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4 authors, including:
Ahmed Aboulfotoh
Zagazig University
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
Enhancement of thickening and dewatering characteristics of sewage sludge using by products View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmed Aboulfotoh on 18 March 2020.
1. Introduction
1.1. Sludge treatment
The suspended solids, which appear in a wastewater treatment plant, are derived from the raw
wastewater. The solid likely contains micro-organisms, which contribute to the transmission of diseases
as well as organic and inorganic pollutants. They are toxic and generally have harmful effects on humans
and the environment. The amount of sludge produced during wastewater treatment depends on several
factors such as climate, culture, consumption habits, treatment technologies etc. [1].These solids
commonly termed as “sludge” must be collected from various points in the wastewater treatment process
in order to be treated by reducing the water and organic contents and, as a result, rendering them suitable
for reuse or final disposal [2; 3; 4].
Every year large amounts of wastewater sludge are produced worldwide. European Commission
indicates that while annual sludge production in Europe was 5.5 million tone of dry matter in 1992; it
increased to nearly 9 million tones by the end of 2005[5],these amounts are expected to strongly increase
up to 13 million tons dry sludge (DS) at the end by 2020. Sludge management (e.g. disposal) and
treatment represent more than 50 % of the construction and operating costs of a wastewater treatment
plant (WWTP) [6; 7]. According to several recent reports and as recently reviewed by Kelessidis, sludge
management is mainly performed in EU by land farming (direct or after composting), incineration (after
drying) and landfill [8].
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The level and method of sludge treatment are determined based on the type of wastewater treatment
process, from which the sludge is generated. The methods involve thickening, dewatering, digestion,
and composting [9; 10].
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m away from houses to avoid potential problems from odor and pathogens [27;2] The main advantages
of sludge drying beds are normally the lowest capital cost; When the land is readily available, Small
amount of operator attention and skill is required, Low energy consumption, Less sensitive to sludge
variability, Low chemical consumption and Higher dry cake solids contents than fully mechanical
methods[26;28;29;30;31;25;32] .
Disadvantages include more land is required than fully mechanical methods, Lack of a rational
engineering design approach allowing sound engineering economic analysis, Requires a stabilized
sludge, Must be designed with careful concern for climatic effects, Clogging of sand bed, May be more
visible to the general public and the removal usually is labor intensive [26; 28; 29; 30; 33; 34; 35].
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3. Sand of effective size 0.5 to 0.75 mm and uniformity coefficient not greater than 4 is used. The
depth of the sand may vary from 20 to 30 cm.
4. Dimensions Sludge drying beds are commonly 6 to 8 m wide and 30 m long. With the bed slope
of 0.5% the length should not exceed 30 m for single sludge application point.
5. Sludge Inlet Pipe of minimum 20 cm diameter should be used for sludge inlet pipe. This pipe
should discharge sludge at minimum height of 0.3 m above the sand bed. Splash plates should
be provided at discharge points to spread the sludge uniformly over the bed and prevent erosion
of the sand bed.
6. Removal of Sludge Dried sludge cake is removed by shovel or forks when the moisture content
is less than 70%. When the moisture content is less than 40% the sludge is suitable for grinding.
E. d. C. Lampreia [40] studied the mathematical model to develop the design and management of sludge
drying beds. This model takes into account the local meteorological conditions (temperature, solar
radiation, relative humidity and rainfall) and the initial sludge layer thickness 0.32, 0.2. Laboratory
analysis was carried out on samples taken from the beds in order to determine the sludge solids content
(SC) evolution. During the course of each cycle, the sludge applied layer thickness was measured as a
measure of the volume reduction associated with this process, the determination of the leachate COD
and SST values, in order to evaluate the type of treatment it should be submitted to.
It was observed that sludge drying beds present better performance, which means higher values of solids
content and consequent reduction of volume in a shorter period of time, in cycles where the air
temperature and solar radiation values were higher and relative humidity and precipitation registered
values were lower. For the same meteorological conditions, thinner sludge layers were more easily
dehydrated. Generically, the predictions obtained by the model showed good agreement with
experimental work.
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Figure 1: a schematic of a Typical Sludge Drying Bed [1]
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been vitrified clay, but plastic pipe is also becoming acceptable. The pipes shouldn't be less than 4 in.
(100 mm), should be spaced 8–20 ft (2.4–6 m) apart, and have a minimum slope of 1%. The piping to
the sludge drying beds should be designed for velocity of at-least 0.75 m/s. The sludge is placed on the
bed in 20–30 cm layers and allowed to dry [26].
SDBs are being used throughout the world especially in United States since the beginning of the 20th
century, but over the years its applicability is limited due to the environmental and climatic factors [52].
In the United States, the majority of Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs) with capacities less than
5 MGD (equal to 18.93 m3/day) use SDBs. Similarly, Russia and other Eastern European countries use
SDBs in more than 80% of the WWTPs [53]. By 2009, Egypt had approx. 303 WWTPs handling 11.85
x106 m3 /day of sewage. Most of these WWTPs use natural sludge drying beds [30] .
And In Africa, a STP at Cambérène (Dakar, Senegal) uses SDB for sludge treatment since 2006. The
initial design under estimated the sludge volumes to be treated and overestimated the sludge
concentrations by 40%. This caused serious problems in operations. After detailed study this issue was
resolved and the capacities of the SDBs were increased from 200 kg TS/m2/year to 400 kg
TS/m2/year. Currently, the plant is running at 300 kg TS/m2/year, thus allowing for an additional bed-
scrubbing period of about ten days [54]. Many cities in India including Chennai, Thane, Pune, Patna,
Chandigarh, and Bhopal use the conventional sludge drying beds as a part of sludge treatment process.
The quantum of sludge to be treated is generally very high due to the amount of wastewater that is
generated in these cities. The climatic conditions in India are also favorable for the use of SDBs as the
solar energy is available in ample in Indian subcontinent. In the city of Patna, many municipal
wastewater treatment plants are using the SDBs as a part of sludge treatment technology. Plants at Beur,
Saidpur have installed SDB having total capacity of 405 m3 each. Furthermore, cities including Raipur,
Khurd (Chandigarh), Ahemdabad, Vasna, Rajkot, Vadodara, Surat (located in the state of Gujarat) also
have multiple sewage treatment plants, which include sludge drying beds as the treatment units [55].
Further to that The Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organisation under Ministry of
Urban Development has published the design guidelines for Sludge Drying Beds in India [56] .
F. A. Al-Nozaily et al. [21] studied the possible factors to provide less drying time such as sand type,
blocks spacing, Geo-Web support instead of blocks support and the polymer addition. The drying time
in the pilot plant ranged 7-10 days. The percolation was the main factor for sludge drying compared to
the evaporation of water. The averages were 65% and 35% for percolation and evaporation, respectively.
Moreover, 70% of the percolated water took place during first two days; this is in line with Mullick [57].
Has been observed Using a natural (rounded particles) Sa’adah sand (d=0.4-0.8mm) at upper filter layer
of the sludge drying beds has perform better than using crushed basalt (angular particles), which being
at existing sludge drying beds has an effect on preventing sludge passes through filter layer and finally
cause clogging drainage system. Using blocks support has no significant effect on drying time compared
to more surface filtration area. Increasing the blocks spacing (filtration area) has a significant effect on
drying time especially at rainfall season which can filtrate the excess water that came from rainfall
precipitation, therefore we can conclude that using of geo-web support which provided the higher
filtration area at rainfall .The polymer addition has no considerable effect on overall drying time
probably due to the small scale of pilot plant.
Radaideh et al. [58] studied the compare the efficiency of sand drying beds to dewater sludge digested
anaerobically against sludge digested in the aerobic/anoxic stages in extended aeration (EA) plants. Full
and lab scale experiments have shown that aerobically digested sludge in extended aeration plants has
better dewatering efficiency on sand drying beds than anaerobically digested sludge. This was shown by
comparing a number of parameters that are usually used to characterize the dewaterability of wastewater
sludge's. They included dry solids content, capillary suction time (CST), sludge volume index (SVI),
volatile and fixed solids, particle size distribution, fraction of small particles (fines) and drainage test.
It is recommended that sand drying beds be used in Jordan for extended aeration plants as these produce
low volumes of sludge that has better dewatering properties than anaerobically digested sludge.
Saleh Al-Muzaini [59] studied the examine the present dewatering facilities at the Jahra treatment
plant and to measure the pollutant levels in the produced sludge in order to assess the overall performance
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of the sand drying bed facilities. Laboratory results for the sludge produced at the Jahra plant showed
that organic matter and sand content are high, and heavy metals contents are low. Based on the results,
using sand-drying-bed technologies for dewatering at the Jahra plant will be difficult. Furthermore, sand-
drying beds always face problems with clogging of the sand layer. In addition, the sand quality in drying
beds sometimes does not conform to standard specifications, allowing escape of the fine sand particles
into the drainage system, clogging the drainage system. Suitable options for sludge dewatering
equipment are recommended, but an effective mechanical investigation should be conducted. Therefore,
a pilot mechanical dewatering facility should be established to provide the capacity for simultaneous
exploration of various mechanical dewatering systems such as belt filter press, centrifuge, and vacuum
Mehrdadi et al. [36] studied the an experimental investigation was carried out to assess the efficacy of
solar energy for drying of sludge from pharmaceutical industrial waste over a sand bed covered( SSDSB
)as compared to the conventional sludge drying over a sand bed (CSDSB) . Most of the moisture content
was lost by drainage in first 3-4 days and the solar sludge drying sand bed (SSDSB) reduced drying time
by about 25- 35% as compared to the conventional sludge drying sand bed(CSDSB). The sludge loading
rates were observed to be about 138.5 kg solids/m2/year and 99.5 kg solids/m2/year for SSDSB and
CSDSB respectively. It may be concluded that the condensate water from SSDSB was of excellent
quality for several probable reuses.
According to J. A. Radaidah et al. [39] Intensive solar collector cells are being employed to increase the
efficiency of existing conventional sand beds, with the aim to avoid expansion of drying beds. This solar
energy is used to heat water that passes through galvanized pipes at the bottom of the sand drying beds
, Sludge that is applied to beds will become heated. This will enhance evaporation, accelerate dewatering
of sludge and help in the reduction of pathogenic levels. Obtained results indicated that the water content
of samples decreased from 96.5 % to 32.94 % within 18 days when conventional sand drying beds were
used. By modified beds only 60 % of this time was required.The increase of sludge temperature also
leads to reduce the microbiological content of sludge. 100 % removal of some pathogenic species (fecal
coliforms) was achieved; other contaminants and pathogens could be reduced to 99 %. The modified
sludge bed reduced drying time by about 35% as compared to the conventional sludge bend, thus
increasing the loading factor of beds by ~ 30 %.
Cofiea et al. [60] investigated the use of drying beds in separating solid and liquid fractions of faecal
sludge (FS) so that the solids can be cocomposted and the organic matter and part of the nutrients
captured for urban agriculture. The loading rate of sludge ranged from 196 to 321 kg total solids (TS)
/m2 y. Biosolids with (TS) 20% were obtained after an average drying time of 2 weeks. During FS
dewatering, percentage reduction in concentrations of solids and organic constituents was above 80%.
This shows that drying beds are effective in achieving solids–liquid separation of FS withholding on
average, 96% of the SS. Hundred percent of the helminth eggs were withheld on the drying beds.
A. Masmoudi [61] studied the experimental data about sewage sludge drying through a pilot scale drying
bed, during winter, spring and summer. To achieve a moisture content of 0.15 kg water /kg DS, the
drying period of the 2 cm thickness sludge layer was 14 days in winter, 5 days in spring and 4 days in
summer. The dry solid content (DS) increased from 4.1% to 87.25% in winter, 4.8% to 87% in spring
and from 4% to 87% in summer. The sludge volume was reduced up to 95 % in the three seasons. The
maximum drying rate value observed in spring was 0.38 kg water/ kg DS.h and 0.97 kg water/ kg DS.h
in summer. This rate was not calculated in winter because of the moisture content‘s irregular variation.
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A typical cross section of a wedge-wire bed is shown in (Figure 2).The bed consists of a shallow
rectangular watertight basin fitted with a false floor of wedge water panels. These panels have slotted
openings of 0.01 in. (0.25 mm). This false floor is made watertight with caulking where the panels about
the walls. An outlet valve to control the rate of drainage is located underneath the false floor [62]. The
U.S. EPA reported the following advantages for the system: no clogging of the media, constant and rapid
drainage, higher throughput rate than sand beds, easier removal of sludge cake, ability of drying difficult
to dewater sludge and ease of maintenance. [63; 33] .
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50% or more. Solids contents as high 85–90% have been achieved on sand beds, but normally, the
required times to achieve such dry sludge cakes are impractical. The mechanisms for water removal
impose a number of operating variables that affect the design of drying beds, such as:
1. Sludge condition.
2. Sludge characteristics.
3. Soil permeability.
4. Land availability and cost [65].
However, Air temperature, relative humidity, percentage of sunshine, and wind velocity also affect the
rate of water evaporation. In the summer or at high temperature and humidity, the rate of drying is two
to three times faster than in the winter or at low temperature [66]. It is noteworthy that in many
wastewater treatment plants sludge is stored in digesters in the winter and dried only in the summer [65].
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Figure 3: a schematic of atypical Paved Drying Bed [18]
Recent improvements to the paved bed process utilize a tractor-mounted horizontal auger, or other
device, to regularly mix and aerate the sludge. This mixing and aeration breaks up the surface crust that
inhibits evaporation, allowing more rapid dewatering than conventional sand beds. Some of the
equipment was originally developed for composting operations but serves equally well for paved bed
dewatering. Under drained beds are still used in some locations, but the most cost effective approach in
suitable climates is to construct a low cost impermeable paved bed and depend on decantation of
supernatant and auger/aeration mixing for evaporation to reach the necessary dewatering level [71] . Specifications
Studied the wall of drying beds must be water tight and should extend to 300 mm to 600 mm above and
should not be less than 150 mm below the surface of the bed, an impermeable concrete pad must be
installed over a liner. Sand Media Beds: should have at least 300mm sand bed with coefficient of
uniformity of less than 4.0 and effective grain size of not less than 0.3mm. The sand above the top of the
under drain should not be above 75mm thick.
Gravel Media Bed: the top layer of gravel media bed must be at least 75mm thick and of size between
3.1mm and 6.3mm [2].
Elbaz et al., J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 2020, 11(4), pp. 593-608 602
vehicle. A variety of inlet and decantation structures are also possible. The minimum total depth of the
bed is about 0.8 m (2.6 ft) to provide some free board above the typical 30 cm (12 in) sludge layer. In
some systems up to 1 m (3 ft) of liquid sludge is applied in the initial layer .Other major system
components include the sludge and decantation piping, and the auger/aerator vehicles [70] (EPA, 1985).
Field experience indicates that the use of paved drying beds results in shorter drying times as well as
more economical operation when compared with conventional sand drying beds, Paved beds have
worked successfully with anaerobically digested sludge's but are less desirable than sand beds for
aerobically digested activated sludge[51] . Costs
Capital costs are strongly influenced by the cost of land at the project site. Other major capital costs
include the containing walls and pavement, application and decantation piping (and drainage piping if
used), the auger/aerator, and the sludge removal equipment .The major O & M costs are labor and fuel
for the equipment [72].
D. V. Manfioh et al. [75] studied the compare the dewatering of septic tank sludge using conventional
sludge drying bed (CSDB) and a sludge drying bed with permeable pavement (SDBPP). At the same
time of dewatering, the volume drained by the SDBPP was 37.4±4.6% higher than that obtained in the
CSDB. Therefore, a lower drying bed could be used. However, it provided a sludge cake with a similar
concentration of solids as the one obtained in the conventional bed (CSDB). It was found that the use of
synthetic polymer allowed dewatering to occur in less time, this would result in more drying cycles in
the same bed area, or in the size reduction of the sludge drying beds if the same volume of sludge is
employed, The use or not of polymer does not interfere in the solids content of the cake.The reuse of the
pavement was proven possible, but required large volumes of water and mechanical equipment. The use
of a Sludge drying bed with permeable pavement (SDBPP) or a Sludge drying bed composed of
permeable pavement plus a layer of sand (SDBS) showed no significant difference between the volume
dewatered regarding the humidity in the sludge cake and the maintenance. Thus, in this alternative
system, adding sand to the pavement (SDBS) would be unnecessary.
Elbaz et al., J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 2020, 11(4), pp. 593-608 603
Lienard et al. [73] studied dewatering of activated sludge in experimental reed-planted and unplanted
sludge concrete drying beds. They concluded that reeds were found to contribute to maintaining a high
and regular liquid conductivity in the sludge, which allows easier and higher dosing of planted beds.
Solids concentration may range between 40 to 50 percent for 30–40 days of drying period in an arid
climate for a 30 cm sludge layer [72].
The literature review revealed that the sludge contains micro-organisms, which contribute to the
transmission of diseases as well as organic and inorganic pollutants they are toxic and generally have
harmful effects on humans and the environment. Must be collected in order to be treated by reducing its
water content and organic matter and, as a result rendering them suitable for reuse or final disposal ,This
is done by dewatering. There are two types of dewatering; sludge drying beds and sludge lagoons. Many
researches have been conducted to investigate beneficial uses of sludge drying beds. Moisture reduction
on the drying bed is through percolation and evaporation, Solid-loading rate (50 to 300 kg/m2/year).
Drying beds have many advantages; less complex, easier to operate, and require less operational energy
than mechanical dewatering systems, Low energy consumption, less sensitive to sludge variability, Low
chemical consumption. The design of sludge drying beds is based mainly on site specifications, as well
as environmental and climatic factors. The sludge drying beds are divided into; Conventional sand
drying bed (SDB), paved drying bed (PDB), Wedge-Wire, Vacuum assisted and Solar drying bed. The
key advantage of paved bed is the ability to use mechanical equipment for sludge removal without
causing damage to under drain pipes or loss of sand, shorter drying times as well as more economical
operation when compared with conventional sand drying beds, Solar drying beds it is economical, does
not require man produced energy and advantage of wedge-wire no clogging of the media, constant and
rapid drainage, higher throughput rate than sand beds and ease of maintenance.
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