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Course Structure and Syllabus

(From Academic Session 2018-19 onwards)



Course Structure
(From Academic Session 2018-19 onwards)

B.Tech 4th Semester: Electrical Engineering

Semester IV/ B.TECH/EE
Hours per Week Credit Marks
Sl. No. Sub-Code Subject

1 EI181401 Electrical Measurements 3 1 0 4 30 70

2 EI181402 Control Systems 3 1 0 4 30 70

3 EE181403 Electrical Machines-II 3 1 0 4 30 70

4 EE181404 Power System-I 3 1 0 4 30 70

5 EI181405 Signals and Systems 3 0 0 3 30 70

6 MC181406 Environmental Science 2 0 0 - 100

1 EI181412 Control Systems Lab 0 0 2 1 15 35

2 EE181413 Electrical Machines-II Lab 0 0 3 1.5 15 35

3 EI181411 Electrical Measurements Lab 0 0 2 1 15 35

TOTAL 17 4 7 22.5 195 555

Total Contact Hours per week : 28
Total Credit: 22.5

N.B. 1. MC181406 is a Mandatory Audit Course (No Credit). It will be evaluated as PP (Pass) or NP (Not
2. 2-3 weeks Mandatory Academia Internship need to be done in the 4th semester break and the
report is to be submitted and evaluated in 5th semester

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Detail Syllabus:

Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit

EI181401 Electrical Measurements 3-1-0 4

 Higher School Physics
 Higher School Mathematics
 Basic concept of Electrical Engineering
 Explanation of fundamental measuring concept in various measuring instruments and their
practical applications in Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation Engineering fields.

At the end of this course, the students will be able to

Students will be able to understand the basic concept of static and dynamic characteristics of an
instrument and along with that they will be able to identify different types of measuring instruments.
Students will be able to describe the working principle of different types of instruments along with
their applications in electrical engineering field.
Students will be able to compute electrical voltage, current, power, power loss, energy, frequency,
power factor, flux density, iron loss, permeability etc. and physical parameters like pressure, flow
speed etc. using different types of instruments and methods.
Students will be able to compute the electrical parameters (R, L, C, frequency etc.) using DC and AC
Bridge with the help of different methods
Students will be able to understand the working principle, construction and applications of an
instrument transformers and the potentiometer.

MODULE 1: Characteristic of Instruments and Measuring Systems (2 Lectures)

Static characteristic – accuracy, sensitivity, reproducibility, drift, static error and dead zone. Dynamic
characteristic- response to step and sinusoidal signals. Errors occurring in measurement.

MODULE 2: Measuring Instruments (6 Lectures)

Electro-dynamic, rectifier and induction type ammeters and voltmeters – construction, operation,
errors and compensation, Electro-dynamic and induction type watt meters, Single phase induction type
energy meter. MC and MI type power factor meters. Electrodynamometer type frequency meter,
Synchroscope. Digital Voltmeters and Ammeters, Digital Wattmeters and Energy Meters Electro-
dynamic, rectifier and induction type ammeters and voltmeters – construction, operation, errors and
compensation, Electro-dynamic and induction type watt meters, Single phase induction type energy

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meter. MC and MI type power factor meters. Electrodynamometer type frequency meter,
Synchroscope. Digital Voltmeters and Ammeters, Digital Wattmeters and Energy meters.

MODULE 3: Sensors and Transducers (3 Lectures)

Sensors and Transducers for physical parameters: temperature, pressure, torque, flow, Speed and
Position Sensors; Hall Sensors.

MODULE 4: Measurement of Resistance (4 Lectures)

Wheatstone bridge method – sensitivity of the Wheatstone Bridge – precautions to be taken while
making precision measurements, Limitations, Carey-Foster slid Wire Bridge.
Measurement of low resistance – Kelvin’s Double Bridge.
Measurement of high resistance – direct deflection method. Measurement of volume and surface
receptivity. Loss of charge method. Measurement of insulation resistance with power on.

MODULE 5: Potentiometers (5 Lectures)

D. C. potentiometer – basic principle. Laboratory type potentiometer. Methods of standardization.
Applications- calibration of ammeters and voltmeters, measurement of resistance and power -
calibration of watt meters. Volt ratio box, A. C. potentiometers – difference between A. C. and D. C.
potentiometers. Types - polar and co-ordinate type. Application of A. C. potentiometer.

MODULE 6: A. C. Bridge (4 Lectures)

General principle, Balance equation. Sources and Detectors used in A. C. Bridges. Balance condition
and Phasor diagrams of Maxwell’s bridge, Anderson’s bridge, Owen’s bridge, De Sauty’s bridge, Low
voltage Schering Bridge, Heavy-side mutual inductance Bridge.

MODULE 7: Magnetic Measurement (3 Lectures)

Magnetic hysteresis, alternating current magnetic testing, separation of iron losses. Measurement of
iron losses by the watt meter method, Cambell’s bridge method and the Oscillo graphic method.

MODULE 8: Instrument Transformer (5 Lectures)

Use of instrument transformers – ratio, burden. Theory and operation of CTs and PTs – errors and
compensation – CT testing – mutual inductance method, Silbee’s method. PT testing – comparison
method. Power and energy measurement using CTs and PTs. Effect of reverse polarity connection of
one of the CTs on 3-phase energy meter.

MODULE 9: C.R. O (2 Lectures)

Basic construction, main parts, principle of operation, Applications.

Text Books:
1. Golding and Widdis – Electrical Measurements and measuring instruments. AH WHEELER &
2. A.K. Sawhney – Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation Dhanpat rai & Co

Reference Books:
1. Electronic Instrumentations H.S. Kalsi
2. Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments by U.A Bakshi, A.V. Bakshi
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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
EI181402 Control Systems 3-1-0 4

Prerequisites: Laplace transforms techniques


 To introduce the fundamental concepts of control systems

 To study the time domain analysis of control systems
 To study the stability of control systems


At the end of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Define, classify and compare different types of control systems

CO2: Derive transfer function of control systems
CO3: Analyze and determine the time response of control systems
CO4: Analyze stability of control systems using analytical and graphical techniques
CO5: Apply analytical and graphical techniques to design control systems

MODULE 1: Elementary Concepts of Control Systems

Definition, open loop and closed loop systems, definitions and examples of linear, non-linear, time-
invariant and time variant, continuous and discrete control system, block diagram representation of
control systems.

MODULE 2: Models of Physical Systems

Transfer function: definition and properties, poles, zeros and pole-zero map, formulation of differential
equations for physical systems and derivation of transfer function: mechanical and electrical systems,
derivation of transfer function using block diagrams reduction techniques and signal flow graphs,
signal flow graph from block diagram, analogous systems.

MODULE 3: Introduction to Control System Components

Error detectors, rotary potentiometers, servomotors, tacho-generators, servo amplifiers and
determination of transfer functions.

MODULE 4: Time Domain Analysis:

Concept of transient response and steady-state response, standard test signals - step, ramp, parabolic
and impulse signals, time response of first order and second order systems, closed loop transfer
function, characteristic equation, performance specifications in time domain, derivative and integral
control and their effects on the performance of the 2nd order systems, system types and error constants,
generalized error coefficients, transient response of higher order systems (outline only).

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MODULE 5: Stability Analysis
Concepts of control system stability, relation between stability and pole locations, Routh-Hurwitz
stability criterion, scopes and limitations of the criterion, root-locus techniques, system analysis and
design using root-locus technique.

MODULE 6: Frequency Response Analysis

Frequency response and its specifications, stability analysis using frequency response plots: Bode plot,
polar plot, log-magnitude vs phase plots, Nyquist plot and Nyquist stability criterion, M and N circle.

MODULE 7: Compensation Techniques

Preliminary design specifications in time and frequency domain, gain compensation, lead and lag

Text Books:
1. Nagrath and Gopal: Control Systems Engineering
2. K Ogata: Modern Control Engineering

Reference Books:
1. B Kuo: Automatic Control Systems
2. A Anand Kumar: Control Systems
3. Salivahanan, Rengaraj and Venkata krishnan: Control Systems Engineering
4. Gibson and Teylor: Control System Components

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
EE181403 Electrical Machines -II 3-1-0 4

Course Outcomes:

At the end of the course, the student will be able:

To apply the knowledge of electro-magnetic to explain the working of an induction motor.

To apply the knowledge of equivalent circuit, basic equations for determination of torque, power and
efficiency and to perform laboratory test for determination of motor parameters.

To analyze the performance of induction motors based on their control and applications.

To have the knowledge of working principles of alternators and their role in electrical power
Also, they will know about the characteristics of synchronous motors and their applications.

To have knowledge of principle of operation of various motors, such as universal motor, repulsion
motor, reluctance motor, stepper motor and BLDC motor, and their field of applications.

MODULE 1: Fundamentals of AC Machine Windings (7 Lectures)

Physical arrangement of windings in stator and cylindrical rotor; slots for windings, single turn coil -
active portion and overhang, full-pitch and short-pitch coils, concentrated winding, distributed
winding, winding axis, 3D visualization of the above winding types, winding factors. Air-gap MMF
distribution with fixed current through - concentrated and distributed and Sinusoidally distributed
MODULE 2: Poly-phase Induction Machines (10 Lectures)
Construction, Types (squirrel cage and slip-ring). Three windings spatially shifted by 120 degrees
(carrying three-phase balanced currents), revolving magnetic field. Operating principle of poly-phase
induction motors. Torque Slip Characteristics, Starting and Maximum Torque, Equivalent circuit,
Phasor Diagram, Losses and Efficiency, Effect of parameter variation on torque speed characteristics
(variation of rotor and stator resistances, stator voltage, frequency), Methods of starting, braking and
speed control for induction motors; Generator operation, Self-excitation, Doubly-fed Induction
MODULE 3: Single-phase Induction Motors (5 Lectures)
Constructional features of single phase induction motor. Magnetic field produced by a single winding
- fixed current and alternating current. Double revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, determination
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of parameters, Split-phase starting methods and applications.

MODULE 4: Synchronous Machines (12 Lectures)

Construction and principles of operation of synchronous generators, emf equation. Armature reaction,
leakage reactance, synchronous reactance, and impendence of non-salient pole machines. Short circuit
and open circuit tests, short circuit ratio, M M F in salient and non-salient pole machines. Calculation
of regulation by synchronous impedance method. MMF method and ASA method.

Introduction to two-reactance theory, locus diagram of synchronous impedance, slip test, damper
winding and oscillation of synchronous machines, Synchronization, power angle diagram and
synchronizing power. Sub-transient and transient reactance of synchronous machine. Parallel
operation and load sharing of synchronous machines.

Construction and principles of operation of synchronous motor. Phasor diagram, effect of varying
excitation, effect of load variation, V-curve, O-curve, power angle diagram and stability, Hunting,
Two-reaction theory of salient-pole motor, Starting. Use as synchronous phase modifiers.

MODULE 5: Other Motors (6 Lectures)

1-Phase Commutator Motors: Universal and repulsion motors: Construction and principle of
operation, Starting methods, Speed control, Improvement of commutation and power-factor by
Reluctance Motors (Conventional and Switched): Construction and principle of operation, Speed-
torque characteristic.
Stepper Motor: Construction and principle of operation, types, characteristics. Selection and
Brush-less DC motor (BLDC): Construction and principle of operation, types and applications.

Text Books:
1. E. Fitzgerald and C. Kingsley, "Electric Machinery, McGraw Hill Education, 2013.
2. P. S. Bimbhra, ―Electrical Machinery‖, Khanna Publishers, 2011.
3. M. N. Bandopadhyay, ―Electrical Machines: Theory and Practice‖, PHI

Reference Books:
1. M. G. Say, ―Performance and design of AC machines‖, CBS Publishers, 2002.
2. I.J. Nagrath and D. P. Kothari, ―Electric Machines‖, McGraw Hill Education, 2010.
3. A. S. Langsdorf, ―Alternating current machines‖, McGraw Hill Education, 1984.
4. P. C. Sen, ―Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics‖, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
5. B. L. Theraja, A. K. Theraja, ―A Text Book of Electrical Technology Vol II A.C. and D.C.
Machines‖, S. Chand & Co., 2015.

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
EE181404 Power System-I 3-1-0 4


 Basic Electrical Engineering


1. To impart knowledge on the basic structure of power system and mechanical/electrical design of
overhead lines.
2. To familiarize different types of tower structure and environmental effects on sag calculation.
3. To understand various aspects of underground cables and their increasing uses in power system.
4. To give an idea about the fundamental concepts of electrical power distribution, both AC & DC


At the end of this course, the students will be able to

CO1: Students will be able to articulate the basics of power system and relate theoretical concepts in
engineering problems.

CO2: Students will be able to analyse the performance of transmission lines and its parameters.

CO3: Students will be able to classify different types of insulators and design an environmentally
safe supporting structure of transmission line by computing sag and ground clearance given
the terrain in which transmission is to be provided.

CO4: Students will be able to apply knowledge with justification in technical issues involved during
selection and laying of underground cables.

CO5: Students will be able to classify different types of AC and DC distribution systems.

MODULE 1: General Introduction (2 Lectures)

Basic structure of power system: Generation, transmission and distributions. Various levels of power
transmission and basic layout arrangement of an inter-connected power system network.

MODULE 2: Transmission Line Parameters (8 Lectures)

Conductor materials, Types of conductors- ACSR, expanded ACSR, Stranded, bundle and composite
conductors; Use of standard wire tables. Current distortion Effect-Skin effect and proximity effect.

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Inductance of a 1-phase system with composite conductors; Inductance and capacitance of 1-ph & 3-
ph single circuit and double circuit transmission lines with symmetrical and unsymmetrical spacing;
Transposition; Concept of G.M.D. Effect of earth in 1-ph and 3-ph lines; Charging current.

MODULE 3: Performance of Transmission Lines (8 Lectures)

Classification of transmission lines- short, medium and long lines: Nominal- T and Nominal- pi
representation of medium line. Analysis of long transmission line (Rigorous method). Regulation &
efficiency; Generalised Network Constants of a transmission line. Evaluation of ABCD constants from
mathematical models (short & medium); SIL, Ferranti effect.

MODULE 4: Mechanical Design (10 Lectures)

(a) Line support: Supporting structure for overhead lines, Towers

(b) Insulators: Types of insulators; Voltage distribution on an insulator string; Stringing efficiency;
Methods of grading of insulators and static shielding; Testing of insulators.
(c) Sag: Calculation of sag & tension – effect of wind and ice loading; Support at different levels;
Spacing between conductors.
Introduction: Stringing chart, Sag template, Vibration and Vibration damper, Conductor spacing
and ground clearance.
(d) Corona: Electric stress at surface of overhead line conductors; Disruptive critical voltage; Visual
critical voltage; Corona loss; Factors effecting corona loss; Method of reducing loss; Radio
interference – electrostatic and electromagnetic interference with communication lines.

MODULE 5: Underground Cable (7 Lectures)

Different types of underground cables; Insulating materials; Insulation resistance; Breakdown of cable
insulation; High voltage cables – Internal & external gas pressure cables, Gas filled cables;
Capacitance of single and multi-core cables; Grading of cables; Insulation; Sheath losses; Dielectric
losses; Thermal ratings; Testing of cables; Method of cable laying and cable joining; Maximum
current carrying capacity of cables.

MODULE 6: Distribution (5 Lectures)

Classification of distribution system-AC & DC; Design consideration in a distribution system; Scheme
of connection- Radial, Ring, Interconnected DC distribution, stepped distributors Concentrated and
distributed loads in radial distributors fed at one and both ends. Ring distributor with interconnector.

Text Books:
1. Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution – S. Sivanagaraju, S. Satyanarayana
2. Electrical Power System---C. L. Wadha.
3. Principle of power system—V.K. Mehta, Rohit Mehta
4. A course in Power System- J. B. Gupta
5. Electrical Power Delivery Systems- R. Jayashri…

Reference Books:
1. Power System Engineering- Nagrath and Kothari
2. Switchgear and Protection—S.S. Rao
3. Switchgear and Protection-- M.V. Despande.
4. Electrical Power—S. L. Uppal.
5. Electrical Power System’s design—M.V. Despande.

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
EI181405 Signals and Systems 3-0-0 3


1. To study fundamental concepts of signals, its processing and systems

2. To study mathematical tools for signal analysis


After successful completion of the course student should be able to:

CO1: Identify various types of signals in continuous-time and discrete-time domain

CO2: Understand Linear Time Invariant (LTI) system and its properties to obtain the response of the
system using convolution sum and convolution integral
CO3: Apply knowledge of Fourier Series and Fourier Transform to obtain the frequency domain
representation and analysis of signals and systems
CO4: Apply sampling techniques for processing of signals
CO5: Apply knowledge of Z transform and LTI system to design and realize digital filters: FIR and
IIR filters
MODULE 1: Introduction to Signals And Systems (6 Lectures)
Definitions, continuous-time (CT) and discrete-time (DT) signals, exponential and sinusoidal signals,
signal energy and power, even and odd signals, periodic signals, transformation of independent
variables: time-shift, time-reversal and time-scaling, CT and DT systems and their classification, basic
properties of CT and DT systems.

MODULE 2: LTI Systems (6 Lectures)

DT LTI systems: convolution sum, CT LTI systems: convolution integral, properties of LTI systems:
commutative, distributive and associative properties, LTI systems with and without memory,
invertibility, causality and stability of LTI systems, systems described by differential and difference
equations, block diagram of LTI systems

MODULE 3: Fourier Series Analysis of Signals (5 Lectures)

Response of LTI systems to complex exponential, representation of periodic signals: The Fourier
series, properties of Fourier series, convergence of Fourier series.

MODULE 4: Fourier Transform Analysis of Signals (6 Lectures)

Representation of a-periodic signals: The Fourier Transform, properties of Fourier transform, System
analysis by Fourier Transforms, convergence of Fourier transform.

MODULE 5: Sampling (5 Lectures)

Sampling theorem, effect of under-sampling, reconstruction of a signal from its samples, Spectrum of
sampled signal.

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MODULE 6: Z-Transform (6 Lectures)
Definitions, region of convergence, properties of Z-transform, inversion of Z-transforms, system
function, applications to system analysis.

MODULE 7: Digital Filters (6 Lectures)

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) systems, FIR and IIR filters,
realization of FIR and IIR systems

Text Books:
1. Oppenheim, A.V., Willsky, A.S., Nawab, S. H.: Signals and Systems, Prentice Hall India
2. Rawat, T.K.: Signals and Systems, Oxford University Press
3. Proakis, J.G.& Manolikis, D.G.: Digital Signal Processing-principles, algorithms and applications,
Prentice Hall India

Reference Books:
1. Robert, M. J.: Signals and Systems, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Mitra, S.K.: Digital Signal Processing-a computer based approach, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Xavier, E: Signals, Systems & Signal Processing, S. Chand & Co.
4. Mastering MATLAB, Pearson Education (for Laboratory use)

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Hours per week Credit
Course Code Course Title
MC181406 Environmental Science 2-0-0 0

MODULE 1: Environment and Ecology

i. Introduction
ii. Environment and Ecology
iii. Objectives of ecological study
iv. Aspects of Ecology
a) Autecology
b) Synecology
v. Ecosystem
a) Structural and functional attributes of an ecosystem
b) Food chain and food web
c) Energy flow
d) Biogeochemical cycles
MODULE 2: Land: Use and Abuse
i. Land use: Impact of land – use on environmental quality
ii. Land degradation
iii. Control of land degradation
iv. Waste land
v. Wet lands
MODULE 3: Water Pollution
a) Introduction
b) Water quality standards
c) Water pollution
d) Control of water pollution
e) Water pollution legislations
f) Water quality management in Rivers

MODULE 4: Air Pollution

i. Introduction
a) Air pollution system
b) Air pollutants
ii. Air pollution laws
iii. Control of air pollution
a) Source correction method
b) Pollution control equipment
MODULE 5: Noise Pollution
i. Introduction
ii. Sources of noise pollution
iii. Effects of noise
a) Physical effects
b) Physiological effects
c) Psychological effects
iv. controls of Noise pollution

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Text / Reference Books:
1. Environmental engineering and management by Dr Suresh Dhameja
2. Environmental studies by Dr B.S. Chauhan
3. Environmental science and engineering by Henry and Hence
4. Environmental studies for undergraduate course by Dr Susmitha Baskar
5. Chemistry for environmental engineering and science by Clair Sawyer

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
EI181412 Control Systems Lab 0-0-2 1

Course Objectives:

1. To enhance the learning experience of the students in topics encountered in Control Systems using
MATLAB software
2. To get hands-on experience in using the control system kits which are developed to learn the
fundamental concepts of control systems and control system components

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course the students will be able to

1. Use MATLAB software to learn control systems (CO1)

2. Analyze the response of control system by measuring relevant parameters (CO2)
3. Interpret the role of various components in control system (CO3)
4. Compare theoretical predictions with experimental results and attempt to resolve any apparent
differences (CO4)

Laboratory Course: PART I:

Problems related to theory course on 'Control System' (EI181412) and to be solved using MATLAB
software are to be given as assignments.

Laboratory Course: PART II:


1. Light Intensity Control Systems

2. DC Position Control Systems
3. Potentiometer Error Detector
4. Speed-Torque Characteristics of DC Servomotor
5. Synchro-Transmitter Control Transformer pair as an Error Detector

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
EE181413 Electrical Machines-II Lab 0-0-3 1.5

Course Objectives:
The Electrical Machines-I Laboratory is designed to provide the students with the practical knowledge
of electrical machines specifically keeping in view the following objectives:

1. to get hands-on experience in performing the basic tests on electrical machines

2. to reinforce the theoretical concepts with related practical understanding
3. to know about the various precautionary measures necessary in handling electrical machines

Course Outcome:
After completing this course, the students will
be familiar with the mode of starting, switching-off, and taking precautionary measures while handling
electrical machines
be able to reinforce their theoretical concepts by way of experimentation
develop report writing skill


1. Retardation test on a D.C. Machine

2. No-load test and blocked-rotor test on 3-phase induction motor
3. Working of Single phase and three-phase Induction Regulator
4. V-Curves of a synchronous motor
5. Slip-Test on Alternator
6. Regulation of alternator by synchronous impedance and MMF method
7. Measurement of real and reactive power of induction generator
8. Synchronization of alternators

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Course Code Course Title Hours per week Credit
EI181411 Electrical Measurements Lab 0-0-2 1

Course Objectives:
The Electrical Measurement Lab gives idea about how to visualize and work in laboratory environment
and how to work in a team. Students understand the applications of various A.C and D.C Bridge in
practical Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering field. Students learn about how to measure
resistance, Inductance, Capacitance, Voltage, Current, Power, Power Factor and Electrical Energy
using different experiments in the Lab.

Course Outcomes (CO)

After completing this course
1. Student will be able to measure the resistance, inductance and capacitance using DC and AC
2. Student will be able to calibrate and test single phase energy meter and to measure 3-phase active
power with balanced 3-phase R-L load.
3. Student will be able to calibrate and test single phase current and potential transformers and
measures the core loss in magnetic circuit.


1. To Measure the Low Resistance of a Wire or Rod Using Student Kelvin Double Bridge
2. To Measure the inductance of a given coil by Anderson Bridge method
3. To Measure Unknown Inductance and Capacitance by Maxwell’s L/C Bridge
4. To Measure unknown value of Capacitance using Wien Bridge
5. To Measure the Value of unknown Capacitance by Schering Bridge
6. Calibration of single phase energy meter with resistive load To Measure 3-phase Power by Two
Wattmeter Method
7. To Measure 3-phase Power by Two Wattmeter Method
8. Study of CT and PT
9. Lissajous Pattern using CRO
10. Temperature measurement using RTD
11. Temperature measurement using Thermistor
12. Temperature measurement using Thermocouple


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