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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503


Competency-focused Outcome-based Green Curriculum-2021(COGC-2021)


Course Title: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

(Code: 4340503)

Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Semesterinwhichoffered

Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 4th Semester

Diploma Chemical engineer has to deal with the laws of thermodynamics which are
applied to flow and non-flow processes in the plant to evaluate heat effects and energy
transformation calculation accompanying physical and chemical changes, for calculating
temperature change and to determine power generation efficiencies of engines and
power plants. Understanding of basic concepts and application of thermodynamics are
therefore necessary for chemical engineers. Hence the course has been designed to
develop these competencies and its associated cognitive and effective domain learning

The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
 Solve the problems related to heat and work requirements for physical and chemical
 Identify the various phase behavior of different fluids.
 Explain the working principles of heat engine, heat pump and refrigeration and
calculate efficiency

The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are
to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry-
oriented COs associated with the above-mentioned competency:

1. Understand the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics

2. Apply the Concept of First Law of Thermodynamics for flow and non-flow processes.
3. Use the equation of state for ideal gas and real gas to predict PVT behavior of fluid.
4. Apply the Concept of second Law of Thermodynamics.
5. Apply the laws of thermodynamics in refrigeration

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503


Teaching Scheme Total Examination Scheme

(In Hours) Credits(L+T+P) Theory Marks Practical Marks Total
3 - - 3 30* 70 - - 100

(*):Out of 30 marks under the theory CA,10 marks are for assessment of the micro-project
to facilitate the integration of COs, and the remaining 20 marks are the average of 2 tests
tobe taken during the semester for assessing the attainment of the cognitive domain UOs
required for the attainment of the COs.
Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P - Practical; C – Credit,
CA -Continuous Assessment; ESE-End Semester Examination.


The following practical outcomes (PrOs) are the sub-components of the COs. Some of the
PrOsmarked ‘*’ (in approx. Hrs column) are compulsory, as they are crucial for that
particular CO at the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave’s Taxonomy related to ‘Psychomotor Domain’.

Sr. Practical/Exercise (Course Outcomes in Psychomotor Unit No. Approx.

No. Domain according to NBATerminology) Hrs Required

Not Applicable
i. More Practical Exercises can be designed and offered by the respective course teacher to
develop the industry relevant skills/outcomes to match the COs. The above table is only a
suggestive list.
ii. The following are some sample ‘Process’ and ‘#Product’ related skills (more may be
added/deleted depending on the course) that occur in the above listed Practical Exercises of
this course required which are embedded in the COs and ultimately the competency.

Sr. No. Sample Performance Indicators for the PrOs Weightage in %

1 Question answer or Writing steps exercise (Assignment) 30
2 Executing of exercise 30
3 Result 40
Total 100
These major equipment/instruments and Software required to develop PrOs are given
below with broad specifications to facilitate procurement of them by the
administrators/management of the institutes. This will ensure the conduction of practice in
all institutions across the state in a proper way so that the desired skills are developed in

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503

Sr. No. Equipment Name with Broad Specifications PrO. No.

Not Applicable


The following sample Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) are embedded in many of the
above-mentioned COs and PrOs. More could be added to fulfill the development of
a) Work as a leader/a team member.
b) Follow ethical practices
c) Observe safety measures
d) Good house keeping
e) Time management
f) Practice environmentally friendly methods and processes.
The ADOs are best developed through laboratory/field-based exercises. Moreover, the level
of achievement of the ADOs according to Krathwohl’s ‘Affective Domain Taxonomy’ should
gradually increase as planned below:
i. ‘Valuing Level’ in 1st year
ii. ‘Organization Level’ in 2nd year.
iii. ‘Characterization Level’ in 3rd year.

The major underpinning theory is given below based on the higher level UOs of Revised
Bloom’s taxonomy that are formulated for development of the Cos and competency. If
required, more such higher-level UOs could be included by the course teacher to focus on the
attainment of COs and competency.

Major Learning Outcomes (Course

Unit Outcomes in Cognitive Domain Topics and Sub-topics
according to NBA terminology)

Unit– I 1a. Describe scope of 1.1 Scope and limitations of

Introduction thermodynamics thermodynamics
1b.Explain the System, 1.2 System, surrounding, functions,
and Basic
surrounding, and properties properties and Process
Concept 1.2.1 System-Homogeneous and
with examples of chemical
engineering field heterogeneous, Closed and
Open, Isolated System, State of
1c. Differentiate functions, 1.3 Properties -Extensive and
properties and intensive
processes 1.4 Function -State and Path function
1.5 Process -Reversible and
irreversible process, cyclic

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503

1d. Explain type of equilibrium 1.6 Steady and Equilibrium State

for the given system 1.7 Thermal, Chemical, Mechanical
and thermodynamic equilibrium
1e. Explain 1.8 Force, Pressure, Work, powerand
importantphysical Energy
1f. Explain Phase Rule 1.9 Gibb’s Phase rule, degree of

1g. Explain Temperature and 1.10 Zeroth Law of thermodynamics

Zeroth Law of 1.11 Temperature
thermodynamics 1.12 Ideal Gas Temperature Scale
1h. Solve simple numerical 1.13 Simple examples (numerical)on
Force, Pressure, Work and Energy
phase rule
Unit– II 2a. Explain first law and 2.1 First law of thermodynamics
First Law energy - Internal Energy, 2.2 Internal Energy, Enthalpy and
of Enthalpy and Heat Heat capacity
capacity concepts with 2.3 First law for non-flow processes
examples of chemical and flow processes of chemical
namics engineering engineering
2b. Apply first law for non-
flow & flow process of
chemical engineering
2c. Solve simple numerical 2.4 Numerical basedon first law and
energy - Internal Energy, Enthalpy
and Heat capacity
Unit– III 3a. Explain PVT behavior of pure 3.1 PVT behavior of pure fluids
PVT fluids
Behavior 3b. Explain Ideal gas Processes 3.2 Ideal gas and equation of state
3.3 Ideal gas Process:
3.3.1 Constant Volume process
3.3.2 Constant Pressure process
3.3.3 Constant Temperature process
3.3.4 Adiabatic Process
3.3.5 Polytropic Process
3c. Compare equations of 3.4 Equation of state for real gases
state for real gases 3.4.1 Vander Waals Equation
3.4.2 Virial Equation
3.4.3 Compressibility charts
3d. Solve simple numerical 3.5 Numerical based on Idea gas and
real gas equations
Unit–IV 4a. Discuss limitation of first 4.1 Limitations of first law of
Second Law law thermodynamics
4b. Describe the concepts of 4.2 Heat reservoir, Heat engine and Heat
Thermo- Heat reservoir, Heat engine pump
dynamics and Heat pump

4c. State different statements of 4.3 Clausius Statement

Second law 4.4 Kelvin Planck Statement

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4d. Explain Carnot cycle, carnot 4.5 Carnot cycle and thermodynamic
principle and temperature scale
thermodynamic temperature
4e. Explain Concept of Entropy 4.6 Concept of Entropy
for the given system 4.7 Mathematical Expression of
4f. Calculate entropy change 4.8 Calculation of entropy changes
4.8.1 phase change,
4.8.2 ideal gas process
4.8.3 adiabatic mixing process,
4.8.4 isothermal mixing of ideal gases,
4.8.5 chemical reaction

4g. Solve Numerical 4.9 Numerical based on entropy

change and heat engine efficiency

4h. Explain Third Law of 4.10 Explain the Statement of Third Law
thermodynamics. of thermodynamics
Unit– V 5.1 Explain refrigeration, COP,
Refrigeration 5a. Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerator capacity
Cycles and Systems
5b. Describe various refrigeration 5.2 Vapor-compression cycle and Air-
Systems cycles refrigeration cycle (only theory)
5c. Explain various types of 5.3 Types of refrigerants and codes
Refrigerants and their codes 5.4 Choice of refrigerant

5d. Solve Numerical 5.4 Numerical based on CoP,

Refrigerator Capacity


Distribution of Theory Marks

Teaching R U A Total
Unit Unit Title Level Level Level Marks
Introduction and
I 09 06 04 03 13
Basic Concepts
II First Law of 09 03 04 06 13
III PVT behavior 09 04 06 06 16

IV Second Law of 10 05 07 06 18
V Refrigeration Cycles and 05 03 04 03 10
Total 42 21 25 24 70

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Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, A=Apply and above (Revised Bloom’s taxonomy)

Note: This specification table provides general guidelines to assist students for their
learningand to teachers to teach and question paper designers/setters to formulate test
items/questionsto assess the attainment of the UOs. The actual distribution of marks at
different taxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question paper may slightly vary from
above table.


Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, the following are the suggested
student-related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to accelerate the
attainment of the various outcomes in this course: Students should perform the following
activities in group and prepare small reports of about 5 pages for each activity. They
should also collect/recordphysical evidence such as photographs/videos of the activities
for their (student’s) portfolio which will be useful for their placement interviews:

a) Prepare the presentation on various topics of thermodynamics

b) Practice various different free available thermodynamic simulation tools.
c) Prepare Chart/Poster on PVT diagram
d) Identify different refrigerants


These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of
the various outcomes in this course:
a) Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/subtopics.
b) Guide student(s) in undertaking micro-projects/activities.
c) Different types of teaching methods i.e. video demonstration, activity based learning,
case study, m-learning need to be employed by teachers to develop the outcomes.
d) Some of the topics/sub-topics which is relatively simpler or descriptive are to be given
to the students for self-learning but to be assessed using different assessment
e) Teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and provisions for co-curricular
f) Guide students to address issues on environment and sustainability with reference to
using the knowledge of this course
g) Tutorial sessions may be organized as given in following table
Sr. Topics/Sub Topics on which Numerical may be given during
Unit No. Hrs.
No. Tutorial Sessions
Quiz and Brief questions on Introduction and Concepts of
1 I thermodynamics 1

Numerical based on force, work, energy, pressure

2 I 2

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503

Numerical based on Phase Rule

3 I 1
Numerical based on First Law of thermodynamics,
4 II 2
internalenergy, enthalpy, heat capacity etc.
Numerical based on Ideal Gas Processes. Equation of state for
5 III 2
real gases (Vander Waal’s)
6 IV Numerical based on Entropy change 2
Numerical based on Carnot engine efficiency, Cop of
7 V refrigeration, Tons of refrigeration 4



Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by a student that needs to be assigned
to him/her at the beginning of the semester. In the first four semesters, the micro-project
is group-based (group of 3 to 5). However, in the fifth and sixth semesters, the number of
students in the group should not exceed three.

The micro-project could be industry application-based, internet-based, workshop-based,

laboratory-based, or field-based. Each micro-project should encompass two or moreCOs
which are the integration of PrOs, UOs, and ADOs. Each student will have to maintain a
dated work diary consisting of individual contributions in the project work and give a
seminar presentation of it before submission. The duration of the microproject should
beabout 14-16 (fourteen to sixteen) student engagement hours during the course. The
students ought to submit micro-project by the end of the semester (so that they develop
industry-oriented COs.

A suggestive list of micro-projects is given here. This should relate highly to

thecompetencyofthecourseandtheCOs.Similarmicro-projectscouldbeaddedbythe concerned
course teacher.
a) Prepare a chart on PVT diagram.
b) Prepare model of system showing thermodynamic concepts
c) Prepare chart showing Ideal Gas (Constant Volume) Thermometer
d) Collect the thermodynamic data from any open source (e.g.-V, P-T) and make use of
Microsoft Excel® to plot the graph
e) Demonstrate the Joule’s Experiment for First Law in simple way.
f) Note down the change in temperature by applying heat to ice.
g) Mention simple example of potential energy and kinetic energy from day-to-day life.
h) Perform simple experiment explaining First and Second Law of thermodynamics
(Balloon and water, Balloon and candle)
i) Prepare a chart on flow process
j) Prepare report on Steady state and equilibrium state with appropriate example
k) Prepare chart showing different codes of refrigerants

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503


Sr. Publication with place, year and

Title of Books Author
A Textbook of Chemical Narayan,K.V. PHI Learning PVT Ltd. New
1 Engineering Delhi,2013, ISBN
Thermodynamics :9788120347472
Introduction to Smith J.M., Van McGraw-Hill, New York,1996
Chemical Ness H.C., Abott ISBN :978-9353168490
Engineering M.M
Chemical Engineering Rao Y.V.C Sangam Books, Hyderabad,1997,
3 Thermodynamics ISBN : 9780863116889.
Engineering P.K.Nag Tata Mc-Graw-Hill Publishing
4 Thermodynamics Company Ltd,New Delhi
Chemical Engineering Gavhane, K.A. Nirali Prakashan, Pune
Thermodynamics–I 2009
A Textbook of Engineering R. K. Rajput Publisher: Laxmi Publications,
Thermodynamics third edition 2007
ISBN 10: 813180058X
ISBN 13: 978-8131800584


a) https://nptel.ac.in/
b) www.msubbu.in
c) Resources | Thermodynamics & Kinetics | Chemistry | MIT OpenCourseWare
d) Basic Thermodynamics online course video lectures by IIT Kharagpur
e) ** TEST, The Expert System for Thermodynamics: A thermodynamics Web Portal **
f) moran.pdf (krodriguez.net)


Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics(4340503)

PO2 PO3 Engineering Engineering
Competency Basic & PO6 PO7
Proble Design/dev Tools, practices for
& Course Discipline Project Life-long
Outcomes m elopment Experimenta society,
specific Management learning
Analysis of solutions tion sustainability&
& Testing environment
 Solve the problems related to heat and work requirements for physical and
chemical changes.
 Identify the various phase behavior of different fluids.
 Explain the working principles of heat engine, heat pump and refrigerationand
calculate efficiency

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Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics Subject Code: 4340503

CO1. Understand
the fundamental
concepts of 3 - 1 - - - -

CO2. Apply the

Concept of First
Law of
Thermodynamics 3 2 1 - - - -
for flow and non-
flow processes.

CO3. Use the

equation of state
for ideal gas and
real gas to predict 2 1 2 - - - 1
PVT behavior of

CO4. Apply the

Concept of
1 1 2 - 1 - 1
second Law of
CO5. Apply the
laws of
1 - 1 - 1 - 1
in refrigeration


GTU Resource Persons

Sr. Name and Institute Email ID
No. Designation
Ms. SINGH SKJP, upasanat_singh@yahoo.com
Lecturer in
Chemical Engg.
Ms. PATEL PARUL GP parul.chem@gmail.com
KANUBHAI. Gandhinagar
Lecturer in
Chemical Engg.

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