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GO Salary Related HOA

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Memo.No. 2162-E 2020 Dated:27-03-2020

Sub:- Budget 2020-21-Quarterly authorization -Authorization to admit the

bills for the lst quarter without insisting distribution statement -
Instructions ~ Issued.
Ref:- G.O.Ms.No.24, Finance (BG) Department, dt.23-03-2020.


All Treasury Officcrs, Pay and Accounts Officcrs (Works & Projects) and Pay and
Accounts Officer (Twin Cities) arc pcrmittcd to admit the bills into audit for
consideration to the extent of lst quarter i.c., for the months of April, May and June
2020 of t.hc financial year 2020-21 undcr the following dctallcd heads pending receipt
of the distribution statcmcnts from the dcpartmcnts conccrncd and authorization from
lhc Director of Trcasurics and Accounts. The c`xpcnditurc shall be restricted to the
cxtcnt of amount distribut.cd for rirst. quarter by Heads of Dcpartmcnts during last
rinancial year i.c 2019-20 (Full Budget) and alst] by adjusting the excess expenditure,
if any, in the 2nd quarter when authorization is rcccivcd for the following detailed
heads of account both under Schcmc and Establishmcnt.

010 Salaries
020 Wages
040 Pensionary Charges
110/111 Traveling Allowance
130/131 utility paLyments
130/133 Water Charges
130/135 Electricity Charges
140 Rents, Rates and Taxes
230 Cost of Ration/Diet Charges
240 Petrol, Oil and I,ubricants
280/282 Payments to Home guards
280/283 Payments to Anganwadi workers
280/286 Honorarium to VRAs
280/288 Payments to Junior Panchyat Secretaries
290 Work Charged Establishment
300/301 Contract Appointments
300/302 Outsourcing Engagements
310/311 Grants-in-Aid towards Salaries
450 Interest Payments

2. The Director of Trcasurics and Accounts, Hydcrabad shall issue

authorization towards payment of salaries to the Teaching/Non Teaching Staff
of aidcd institutions, Payments to Anganwadi workers, Helpers and Other
Contractual Scrviccs and communicate to all STOs online.

3. These orders arc issued to facilitate in the process of incurring

expenditure on the essential items to avoid delay as Heads of the Departments
may take some time to send distribution statement for authorization. A Copy
of the Tealangana Appropriation Act, 2020 has bcon sent to all Secretariat
Departments and Heads of Dcpartmcnts. Hence, Hcads of the Departments
are requested to send distribut.ion statements to Director of Treasuries and
Accounts latest by 15th April, 2020 (through online) so as to authorize the
cxpenditurc under the appropriate heads of account.

4. Budget Rclcasc Orders/I,OCs arc being issucd scparatcly by Finance

Dcpartmcnt under 13stablishmcnt under the dctailcd heads 270 Minor Works,
310/312 Other Grants-in-Aid, 520 Machinery and Equipment and for all
schemes under Scheme F,xpcnditurc. All thc Sccrctariat Departments and
Heads of Dcpartmcnts arc rcqucstcd to take ncccssary action to get necessary
budget authorization and opcratc upon the budget by following due procedures
in vogue.

5. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Pay and Accounts officer (Twin
Cities) and Director of Works Accounts shall cnsurc that the expenditure
incurred as per para 1 above shall be adjusted within the budget allocated and
distribution statements furnished by the dcpartmcnts.

6. The Director of Treasuries, Director of works Accounts and Accounts,

Pay and Accounts Officcr (Twin Cities) Shall take ncccssary action accordingly.

The Director of Trcasurics and Accounts, Tclangana, Hydcrabad.
The Pay and Accounts Officcr, Tclangana, Hydcrabad.
The Director of Works Accounts, Tclangana, Hydcrabad.
AIl the Deputy Directors/District Treasury Officers in the State.
Copy to:
All Heads of Departments.
All Sccrctariat Dcpartmcnts.
All the Collector and District Magistrates in the State.
The Deputy PAO, Sccrctariat 13ranch, Hydcrabad.
All EBS in Finance Dcpartmcnt.


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