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Introduction of Solar Drying Technology To Trinidad and Tobago

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Introduction of Solar Drying Technology to Trinidad and Tobago

Sunny Mangat*1, Matt McTaggart2, Jim Marx2, Simon Baker1; Ulrich Luboschik3
AECOM, Winnipeg, Canada
AECOM, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
ist Anlagenbau GmbH, Wollbach, Germany


A review of the existing solids management practices in Trinidad and Tobago and experience
elsewhere defined the future needs and identified solar drying as a preferred technology for
the subject project. Upon analysis of the local conditions, it was calculated that approximately
19 MJ/m2 (1886 kWh/m²) of solar radiation, at 30ºC annual average temperature and 80%
relative humidity level is appropriate at the project site and that these parameters are adequate
for the solar dryer application. The estimated 7,450 m2 cell area for drying associated with
average electrical power consumption of 18 to 20 kWh/tonne of water extracted will provide
an evaporation rate of 2.2 kg water/m2.day. The solids are expected to be dried from
approximately 16-18% dry solids to 70-90% dry solids.


solar drying, solids, evaporation, stabilization, greenhouse, vector control.


As the wastewater treatment systems are improving in Trinidad and Tobago, the rapid
increase in solids production from these systems is triggering the need for better solids
management systems. Due to technical, economical and social factors, a tailored approach to
get an optimal solids management solution is required. In most cases, implementing the
traditional highly complex solids management solutions with heavy reliance on energy,
chemicals and operational expertise is not likely a viable solution.

Solar drying has become a more versatile process with the development of solids mixing
equipments, emission control and additional heating systems in recent years (Luboschik,
1998). Since 1994, automated solar drying using greenhouse technology has been
successfully applied in Europe. More recently there have been a number of new installations
in Australia and the United States. Some of the commercially available solar drying systems
are Parkson’s Thermo-System™, ist’s WendeWolf ™, and Huber’s Kult™. The largest
installation cited at the time of compilation of this paper is for treating solids from a
150 ML/d wastewater treatment plant.

The basic principal of operation in any solar drying process is based on the fact that water
molecules change from liquid into vapour (Figure 1). This requires energy, i.e. solar energy.
The driving force is the difference between the partial vapour pressure inside the solids and
the ambient air. In order to avoid equilibrium between the vapour pressure inside and outside
the solids, the surrounding air is ventilated from the cell area. This is naturally helped by the
fact that water vapour is lighter than the dry air. The warmer the air is, the more water vapour

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can be transported. However the partial vapour pressure in the air rises with the amount of
moisture in the air. To assist the overall process, in some colder climatic installations, where
temperature, or solar energy, is not favourable year-round, additional heating systems can be
installed for colder periods.

Figure 1. Basic Principal of Solar Dryer

In order to execute the above described process, the common approach in solar dryer systems
is to uniformly spread wet solids (either as a liquid or cake) on a concrete slab in a greenhouse
building (transparent cover of glass or plastic). The solids are intermittently mixed and the
surrounding environment controlled. It generally requires between 15 to 28 days for the solids
to proceed from start to finish depending on the number of turns per day. The controlled
environment provides a final dried product, or biosolids, that has a reduced mass and
pathogen content (Choi and O’Shaughnessy, 2006).

The solar drying technology requires a relatively larger footprint but is somewhat modular.
Other technologies, such as thermal dryers, can dry the material more rapidly, but at the cost
of additional energy. Advantages of solar drying are reduced energy requirements in a time of
energy cost inflation and reduced total mass without the addition of bulking agents, such as in
composting or chemicals as in lime stabilization. Depending upon the particular system
installed, the solids with initial dry solids concentration between 2 and 35% can be dried up to
90% dry solids which enables this technology to be attractive for small to medium sized
plants in moderate climate and for larger sized plants in warm climates (Seginer and Bux,

Characteristics of the feed solids, such as grease content, temperature, solids content, depth of
applied solids, surrounding environmental conditions, and solids turning method are some of
the critical parameters for solar dryer design.

Feed solids with a high amount of grease has a higher drying time (Mehrdadi, N., et al. 2007).
For systems that are fed with cake, an optimum concentration of feed solids is desired to
reduce the proportion of liquor removed by drainage and to allow free flow of solids to all
parts of the bed. The depth to which solids is applied can vary between 150 mm and 350 mm
with auger type systems. If the applied depth is too shallow, the thickness of the solids layer
will be small and more application area will be required for a given volume of solids.
Alternatively, if the applied depth is too thick, there is a risk of solids “gluing” and physical
damage to the solids turning equipment.

A past study (Mehrdadi, N., et al. 2007) has concluded that the surrounding environmental
conditions have the most influence on the evaporation rate hence the performance of the solar
dryer. These surrounding environment parameters are (1) outdoor solar radiation (2) outdoor

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air temperature, and (3) the ventilation flux. Precipitation also has a considerable effect on
drying, especially if it occurs before cake cracking. Evaporation rate tends to reduce in
overcast conditions because of low solar intensity. Wind has a beneficial effect as it increases
the evaporation rate. The dry solids content of the feed solids also of importance, but is less
critical than the environmental conditions. Air-mixing (without ventilation) is an order of
magnitude less effective than ventilation. (Mehrdadi, N., et al. 2007; Seginer and Bux, 2005).

Assessment of Solar Drying for Trinidad and Tobago

Trinidad and Tobago is striving to improve the overall wastewater management infrastructure.
In keeping with the Vision 2020 initiative and as part of the Strategic Plan for the
modernization of the water and wastewater infrastructure, the Government of the Republic of
Trinidad and Tobago has embarked on a Water Sector Modernization Programme (WSMP).
Wastewater treatment and associated solids management has been one key focus of the
WSMP. Like many other developing nations, processing and disposal of excess solids is one
of the main challenges encountered in the development of wastewater treatment
infrastructure. There is a well-recognized need to provide a solids management solution that is
practical, environmentally responsible and cost effective and serve as a model for the whole

The first major wastewater project launched under the WSMP was to design a new Malabar
wastewater treatment plant. The plant, rated for an average flow of 40 ML/d, will service the
Borough of Arima and the Malabar area. The wastewater will be treated utilizing a
conventional activated sludge process. The waste activated sludge (WAS) from the plant will
be dewatered utilizing belt filter press technology to 16 to 18% dry solids concentration. The
Malabar wastewater treatment plant is expected to produce approximately 17,600 wet tonnes
of dewatered cake each year. The cost of transporting and disposing of this large quantity of
unstabilized solids would have resulted in a large transportation cost. In an attempt to reduce
the cost of solids disposal and improve the quality of the biosolids to enable greater beneficial
reuse, it was necessary to achieve a reduction in mass, pathogens and vector attraction to
produce a stabilized product in accordance with the environmental requirements of advanced
nations. Therefore, further drying and stabilization of the solids is required before final

Simultaneous solids stabilization and mass reduction is typically achieved by the application
of high temperature thermal reduction processes such as wet air oxidation, multiple hearth
incineration etc. However the disadvantages of these processes include high capital and
operating costs, and associated air emission and ash. High temperature heat drying processes
such as flash dryers and rotary dryers can also be used for mass reduction and stabilization but
the energy requirement is also high. The low-temperature solar drying process simultaneously
stabilizes and reduces the mass of municipal wastewater solids (Harlan, 2003).

For the Malabar project, various conventional solids management options were evaluated
including on-site drying beds, regional drying systems, and mechanical devices. Most of the
technologies that incorporate both mass reduction and stabilization required high energy
and/or chemical usage; initial high capital investment and high operating cost. In addition, a
regional or local solids drying bed approach would not have been feasible due to the site
specific conditions, i.e. significant wet weather during the rainy season, and proximity to
residential communities. Lack of local technical support and availability of spare parts
dictated the rejection of highly mechanized and complex systems, e.g. incineration and
thermal dryers.

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Solar drying technology has not yet been applied in Trinidad and Tobago, although
conventional low rate drying beds have been used in some locations. These drying beds have
been prone to failure due to the extended rain events experienced in the region. Based on a
desktop analysis including weather data, solids characteristics, available land area, and a
survey of other installations in similar climatic conditions, it was concluded that solar drying
is an appropriate technology that would meet the required solids management objectives for
Malabar wastewater treatment plant.

Process Sizing
The mass transfer of water is proportional to: (a) the area of wetted surface exposed, (b) the
difference between the moisture level of the drying air and the saturation humidity of air at
the solids-air interface, and (c) other factors such as velocity and turbulence of drying air
expressed as a mass transfer coefficient. Incorporating the above key parameters, a computer
modelling analysis was completed to determine the required solar drying area. The model
allows one to calculate the air flow of different dryers as a function of the meteorological

Based on the analysis, it was determined that approximately 19 MJ/m2 (1886 kWh/m²) of
solar radiation, at 30ºC annual average temperature and 80% relative humidity level was
appropriate for the project (Figure 2 and 3).

Figure 2. Annual Solar Radiation for Malabar Solar Drying Site

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Temp C
29 Humidity 86
28 84

Relative Humidity
27 78
Temp C

27 76
26 74
25 68
25 66
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

Figure 3. Average Monthly Relative Humidity and Temperature Data Analysis

These conditions are adequate for solar drying. Typically solar drying processes are capable
of providing evaporation rates between 1 and 3.3 kg water /m2.day (Bux and Baumann, 2003).
The design for Malabar is based on 2.2 kg water/m2.day. It was determined that for the
current project the solar dryer system will be capable of generating a biosolids product with a
solids content of up to 72% (Table 1).

Table 1. Projected Solids Drying Efficiency

It is anticipated that due to the dry season in Trinidad, the evaporation rate will be greater than
2.2 kg water/m2.day for at least 6 months each year, leading to enhanced dryer performance.

Based on the above calculations, it is estimated that a total of six cells will be required
i.e. five for current conditions and one for future expansion. Each cell has a dimension of
112 m x 11.3 m.

System Layout
The solar dryer and the belt filter presses are located in the same building to minimize the
transportation of cake during dryer loading (Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Overall Solar Dryer Cell Layout Plan

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The key design elements of the solar dryer system for Malabar wastewater treatment plant
• Belt conveyors to transport cake from the belt filter presses to the dryers.
• Six cells each with a 300 mm concrete slab of 120 m x 11.3 m dimension.
• Two parallel walls 11.3 m apart, 0.85 m high and up to 120 m in length in each cell.
• A solids handling rake “Wendewolf ” machine in each cell that progressively turns
and moves the solids along the floor.
• Greenhouse drying halls.
• Road access at both ends of the solar drying cells.
• Ventilation system with 14 fans in each cell that control the environmental factors and
allow the free exchange of air between outside and inside of the greenhouses.
• Various instrumentation and control systems for process automation. Overall system
functionality will be monitored locally and remotely via the central control system.

Figure 5 and 6 illustrate typical system elements and design features of the solar dryer system,
similar to the one designed for the Malabar wastewater treatment plant.

Figure 5. Typical Solar Dryer Setup

Figure 6. Overall Mechanical System Layout

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The main component of the solar dryer system is the WendeWolf™reversing and conveying
machines installed in each of the six drying cells that help in spreading and turning of the
solids. In each hall, the machines run on two parallel walls 11.3 m apart, 0.85 m high and
120 m. The central part of the machine is a drum on which combs and paddles are fixed
which till the material’s surface and assist in the aeration of the lower layers of the solids. The
drum can be lowered from a free height of 50 cm to the ground with a central motor and two
toothed racks which are mechanically linked. The drum turns with a frequency of up to 60
cycles/min and conveys the solids below while slowly moving. Each WendeWolf® unit
moves and aerates up to 250 m³/h of solids at a speed of 0.2-0.8 m/minute. The unit has a free
wheel speed of 8 m/minute. The unit can move and rotate in both directions and is controlled
by frequency driven motors. A number of sensors are provided to control the machine’s

System Operation
The first step in the process is to spread the cake over the concrete floors under a greenhouse-
like transparent building envelop. The solar radiation warms the cake’s surface. The solids get
intermittently mixed, while the air under the cover becomes saturated with water vapour. In
accordance with the process settings, the air is replaced with unsaturated air above the dryer
cell area utilizing the designed ventilation system. The ventilation system and solids mixing
operation is automatically controlled. The drying rate, environment characteristics and the
associated control system are defined based on the local site-specific modelling.

Due to the frequent turning of the solids, the solids is transformed into granules, typically
1-20 mm in diameter. The dried granular material is removed from the dryer at the opposite
end to the feed. The solar drying process for Malabar wastewater treatment plant does not
work as a batch process, but and instead works on a “continual input – continual output”

Once the drying cycle is complete, the dried biosolids are removed using a front-end loader
and placed in the biosolids storage area pending removal off-site for land application.

From past experience it is anticipated that the process operation will require that solids
turning rates be adjusted in accordance with changing weather conditions and any changes to
the upstream process unit performance e.g. less than optimum solids concentration rates from
the belt filter presses. From the initial operational experience these parameters can be easily
automated for future ease of operation. The auto-turning cycles can be programmed for up to
a week ahead. Routine dry solids tests can be conducted once per week and is expected to
take one man approximately two to three hours.

The temperature and the relative humidity are automatically monitored outside and inside the
each hall using automatic sensors. The Process Logical Control (PLC) calculates the
temperature difference and the absolute water content inside and outside of each hall
separately. The respective thresholds can be altered. Axial fans are switched on when the
temperature inside is five degrees higher than outside. Also roof flaps are opened when the
calculated value of the absolute humidity inside exceeds a threshold value.

To improve the amenity of the biosolids product it is necessary to achieve a reduction in

pathogens and vector attraction. It is anticipated that the final product from the solar dryer
will be in accordance with the US EPA’s Class B stabilized product for disposal of biosolids

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on agricultural land. The current application is expected to provide the volatile solids
reduction within the typical literature suggested range. A typical overall process electrical
energy consumption has been reported in the literature to be about 30 to 100 kWh/tonne of
water evaporated (Bux et al. 2001). Due to site specific conditions, the average electrical
power consumption of this operation is expected to be in the range of 18 to 20 kWh/tonne of
water extracted, which is at the lower end of the literature values and is also significantly
lower than the electrical demand of most conventional thermal drying processes.

In summary, the proposed technology utilizes the traditional principals of air drying biosolids
and is expected to enhance the process to produce a consistent, quality controlled product
with minimal operational complexity.


Sustainable wastewater solids management constitutes a serious challenge to the overall

initiative of improvement of the wastewater systems by the local authorities in Trinidad and
Tobago. The solids treatment approaches must be focused on the effectiveness of the
processes and its durability. The selected approach must also integrate local and regional
settings, as well as current and future environmental limiting conditions. It is concluded that
the proposed process of solar drying will allow measurable scientific, environmental and
economic benefits.

Based on the analysis of the local weather conditions and estimated solids production rate of
17,600 tonnes per year, a total of 6 solar dryer cells covering an area of 7,450 m2 are required.
The biosolids produced from the process is expected to have a minimum solids content of
70% and to have a significant vector attraction reduction. This fully automated and simple
technology will enable minimum operator’s attention.


The authors are grateful to ist Anlagenbau GmbH for the charts and schematics used in this


Bux, M., Baumann, R., Phillipp, W., Conrad, T. and Mulhlbauer, W. (2001). Class A by Solar
Drying Recent Experiences in Europe. Proceedings of the Water Environment
Federation WEFTEC 2001.
Bux, M.; Baumann, R. (2003) Performance, Energy Consumption and Energetic Efficiency
Analysis of 25 Solar Sludge Dryers, Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation,
WEFTEC 2003.
Choi, C. Y. and O’Shaughnessy S. (2006) Solar Drying Technologies in Pathogen Reduction
in Biosolids, Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological
Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan, Citation: Paper number 064067, 2006 ASAE Annual
Harlan, K. (2003) "Emerging Processes in Biosolids Treatment 2003", 2nd Canadian Organic
Residuals Conference, April 25.
Luboschik, U. (1998). Solar Sludge Drying based on the IST Process. Mineral Processing.
39, 25-28.

Copyright ©2009 Water Environment Federation. All Rights Reserved.


Mehrdadi, N. Joshi, S. G., Nasrabadi, T., Hoveidi, H. (2007) “Aplication of Solar Energy for
Drying of Sludge from Pharmaceutical Industrial Waste Water and Probable Reuse”
Int. J. Environ. Res. Winter: pp 42-48
Seginer, I. and Bux, M. (2005) “Prediction of Evaporation Rate in a Solar Dryer for Sewage
Sludge”. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript EE 05
009. Vol. VII.

Copyright ©2009 Water Environment Federation. All Rights Reserved.


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