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Food Research 1 (3) : 89 - 96 (June 2017)

Journal homepage: http://www.myfoodresearch.com

Proximate composition, mineral content and functional properties of
Tarap (Artocarpus odoratissimus) seed flour

Noorfarahzilah, M., Mansoor, A. H. and *Hasmadi, M..

Food Technology and Bioprocessing Program, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition,
Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Article history: Abstract

Received : 25 April 2017
Received in revised form : Tarap seed (Artocarpus odoratissimus) is one of the popular snacks among Borneo Island
9 June 2017 people especially in Sabah, Malaysia. Their flesh and seed are such a potential food source but
Accepted :10 June 2017
Available Online :
they are not fully exploited. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine its nutritional
15 June 2017 composition, mineral content and functional properties of Tarap seed flour (TSF). The
proximate analysis (protein, carbohydrate, fat, crude fiber, ash, moisture), minerals content
and functional properties (powder particle size, bulk density, oil and water absorption capacity,
Keywords: emulsion capacity, foaming ability, least gelling concentration, swelling ability and pasting
Artocarpus odoratissimus properties) were determined. The proximate analysis results obtained showed that TSF had
Functional properties
Proximate analysis 49.65% carbohydrate, 15.60% crude fat, 12.3% crude fibers, 8.8% crude protein, 1.17 % ash
Seeds flour and 12.5% moisture. Most abundant mineral found in Tarap flour was potassium, followed
by magnesium, calcium, and natrium. The results showed that TSF has an average particle
size of 166.02µm with low bulk density (0.57g/cm3) as compared to wheat flour. Water and
DOI: oil absorption capacities of TSF were 2.61 and 1.69g/g, respectively, while the efficiency of
http://doi.org/10.26656/ emulsification was 14.8%. Least gelation concentration was found to be 12% while foaming
ability was 7%. Swelling ability results showed a steady increment from 60°C to 70°C but
sharp increased observed from 70°C to 80°C. From the results presented, it can be concluded
that TSF has a great potential for use in the formulation of composite flours to be used as
ingredients in the food industry.

1. Introduction inside the fruit and can be seen (and eaten) when the
skin is removed. The flesh is sweet, fruity and has a
Tarap is one of the most delicious tropical fruit strong smell like durian and generally eaten fresh. Its
and can be found extensively in Borneo, particularly seeds can also be eaten when roasted. It is reported
in Sabah, Sarawak, and Brunei. Botanically that young fruits are sometimes eaten as vegetables
it is known as Artocarpus odoratissimus and (Tang et al., 2013).
belongs to the Moraceae plant family. Based on Tarap is a seasonal fruit which is very popular
morphology perspective, the fruit can be regarded among the people in the Borneo Island. Tarap
as an intermediate shape between the jackfruit and grows wild in subtropical regions, also known by
breadfruit (Galang, 1955; Subhadrabandhu, 2001). various names in the area such as Tarap (Malaysia),
The tree of the Tarap grows to a height of 20-25m Marang (Sulu), and Khanun Sampalor (Thailand)
and is usually grown from seed, fruiting starts when (Subhadaraandhu, 2001). Usually, the fruits are eaten
the tree is about 4-5 years old. The flowers, both male fresh and have a strong aroma like durian, while the
and female look like light-bulb-shaped and sized content of the fruit is white and juicy and the fruit
fruits, the male inflorescence drop to the ground skin is covered with soft expanded spines, yellowish
soon after releasing pollen while the female heads green and easily resolved. When it matured, the fruit
continue to grow to a large roundish and almost should be plucked from the branches of the tree itself
football sized fruit covered with spiny protuberances. after reached the maturity to avoid fruit damage.
The fruit is edible, oblong, about 12 inches (20 cm) Among communities in Sabah, Tarap seeds from
long, and can weigh a few pounds. Its skin is covered the matured fruit usually collected, cleaned with
with soft spines and has an appearance which is close water and drained before fried until golden brown.
to that of the durian or the jackfruit. The snowy white Tarap seed is slightly fatty taste like hazelnuts that
fruit flesh-covered seeds are attached to a centre core are delicious eaten as snacks. In Indonesia, Tarap

*Corresponding author.
Email: idamsah@ums.edu.my eISSN: 2550-2166 / © 2017 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources
90 Medeiros et al. / Food Research 1 (3) (2017) 89 - 96

seeds were fried and added a bit of flavor and 2.2 Particle size distribution
then marketed the snacks (Ithnin, 2008). There are
previous studies that produced flour from seeds such The particle size distributions of the TSF was
as breadfruit seed flour, jackfruit seed flour, lupin measured by dry sieving using a series of (ASTM
seed flour, pumpkin seed flour and passion fruit test sieves, Retsch, Germany) of nominal opening
seed flour (Sathe et al., 1982; Fagbemi and Oshiodi, sizes between 63-250μm. The sieve series selected
1991; Adepeju et al., 2011; Chowdhury et al., 2012; were based on the range of particles in the sample.
Akubor et al., 2013). While Tarap fruit seed was A total 0f 100.00±0.50 g of powders was placed on
served in a variety of dishes, especially by the locals the top of the sieve and then sieved for 30mins with a
in Sabah but there have no studies had been explored mechanical sieve shaker (Retsch, type RV, Germany).
on Tarap seed. Thus, the aim of this study was to Each collected fraction was weighed and recorded.
determine the proximate composition and to identify
functional properties of TSF. This is very important 2.3 Bulk density
in determining the reliability of the flour before it is
developed into a food product in the future. Bulk density of the flours was determined
according to the method of Okaka and Potter
2. Materials and methods (1977) using the gravimetric method. The sample
(100.00±0.05g) was weighed and gently filled in
The fruits of A. odoratissimus were collected 250ml graduated cylinder. The bottom of the cylinder
from Kota Marudu and Sipiting, Sabah, Malaysia in was gently tapped 10 times until there was no further
September to November 2015. Fruits were selected diminution of the sample level. Bulk density was
for uniformity of size and freedom of visual defects. expressed as weight of sample per unit volume of
Matured and ripen Tarap fruit was selected based on sample (g/ml). Measurements were made in triplicate.
yellowish green color, strong aroma and the average
diameter of 15-20cm. Tarap fruit was peeled and the 2.4 Water absorption capacity
pulp separated from seeds. Tarap seeds were cleaned
with water to remove the pulp and then drained. Water absorption capacity was determined using
Tarap seeds were dried at a temperature of 40°C for the method described by AACC method (2000).
2-3 days in the oven cabinet. Once dried, the Tarap Distilled water (40mL) was added to 2.00±0.05g of
seeds were ground using a blender and sieved using a Tarap flour in a pre-weighed centrifuge tube. The
sieve size < 250µm. Then the Tarap seed flour (TSF) dispersions were stirred occasionally, held for 30min,
was stored in an airtight container and labeled for followed by centrifugation for 15 min at 1000×g.
further analysis. The supernatant was decanted, excess moisture was
removed by draining for 24 hours at 50°C, and the
2.1 Proximate and mineral analysis sample was reweighed. The amount of water bound by
the flour was determined by difference and expressed
The analysis was carried out using AOAC method as weight of water bound by dry flour (100g). The
(2000) to determine moisture, crude protein, crude water absorption capacity was calculated as follows:
fat, crude fiber and ash of all the all samples. The
moisture content was measured by oven drying at (Volume before centrifuge – Volume after
105°C to constant weight. The crude protein content centrifuge) / Volume of sample
was determined by using Kjeldhal’s method (Kjeltex
System-Texator) where the nitrogen value was 2.5 Oil absorption capacity
converted to protein by multiplying a factor of 6.25.
The crude fat was evaluated by using Soxhlet system The oil absorption capacity was measured using
(Soxtec System-Texator) while carbohydrate content the method reported by Yu et al. (2007) was used with
was determined by difference method. Ash content modifications. Samples (1.00±0.05g) were mixed
was determined by dry-ashing in a furnace at 550°C with 10ml of vegetable oil in preweighed centrifuge
for 24h. For mineral quantification, the samples were tubes. The contents were stirred for 1 min with a thin
digested in 5 ml of HNO3/HClO4. The elements Ca, brass wire to disperse the sample in the oil. After a
K, Na, Mg, and Zn were measured by using atomic holding period of 30 min, the tubes were centrifuged
absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) using a Varian for 20 min at 3000×g at room temperature (25°C).
Spectra atomic absorption spectrophotometer, model The separated oil was then removed with a pipette
A-400. and the tubes were inverted to drain the oil prior

eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources

Medeiros et al. / Food Research 1 (3) (2017) 89 - 96 91

to reweighing. The oil absorption capacity was 2.9 Swelling capability

expressed as grams of oil bound per gram of the
sample on a dry basis. The oil absorption capacity Swelling behaviors were determined by the
was calculated as follows: method of Li and Yeh (2001). Five gram of the sample
was weighed and transferred into a clean dry test tube
(Volume before centrifuge – Volume after
and then weighed (W1). The mix was then dispersed in
centrifuge) / Volume of sample
30 ml of distilled water using a magnetic stirrer. The
resultant slurry was heated at desired temperatures
2.6 Emulsification ability
of 40°C, 50°C, 70°C, 80°C and 90°C for 30 min
in a water bath, cooled to room temperature, and
The method by Yu et al. (2007) was used to
centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant
determine the ability of the sample to be emulsified.
liquid was decanted and the centrifuge tube was
Two grams of sample was mixed with 200ml of
placed in a hot air oven and dried for 30 min at 50°C.
distilled water and blended for 2 minutes using a
The residue was weighed (W2). Swelling index for
grinder at maximum speed. Then 200ml of vegetable
each temperature was calculated as the difference
oil is added to the mixture little by little under the
between W2 - W1 divided by weight of flour. Swelling
continuous blending conditions. Blending was
capability was calculated as follows:
stopped every 2 min to check for emulsion breakage.
When a clear emulsion breakage was observed, the [W2 (g) - W1 (g)] / weight of sample (g)
total volume of oil added to was recorded and used to
calculate emulsification ability as volume (ml) of oil 2.10 Pasting properties
emulsified per gram of flour.
Pasting properties of TSF was measured according
2.7 Foaming ability to the method described by Hasmadi et al. (2010)
using the Rapid Visco Analyzer (Newport Scientific,
Foaming ability (FA) measurement was performed Australia) instrument. The RVA measurements were
according to Sridaran et al. (2012). A total of 250±1 performed using 4.00g of sample and 24.00g of
mg of Tarap flour was mixed with 250ml of distilled distilled water, followed by mixing in the canister
water and the volume (volume before whipping) was and placing in the RVA. The suspension was kept at
measured by using a measuring cylinder. Then, the 25°C for 2 min, heated to 95°C for 6 min at 13.5 °C/
solution was whipped by using kitchen blender and min, and kept at 95°C for 3 min; it was then cooled
the volume (volume after whipping) was measured to 25°C at 14°C/min for 6 min and kept at 25°C for 2
again. The samples were then allowed to stand for 60 min. The peak viscosity and the final viscosity were
min at room temperature (25±1°C) and the volume determined from the RVA plots. Three repetition
(volume after standing) was measured. The foaming measurements were conducted to obtain the reported
ability was calculated as follows: value.
FA (%) = [(Volume after whipping – Volume
3. Results and discussion
before whipping) × 100]/Volume before
3.1 Proximate and mineral composition
2.8 Least gelation concentration
Proximate and mineral analysis results are
summarized in Table 1. The proximate and mineral
Least gelation concentration was determined by
composition shows that the seeds have high protein,
the method of Sathe and Salunkhe (1981). Sample
fat and magnesium content. Proximate analysis
suspensions of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20%
results found that TSF consist of 12.50% moisture,
(w/v) were prepared from distilled water in test tubes.
8.78% protein, 15.60% fat, 12.30% crude fiber 1.17%
Five milliliter of each of the prepared dispersions
ash, and 49.65% carbohydrate. The results show
was transferred into a test tube. The dispersions were
that the seeds could provide a significant amount of
heated in a boiling water bath for 1 hour at 80±1°C
fiber, protein, and fat in our diet. The protein content
followed by rapid cooling in a cold water-bath. The
measured somehow higher than previously reported
samples were further cooled at 4±1°C for 2 hours. The
by Tang et al. (2013). The amount of protein obtained
least gelation was determined as the concentration
also lower compared to other seeds flour such as
when the sample from the inverted test tube did not
jackfruit (9.51-11.83%), breadfruit kernel (17%) and
slip or fall.

eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources

92 Medeiros et al. / Food Research 1 (3) (2017) 89 - 96

pumpkin seed flour (25.4%) (Akubor et al., 2000; 0.15mm. Particle size has been considered as one of
Mukprasirt and Sajjaanantakul, 2004; Ardabili et the most important physical properties which affect
al., 2011). The stage of maturity and the growing the flowability of powders. It was shown that smaller
environment are amongst the factors that affect the particles sizes have higher cohesiveness properties
protein content. The fat content in the seed is higher due to the higher degree of contact area and stronger
than breadfruit (9.0%), mango kernel (9.4%) and intermolecular force between particles (Landillon et
jackfruit seed flour (1.94 – 2.19%) as reported by al., 2007).
Akubor et al. (2000), Arogba (1999), and Mukprasirt
Table 2. Physical dimensions of TSF
and Sajjaanantakul (2004). The fat content is important
Parameter Value
in human diets as it aids in the absorption of soluble
Particle sizes average,(µm) 166.02±0.21
vitamins. Carbohydrate content was lower than found
in breadfruit (58.9%) and jackfruit seed flour (66.86 ≤250 (%) 20.8±0.44
– 70.22%) (Akubor et al., 2000; Chowdhury et al., ≤150 (%) 73.7±0.24
2012). However, the values obtained were higher than ≤63 (%) 5.5±0.08
pumpkin seeds (25.4%) and almond (31.3 – 37.8%) Bulk density, (g/cm3) 0.57±0.04
(Ardabili et al., 2011; Mbah et al., 2013). This may Results are means ± standard error (n = 3)
be due to the geographic and climatic differences of
places where the seeds are grown. Table 1 shows The flour exhibited fairly low in bulk densities
the minerals content in TSF. Potassium is the major (0.57g/cm3) which suitable for the bakery products
element recorded. Meanwhile, magnesium is the as reported by Akubor and Ukwuru (2003). Bulk
second most abundant mineral present followed by density is a measure of heaviness of a flour sample.
calcium. The results obtained are in agreement with Bulk density which is an indication of the porosity of
the values reported by Tang et al. (2013) where they flours influences package design, material handling
reported potassium was the highest mineral, followed and application in wet processing of foods (Sharma
by magnesium and calcium. et al., 2012). Bulk density is a measure of heaviness
of a flour sample. The low bulk density of the flours
Table 1. Proximate and mineral composition of TSF
implied that their packaging materials will be less
Composition Weight mass
dense which is economic in terms of packaging cost.
Moisture, (%) 12.50 ± 0.38
Ash, (%) 1.17 ± 0.16 3.3 Functional properties
Crude fibre, (%) 12.30 ± 0.11
Protein, (%) 8.78 ± 0.04
Table 3. Functional properties of TSF
Fat, (%) 15.60 ± 1.22
Functional Parameters Value
Carbohydrate, (%) 49.65 ± 0.00
Water absorption capacity, (g/g) 2.61±0.01
Calcium, (mg/100g) 36.46 ± 0.02
Oil absorption capacity, (g/g) 1.39±0.02
Potassium, (mg/100g) 259.82 ± 0.02
Emulsified ability, (%) 14.80±0.16
Zinc, (mg/100g) 2.92 ± 0.04
Foaming ability, (%) 7.00±0.05
Magnesium, (mg/100g) 415.71 ± 0.03
Least gelling concentration, (%) 12.00±0.00
Sodium, (mg/100g) 10.23 ± 0.02
Results are means ± standard error (n = 3).
Colour measurement,
▪ L*(Lightness) 74.59±0.12
▪ a*(+ve=red, -ve=green) 8.13±0.19
3.2 Particles size distribution and bulk density ▪ b*(+ve=yellow, -ve= blue) 6.23±0.24
▪ Whitness index 72.60±0.00
Besides flour protein content, flour quality is also Results are means ± standard error (n = 3)
determined by flour particle size distribution. It is
reported that higher amount of smaller flour particles Table 3 shows functional properties of TSF. The
leads to a less extensible and less fluidable dough. water absorption capacity recorded for TSF was
Furthermore, narrow flour particle size distribution is 2.61g/g. The value obtained is higher than values
associated with higher water absorption capacity and reported for wheat flour (0.75g/g) (Akubor et al.,
enzymatic susceptibility (Rukshan, 2001). Particle 2013), breadfruit flour (1.55g/g) (Adepeju et al.,
size distributions for TSF are shown in Table 2. The 2011) and jackfruit seed flour (2.03g/g) (Chowdhury
results revealed that over 79% of the particles were et al., 2012). Major chemical compositions; protein
smaller than 0.15mm while only 21% greater than and carbohydrates are responsible for the increase

eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources

Medeiros et al. / Food Research 1 (3) (2017) 89 - 96 93

of the water absorption capacity of flour, as both reported for passion fruit kernel flour (10%) (Akubor

components are part of the polar hydrophilic (Eltayeb et al., 2013), wheat flour (8%) (Akubor et al.,
et al., 2011). Besides that, smaller particle size was 2013) and jackfruit seed flour (6%) (Chowdhury et
also associated with higher water intake. In addition, al., 2012). Gelation is an aggregation of denatured
the amount of water absorption capacity is also used molecules. Least gelation concentration varies with
as a parameter for the amount of water used during different flours in which influenced by the ratio of
gelatinization (Elkhalifa and Bernhardt, 2010) and protein, carbohydrates and fat in the flour (Kaur
the existence of a few amino acids in flour (Butt and Singh, 2005). The imbalances ratio of protein
and Batool, 2010). Water absorption characteristic to carbohydrate to fat (1:6:2) in the TSF may cause
also represents the ability of flour to associate with the possible interactions between these components.
water under conditions when water is limiting such Results of coagulation denatured molecules also
as dough and pastes. allowed gelatinization occurs, which involves the
TSF had higher oil absorption capacity (1.69g/g) thermal degradation of starch and associated to the
than jackfruit seed flour (0.97g/g) and wheat flour gelatinization ability of globulin ratio in flour (Wani et
(0.91g/g) as reported by Chowdhury et al. (2012) al., 2012). The least gelling concentration percentage
and Akubor et al. (2013), respectively. According to of TSF indicated the flour is not suitable to be used
Alzagtat and Alli (2002), the oil absorption capacity as gelling agent as compared to wheat flour jackfruit
depends on the existence of lipid-binding surface seed flour and breadfruit seed flour. Flours with low
of hydrophobic amino acids. Thus, oil absorption value of least gelation concentration are reported to
capacity of flour is well driven by the presence of be good thickening agents.
protein and high-fat content, which allows more oil to Foaming ability of TSF is lower (7.0%) than
be absorbed. Hydrophobic protein allows binding of wheat flour (40%), passion fruit kernel flour (20%)
lipids occurs. Variations in the polar chain that should and tapioca flour (13.6%) (Akubor et al., 2013).
not bind on the hydrocarbon chain of the oil to be Foaming ability of flours was affected by the higher
the cause for the differences oil absorption capacity protein content in the flour as the high foaming
(Adebowale and Lawal, 2004). The results showed ability reported for peanut flour (Yu et al., 2007).
that TSF may be suitable for retaining the taste of Good foamability is known to be associated with
food products due to high oil absorption capacity. flexible protein molecules that could reduce surface
The efficiency of emulsification by flour varies tension while highly ordered globular protein which
with the type, concentration and solubility of the is relatively difficult to surface denaturation gives
proteins (Elkhalifa and Bernhardt, 2010). Results low foamability (Onimawo and Akubor, 2012).
showed that TSF had 14.8% of emulsified ability According to Yu et al. (2007), besides the structure
which is higher than wheat flour (11%) but lower of the protein that plays an important role in foaming
than akee seed flour (25.65%) (Akintayo et al., 2002). ability, carbohydrate content in the flour also affected.
The emulsified ability of flour varies depending High carbohydrate content has a positive effect
on the type, concentration, and solubility of the on the foaming ability of flour as the hydrophilic
proteins (Elkhalifa et al., 2005). Emulsified ability component which is enables increasing the viscosity
decreases as the changes in coagulation proteins of the solution and at the same time will prevent
which are hydrophilic and hydrophobic protein allow gas bubbles destroyed (Poole, 1989). Therefore, the
interaction between the water and oil (Onimawo and ability of TSF to foam may be increased if mixed with
Akubor, 2012). Thus, the ability of flour to emulsified other starches such as wheat flour in the production
also influenced by the fat content in the flour. High- of bakery products.
fat content in the TSF caused low protein interactions The swelling ability test used in this study
with other components such as carbohydrate and measures the uptake of water by largely undisrupted
crude fiber. Negative effect can be seen on the ability granules in flour or starch at elevated temperature
of emulsified of high carbohydrate flour, while the in the absence of shear forces. It is a measure of
high crude fiber than protein in flour also prevents hydration capacity because the determination is a
the formation and stabilization of emulsions (Pollard weight measure of swollen starch granules and their
et al., 2002). Therefore, high content of crude fiber occluded water. The result for swelling power is
and fat than protein content in TSF indicate its presented in Figure 1. The swelling ability of flour
unsuitability usage in the production of mayonnaise samples increased with temperature. At 60°C (1.83
and sausages. ±0.32g/g) to 70°C (3.91±0.15g/g), the value of
The least gelation concentration of TSF was swelling ability slowly increased but its ability rapidly
12.00%. The value obtained was higher than results increased at 70°C to 80°C (8.07±0.52 g/g) until

eISSN: 2550-2166 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Rynnye Lyan Resources

94 Medeiros et al. / Food Research 1 (3) (2017) 89 - 96

reached 90°C (26.12±0.96g/g). The swelling power peak viscosity and a lower pasting temperature.
of native flour above 70°C increased rapidly due to Swelling of granules, accompanied by leaching
improvement in hydration of its starch as a result of of starch biopolymers, increased the viscosity and
gelatinization. The results obtained was in agreement during further heating, granules would rupture further
with the swelling ability of jackfruit seed flour that which resulted in a decrease in the viscosity.
swelled well at 85°C (Mukprasirt and Sajjaanantakul,
Table 4. Pasting properties of A. adorotisimmus seed
2004) while wheat flour showed lower swelling
Parameter Tarap seed flour
ability (7.02-8.72g/g) at the temperature of 80°C
Peak Time (min) 6.98 ± 0.54
(Appiah et al., 2011). This may due to the presence
of the protein component and the amount of starch in Pasting Temperature (°C) 85.5 ± 0.03
the flour (Goesaert et al., 2005). High-amylose starch Peak Viscosity (RVU) 1240 ± 0.21
present in charge of the low swelling ability (Bertuzzi Trough Viscosity (RVU) 1128 ± 0.14
et al., 2007), while the stability of the protein in flour Breakdown Viscosity (RVU) 112 ± 0.08
is dependent on the size, charge, hydrophobicity, and Final Viscosity (RVU) 1530 ± 0.11
flexibility of protein molecules (Turgeon et al., 1992). Setback Viscosity (RVU) 402 ± 0.12
Thus, the high swelling ability of TSF related to the Results are means ± standard error (n = 3)
low amylose content starch and protein stability.
As the starch paste cools, the viscosity increases
due to the formation of a gel held together by
intermolecular interactions involving amylose
and amylopectin molecules. The rate and extent of
swelling and breakdown are dependent on the type
and amount of starch, the temperature gradient,
shear force and composition of the mixture (Debet
and Gidley, 2007). TSF showed a lower breakdown
viscosity compared to breadfruit seed flour. A lower
breakdown suggests that TSF was more resistant
to heat and mechanical shear and hence less prone
to lost viscosity upon holding and shearing. The
Figure 1. Swelling ability of TSF at 60, 70, 80 and 90°C (n=3). final viscosity indicated the re-association of the
amylose molecules during the cooling period after
The RVA pasting properties of TSF is presented
gelatinization and a formation of a gel network. TSF
in Table 4. Rapid visco-analyzers (RVA) have
exhibited higher final viscosity than jackfruit seed
been extensively used for measuring starch paste
flour but lower than breadfruit seed flour. The setback
viscosity. It is a useful tool for studying starch
is defined as the degree of re-association between the
pasting properties and the effects of food ingredients
starch molecules involving amylose. The setback
on starch performance (Ravi et al., 1999). Samples
value recorded for TSF was 402 RVU. Akanbi et al.
were assessed for pasting temperature, peak time,
(2009) reported that the higher the setback value, the
peak paste viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown,
lower the retrogradation during cooling and the lower
final and setback viscosity. Pasting temperature and
the stale rate of the products made from the starch.
peak time were lower than wheat flour, as reported
by Ragaeea and Abdel-Aalb (2006). The values
Conflict of interest
obtained also lower than findings by Mukprasirt and
Sajjaanantakul (2004) and Adepeju et al. (2011) of
jackfruit and breadfruit seed flour, respectively. This The authors declare that there are no conflicts of
might be due to the higher rate of water absorption interest.
(as discussed earlier) that can increase swelling of
starch granules. Acknowledgments
The highest point during the heating cycle is the
peak viscosity. The peak viscosity is considered to The authors acknowledge the facilities provided
represent the equilibrium point between swelling and and financial supported by the Faculty of Food
rupture of starch granules (Newport Scientific, 1995). Science and Nutrition, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Peak viscosity of TSF was much higher than jackfruit (UMS) and Higher Educational Ministry of Malaysia
seed flour (Mukprasirt and Sajjaanantakul, 2004). for the study.
Lower amylose content was associated with a higher

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Medeiros et al. / Food Research 1 (3) (2017) 89 - 96 95

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