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Bree Conversion 1.0

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Introductory Matter

What this is, and what this isn’t

This is intended as a resource for running the trilogy of adventures from the 1e Bree supplement using The
One Ring 2e. It does not attempt to reproduce the content of the adventurers, but rather serves to provide
suggestions regarding situations where the First and Second editions differ.

A note on reproduced text

Some stat-blocks include Fell Abilities reproduced verbatim; if anyone at Fria Ligen wants to tell me that’s
unacceptable I can take them out, but since they all appear in the core rulebook, and are unusable without
knowing the contents of said core rulebook, I believe my usage falls under the category of game-aid, meant
to speed up time spent at the table.

Councils; or, functional social conflict

One major difference between 1e and 2e is how social conflict is handled. Personally, I prefer the 1e system,
but with the release of Ruins of the Lost Realm (RotLR) came a variation on the Council system that works
much better, mechanically.
Several times throughout this document I call for a “Council with no set Resistance”. These have a sliding
scale of outcomes, rather than the binary success/fail of a 2e Council. Since, by default, Councils in TOR 2e
set their time limit based on the resistance, another method must be used.
If you do not have access to RotLR, assume that the Time Limit of all Councils defaults to 3+successes, as
though it’s a Council with Resistance 3. Do this for all Councils, regardless of Resistance, and you’ll find that
they actually get harder as the resistance goes up, rather than the reverse.
Old Bones and Skins
Part 1
As written

Part 2
Tomas gives one piece of information per success rolled, +1 per 6 rolled. If players fail a total of 2 rolls,
he clams up.
Haggling for shares of treasure is a Council with no set Resistance (use the RotLR method to set Time
Limit). If the party learned 2 or fewer pieces of information, Tomas is Reluctant (-1D). If they learned more
than half, he is Friendly. Evaluate Outcome as written.

Part 3
As written, TN 16= -1D

Part 4
Guide rolls as usual. The journey continues after arrival in the South Downs. Use event below, or roll
randomly. (remember the South Downs are Dark Lands, so Event Rolls are Ill-Favoured)

During the night, some animal attempts to sneak into the camp and steal most of the food. Gain 2
Fatigue from interrupted sleep; if the Lookout fails their Awareness roll, the Lookout takes an additional
Fatigue as they spend the night jumping at shadows, seeing hungry beasts in the night.

If the party fails to find the troll by the time of their second encounter, the Ranger Haleth appears; if
asked for advice, she gives clear directions to the troll lair.

Starting on day 4, the hunter makes a Hunting roll to track the Troll. A failure results in a wasted day, a
Simple success grants +1D the next day, and a Success with one or more 6 catches the troll in its
resting-place. If the party finds the troll, they discover its lair the next day.

Part 5
The troll's spells on his lair warn him if danger approaches; party members Sneak at -1D.
The party may Council with the troll; his Resistance is 6, but if he is already Wounded he is more likely
to view peaceful resolution favourably (treat as Friendly, +1D)

This one is a judgment call. Hoards in 2e are much, much smaller than 1e. The text implies this is a
small amount for a troll, though by the 2e "Hoards per Adventure" metric the troll-hoard combined
with the map-hoard are just about right. That said, halving the value of each listed item, rounding
down, gives a total of 18 Treasure, which is the maximum for a group of three and average for a group
of six. Dividing by 5 gives 8 Treasure, which is scant, but fits the narrative description and scales nicely
with the Hoard in part 8.

Part 6
As written, as usual TN 16= -1D
Old Bones and Skins

Part 7
The party will have an encounter in the Midgewater Marshes. Use the one below or roll your own
(remembering the Marshes are Perilous Dark Lands)

A haunting moaning echoes through the marshes. Gain 2 Fatigue. If the Scout passes their Explore test
it is revealed to be the sound of the wind through a twisted old tree, else every member of the
company gains 1 Shadow from Dread

The adventure states the party spends 8 days walking through 40 miles of swamp. According to
current maps, the Marshes are not that large. If the marshes are expanded to fill 2 hexes in the
direction of the journey, four days would be spent travelling and two Events would likely occur; if
you go this route, choose your own (possibly from the Chetwood list on page 189). Additional fatigue
is appropriate, particularly during neekerbreeker season (which is always).

Part 8
Once again, this is a Loremaster judgement call, but under current rules this should be a Greater Hoard
(2D per character). Unfortunately, simply dividing by 2 doesn't work this time. Dividing by five gives
more reasonable results (30, assuming rolls 1-3 are ignored, above average for a group of 3 and
slightly below for a group of 6).

Using the rules on p131-133, escape is a Hazardous Daunting Endeavour, taking 9 (or 10, your call)
successes to escape. There is no time limit, instead when food runs out all characters take Severe
Endurance loss (p134) each day, but do not die unless all characters faint from Endurance loss.

Brutes of Bree are treated as Footpads armed with spears (4/14, Pierce). Grór is treated as a Southerner
Champion armed with a Mattock (7/18, Break Shield). Falling into the barrow causes a moderate loss
of Endurance (p134)

You, the Loremaster, must make a Song check. Let's hope you're up to singing silly Samwise songs.
Old Bones and Skins
Old Troll Att. Lvl 9 Hideous Toughness:
Endurance 70 Any attack that would reduce Endurance
Might 2 Parry 1 to 0 instead causes a Piercing Blow.
Hate 9 Armour 4 Endurance is then reset

Sword 3 (5/16, Pierce) Dull Witted:

Crush 2 (6/12, Seize) Heroes in Forward stance may make a
Riddle roll instead of attack; if success,
Horrible Strength remove 1 Hate plus 1 per 6 rolled
On a Piercing Blow, may spend 1 Hate
to make target's Protection roll

Deadly Misfortune: The Old Troll has a simple spell; when an opponent rolls a 0
in his lair, he may spend 1 Hate to gain 2D on his next attack against them as
a pile of bones falls upon them.
Strange Men, Strange Roads
Part 0
Don’t forget to introduce Tarry-Mack before the adventure.

Part 1
If there is a Dwarf in the party, the Dwarves cease speaking altogether if they notice the PH eavesdropping on
them, though Narvi will speak if approached. If asked probing questions, however, Vig will order his silence
(though he would not share anyway, all find the situation shameful).

Any characters who choose to ignore Forsaken Jack’s warning will have their sleep interrupted by neeker-
breekers (roll on Journey Events table for Fatigue Points)

Part 2
The tonic restores Heart+Valour+1D Endurance. One dose.
Ranger characters will recognize the Gorlanc rune.

Ring of Seven Jewels

-1 to all TNs, choose one skill when first worn to be Blessed. Curse: +3 Shadow, Hunted.

Part 3
“Confronting the Caravan” is a Council with no set Resistance (use the RotLR method for finding Time
Limit). The presence of Rangers makes Edoric Reluctant (-1D). As stated, baseless accusations and revealing
the Ranger nature of the murdered each count as one Failure for the Time Limit.
Woodmen will recognize Berelas’ ethnicity and be able to tell Hirlinon bears no relation to her.

Wild Beasts: Ordinary Wolves use the Wild Wolf stats. The White Wolf uses the Wolf-chieftain stat block, but
also regains 1 point of a Hate when blocked from attacking Berelas.

Part 4
“Encountering the Elves” is a Council with no set Resistance (use the RotLR method for finding Time Limit).
The presence of Hobbits, Rangers, or Elves makes Cenedriliel Friendly (+1D). Evaluate Outcome as written.

Part 5
Healing Rose and Violet is at -2D; only those with at least Healing 3 or magical ability (able to get a Magical
Success) may attempt.

Part 6
As written

Part 7
The court case is a Council with a Resistance 6. Bree-folk and Hobbits (Bree or Shire) in good standing cause the
Reeve to view their case Favourably (+1D). If you find you prefer the more granular results, the Resistance is 7,
using the total successes to determine results following the table.

Part 8
Treat Gorlanc’s Warriors as Southerner Raiders.
Strange Men, Strange Roads
Edoric Att. Lvl 4 Hideous Toughness:
Endurance 16 Any attack that would reduce Endurance
Might 1 Parry 2 to 0 instead causes a Piercing Blow.
Resolve 5 Armour 2 Endurance is then reset

Spear 4 (4/14, Pierce) Protect Companions:

Bow 2 (3/14, Pierce) By spending a point of Resolve, Edoric
may use the Protect Companions Combat
Yell of Triumph task
Spend 1 Resolve to restore 1 Resolve to all Allies

Vogar Att. Lvl 4 Berserk Rage:

Endurance 20 If provoked to rage, or if anyone rolls a
Might 1 Parry 1 0 in combat, Vogar’s Resolve increases to
Resolve 5 Armour 4 7 (regardless of any Resolve already spent)
Additionally, after being Wounded or
Mattock 4 (7/18, Break Shield) reduced to 0 Endurance, Vogar will spend 1
point of Resolve to stay in the fight. This
Horrible Strength lasts until he runs out of Resolve.
On a Piercing Blow, may spend 1 Hate
to make target's Protection roll

Narvig and Narvi Att. Lvl 3

Endurance 16
Might 1 Parry 2
Resolve 4 Armour 3

Sword 3 (4/16, Pierce)

Hirlinon Att. Lvl 5 Poisoned Weapon:

Endurance 16 If an attack results in a Wound, the target is
Might 1 Parry 2 also poisoned (p 134)
Resolve 5 Armour 1
Dagger 4 (2/14) Spend 1 Resolve point to gain (1d) on an
attack and to make the roll Favoured.

Berelas Att. Lvl 5 Gorlanc’s Poison:

Endurance 12 If an attack results in a Wound, the target is
Might 1 Parry 1 also poisoned (p 134). Additionally, the
Resolve 5 Armour 1 victim is Weary for one full week.

Dagger 3 (2/14)
Bow 3 (3/14, Pierce)
Strange Men, Strange Roads
The Cold Shade Att. Lvl 4 Undead
Endurance 20 The Cold Shade is undead, and thus possesses all
Might 1 Parry 1 Fell Abilities common to the Undead (Deathless,
Hate 7 Armour 2 Heartless, and Strike Fear)

Chilling Touch 3 (6/12, Seize) Denizen of the Dark

All attack rolls are Favoured while in darkness

Fear of Fire Ghost Form

The Cold Shade loses 1 Hate at the start of every While normal attacks will effect the Cold Shade, it
round it is engaged with an adversary wielding a cannot be truly slain except by a weapon enchanted
torch or other burning item against the dead. However, it will flee when its Hate
drops to 0.

Hate Sunlight Icy Touch

The Cold Shade loses 1 Hate at the start of every A hero struck by this attack is effected by Severe
round it is exposed to the full light of the sun Extreme Cold until they can warm up by a fire (p. 134)
Holed Up in Staddle
Part 1
As written. If coming from Bree, there is no need to use Journey rules, though journey roles should be selected. If
traveling from Fornost after the battle that occurs prior to this adventure there will almost certainly be an encounter.
This encounter will likely take place in or near Chetwood, making it a good opportunity to roll on the table on p. 189.

Part 2
The food of the Oakmen causes the players to become Severely Poisoned (p. 134); the endurance loss is rolled each
day as usual, but the initial roll should be made while they are still at the Oakman camp (kicks in in about 10 mins).

The Gardener’s Sickle: As stated, this is a Marvellous Artefact with a Blessing for Explore. Remember that though the
players can likely tell there is something special, even magical, about the item, they are not guaranteed to be able to
immediately use it.

Part 3
Confronting Albert is a Resistance 6 Council. A success means that, in addition to the information given, he is willing to
actively help the party. A failure depends on how much success the players attained and how they treated him. Low
success or an over-reliance on Awe to get information will cause him to run away screaming, while 3-5 successes with
no more than half of rolls being Awe based will cause him to simply clam up and tell them he can say no more; any
future attempts to contact him will result in him running away screaming. Obviously Loremasters should use
roleplay to indicate his fear should intimidation be the method of choice.

Part 4
As written.

Part 5
Treat Gorlanc’s Followers as Highway Robbers armed with Axes (5/18, Break Shield) and other small weapons.
Don’t forget the penalty for fighting inside the Smial!
If Gorlanc still has the Ring of Seven Jewels, he can summon the Cold Shade (though he will avoid doing so in enclosed
Holed Up in Staddle
Oakmen Att. Lvl. 3 Hatred: First Foe
Endurance 14 When targeting the first enemy to attack them, all
Might 1 Parry 0 attacks are Favoured.
Hate 4 Armour 1
Copper Sword 2 (3/16) If an attack results in a Wound, the target is also Severely
Oak Bow 3 (3/14) Poisoned

Gorlanc Att. Lvl. 6 Gorlanc’s Poison:

Endurance 16 If an attack results in a Wound, the target is
Might 1 Parry 0 also poisoned (p 134). Additionally, the
Hate 8 Armour 1 victim is Weary for one full week.

Dagger 3 (2/14)
Yell of Triumph Spend 1 Hate to gain (1d) on an attack and to make the
Spend 1 Resolve to restore 1 Resolve to all Allies roll Favoured.

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