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TN3 Unit 9 Assessment

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Unit 9 General Test

Part 1
Listen to a discussion between a professor and his students. Then choose True or False
for each statement.

True False

Example: The twentieth century was a difficult time in Russia. (✓) ( )

1. In the early 1900s, Russia was a monarchy. ( ) ( )

2. Under the czar, many Russians were very poor. ( ) ( )

3. Lenin was a conservative. ( ) ( )

4. Stalin supported individual freedoms. ( ) ( )

5. Russia eventually became a democracy. ( ) ( )

Part 2
Look at the words in the box. Write them in order, from a person who is LEAST likely to
want political or social change to a person who is MOST likely to want political or social

conservative liberal moderate radical reactionary

Example: _____reactionary______ strongly against political or social change




9. strongly supports political or social change

Level 3—Unit 9 Achievement Tests 1

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Part 3
Choose the correct form of the nouns or verbs for each statement.

Example: We need a leader who will do the ( [work] / works ) that is needed for change.

10. Politics ( is / are ) important to all of us.

11. Nearly everyone thinks that (crime / crimes ) should be lowered.

12. Education and health ( is / are ) of concern to all citizens.

13. ( Help / Helps ) from the government should be available to all who need it.

Part 4
Choose the sentence in each pair that is correct.

Example:  The country can’t afford to take 17. □ People deserve to have their needs met
action right now. by their political leaders.
□ The country can’t afford citizens □ People deserve it to have their needs
to take action right now. met by their political leaders.

14. □ The program encourages to participate 18. □ The dictator doesn’t allow to speak
in government. against him.
□ The program encourages young people □ The dictator doesn’t allow anyone to
to participate in government. speak against him.

15. □ Many groups urge to vote. 19. □ I would advise to study hard because
□ Many groups urge people to vote. education is important.
□ I would advise students to study hard
because education is important.

16. □ All my neighbors plan to vote in the 20. □ Several organizations offered to help
election. after the disaster.
□ All my neighbors plan themselves to vote □ Several organizations offered the
in the election. victims to help after the disaster.

Level 3—Unit 9 Achievement Tests 2

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Part 5
Choose the sentence that matches each picture.

Example: 22.

a. [The soldiers are reporting for duty.] a. They don’t believe in censorship.

b. People are leaving for a long vacation. b. People aren’t allowed to read certain things.

c. No one is sure where they are supposed to go. c. People can write anything they want.

21. 23.

a. The woman voted for smoking indoors. a. They couldn’t agree more.

b. The woman is against smoking indoors. b. They have a solution to the problem.

c. The woman permits people to smoke indoors. c. They are debating the issue.

Level 3—Unit 9 Achievement Tests 3

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Part 6
Read the statements. Then choose True or False for each one.
True False

Example: Racism is a type of discrimination (✓) ( )

24. Corruption is a problem when political leaders are too honest. ( ) ( )

25. In a dictatorship, there is a group of people who rule the country. ( ) ( )

26. Politicians often campaign before an election. ( ) ( )

Part 7
Read the article. Then choose the word or phrase that correctly completes each

Level 3—Unit 9 Achievement Tests 4

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Example: Red Cross Red Crescent is a ( [humanitarian] / political ) organization .

27. The organization mostly provides relief to victims of ( disasters / genocide ).

28. The organization encourages people to ( fight terrorism / work together ).

29. Every year, about 30 million people ( help / are ) victims of natural disasters.

30. Now the organization is helping people ( prepare for / protect ) disasters.

Level 3—Unit 9 Achievement Tests 5

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Level 3—Unit 9 Achievement Tests 6
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