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🌟 SQL Cheat Sheet

🔎 Querying Data

SELECT – Retrieve data from one or more tables

DISTINCT – Select distinct values in a column
WHERE – Filter rows using a condition
AND, OR, NOT – Combine multiple conditions
ORDER BY – Sort the result set by a column
LIMIT & OFFSET – Limit the number of rows and skip rows
GROUP BY – Group rows with the same values in specified columns
HAVING – Filter the results of a GROUP BY

🔗 Joining Tables

INNER JOIN – Combine rows from related tables based on a condition

LEFT JOIN – Return all rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right
RIGHT JOIN – Return all rows from the right table and the matched rows from the left
FULL JOIN – Return all rows when there's a match in either table
CROSS JOIN – Return the Cartesian product of two tables
SELF JOIN – Join a table to itself using aliases

📊 Aggregating & Analyzing Data

COUNT() – Count the number of rows

SUM() – Calculate the sum of a column
AVG() – Calculate the average of a column
MIN() & MAX() – Find the minimum and maximum value in a column
GROUP_CONCAT() – Concatenate values from a group

🔢 SQL Functions & Expressions

COALESCE() – Return the first non-null value from a list

NULLIF() – Return null if two expressions are equal
CASE – Perform conditional logic in SQL queries
CAST() – Convert a value to a specified data type
CONCAT() – Concatenate two or more strings

📐 Working with Tables

CREATE TABLE – Create a new table
ALTER TABLE – Modify an existing table
DROP TABLE – Remove a table
TRUNCATE TABLE – Remove all rows from a table without deleting the table structure
RENAME TABLE – Rename a table

🔐 Constraints & Indexes

PRIMARY KEY – Uniquely identify each row in a table

FOREIGN KEY – Ensure referential integrity between two tables
UNIQUE – Ensure unique values in a column
CHECK – Ensure that all values in a column satisfy a condition
DEFAULT – Set a default value for a column
NOT NULL – Ensure a column cannot contain NULL values
CREATE INDEX – Create an index on a table
DROP INDEX – Remove an index

✨ Views, Stored Procedures & Triggers

CREATE VIEW – Create a virtual table based on a SELECT statement

DROP VIEW – Remove a view
CREATE PROCEDURE – Create a stored procedure
EXECUTE – Run a stored procedure
DROP PROCEDURE – Remove a stored procedure
CREATE TRIGGER – Create a trigger that executes a specified action when an event
DROP TRIGGER – Remove a trigger

👥 User Management

CREATE USER – Create a new user

DROP USER – Remove a user
ALTER USER – Change the password of a user
GRANT – Give a user access to specific privileges
REVOKE – Remove a user's access to specific privileges

🌐 Database Specific Commands

SQL Server:
IDENTITY – Auto-increment a column's value
TOP – Limit the number of rows returned
ROWNUM – Limit the number of rows returned
SEQUENCE – Create a sequence for generating unique numbers
NEXTVAL – Get the next value of a sequence
SERIAL – Auto-increment a column's value
LIMIT & OFFSET – Limit the number of rows returned and skip rows
AUTO_INCREMENT – Auto-increment a column's value
LIMIT & OFFSET – Limit the number of rows returned and skip rows
SHOW TABLES – List all tables in the current database
DESCRIBE TABLE – Display a table's structure


🌟 NoSQL Cheat Sheet

📚 NoSQL Database Types

🔑 Key-Value – Stores data as key-value pairs (e.g., Redis, Riak)

📄 Document – Stores data as documents, typically in JSON format (e.g., MongoDB,
⏺ Column-Family – Stores data in columns grouped together as column families (e.g.,
Cassandra, HBase)
🌐 Graph – Stores data as nodes and edges in a graph (e.g., Neo4j, Amazon Neptune)

🔎 CRUD Operations

CREATE – Add a new item to the database

READ – Retrieve an item or items from the database
UPDATE – Modify an existing item in the database
DELETE – Remove an item from the database

📂 MongoDB Specific

db.collection.insertOne() – Insert a single document

db.collection.insertMany() – Insert multiple documents
db.collection.find() – Query documents
db.collection.findOne() – Query a single document
db.collection.updateOne() – Update a single document
db.collection.updateMany() – Update multiple documents
db.collection.deleteOne() – Delete a single document
db.collection.deleteMany() – Delete multiple documents
db.collection.createIndex() – Create an index

🌟 Cassandra Specific

CREATE KEYSPACE – Create a new keyspace

CREATE TABLE – Create a new table
INSERT INTO – Insert data into a table
SELECT – Retrieve data from a table
UPDATE – Update data in a table
DELETE – Remove data from a table
ALTER TABLE – Modify an existing table
DROP TABLE – Delete a table

🔗 Neo4j Specific

CREATE (n) – Create a new node

CREATE (a)-[r:REL_TYPE]->(b) – Create a new relationship between nodes
MATCH (n) – Query nodes
MATCH (a)-[r:REL_TYPE]->(b) – Query relationships
SET n.property = value – Update a node's property
SET r.property = value – Update a relationship's property
DETACH DELETE n – Delete a node and its relationships
DELETE r – Delete a relationship

💡 Redis Specific

SET key value – Set the value of a key

GET key – Get the value of a key
DEL key – Delete a key
EXISTS key – Check if a key exists
INCR key – Increment the integer value of a key
DECR key – Decrement the integer value of a key
LPUSH key value – Prepend a value to a list
RPUSH key value – Append a value to a list
LPOP key – Remove and return the first element of a list
RPOP key – Remove and return the last element of a list
SADD key value – Add a value to a set
SREM key value – Remove a value from a set
SMEMBERS key – Get all members of a set
HSET key field value – Set the value of a field in a hash
HGET key field – Get the value of a field in a hash
HDEL key field – Delete a field from a hash
HGETALL key – Get all fields and values of a hash
EXPIRE key seconds – Set a key's time to live in seconds
TTL key – Get the remaining time to live of a key

🌐 Couchbase Specific

CREATE BUCKET – Create a new bucket

INSERT – Insert a document into a bucket
SELECT – Query documents using N1QL (SQL-like query language)
UPDATE – Update a document
DELETE – Remove a document from a bucket
CREATE INDEX – Create an index for efficient querying
DROP INDEX – Remove an index
UPSERT – Insert or update a document

🔗 Amazon DynamoDB Specific

CreateTable – Create a new table

DeleteTable – Remove a table
PutItem – Insert an item into a table
UpdateItem – Modify an item in a table
GetItem – Retrieve an item from a table
DeleteItem – Remove an item from a table
Query – Query items based on a condition
Scan – Scan a table and retrieve items

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