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to Journal of Political Economy
Reza Baqir
International Monetary Fund
I. Introduction
I am grateful to Alberto Alesina, James Alt, Alan Auerbach, Gary Cox, Barry Eichengreen,
Caroline Hoxby, Steven Levitt, David Romer, Pablo Spiller, and seminar participants at
Berkeley, Cambridge, Harvard, Institute for International Economic Studies (Stockholm
University), International Monetary Fund, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the
World Bank for helpful comments and discussions. This research was supported in part
by a grant from the MacArthur Foundation. The views expressed in this paper are those
of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the affiliated institution.
For a review of the empirical literature, see Alesina and Perotti (1999).
III. Data
The basic specification used in the paper is to regress measures of
government size on the size of the city council and other determinants
of government expenditures. The data have been combined from dif-
ferent sources. Fiscal data are taken from the 1992 Census of Govern-
ments conducted by the Census Department. Demographic and income
data are taken from the 1990 Census of Population.11 Data on the po-
litical structure of city governments have been combined from (i) a
1990 survey of city governments conducted by an association of local
governments in the United States, the International City/County Man-
agement Association (ICMA), and (ii) the 1992 Census of Governments,
Kontopoulos and Perotti (1999) look at the issue of the number of players as well as
the fragmentation of the budgetary process in affecting fiscal outcomes. They measure
the number of players alternatively as the number of political parties in a coalition gov-
ernment and as the number of spending ministries in a government. Using panel data
on 20 OECD countries for the period 1960–95, they find that the number of players
matters for fiscal outcomes but get some variation in which measure matters: for the 1970s
they find that the number of spending ministries matters whereas for the 1980s the number
of parties matters. Their results also cannot be compared directly since their dependent
variable is the change in expenditures as opposed to the level of expenditures.
However, see recent work by Persson and Tabellini (2001) and Milesi-Ferretti, Perotti,
and Rostagno (2002) on national electoral systems and the level and composition of
government spending.
The fiscal and demographic data were obtained from the County and City Compendium
1993 (Slater-Hall Information Products, Washington, D.C.), a data product similar to the
Census Department’s County and City Databook 1994 but providing more comprehensive
coverage of U.S. cities.
Attempted and Approved Changes in City Government Structure, 1980–90
Attempted Approved
Percentage Percentage
Type of Change Number of Total Number of Total
Any change in structure of
government 230 16.2 114 8.0
Increase council size 40 2.8 21 1.5
Decrease council size 20 1.4 11 .8
Change to district electoral system 82 5.8 35 2.5
Change to a mixed electoral system 34 2.4 17 1.2
Change the mix between the at-
large and district council
members 15 1.1 7 .5
Change the form of government 37 2.6 11 .8
Note.—Total number of cities in the sample is 1,420. The sample is smaller than that in table 4 below because of
data availability on questions of proposed and approved changes in city government structure.
Correlation between Measures of Government Size (Np1,987)
For a subset of the sample I had data on the income-based Gini coefficient and on
the city unemployment rate. The findings on inequality are robust to either measure used.
The unemployment variable was used to control for government spending responding to
unemployment for standard Keynesian reasons. The results on council size were robust
to including the unemployment rate in the regression.
The same equation estimated in log-log form yields an elasticity of council size with
respect to city population of 0.11. Taagepera and Shugart (1989, chap. 5) estimate a similar
equation for a cross section of countries in 1985 and report an elasticity of legislature size
(lower house) with respect to country population of 0.33.
Standard Number of
Variable Units Minimum Maximum Median Mean Deviation Observations
City government expenditures per capita $1,000 per capita .020 7.836 .641 .791 .539 1,991
All use subject to
The regressions for government size reported below control for these
measures of income and ethnic heterogeneity, and the coefficients on
these variables can be interpreted as capturing their direct impact on
government size, when the effects that may go through council size are
controlled for.
A. City Size
B. State-Specific Effects
Since state-specific factors, such as differing degrees of state fiscal de-
centralization, are likely to affect both local government spending and
local political structure, the fourth specification in table 4 controls for
a complete set of state fixed effects. The estimated coefficient on council
size drops to little over a third of its value. Figure 2 plots the logarithm
of the median per capita city expenditure in a state against the median
council size in the state and shows a strong positive correlation.18 Note,
however, the presence of influential observations: Washington, D.C.
(with one local government) and the New England states are clustered
on the upper-right side of the figure (fig. 3 excludes these states). Wash-
ington, being the nation’s capital and having the highest level of ex-
penditures per capita, can deserve special treatment. The New England
states are the oldest states in the United States with a history of liberal
and very democratic local government traditions. Some cities in the
New England states also use the town meeting form of local government,
which is unique to these states. A closer examination shows that the
reduction in the council size coefficient in the fourth specification is
Figures using the other two measures of government size look very similar.
accounted for by the New England effect. Running the fourth specifi-
cation with only the indicators for the New England states gives close
to the same reduction in the coefficient on council size.19 The results
are presented in row 1a of table 5. An F-test for the equality of the
coefficients on the six state indicators does not reject at conventional
levels, indicating that we could include one indicator variable for New
England states. Row 1b of table 5, which reports the coefficients and
standard errors on the council size variable when only this indicator is
included in the equation, confirms this. Does the relationship between
council size and government expenditures survive when we look only
at the non–New England states? The subsequent two rows in table 5
show that it does. Row 1c reports the coefficients when only non–New
England states are included in the sample and state indicators are not
included. The estimated coefficient for each measure of government
size is very close to the full sample regression with all state indicators
(col. 4 of table 4). Moreover, inclusion of state indicators in this
non–New England sample (row 1d of table 5) does not alter the coef-
ficient much for two of the three measures of government size, consis-
tent with the discussion above that the original reduction in the coef-
The New England states are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,
Rhode Island, and Vermont. The same holds if we include in addition an indicator for
Washington, D.C.
Fig. 3.—Council size and government expenditures: excluding Washington, D.C., and
New England.
ficient was coming from the New England states.20 Table 5 also pulls
together results from other specification tests, which are discussed in
detail below.
C. Reverse Causality
Evidence presented in Section III suggested that council size is costly
to change, which should limit concerns that results are contaminated
because of reverse causation. However, it is possible that over long pe-
riods, council size may have adjusted to incorporate spending prefer-
ences of cities.21 To address these concerns, I present results with in-
strumental variables, using the size of the city council in 1960 as an
instrument.22 Since we are going a fairly long period back in time, this
variable is likely exogenous to the spending decisions in 1990. However,
There are only 92 observations if we look at the New England sample. Regressions
for government size in this sample do not give any significant variable except racial het-
erogeneity. Note that even population is not significant, which indicates a not very good
fit of the model.
It is, though, not clear why greater government spending would require bigger coun-
cils. The council refers to the legislative function in government, whereas government
programs typically fall under the executive branch. Getting more government programs
is more likely to mean more government employees than more legislators.
The data come from Aiken and Alford (1972) and were obtained electronically from
the web site of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, http://, study 0028.
D. Discussion
In the rest of this section I present results from other sensitivity analysis
exercises carried out to check the robustness of the basic results. Table
5 pulls together the results from variations on the basic specification of
column 4 of table 4.24 For ease of reference, row 0 repeats the results
from table 4. The subsequent four rows were discussed above in the
context of state-specific effects. Row 1e presents one additional speci-
fication to control for state-specific effects: it controls for the share of
total revenue coming from state government as a proxy for the degree
of state influence in the fiscal affairs of the city. This share varies in the
sample from zero to 88 percent with a mean (median) share of 16
percent (13 percent). Row 1e shows that the council size coefficients do
not change much when we control for this variable. It is important to
note that for a good fit between theory and data, most of the revenue
needs to come from local sources. If most revenues came from, say, the
state government and cities lobbied to get greater revenues transferred
down, the appropriate measure of the “number of players” in the com-
mon pool would be the number of municipal governments in the state.
For the average city, 78 percent of the revenue comes from local sources
(median 81 percent). As a final check, I ran the basic regression of
table 5 with the log of the locally generated per capita government
revenue as the dependent variable. The estimated coefficient (standard
error) on ln(council size) is 0.0856 (0.038) with a p-value of .024, very
close to the original estimates of the effect on the size of government.
Coefficients on the control variables are suppressed to conserve space. Significant
differences in any of these variables are noted in the discussion. Complete results are
available on request.
This is in addition to controlling for the racial heterogeneity of the city population.
The effective number of ethnic groups is the reciprocal of one minus the ethnic variable
for the city council using data on council members by race. When racial groups are
distributed equally, this equals the number of racial groups. When groups are not dis-
tributed symmetrically, as in one large group and several small groups, it is less than the
number of groups to capture the “effective” number of groups. This is the same variable
used by, e.g., Taagepera and Shugart (1989), Ordeshook and Shvetsova (1994), and Cox
(1997) in their studies of the effects of electoral systems on the number of effective parties
in the legislature.
A. Electoral Systems
The key variation in electoral systems across cities is whether candidates
are elected from the entire city or from districts within the city.27 Of the
total number of cities in the sample, 56 percent have at-large systems,
17 percent have district systems, and the remaining 27 percent have a
mixed system in which some council members are elected by district
and some at large.28 Traditionally cities had district-based systems. At-
large systems were introduced in some cities around the turn of the last
century in part because it was believed that they would help to curtail
pork barrel–type spending by inducing council members to treat the
entire city as their constituency. For instance, Richard S. Childs, an early
municipal reformer, noted the following as a criticism of ward systems
(and a recommendation for at-large systems): “ward elections notori-
ously produced political small fry who intrigued in the council for petty
favors and sought appropriations for their wards in reckless disregard
of city-wide interests and the total budget” (1965, p. 37). In their review
of the argument for adopting at-large systems in U.S. cities, Engstrom
and McDonald (1986) note that council members elected at large were
“expected to make decisions on the basis of what they perceived to be
good for the entire city, not just one geographic or social segment of
it” (p. 203).
Alternatively, at-large council members, despite running from the
whole city, may have “home bases” or particular constituencies com-
prising subsets of the city population that they seek to distribute ex-
penditures to in exchange for votes.29 If so, we would expect the same
effect from increasing at-large council members as from increasing dis-
trict council members: an additional at-large council member represents
I have so far been using the terms “council size” and “number of districts” inter-
changeably. The two need not be the same in cities in which some council members are
elected at large. The results in this section will justify the use of council size as the relevant
right-hand-side variable.
For most cities, when council members are elected at large, they run from the entire
city. A few cities, however, have several multimember districts. Although I do not have the
data to distinguish between single-member and multimember district systems, Welch
(1990) collected these data in a survey and found that 1.9 percent of her sample were
such cities. For empirical purposes, therefore, I take the district electoral systems to mean
single-member district systems.
See Uslaner (1985) for a study of Israel’s Knesset, an extreme example of an at-large
system at the national level in which all representatives are elected from the entire country.
He shows that legislators identify themselves with particular constituencies within the
country along geographical, ethnic, and religious lines.
ln(Expenditures ln(Government
ln(Expenditures as Share of Employment
per Capita) City Income) per Capita)
(Np1,972) (Np1,972) (Np1,968)
Panel A
Majority at large ⫺.2056 ⫺.1848 ⫺.4662***
(.1358) (.1316) (.1442)
ln[council size (J)] .1510*** .1475*** .1252**
(.0507) (.0493) (.0504)
Majority at large#ln(J) .075 .0701 .2051***
(.0709) (.0686) (.0759)
Adjusted R 2 .33 .43 .45
Panel B
Pure#majority at large ⫺.1457 ⫺.1324 ⫺.3717**
(.1399) (.1358) (.1474)
Pure#ln(J) .1132** .1107** .0957*
(.0495) (.0483) (.05)
Pure#majority at large .0735 .0721 .1754**
#ln(J) (.0737) (.0716) (.0781)
Mixed#majority at large ⫺.676 ⫺.6248 ⫺.7596
(.457) (.432) (.4716)
Mixed#ln(J) .1743*** .1700*** .1448***
(.0502) (.0489) (.0504)
Mixed#majority at large .2953 .2721 .3939*
#ln(J) (.1961) (.1856) (.2192)
Adjusted R 2 .33 .43 .45
Panel C
Pure system .2651* .2599* .1896
(.1555) (.1515) (.1586)
Pure#district share#ln(J) .1190*** .1136*** .1688***
(.0438) (.0429) (.0461)
Pure#at-large share#ln(J) .1139** .1139** .1510***
(.0494) (.0484) (.0521)
Mixed#district share# .2620*** .2547*** .2561***
ln(J) (.0731) (.0716) (.0725)
Mixed#at-large share# .4129*** .3972*** .4461***
ln(J) (.0805) (.0784) (.0845)
Adjusted R 2 .33 .43 .45
Note.—Each panel corresponds to a different specification. All regressions include the complete set of controls of
table 4, including state indicators and population quintiles. Majority at large is an indicator variable for a city council
with a majority of at-large council members. J represents council size. Pure is an indicator for an electoral system in
which either all council members are elected by district or all at large, and mixed is an indicator for an electoral system
in which some council members are elected by district and some at large. District share (at-large share) is the share
of district (at-large) council members in the council. See text for the interpretation on the transformed variables in
panel C. Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
* Significant at the 10 percent level.
** Significant at the 5 percent level.
*** Significant at the 1 percent level.
ln (g) p a 0 ⫹ (1 ⫺ DM) 7 a1 ⫹ a 2 [ JD
ln ( J ) ⫹ a 3 ln ( J )
⫹ DM 7 a 4[ JD
ln ( J ) ⫹ a 5 ln ( J ) ⫹ b 7 Z ⫹ e,
where DM is an indicator for a city with a mixed electoral system. The
advantage of transforming the data on council members in this way is
that (a) under the null of a 2 p a 3 (alternatively a 4 p a 5), the inde-
pendent variable reduces to ln(J), allowing the estimated coefficients
to be compared to the previous specifications; and (b) a 2 1 a 3 (alter-
natively a 4 p a 5) if and only if ⭸g/⭸JD 1 ⭸g/⭸JL. Hence, a comparison of
a2 and a3 (and a4 and a5, respectively) allows us to compare the mag-
nitude of the effect for the two types of council members.31 The inter-
Chow tests to determine whether coefficients on all control variables should be freed
across mixed and nonmixed cities did not reject.
We can also run the regression log (g) p a1 ⫹ a2JD ⫹ a3JL ⫹ b 7 Z ⫹ e, separating the
coefficients across mixed and nonmixed systems as above and testing whether a3 p 0. The
magnitudes, however, cannot be compared with the previous set of results because of the
loglinear specification. The results are qualitatively the same. The estimated coefficients
(p-values) for expenditures per capita are the following, with the first two coefficients for
nonmixed and the second two for mixed systems: 0.120 (0.029), 0.010 (0.088), 0.019
(0.013), and 0.050 (0.000).
1. Discussion
The results in table 7 indicate that although critics of district systems
may have been right in thinking that district systems contribute to more
government spending, they were likely wrong in supposing that at-large
council members would not cater to particular constituencies within the
jurisdiction. The result, however, is all the more surprising since the
electoral system used in at-large city elections is a first-past-the-post sys-
tem, where voters typically are allowed to cast as many votes as there
are seats to be filled and candidates with the largest number of votes
are declared the winners. As discussed elsewhere in the literature on
electoral systems (e.g., Cox 1997), such systems tend to reduce the
number of groups in the legislature. For instance, if there is a majority
group and a racial minority group and people vote only for members
of their own group, it is possible for the legislature to consist entirely
of the majority group. The results show that even though at-large systems
may reduce council heterogeneity, council members still seek to target
government expenditure to particular groups, resulting in the contin-
uation of pork barrel–type spending. This is consistent with evidence
discussed above that the relationship between council size and govern-
ment size exists in both homogeneous and heterogeneous councils.
The results in table 7 also show that the estimated effects are larger
in cities with mixed electoral systems. One concern with this result might
be the following: if mixed systems tend to have fewer numbers of at-
large and district council members than pure at-large and pure district
systems, respectively, and if government size is a concave function of
council size, then we would automatically get bigger coefficients in the
mixed sample. This turns out not to be the case. Although there is
Mean Number of Council Members by Electoral System
B. Form of Government
Cities vary in their form of government and the powers they afford the
office of the executive. Table 9 gives a breakdown. Of the 1,696 cities
for which the form of government and mayor powers data are available,
roughly one-third (641) have the mayor-council form of government.
Subsequent rows show that this form is systematically associated with
greater powers afforded to the city mayor. Of mayor-council form cities,
98 percent have directly elected mayors and 74 percent give their mayors
veto powers, whereas of council-manager cities, 65 percent have directly
elected mayors and 11 percent give them veto powers.
One theme in the existing cross-county literature on political insti-
tutions and budgetary outcomes is that presidential systems of govern-
ment with strong executives can enforce fiscal discipline on a legislature
otherwise prone to overspending.33 The variation in political form of
government across cities in the United States (mayor-council and coun-
cil-manager systems) maps quite well to presidential and parliamentary
systems, and evidence from cities can relate interestingly to the debate
The regression corresponding to col. 4 in table 4, but replacing log(J) with J and J 2,
yields the following coefficients (standard errors) on the linear and quadratic terms: 0.0263
(0.0086) and ⫺0.0006 (0.00027), respectively. Both coefficients are statistically significant
at 5 percent in this regression. However, the quadratic term loses significance in some of
the sensitivity analysis regressions of table 5.
See the review by Alesina and Perotti (1999) and other papers in the Poterba and
von Hagen (1999) volume.
Distribution of Mayor Powers
Regressions for Form of Government
ln(Expenditures ln(Government
ln(Expenditures per as Share of Employment
Capita) City Income) per Capita)
Panel A
Mayor-council form .2619 .2165 ⫺.0144
(.1716) (.166) (.1771)
ln[council size (J)] .2213*** .2171*** .1758**
(.0701) (.0673) (.0687)
Mayor-council form# ⫺.1601* ⫺.1407* ⫺.0156
ln(J) (.0871) (.0842) (.0881)
Observations 1,451 1,451 1,449
Adjusted R 2 .35 .45 .47
Panel B
Mayor veto .4665*** .4348*** .2978*
(.1746) (.1684) (.1772)
ln[council size (J)] .2051*** .2008*** .2019***
(.0669) (.0655) (.0734)
Mayor veto#ln(J) ⫺.2222** ⫺.2060** ⫺.1391
(.0878) (.085) (.0895)
Observations 1,432 1,432 1,430
Adjusted R 2 .35 .45 .47
Panel C
Specification OLS 2SLS OLS 2SLS OLS 2SLS
Mayor veto .469 1.411 .500 1.358 .806* 1.295
(.405) (1.056) (.393) (1.021) (.426) (1.104)
ln[council size (J)] .263** .624** .268** .612*** .678*** .858***
(.131) (.225) (.126) (.217) (.137) (.235)
Mayor veto#ln(J) ⫺.208 ⫺.668 ⫺.219 ⫺.646 ⫺.359* ⫺.559
(.204) (.513) (.198) (.496) (.214) (.536)
Observations 343 343 343 343 343 343
Adjusted R 2 .11 .08 .18 .15 .19 .17
Note.—Each panel corresponds to a different specification. Mayor-council form is an indicator for whether the
government has declared a mayor-council form of government. J represents council size. Mayor veto is an indicator for
whether the city mayor has powers to veto council-passed measures. Regressions include all other controls of table 4,
except panel C, where state indicators are not included. 2SLS specifications in panel C use 1960 values of council size
and mayor-council form as instruments. Robust standard errors are in parentheses.
* Significant at the 10 percent level.
** Significant at the 5 percent level.
*** Significant at the 1 percent level.
VI. Conclusion
The purpose of this paper was to test whether the size of government
is sensitive to the number of people making spending proposals out of
a common revenue pool. Evidence from U.S. cities shows that scaled
measures of government size do indeed go up with the number of
legislators in a city government. The finding is robust to consideration
of a number of possibly omitted variables and specifications. When con-
cerns of potential reverse causality are addressed by instrumenting with
the size of the city council 30 years go, the estimated magnitude of the
effect becomes stronger. An estimate for the elasticity of government
size with respect to the number of districts is 0.11. The findings also
show that government size increases with the racial heterogeneity of the
city, with a measure of the skewness of the income distribution, and
that it decreases with city population in small cities but increases in large
cities. Given the basic finding, the paper also looked at whether councils
(a) dominated by legislators elected at large and (b) with strong mayors
are able to break this relationship between the number of players and
government size. The evidence suggests “no” to the first question and
“yes” to the second.
Given the relatively good fit between theory and the data at hand,
these findings are important for policy. They argue, first of all, that for
any government, keeping the fiscal house in order depends in large
part on how many people get to spend out of the tax revenue pool.
When more people are added, everybody, including the incumbents,
raises his or her spending decisions. Second, they show the relative
fruitlessness and relative usefulness, respectively, of the following two
ways to contain this spending tendency: electing council members at
large and giving executives strong powers. Given that these city govern-
ments share many features with national governments, these findings
have interesting implications for countries or states considering changes
in the political process to address chronic fiscal problems. They imply
that whether legislators run for office from the entire jurisdiction or
from geographical districts within it, their decisions with respect to gov-
ernment spending do not differ: giving the executive veto powers may
be a better way to enforce discipline on the legislature.
These findings, however, have left certain areas unaddressed. First is
the hard issue of welfare consequences. Lower spending may be ben-
eficial for all if the point of departure is a state of overspending arising
from a common-pool problem and if it is brought down for all districts.
It may not be beneficial if existing spending is too low or the distribution
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