Engr213t-Outline F2021
Engr213t-Outline F2021
Engr213t-Outline F2021
Course Description:
This course introduces first year engineering students to the theory of ordinary differential equations and their
applications to mathematical models. The main topics include: Basics of general theory of differential equations;
special types of first order equations (separable, linear, exact, homogeneous, Bernoulli); linear equations of higher
order (homogeneous and non-homogeneous); Cauchy-Euler equations; non-linear equations of second order; systems
of linear differential equations; linear and non-linear mathematical models of first and second order.
Lectures: three hours per week. Tutorial: two hours per week. NOTE: Students who have received credit for EMAT
212 and 232 may not take this course for credit. (Prerequisite: MATH 204 (cégep Mathematics 105) previously or
concurrently; MATH 205 (cégep Mathematics 203)).
Textbook: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, by Dennis G. Zill, 6th or 7th ed. Jones and Bartlett.
Grading Scheme:
Midterm exam 20%, (during a tutorial period, 90 minutes)
Assignments (WeBWorK) 10%
Quizzes (4) 10% (2.5% each, during lectures/tutorials, 20 min each quiz)
Final exam 60% (3 hours)
Team projects (2) 5% (2.5% each, teams of 2 students, problems solving during tutorials)
WeBWorK: Every student will be given access to an online system called WeBWorK. Students are expected to submit
assignments online using WeBWorK. Late assignments will not be accepted. Assignments contribute 10% to the final
grade. Working regularly on the assignments is essential for success in this course. Students are also strongly
encouraged to do as many problems as their time permits from the chapters of the textbooks listed below in this outline.
ENGR 213 – section TBD Fall 2021
If a student misses the mid-term test for any reason, including illness, then the final examination will count for 80% of
the final grade. Since there is a 5% team projects bonus allocation, there will be no replacements of quizzes for any
reason, including illness. Students are responsible for finding out the date of the final exam. The Examination Office
posts the time and place of the final exam once the schedule becomes available. Any conflicts or problems with the
scheduling of the final exam must be reported directly to the Examination Office. Students are expected to be available
until the end of the final examination period. Conflicts due to travel plans will not be accommodated.
PLEASE NOTE: Electronic communication devices of any type are not allowed in examination rooms. Only
“Faculty Approved Calculators" will be allowed in examination rooms [SHARP EL-531 or CASIO FX-300MS]
ENGR 213 – section TBD Fall 2021
Students are also responsible for any applicable topics covered in assignments that have not be
presented in either the regular lectures or during tutorials.
In the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the University's control, the content and/or
evaluation scheme in this course is subject to change.
ENGR213 emphasizes and develops a subset of the graduate attributes and indicators as required by the
CEAB (Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board):
A knowledge base for engineering Knowledge-base for specific INTRODUCTORY
Demonstrated competence in university- engineering field
level mathematics, natural sciences,
engineering fundamentals, and
specialized engineering knowledge
appropriate to the program.
Problem analysis Problem identification and INTRODUCTORY
An ability to use appropriate knowledge formulation
and skills to identify, formulate, analyze, Modelling INTRODUCTORY
and solve complex engineering problems
in order to reach substantiated Problem solving INTERMEDIATE
ENGR 213 – section TBD Fall 2021
5. Examinations:
This course will be taught, and all assessments will be in-person. Any subsequent changes will be announced in
advanced according to the University regulations.
Please note the following with respect to online exams, when applicable:
• That the exam will take place during the exam period at the designated date and time set by the professor
(midterm) or the Exams office (final). All exam times will be set to Eastern Standard/Daylight Time.
• That you are very strongly recommended to enter the virtual test site found at the COLE website and become
familiar with the software that will be used for your exam before starting the exam.
• That you will need a quiet place within which to take the exam. Earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones that are
not connected to a device may also be used to allow you to focus for the duration of the exam.
Students who require additional accommodations for their exams due to a documented disability should contact the
Access Centre for Students with Disabilities as soon as possible (acsdinfo@concordia.ca).
If you face issues during the exam, you should inform your professor of those issues immediately. Please note that
there are in-exam supports you should spend time getting to know. Visit the COLE website for more information.