Memo Spec VSC-HVDC 102821 Rev11
Memo Spec VSC-HVDC 102821 Rev11
Memo Spec VSC-HVDC 102821 Rev11
The WECC ATSMWG 1 is working on developing simple planning models for both powerflow and
dynamic time-domain simulations in positive sequence software tools for HVDC point-to-point
transmission. Models are being developed for both conventional line commutated converter (LCC)
HVDC and voltage source converter (VSC) technology.
The powerflow models for conventional HVDC have always existed in the commercial tools. In the
past several years, the TF completed the definition of the VSC power-flow model, which has been
implemented by the four major North American commercial power system simulation tools. In
addition, in 2017 one of the two simple LCC-HVDC dynamic models (chvdc2) was also approved by
WECC and has now been implemented and tested in the four major North American commercial tools
This memo outlines the proposed simple VSC-HVDC dynamic model, the last of the tasks. It should
be noted that this is a “simple” generic model for high-level stability studies and is NOT specific to
any vendor, nor claims to have detailed vendor specific controls. Furthermore, the simple model
presented here is intended for use in modeling point-to-point (not multi-terminal) VSC-HVDC that is
imbedded within an existing AC network, and not for off-shore wind applications.
The proposed simple planning model 1 for a voltage source converter (VSC) HVDC is shown below
in Figures 1 to 5. The model is intended to be a simple planning level non-vendor specific VSC-HVDC
dynamic model for point-to-point transmission. A few high-level statements are pertinent:
a. The model is not necessary representative of any vendor or equipment. The control loops are
“general” and “simple” proportional-integral (PI) control loops, on the assumptions that PI
control is a common control strategy.
b. The volt/Var control loops (Figure 3) are intentionally quite similar to the high-level control-
loop models in the reec_a model. This again is intentional, in order to give options of (i) voltage
control with deadband/droop, or (ii) constant Q-control, or (iii) constant power-factor
1At the time that this work was started and the first version of this model presented, the WECC HVDC TF was
guiding this work. Since, 2020 the WECC subcommittee structures changed and thus the WECC HVDC TF
was changed into the Active Transmission System Modeling Working Group (ATSMWG).
d. This is the first completed and tested version of the model. This was presented to the
HVDC TF members (including all four major equipment vendors and commercial software
vendors) on April 13th, in a webcast meeting, and later to the whole WECC MVWG at the
May meeting in Salt Lake City, UT. All typo and other minor comments received have been
addressed. Two other substantial comments were presented:
i. All the equipment vendors indicated that this is a very simple model and although it
may capture at a high-level the concepts and performance of VSC-HVDC, it does not
capture the nuances of actual equipment. This is of course already acknowledged in
item a. above. Again, it is emphasized that the intent here is to have a simple,
transparent and transportable (i.e. model that is standard across the major software
platforms) model. Vendor specific, detailed models will always be needed for detailed
local studies.
ii. One equipment vendor suggested that a more detailed dc-line model may be useful.
Since no further information was received after this comment on the call, no further
action was taken. Again, it is emphasized that although there is certainly not a
“perfect” match, none-the-less, the parameterized simple model presented here gives
a “reasonable” emulation of the performance of a user-written vendor specific model
as shown in section 2.1 below.
iii. Some other high-level comments were also made by another vendor about potential
future functionalities to consider for the model – e.g. voltage dependent reactive
limits. Again, however, since further details were not provided, this is not considered
in this version of the model.
Participants in the April 13th WECC HVDC TF webcast were ABB, Siemens, GE, Mitsubishi, Siemens
PTI, PowerWorld, Powertech Labs, EPRI, PEACE®, BPA and PacifiCorp.
As an initial test of the concept, the model was implemented in GE PSLFTM, as a user-written model.
The results of the testing are shown in section 2.0.
First some of the salient points, and assumptions, in proposing this model should be listed:
1. The intent of the model is for planning studies in positive-sequence programs such as GE
PSLFTM, Siemens PIT PSS®E, PowerWorld Simulator and PowerTech Labs TSATTM, and
other similar tools. Thus, it should be understood that the model is not appropriate for
studying the details of converter response and design to unbalanced disturbances.
2. Following on from point 1 above, this model is not intended, nor adequate, for studying the
details of DC side faults. The dc-line (cable) dynamics model is rather rudimentary.
Furthermore, positive sequence simulation platforms are likely not the best tool for studying
dc-side phenomena.
3. At the moment, to our knowledge 2, none of the commercial tools allow a seamless link
between the VSC powerflow and dynamic models (as is the case for LCC-HVDC). That is,
2 Certainly, true for GE PSLFTM, and likely true for the other commercial tools, thought we cannot say with
absolute certainty.
in order to develop and test the user-written model we had to place two “fictitious” generator
models in the power flow case at the respective rectifier and inverter ends of the point-to-
point HVDC transmission and then link the user-written model (through the vscdc model in
GE PSLFTM) to the two generators. The model then emulates everything shown and discussed
here, and injects, at every time step, the appropriate ac real and reactive power at the terminals
of each of these fictitious generators to emulate the converter response. Once the model is
agreed upon, for the final implementation in the commercial tools, should the software
vendors graciously agreed to adopt the model, the following is suggested:
a. The model should link to the power flow VSC-HVDC model, similar to the LCC-
HVDC dynamic models.
b. A PI control loop controlling the dc voltage and a PI control loop controlling the dc
current, as shown in Figure 2.
c. Each converter has a voltage/Q controller as shown in Figure 3. This allows for
several control options:
i. Voltage control with deadband (dbd1) and/or reactive droop (Kc), when
Refflag = 1
iii. Constant power factor control with deadband (dbd2), when Refflag = 2
d. The six (6) point piece-wise linear curve defined in Figure 4, allows an emulation of
the reduction on the maximum allowable power reference (Pmax) as a function of the
available ac voltage. That is, this function acts to dynamically change Pmax as shown
in Figure 2. This is defined by the ten (10) parameters, P1, P2, P3, P4, V1, V2, V3,
V4, V5 and V6.
converter. Note that inherently the HVDC link is always in P-priority 3 – that is, real
power always takes precedence.
If (Block = 1)
If ( (Vac ≥ V_unblock) and Start_Unblock_Timer = 0) )
Unblock_Timer = current_simulation_time
Start_Unblock_Timer = 1
The above is applied separately to both the rectifier and inverter side converters; thus,
we have Block_rec, Block_inv, etc. Then the following logic is applied at the appropriate
place in the code:
If (Block_rec = 1) or (Block_inv = 1)
Pref = 0
Idref = 0
If (Block_rec = 1)
Qac_cmd_rec = 0
If (Block_inv = 1)
Qac_cmd_inv = 0
Note: for the dc-line dynamics, similar to chvdc2, ten (10) internal model integration steps should be
performed to avoid numerical issues with the dc-line dynamics.
3 After initial discussion with vendors, there might be a need/desire to offer the possibility of Q-priority also in
Idr Idi Rdc L
Rectifier Inverter
Udr C Udi
Converter 1 Converter 2
1 1 Udr
+ C s
1 1 Idi
+ L s
dPmax Pmax Idmax Udmax
1 +
Pref (2 – η) ÷ Iref
dPmin Pmin Idmin Udmin
s14 Udi Udmin
1 + Tr.s Qmax
+ Qmax
_ s4 (rec) / s5 (inv)
+ 1 + 1
Vref Kiv Qac
s 1 + Tq.s
+ s12 / s13
s6 / s7
Kc Qmin
Qmin Qmax
Kpv 1 Qmax Qmax
Refflag _ dQmax
0 + 1 +
Qrefo Kiq Qac_cmd
2 +
dQmin s10 / s11
Qmin Qmin
Pac 1
1 + Tp.s
s8 / s9
pfaref tan
Pmax = f(Vac), where Vac = min{Vacr, Vaci}
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
Figure 4: Power versus Voltage look-up table/curve for defining the maximum dc power reference as a function of ac voltage.
Radius = Imax
fqmax(P/|Vac|) and
fqmin(P/|Vac|) Iqmax3
Ipmax3 Ipmax2
Qmax/ min = f q max/ min Vac
Figure 5: Definition of the reactive power capability of both converters (D-curve) as a function of dc power transferred and ac voltage.
2.0 Testing the Model:
2.1 Test Case 1 – WECC Case and Comparison to User-Written Vendor Model:
The first test case we ran was to make a high-level attempt to tune the model parameters to emulate
the response of the vendor developed user-written model of the TBC VSC-HVDC system that
presently exists in the WECC GE PSLFTM base cases. There is no doubt that the vendor developed
user-written model for TBC is somewhat more complicated and very different than the simple
proposed VSC-HVDC model (vhvdc1) presented here. However, at a high-level it has similar features,
1. A simple dc-cable model, similar, if not almost identical to the one presented here. The model
has a lumped R, L and C defined as input parameters.
It can thus be seen from the above that our proposed simple vhvdc1 model has all of these features,
however, likely some of them are more “generic” and simple. None-the-less, the following was done:
• A simple test case was set-up by creating a reduced WECC case around the two ends of the
TBC VSC-HVDC system.
o Taking those parameters that could easily be extracted from the TBC vendor model
(e.g. cable R, L, C, etc.)
o Fitting other parameters through an iterative process and using some engineering
We then ran the following simulations on the test case using both the original vendor specific user-
written model for TBC and the parameterized vhvdc1 model.
1. Disclaimer – it is NOT being claimed here that the parameterized vhvdc1 model is an exact or
faithful match of the vendor-specific user-written model, nor that it can necessarily be used in
place of that model for any studies. The results here are rudimentary and of only a few sample
simulations. Much more work would be needed to see if it behaves well under numerous
other conditions. Even then, it is still not being claimed here that it could replace the vendor-
specific model for any local-studies.
2. The above disclaimer aside, one can see from the simulations below that the vhvdc1 model,
once reasonably parameterized, provides a reasonable response to the ac faults that reasonably
emulate the behavior of the detailed vendor-specific model. In summary:
a. For remote faults we see as might be expected a dip in the MW transfer of the line,
due to a change in the power reference as a function of the ac voltage dip.
b. For close-in faults we see the blocking of the associated converter and thus the power
transfer dropping to zero and then ramping back up, after the fault clears.
2.2 Test Case 2 – Simple Test Case System for Software Benchmarking
A very simple four (bus) system was set-up with an VSC-HVDC in parallel to an ac line, between two
large classical generators. The system is shown below in Figure 10.
R = 2.5 Ω, L =60mH, C = 20 µF
MW rating = 500 MW
The power flow solution is shown in Figure 10. The ac line data is as follows (on 100 MVA base):
The dynamic model parameters are given in Appendix B. The two classical generators at Bus 1 and 4
are identical and modeled using gencls, with the following parameters: MVA = 10000, H = 999999, D=
0, Ra = 0 and X’’d = 0.18
The two generators with id “r” and “i” at bus 2 and 3, respectively, are the rectifier and inverter
terminals of the VSC-HVDC. These are not real generators. This is the only way presently to
instantiate the model until the model is made part of the software library and the power-flow/dynamics
interface established.
• Test 1 – A fault of duration 50 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.01 pu at bus 1 – rectifier side.
• Test 2 – A fault of duration 50 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.01 pu at bus 4 – inverter side.
• Test 3 – A fault of duration 50 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.001 pu at bus 1 – rectifier side.
• Test 4 – A fault of duration 50 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.001 pu at bus 4 – inverter side.
• Test 5 – A fault of duration 100 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.0001 pu at bus 1 – rectifier side.
• Test 6 – A fault of duration 100 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.0001 pu at bus 4 – inverter side.
• Test 7 – A fault of duration 100 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.0001 pu at bus 3 – inverter side.
• Test 8 – A fault of duration 100 ms, with a fault impedance of X =0.0001 pu at bus 2 – rectifier side.
The results of these simulations are shown below. For this case the simulations were run in July, 2021 now with
the beta version of the model in the actual commercial software platforms. The simulations have been updated
as of September, 2021 to include PowerWorld and DigSilent.
Figure 11: Test 1, remote rectifier side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines are inverter
quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed lines are
PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Figure 12: Test 2, remote inverter side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines are inverter
quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed lines are
PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Figure 13: Test 3, close-in rectifier side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines are
inverter quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed lines
are PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Figure 14: Test 4, close-in inverter side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines are
inverter quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed lines
are PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Figure 15: Test 5, severe rectifier side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines are inverter
quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed lines are
PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Figure 16: Test 6, severe inverter side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines are inverter
quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed lines are
PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Figure 17: Test 7, close-in inverter side ac fault. Blue lin
Figure 17: Test 7, severe close-in inverter side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines
are inverter quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed
lines are PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Figure 18: Test 8, severe close-in rectifier side ac fault. Blue lines are rectifier quantities. Red lines
are inverter quantities. Solid lines are GE PSLF, dashed-lines are Siemens PTI PSS®E, dot-dashed
lines are PowerWorld, and dotted lines are DigSilent PowerFactory.
Appendix A: List of Variables, Outputs and Parameters of the vhvdc1 model
1. Some internal parameters (e.g. the parameters needed within the model to emulating
blocking) are not shown.
2. In this model all dc quantities are in SI units in [kV] and [kA]. Similarly, the power
reference Pref and Qac_cmd are in [MW] and [MVar], hence some of the gains etc.
below have SI units.
Input Variables
pfaref_rec – ac power factor angle reference on the rectifier side (determined by software upon
initialization of the model) [rad]
pfaref_inv – ac power factor angle reference on the inverter side (determined by software upon
initialization of the model) [rad]
Pref – initial dc power reference, user specified [MW], from power flow
The initial references are all calculated and set by the program upon model initialization from the
powerflow solution. These references, thereafter, should be accessible by the user (e.g. through epcl in
Output Variables
Kii - integral gain for dc current control [kA/kV/s]
Kpu - proportional gain for dc voltage control [kV/kA]
Kiu - integral gain for dc voltage control [kV/kA/s]
Idmax - maximum dc current reference in kA [kA]
Idmin - minimum dc current reference in kA [kA]
Udmax - maximum dc voltage reference in kV [kV]
Udmin - minimum dc voltage reference in kV [kV]
Imax - maximum converter current rating [pu]
Pmax - maximum power [pu]
Pmin - minimum power [pu]
eff - converter efficiency (e.g. 0.99 or 0.98) [pu]
Rdc - dc line/cable resistance (ohms) [ohm]
L - dc line/cable inductance (mH) [mH]
C - dc line/cable capacitance (uF) [uF]
p1 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
p2 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
p3 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
p4 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
v1 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
v2 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
v3 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
v4 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
v5 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
v6 - points for Pmax - f(Vac) [pu]
Tr - Transducer time constant [s]
vblk_rec - Voltage below which rectifier blocks [pu]
vblk_inv - Voltage below which inverter blocks [pu]
pll_delay - Delay in PLL recover after blocking [s]
unblk - Voltage above which converter is unblocked [pu]
Ipmax1 - points on the D-curve vars into the system [pu]
Ipmax2 - points on the D-curve vars into the system [pu]
Ipmax3 - points on the D-curve vars into the system [pu]
Iqmax2 - points on the D-curve vars into the system [pu]
Iqmax3 - points on the D-curve vars into the system [pu]
Ipmin1 - points on the D-curve vars from the system [pu]
Ipmin2 - points on the D-curve vars from the system [pu]
Ipmin3 - points on the D-curve vars from the system [pu]
Iqmin2 - points on the D-curve vars from the system [pu]
Iqmin3 - points on the D-curve vars from the system [pu]
Tp - transducer time constant [s]
Tq - transducer time constant [s]
dbd1r - deadband in voltage control for rectifier [pu]
dbd1i - deadband in voltage control for inverter [pu]
Refflag_r - 1 voltage control, 0 Q control and 2 pf control
Refflag_i - 1 voltage control, 0 Q control and 2 pf control
Kcr - Reactive droop rectifier [pu/MVar]
Kci - Reactive droop inverter [pu/MVar]
dbd2r - deadband in Q control for rectifier [MVar]
dbd2i - deadband in Q control for inverter [MVar]
Kpvr - proportional gain for voltage control rectifier [MVar/pu]
Kivr - integral gain for voltage control rectifier [MVar/pu/s]
Kpqr - proportional gain for Q control for rectifier [MVar/MVar]
Kiqr - integral gain for Q control for rectifier [MVar/MVar/s]
Kpvi - proportional gain for voltage control inverter [MVar/pu]
Kivi - integral gain for voltage control inverter [MVar/pu/s]
Kpqi - proportional gain for Q control for inverter [MVar/MVar]
Kiqi - integral gain for Q control for inverter [MVar/MVar/s]
dQmax - rate of change of Q [MVar/s]
dQmin - rate of change of Q [MVar/s]
dPmax - rate of change of Pref [MW/s]
dPmin - rate of change of Pref [MW/s]
blk_rec - 1 - block, 0 - unblock
blk_inv - 1 - block, 0 - unblock
rec_ublk_stimer - Start unblock timer (logic – 1/0)
inv_ublk_stimer - Start unblock timer (logic – 1/0)
rec_unblk_timer - Unblock timer [s]
inv_unblk_timer - Unblock timer [s]
Appendix B: Parameters for the Simple Test Case in Section 2.2
These parameters here DO NOT represent any real project, nor do they profess to be physically
meaningful for any project. They are simply some default parameters for the simple test case in section
2.1 for illustrating the performance of the model.
"dbd2r" 0.0 /
"dbd2i" 0.0 /
"Kpvr" 200.0 /
"Kivr" 500.0 /
"Kpqr" 0.0 /
"Kiqr" 10. /
"Kpvi" 200.0 /
"Kivi" 500.0 /
"Kpqi" 0.0 /
"Kiqi" 10.0 /
"dQmax" 999. /
"dQmin" -999. /
"dPmax" 1000. /
"dPmin" -999. /
"xrec" 0. /
"xinv" 0.