be of a commercial grade, and as follows:
1. Corrosion resistant vinyl ester, Derakane 510, Dow Chemical, or approved equal.
2. Reinforcing resin shall be Koppers 6695FR or approved equivalent.
NOTE: Phenolic resin of any type is not permitted.
The resins employed shall not contain additional fillers, except to control viscosity, structural rigidity, or fire retardance. Up to five percent (5%) by weight of
thixotropic agent which will not interfere with visual inspection of the finished laminate may be added for viscosity control
Laminate The laminate shall consist of an inner surface of a resin rich polyester gel, having a minimum thickness of 0.030 inches.
The inner surface shall be free of cracks and crazing with a smooth finish. Two pits per square foot are allowed, providing the pits are less than 0.125 inch
Inner Surface
in diameter and not over 0.15-inch-deep, and are filled with sufficient resin to avoid exposure of inner surface fabric.
Joint Assembly Interior
A minimum of 0.040” of polyester shall be reinforced with not less than twenty percent (20%) nor no more than thirty percent (30%) by weight of non-
continuous glass roving strands. Fiber lengths shall be from 0.5 to 2.0 inches
Exterior The exterior laminate shall be a structural body of the items for designed service of 25 PSIG. Additional strength required to meet the 25 PSIG requirement
Laminate is obtained by an increased wall thickness using roving, chopped strand and polyester resin suitable for structural.
Exterior and interior shall be free of lumps, dry spots, air voids, splinters, and other defects which can be seen or felt with the hand. There shall be no “soft
Appearance spots” in any part of the laminate where insufficient catalyst was used and the minimum Barcol hardness shall be at least ninety percent (90%) of the resin
manufacturer’s established minimum.
Synthetic surfacing veil shall be used as a chemical reinforcement on exposed inter-surfaces.
Pipe hangers shall be band type hangers contacting a minimum of 180 degrees of the pipe surface. The maximum pipe support spacing shall be in
accordance with the manufacture’s standard recommendation.
Gaskets Rubber, Shore A or Shore A2 hardness of 30-50, full face, minimum thickness of 3/16” thick, with a chemical resistance suitable for the service.
ASTM A 193 - Grade B8; heavy, hex head, 316 stainless steel machine bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimension) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A (threads): ASTM
A 194 - Grade 8 heavy, hex, 316 stainless steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) & ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads).
Bolting 1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
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Component Size Description

Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Note: Pipe exposed to direct sunlight must be painted to prevent ultraviolet light degradation. White or light color. Refer to GTS 3B General Specification, Painting
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3.3.27 P9 – High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) SDR 17

Component Size Description

High Density Polyethylene pipe (HDPE). ASTM D3350 and D3035 with a minimum cell classification of 345464C. Flow calculations and pipe sizing shall be
based on the size and inside diameter of the pipe selected per pressure rating and wall thickness. Pipe shall be available in iron pipe size (IPS) and ductile
Pipe 4” thru 54”
iron pipe size (DIPS) as specified on design drawings. The pipe shall contain no recycled compounds except those generated in the manufacturer’s plant
from the same resin and the same raw material.
HDPE All fittings shall be rated to provide a working pressure equal to that of the pipe with an included 2:1 safety factor.
1. Butt Fusion Fittings: Shall be in accordance with ASTM D3261, homogeneous throughout and free of visible cracks, holes, foreign inclusions,
voids or other defects.
2. Side Wall Fusion: Side wall fusions for connection to piping shall be made in accordance with the HDPE pipe and fitting manufacturer’s
Fittings 4” thru 54” specifications.
3. Electro fusion Fittings: Shall be PE 3408 HDPE, cell classification of 345464C as determined by ASTM D3350-02 and be of the same base resin
as the pipe. Electrofusion fittings shall have a manufacturing standard of ASTM F 1055.
4. Gored section 90° elbows shall be fabricated with minimum of 5 gore sections. Gored section 45° elbows shall be fabricated with minimum of 3
gore sections.
4” thru 54” See fittings.
Heat fusion or electrofusion performed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations.
1. Removal of internal ridges, resulting from the thermal fusion process, may be required for some services to improve the flow properties of the
Pipe Joints 4” thru 54” piping, particularly in pump pressurized systems. Refer to project specific documents.
2. If required or specified on project documents, additional restraint can be added to heat fusion joints by means of a Sur-Grip Restrainer and Pipe
Flange adapters shall be PE 3408 HDPE, Cell Classification of 345464C as determined by ASTM D3350 and be the same base resin as the pipe. Flanged
adapters shall have a manufacturing standard of ASTM D3216.
1. Mechanical:
1.1. Flange joining will be accomplished by using an HDPE Flange adapter with a ductile iron back up ring.
Flanged Adapters 1.2. Mechanical joint joining to ductile iron, cast iron, or steel will be accomplished using either a molded mechanical joint adapter or the combination
of a Sur-Grip Restrainer and Pipe Stiffener as manufactured by JCM Industries, Inc. Either mechanical joint joining method will have a ductile
iron mechanical joint gland.
2. Mechanical restraint for HDPE may be provided by mechanical means separate from the mechanical joint gasket sealing gland and as per details
on project specific drawings.
Gaskets Use 3/16” thick full face, Buna-N, 50-70 Durometer.
ASTM A307-Grade B; heavy hex head, zinc coated, carbon steel machine bolts meeting ANSI B 18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1-Class 2A (threads):
ASTM A 194- Grade 2H: heavy, hex, zinc coated carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1-Class 2B (threads).
Bolting 1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
All supports shall be capable of restraining the pipe from lateral or longitudinal movement on either side of metal flanged connections.

Color Black. The pipe shall contain the minimum carbon black content as described in PE 345464C.
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3.3.28 X1 – 304L Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description
ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 304L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, welded, full finish, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
1. 2” thru 10” – Above ground vents
2. 2” thru 12” – Above ground drains and underground vents
Pipe 2” thru 18”
3. 3” thru 18” – Underground drains
Note: In designated areas, above ground vent piping may be constructed of carbon steel, cast iron, or PVC material;
Flanges 2” thru 18” ANSI B16.5, ASTM A 182, Grade F304L, stainless steel, Class 150, raised face, welding neck, schedule 10S bore, beveled end.
ANSI B16.9 and applicable parts of MSS SP-43, ASTM A 403, Grade WP304L, reducers may be grade CR304L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, made from
full finish pipe, weld bead removed, annealed, pickled, beveled ends.
Fittings 2” thru 18” 1. 2” thru 10” – Above ground vents
2. 2” thru 12” – Above ground drains and underground vents
3. 3” thru 18” – Underground drains
Provide and install heavy duty cleanouts where indicated on Contract Documents and at all bends, angles and upper terminals as required by the applicable
state and local codes.
Cleanouts 1. Cleanouts shall not be placed over 90 ft apart.
2. All shall be accessible; if not, they shall be extended through the building wall or to the floor above.
3. A test tee with cleanout plug shall be installed at the base of each soil or waste stack.
Laterals Laterals may be shop fabricated or manufactured fittings. Laterals fabricated from pipe are not required to be annealed or pickeled after fabrication.
Branch Vent Piping Only:
Connections Tees 1. For same size branches, use tees
2. For lesser size branches, use reducing tees
Gaskets Rubber, full face, minimum thickness of 3/16” thick, with a chemical resistance suitable for the service.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 Grade B8 Class 2, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex head, machine bolts, meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2A
Nuts: ASTM A 194 Grade 8 Strain Hardened, 304 stainless steel, heavy hex nuts, meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 Class 2B (threads).
1. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
2. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Thread Lubricant Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade
Pipe Threads Crane white thread lubricant.
Joint Configuration:
1. All sizes – bevel end, butt weld
2. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
Pipe Joints 2” thru 18” sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
4. Pipe ends shall be beveled.
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5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
5.1. The joint gap between the two ends butted together shall not exceed 0.010” at any point in the joint.
5.2. Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 10% of the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999,
Figure 1, Example A.
6. Welds shall be made using the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding process:
6.1. Welds shall be made by using manual or automatic type equipment. The manufacturer and model of automatic type equipment shall be
approved by AB-InBev based on satisfactory weld samples.
6.2. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be
6.2.1. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by AWS
Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 2, Example 4.
6.2.2. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen analyzer
prior to weld commencement.
6.3. Welds shall have the first pass made by fusion and remaining passes with the use of filler metal. Type 316L filler rod shall be used when
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. Maximum allowable concavity shall be 0.006”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example B.
7.2.2. Maximum allowable convexity shall be 0.012”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example C.
7.2.3. Manual type welds shall have a minimum weld face width of 2T where T is the pipe wall thickness, as illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example D.
Pipe Joints –
2” thru 18” 7.2.4. Face width of manual type welds shall be uniform. The minimum face width of each weld shall be at least 75% of the maximum
face wide, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example E.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. Maximum allowable convexity shall be 0.012”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example F.
7.3.3. Maximum allowable concavity shall be 0.012”, as illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1999, Figure 1, Example G.
7.3.4. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level for argon gas purged joints shall not exceed discoloration
illustrated by AWS Standard D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
7.3.5. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and will be
used only on stainless steel material. Power driven brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned by
Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
Pipe Joints – male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2” thru 18”
continued 2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
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3.3.29 X2 – 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel

Component Size Description
Pipe 2” thru 36” ANSI B36.19, ASTM A 312, Grade 316L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, welded, annealed, beveled ends.
Flanges 2” thru 36” Stub end, Type A, Grade 316L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, with ASTM A 105, 150#, forged steel, lap joint flange or approved equal, beveled end.
Fittings 2” thru 36” ASTM A 403, Grade 316L, stainless steel, schedule 10S, welded, annealed, butt weld ends, beveled ends. Elbows shall be long radius type.
Branch Use fittings unless otherwise noted on drawings. Lateral connections may be fabricated as stub-ins, or manufactured fittings. Laterals fabricated from pipe
Connections are not required to be annealed after fabrication.
Garlock, Blue-Gard 3300, black in color, ASTM Line Callout F712400A9B4E34K5M9, 150 lb. rating, full face, 1/16" thick. Use ring gaskets on wafer type
Gaskets check valves. Gaskets shall have the same inside diameter as bore of mating flanges. Gaskets are not required on wafer style butterfly valves with integral
seat liner/gasket surface.
Bolts: ASTM A 193 - Grade B5 or B7; heavy hex head, alloy steel machine or stud bolts meeting ANSI B18.2.1 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 - Class 2A
(threads). Nuts: ASTM A 194 - Grade 2H; heavy, hex, carbon steel nuts meeting ANSI B18.2.2 (dimensions) and ANSI B1.1 - Class 2B (threads).
1. ASTM A 307 Grade B bolts shall be used when one or both mating flanges are Class 125 or Class 250 Cast Iron and, either flange has a raised
face or a ring gasket.
2. If stud bolts are required by the use of certain in line devices, use double end threaded studs meeting the specifications for the bolts stated above.
3. Torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with gasket manufacturer’s specifications. In the case of devices with integral seat liner/gasket
surface, torque bolts, cap screws, or studs in accordance with device manufacturer’s recommendations.
Bolt Threads SAF-T-EZE food/drug grade
Thread Lubricant
Pipe Threads Teflon tape.
Joint Configuration:
1. All sizes and schedules – bevel end, butt weld.
2. Threaded joints shall only be used as specified.
Welded Joints:
1. Stainless steel pipe components shall not be allowed to contact carbon steel benches, alignment fixtures, tools, or other iron contamination
sources. Use appropriate methods to isolate the pipe components from the iron contamination source.
2. Prepare ends of pipe by using end-preparation equipment or by sawing, abrasive cutting, grinding, or any combination of these methods using
saw blades, cutting, and grinding tools suitable for stainless steel pipe which have never been used on carbon steel.
3. Thoroughly clean weld areas and remove all burrs, scale, and foreign substances. Clean only with iron-free aluminum oxide flap wheels;
4. Pipe ends shall be beveled.
5. Ends to be welded are to be butted together and alignment maintained throughout welding by the use of tack welds and/or alignment fixtures.
Offset or misalignment of ends to be welded shall not exceed 1/32” for sizes thru 4”, 3/64” for sizes 6” thru 20”, and 1/16” for sizes 22” thru 36”.
Pipe Joints 2” thru 36” 6. Welds shall be executed per the following:
6.1. Pipe sizes 2” thru 20” – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding:
6.1.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for electrode shielding and internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not
be allowed. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by
AWS Standard D18.1, Figure 2, Example 4. The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen
analyzer prior to weld commencement.
6.2. Pipe sizes 22” thru 36” – Gas Metal Arc Welding:
6.2.1. One-hundred percent argon gas shall be used for internal pipe purging. Mixtures with other gases shall not be allowed. Contractor shall determine argon grade required to achieve internal oxidation level no greater than discoloration illustrated by
AWS Standard D18.1, Figure 2, Example 4.
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Component Size Description The oxygen content of the internal pipe purge shall not exceed 100 parts per million and shall be verified with an oxygen
analyzer prior to weld commencement.
7. Weld acceptance criteria:
7.1. Welds shall be full penetration and shall not contain cracks, undercut, crevices, pits, or embedded or protruding material.
7.2. Acceptance criteria for non-product (external) contact surfaces:
7.2.1. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
7.3. Acceptance criteria for product (internal) contact surfaces:
7.3.1. Tack welds shall not be full penetration and shall not exhibit visible internal oxidation. The weld joint shall be rejected for tacks
that are not made correctly.
7.3.2. The weld surface shall not contain excessive oxidation. Oxidation level shall not exceed discoloration illustrated by AWS Standard
D18.1:1991, Figure 2, Example 4.
7.3.3. Oxide islands shall not be acceptable.
7.3.4. The start, termination, profile, and width of the weld shall be consistent with Contractor’s Sample Board Coupon and individual
Welder’s Qualification Coupon.
Pipe Joints – 7.3.5. Post weld interior pick-ups, grinding, buffing, or interior corrections of any kind are not allowed and will be cause to reject the entire
2” thru 36”
continued weld joint.
8. Cleaning Welded Joints:
8.1. The exterior of all site fabricated stainless steel weld joints shall be cleaned using stainless steel hand wire brushes, which have and shall
only be used on stainless steel material. Power-driven stainless-steel brushes shall not be used on stainless steel.
8.2. The exterior of all shop fabricated stainless steel welded joints shall be cleaned with the Walter Surfox electrochemical weld cleaning
8.3. Any rust that occurs on stainless steel shop or field welded joints prior to AB-InBev’s final acceptance of the piping system shall be cleaned
by Contractor at no additional cost.
Threaded Joints:
1. Threaded joints shall be in compliance with ANSI B2.1. Pipe shall be reamed to full bore size after threading. Thread lubricant shall be applied to
male threads prior to assembly. Thread lubricant shall not be applied to female threads.
2. Where threaded couplings, thread-o-lets, or other threaded connections are welded to pipe spools, the threads must be checked for fit and
roundness after welding. Check the fitting by using a thread gauge. If not acceptable, chase threads with a tap or die.
3. Stainless steel specific dies, taps, and cutting lubricants shall be used when cutting or chasing stainless steel pipe threads. The specialized dies,
taps, and cutting lubricants are required for correct thread forming and to allow full thread engagement without galling. The specialized dies, taps,
and cutting lubricants shall be stored separately and only used on stainless steel material.
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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3.4 Valve types and numbers

Special Requirement
Valve Type End Type
(Use letters in this column only
when applicable.)
A Gate A 25 001-100 Flanged, Raised Face A With chain wheel operator
B Globe B 50 101-200 Flanged, Flat Face B
C Check C 75 201-250 Flanged, Ring Joint C
D Plug D 100 251-300 Butt weld D
E Butterfly E 125 301-350 Lug Type E With special wing nuts
F Ball F 150 351-400 Wafer Type (Flangeless) F With By-Pass
G Knife G 175 401-500 Threaded G
H Angle H 200 501-550 Socket Weld H
I Not Used I Not Used 551-600 Solvent Weld I Not Used
J J 225 601-650 Solder End J
K Diaphragm K 250 651-675 Brazed End K
L L 300 676-700 Swagelok L
M M 400 701-750 Thermal Weld M
N Needle N 500 751-800 Unassigned N
Ammonia Tongue &
O Not Used O Not Used 801-900 O Not Used
P P 600 901-950 Unassigned P
Unclassified or Special
Q Q 800 951-999 Q
R Refrigeration R 900 R
S Special S 1 S
T T 1,5 T High Temperature Service
U U 2 U
Angle (Refrigeration and
V V 2,5 V
Nitrogen valves only)
W W 3 W
X Unclassified X 4,2 X
Y Y 5 Y
Z Z Unassigned Z
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Gate Globe Plug Butterfly

Check Valve Ball Valve
Valve Valve Valve Valve

AE101 BE110 CC160 CF135 DA951 EF306 FF055 FL426 FQ995

AE102 BE602 CD565 CF405 DA952 EF307 FF056 FL427 FS435

AE601 BF016 CD566 CF551 DA953 EF308T FF060 FL428 FS992

AF001 BF113 CE117 CH416 DA954 EF311 FF126 FL429 FS993
AF002 BF408 CE118 CH605 DA955 EF312 FF127 FL665 FT275
AF003F BH409 CE119 CH658 DA956 EF314 FF128 FL970 FT505
AF401 BK019 CE121 CL041 DA957 EF315 FF129 FL971 FW462
AK104 BL020 CF023 CL042 DA958 EF355 FF372 FL972 FW463
AL010 BL160 CF024 CL043 DF049 EF329 FF373 FL973
AL011 BL251 CF025 CL044 DF050 EF358 FF560 FL974
AL012F BL252V CF028 CL072 DF255 EF359T FF701 FL975
AL070 BL501 CF029 CL354 DF256 EH321 FF965 FL976
AL402 BL502V CF030 CL535 DF519 EH322 FF966 FL977
AP071 BP161 CF031 CP046 DL259 EH323 FH420 FL978
AQ501 BQ506 CF033 CP073 DL260 EH325 FH421 FL979

AQ502 BQ507 CF034 CP285 DL261 EH326 FJ561 FL981

AQ504 BQ508 CF122 CP354 DL522 EH327 FJ562 FL996

BQ538 CF123 CQ515 EH328 FJ563 FL997

BX252 CF132 CQ516 EH364 FJ959 FP461

BX261 CF133 CQ540 EH365 FL265 FP537
BX512 EH367 FL266 FQ994

Diaphragm Needle Pressure Relief

Knife Valve Angle Valve Refrigeration Valve
Valve Valve Valve

GF334 HE140 KE145 NV530 RL801 RM831 SC462

HE610 KF151 NW451 RL802V RM832V

HF065 KF270 NW452 RL811 RM833

HF440 KF271 RL812V RM834V
HF441 KF985 RM821 RM835
HF442 KF456 RM822V RM836V
HF443 KF555 RM823
HL068 KF563 RM824V
KF564 RM825
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Valve #/Size Description
AE101 Body: Class 125, Ni-Resist cast iron
2” – 6” Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: 316 stainless steel stem & Type 2 Ni-Resist iron disc
Other: Standard port
AE102 Body: Class 125 SWP, class 200 WOG, IBBM
2” – 16” Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: Bronze & iron
Other: O S & Y, solid wedge
AE601 Body: Class 125, Bronze
½” – 2” Ends: Solder
Trim: Bronze
Other: Threaded in bonnet, Solid wedge
AF001 Body: Class 150, Alloy 20
½” – 4” Ends: Flanged, Raised Face
Trim: Alloy 20
Other: Split Wedge
AF002 Body: Class 150, Cast Steel
2½” – 12" Ends: Flanged, Raised Face
Trim: 13% Chrome Stainless Steel
Other: Solid Wedge
AF003F Body: Class 150, cast steel
6" – 12" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Furnish with built-up bypass per MSS SP-45
AF401 Body: Class 150 SWP, Class 300 WOG, bronze
¼” – 1½” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Bronze
Other: Union bonnet, solid wedge
AK104 Body: Class 250, iron
2" – 12" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Bronze
Other: OS&Y, tapered solid wedge
AL010 Body: Class 300, 316 stainless steel or CF8M
½” – 4" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Other: Solid wedge
AL011 Body: Class 300, cast steel
2½” – 4" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Solid wedge
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AL012F Body Class 300, cast steel

6" – 16" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Furnish with built-up bypass per MSS SP-45
AL070 Body: Class 300, cast steel
2½” – 24" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 410 stainless steel
Other: OS&Y
AL402 Body: Class 300, 316 stainless steel
½” – 2” Ends: Threaded
Trim: 316L stainless steel
Other: Solid wedge
AP071 Body: Class 600, cast steel
2½” – 12" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Hard faced seat rings, 410 stainless steel
Other: OS&Y
AQ501 Body: Class 800, forged steel
¼” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel 400 Series
Other: Standard port
AQ502 Body: Class 800, forged steel
½” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel 400 Series
Other: Bore for schedule 40 pipe
AQ504 Body: Class 800, forged steel
¼” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Hard faced seats and wedge
Other: Solid wedge, OS&Y, standard port
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Valve #/Size Description
BE110 Body: Class 125, IBBM
2" – 10" Ends: Flanged, flat faced
Trim: Bronze
Other: OS&Y, 13% Chrome Steel Disc
BE602 Body: Class 150, bronze
½” – 2" Ends: Solder
Trim: Bronze and Teflon disc
Other: Screw in bonnet
BF016 Body: Class 150, cast steel
2" – 14" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Renewable seat
BF113 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel or CF8M
1" – 8" Ends: Flanged, raised faced
Trim: 316 stainless steel
Other: Outside screw, rising stem. Bolted flanged yolk bonnet.
BF408 Body: Class 150, bronze
¼” – 2" Ends: Threaded
Trim: Bronze stem, 420 stainless steel disc
Other: Union bonnet
BH409 Body: Class 200, bronze.
½” & ¾” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Bronze
Other: Union bonnet
BK019 Body: Class 250, iron
2½” – 8" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Bronze
Other: OS&Y
BL020 Body: Class 300, cast steel
2½” – 12" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Renewable seat
BL160 Body: Class 300, cast steel
2½” – 12” Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: 410 stainless steel
Other: OS&Y
BL251 Body: PS 52 bar (750#), cast steel, painted black
3” – 8” Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Teflon seat, bronze stem, stainless steel disc, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, oil & grease free, hand wheel, globe valve
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BL252V Body: PS 52 bar (750#), cast steel, painted black

3” – 8” Ends: Butt Weld
Trim: Teflon seat, bronze stem, stainless steel disc, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, oil & grease free, hand wheel, angle valve
BL501 Body: PS 52 bar (750#), forged steel, painted black
1” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Teflon seat, bronze stem, stainless steel disc, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, oil & grease free, hand wheel, globe valve
BL502V Body: PS 52 bar (750#), forged steel, painted black
1” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Teflon seat, bronze stem, stainless steel disc, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, oil & grease free, hand wheel, angle valve
BP161 Body: Class 800, cast steel
2½” – 18" Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: 410 stainless steel
Other: OS&Y
BQ506 Body: Class 800, forged steel
¼” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel 400 series, full hard-faced seats and disc
Other: Standard port
BQ507 Body: Class 800, forged steel
½” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel 400 series
Other: Standard port
BQ508 Body: Class 800, forged steel
½” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel 400 series
Other: Full port, OS&Y, bolted bonnet
BQ538 Body: Class 800, Y pattern, forged steel
¼” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stellite seat
Other: OS&Y
BX252 Body: 4200 CWP, 316 stainless steel
3" Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stellite disc & seat
Other: Globe stop, univalve for schedule 40 pipe
BX261 Body: Cast 316L stainless steel
½” – 2” Ends: Butt weld
Trim: PTFE disc with Stainless Steel seat
Other: ISO4200 – very close to schedule 5 pipe overall dimensions
BX512 Body: 4200 CWP, 316 stainless steel CL1690
¾” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stellite disc & seat
Other: Globe stop, univalve for schedule 80 pipe
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Valve #/Size Description
CC160 Body: PVC, 75 psig @ 70˚F
2”, 3" Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: EPDM seat
Swing check, use Asahi/America AV style (part # 3113) EPDM low torque gasket to
install valve in piping
CD565 Body: PVC, 100 psig @ 70˚F, true union body
½” – 3” Ends: Solvent weld
Trim: EPDM seat and seals
Other: Ball check
CD566 Body: CPVC, 100 psig @ 70˚F, true union body
½” – 3” Ends: Solvent weld
Trim: EPDM seat and seals
Other: Ball check
CE117 Body: Class 150, cast steel, polypropylene lined.
1" – 4" Ends: Flanged, flat face.
Trim: PTFE gaskets, Viton diaphragms
Other: Vertical check.
CE118 Body: Class 150, cast steel, polypropylene lined.
1" – 4" Ends: Flanged, flat face.
Trim: PTFE gaskets, Viton diaphragms
Other: Horizontal check.
CE119 Body: Class 125, cast iron.
2" – 14" Ends: Flanged, flat face.
Trim: Bronze.
Other: Bolted cover.
CE121 Body: Class 125, cast iron.
16" & 18" Ends: Flanged, flat faced
Trim: 304 stainless steel disc plate, arm, shaft & bearings, 316 stainless steel spring

Other: Single flapper, Viton field replaceable seat

CF023 Body: Class 150, Alloy 20

½” - 4" Ends: Flanged, raised face

Trim: Alloy 20

CF024 Body: Class 150, Alloy 20

1/2" – 4" Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Alloy 20
Other: Bolted cover

CF025 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel

1" & 1½” Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 304 stainless steel disc, seat ring and spring
Other: Spring loaded
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CF028 Body: Class 150, bronze

2" – 12" Ends: Wafer style
Trim: 316 stainless steel disc plate, arm, stem, bushings, spring and plug
Other: Buna-N 316 stainless steel
CF029 Body: Class 150, Carbon Steel,
2" - 14" Ends: Wafer Style
Trim: 316 stainless steel disc plate, arm and stem, bushings & spring
Other: Buna-N 316 stainless steel field replaceable seat, steel plug
CF030 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel
2" - 30" Ends: Wafer style
Trim: 316 stainless steel disc & arm, 316L stainless steel bushings, spring, plug
CF031 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel
2" – 16" Ends: Wafer Style
Trim: 316 stainless steel disc & arm, 316L stainless steel bushings, spring, plug
Other: Metal-to-metal seat, except with "low torque" spring

CF033 Body: Class 150, cast steel

2½” – 10" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Renewable seat

CF034 Body: Class 150, cast steel

2½” – 12" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Stainless steel seats
Other Renewable seat

CF122 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel

½” – 1½” Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: 316 stainless steel

CF123 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel or CF8M

½” – 2" Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: 316 stainless steel

Other: Bolted cover

CF132 Body: Class 150, Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)

1” – 2” Ends: Flanged, flat face

Trim: Viton seals

CF133 Body: Class 150, glass reinforced Polypropylene (PPL)

3” – 8” Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: Viton seals
Other: Without counterweight

CF135 Body: Class 150, 304 stainless steel or CF8M

2½” – 10" Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: 316 stainless steel
Other Bolted cover
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CF405 Body: Class 150, bronze

½” – 2” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Teflon disc without spring
CF551 Body: Class 150 @ 73°F, Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
½” – 2” Ends: Socket, solvent welding
Trim: Viton seals
Other: Ball check
CH416 Body: Class 200 SWP, Class 300 WOG, bronze
½” – 2" Ends: Threaded
Trim: Brass (1/2” & 3/4”), bronze (1” & 1 1/2”)
Other: Threaded cap
CH605 Body: Class 200, bronze
½” – 2" Ends: Solder, female, cup depth per ANSI B16.22
Trim: Bronze
Other: Renewable disc
CH658 Body: Class 200, bronze
½” – 2 Ends: Silver brazing, female both ends
Trim: Brass (1/2” & 3/4”), bronze (1” - 2”)
Other: Threaded cap
CL041 Body: Class 300, 316 stainless steel (CF8M is standard)
½” – 4” Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 316 stainless steel
Other: Swing check
CL042 Body: Class 300, semi-steel
1" – 6” Ends: Furnished with oval/square socket weld companion flanges, gaskets
Trim: Teflon seat
Other: Piston type check
CL043 Body: Class 300, cast steel
2½” – 12" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Swing check
CL044 Body: Class 300, cast steel
8" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Integral stellite seat and disc
Other: Horizontal piston type check. Mount valve in horizontal with piston up.
CL072 Body: Class 300, cast steel
2½” – 24” Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Hard faced seat ring
Other: Bolted cap, swing check
CL354 Body: 316 stainless steel
3” – 6” Ends: Wafer type
Trim: 316 stainless steel
Other: ANSI Class 150 & 300, light spring closing, metal seats, any position mount
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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CL535 Body: Class 300

½” & ¾” Ends: Furnished with oval socket weld companion flanges, bolts, gaskets
Other: Seal cap over lifting stem
CP046 Body: Class 600, 316 stainless steel
1½” – 3" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 316 stainless steel disc, seat, ring, and spring
Other: Spring loaded
CP073 Body: Class 600, cast steel
2½” – 12” Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Hard faced seat
Other: Bolted cap, swing check
CP354 Body: 316 stainless steel
¾” – 2” Ends: Wafer type
Trim: 316 stainless steel
Other: ANSI Class 300 & 600, light spring closing, metal seats, any position mount
CQ515 Body: Class 800, forged steel
½” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel 400 series
Other: Bolted bonnet, horizontal type, piston check
CQ516 Body: Class 800, forged carbon steel
¾” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel 400 series
Other: Bolted bonnet
CQ540 Body: Class 800, Y pattern, forged steel
¼” – 2" Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stellite seat, stainless steel spring
Other: Bolted cover, piston check
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Valve #/Size Description
DA951 Body: Class 25, 304 stainless steel construction, standard finish
One end beveled for butt weld to schedule 40 pipe, other end plain square cut for
½” Ends:
schedule 5 pipe
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DA952 Body: Class 25, 304 stainless steel, standard finish
¾” Ends: Both ends to have 3/4" male hose threads per A-B Standard 810
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DA953 Body: Class 25, 304 stainless steel, standard finish
One end square cut for butt weld to schedule 5 pipe, other end to have ¾” male hose
½” & ¾” Ends:
threads per
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DA954 Body: Class 25, 304 stainless steel, standard finish
½” & ¾” Ends: Both ends beveled for butt weld to schedule 40 pipe
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DA955 Body Class 25, bronze, satin finish
Female brazed connection per MIL-F-1183 for schedule 5 pipe one end by ACME
½” – 1" Ends:
male thread
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DA956 Body: Class 25, bronze, satin finish
Female taper pipe threads both ends (use schedule 40S pipe and 150 lb. 304
½” – 1" Ends:
stainless steel threaded fittings)
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DA957 Body: Class 25, bronze, satin finish
1" Ends: Female brazed connection per MIL-F-1183 for schedule 5S pipe both ends
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DA958 Body: Class 25, bronze, satin finish
Male ACME hose thread per A-B Standard 810 one end by loose female ACME
¾” Ends:
coupling nut other end
Other: Type "S" stop cock, full opening
DF049 Body: Class 150, ductile Iron, FEP Teflon lined
1½” – 2" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Ductile iron plug, FEP Teflon lined
Other: Standard bar wrench
DF050 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel
6" & 8" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 316 stainless steel plug, bolts, TFE sleeve and diaphragm
Other: Enclosed operator EG
DF255 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel
¾” – 4" Ends: Butt weld, square cut both ends for schedule 5 pipe.
316 stainless steel plug & bolts, TFE sleeve and diaphragm, ½” hole in plug, ½”
schedule 10 drain on
body, stops on bonnet for 90° operation.
Other: Standard bar wrench
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DF256 Body: Class 150, short pattern

6" & 8" Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, ASTM A48 iron plug
Other: Enclosed gear
DF519 Body: Class 150, short pattern
2" – 4" Ends: Socket weld.
Trim: Carbon steel.
Other: Standard bar wrench.
DL259 Body: Class 300, 316 stainless steel
¾” – 2" Ends: Butt weld, square cut for schedule 5 pipe both ends
Trim: 316 stainless steel plug, bolts, TFE sleeve and diaphragm.
Other: Standard bar wrench.
DL260 Body: Class 300, 316 stainless steel

¾” – 2" Ends: Butt weld, square cut for schedule 5 pipe one end by threaded male NPT other end

Trim: 316 stainless steel plug, bolts, TFE sleeve and diaphragm.
Other: Standard bar wrench.
DL261 Body: Class 300, 316 stainless steel.
Butt weld square cut for schedule 5 pipe one end by ACME male thread per A-B
¾” – 2" Ends:
Standard 810 other end
Trim: 316 stainless steel plug, bolts, TFE sleeve and diaphragm.
Other: Standard bar wrench.
DL522 Body: Class 300, carbon steel.
½” – 1½” Ends: Socket weld.
Trim: Carbon steel.
Other: Standard bar wrench.
(2” and 3” only) same Face to Face as #1924
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Valve #/Size Description
EF306 Body: Class 150, carbon steel
2" – 8" Ends: Tapped lug
Trim: Steel with chlorinated polyethylene coated disc and seat, TFE bushing
Other: Friction lock handle positioner
Class 150, cast iron, electroless nickel coated, or B-148 bronze, or investment cast
EF307 Body:
s.s. (300 series)
2" – 12" Ends: Tapped lug
316 stainless steel, unpolished disc, food grade EPDM seat, Acetal, bronze or Teflon
bushing, Buna N
Packing, 316 stainless steel or 17-4 PH shaft. Top and bottom weep holes.
304 stainless steel, ten position throttling plate and bronze latching handle. Gear
operator for 8” – 12”
Class 150, cast iron, electroless nickel coated, or B-148 bronze, or investment cast
EF308T Body:
stainless steel (300 series)
2" - 12" Ends: Tapped lug
316 stainless steel, unpolished disc, Teflon lined seat, Acetal, bronze or Teflon
bushing, Buna N packing,
316 stainless steel or 17-4 PH shaft, top and bottom weep holes
Note: Teflon lined valves must be in operation within six (6) months of liner
EF311 Body: Class 150
3” – 30” Ends: Tapped lug
Trim: Carbon steel with resilient metal seat
Fire rated, zero leak test for fuel service. Gear operator. Use this valve where size
and weight of globe or
gate valves become a factor.
EF312 Body: Class 150

3” – 30” Ends: Tapped lug

Trim: Stainless steel with Xtreme seat

Xtreme seat and carbon-fiber enhanced PTFE seal, 500°F seat temperature limit,
zero leakage. Manual gear
operator required on all valve sizes used in steam service. External gaskets required.
Use this valve where
size and weight of globe or gate valves becomes a factor.
EF314 Body: Class 150, cast iron, epoxy coating
2” – 20” Ends: Tapped lug.
Buna-N encapsulated s.s. disc, Buna-N seat, stainless steel or 17-4PH Stem, Buna-
N packing
Gear operator, 8”-20”, 80:1 gear ratio (dependent on size). Stainless steel 10
position throttle plate and
stainless steel latching handle for 6” and smaller. When installed in HDPE pipe,
HDPE spacers shall be
provided to allow full positioning of valve, if required.
EF315 Body:
2” – 20” Ends:
Same as EF314 except chain wheel operator for all sizes.
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EF329 Body: K-LOK style, Class 150, full ANSI rated, 316 stainless steel
2” – 20” Ends: Tapped lug
316 stainless steel disc, 17-4 stainless steel stem, RTFE seat with stainless steel
backing ring, Teflon packing
Other: 500° F maximum temperature
EF355 Body: PVC, 150 psig @ 70˚F
2” – 4” Ends: Wafer
Trim: EPDM seats, polypropylene disc
Lever operated. When installed in HDPE pipe, HDPE spacers shall be provided to
allow full positioning
of valve, if required.
Class 150, cast iron, electroless nickel coated or B-148 bronze or investment cast
EF358 Body:
stainless steel (300 series)
1" –12" Ends: Wafer
316 stainless steel unpolished disc, food grade EPDM seat, Acetal, bronze, or Teflon
bushing, Buna-N
packing, 316 stainless steel or 17-4 Ph shaft, top and bottom weep holes
Class 150, cast iron, electroless nickel coated or B-148 bronze or investment cast
EF359T Body:
stainless steel (300 series)
2" – 12" Ends: Wafer
316 stainless steel unpolished disc, Teflon lined seat, Acetal, bronze or Teflon
bushing, Buna-N packing,
316 stainless steel or 17-4 Ph shaft, top and bottom weep holes
Note: Teflon lined valves must be in operation within six (6) months of liner
EH321 Body: Class 200, cast iron
2" – 6" Ends: Tapped lug
Aluminum bronze disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing, Buna-N packing, 316
stainless steel stem and
bronze disc screws.
304 stainless steel two position notch plate and latching handle with drain holes in
EH322 Body: Class 200, cast iron
2" – 12" Ends: Tapped lug
Aluminum bronze disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing, Buna-N packing, 316
stainless steel stem and
bronze disc screws
Other: Gear operator and chain wheel
EH323 Body: Class 200, cast iron
2" – 12" Ends: Tapped lug
316 stainless steel disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing, Buna-N packing, 316
stainless steel disc
screws, 18-8 stainless steel stem
304 stainless steel, ten position throttling plate and bronze latching handle. Gear
operator for 8” - 12”.
EH325 Body: Class 200, cast iron
8” – 12” Ends: Tapped lug
Aluminum bronze disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing Buna-N packing, 316
stainless steel stem and
bronze disc screws
Other: Gear operator
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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EH326 Body: Class 200, cast iron

14" – 18" Ends: Tapped lug
Bronze disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing, Buna-N packing, 316 stainless
steel stem and disc screws
Other: Gear operator
EH327 Body: Class 200, cast iron
14" – 18" Ends: Tapped lug
Bronze disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing, Buna-N packing, 316 stainless
steel stem and disc screws
Other: Gear operator and chain wheel
EH328 Body: Class 200, Cast Iron,
20” & 24” Ends: Tapped lug
Trim: Aluminum Bronze disc, EPDM seat, 18-8 Stainless Steel stem
Other: Worm gear operator
EH364 Body: Class 200, cast iron
2" – 6" Ends: Wafer
Aluminum bronze disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing, Buna-N packing, 304
stainless steel stem and
bronze disc screws
304 stainless steel two position notch plate and latching handle with drain holes in
EH365 Body: Class 200, cast iron
2” – 12" Ends: Wafer
316 stainless steel disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing, Buna-N packing, 316
stainless steel disc
screws, 18-8 stainless steel stem
304 stainless steel, ten position throttling plate and bronze latching handle with drain
holes in webs for
2” - 6”. Gear operator for 8” - 12”.
EH367 Body: Class 200, cast iron
8" – 12" Ends: Wafer
Aluminum bronze disc, EPDM seat, Acetal or bronze bushing Buna-N packing, 304
s.s. stem & disc screws
Other: Gear operator
EL961 Body: 300psi, 316 Stainless Steel
2” – 10” Ends: Groove Ends
Trim: EPDM, Nitrile, Fluoroelastomer, or lubricated nitrile seats, Stainless steel disc
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Valve #/Size Description
FF055 Body: Class 150, carbon steel
½” – 6" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Stainless steel ball, glass-filled TFE seat, TFE body seal & stem seal
Other: Certified for high vacuum service
FF056 Body: Class 150, carbon steel
½” – 8" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball, reinforced Teflon seal
Other: 304 stainless steel handle
FF060 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel body
1” – 2” Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Stainless steel ball and stem, RFTE seats and seals
1/8” upstream deburred vent hole and flow arrow. Full port, oxygen cleaned and
FF126 Body: Class 150, ductile iron
½” – 3" Ends: Flanged, flat face, standard bore
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and seals
FF127 Body: Class 150, fiberglass reinforced epoxy resin
1" – 6" Ends: Flanged, flat faced
Hastelloy “C” stem insert molded in epoxy resin, fiberglass reinforced epoxy ball,
virgin TFE seats, TFE
coated Viton O ring seals
FF128 Body: Class 150, ductile iron
3" & 4" Ends: Flanged, flat face, standard bore
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and seals
FF129 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel
½” – 6" Ends: Flanged, flat face taper bore for schedule 5S pipe
Trim: Teflon seats and seals
Solid ball with port bored out; stem slot shall not enter ball port; surface finish on
interior of valve ends
shall not exceed 90 Ra
FF372 Body: Class 150, bronze, standard bore
3" & 4" Ends: Flangeless, for use with Class 150 flat face flanges
Trim: Bronze ball & stem, Teflon seats and seals
Other: 304 stainless steel or manufacturer’s standard stainless-steel handle.
FF373 Body: Class 150, 304 stainless steel
3" & 6" Ends: Wafer type
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball & stem, Teflon seats and seals
Other: 304 stainless steel end plug
FF560 Body: Class 150 @ 73˚F, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC)
½” – 2” Ends: Socket, solvent weld
Trim: Viton seals
Other: True union body
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FF701 Body: Class 150 @ 73°F, rigid PVDF thermoplastic

½” – 2" Ends: Socket, tapered for thermal fusion
Trim: TFE seats, Viton seats
Other: Rigid PVDF thermoplastic ball, stem, end connector and union nuts
FF965 Body: Class 150, bronze, End Plug
3" – 6" Ends: Flangeless, for use with Class 150 flat face flanges bored for schedule 40 pipe
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball & stem, Teflon seats & seals
Other: 304 stainless steel lever handle
FF966 Body: Class 150, ANSI standard dimensions, 316 stainless steel
8" Ends: Flanged, flat faced, taper bore, for schedule 5S pipe
Trim: Stainless steel ball, RTFE seats and PTFE seals
Solid ball with port bored out, stem slot shall not enter ball port, surface finish on
interior of
valve ends shall not exceed 90 Ra
FH420 Body: Class 200 @ 400°F, bronze
¼” – 1” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Bronze ball, TFE seats and seals
Lockable and vented valve for use on plant air systems where energy source
isolation is required
FH421 Body: Class 200 @ 300°F, bronze with electroless nickel plating
¼” only Ends: Threaded
Trim: Bronze ball, TFE seats and seals, stainless steel handle
Lockable and vented valve for use on plant air systems where energy source
isolation is required
FJ561 Body: PVC, 230 psig @ 70˚F, true union body
½” – 2” Ends: Solvent weld
Trim: EPDM O-rings
FJ562 Body: CPVC, 230 psig @ 70˚F, true union body
½” – 2” Ends: Solvent weld
Trim: EPDM O-rings
FJ563 Body: PVC, 225 psig @ 70˚F, true union body
1” Ends: Solvent weld
Trim: Viton O-ring, Teflon seat, PVC ball

FJ959 Body: Class 150 @ 300º F, ductile iron, polyester coated exterior, PFA lined interior
½” – 4” Ends: Flanged
Trim: Stainless steel PFA encapsulated ball
Other: Two-piece body, trunnion ball, locking lever handle
Class 300 @ 180°F maximum, bronze construction, standard factory finish, center
FL265 Body:
½” – 2" Ends: Carbon steel schedule 40 beveled butt weld both ends.
Stainless steel ball, standard port. Teflon seats and seals, 304 stainless steel nuts
and bolts
Other: 304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle.
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FL266 Body: Class 300 @ 180°F maximum, stainless steel

Stainless steel square cut weld end schedule 5S pipe both ends. No threaded
½” – 2” Ends:
adapters allowed.
Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and seals
Lockable and vented valve for use on plant air systems where energy source
isolation is required
FL426 Body: Class 300 @ 180°F maximum, bronze, standard factory finish
3/8" – 2" Ends: Threaded
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball, Teflon seats & seals, 304 stainless steel nuts and bolts
304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle, no plated parts are acceptable, standard
FL427 Body: Class 300 @ 180°F max, stainless steel
½” – 2” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and seals
Lockable and vented valve for use on plant air systems where energy source
isolation is required
FL428 Body: Class 300 @ 180°F maximum, bronze
½” – 2” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and seals
Lockable and vented valve for use on plant air systems where energy source
isolation is required
FL429 Body: Class 300 @ 210°F, 316 stainless steel, standard finish
½” – 2” Ends: Threaded
Trim: 316 stainless steel, Teflon seats and seals, standard port.
Other: 304 stainless steel nuts and bolts, 304 stainless steel or bronze handle
300 PSIG maximum, 180°F maximum, bronze construction, standard factory finish,
FL665 Body:
304 s.s. bolts and nuts
½” – 2" Ends: Female socket bore for Type "L" copper tubing both ends
Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats & seals, standard port
Other: 304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle. No plated parts acceptable.
FL970 Body: Class 300 @ 210°F maximum, 316 stainless steel standard factory finish.
½” – 2" Ends: 316 stainless steel Threaded male NPT by Threaded female NPT
316 stainless steel construction, 304 stainless steel nuts & bolts, Teflon seats and
seals, standard port
Other: 304 stainless steel or bronze handle

FL971 Body: Class 300 @ 180°F max, 316 stainless steel

One end square cut butt weld bored for schedule 5S pipe, other end ACME male
½” – 2" Ends:
thread per A-B Standard

810, no threaded adapters allowed on either end

Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats & seals

Standard factory s.s. finish, 304 s.s. nuts and bolts, 304 s.s. steel or bronze lever
handle, standard port
For 1/2" size, 316 s.s. beveled butt weld end for schedule 40S pipe by ACME male
thread per A-B Standard

810, valves supplied with Perlick AB811-1 Hose Ferrule, to be welded in field
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FL972 Body: Class 300, @ 180°F maximum, 316 stainless steel

316 stainless steel Threaded male NPT by square cut butt weld end for schedule 5S
½” – 2" Ends:

Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats & seals

Standard factory s.s. finish, 304 s.s. nuts and bolts, 304 s.s. steel or bronze lever
handle, standard port
For 1/2" size, 316 stainless steel Threaded NPT by beveled butt weld end for
schedule 40S pipe

FL973 Body: Class 300, @ 210°F maximum, 316 stainless steel standard factory finish.

Stainless steel square cut weld end schedule. 5S pipe both ends, no threaded
½” – 2" Ends
adaptors allowed
316 stainless steel construction, 304 stainless steel nuts & bolts, bronze handle,
Teflon seats and seals,

standard port

FL974 Body: Class 300 @ 180°F maximum, 316 stainless steel

One end 316 s.s. butt weld taper bored for schedule 5S pipe; other end c.s. butt weld
½” – 2" Ends:
for schedule 40 pipe

Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats & seals

Standard factory s.s. finish, 304 s.s. nuts and bolts, 304 s.s. steel or bronze lever
handle, standard port
For 1/2" one end butt weld for 316 Stainless Steel schedule 40S pipe, other end
carbon steel butt weld
for schedule 40 pipe. Xomox Co., Tufline, or Durco plug valves are accepted as

FL975 Body: Class 300 @ 180°F maximum, bronze, standard factory finish

½” – 2" Ends: Threaded, female NPT by ACME male hose thread per A-B Standard 810

Trim: 316 stainless steel ball, Teflon seats & seals, 304 stainless steel nuts and bolts

304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle, no plated parts are acceptable, standard

Note: Valves supplied with Perlick AB808 Ferrule, to be installed in field.

Class 300 PSIG maximum, 180°F maximum, bronze, 304 stainless steel or
FL976 Body:
manufacturer’s standard steel,

304 stainless steel bolts and nuts

304 stainless steel square cut ends for butt weld to schedule 5S pipe both ends,
½” – 2" Ends:
surface finish on interior of
valve ends shall not exceed 90 Ra micro inch, no threaded adapters allowed on
either end
316 stainless steel ball & stem, full port, ball to be solid with port bored out, stem slot
shall not enter ball port,

Teflon seats & seals

304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle, all stainless-steel construction, no plated
parts are acceptable,

valves shall be drainable to either ends (no grooves or crevices)

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Class 300 PSIG maximum, 180°F maximum, bronze, 304 stainless steel or
FL977 Body:
manufacturer’s standard steel,

½” – 2" 304 stainless steel bolts and nuts

304 stainless steel square cut ends for butt weld to schedule 5S pipe one end, other
end ACME male thread
per A-B Standard 810, surface finish on interior of valve ends shall not exceed 90 Ra
micro inch, no threaded
adapters allowed on either end
316 stainless steel ball & stem, full port, ball to be solid with port bored out, stem slot
shall not enter ball port,
Teflon seats & seals
304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle, all stainless-steel construction, no plated
parts are acceptable,
valves shall be drainable to either ends (no grooves or crevices)
Note: Valves to be supplied with Perlick A-B 811-1 Ferrule, to be welded in field
Class 300 PSIG max., 180°F maximum, bronze, 304 stainless steel or
FL978 Body:
manufacturer’s standard steel,
½” – 2" 304 stainless steel bolts and nuts
304 stainless steel square cut end for butt weld to schedule 5S pipe one end, other
end to be female NPT,
surface finish on interior of valve ends shall not exceed 90 Ra micro inch, no
threaded allowed on either end
316 stainless steel ball & stem, full port, ball to be solid with port bored out, stem slot
shall not enter ball port,
Teflon seats and seals
304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle, all stainless-steel construction, no plated
parts are acceptable,
valves shall be drainable to either ends (no grooves or crevices)
Class 300 PSIG max., 180°F maximum, bronze construction, standard factory finish,
FL979 Body:
304 stainless steel bolts
½” – 2" and nuts
Ends: Female socket bore for Type "L" copper tubing one end, by female NPT other end
Trim: Stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and seals

Other: 304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle, no plated parts acceptable, standard port

300 PSIG maximum, 180°F maximum, bronze construction, standard factory finish,
FL981 Body:
center section.
Carbon steel schedule 40 beveled butt weld one end, by bronze ACME male hose
2” Ends:
thread per A-B Std. 810
Stainless steel ball, standard port, Teflon seats and seals, 304 stainless steel nuts
and bolts
Other: 304 stainless steel or bronze lever handle

FL996 Body: 300 PSI, CF8M stainless steel, full port

½” – 2” Ends: Extended 316 stainless steel plain ends (TXT) for use with Pressfit System Pipe

Trim: CF8M stainless steel ball, 316 Stainless Steel stem, PTFE seals

FL997 Body: 300 PSI, CF8M stainless steel, full port

½” – 2” Ends: Extended 316 stainless steel grooved ends (G X G)

Trim: CF8M stainless steel ball, 316 stainless Steel stem, PTFE seals
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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FP461 Body: Class 600, cast steel

½” – 2” Ends: Screwed
Trim: 316 stainless steel, extreme seat, TFM & graphite packing
Other: Lever handle
FP537 Body: Class 600, cast steel
½” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: 316 stainless steel, extreme seat, TFM & graphite packing
Other: Lever handle
FQ994 Body: 800 PSI, ASTM A-395 ductile iron, standard port
4” Ends: Grooved ends
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball and stem, Teflon seals
Other: Lever handle
FQ995 Body: 800 PSI, 316 stainless steel, standard port
4” Ends: Grooved ends
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball and stem, Teflon seals
Other: Lever handle
FS435 Body: Class 1000, carbon steel, full bore
½” – 1½” Ends: Threaded
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball & stem, Teflon seat, Buna-N or Teflon body seal
FS992 Body: 1000 PSI, ASTM A-395 ductile iron, standard port
3” Ends: Grooved ends
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball and stem, Teflon seals
FL951 Body: 300 PSI, 316 stainless steel, standard port
3” Ends: Grooved ends
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball and stem, Teflon seals
FM952 Body: 400 PSI, 316 stainless steel, standard port
½” – 2” Ends: Pressfit (Vic-Press System)
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball and stem, Teflon seats
Vic-Press Lubricant Compound needed when performing pressfit function for HNBR
FT275 Body: 1500 PSI, forged carbon steel
2½” – 4” Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Carbon steel ball and seats, packing gland
Other: Lever handle, valve need not be disassembled for welding
FT505 Body: 1500 PSI, forged carbon steel
½” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Carbon steel ball and seats, packing gland
Other: Lever handle, valve need not be disassembled for welding
FW462 Body: 3000 PSI, carbon steel
½” Ends: Screwed
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball, nylon seats
Other: Locking handle, fire rated
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FW463 Body: 2000 PSI, stainless steel

½” Ends: Screwed
Trim: 316 stainless steel ball, nylon seats
Other: Locking handle, fire rated

Valve #/Size Description
GF334 Body: Class 150 CWP, stainless steel or cast Iron with stainless steel lining
6” – 36” Ends: Tapped lug
Metal-to-metal seat, 304 stainless steel wetted parts, PTFE packing with copper
braid scraper ring, gland bolts
with compression springs to provide continuous load on packing
Other: Hand wheel actuated

Valve #/Size Description
HE140 Body: Class 125, IBBM
2" – 6” Ends: Flanged, flat face
Trim: Bronze
Other: Yolk bonnet
HE610 Body: Class 125, bronze
¼” – 2" Ends: Solder
Trim: Composition disc
Other: Screw-in bonnet
HF065 Body: Class 150, cast steel
2½” – 12" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
HF440 Body: Class 150, bronze
¼” – 1½” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Bronze stem, Teflon disc
HF441 Body: Class 150, bronze
¼” – 1½” Ends: Threaded
Trim: Plug Disc, 500 Brinnell stainless steel
Other: Union bonnet

HF442 Body: Class 150, bronze

¼” – 1½” Ends: Threaded

Trim: Composition disc

Other: Bronze stem, Teflon disc

Body: Class 150, 316L stainless steel

Ends: Butt weld
Trim: PTFE disc
Other: ISO4200 – very close to schedule 5S pipe dimensions
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HL068 Body: Class 300, cast steel

2½” – 12” Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: 13% chrome stainless steel
Other: Hand wheel operated

Valve #/Size Description
KE145 Body: Class 150, ductile Iron lined with PPL (polypropylene)
1" – 4" Ends: Flanged, raised face
Trim: Solid one-piece TFE diaphragm, rising stem
KF151 Body: Class 150 @ 195°F, max. CPVC
½” – 2” Ends: Flanged, Flat Face
Trim: EPDM Diaphragm
KF270 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel, weir type
½” – 4" Ends: Butt weld, square cut for schedule 5S stainless steel pipe both ends
Grade B black butyl diaphragm, PAS thermoplastic bonnet and hand wheel, with
sanitary internals (bronze
Other: compressor, stainless steel stem)
KF271 Body: Class 150, 316L stainless steel,
½” – 2” Ends: Butt weld, square cut
Trim: PTFE Diaphragm
Other: ISO4200 – very close to schedule 5S pipe dimensions
KF456 Body: Class 150, maximum at 180°F, cast iron, weir type
½” – 2" Ends: Threaded
Trim: Buna-N diaphragm, indicating stem
Other: Unlined, hand wheel operated, cast iron bonnet,
KF555 Body: 150 PSIG at 90°F, CPVC
½” – 2" Ends: Solvent welding

Trim: Diaphragm R-2 Teflon

Other: Hand wheel operated

KF563 Body: PVC, PVC bonnet, 150 PSIG at 70°F, true union
½” – 2" Ends: Solvent weld
Trim: EPDM
KF564 Body: CPVC, CPVC bonnet, 150 PSIG at 70°F, true union
½” – 2" Ends: Solvent weld
Trim: EPDM
KF985 Body: Class 150, 316 stainless steel, weir type
Butt weld, square cut for schedule 5S s.s. steel pipe one end, by ACME male hose
¾” – 4" Ends:
thread per A-B Std. 810
Grade B black butyl diaphragm, PAS thermoplastic bonnet and hand wheel, with
sanitary internals (bronze
compressor, stainless steel stem)
Other: Valves supplied with Perlick A-B 811-1 Hose Ferrule, to be welded in field
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Valve #/Size Description
NV530 Body: Class 2500, forged steel
½” Ends: Socket weld
Other: Needle point port
NW451 Body: Class 3000, 316 stainless steel
¼” – ½” Ends: Threaded
Trim: 316 stainless steel
NW452 Body: Class 3000, 316 stainless steel
½” Ends: Threaded

Valve #/Size Description
RL801 Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, needle seat, regulating, back seating
Other: Bolted standard bonnet, globe type expansion valve, T-handle
RL802V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, needle seat, regulating, back seating
Other: Bolted standard bonnet, angle type expansion valve, T-handle
RL811 Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” – 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, needle seat, regulating, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, globe type expansion valve, T-handle
RL812V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” & 1” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, needle seat, regulating, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, angle type expansion valve, T-handle
RM821 Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” & 1” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted standard bonnet, globe shut off, hand wheel
RM822V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” & 1” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted bonnet, back seating, hand wheel, angle valve

RM823 Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel

1½” & 2” Ends: Socket weld

Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating

Other: Bolted standard bonnet, globe shut off, hand wheel

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RM824V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel

1½” & 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted standard bonnet, angle shut off, hand wheel
RM825 Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
3” – 8” Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted standard bonnet, globe shut off, hand wheel
10” – 16” Body: 300 psig, -20˚F to 240˚F, cast steel
Special Order Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted standard cast steel bonnet, single seat disc, globe shut off, hand wheel
RM826V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), cast steel
3” – 8” Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted standard bonnet, angle shut off, hand wheel
10” – 16” Body: 300 psig, -20˚ to 240˚ F, cast steel
Special Order Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted standard cast steel bonnet, single seat disc, angle shut off, hand wheel
RM831 Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” & 1” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, globe shut off
RM832V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
¾” & 1” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, angle shut off
RM833 Body: PS 28 Bar (412#), forged steel
1½” & 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, globe shut off
RM834V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), forged steel
1½” & 2” Ends: Socket weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, angle shut off
RM835 Body: PS 28 bar (412#), cast steel
3” – 8” Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, globe shut off
10 – 16” Body: 300 psig, -20˚F to 240˚F, cast steel
Special Order Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, globe shut off, single seat disc, cast steel
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RM836V Body: PS 28 bar (412#), cast steel

3” – 8” Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Other: Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, angle shut off
10” – 16” Body: 300 psig, -20˚F to 240˚F, cast steel
Special Order Ends: Butt weld
Trim: Stainless steel stem, lead-tin seat, back seating
Bolted extended bonnet, hand wheel, angle shut off, single seat disc, cast steel


Valve #/Size Description

SC462 Body: All stainless steel

¼” Ends: ¼” male NPT inlet, ¼” female NPT outlet

Trim: Teflon rings and seals
For use in HPE service only. Install in locations between shut-off valves in HPE lines
where fluid may become
trapped and pressure increased by oxidation. Install valve at low point of piping. Set
valve to relieve at 75
PSIG pressure. Provide valve certified oxygen clean and passivated.
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3.5 Pipe Labeling color code

Piping systems shall be marked with color coded markers identifying the commodity inside
the pipe the direction of flow.

Pipe Markers shall conform to the ANSI A13.1 Scheme for the Identification of Piping

Refer to chapter 3.2 to see each pipe commodity label color code designations.

Note: For brewery expansions, the existing local pipe labeling color code should be used
to ensure the same standard is maintained. For new breweries, this document shall be

3.5.1 Color Code

a) Yellow with black letters: for materials that are inherently hazardous e.g., flammable or
explosive, chemically active or toxic, at temperatures or pressures state (this includes
materials which when released from the piping would have a potential for inflicting injury
or property damage by burns, impingement, or flashing to vapor), or radioactive.

b) Green with white letters: for materials of inherently low hazard, e.g., materials which are
near enough to ambient pressure and temperature that people working on these systems
run little risk through the release of these materials.

c) Blue with white letters: for gases of inherently low hazard.

d) Red with white letters: for fire suppression materials.

3.5.2 Marker Size Requirements

Markers shall conform to the following height and length of color field specifications.

Size - Color field and letters

Outside Diameter of Length of Color Letter height
pipe Field for Acronym
Inches mm mm
3/4 to 1 1/4 200 13
1 1/2 to 2 200 19
2 1/2 to 6 300 32
8 to 10 600 64
over 10 800 89
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3.5.3 Pipe Marker Materials

a) Marker materials are to be UV and chemical resistant and capable of withstanding

temperatures up to 120ºC.
b) Wrap-around non-adhesive piping labels are not allowed.

3.5.4 Label installation

Pipe markers should be mounted so that material designation and direction of material
flow are easily recognized. Due to the design and alignment of piping, uniformity of pipe
marker position is not always possible. Therefore, each pipe marker location should be
carefully selected to be clearly and completely visible to operator/employees. The whole
intent of this program is to readily identify pipe contents to the casual observer.

a) Pipe markers should be placed where they will not be obscured by other pipe markers,
signs, tanks, or piping systems.

b) Pipe markers should be placed so that they are easily visible from main traffic ways within
the facility.

c) Pipe markers should be placed to insure the proper direction of flow indicated on the piping

d) Pipe markers should be placed at least 2 m above floor level for appropriate eye contact.
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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See Illustrations A and C as to location for pipe markers relative to highest potential
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4.1 General considerations

Contractor shall submit for AB-InBev to review, prior to commencing any fabrication,
qualified welding procedures as required by this specification. Contractor’s qualified
welding procedures shall be, as a minimum, in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, Section IX – Welding and Brazing Qualifications, referred in this chapter 0
as the Code.

Welding of dissimilar metals to one another shall not be allowed. Joining of dissimilar
Piping Specification Classes shall be by flanges, unions, or mechanical connection.

Prior to executing any welding, each welder and welding operator of Contractor shall be
performance qualified. Welder and welding operator performance qualification shall be
exhibited by executing a weld test. Contractor shall maintain welder qualification records
in accordance with the Code and provide AB-InBev's field office a copy of such records.
In addition, Contractor shall maintain and shall keep in Contractor's field office, readily
available for AB-InBev, a list of all welders with dates of qualifications.

4.2 Welding Inspections

The Contractor shall carry out continuous inspection of the welding work, so that the
Contractor ensures the guarantees for the execution are met. The inspection shall include
a non-destructive test (NDT).

The Contractor's welding inspection must be carried out by an independent and certified
institute and approved by ABInBev, hereafter called: Contractor’s Welding Inspector.

All welding inspection must be carried out and documented as if required by the

ABInBev will further appoint its own welding inspector – AB-InBev’s Welding Inspector

4.2.1 Contractor's welding inspector

The Contractor's welding inspector must:

 Carry out endoscopic visual checks of the interior of pipe welds with an optical
scope or video scope.

 Carry out Radiography of welds selected by AB-InBev

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 Contractor shall prepare welds selected for radiograph by removing

all weld surface irregularities by grinding or other suitable means, to
the extent that radiographic contrast resulting from the remaining
irregularities cannot mask or be confused with any objectionable
defect in the weld. The weld surface shall merge smoothly with the
pipe surface.

 The acceptability of the welds shall be determined in accordance

with the Code.

 AB-InBev shall bear the cost of preparing and radiographing all

welds that are tested and found acceptable. Contractor shall bear
the cost of preparing, radiographing, and repairing all welds that are
not acceptable to AB-InBev.

 assist with the approval of welding procedure tests

 assist with the approval of a welding certificates for every welder

 assist with the approval of welding procedures

 carry out visual spot checks, to ensure the correct welding procedure.

The Contractor's welding inspector is responsible for approving or rejecting the work in

The Contractor’s welding inspector will have the right, at any stage of production, to carry
out his inspections.

The Contractor is obliged to keep ABInBev's welding inspector, as well as his own,
informed of the progress of welding to allow the inspectors to plan their work accordingly.
The Contractor must inform ABInBev about the result of his own inspection, and the
Contractor's welding inspection reports must be made available for the ABInBev at any

The Contractor is under obligation to follow the instructions given by ABInBev's welding
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4.2.2 AB-InBev´s Welding Inspector

The ABInBev's welding inspector will make random spot checks, which in no way will
replace the Contractor's inspection, nor will it relieve the Contractor of full responsibility for
the welding quality.

The random spot checks will be carried out during the work as well as after the work has
taken place.

ABInBev keeps its right to inspect any welding at any time. ABInBev's welding inspector
will have the right, at any stage of the production, to carry out his inspection.

If the random spot inspection shows that the work does not fulfil the demands specified,
the Contractor must cover the costs for any additional works.

As a supplement to non-destructive examination, if it will be deemed as necessary,

ABInBev's welding inspector has the right to request samples to be taken specifically for
evaluation of the internal surfaces of a weld.

4.2.3 Endoscopic visual check and Radiography testing

The welding inspection is to include a continuous endoscopic visual check and/or

radiography control as specified below.

All welds are to be numbered on isometric drawings or similar. Welds in pipes shall be
marked with the welder's name and the serial number of the seam. The information must
be written with a marker (chloride free ink type) on the pipe.

Documentation of inspection results shall consist of images on an USB Flash Drive, where
drawing no., welder's name and the serial number of the seam and other relevant
information is typed.

The same data shall be listed in a written report securing full traceability of the electronic

The report must use 3D or isometric drawings showing the inspection points with pictures.

It shall be possible to transfer the files to other electronic systems for saving. The file type
must be agreed by the parties. The files shall be protected against electronic editing.

Endoscopic visual check provides information on the inside surface of the welds and heat-
affected zones (HAZ) and detects such as incomplete weld penetration and unacceptable
heat tint.
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For endoscopic visual check, a 100º or 120º lens providing a close-up view of the surface
should be used. Use of tele lenses is not accepted.

Endoscopic visual check shall be used as the only test method on thin-walled stainless
steel piping (wall thickness less than 3 mm) unless the authorities demand alternative non-
destructive inspection (NDT) e.g. radiography or penetrant test.

Radiography testing shall be used on carbon steel piping.

Radiography testing shall be used for stainless steel piping where:

• the authorities demand alternative non-destructive inspection (NDT) such as

radiography or penetrant testing

• stainless steel piping with wall thickness of, or above, 3 mm.

• access for the endoscope is not possible due to limitations of the endoscopic
equipment (e.g. the endoscopic equipment has limitations depending on pipe diameter,
number and shape of elbows, valves and pipe length). Extent of endoscopic visual check / radiography inspection (non-destructive


All welded pipes will be submitted to inspection. The minimal is 10% of all welds for each

For partial inspections, the welded joints must be chosen in common agreement between
ABInBev’s and the Contractor’s welding inspectors

AB-InBev reserves the right to require, for each pipe commodity, up to extra 5% of welds
to be submitted to radiography / endoscopy at AB-InBev’s cost.

If the result of the endoscopic visual check / radiography shows one of the welding seam
to be not compliant with the Code, a further endoscopic visual check / radiography
inspection shall be carried out on two adjacent welds made by the same welder. If these
two welds are approved, than the welding seam that was not approved is to be repaired
and a new endoscopic visual check / radiography inspection for this new welding must be
carried out (all costs related to this rework shall be covered by the Contractor). However,
if one or both adjacent welds are not approved, a complete endoscopic visual check /
radiography inspection must be carried out to evaluate the work performed by the welder
in question in all his piping work (since his latest welding test) and all costs related to this
rework shall be covered by the Contractor until the required acceptance is achieved.
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4.3 Welding Quality Requirements

The internal seam surface and the internal pipe surface close to the seams must not be
discolored, i.e., have a heat tint above a level of shades of grey to slightly yellow, (15 to
32 ppm O2 in Argon and up to 100 ppm O2 in Formier gas) as shown in the FORCE
Technology, Report 94.34 “Reference color charts - for purity of purging gas in stainless
steel pipes”.

The welds are to merge smoothly into the base material, on both sides of the joint, and to
be even and free from essential surface defects like undercuts, craters, root concavity,

Dead legs must be avoided all the time.

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Contractor shall submit two identical Sample Boards for AB-InBev to review prior to
executing any shop or field fabrication of piping. Sample Boards shall contain sample joints
for the Piping Specification Classes required by Contract. Once accepted, one Sample
Board shall be retained by AB-InBev, and the other shall be kept at the Contractor’s off-
site fabrication facility.

Sample Joint material shall meet all requirements of the applicable Piping Specification
Class. This includes but is not limited to interior surface finish, interior weld seam finish,
and exterior surface condition. Sample Joints shall not be assembled from used material.

All production piping joints shall be equal to or better than those on the Sample Board or
the individual sample joints with respect to workmanship and finish.


5.1 Design – General

Piping runs are to be designed and erected due consideration to expansion, venting and

Valves, expansion joints, pumps, etc. are to be mounted in the piping system in
compliance with the drawings. It must be ensured that the above components will not result
in the piping system concerned being overloaded.

Expansion loops are preferred to compensators. Compensators shall be avoided.

Compensators in process piping only to be used with AB-InBev’s consent.
Pipe assemblies must be carried out in such a way that valves, pumps and devices can
be removed without cutting/damaging the pipes, wherever an easy removal of the items
in case of service or breakdown is necessary.

Cooling and heating media pipes shall be equipped with necessary venting and drainage
possibilities in order to avoid air pockets in the systems

5.2 Wall and Floor Penetration

Pipes penetrating walls and/or floor shall be equipped with pipe collars / water caps to seal
the penetration. Penetrations shall be watertight.

When penetrating slabs, pipes are to be equipped with pipe collars / water caps shall avoid
water penetration.

Piping penetrating the building structure must not reduce the integrity of the total structure
in respect of fire hazard.
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5.3 Heat tracing

Due to local weather conditions and to related process requirements, some fluids may
have the risk of getting frozen or crystallized inside the piping. To avoid that, all related
pipes must be properly insulated, and a heat tracing system must be installed.

The Contractor responsible for the detailed engineering design of the piping system is also
responsible for this evaluation and will design the required insulation and heat tracing for
all pipes with fluids that are subjected to risk of getting frozen/crystallized.

5.4 Piping Support and Spacing

 All piping must be supported according to GTS 3B General Specification, Piperack.

 All support components shall meet the latest edition of ANSI/MSS-SP-58, 69 & 89.

The use of vertical hanger rods connected directly to the building roof to support any piping
system should be avoided (Piperack structures are preferred). The maximum hanger rod
length shall be 2.5 m. Hanger rods shall be continuous with no mechanical couplings or
welded sections. Hanger rods shall not be fabricated from all-thread rod.

Hanging pipe directly from another pipe, duct, or conduit is not allowed.

Contractor shall use appropriate seismic bracing of piping systems in seismic areas in
compliance with all governing codes.

Contractor shall use sufficient supports in areas of concentrated loads, i.e., valve clusters,
large valves, flow meters, branch connections.

Contractor shall furnish and install all rigid hangers, semi- rigid hangers, spring hangers,
supports, trapezes, anchors, and guides to support all piping. Contractor shall also detail,
furnish, and install all miscellaneous steel not shown on Contract Documents to provide
proper support.

Support Spacing: the maximum support spacing shall be as defined according to the table
below. Lessen spacing/add additional supports in areas of concentrated loads.
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Maximum support spacing in meter (m)

Nominal Austenitic Glass Fiber Reinforced PVC or CPVC HDPE SDR 17
Copper Carbon
Pipe Size Stainless PVDF
Tubing Steel PSC P2 PSC P4 (See Note 4) (See Note 1)
(Inches) Steel
½ 1,2 1,4 1,5 N/A N/A 1,4 (See Note 3)
¾ 1,8 1,4 1,8 N/A N/A 1,4 (See Note 3)
1 1,8 2,0 2,1 N/A 2,7 1,5 (See Note 3)
1½ 1,8 2,1 2,7 N/A 3,0 1,8 (See Note 3)
2 3,0 2,6 3,0 3,4 3,4 2,0 (See Note 3)
3 3,0 3,0 3,7 3,7 4,0 2,3
4 3,0 3,4 4,6 4,3 4,3 2,7 1,2
6 4,0 5,2 5,2 5,2 1,2
8 4,3 5,8 5,5 5,8 1,8
10 4,6 6,7 6,1 6,7 1,8
12 4,9 7,0 7,0 7,0 1,8
14 5,0 7,6 7,3 7,3 2,4
16 5,2 8,2 7,9 7,9 2,4
18 5,3 8,5 8,2 N/A 3,0
20 5,5 9,1 8,5 N/A (See Note 2)
24 9,8 9,1 N/A (See Note 2)
30 10,1 N/A N/A (See Note 2)
1. Refer to Manufacturer’s recommendations for different SDR’s and high temperatures.
2. 10’ span for all sizes larger than 18 inch.
3. Continuous support for all pipe sizes.
4. Support spacing distance temperature dependent. Reduce spans per manufacturer’s recommendation for service temperatures
greater than 40˚C.

The general principle for spacing between guides is as follows:

 Every third support is a guide.
 All straight run pipes are to be provided with an anchor in the midpoint between
expansion arrangements (loops).

Each pipe support class will be composed of three pipe support types:
 Slide supports and hangers
 Guided slide supports
 Anchor supports
5.5 Storage

5.5.1 Pipes and Fittings

To avoid ingress of foreign matter and to achieve protection during transport and storage
on site, pipes and piping components must be kept sealed and protected until they are to
be erected.

Reception control of deliveries as to quality shall be performed by the Contractor.

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Stainless steel must always be stored in such a way that deterioration does not occur.
During storage, the pipes must be protected externally and internally against
contamination from dirt, grease, oil, moisture, chips, grinding dust and rust flakes.

Storage of the pipes shall be arranged to facilitate the removal of individual pipes so that
damage such as scratches, etc. is avoided when pipes are removed.

Stainless steel and carbon steel shall be stored separately.

5.5.2 Welding Consumables

Electrodes must be kept clean and dry and be stored in such a way that any type can be
easily identified.

Electrodes delivered from the storage to the place of work must be inspected in order to
ensure correct utilization of the electrodes. Unused electrodes must be returned to the
storage at the end of a shift.

Welding consumables shall be stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

5.6 Welding

5.6.1 General

To the greatest possible extent, the pipes are to be aligned, close-putted and then welded
in a horizontal position in a bench.

Welding in the plant, or parts of the plant, is to be carried out with a grounding system
established as close as possible to the welding area to protect electrical sensor equipment
such as transducers and scanners.

Electrical cable trays are not to be used as a grounding system.

No welding must be carried out if the welding place is exposed to rain, snow or wind.

Regardless of location (“bench or field”), the welding place must be screened against air
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5.6.2 Stainless Steel Piping

Cutting and Cleaning

Pipe ends are to be machine cut, using a pipe cutting saw. Cut ends must be square, flat,
and free from burrs or chamfers.

Any deviation from the above-mentioned method of cutting must be approved by AB-
InBev's welding inspector.

Deburring must not lead to scratches in the pipe surface beyond the fused material.

Pipe ends must be cleaned using a suitable cleaning liquid so that they are free from oil,
grease and other surface contaminants before welding begins.

Setting-up and Gas Backing

Pipes to be joined are aligned before the inert gas backing unit is inserted. Auxiliary tools
for fixing are to be placed and adjusted to minimize the difference between the external
surfaces of the pipes.

Copper alloys shall be avoided for fixtures and other applied tools.

The gap of the square butt joints must be carried out in accordance with the welding

Before tack welding, the point of welding must be internally protected by backing gas.

Before welding begins, the pipe must be flushed thoroughly with backing gas.

To prevent oxidation of the welding seam and materials, the inert gas backing unit must
not be removed until the temperature of the surface is so low that it can be touched by

Welding of anchor plates and rings at stainless steel pipes must fulfil the requirements for
welding, meaning that the spot of welding must always be protected by an inert gas at the
inside and outside surface of the pipe.

Manual and Automatic Welding

The welding jobs must be affected by means of manual or automatic pipe welding.
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Normally, manual and automatic welding shall be carried out without using filler metal. If,
as an exception, filler metal is used, it must be suitable to the material in question. The
use of filler metal must be accepted by AB-InBev’s welding inspector


All welds performed must be recorded with indication of the name of the welder e.g. by
recording the number of the welder and the serial number of the weld.

5.6.3 Carbon Steel Piping

Shaping and Cleaning

The final preparation of pipes must be done by machine. Any cuts or irregularities shall be
removed by grinding. All slag must be removed.

Pipes with a wall thickness  6 mm may have a maximum internal offset of 1.5 mm.

Pipes with a wall thickness < 6 mm may have a maximum internal offset of only 25% of
the wall thickness.

If the internal offset is larger than described above the component with the small diameter
must be finished so that butting internal surfaces will almost coincide. The finished joint
must not result in a smaller wall thickness than the one prescribed, and the finishing angle
must not exceed 30.

When components with different outside diameters are to be welded together, the welded
joint must be filled to the external surface of the component with the largest diameter.

From the center line of the welded joint there must be a gradual transition to the weld
between the two surfaces, with an angle, which does not exceed 1:3. In order to avoid
unnecessary welding work, the external surface of the component with the large diameter
must be finished at an angle to the pipe axis not exceeding 30.

Surfaces to be welded must be clean and free from moisture, paint, oil, grease, rust, crust
or any other coating detrimental to welding.
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Setting-up and Welding

During welding the pipe must be supported and guided so that the joint is relieved of stress.

To maintain the specified alignment and gap used during welding, the parts to be welded
must be supported and guided by auxiliary tools, welded on bridge pieces or tack welding.
Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, all pipes must be joined by butt-welding.

Whenever welded-on bridge pieces are used, care must be taken that the pipe surfaces
are not left damaged after the bridge pieces have been removed.

Tack-welds must be in the form of bottom runs or they must be removed completely.

Electrodes or filler rods used for tack-welds, which are not removed must be of the same
type and class as those used for completing the first run of weld metal.

Tack-welds must be machined carefully by grinding or using another suitable method so

that they can be incorporated in the final weld. The minimum length of a tack-weld must
be at least four times the wall thickness or 25 mm.

Welding must start at the joint. Accidental contact between the electrode or the non-
insulated parts of electrode holders and the pipe must be avoided.

Each run of weld metal must be cleaned before a further run is applied, particular attention
being paid to the junctions between the weld metal and the fusion faces.

Defects in welds must be removed completely and a correct welded joint be must

Seams at welded-on attachments, or other welded seams, which are not included directly
in the pressure system, must be located at least 40 mm from the main seam.
Other forms of welded on branching-offs are subject to the approval by the ABInBev in
each individual case.

All welds performed must be recorded indicating the name of the welder.

5.7 Erection

It must be ensured that dirt, gaskets, packing materials, etc. do not enter the piping system
during erection.

Flanges and gaskets must have clean surfaces before fitted, and the assembly must
ensure uniform tightening. All bolts shall be lubricated before assembly with grease
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Chesterton Parting Lubrication 785 or similar. Bearing surfaces and gaskets must not be

When working on carbon steel, the Contractor must establish all necessary precautions
and coverings to ensure that neither melted material nor airborne slip will get into contact
with the stainless steel.

Tools, which can incur damages to the stainless steel, must not be used.

5.8 Flushing and Cleaning

5.8.1 General

Before pressure test, the entire plant, including all process piping systems, must be subject
to internal flushing and cleaning as specified below to remove all impurities in the plant.

The Contractor should note that during internal cleaning, precautions should be taken as

 Check that the quality of the flushing water/gas will not harm the piping system.

 Check that all instruments mounted in-line have been replaced by spool pieces, as

 Check that no cleaning devices (cleaning turbines, spray balls etc.) have been

 Install cloth filters at all main water feed points until all line flushing has been

 When applying the first flush through a line, the line shall be progressively broken and
re-joined at low points, prior to delicate items of the plant. This is to ensure that
residual rubbish, scale, rust, dust, etc. can escape before proceeding further down
that line. Delicate items include pumps, valves, centrifuges, filters, plate heat
exchangers, cooling jackets and any item with fine clearances or which includes

These procedures shall be applied with consideration to the protection of plant items
against damage and corrosion by residual matter.

On completion of flushing, no residual matters shall be left in the plant.

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5.8.2 Stainless Steel Piping

Stainless steels piping must be passivated according to:

 ASTM-A380 Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless-Steel Parts,

Equipment, and Systems.
 ASTM-A967 Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Steel Parts.

5.8.3 Carbon Steel Piping

Pipes for heating media and caustic must be chemically cleaned before flushing to remove
oxidized scales in the piping system.

The chemical cleaning shall consist of an acid washing by means of a 5% technical

hydrochloric solution to which an inhibitor is added. The mixture is circulated for 4-5 hours.
After this a 1-2% sodium hydroxide solution at 60C is circulated for 30 minutes. Finally,
the piping system is flushed with 50C hot water.

Pipes for CO2, compressed air and NH3 shall be cleaned/flushed with dry CO2/dry
compressed air/dry Nitrogen.

5.8.4 Acceptance Criteria for Flushing and Cleaning

The flushing and cleaning of the utility piping mentioned below shall not be considered as
satisfactory before:

 Process Water:
o The water is approved by visual inspection and tasting of the water.

 Compressed Air:
o Compressed air is led through water for 1 minute. No taste or smell must
be detected.

 CO2 Supply:
o CO2 is led through water for 1 minute. No taste or smell must be detected.

AB-InBev is responsible for the testing and approval.

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5.9 Pressure Test

5.9.1 General

Before paint or insulation is applied to piping (According to GTS 3B General Specification,

Painting and GTS 3B General Specification, Thermal Insulation) or before piping is
covered by backfilling or any other means that conceal piping from view are applied,
Contractor shall perform tests on every pipe, tube, fitting, and joint after fabrication and
installation in the field.

All pressure testing shall be performed in accordance with this document, ANSI B31.3 and
ASME section U. Boiler external piping and boiler piping shall be tested in accordance
with ANSI B31.1 and ASME Section I. The test pressure, for any section of pipes in the
plant, must never be less than 1.5 * design pressure of the section in question, unless
accepted by AB-InBev.

The design pressure must not be lower than the maximum pressure that can be
established by the plant itself, for instance when a pump is in operation against a closed

The maximum operating pressure must be equal to or lower than the design pressure. The
maximum operating pressure must allow for the proper operation and hysteresis of safety

During hydrostatic or pneumatic testing, pipe, tube, fittings, and joints shall withstand test
pressure without failure, leakage, or distortion for a period of two hours. There shall be no
loss of test pressure during this period. Contractor shall repair defects and repeat the test
procedure until a satisfactory test is obtained at no additional cost to AB-InBev.

Unless otherwise accepted by ABInBev, where a section includes items with a lower
permissible test pressure, the components in question must be temporarily removed and
replaced by a fitting part or be temporarily disconnected when pressure tested according
to the higher pressure. Further, with the components placed in-line or connected, the
section must be pressure tested again according to the lower test pressure.
The plant including pipe systems, pumps, valves, and other accessories, is generally
tested with cold water in sections. The pressure is measured at the lowest point of the

To avoid corrosion the Contractor must drain the water from the pipe system after
approved pressure and leak test, and completely dry the system by means of compressed
air, if the system is not to be taken into operation within a short period. Draining and drying
must not be omitted without the acceptance of AB-InBev
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Pressure test must not be done in frosty weather without the addition of an anti-freeze
liquid. If anti-freeze liquid is used, the Contractor shall flush the system with clean water
after pressure test so that no anti-freeze liquid is left in the system, before draining the
water from the pipe system.

Contractor shall furnish a pressure recorder and charts and record all hydrostatic,
pneumatic, and ammonia tests. Completed test charts shall be turned over to AB-InBev
with the system test package.

Any joint inspected and found not acceptable by AB-InBev shall be repaired, replaced, or
corrected by Contractor to the satisfaction of AB-InBev. Contractor shall bear the cost of
correcting any rejected joints.

5.9.2 Procedure for testing

All piping system testing shall be coordinated through AB-InBev

Contractor and AB-InBev will establish a piping system Worklist/Test Schedule in

accordance with the project schedule.

AB-InBev shall monitor and update the piping system Worklist/Test Schedule until

AB-InBev shall be allowed ample time to perform a thorough review and walk-through of
each system for acceptability and completeness. Contractor’s representative shall
accompany AB-InBev on each walk-through. During the walk-through, a Worklist will be

Upon completion of Worklist items, AB-InBev will review the items with Contractor, and if
accepted, will issue a signed copy of the Worklist form releasing the piping system for
testing. Contractor shall allow ample time in its schedule for a thorough check of completed
work list items.

Only after all items listed on the worklist are complete to the satisfaction of AB-InBev shall
Contractor fill a system for testing.


All pressure testing shall be performed in accordance with this document, ANSI B31.3 and
ASME section U. Boiler external piping and boiler piping shall be tested in accordance
with ANSI B31.1 and ASME Section I. The test pressure, for any section of pipes in the
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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plant, must never be less than 1.5 * design pressure of the section in question, unless
accepted by AB-InBev.

All parts of the piping system included in the pressure test shall be dry. Areas of pipe that
are wet from rain, water released during venting, etc., shall be dried and kept dry for the
duration of the test.

Test for pneumatic leaks shall make use of a liquid detector made specifically for
pneumatic testing. Soap solutions made from household detergents shall not be allowed.
Reference ASME section U.

Under no circumstance shall a test be left pressurized without AB-InBev monitoring the
system. Contractor shall be responsible for system restoration immediately after
successful completion of the pressure test.

All pressure gauges and recorders shall have current certified calibration stickers.

For a refrigeration plant, the piping system for ammonia must be evacuated prior to
charging it with ammonia. A vacuum of less than 10 mbar absolute shall be maintained for
at least for 8 hours.

Upon final approval of the pressure test, AB-InBev shall release the work for painting and
insulation as required by the drawings and specifications.

After successful completion of tests, Contractor shall provide a copy of the signed test
documentation to AB-InBev for placement in the project file.
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
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Unless if stated differently by AB-InBev, it is defined as the battery limits between the
Utilities piping supplier and any other final user supplier (Packaging, Brewing, etc) the

Utilities piping supplier will provide all Utilities piping from outside to inside the final user
building (e.g. Packaging line building) up to 1 meter after crossing the building boundaries
including a block valve (e.g. butterfly valve). From this point on, the final user supplier will
provide all Utilities piping inside the building.

The location where these Utilities piping must enter the building, as well as the piping
elevation must be determined by the final user supplier and informed to the Utilities piping
Title: 3B General Specification Version: 2.0 Ref: GTS.GEN.PIP.GSP.001
Page: 145 of 145


Revision Owner Head of Change description

1.0 A.C.Pasquati Pedro Hacker First Issue
- Commodities, piping specification classes and valves
specification were updated based on Anheuser-Busch's
Technical Provision #60 "TP-60" (version 01/14/2020)
and adapted to suit all zones;
2.0 Klaas
Vitor Pereira - Welding requirements were updated;
(Feb 12th,2021) Beauprez
- Piping support and spacing defined;
- Passivation method reviewed.
- Heat tracing included;
- Battery limits defined;

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