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Integral horsepower DC motors

Baldor-Reliance® Integral
horsepower DC motors

Table of contents

04 Enclosure types 30 – 42 

Round Frame Modifications
and Accessories
05  rip Proof Fully Guarded (DPFG) and
Totally Enclosed Non Vented (TENV) 43 – 46 Drip Proof Guarded

06 Drip Proof Blower Vented DC Motors 47 – 52 Drip Proof Guarded Force Ventilated

07 – 11 
Drip Proof Fully Guarded and Drip 53 Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
Proof Blower Vented DC Motors
54 – 58 Totally Enclosed Non Ventilated
12 – 14 
Totally Enclosed Motors
59 – 61 Totally Enclosed Explosion Proof
15 – 16 
Totally Enclosed Air Over
Motors 62 – 68 Paper Mill Service Motors

17 – 22 
Drip Proof Fully Guarded 69 Range Drive Motors
Short Time Rated Motors
70 Extruder Duty Motors
23 – 25 
Totally Enclosed Non Vented Short
Time Rated Motors 71 IEC DC Motors

Metric Frame and Elevator Rated 72 – 95 Laminated Frame DC Modifications
DC Motors Drip Proof Blower and Accessories
Vented -Less Blower

Paper Mill and Carriage Drive Motors

27 – 28 
DC Generators

29  Lifting Magnet Generators


Enclosure types

Drip Proof Blower Vented Drip Proof Fully Guarded

Totally Enclosed Air Over Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled

Totally Enclosed Non Vented
D r i p P r o o f F u l ly G u ard e d ( D P F G ) a n d Tota l ly E n c lo s e d N o n V e n t e d ( T EN V ) 5

Drip Proof Fully Guarded (DPFG) and Totally Enclosed Non Vented (TENV)
DC Motors 180 Volt, Single Phase, 1-10 Hp

For 230 VAC, single phase, 50/60 hertz, full wave power
supply, NEMA Type K, 180V armature, and 100/200 volt field.

• 20:1 constant torque speed range
• Class F temperature rise
• Accessory mounting face
• Locked bearing on commutator end
• 40°C ambient

HP RPM DPFG Mult. Sym. TENV Mult. Sym.

1750 L182AT N1 L186AT N1
1150 L182AT N1 L186AT N1
2500 L182AT N1 L186AT N1
1.5 1750 L186AT N1 L186AT N1
1150 L186AT N1 L186AT N1
2500 L182AT N1 L186AT N1
2 1750 L186AT N1 L186AT N1
1150 L186AT N1 219AT N1
2500 L186AT N1 L186AT N1
3 1750 L186AT N1 1810AT N1
1150 L186AT N1 258AT N1
2500 L186AT N1 258AT N1
5 1750 1810AT N1 259AT N1
1150 2110AT N1 288AT N1
2500 219AT N1 258AT (TEFC) N1
7.5 1750 2110AT N1 288AT N1
1150 2110AT (DPBV) N1 328AT (TEFC) N1
10 1750 259AT N1 328AT (TEFC) N1

Note: 180AT frame motors are available with a choice of two optional c-faces. Refer to dimension sheets in Section C for details.
Specify G-lace and shaft when ordering.

Constant torque speed range to 60% of base speed is available. Contact ABB for frame size and pricing.
Refer to the Modifications Section for available options.

Drip Proof Blower Vented DC Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 1-3 Hp

For 230V or 460V, three phase, 60 hertz, full wave power Refer to Modification Section for available options, and
supply, NEMA Type C, 240V or 500V armature, 150/300V Section D for constant torque speed range for drip proof
or 120/240V field. fully guarded and drip proof blower vented motors.

• Class F temperature rise
• Accessory mounting face
• Locked bearing on commutator end
• 40°C ambient

Fully Guarded Blower Vented Less Blower

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym.
3500 3500 L182AT N1
2500 3000 L182AT N1
1 1750 2300 L182AT L182AT N1
1150 2000 L182AT L182AT N1
850 1700 L186AT L186AT N1
3500 3500 L182AT L182AT N1
2500 3000 L182AT L182AT N1
1.5 1750 2300 L182AT L182AT N1
1150 2000 L186AT L186AT N1
850 1700 L186AT L186AT N1
3500 3500 L182AT L182AT L182AT L182AT N1
2500 3000 L182AT L182AT L182AT L182AT N1
2 1750 2300 L182AT L186AT L182AT L186AT N1
1150 2000 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N1
850 1700 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N1
3500 3500 L182AT L182AT L182AT L182AT N1
2500 3000 L182AT L186AT L182AT L186AT N1
1750 2300 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N1
1150 2000 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N1
3 850 1700 218AT 218AT 218AT 218AT N1
650 1600 2110AT 2110AT N1
500 1500 259AT 259AT N1
400 1200 288AT 288AT N1
300 900 288AT 288AT N1

Note: DPBV motors do not include blowers. See Modification Section for the price adder.
D r i p P r o o f F u l ly G u ard e d a n d D r i p P r o o f B lo w e r V e n t e d D C M oto rs 7

Drip Proof Fully Guarded and Drip Proof Blower Vented DC Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 5-15 Hp

Refer to Modification Section for available options, and

Section D for constant torque speed range for drip proof
fully guarded and drip proof blower vented motors.

Fully Guarded Blower Vented Less Blower

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym.
3500 3500 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N2
2500 3000 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N2
1750 2300 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N2
1150 2000 218AT 219AT 218AT 219AT N2
1150 2000 1810AT 1810AT 1810AT 1810AT N2
850 1700 2110AT 2110AT 2110AT 2110AT N2
650 1600 259AT 259AT N2
500 1500 288AT 288AT N2
400 1200 328AT 328AT N2
300 900 365AT 365AT N2
3500 3500 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N2
2500 3000 L186AT L186AT L186AT L186AT N2
1750 2300 1810AT 218AT 1810AT 218AT N2
1750 2300 1810AT 1810AT N2
1150 2000 2110AT 2110AT 2110AT 2110AT N2
850 1700 259AT 259AT 259AT 259AT N2
650 1600 288AT 288AT 288AT 288AT N2
500 1500 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
400 1200 365AT 366AT 365AT 366AT N2
300 900 368AT 368AT 368AT 368AT N2
3500 3500 218AT 218AT N2
3500 3500 L186AT L186AT N2
2500 3000 218AT 218AT 218AT 218AT N2
2500 3000 1810AT 1810AT N2
1750 2300 219AT 219AT 219AT 219AT N2
1150 2000 258AT 258AT 258AT 258AT N2
10 850 1700 288AT 288AT 288AT 288AT N2
850 1700 2510AT 2510AT N2
650 1600 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
500 1500 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
400 1200 366AT 366AT 366AT 366AT N2
300 900 368AT 407AT 368AT 407AT N2
300 900 368AT N2
3500 3500 218AT 218AT 218AT 218AT N2
2500 3000 219AT 219AT 219AT 219AT N2
1750 2300 258AT 258AT 258AT 258AT N2
1150 2000 288AT 288AT 288AT 288AT N2
850 1700 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
650 1600 365AT 365AT 365AT 365AT N2
500 1500 368AT 368AT 368AT 368AT N2
400 1200 407AT 407AT 407AT 407AT N2
300 900 409AT 409AT 409AT 409AT N2
300 900 368AT 368AT N2

Note: DPBV motors do not include blowers. See Modification Section for the price adder.

Drip Proof Fully Guarded and Drip Proof Blower Vented DC Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 20-30 Hp

Refer to Modification Section for available options, and

Section D for constant torque speed range for drip proof
fully guarded and drip proof blower vented motors.

Fully Guarded Blower Vented Less Blower

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym.
3500 3500 219AT 219AT 219AT 219AT N2
2500 3000 2110AT 2110AT 2110AT 2110AT N2
1750 2300 259AT 259AT 259AT 259AT N2
1150 2000 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
850 1700 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
650 1600 366AT 366AT 366AT 366AT N2
500 1500 368AT 407AT 366AT 366AT N2
400 1200 407AT 407AT 368AT 368AT N2
300 900 504AT 508AT 504AT 407AT N2
300 900 3610AT 3610AT N2
3500 3500 258AT 258AT 258AT 258AT N2
2500 3000 258AT 258AT 258AT 258AT N2
1750 2300 288AT 287-288AT 288AT 287-288AT N2
1750 2300 2510AT 2510AT N2
1150 2000 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
850 1700 365AT 366AT 365AT 366AT N2
850 1700 329AT 329AT N2
650 1600 368AT 368AT 366AT 366AT N2
500 1500 407AT 409AT 368AT 368AT N2
400 1200 409AT 409AT 409AT 409AT N2
400 1200 3610AT 368AT N2
300 900 504AT 508AT 504AT 508AT N2
3500 3500 288AT 259AT 288AT 259AT N2
2500 3000 288AT 288AT 288AT 259AT N2
1750 2300 288AT 288AT 288AT 288AT N2
1750 2300 2513AT 2513AT N2
1150 2000 365AT 365AT 328AT 328AT N2
850 1700 366AT 366AT 365AT 365-6AT N2
650 1600 407AT 407AT 365AT 366AT N2
500 1500 407AT 407AT 368AT 407AT N2
500 1500 368AT N2
400 1200 504AT 506AT 504AT 506AT N2
400 1200 3610AT 3610AT N2
300 900 506AT 506AT 506AT 506AT N2

Note: DPBV motors do not include blowers. See Modification Section for the price adder.
D r i p P r o o f F u l ly G u ard e d a n d D r i p P r o o f B lo w e r V e n t e d D C M oto rs 9

Drip Proof Fully Guarded and Drip Proof Blower Vented DC Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 40-60 Hp

Refer to Modification Section for available options, and

Section D for constant torque speed range for drip proof
fully guarded and drip proof blower vented motors.

Fully Guarded Blower Vented Less Blower

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym.
3500 3500 288AT 288AT 288AT 288AT N2
2500 3000 288AT 288AT 288AT 288AT N2
1750 2300 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
1750 2300 2810AT 2810AT N2
1150 2000 366AT 366AT 366AT 365AT N2
1150 2000 329AT 329AT N2
850 1700 368AT 368AT 366AT 366AT N2
650 1600 409AT 407AT 368AT 368AT N2
500 1500 504AT 504AT 504AT 504AT N2
500 1500 3610AT 3610AT N2
400 1200 504AT 504AT 504AT 504AT N2
300 900 508AT 508AT 508AT 508AT N2
3500 3500 288AT N2
2500 2700 327AT 288AT 327AT 288AT N2
1750 2100 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
1750 2100 2813AT 2813AT N2
1150 2000 368AT 368AT 366AT 366AT N2
50 850 1700 407AT 407AT 368AT 368AT N2
650 1600 504AT 409AT 504AT 409AT N2
650 1600 3610AT 3610AT N2
500 1500 506AT 506AT 506AT 506AT N2
500 1500 3610AT 3610AT N2
400 1200 508AT 508AT 506AT 506AT N2
3500 3500 328AT N2
2500 2700 328AT 328AT 328AT 328AT N2
1750 2100 366AT 365-366AT 366AT 365-366AT N2
1750 2100 329AT 329AT N2
1150 2000 407AT 368AT 368AT 368AT N2
60 850 1700 409AT 407AT 368AT 368AT N2
650 1600 504AT 504AT 504AT 504AT N2
650 1600 3610AT 3610AT N2
500 1500 506AT 506AT 506AT 506AT N2
400 1200 506AT 506AT N2
300 900 506AT 506AT N2

Note: DPBV motors do not include blowers. See Modification Section for the price adder.

Drip Proof Fully Guarded and Drip Proof Blower Vented DC Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 75-125 Hp

Refer to Modification Section for available options, and

Section D for constant torque speed range for drip proof
fully guarded and drip proof blower vented motors.

Fully Guarded Blower Vented Less Blower

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym. Special Blower
3500 3500 328AT N2
2500 2700 365AT 329AT 365AT 329AT N2
1750 2100 366AT 366AT 366AT 366AT N2
1750 2100 365AT N2
1150 2100 407AT 407AT 368AT 368AT N2
75 850 1700 504AT 409AT 407AT 407AT (1) N2
850 1700 3610AT 3610AT N2
650 1600 506AT 506AT 504AT 504AT N2
500 1500 508AT 508AT 506AT 506AT N2 LM9
400 1200 506AT 506AT N2
300 900 508AT 508AT N2
3500 3500 366AT N2
2500 2700 366AT N2
1750 2000 368AT 368AT 368AT 368AT N2
1150 2000 409AT 409AT 409AT 407AT N2
100 1150 2000 3610AT 3610AT N2
850 1700 504AT 506AT 504AT 409AT N2
650 1600 508AT 508AT 506AT 506AT N2
500 1500 508AT 508AT N2
400 1200 5010AT 5010AT N2
3500 3500 366AT N2
2500 2700 368AT N2
1750 2000 L407AT 407AT L407AT 368AT N2
1150 2000 504AT 506AT L409AT 409AT N2
125 1150 2000 3612AT N2 LM9
850 1700 506AT 506AT 506AT 506AT N2
650 1600 508AT 506AT 508AT 506AT N2
500 1500 508AT 508AT N2
400 1200 5010AT 5010AT N2

Note: DPBV motors do not include blowers. See Modification Section for the price adder.
(1) Power Code C
D r i p P r o o f F u l ly G u ard e d a n d D r i p P r o o f B lo w e r V e n t e d D C M oto rs 11

Drip Proof Fully Guarded and Drip Proof Blower Vented DC Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 150-500 Hp

Refer to Modification Section for available options, and

Section D for constant torque speed range for drip proof
fully guarded and drip proof blower vented motors.

Fully Guarded Blower Vented Less Blower

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym. Special Blower
3500 3500 366AT N2
2500 2700 407AT N2
2500 2700 368AT N2
1750 2000 L409AT 409AT L409AT 407AT N2
1750 2000 368AT N2 LM9
1150 2000 506AT 506AT 506AT 506AT N2
850 1700 508AT 508AT 506AT 506AT N2
650 1600 506AT 506AT N2 LM9
500 1500 5010AT 508AT N2
400 1200 5011AT 5010AT N2
2500 2875 409AT N2
1750 2000 504AT 504AT 504AT 409AT N2
1750 2000 3610AT N2 LM9
200 1150 1800 508AT 508AT 506AT 506AT N2 LM9
850 1700 508AT N2
650 1600 5010AT 508AT N2
500 1500 5011AT 5011AT N2
1750 1900 506AT 506AT 504AT N2
1150 1700 506AT N2
850 1600 5010AT N2
650 1600 5011AT N2
1750 1900 506AT N2
1150 1600 508AT N2
850 1500 5010AT N2
650 1500 5011AT N2
1750 1900 508AT N2
1150 1500 5010AT N2
1750 1900 5010AT N2
1150 1500 5011AT N2

Totally Enclosed Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 1-3 Hp

For 230 and 460 volt, three phase, 60 hertz, full wave power Features
supply, NEMA Type C, 240V or 500V armature, and 150/300V • Class F temperature rise
or 120/240V field. • Accessory mounting face
• Locked bearing on
• TENV (Totally Enclosed Non-Vented) commutator end
• TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled) • 40°C ambient

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame Enclosure Type Mult. Sym.
1750 2300 L182AT TENV N1
1150 2000 L182AT TENV N1
850 1700 L186AT TENV N1
650 1600 218AT TENV N1
500 1500 219AT TENV N1
400 1200 219AT TENV N1
3500 3850 L182AT TENV N1
2500 3000 L182AT TENV N1
1750 2300 L186AT TENV N1
1150 2000 L186AT TENV N1
850 1700 L1810AT TENV N1
650 1600 219AT TENV N1
500 1500 258AT TENV N1
400 1200 258AT TENV N1
3500 3850 L186AT TENV N1
2500 3000 L186AT L186AT TENV N1
1750 2300 L186AT L186AT TENV N1
1150 2000 1810AT 1810AT TENV N1
2 850 1700 219AT 219AT TENV N1
650 1600 2110AT TENV N1
500 1500 258AT TENV N1
400 1200 259AT TENV N1
300 900 328AT TENV N1
3500 3850 L186AT TENV N1
2500 3000 L186AT L186AT TENV N1
1750 2300 L186AT L186AT TENV N1
1150 2000 1810AT 1810AT TEFC N1
3 850 1700 2110AT 2110AT TENV N1
650 1600 259AT TENV N1
500 1500 288AT TENV N1
400 1200 288AT TENV N1
300 900 328AT TENV N1

Note: Refer to Modification Section for available options and CA608D for constant torque speed range.
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d M oto rs 13

Totally Enclosed Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 5-20 Hp

Enclosure types
• TENV (Totally Enclosed Non-Vented)
• TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled)

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame Enclosure Type Mult. Sym.
3500 3850 L186AT TENV N2
2500 3000 L186AT L186AT TEFC N2
1750 2300 1810AT 1810AT TEFC N2
1150 2000 258AT 258AT TENV N2
5 850 1700 259AT 259AT TENV N2
650 1600 288AT TENV N2
500 1500 328AT TENV N2
400 1200 365AT TEFC N2
300 900 368AT TEFC N2
3500 3500 L186AT TEFC N2
2500 3000 1810AT 1810AT TEFC N2
1750 2300 2110AT 2110AT TEFC N2
1150 2000 259AT 259AT TEFC N2
7.5 850 1700 288AT 288AT TEFC N2
650 1600 328AT 328AT TEFC N2
500 1500 365AT TEFC N2
400 1200 368AT TEFC N2
300 900 407AT TEFC N2
3500 3500 219AT TEFC N2
2500 3000 2110AT 2110AT TEFC N2
1750 2300 259AT 259AT TEFC N2
1150 2000 288AT 288AT TEFC N2
850 1700 328AT 328AT TEFC N2
650 1600 365AT 365AT TEFC N2
500 1500 368AT TEFC N2
400 1200 407AT TEFC N2
3500 3500 258AT TEFC N2
2500 3000 259AT 259AT TEFC N2
1750 2300 288AT 288AT TEFC N2
1150 2000 328AT 328AT TEFC N2
850 1700 365AT 365AT TEFC N2
650 1600 368AT 368AT TEFC N2
500 1500 407AT 407AT TEFC N2
400 1200 409AT 409AT TEFC N2
3500 3500 288AT 288AT TEFC N2
2500 3000 288AT 288AT TEFC N2
1750 2300 328AT 328AT TEFC N2
20 1150 2000 366AT 366AT TEFC N2
850 1700 368AT 368AT TEFC N2
650 1600 407AT 407AT TEFC N2
500 1500 409AT 409AT TEFC N2

Note: Refer to Modification Section for available options and CA608D for constant torque speed range.

Totally Enclosed Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 25-75 Hp

Enclosure types
• TENV (Totally Enclosed Non-Vented)
• TEFC (Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled)

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame Enclosure Type Mult. Sym.
2500 3000 328AT 328AT TEFC N2
1750 2300 328AT 328AT TEFC N2
25 1150 2000 368AT 368AT TEFC N2
850 1700 407AT 407AT TEFC N2
650 1600 409AT 409AT TEFC N2
2500 3000 365AT 365AT TEFC N2
1750 2300 366AT 366AT TEFC N2
1150 2000 407AT 368AT TEFC N2
850 1700 409AT 409AT TEFC N2
2500 3000 366AT 366AT TEFC N2
1750 2100 368AT 368AT TEFC N2
1150 2000 407AT 407AT TEFC N2
850 1700 409AT 409AT TEFC N2
1750 2100 407AT 407AT TEFC N2
1150 2000 409AT 409AT TEFC N2
60 1750 2100 409AT 409AT TEFC N2
75 2100 409AT 409AT TEFC N2

Note: Refer to Modification Section for available options and CA608D for constant torque speed range.
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d A i r Ov e r M oto rs 15

Totally Enclosed Air Over Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 5-15 Hp

For 230 and 460 volt, three phase, Enclosure types

60 hertz, full wave power supply, • Class F temperature rise • 40°C ambient
NEMA Type C, 240V or 500V armature, • Accessory mounting Face • Pricing includes TEAO blower
and 150/300V or 120/240V field. • Locked bearing on commutator end

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym.
1750 2300 2110AT 2110AT N2
1150 2000 258AT 258AT N2
850 1700 259AT 259AT N2
5 650 1600 288AT N2
500 1500 328AT N2
400 1200 365AT N2
300 900 368AT N2
1750 2300 2110AT 2110AT N2
1150 2000 259AT 259AT N2
850 1700 288AT 288AT N2
7.5 650 1600 328AT 328AT N2
500 1500 365AT N2
400 1200 368AT N2
300 900 407AT N2
2500 3000 2110AT 2110AT N2
1750 2300 259AT 259AT N2
1150 2000 288AT 288AT N2
10 850 1700 328AT 328AT N2
650 1600 365AT 365AT N2
500 1500 368AT N2
400 1200 407AT N2
3500 3500 258AT N2
2500 3000 259AT 259AT N2
1750 2300 288AT 288AT N2
1150 2000 328AT 328AT N2
850 1700 365AT 365AT N2
650 1600 368AT 368AT N2
500 1500 407AT 407AT N2
400 1200 409AT 409AT N2

Note: Refer to Modification Section for available options and CA608D for constant torque speed range.

Totally Enclosed Air Over Motors
240 & 500 Volt, 20-100 Hp

For 230 and 460 volt, three phase, Enclosure types

60 hertz, full wave power supply, • Class F temperature rise • 40°C ambient
NEMA Type C, 240V or 500V armature, • Accessory mounting face • Pricing includes TEAO blower
and 150/300V for 120/240V field. • Locked bearing on commutator end

Hp Base RPM Std/Rated Top RPM 240V Frame 500V Frame Mult. Sym.
2500 3000 288AT 288AT N2
1750 2300 328AT 328AT N2
1150 2000 366AT 366AT N2
850 1700 368AT 368AT N2
650 1600 407AT 407AT N2
500 1500 409AT 409AT N2
2500 3000 328AT 328AT N2
1750 2300 328AT 328AT N2
25 1150 2000 368AT 368AT N2
850 1700 407AT 407AT N2
650 1600 409AT 409AT N2
2500 3000 365AT 365AT N2
1750 2300 366AT 366AT N2
30 1150 2000 407AT 368AT N2
850 1700 409AT 409AT N2
650 1600 409AT 409AT N2
2500 3000 366AT 366AT N2
1750 2100 368AT 368AT N2
40 1150 2000 407AT 407AT N2
850 1700 409AT 409AT N2
650 1600 504AT 504AT N2
1750 2100 407AT 407AT N2
1150 2000 409AT 409AT N2
850 1700 506AT 506AT N2
650 1600 508AT 506AT N2
1750 2100 409AT 409AT N2
1150 2000 504AT 504AT N2
850 1700 506AT 506AT N2
650 1600 508AT 508AT N2
1750 2100 409AT 409AT N2
75 1150 2000 504AT 506AT N2
850 1700 506AT 508AT N2
100 1750 2100 506AT N2

Note: Refer to Modification Section for available options and CA608D for constant torque speed range.
D r i p P r o o f F u l ly G u ard e d S h o rt T i m e R at e d M oto rs 17

Drip Proof Fully Guarded Short Time Rated Motors
240 Volt

The NEMA definition for short time rated motors is as follows: 240V - Drip proof fully guarded short time rated - shunt wound
"All short time ratings are based upon corresponding short DC motors for operation from three phase, NEMA type C or D,
time load tests which shall commence only when the windings rectified power supply with 230V nominal AC input voltage or
and other parts of the machine are within 5°C of the ambient MG set power supplies.
temperature at the time of starting the test".

This also means that the field voltage should be removed

when the motor is not operating.

Base 240V Cont. Short Time Rated Hp Mult.

Speed Frame Hp DPFG DPBV (Less Blower) Sym.
1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min. 1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min.
L186AT 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 N2
L186AT 5 5 5 7.5 5 5 7.5 N2
218AT 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 7.5 7.5 10 N2
219AT 10 10 10 10 10 N2
258AT 15 15 15 20 15 15 20 N2
259AT 20 20 25 30 20 20 30 N2
288AT 30 30 40 40 30 30 40 N2
328AT 40 40 50 50 40 40 50 N2
1750 328AT 50 60 60 75 60 60 75 N2
366AT 60 75 75 N2
366AT 75 75 100 100 75 100 100 N2
368AT 100 100 125 100 125 N2
L407AT 125 125 125 150 125 125 150 N2
L409AT 150 150 150 200 150 150 200 N2
504AT 200 250 300 300 250 300 300 N2
506AT 250 400 400 N2
508AT 300 300 400 500 300 400 500 N2
L186AT 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 N1
218AT 5 5 5 7.5 5 5 7.5 N2
2110AT 7.5 7.5 10 10 7.5 10 10 N2
258AT 10 10 15 10 15 N2
288AT 15 15 20 20 15 20 25 N2
328AT 20 25 25 30 25 25 30 N2
328AT 25 30 30 40 30 30 40 N2
365AT 30 40 40 50 40 50 50 N2
366AT 40 50 50 60 50 60 60 N2
368AT 50 60 60 75 60 75 75 N2
407AT 60 75 75 100 75 100 N2
407AT 75 100 100 125 100 100 125 N2
409AT 100 125 125 150 N2
504AT 125 150 200 250 150 200 250 N2
506AT 150 200 250 300 200 250 300 N2
508AT 200 250 300 400 250 300 400 N2

Drip Proof Fully Guarded Short Time Rated Motors
240 Volt

240V - Drip proof fully guarded short time rated - shunt wound
DC motors for operation from three phase, NEMA type C or D,
rectified power supply with 230V nominal AC input voltage or
MG set power supplies.

Base 240V Cont. Short Time Rated Hp Mult.

Speed Frame Hp DPFG DPBV (Less Blower) Sym.
1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min. 1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min.
218AT 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 N1
2110AT 5 5 5 7.5 5 7.5 7.5 N1
259AT 7.5 10 10 10 10 10 15 N2
288AT 10 15 15 20 N2
328AT 15 20 20 25 20 20 25 N2
328AT 20 25 25 30 25 30 30 N2
365AT 25 30 30 40 40 40 50 N2
850 366AT 30 40 40 50 50 50 60 N2
368AT 40 50 50 60 60 60 75 N2
407AT 50 60 60 75 75 75 75 N2
409AT 60 75 75 100 100 100 N2
504AT 75 100 125 125 100 125 125 N2
504AT 100 125 150 150 125 150 150 N2
506AT 125 150 200 200 150 200 200 N2
508AT 150 200 250 250 200 250 250 N2
2110AT 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 N2
259AT 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 N2
288AT 7.5 10 10 15 10 10 15 N2
328AT 10 15 15 15 N2
365AT 15 20 25 25 25 25 30 N2
366AT 20 25 30 30 30 40 40 N2
650 368AT 25 30 40 40 40 40 50 N2
407AT 30 40 50 50 50 60 N2
409AT 40 50 60 60 60 60 75 N2
504AT 50 60 75 100 75 75 100 N2
504AT 60 75 100 125 100 100 125 N2
506AT 75 100 125 150 125 150 N2
508AT 100 150 150 200 150 150 200 N2
D r i p P r o o f F u l ly G u ard e d S h o rt T i m e R at e d M oto rs 19

Drip Proof Fully Guarded Short Time Rated Motors
240 Volt

240V - Drip proof fully guarded short time rated - shunt wound
DC motors for operation from three phase, NEMA type C or D,
rectified power supply with 230V nominal AC input voltage or
MG set power supplies.

Base 240V Cont. Short Time Rated Hp Mult.

Speed Frame Hp DPFG DPBV (Less Blower) Sym.
1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min. 1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min.
259AT 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 N2
288AT 5 7.5 7.5 10 7.5 7.5 10 N2
328AT 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 N2
328AT 10 15 15 15 15 20 N2
368AT 15 20 25 25 25 25 30 N2
368AT 20 25 30 30 30 30 40 N2
407AT 25 40 40 50 N2
407AT 30 30 40 50 40 50 60 N2
504AT 40 60 60 75 60 75 75 N2
506AT 50 N2
506AT 60 75 75 100 75 100 100 N2
508AT 75 100 125 150 125 150 150 N2
288AT 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 N2
328AT 5 7.5 7.5 10 7.5 7.5 10 N2
365AT 7.5 10 10 15 10 15 15 N2
366AT 10 15 15 20 15 20 20 N2
407AT 15 20 25 25 25 25 30 N2
400 407AT 20 25 30 30 30 30 40 N2
409AT 25 30 40 40 40 40 50 N2
504AT 30 50 50 60 50 60 60 N2
506AT 40 60 60 75 60 75 75 N2
508AT 50 75 75 100 N2
508AT 60 75 100 100 100 100 125 N2
365AT 5 7.5 7.5 10 7.5 10 10 N2
368AT 7.5 10 10 15 15 N2
368AT 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 N2
300 409AT 15 25 25 30 25 30 30 N2
504AT 20 30 40 30 40 N2
504AT 25 30 40 50 40 40 50 N2
506AT 30 40 50 60 50 60 60 N2

Drip Proof Fully Guarded Short Time Rated Motors
500 Volt

The NEMA definition for short time rated motors is as follows: 500V - Drip proof fully guarded short time rated - shunt
"All short time ratings are based upon corresponding short wound DC motors for operation from three phase, NEMA
time load tests which shall commence only when the windings type C or D, rectified power supply with 460V nominal AC
and other parts of the machine are within 5°C of the ambient input voltage or MG set power supplies.
temperature at the time of starting the test".

This also means that the field voltage should be removed

when the motor is not operating.

Base 240V Cont. Short Time Rated Hp Mult.

Speed Frame Hp DPFG DPBV (Less Blower) Sym.
1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min. 1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min.
L186AT 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 N1
L186AT 5 5 5 7.5 5 5 7.5 N2
218AT 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 7.5 7.5 10 N2
219AT 10 10 10 10 10 N2
258AT 15 15 15 20 15 15 20 N2
259AT 20 20 20 25 20 20 25 N2
288AT 25 25 30 30 25 30 30 N2
288AT 30 30 40 30 40 N2
328AT 40 40 40 50 40 40 50 N2
328AT 50 50 60 60 50 60 60 N2
366AT 60 60 75 75 60 75 75 N2
366AT 75 75 100 100 75 100 100 N2
368AT 100 100 125 125 100 125 125 N2
407AT 125 125 150 150 125 150 150 N2
409AT 150 150 200 150 200 N2
504AT 200 250 300 300 250 300 300 N2
506AT 250 300 N2
506AT 300 400 500 300 400 500 N2
L186AT 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 N1
219AT 5 5 5 5 5 7.5 N2
2110AT 7.5 7.5 10 10 7.5 10 10 N2
258AT 10 10 15 10 15 N2
288AT 15 15 20 20 15 20 20 N2
328AT 20 25 25 30 25 25 30 N2
328AT 25 30 30 40 30 30 40 N2
365AT 30 40 40 50 40 40 50 N2
1150 366AT 40 50 50 60 50 60 60 N2
368AT 50 60 60 75 60 75 75 N2
368AT 60 75 75 N2
407AT 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 N2
409AT 100 125 125 150 125 125 150 N2
506AT 125 150 200 250 150 200 250 N2
506AT 150 200 250 300 200 250 300 N2
508AT 200 400 N2
508AT 250 250 300 300 250 300 N2
D r i p P r o o f F u l ly G u ard e d S h o rt T i m e R at e d M oto rs 21

Drip Proof Fully Guarded Short Time Rated Motors
500 Volt continued...

Base 240V Cont. Short Time Rated Hp Mult.

Speed Frame Hp DPFG DPBV (Less Blower) Sym.
1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min. 1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min.
218AT 3 3 3 5 3 3 5 N1
2110AT 5 5 5 7.5 5 7.5 7.5 N2
259AT 7.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 N2
850 288AT 10 15 15 N2
328AT 15 20 20 25 20 20 25 N2
328AT 20 25 25 30 25 30 30 N2
366AT 25 30 30 40 40 40 50 N2
366AT 30 40 40 50 50 50 60 N2
368AT 40 50 50 60 60 60 75 N2
407AT 50 60 75 75 75 N2
409AT 60 75 100 75 100 N2
409AT 75 100 125 100 100 125 N2
506AT 100 150 150 200 150 150 200 N2
508AT 125 200 250 200 250 N2
508AT 150 200 250 300 200 250 300 N2
2110AT 3 3 3 5 3 5 5 N2
259AT 5 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 N2
288AT 7.5 10 10 10 10 10 10 N2
328AT 10 15 15 15 15 15 N2
365AT 15 20 25 25 25 25 25 N2
366AT 20 25 30 30 30 30 40 N2
650 368AT 25 30 40 40 40 40 50 N2
407AT 30 40 50 50 50 60 N2
407AT 40 60 60 60 60 75 N2
409AT 50 75 75 75 75 75 N2
504AT 60 100 100 125 100 100 125 N2
506AT 75 125 125 125 N2
508AT 100 150 150 200 150 150 200 N2

Drip Proof Fully Guarded Short Time Rated Motors
500 Volt continued...

Base 240V Cont. Short Time Rated Hp Mult.

Speed Frame Hp DPFG DPBV (Less Blower) Sym.
1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min. 1 Hr 30 Min. 15 Min.
259AT 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 N2
288AT 5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 N2
328AT 7.5 10 10 10 10 15 N2
328AT 10 15 15 15 15 20 N2
368AT 15 25 25 30 25 30 30 N2
407AT 20 30 N2
409AT 25 40 40 50 40 50 50 N2
409AT 30 50 50 60 50 60 60 N2
504AT 40 60 60 75 60 75 75 N2
506AT 50 75 N2
506AT 60 75 100 100 75 100 100 N2
508AT 75 125 125 150 125 150 150 N2
288AT 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 N2
328AT 5 7.5 7.5 10 7.5 7.5 10 N2
366AT 7.5 10 10 15 10 15 15 N2
366AT 10 15 15 15 20 20 N2
407AT 15 20 25 25 25 30 30 N2
400 407AT 20 25 30 30 30 40 40 N2
409AT 25 30 40 40 40 50 N2
506AT 30 50 50 60 50 60 60 N2
506AT 40 60 60 75 60 75 75 N2
508AT 50 75 75 100 75 100 N2
508AT 60 100 100 125 100 125 125 N2
365AT 5 7.5 7.5 10 7.5 10 10 N2
368AT 7.5 10 10 15 10 15 15 N2
407AT 10 15 15 20 15 20 20 N2
409AT 15 25 25 30 25 30 30 N2
508AT 20 30 30 40 30 40 40 N2
508AT 25 40 40 50 40 50 50 N2
508AT 30 50 50 60 N2
508AT 40 50 60 60 60 60 75 N2
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d N o n V e n t e d S h o rt T i m e R at e d M oto rs 23

Totally Enclosed Non Vented Short Time Rated Motors
240 or 500 Volt

The NEMA definition for short time rated motors is as follows: "All short time ratings are based
upon corresponding short time load tests which shall commence only when the windings and
other parts of the machine are within 5ac of the ambient temperature at the time of starting the
test." This also means that the field voltage should be removed when the motor is not operating.

240 or 500V - TENV short time rated-shunt wound DC motors for operation from three phase
NEMA type C or D. Rectified power supply with 230V or 460V nominal AC input voltage or MG
set power supplies.

Base Speed Frame Cont. Hp 1 Hr 30 Min. Mult. Sym.

L182AT 1.5 2 3 N2
L186AT 2 N2
L186AT 3 3 5 N2
219AT 5 7.5 7.5 N2
2500 258AT 10 15 N2
259AT 7.5 N2
288AT 15 25 N2
328AT 10 20 30 N2
365AT 30 50 N2
L182AT 0.75 1 1 N2
L182AT 1 2 2 N2
L186AT 1.5 3 3 N2
L186AT 2 N2
1810AT 3 5 5 N2
2110AT 5 7.5 10 N2
258AT 10 N2
259AT 7.5 15 N2
288AT 15 20 N2
1750 328AT 10 20 25 N2
328AT 15 25 30 N2
365AT 30 50 N2
366AT 20 50 75 N2
366AT 20 50 75 N2
368AT 25 75 100 N2
L407AT 40 100 125 N2
L409AT 50 125 150 N2
504AT 60 200 N2
506AT 75 150 300 N2
L182AT 0.75 1 1.5 N2
L182AT 1 1.5 N2
L186AT 1.5 2 2 N2
1810AT 2 3 3 N2
258AT 3 5 N2
258AT 5 5 7.5 N2
259AT 10 10 N2
288AT 7.5 15 N2
328AT 10 15 20 N2
365AT 25 30 N2

Totally Enclosed Non Vented Short Time Rated Motors
240 or 500 Volt continued...

240 or 500V - TENV short time rated-shunt wound DC motors for operation from three phase
NEMA type C or D. Rectified power supply with 230V or 460V nominal AC input voltage or MG
set power supplies.

Base Speed Frame Cont. Hp 1 Hr 30 Min. Mult. Sym.

366AT 40 50 N2
368AT 15 50 60 N2
407AT 60 75 N2
L407AT 75 100 N2
L409AT 100 125 N2
504AT 125 150 N2
506AT 150 200 N2
508AT 200 300 N2
L186AT 0.75 1 1 N2
L186AT 1 1.5 1.5 N2
1810AT 1.5 2 2 N2
219AT 2 3 3 N2
2110AT 3 5 N2
259AT 5 5 7.5 N2
288AT 10 10 N2
328AT 7.5 15 N2
365AT 20 25 N2
366AT 10 30 40 N2
368AT 40 50 N2
407AT 50 60 N2
L409AT 25 60 75 N2
504AT 75 100 N2
506AT 30 125 150 N2
508AT 150 200 N2
L186AT 0.75 1 1 N2
218AT 1 1.5 2 N2
219AT 1.5 2 N2
2110AT 2 3 3 N2
259AT 3 5 5 N2
288AT 5 7.5 N2
328AT 10 10 N2
650 365AT 15 20 N2
366AT 20 25 N2
368AT 25 30 N2
407AT 40 50 N2
409AT 50 60 N2
504AT 60 75 N2
506AT 75 100 N2
508AT 125 150 N2
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d N o n V e n t e d S h o rt T i m e R at e d M oto rs 25

Totally Enclosed Non Vented Short Time Rated Motors
240 or 500 Volt continued...

Base Speed Frame Cont. Hp 1 Hr 30 Min. Mult. Sym.

219AT 1 1.5 2 N2
258AT 2 3 N2
288AT 3 3 5 N2
328AT 5 5 7.5 N2
219AT 1 1.5 2 N2
258AT 1.5 2 N2
259AT 2 3 3 N2
288AT 3 5 N2
328AT 2 3 3 N2
328AT 3 5 N2

Metric Frame and Elevator Rated DC Motors Drip Proof Blower Vented - Less Blower

Metric Frame Motors

• Class F temperature rise Refer to Modification Section for available options,
• Accessory mounting face and Section D for constant torque speed range on drip
• Locked bearing on commutator end proof-blower vented motors. DPBV motors do not include
• 40°C ambient blowers. See Modification Section for the price adder.

Equiv. Base Speed Rated Top Speed Metric Baldor Voltage Mult.
Hp RPM RPM Frame Type Armature Field Sym.
4.7 6.3 1750 2300 132 218 460 360 N2
7 9.4 1750 2300 132 219 460 360 N2
11.4 15.3 1750 2300 132 2112 460 360 N2
18.5 24.8 1750 2300 160 2513 460 360 N2
29.4 39.4 1750 2300 180 2810 460 360 N2
33.6 45 1750 2100 180 2813 460 360 N2
40.3 54 1750 2100 200 329 460 360 N2
50.7 68 1750 2100 200 329 460 360 N2
74.6 100 1750 2000 200 3212 460 360 N2
93.2 125 1750 2000 225 368 460 360 N2
112 150 1750 2000 225 368 460 360 N2
149.2 200 1750 2000 225 3610 460 360 N2
186.5 250 1750 1900 250 4011 460 360 N2

Paper Mill and Carriage Drive Motors

Paper Mill Motors Carriage Drive Motors

Special DC motors designed for use in paper mills are available ABB offers a line of low inertia DC motors specifically
from ABB. Since these are made to order, you may choose the designed to meet the demanding applications in the lumber
popular options that you require for your facility. industry. The motors’ inherent low inertia allows the load to
These are commonly added to our Totally Enclosed Non- be rapidly accelerated and decelerated at rates faster than
vented (TENV), Totally Enclosed Fan-cooled (TEFC), Totally typical industry standard designs. These rugged motors have
Enclosed Air-over, (TEAO), or Totally Enclosed Pipe-vented, been application proven over several years. Designs are Drip
(TEPV) designs. These motors typically have a Class F Proof Blower-Vented (DPBV) and have a 500V armature and
temperature rise (standard Class H+ insulation), or choose a 150/300V field. Some typical designs are listed below. If the
design with only a Class B rise. Contact your local ABB Sales rating needed is not shown, contact your local ABB Sales
Office for further details. Office.

Common paper mill options are: kW Speed Frame Inertia

• 8.2 Oversize conduit box 15 1150/2000 2510AT 3.8
• 10.2 Transparent brush covers to allow brush inspection 25 1150/2000 2811AT 7.6
without disassembly of the motor 30 1150/2000 2810AT 6.8
• 11 .8 Baldor-Reliance Dirty Duty construction 40 1150/2000 2810AT 6.8
• 25.2 lnpro® shaft seal on the drive or commutator end 60 1750/2100 2810AT 6.8
• 27.1 Shaft grounding brush 100 1150/2000 407AT 35.5
• 38.0 Thermostat on interpole coil 125 1150/2000 3612AT 31.6
• 38.1 . Warning thermostat on interpole coil 200 1150/1800 506AT 98.7
• Special brushes as required for the application if 250 1150/1700 506AT 98.7
chlorine is present. 300 1150/1600 508AT 121.8
400 1150/1500 5010AT 156
400 1750/2400 508AT 121.8
500 1750/2400 5010AT 156
D C G e n e rato rs 27

DC Generators
120 Volts

• Drip proof fully guarded enclosures • Shunt wound
• Fields separately excited • Class F temperatures rise
• Locked bearing on commutator end • 40°C ambient
• 1.15 Service factor • Other voltages to 600 VDC available

kW RPM Frame Mult. Sym. kW RPM Frame Mult. Sym.

1750 L182AT N1 1750 288AT N2
1450 L182AT N1 1450 288AT N2
3/4 13
1150 L186AT N1 1150 328AT N2
850 L186AT N1 850 328AT N2
3450 L182AT N1 1750 288AT N2
1750 L182AT N1 1450 328AT N2
1 1450 L186AT N1 1150 328AT N2
1150 L186AT N1 850 329AT N2
850 L186AT N1 1750 328AT N2
3450 L182AT N1 1450 328AT N2
1750 L186AT N1 1150 365AT N2
1.5 1450 L186AT N1 850 366AT N2
1150 L186AT N1 1750 328AT N2
850 218AT N1 1450 328AT N2
3450 L182AT N1 1150 366AT N2
1750 L186AT N1 850 368AT N2
2 1450 L186AT N1 1750 366AT N2
1150 218AT N1 1450 366AT N2
850 219AT N1 33
1150 366AT N2
3450 L186AT N1 850 368AT N2
1750 L186AT N1 1750 366AT N2
3 1450 218AT N1 1450 366AT N2
1150 219AT N1 40
1150 366AT N2
850 2110AT N1 850 409AT N2
1750 218AT N1 1750 L407AT N2
1450 219AT N1 1450 L407AT N2
4.5 50
1150 2110AT N1 1150 L407AT N2
850 259AT N1 850 L409AT N2
1750 219AT N2 1750 L407AT N2
1450 2110AT N2 1450 L407AT N2
6.5 65
1150 259AT N2 1150 L409AT N2
850 288AT N2 850 504AT N2
1750 258AT N2
1450 259AT N2
1150 288AT N2
850 328AT N2

Note: Refer to Modifications Section for available options


DC Generators
250 Volts

Features • Shunt wound

• Drip proof fully guarded enclosures • Class F temperatures rise
• Fields separately excited • 40°C ambient
• Locked bearing on commutator end • Other voltages to
• 1.15 Service factor • 600 VDC available

kW RPM Frame Mult. Sym. kW RPM Frame Mult. Sym.

1750 L182AT N1 3450 259AT N2
1450 L182AT N1 1750 328AT N2
1150 L186AT N1 21 1450 328AT N2
850 L186AT N1 1150 365AT N2
3450 L182AT N1 850 366AT N2
1750 L182AT N1 3450 288AT N2
1 1450 L186AT N1 1750 328AT N2
1150 L186AT N1 25 1450 328AT N2
850 L186AT N1 1150 366AT N2
3450 L182AT N1 850 368AT N2
1750 L186AT N1 3450 288AT N2
1.5 1450 L186AT N1 1750 328AT N2
1150 L186AT N1 33 1450 366AT N2
850 218AT N1 1150 366AT N2
3450 L182AT N1 850 368AT N2
1750 L186AT N1 3450 328AT N2
2 1450 L186AT N1 1750 366AT N2
1150 218AT N1 40 1450 366AT N2
850 219AT N1 1150 368AT N2
3450 L186AT N1 850 409AT N2
1750 L186AT N1 3450 329AT N2
3 1450 218AT N1 1750 368AT N2
1150 219AT N1 50 1450 368AT N2
850 2110AT N1 1150 407AT N2
3450 L186AT N1 850 409AT N2
1750 218AT N1 1750 368AT N2
4.5 1450 219AT N1 1450 407AT N2
1150 2110AT N1 65
1150 L409AT N2
850 259AT N1 850 504AT N2
3450 218AT N2 1750 L407AT N2
1750 219AT N2 1450 L407AT N2
6.5 1450 2110AT N2 1150 504AT N2
1150 259AT N2 850 506AT N2
850 288AT N2 1750 L409AT N2
3450 218AT N2 1450 504AT N2
1750 258AT N2 1150 506AT N2
9 1450 259AT N2 850 506AT N2
1150 288AT N2 1750 L409AT N2
8500 328AT N2 1450 504AT N2
1150 506AT N2
3450 219AT N2
850 508AT N2
1750 259AT N2
13 1450 288AT N2 1750 506AT N2
1150 328AT N2 1450 506AT N2
850 328AT N2 200 1750 506AT N2
3450 258AT N2
1750 288AT N2
17 1450 328AT N2
1150 328AT N2
850 365AT N2

Note: Refer to Modifications Section for available options

L i ft i n g M ag n e t G e n e rato rs 29

Lifting Magnet Generators

• Drip proof fully guarded enclosure
• 230 VDC output
• Class h insulation - class F rise
• Double sealed ball bearings
• 2 Pole, compound wound with drooping voltage characteristics
• Weather resistant epoxy paint
• F-2 conduit box location (except 180 frame)
• Available from stock

kW Base NEMA Voltage Full Load Catalog Mult. Field Control Rheostat
Speed Frame Direct Current Amperage Number Sym.
Armature Field Armature Field (Ohms) Amps Max
5 2500 1810AT 230 230 21.7 0.61 DMG2305 N2 300 0.85
7 1/2 2500 219AT 230 230 32.6 1.14 DMG2307 N2 150 1.6
10 2500 219AT 230 230 43.5 0.72 DMG2310 N2 200 1.4
10 2500 219ATC 230 230 43.5 0.72 CDMG2310 N2 200 1.4
15 1750 259AT 230 230 65 1.3 DMG2315 N2 200 1.82
15 1750 259ATC 230 230 65 1.3 CDMG2315 N2 200 1.82
20 1750 288AT 230 230 87 1.8 DMG2320 N2 125 2.52
20 1750 288ATC 230 230 87 1.8 CDMG2320 N2 125 2.52
25 1750 328AT 230 230 109 2.13 DMG2325 N2 100 3.0
25 1750 328ATC 230 230 109 2.13 CDMG2325 N2 100 3.0
33 1750 328AT 230 230 144 2.13 DMG2333 N2 100 3.0
33 1750 328ATC 230 230 144 2.13 CDMG2333 N2 100 3.0
40 1750 329AT 230 230 174 3.7 DMG2340 N2 50 5.2

Note: Field control rheostat and meters are not included in price or available from ABB.

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

Modifications which can be manufactured as part of a custom motor design.

Common Modifications

Modification Number Mechanical Modifications Modification Number Mechanical Modifications

1.0-1 .1 Altitude 18.1 Insulation Class "H"
2.0-2.1 Ambient Temperature 18.2 Insulation VPI
3.0-3.2 Balance 19.0 Leads - Extra Length
4.0 Bases - Sliding 19.1 Leads - Lugs
4.1 Base - Adapter Rails 20.0 Marine Motors
4.2 Base - Soleplate and Generators

4.5 Bearing Insulated 21.1-21.4 Paint

5.0-5.2 Belted Loads 22.0 Differential Pressure Switch

5.3 Belted Drives 22.5 Packaging -Standard

6.0 Brakes - AC Coil 22.6 Packaging - Open Slat

6.1 Brakes - DC Coil 22.7 Packaging - Enclosed Crate

6.2 Brakes - Vertical - Standard 23.0 Service Factor

6.3 Brakes - Dust Tight - Waterproof 24.0 Shaft Extension Commutator End

6.4 Brakes - Accessory Face 24.1 Special Shaft - Dimensions

6.5 Brakes - Space Heater 24.2 Special Shaft - Configuration

6.6 Brake Mounting Provisions 24.3 Special Shaft- Runout Tolerance

7.1 Brush - Low Current Density 24.4 Shaft Guard

7.2 Brush - PVC Environment 24.5-24.6 Special Shaft Material

8.0-8.3 Conduit Boxes 25.0-25.4 Shaft Seals

9.0 Coupling or Brake Wheel Mounting 26.0-26.1 Space Heaters

10.0 Covers - DPFG 27.0 Speed Limit Switch

10.1 Covers - SPFG 27.1 Shaft Grounding Brush

10.2 Covers - Transparent 28.0 Speed Range - Extended

11.0 Enclosure - DPBV - Less Filter 29.0 Speed Limitations

11.1-11.2 Enclosure - DPBV - With Filter 30.0-30.1 Speed - Special Base

11.3 Enclosure - DPSV 30.2 Speed - Base Speed 3500 RPM

11.4 Enclosure - TEPV 31.0-31.12 Tachometers

11.5 Enclosure - TEAO 32.0-32.3 Tach Adapter

11.6 Enclosure - Weather Proof 33.0 Tach Supplied by Customer

11.7 Enclosure - Dust-Proof 33.1 Tach & Adapter

Supplied by Customer
11.8 Enclosure - Dirty Duty
34.0 Dimensions, Connections, Electrical Data and
11.9 Transit Duty Maintenance
12.0 Drain Holes - with Plugs 35.0-35.3 Tests - Certified and Witnessed
12.1 Automatic Breather Drain 36.0 Tropical Protection
14.0 End Brackets - C Face 37.0 Terminal Board Connections
14.1 End Brackets - D Flange 38.0 Thermostat on lnterpole Coil
14.2 End Brackets - P Base 38.1 Thermostat on Field Coil
15.0 Feet - Special NEMA ATY 38.2-38.3 Warning Thermostats
15.1 Footless Frame 39.0 Thermistors - lnterpole Coil
16.0-16.2 Field Voltage - Special 39.1 Thermistors - Field Coil
16.3 Fields - Shunt Wound 39.2-39.4 Warning Thermistors
16.4 Fields - Stabilized Shunt Wound 40.0-40.1 Resistance Temperature Detectors
16.5 Fields - Compound 41.0 Vertical Mount - Drip Proof
16.6 Fields - Series 41.1 Vertical Mounting Drip Cover
17.0 Grease - Standard 41.2 Vertical Lifting Provisions
17.1 Grease - Special Cold Ambient 42.0 Voltage - Special Armature
17.2 Grease Fittings with Reliefs 43.0 Warranty - Three Year
18.0 Insulation Class "F" Mod Express Section
R o u n d F ram e M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 31

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

1.0 Altitude- Standard ratings are based upon the motors or generators operating at altitude from sea level to
Standard 3300 feet per NEMA MG1-14.04.
1.1 Altitude- For motors or generators operating over 3300 feet, refer
Special to the derating chart in the CA608D. Select the appropriate motor frame and rating based on this chart.
Use this higher HP motor frame and list price.
2.0 Ambient- Standard ratings are based upon the motors or generators operating in ambient up to 40°C.
2.1 Ambient- For motors or generators operating over 40°C, refer
Temperature to the derating chart in the CA608D. Select the appropriate motor frame and rating based on this chart.
Special Use this higher HP frame and list price.
3.0 Balance- Meets the dynamic balance limits of the NEMA Standard
Standard MG1-12.05 for maximum amplitude (peak-to-peak displacement) in inches at the highest rated speed.
Does not apply to brakes, tachometer generators,
sheaves, etc.

NOTE: The ripple currents associated with rectified power supplies produce high frequency forces that may cause vibration similar to
that of mechanical unbalance.
3.1 Ultra For applications which require a higher degree of balance. Other specs per above option 3.0.
3.2 Balance- For applications requiring our highest degree
Precision of balance. Other specs per above option 3.0.
4.0 Bases- Allows adjusting of motor position for belt tensioning or alignment. For horizontal mounting only.
Sliding Two bolt adjustment-all frame sizes.
4.1 Base- Provides adapter rails to permit using a current design
Adapter Rails motor with its smaller “D” dimension. This provides rails
only and is normally used for coupled applications only.
4.2 Base Provides two steel plates for customer installation between motor and foundation.
4.5 Bearing For single insulated bearing 180AT-500AT frame.
5.0 Belted Loads, Standard ball bearings are suitable for either direct drive or belted applications. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for assistance with load
Standard calculations. Refer to CA608D for Radial Load Data.
Ball Bearings
5.1 Belted Loads, Maximum capacity ball bearings are suitable for belted applications. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for assistance with load
Maximum calculations. These bearings have a greater capacity for supporting heavier radial loads.
Capacity Ball Should not be used with thrust loading. Includes grease fittings and reliefs (except 180 frame).
(Drive End)

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

5.2 Belted Loads, Roller bearings are suitable for high radial belted applications when used within the limits given in Application Section D or contact
Roller Bearing a local ABB Sales Office for assistance with load calculations. These roller bearings give high radial capacity. When roller bearings are
(Cylindrical required, includes grease fittings and reliefs
Type-Drive (except 180 frame). Refer to CA608D for Radial Load Data.
5.3 Belted Drives, Over length cylindrical roller bearings are suitable for very high belted applications. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for assistance with
Over Length load calculations. These roller bearings give very high radial capacity. When roller bearings are required, includes grease fittings and
Roller Bearing reliefs (except 180 frame).
(Drive End)
6.0 Brakes, These brakes are continuously rated, non-adjustable, electrically released and spring set. Applicable for both holding and stopping if
Disc Type, within the normal torque ratings. Applications which require frequent stops or other severe duties may exceed the thermal limits of the
Motor brake and should be referred to ABB. Pricing includes addition for commutator end shaft extension. Manual release is standard
Mounted, on 25 ft. lbs. and above. Designed to mount to standard accessory face. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for availability of brakes on
AC Coil TEFC motors. Standard brake coils:
If a tachometer is required, add for option 6.5,
Accessory Mounting Face.
6.5 Brakes, Whenever a space heater is to be used in a motor, a heater should also be used in the brake. Does not include brake.
Space Heaters Brake size
For Brake
3-105 lb-ft
125-500 lb-ft
6.6 Brake Provides flange and motor shaft extension on opposite drive end for customer mounting of brake. Not available for TEFC enclosure.
7.1 Brush-Low Special brush grade to allow motor to be operated below 50% of rated current and retain good commutation and brush life.
Current Density
7.2 Brush Special brush grade to allow motor to be operated in an environment where PVC is present.
8.0 Conduit Box Baldor-reliance motors can be supplied with either F1 or F2 conduit box location. Unless otherwise specified the motor will be supplied
Location - with an F1 conduit box location. No standard external conduit box on 180 frame motors. Standard 180 frame conduit box is internal.
8.1 Conduit Box Conduit box is mounted on the top of the motor. Standard location for this option is on the commutator end of the motor.
Top Mounted
8.2 Conduit Box - Conduit box is one size larger than standard.
8.3 Conduit Box - Conduit box is of a cast construction versus the standard deep drawn steel construction.
Cast Iron
9.0 Coupling Or Mounting charge for coupling or brake wheel supplied by the customer with a finish bore and keyseat to factory dimensions.
Brake Wheel
R o u n d F ram e M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 33

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

10.0 Covers-DPFG These covers are designed for horizontal DPFG motors which permits the free exchange of air between the inside and outside of the
(Standard) motor but prevents liquid or solid particles from entering the motor at angles less than 15 degrees from vertical.
10.1 Covers-SPFG These covers are designed for horizontal SPFG motors which permits the free exchange of air between the inside and outside of the
(Splash Proof motor but prevents liquid or solid particles from entering the motor at angles less than 100 degrees from vertical.
Fully Guarded)
10.2 Cover - One solid transparent Lexan® cover replaces a solid or louvered cover. This cover allows visual inspection of the brushes and other
Transparent internal components in the commutator end. When more than one cover is required, multiply the number required times this option.
11.0 Enclosure - For use on drip proof fully guarded motors. See speed-torque curves in the application section.
Drip Proof Blowers can not be mounted on the same side as the conduit box unless a special stand-off adapter is purchased
Blower Vent 1Ø Blower
(DPBV) - Less 3Ø Blower
Filter 3Ø LM9 Blower
11.1 Enclosure- Same as 11.0, with filter.
Drip Proof 1Ø Blower
Blower Vent 3Ø Blower
(DPBV)-With 3Ø LM9 Blower
11.2 Enclosure- Higher flow blower for extruder duty with ambient to 65°C, includes higher flow blower, low restriction louvers, washable filter,
Drip Proof differential pressure switch (For detection of a failed blower motor - will not monitor filter conditions). PVC brushes (if required). 3Ø
Blower Vent Blower
Filter, High
Capacity For
11.3 Enclosure- For applications where contaminated atmospheres are present and/or constant torque is required below base speeds
Drip Proof (see speed torque curves). A flat surface with drilled and tapped bolt holes (except for the 180AT frames) are provided
Separately for attachment of inlet air piping. Specify at time of order the location of air inlet (3, 6, 9 or 12 o'clock facing commutator end).
Vented (DPSV)
11.4 Enclosure- Same as above option (11.3) except air is piped in and out.
Enclosed Pipe
Vented (TEPV)
11.5 Enclosure- This design consists of a motor mounted AC blower attached to a sheet metal shroud which is mounted on the top of the motor frame.
Totally The output air is directed over the frame of the motor, allowing higher torques at lower speeds. Should be considered when noise levels
Enclosed become excessive and/or when brakes with tachometers need to be added to TEFC motors. Add to base price of TEFC motor (except
Air Over (TEAO 500 frame).
11.6 Enclosure- This modification allows a TENV, TEPV, TEFC or TEAO motor to operate where the motor is exposed to weather. Do not use TEFC or
Weather TEAO motors in outdoor applications where ice could form on the external fan blades. Outdoor motors must have either space heaters
Proof- or their fields energized at 50% of rated voltage at stand still to guard against condensation forming inside the motor. Includes:
Outdoor Epoxy Paint on motors and all accessories
Duty Epoxy Primer on Armature, Shaft and inside Endplates
Double sealed Ball Bearings
Corrosion resistant hardware
Gasketed covers & Conduit Box
Threaded inlet on Conduit Box
Sealed Endplate joints & External Bolts
Shaft Slinger
Drain Holes
11.7 Enclosure- For totally enclosed machines which require protection against fine abrasive dust (ie.-taconite).
Dust-Proof/ Design incorporates special sealant on all fits, special gaskets, fittings with reliefs and a labyrinth seal on the drive end.
Taconite This option applies only to TENV, TEFC and TEPV motors.

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

11.8 Enclosure- The Baldor-Reliance Dirty Duty motor is similar to construction for AC motors and designed for operation in damp locations and
Dirty Duty corrosive environments. Dirty Duty motors are available only on TENV, TEFC, TEAO, TEPV and TEUC enclosures. The TEUC motor has
exposed aluminum heat exchanger tubes. If a severe corrosive is present, this aluminum heat exchanger should be replaced with
one made of stainless steel. (1) Dirty Duty motors must have either space heaters or their fields energized at 50% of rated voltage at
standstill to guard against condensation forming inside the motor. Includes:
Epoxy Paint on motor and all accessories
Epoxy Primer on Armature, Shaft and inside Endplates
Greasers and Reliefs
Epoxy coating on external aluminum parts
Corrosion resistant hardware
Gasketed covers & Conduit Box
Threaded inlet on Conduit Box
Sealed Endplate joints & External Bolts
Shaft Slinger
b) Same as above except with stainless steel shaft.
11.9 Transit Duty Contact a local ABB Sales Office for application assistance.
12.0 Drain Holes Drain holes are located at the lowest point of the motor to drain condensation.
12.1 Automatic A self-acting drain to allow condensation collected at the lowest point of the motor to exit.
Breather Drain
Stainless Steel
14.0 End Brackets- See dimensional drawings. When oil is present it is recommended that a shaft seal is added to this option (See shaft seal option 25.0,
NEMA C-Face 25.1, 25.3 or 25.3).500 frame endplate is fabricated - allow extra lead time.
14.1 End Brackets- See dimensional drawings. When oil is present it is recommended that a shaft seal is added to this option
NEMA D-Flange (See shaft seal option 25.0 or 25.1)
14.2 End Brackets Since there is not a NEMA standard for DC P-Base motors, customer dimensions must be supplied to ABB with the order. An adapter
NEMA P-Base will be added to our D-Flange to give the desired P-Base mounting. Also add for special shaft, footless frame and vertical mounting if
required. Consider Dirty Duty features.
15.0 Feet-Special When the foot dimensions are required to be longer or shorter for the 2F dimension - use this adder.
15.1 Footless The feet are removed from the frame; however, a C-Face or a D-Flange must be added to this option.
16.0 Field Voltage- The standard field voltages are as follows: For 180v arm - 100/200; for 240 or 500v armature - 120/240 or 150/300
16.1 Field Voltage- The standard field voltages between 37.5 - 500 use the following adders:
(37.5-360 Volts)
16.2 Fields- Stock motors in Frames 180AT - 500AT are wound as straight shunt.
Shunt Wound
16.3 Fields- Frames 360AT - 500AT were wound as stabilized shunt until 3rd Quarter 2006. On regenerative drives, it is necessary to wind the motor
Stabilized as a straight shunt; otherwise, the series winding would oppose the shunt winding when the motor is reversed or during regeneration.
Shunt Wound There is no additional charge for shunt wound option; however, it is necessary to inform order entry that the application is regenerative.
R o u n d F ram e M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 35

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

16.4 Fields- Standard compound wound motors will have a speed regulation of approximately 15-25%. Compound wound motors are not usually
Compound suited to applications requiring speed control by field weakening. The maximum field weakening that a compound motor will accept is
125% with the approval of ABB’s engineering department.
16.5 Fields- WARNING: Series wound motors must be connected to a positive load which is never less than 25% of the rated load otherwise
Series destructive high speeds will occur.
17.0 Grease- The standard grease is Exxon Polyrex EM which is rated for an operating temperature range of a -29°C to +177°C.
17.1 Grease- Ambient temperatures below -30°C Aeroshell #7 grease would be used which has an operating range of -100°F to +250°F. It is
Special Cold recommended that a space heater or a field economy circuit be used in cold environments to prevent condensation inside the motor.
Ambient It is also recommended that a field current regulator be installed in the control, because without it, the motor will never reach its rated
speed. Brush grade may also need to be changed.
17.2 Grease This option allows the bearing to be purged of any contaminant and allows the proper amount of grease to be maintained in the grease
Fittings With cavity. *Note: On all 180AT frames, a C face or a D flange must be added to provide for grease pathway – add for fittings and optional
Reliefs (required) face or flange.
18.0 Insulation Our standard motors incorporate Class H insulation as standard with the exception of the lead wires.
Class "F"
18.1 Insulation Total insulation system is of a Class H design, motor is Class F temperature rise for longer insulation life.
Class "H"
18.2 Insulation VPI insulation system provided on armature and stationary coils. Standard on 360AT-500AT frames.
19.0 Leads-Extra This option is per foot length and is provided without a terminal box or lead terminals.
19.1 Leads, Burndy Crimp type lead lugs provided as standard for armature and any series field leads. For Burndy crimp type lead lugs.
20.0 Marine Motors These motors are designed to meet IEEE 45 Marine Standards, American Bureau of Shipping, U.S. Coast Guard Marine Service for below
& Generators- deck service only.
Below Deck
21.0 Paint- Customer supplied paint must be compatible with the standard factory installed air dry primer, otherwise additional charges will be
Customer added. Material Safety Data Sheet per OSHA must accompany the paint.
21.1 Paint- Factory Special color or type of paint will be furnished as long as the paint is compatible with our standard air dry primer.
21.2 Two-Coat 2 coat epoxy/Omega Plus is a paint system that provides protection for moderate chemical environments and UV exposure, ISO C-3.
21.3 Extreme Paint Extreme duty paint system for marine duty/offshore or highly corrosive atmospheres, requires a sand blast
System surface preparation, ISO C-5.
21.4 Custom Custom paint system requires customer to supply specification for sales/ engineering review.
22.0 Differential This device is pressure sensitive and is mounted to the output side of the blower housing. Includes its own NEMA 4 conduit box (IP55).
Press. Switch May be used to detect a blower motor failure, will not monitor filter conditions.
(Air Flow)
22.5 Packaging Standard packaging.
Or Euro Pallet

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

22.6 Packaging Provides additional protection for air and land shipment.
22.7 Packaging Provides enhanced protection and required for ocean shipment. Does not provide for any overseas fees, documentation, etc.
23.0 Service Factor All of the motors listed in the pricing section carry a 1.0 service factor. When there is a requirement for a higher service factor
multiply the HP required by the appropriate service factor (ie; 10 HP times 1.15 = 11.5 HP), since this is not a cataloged motor
the next higher horsepower motor would be used which has the same RPM’s and enclosure for the list price. If the calculation
equals a catalog motor with the same enclosure and RPM’s then that list price would be used.
24.0 Shaft The standard double shaft extensions are shown in the dimensional drawings.
24.1 Special Shaft- A) For shaft length shorter than standard dimensions.
Dimensions B) For shaft length longer than standard dimensions.
C) For shaft diameter smaller than standard dimensions.
D) For shaft diameter larger than standard dimensions.
See Chart on page 37 for dimensions.
24.2 Special Shaft- A) Splined shaft per customers drawing.
Configuration B) Tapered type shaft per customers drawing.
C) Tapered NEMA AC shaft (Tapered 1.25" or 1.50” per foot)
D) Shaft threads - Class 2A right hand thread.
24.3 Special Shaft- A) Standard shaft runouts
Runout (at the tip of the motor shaft for std. shaft lengths)
Tolerance per NEMA STANDARDS:
180AT - 250AT --------.002" 280AT - 500AT --------.003"
B) Special shaft runouts (at the tip of the motor shaft for std. shaft lengths):
180AT - 250AT --------.0010" 280AT - 500AT --------.0015"
See Chart on page 37 for Special Shaft tolerances.
24.4 Shaft Guard Provides protective cover over opposite drive end (commutator end) shaft extension. WARNING: To prevent injury, shaft guard must be
specified or supplied by customer for exposed shaft extensions.
24.5 Special Shaft Standard shaft material is AISI 1045. Add for AISI 4140/4150 material.
Material Aisi
24.6 Special Shaft Standard shaft material is AISI 1045 for 180 thru 500. Add for 316 stainless.
Material 316

* Contact sales.
R o u n d F ram e M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 37

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

Shaft Diameter length and Runout Availability

Frame Min. Shaft diameter. Std. Shaft diameter. Max. Shaft diameter¹ Max. Shaft length, runout
180 .625 1.125 1.125 'V' = 4.50", .003"
When 'v' is longer than 4.50" Contact ABB
210 .875 1.375 1.375 'V' = 4.50", .003"
When 'v' is longer than 4.50" Contact ABB
250 1.125 1.625 1.625 'V' = 5.00", .003"
When 'v' is longer than 5.00" Contact ABB
280 1.375 1.875 1.875 'V' = 5.50", .005"
When 'v' is longer than 5.50" Contact ABB
320 1.625 2.125 2.125 'V' = 6.00", .005"
When 'v' is longer than 6.00" Contact ABB
360 1.875 2.375 2.375 'V' = 6.50", .005"
When 'v' is longer than 6.50" Contact ABB
400 2.125 2.625 2.625 'V' = 7.00", .005"
When 'v' is longer than 7.00" Contact ABB
500 2.750 3.250 3.250 'V' = 8.32", .005"
When 'v' is longer than 8.32" Contact ABB

Note: 1. Larger Shaft diameters may be available with oversize bearings and special fabricated endplates. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for feasibility and adder.
2. 2.375 Diameter. with special shaft end bracket – Contact a local ABB Sales Office for adder.

No. Modification Description

25.0 Shaft-Lip Seal This modification protects either bearing from oil splashing into the bearing cavity. Without this option the oil would cause premature bearing failure. Seals
(For Splashing when operated dry for long periods will be damaged. Add per seal.
25.1 Shaft-Face This modification protects the drive end bearing when there is a head pressure of oil against the shaft (ie: gear box connected directly to the motor). Seals
Seal (For Head when operated dry for long periods will be damaged.
25.2 Shaft Seal This option provides an Inpro/Seal® on either bearing of the motor. It protects against liquids, solids, steam and slurry. Add per seal.
25.3 Shaft Face This modification helps protect either bearing from oil and dust contamination. Add per seal.
25.4 Dustproof/ Provides non-magnetic labyrinth seals on all exposed shafts. This modification is intended for totally enclosed machines only for protection against fine
Taconite abrasive dust such as taconite.
26.0 Space Heaters- This option prevents condensation from occurring when the motor is not energized. When the control has a field economy circuit, this option is not necessary
In Motors as long as the field economy is energized. Must specify the A.C. input at the time of the order (120, 230 or 460 volts - single phase - 50/60 Hz.)
26.1 Space Heaters- This option allows for an additional conduit box (For the space heater leads) mounted on the opposite side of the motor conduit box.
Conduit Box
27.0 Speed Limit This device is an Electro-Sensors LRB-1000 having a single relay output with 1-100 and 10-1000 RPM set point ranges.
Switch If required, double set point model available at extra cost.
27.1 Shaft A shaft grounding brush is mounted externally on the drive end of the motor. It eliminates possible bearing failures caused by shaft voltages.
Grounding It includes a labyrinth seal.

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

29.0 Speed Listed below are the standard mechanical speed limitations along with special designed high speed construction. This modification
Limitations is to be used on motors which require speeds which are higher than the standard mechanical speed limitations. Extended Range Field
Maximum Weakening - Maximum Mechanical Safe Operating Speeds.
Mechanical Frame size Standard mech. speed limit Special mech. maximum speed
182AT 4000 RPM 8000 RPM
186AT 4000 RPM 7500 RPM
1810AT 4000 RPM 5400 RPM
218AT 4000 RPM 7300 RPM
219AT 4000 RPM 6500 RPM
2110AT 4000 RPM 5600 RPM
2112AT 4000 RPM 4000 RPM
258AT 3600 RPM 6500 RPM
259AT 3600 RPM 5900 RPM
2510AT 3600 RPM 5250 RPM
2513AT 2750 RPM 4000 RPM
287AT 3600 RPM 4500 RPM
288AT 3600 RPM 4500 RPM
2810AT 3300 RPM 3700 RPM
2811AT 3300 RPM 3650 RPM
2813AT 2500 RPM 2850 RPM
327AT 3600 RPM 4950 RPM
328AT 3600 RPM 4400 RPM
329AT 3200 RPM 3950 RPM
3210AT 2800 RPM 3550 RPM
3212AT 2200 RPM 2900 RPM
365AT 3600 RPM 5000 RPM
366AT 3600 RPM 5000 RPM
368AT 3600 RPM 4350 RPM
3610AT 3000 RPM 3550 RPM
3612AT 2500 RPM 3100 RPM
407AT 2650 RPM 4000 RPM
409AT 2650 RPM 3400 RPM
504AT 2200 RPM 3600 RPM
506AT 2200 RPM 3600 RPM
508AT 2200 RPM 2900 RPM
5010AT 1900 RPM -
5011AT 1900 RPM -
R o u n d F ram e M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 39

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

30.0 Speed- Special base speed motors can be obtained by selecting a motor with the next lower base speed and then field weakening the motor by
Special Base the means of a fixed field resistor. This method is allowable up to the top rated speed of the motor (See electrical specifications)
30.1 Speed- If the above method is unacceptable, ABB can usually design a special base speed motor to the customer’s requirements by taking the
Special Base next lower base speed and adding:
30.2 Speed- For 3500 RPM base speed designs listed on the basic rating pages, make the following adder to the basic list price:
Base Speed
3500 RPM
31.0 Tachometers- Baldor-Reliance XPY DC tachs mounted to commutator end of motor. For electrical, mechanical, and maximum speed specifications, see
DC (XPY) * tach brochure. 50 and 100 VDC/1000RPM
31.1 Tachometers- A BEI H25 encoder with a PY style shaft and flange mounted to the commutator end of the motor. 500, 1000 or 1024 PPR, dual channel,
Digital index marker with complements, and line driver. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for price and availability of special line counts.
(Encoder) * Uses same encoder cables as AC vector motors.
31.2 Tachometers- A BEI H25 encoder with a special flange mounted to the commutator end of the motor. 500, 1000 or 1024 PPR, dual channel, index
Digital marker with complements, and line driver. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for price and availability of special line counts.
(Encoder Uses same encoder cables as AC vector motors.
Isolated) *
31.3 Tachometers- Allows one of the above tachometers to be coupled to the motor by means of a timing belt. Use this adder in addition to the flange
Piggyback mounted prices above.
Back Mount

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

Avtron HS45 (Replaces M3) Hollow-shaft magneto-resistive encoder with 3 ft. flexible cable-sealed. 5-24 volt line driver. 60-5000 ppr.
Avtron encoders should be IP65 enclosure.
mounted to the ODE of the Replaces M3 optical encoder. 0.625” to 1.125” shaft bore
motor. All are bi-directional Single output
with complementary outputs.
Dual output
M4 Hollow-shaft magneto-resistive encoder, with 3 ft. flexible cable – sealed. 5-24 volt line driver. 512, 1024 or 1200 PPR 1.5” to
2.375” shaft bore.
Single output
Dual output
Shaft grounding to above unit
AV850 SMARTachII™ (replaces M285) magneto-resistive bearingless pancake tach with 8.5” double C-face. 8 to 5000 PPR
Single output
Dual output
AV485 SMARTachII™ (replaces M485) Washdown duty IP66 rating magneto-resistive encoder with NEMA 56C face. Stainless steel
shaft, sealed bearings and shaft seals. 8 to 5000 PPR
Single output
Dual output
Shaft grounding to above unit
AV685 SMARTachII™ (Replaces M685) Heavy mill duty magneto-resistive hollow shaft encoder. 8 to 5000 PPR
Single output
Dual output
Shaft grounding to above unit
AV85 ThinLineII™ (Replaces M85) Magneto-resistive bearingless tach with 8.5” double C-face. 8 to 5000 PPR
Single output
Dual output
HS35M Magnetic hollow-shaft non-metallic housing up to 3072 PPR
No. Modification Description
31.12 Tachometer – Various pulse generators are available from outside suppliers. These are usually mounted to the accessory flange on the commutator
(Cont.) Digital Pancake end of the motor. Many are double C-face allowing through shaft use for brakes or other accessories mounted to them.
Contact a local ABB Sales Office for details on a particular pulse generator, included hardware, and availability.
NorthStar RIM™ Tach HS85, hollow shaft
NorthStar Division of Dynapar 60 thru 600 PPR, single output
Controls pulse generators
60 thru 600 PPR, dual output
should be mounted to the
ODE of the motor. These use a 960, 1024 or 1200 PPR, single output
magneto-resistive technology. 960, 1024 or 1200 PPR, dual output
All are bi-directional with
2048 PPR, single output
complementary outputs, 5-26
VDC power, line driver output. 2048 PPR, dual output
SLIM™ Tach ST85 bearingless. Not double C-face
64 thru 2048 PPR, single output
64 thru 2048 PPR, dual output
SLIM™ Tach ST85 bearingless, double C-face "Sandwich" mounting
64 thru 2048 PPR, single output
64 thru 2048 PPR, dual output
RIM™ Tach 8500 bearingless, double C-face with single or dual outputs.
64 thru 600 PPR, single output
64 thru 600 PPR, dual output
960, 1024 or 1200 PPR, single output
960, 1024 or 1200 PPR, dual output
2048 PPR, single output. Max shaft diameter 2.875”.
2048 PPR, dual output. Max shaft diameter 2.875”.
R o u n d F ram e M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 41

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

32.0 Tach Adapters- Tach kit allows mounting of a PY flange tach or encoder to accessory face of a Baldor-Reliance motor. Includes aluminum adapter
PY Style * housing, stub shaft, coupling, and mounting hardware
32.1 Tach Adapters-Tach kit allows mounting of a PY flange tach or encoder to accessory face of a Baldor-Reliance motor. Includes cast iron adapter housing,
Heavy Duty stub shaft, coupling, and mounting hardware.
PY Style *
32.2 Tach Adapters- Tach kit allows mounting of a 56C face tach or encoder to accessory face of a Baldor-Reliance motor. Includes cast iron adapter housing,
Heavy Duty stub shaft, coupling, and mounting hardware.
XC42 & XC46 *
(56C) Style
32.3 Tach Adapters- Kit allows mounting of a Baldor-Reliance Enc00nv isolated encoder to the accessory face of the DC motor.
For Enc00nv
Encoder Kit *
33.0 Dimensions, ABB will supply up to five sets of dimensions, connection diagrams, electrical data & maintenance manuals at no additional charge if
Connections, requested at the time of order entry.
Electrical Data
& Maintenance
34.0 Certified Standard NEMA test are performed on all motors; however, when certified test are required, live sets of reports will be sent.
Copies Of Test
34.1 Witnessed When routine NEMA test are to be witnessed, the customer will be notified two days before the motor is ready for test.
Routine Test
34.2 Performance & This option provides for testing of the motor on a dynamometer with motor horsepower, speed torque and efficiency recorded as a
Heat Run function of armature current up to 150%. The standard motor Is rated at 150% current for one minute.
Testing Six sets of results will be provided
34.3 Performance & Same as above except witnessed. The customer will be notified two days before the motor is ready for test.
Heat Run Test- Six sets of results will be provided.
35.0 Tropical The standard insulation system provides for protection against high humidity and fungus as found in tropical climates. II the
Protection motor will be stored for prolonged periods, additional protection can be provided by the means of a special fungicidal air dry varnish
applied over all of the motor windings.
36.0 Terminal Board Terminal board in conduit box for armature shunt field and stabilized shunt field connections. Includes auxiliary terminal strip for
Connections thermostat and accessory leads. Also consider enclosure; Dirty Duty and space heater options.
37.0 Thermostat This device is mounted on the interpole coil, which provides a reasonably accurate method for approximating the armature
On Interpole temperature. On separately-vented motors, the thermostat protection is drastically decreased at low speeds. The differences between
Coil armature and interpole coils occurs at low speeds because the interpole coil has the same heat transfer regardless of the speed which
is not the case for the armature (As the speed is reduced so is the armature turbulence, this causing higher temperatures). Also the
interpole coil has as much as five times the thermal time constant compared to the armature. Because of the longer time constant the
thermostat can not be relied upon to protect the armature during extreme overloads for short durations. The accuracy of this device is
affected by the ripple content of the power supply and by the inherent tolerances of mounting. Normally closed contacts.
37.1 Thermostat Same device as above except it is mounted on the field coil. This option is recommended when a field regulator is used on the control.
On Field Coil Normally closed contacts.
37.2 Warning This device is set at 15°C lower than the high limit thermostat. Normally closed contacts.
On Interpole
37.3 Warning This device is set at 15°C lower than the high limit thermostat. Normally closed contacts.
On Field Coil
38.0 Thermistors Two of these high limit devices are mounted on the interpole coil with four leads brought into the standard conduit box. This device
Interpole Coil offers the same functional protection as a thermostat, but with a higher degree of accuracy.
A separate electronic control module is required in conjunction with this device.
38.1 Thermistors- Same as above except mounted on the field coils. (Qty 2)
Field Coil

Round Frame Modifications and Accessories

No. Modification Description

39.2 Warning This device is set at 15°C lower than the high limit thermistors. (Qty 2)
Interpole Coil
39.3 Warning This device is set at 15°C lower than the high limit thermistors. (Qty 2)
Field Coil
39.4 Control Module Baldor-Reliance P/N 418033-14B (S/N 115101-2) supplied in a NEMA 12 enclosure for separate mounting.
For Use With Requires 120 volt, 60/50Hz single phase 5 ampere unit. Provides two triac outputs -
Thermistors one normally energized and one normally off - each rated 5 amperes continuous. Add for unmounted control module, 1,508 list.
40.0 Resistance This option has an RTD mounted on the interpole coil or field pole coil which requires customer supplied instrumentation. An analog
Temperature signal is produced which measures the temperature of the interpole coil. The measurement restrictions of this device are the same as
Detector (RTD) described for a thermostat.
Interpole Coil 10 Ω Copper
100 Ω Platinum (Most Common)
120 Ω Nickel
40.1 Resistance This option provides for the mounting of an RTD in the bearing cavity to sense temperature of the bearing. Price is per bearing.
Temperature 10 Ω Copper
Detector (RTD)
100 Ω Platinum (Most Common)
120 Ω Nickel
41.0 Vertical Frame sizes 180AT-400AT can be operated in the vertical position as long as there is no external thrust load applied to the armature
Mount shaft, however, special louvers will have to be only for drip-proof designs. For 500AT frames refer to a local ABB Sales Office.
41.1 Vertical Mount Frame sizes 180AT - 400AT can be operated in the vertical position as long as there is no external thrust load applied to the armature
Drip Cover shaft. Drip cover for standard TEFC motors for extra protection from dripping liquids and falling objects when motor is mounted in
vertical shaft down position. Not available when accessories (brakes, feedback devices etc.) are mounted on ODE.
For 500AT frames, refer to a local ABB Sales Office.
41.2 Vertical Lifting Frame sizes 180AT - 400AT can be operated in the vertical position as long as there is no external thrust load applied to the armature
Provision shaft. For 500AT frames, refer to a local ABB Sales Office. Provides provision for vertical lifting.
42.0 Voltage- Standard voltages listed below are produced at no charge
Special 180AT - 328AT FRAME - 180V, 240V & 500V
Armature 360AT - 500AT FRAME - 240V, 500V
Note: 600V max. Not suitable for 3rd rail transit duty
with above 600 volt peaks.
For other voltages between 180 and 600 volts. (¹)
For 120 or 125 volts on motor ratings up to 40 Hp. (¹)
For other voltages: CONTACT FACTORY
43.0 Warranty- The Baldor-Reliance 36 month extended Gold Seal Limited warranty covers any defect in workmanship for an additional
36 Month 12 months over the standard product warranty. Does not cover failure from lack of preventive maintenance or misapplication.
Extended See separate data sheet for complete details.
Gold Seal
D r i p P r o o f G u ard e d ¹ 43

Drip Proof Guarded ¹

• 180V Armature Features

• 100V or 200V Field • Continuous Duty
• Power Code 2/2-230-60-0 • Class F Insulation
• Suitable for Constant Torque to • 40°C Ambient
50% Base Speed. • 1 .0 Service Factor
• Straight Shunt Wound Fields³

DC Motors 1 - 5 Hp

Hp RPM Nominal by Field Control DPFG Frame

1 1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1150 DC189ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ
1-1/2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ
2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ
850 1020 C1811ATZ
3 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ³
1150 1380 DC1811ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ
650 1000 ²
5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC1810ATZ
1750 1835 DC1810ATZ³
1150 1380 SC2113ATZ
850 1020 ²
650 1000 ²

Notes: ¹ Frame size for DPG enclosure If DPG-FV enclosure is required, refer to Drip Proof Guarded Forced Ventilated page for frame size.
² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame.
³ Stock 180 volt armature motors have straight shunt winding, i.e., no series field, for motors having a field weakened speed not greater than 1 05% base speed.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Drip Proof Guarded ¹

• 240V Armature Features

• 150V or 240V Field • Continuous Duty
• Power Code C • 1.0 Service Factor
• 500V Armature • Class F Insulation
• 240V or 300V Field • Straight Shunt Wound Fields
• Power Code C • 40°C Ambient

DC Motors 1 - 250 Hp

Hp Base Speed Nominal by Field Control DPG Frame 240 Volt 1 Nominal by Field Control DPG Frame 500 Volt 1
1 1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ 1020 C1811ATZ
1.5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ ²
2500 2875 DC189ATZ ²
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ 1020 C1811ATZ
2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ 3500 ²
2500 2500 DC189ATZ 2500 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC1811ATZ 1020 C1811ATZ
3 3500 3500 C1811ATZ ²
2500 2800 DC189ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC1810ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 C1812ATZ 1020 C1812ATZ
650 1600 SC2113ATZ 1000 SC2113ATZ
500 1500 ² ²
400 1200 ² ²
300 900 ² ²
5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ ²
2500 2800 C1811ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 C1811ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 C1812ATZ 1380 C1812ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ 1020 SC2113ATZ
650 1600 MC2113ATZ 1000 MC2113ATZ
500 1500 ² ²
400 1200 ² ²
300 900 ² ²

Notes: ¹ Frame size for DPG enclosure If DPG-FV enclosure is required, refer to Drip Proof Guarded Forced Ventilated page for frame size.
² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame.
³ Stock 180 volt armature motors have straight shunt winding, i.e., no series field, for motors having a field weakened speed not greater than 105% base speed.

Multiplier Symbol: N2
D r i p P r o o f G u ard e d ¹ (c o n t i n u e d) 45

Drip Proof Guarded ¹ (continued)

Hp Base Speed Nominal by Field Control DPG Frame 240 Volt 1 Nominal by Field Control DPG Frame 500 Volt 1
7.5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ ²
2500 2875 C1811ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 C1811ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 SC2113ATZ 1380 SC2113ATZ
850 1020 LC2113ATZ 1020 LC2113ATZ
650 1600 SC2512ATZ 1000 SC2512ATZ
500 1500 ² 1500 ²
400 1200 ² 1200 ²
300 900 ² 900 ²
10 3500 3500 C1811ATZ 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2875 C1811ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 C1812ATZ 1950 C1812ATZ
1150 1380 MC2113ATZ 1380 MC2113ATZ
850 1020 SC2512ATZ 1020 SC2512ATZ
650 1000 LC2512ATZ 1000 LC2512ATZ
3500 3500 C1812ATZ 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2875 C1812ATZ 2875 C1812ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ 1950 SC2113ATZ
1150 1380 SC2512ATZ 1380 SC2512ATZ
850 1020 LC2512ATZ 1020 LC2512ATZ
650 1000 LC2812ATZ 1000 LC2812ATZ
3500 3500 SC2113ATZ 3500 SC2113ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ 2875 SC2113ATZ
1750 1950 LC2113ATZ 1950 MC2113ATZ
1150 1380 MC2512ATZ 1380 MC2512ATZ
850 1020 MC2812ATZ 1020 MC2812ATZ
650 1000 MC3212ATZ 1000 MC3212ATZ
3500 3500 MC2113ATZ 3500 MC2113ATZ
2500 2875 MC2113ATZ 2875 MC2113ATZ
1750 1950 LC2113ATZ 1950 LC2113ATZ
1150 1380 LC2512ATZ 1380 LC2512ATZ
850 1020 LC2812ATZ 1020 LC2812ATZ
650 1000 LC3212ATZ 1000 LC3212ATZ
3500 3500 LC2113ATZ 3500 LC2113ATZ
2500 2875 LC2113ATZ 2875 LC2113ATZ
1750 1950 SC2512ATZ 1950 SC2512ATZ
1150 1380 MC2812ATZ 1380 MC2812ATZ
850 1020 MC3212ATZ 1020 MC3212ATZ
650 1000 MC3612ATZ 1000 MC3612ATZ

Notes: ¹ Frame size for DPG enclosure If DPG-FV enclosure is required, refer to Drip Proof Guarded Forced Ventilated page for frame size.
² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame.
³ Stock 180 volt armature motors have straight shunt winding, i.e., no series field, for motors having a field weakened speed not greater than 105% base speed.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Drip Proof Guarded ¹ (continued)

Hp Base Speed Nominal by Field Control DPG Frame 240 Volt 1 Nominal by Field Control DPG Frame 500 Volt 1
3500 3500 SC2512ATZ 3500 SC2512ATZ
2500 2875 SC2512ATZ 2875 SC2512ATZ
1750 1950 LC2512ATZ 1950 LC2512ATZ
1150 1380 LC2812ATZ 1380 SC3210ATZ
850 1020 LC3212ATZ 1020 LC3212ATZ
650 1000 LC3612ATZ 1000 LC3612ATZ
3500 3500 MC2512ATZ 3500 MC2512ATZ
2500 2875 MC2512ATZ 2875 MC2512ATZ
50 1750 1950 MC2812ATZ 1950 MC2812ATZ
1150 1380 MC3212ATZ 1380 MC3212ATZ
850 1020 MC3612ATZ 1020 MC3612ATZ
3500 3500 LC2512ATZ 3500 LC2512ATZ
2500 2875 LC2512ATZ 2875 LC2512ATZ
60 1750 1950 LC2812ATZ 1950 LC2812ATZ
1150 1380 LC3212ATZ 1380 LC3212ATZ
850 1020 LC3612ATZ 1020 LC3612ATZ
3500 3500 MC2812ATZ 3500 MC2812ATZ
2500 2875 MC2812ATZ 2875 MC2812ATZ
75 1750 1950 MC3212ATZ 1950 MC3212ATZ
1150 1380 MC3612ATZ 1380 MC3612ATZ
850 1020 ² 1020 C4011ATZ
3500 3500 ² 3500 LC2812ATZ
2500 2500 LMC3212ATZ 2500 LC2812ATZ
100 1750 2000 LLC3212ATZ 2000 LC3212ATZ
1150 1380 LLC3612ATZ 1380 LC3612ATZ
850 1020 ² 1020 MC4013ATZ
2500 2500 ² 2500 MC3212ATZ
125 1750 2000 ² 2000 MC3612ATZ
1150 1380 ² 1380 C4011ATZ
2500 2500 ² 2500 LC3212ATZ
150 1750 2000 C4011ATZ 2000 LC3612ATZ
1150 1380 MC4013ATZ 1380 MC4013ATZ
2500 2500 ² 2500 MC3612ATZ
1750 1900 ² 1900 C4011ATZ
250 1750 2000 ² 2000 MC4013ATZ

Notes: S ee page 47
Multiplier Symbol: N2
D r i p P r o o f G u ard e d F o r c e V e n t i l at e d ¹ ³ 47

Drip Proof Guarded Force Ventilated ¹ ³
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower ⁵

• 180V Armature Features • 40oc Ambient

• 100V or 200V • Continuous Duty • 1.0 Service Factor
• Power Code 2/2-230-60-0 • Class F Insulation • Straight Shunt Wound Fields⁴

DC Motors 1 - 7.5 Hp

Hp RPM Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame

1 1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1150 DC189ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ
1.5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ
2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ
3 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ
850 1020 C1811ATZ
650 1000 ²
5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC1810ATZ
1750 1835 DC1810ATZ
1150 1380 C1812ATZ
850 1020 ²
650 1000 ²
7.5 1750 1750 C1812ATZ

Notes: ¹ Frame size also suitable for separately ventilated enclosure, DPG-SV. Motor must have cooling air supplied when fields are excited at rated voltage.
² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame.
³ Frame size for DPG-FV enclosure. If DPG enclosure is required, refer to Drip Proof Guarded page for frame size.
⁴ Stock 180 volt armature motors have straight shunt winding, i.e., no series field, for motors having a field weakened speed not greater than 105% base speed.
⁵ Force ventilation construction is standard. Motor mounted blower without filter with motor for 3-phase, 60 Hz, 240/480 volts AC power supply is included in list price.
Motor must have cooling air supplied when fields are excited at rated voltage.
⁶ Motor speed under any condition must not exceed Maximum Safe Speed listed on nameplate.
⁷ Motor must be speed regulated and/or speed limit switch must be included to limit speed on winder duty.
⁸ Refer to modification section for description of winder duty.
⁹ Continuous and winder duty maximum field weakened speeds shown are for frame size listed additional field weakened speeds may be attained by using larger motor.
Contact a local ABB Sales Office to confirm frame size.
¹⁰ Motor requires external inductance (not supplied by ABB).

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Drip Proof Guarded Force Ventilated ¹ ³
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower ⁵

• 240V Armature • 500V Armature Features • Class F Insulation

• 150V or 240V field • 240V or 300V field • Continuous Duty • Straight Shunt Wound Fields
• Power Code C • Power Code C • 1.0 Service Factor • 40°C Ambient

DC Motors 1 - 250 Hp

Hp Base Speed Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 240 Volt Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 500 Volt
1 1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ 1020 C1811ATZ
1-1/2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ — (2)
2500 2875 DC189ATZ — (2)
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ 1020 C1811ATZ
2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ — (2)
2500 2800 DC189ATZ 2500 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ 1020 C1811ATZ
3 3500 3500 C1811ATZ — (2)
2500 2800 DC189ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 C1811ATZ 1020 C1811ATZ
650 1600 C1812ATZ 1000 C1812ATZ
500 1500 C1812ATZ 1000 C1812ATZ
400 1200 SC2113ATZ 800 SC2113ATZ
300 900 MC2113ATZ 600 MC2113ATZ
5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ — (2)
2500 2875 C1811ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 C1811ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 C1811ATZ 1380 C1811ATZ
850 1020 C1811ATZ 1020 C1812ATZ
650 1600 SC2113ATZ 1000 SC2113ATZ
500 1500 MC2113ATZ 1000 MC2113ATZ
400 1200 MC2113ATZ 800 MC2113ATZ
300 900 SC2512ATZ 600 LC2113ATZ
7-1/2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2875 C1811ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 C1811ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 C1812ATZ 1380 C1812ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ 1020 SC2113ATZ
650 1000 SC2113ATZ 1000 MC2113ATZ
500 950 LC2113ATZ 950 LC2113ATZ
400 800 MC2115ATZ 800 MC2115ATZ
300 600 LC2115ATZ 600 LC2115ATZ

Notes: S ee page 51.

Multiplier Symbol: N2
D r i p P r o o f G u ard e d F o r c e V e n t i l at e d ¹ ³ (c o n t i n u e d) 49

Drip Proof Guarded Force Ventilated ¹ ³ (continued)
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower ⁵

Hp Base Speed Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 240 Volt Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 500 Volt
10 3500 3500 C1811ATZ 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2875 C1811ATZ 2875 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 C1812ATZ 1950 C1812ATZ
1150 1380 SC2113ATZ 1380 SC2113ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ 1020 SC2113ATZ
650 1000 MC2113ATZ 1000 MC2115ATZ
500 950 MC2115ATZ 950 MC2115ATZ
400 800 LC2115ATZ 800 MC2512ATZ
300 600 LC2512ATZ 600 LC2512ATZ
15 3500 3500 C1811ATZ 3500 C1812ATZ
2500 2875 C1812ATZ 2875 C1812ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ 1950 SC2113ATZ
1150 1380 MC2113ATZ 1380 MC2113ATZ
850 1020 LC2113ATZ 1020 LC2113ATZ
650 1000 LC2115ATZ 1000 LC2115ATZ
500 1000 LC2512ATZ 1000 LC2512ATZ
400 800 C2514ATZ 800 C2514ATZ
300 600 LC2812ATZ 600 LC2812ATZ
20 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ 3500 SC2113ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ 2875 SC2113ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ 1950 SC2113ATZ
1150 1380 LC2113ATZ 1380 LC2113ATZ
850 1020 SC2512ATZ 1020 LC2115ATZ
650 1000 LC2512ATZ 1000 LC2512ATZ
500 1000 C2514ATZ 1000 C2514ATZ
400 800 LC2812ATZ 800 LC2812ATZ
300 600 C2815ATZ 600 C2815ATZ
25 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ 3500 SC2113ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ 2875 SC2113ATZ
1750 1950 MC2113ATZ 1950 MC2113ATZ
1150 1380 LC2115ATZ 1380 MC2115ATZ
850 1020 MC2512ATZ 1020 MC2512ATZ
650 1000 C2514ATZ 1000 C2514ATZ
500 1300 LC2812ATZ 1300 LC2812ATZ
400 1000 C2813ATZ 1000 C2815ATZ
300 600 C3214ATZ 600 C3214ATZ
30 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ 3500 SC2113ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ 2875 SC2113ATZ
1750 1950 LC2113ATZ 1950 LC2113ATZ
1150 1380 LC2115ATZ 1380 LC2115ATZ
850 1020 LC2512ATZ 1020 LC2512ATZ
650 1000 C2514ATZ 1000 C2515ATZ
500 1300 C2813ATZ 1300 C2815ATZ
400 1200 LC3212ATZ 1200 C2815ATZ
300 900 C3214ATZ 900 C3214ATZ

Notes: S ee page 51.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Drip Proof Guarded Force Ventilated ¹ ³ (continued)
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower ⁵

Hp Base Speed Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 240 Volt Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 500 Volt
40 3500 3500 LC2113ATZ 3500 LC2113ATZ
2500 2875 LC2113ATZ 2875 LC2113ATZ
1750 1950 LC2115ATZ 1950 MC2115ATZ
1150 1380 LC2512ATZ 1380 LC2512ATZ
850 1020 C2514ATZ 1020 C2514ATZ
650 1000 C2813ATZ 1000 C2515ATZ
500 1100 C2815ATZ 1100 C2815ATZ
400 1000 C3214ATZ 1000 C3214ATZ
300 900 C3613ATZ 900 C3613ATZ
50 3500 3500 SC2512ATZ 3500 MC2115ATZ
2500 2875 SC2512ATZ 2875 LC2115ATZ
1750 1950 MC2512ATZ 1950 LC2115ATZ
1150 1380 C2514ATZ 1380 C2514ATZ
850 1020 C2813ATZ 1020 C2515ATZ
650 1000 C2815ATZ 1000 C2815ATZ
500 1400 LC3214ATZ 1400 C3214ATZ
400 1200 L3612ATZ 1200 LC3612ATZ
300 900 C3613ATZ 900 C3613ATZ
60 3500 3500 SC2512ATZ 3500 MC2115ATZ
2500 2875 MC2512ATZ 2875 LC2115ATZ
1750 1950 LC2512ATZ 1950 LC2512ATZ
1150 1380 C2515ATZ 1380 C2515ATZ
850 1020 C2813ATZ 1020 C2815ATZ
650 1000 C3214ATZ 1000 C3214ATZ
500 1500 LC3612ATZ 1500 LC3612ATZ
400 1200 C3613ATZ 1200 C3613ATZ
300 900 MC4013ATZ 900 LC4013ATZ
75 3500 3500 MC2812ATZ 3500 MC2512ATZ
2500 2875 MC2812ATZ 2875 LC2512ATZ
1750 1950 MC2812ATZ 1950 C2514ATZ
1150 1380 C2813ATZ 1380 MC3212ATZ
850 1020 C2815ATZ 1020 C2815ATZ
650 1000 LC3612ATZ 1000 LC3612ATZ
500 1500 C3613ATZ 1500 MC4013ATZ
400 1200 C3613ATZ 1200 MC4013ATZ
300 900 MC4013ATZ 900 LC4013ATZ
100 4000 4000 4000 MC2812ATZ
3500 3500 3500 MC2812ATZ
2500 2500 LC2812ATZ 2500 MC2812ATZ
1750 2000 LC2812ATZ 2000 C2515ATZ
1150 1380 LLC3212ATZ 1380 C2815ATZ
850 1020 1020 C4011ATZ
650 1600 LC3612ATZ 1600 C3613ATZ
500 1500 C3613ATZ 1500 MC4013ATZ
400 1200 C4412ATZ 1200 C4413ATZ
300 900 C4414ATZ 900 C4414ATZ

Notes: S ee page 51.

Multiplier Symbol: N2
D r i p P r o o f G u ard e d F o r c e V e n t i l at e d ¹ ³ (c o n t i n u e d) 51

Drip Proof Guarded Force Ventilated ¹ ³ (continued)
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower ⁵

Hp Base Speed Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 240 Volt Nominal by Field Control DPG-FV Frame 500 Volt
125 3500 3500 ² 3500 MC3212ATZ
2500 2500 ² 2500 LC2812ATZ
1750 2000 LLC3212ATZ 2000 C2813ATZ
1150 1380 LC3214ATZ 1380 C3214ATZ
850 1020 LLC3612ATZ 1020 LC3612ATZ
650 1600 C4011ATZ 1600 MC4013ATZ
500 1350 ² 1350 LC4013ATZ
400 1050 C4413ATZ 1050 C4413ATZ
300 800 ² 800 C4414ATZ
150 3500 3500 ² 3500 LC3212ATZ
2500 2875 ² 2875 LC3212ATZ
1750 2000 LMC3612ATZ 2000 C2815ATZ
1150 1380 MC4013ATZ 1380 MC4013ATZ
850 1020 C4011ATZ 1020 C3613ATZ
650 1450 ² 1450 MC4013ATZ
500 1150 ² 1150 C4412ATZ
200 2500 2875 ² 2875 C3214ATZ
1750 1900 ² 1900 C3214ATZ
1150 1380 C4011ATZ 1380 MC4013ATZ
850 1020 LC4013ATZ 1020 MC4013ATZ
650 1600 ² 1600 C4413ATZ
500 1300 ² 1300 C4414ATZ
250 2500 2875 ² 2875 MC3612ATZ
1750 1750 ² 1750 LC3612ATZ
1150 1380 ² 1380 MC4013ATZ
850 1020 ² 1020 C4413ATZ
650 1350 ² 1350 C4413ATZ

Notes: ¹ Frame size also suitable for separately ventilated enclosure, DPG-SV. Motor must have cooling air supplied when fields are excited at rated voltage.
² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame.
³ Frame size for DPG-FV enclosure. If DPG enclosure is required, refer to Drip Proof Guarded page for frame size.
⁴ Stock 180 volt armature motors have straight shunt winding, i.e., no series field, for motors having a field weakened speed not greater than 105% base speed.
⁵ Force ventilation construction is standard. Motor mounted blower without filter with motor for 3-phase, 60 Hz, 240/480 volts AC power supply is included in list price.
Motor must have cooling air supplied when fields are excited at rated voltage.
⁶ Motor speed under any condition must not exceed Maximum Safe Speed listed on nameplate.
⁷ Motor must be speed regulated and/or speed limit switch must be included to limit speed on winder duty.
⁸ Refer to modification section for description of winder duty.
⁹ Continuous and winder duty maximum field weakened speeds shown are for frame size listed additional field weakened speeds may be attained by using larger motor.
Contact a local ABB Sales Office to confirm frame size.
¹⁰ Motor requires external inductance (not supplied by ABB).

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Drip Proof Guarded Force Ventilated ¹ (continued)
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower ⁵

• 500V Armature Features

• 300-500 Hp (As Indicated) • Continuous Duty
• Power Code C • Class F Insulation
• 40°C Ambient
• 1.0 Service Factor
• Straight Shunt Wound Fields

DC Motors 300 - 500 Hp

Nominal Extended Field Range (6) (9) Percentage Addition to Basic

Base Armature DPG-FV
Hp FW Speed Cont Duty Max FW Winder Duty Max Motor Price for Maximum
Speed Volts Frame
(RPM) (1) Speed (rpm) (6) FW Speed (rpm) (6) (7) (8) Field Weakened Speed
1750 1900 500 LC3613ATZ 2300 — 0
1150 1600 500 LC4013ATZ 2000 — 0
850 1300 500 C4413ATZ 1700 2200 10
650 1050 500 C4414ATZ 1375 1825 10
1750 1900 500 MC4013ATZ 2000 — —
400 1150 1600 500 C4413ATZ — — —
850 1000 500 C4414ATZ 1300 — 10
1750 2000 500 C4412ATZ — — —
1150 1450 500 C4414ATZ — 1600 5

Notes: S ee page 51.

Multiplier Symbol: N2
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d Fa n C o o l e d 53

Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled

• 240V Armature Features

• 150V or 240V Field • Continuous Duty
• Power Code C • Class F Insulation
• 40°C Ambient
• 500V Armature • 1.0 Service Factor
• 240V or 300V Field • Straight Shunt Wound Fields
• Power Code C

DC Motors 2 - 75 Hp

Hp Speed, RPM TEFC Frame Hp Speed, RPM TEFC Frame

Base Nominal by 240V 500V Base Nominal by 240V 500V
Speed Field Control Speed Field Control
2 850 1020 C1812ATZ C1812ATZ 25 2500 2875 LC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ
3 1150 1380 C1812ATZ C1812ATZ 1750 1950 MC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 1150 1380 MC3212ATZ MC3212ATZ
5 2500 2875 C1811ATZ C1811ATZ 850 1020 LC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
1750 2000 C1812ATZ C1812ATZ 650 1600 LC3612ATZ ²
1150 1380 MC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 500 1500 MC4013ATZ ²
850 1020 SC2512ATZ SC2512ATZ 400 1200 ² ²
7-1/2 3500 3500 C1812ATZ ² 30 2500 2875 MC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 1750 1950 LC2812ATZ LC2812ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 1150 1380 LC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
1150 1380 SC2512ATZ SC2512ATZ 850 1020 MC3612ATZ LC3612ATZ
850 1020 LC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ 650 1600 C4011ATZ MC4013ATZ
650 1600 ² ² 500 1500 MC4013ATZ ²
500 1500 ² ² 400 1200 ² ²
10 2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 40 2500 2875 LC2812ATZ LC2812ATZ
1750 1950 MC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 1750 1950 MC3212ATZ MC3212ATZ
1150 1380 MC2512ATZ MC2512ATZ 1150 1380 MC3612ATZ MC3612ATZ
850 1020 MC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ 850 1020 LC3612ATZ C4011ATZ
650 1600 ² ² 650 1600 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
500 1500 ² ² 500 1500 MC4013ATZ ²
15 2500 2875 LC2113ATZ ² 50 2500 2875 MC3212ATZ MC3212ATZ
1750 1950 SC2512ATZ SC2512ATZ 1750 2100 LC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
1150 1380 MC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ 1150 2000 LC3612ATZ LC3612ATZ
850 1020 MC3212ATZ MC3212ATZ 850 1020 MC4013ATZ MC4013ATZ
650 1600 ² ² 650 1600 MC4013ATZ ²
500 1500 MC3612ATZ ² 60 2500 2500 LC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
20 2500 2875 SC2512ATZ SC2512ATZ 1750 2100 MC3612ATZ MC3612ATZ
1750 1950 LC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ 1150 2000 MC4013ATZ MC4013ATZ
1150 1380 LC2812ATZ LC2812ATZ 850 1020 MC4013ATZ MC4013ATZ
850 1020 LC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ 650 1600 ² ²
650 1600 ² ² 75 2500 2500 MC3612ATZ MC3612ATZ
500 1500 C4011ATZ ² 1750 2100 LC3612ATZ LC3612ATZ
400 1200 MC4013ATZ ² 1150 2000 MC4013ATZ MC4013ATZ

Notes: ² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated

• 180V Armature Features

• 100V or 200V Field • Continuous Duty
• Power Code 2/2-230-60-0 • Class F Insulation
• Suitable for Constant Torque • 40°C Ambient
to 1% Base Speed ¹⁴ • 1.0 Service Factor
• Straight Shunt Wound Fields

DC Motors 1 - 5 Hp

Hp Base Nominal By TENV Frame

Speed RPM Field Control 180 Volt
1 1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1150 DC189ATZ
850 1020 DC1811ATZ
650 1350 DC1811ATZ
1.5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1380 DC1810ATZ
850 1020 DC1811ATZ
650 1300 DC2112ATZ
2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ
2500 2500 DC189ATZ
1750 1750 DC189ATZ
1150 1380 DC1811ATZ
850 1020 DC2112ATZ
650 1300 LC2113ATZ
3 3500 3500 C1812ATZ
2500 2750 DC1811ATZ
1750 2050 DC1811ATZ ⁴
1150 1380 DC2112ATZ
850 1020 LC2113ATZ
650 1000 SC2512ATZ
5 3500 3500 MC2113ATZ
2500 2750 DC2112ATZ
1750 2050 DC2112ATZ ⁴
1150 1380 SC2512ATZ
850 1020 LC2512ATZ
650 1000 LC2512ATZ

Notes: ² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame.

⁴ Stock 180 volt armature motors have straight shunt winding, i.e., no series field, for motors having a field weakened speed not greater than 105% base speed.
¹⁴ Based on maximum allowable temperature rise.
¹⁵ Fields rated 60 minutes duty. Continuous Duty Shunt Field Modification must be specified for continuous duty fields.
¹⁶ Series wound motors may have increased frame size. Refer to a local ABB Sales Office.
¹⁷ Price addition must be made for compound, series or stab shunt winding.
¹⁸ Fields rated 30 minutes duty.
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d N o n - V e n t i l at e d 55

Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated

• 240V Armature Features

• 150V or 240V Field • Continuous Duty
• Power Code C • Class F Insulation
• 40°C Ambient
• 500V Armature • 1.0 Service Factor
• 240V or 300V Field • Straight Shunt Wound Fields
• Power Code C

DC Motors 1 - 7.5 Hp

Hp Base Nominal By TENV Frame Nominal By TENV Frame

Speed Field Control 240 Volt Field Control 500 Volt
1 1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1950 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1265 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC189ATZ 935 C1811ATZ
650 1600 DC1811ATZ 1300 C1812ATZ
1.5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ ²
2500 2875 DC189ATZ 2500 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1925 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC189ATZ 1265 C1811ATZ
850 1020 DC1811ATZ 935 C1812ATZ
650 1600 SC2113ATZ 1300 SC2113ATZ
2 3500 3500 C1811ATZ ²
2500 2875 DC189ATZ 2500 C1811ATZ
1750 1950 DC189ATZ 1925 C1811ATZ
1150 1380 DC1811TZ 1265 C1812ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ 1020 SC2113ATZ
650 1600 MC2113ATZ 1300 MC2113ATZ
3 3500 3500 C1811ATZ ²
2500 2875 DC1810ATZ 2500 C1811ATZ
1750 2050 DC1811ATZ 1925 C1812ATZ
1150 1380 SC2113ATZ 1380 SC2113ATZ
850 1020 LC2113ATZ 935 MC2113ATZ
650 1600 SC2512ATZ 1000 SC2512ATZ
5 3500 3500 C1812ATZ ²
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ 2875 SC2113ATZ
1750 2050 SC2113ATZ 2050 SC2113ATZ
1150 1380 SC2512ATZ 1380 SC2512ATZ
850 1020 LC2512ATZ 1020 LC2512ATZ
650 1600 MC2812ATZ 1000 MC2812ATZ
7.5 2500 2875 MC2113ATZ 2875 MC2113ATZ
1750 1950 LC2113ATZ 1950 LC2113ATZ
1150 1380 MC2512ATZ 1380 MC2512ATZ
850 1020 LC2812ATZ 1020 LC2812ATZ
650 1600 MC3212ATZ 1600 MC3212ATZ

Notes: S ee page 54.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated

• 240V Armature Features

• 150V or 240V Field • Continuous Duty
• Power Code C • Class F. Insulation
• 40°C Ambient
• 500V Armature • 1.0 Service Factor
• 240V or 300V Field • Straight Shunt Wound Fields
• Power Code C

DC Motors 10 - 40 Hp

Hp Base Nominal By TENV Frame Nominal By TENV Frame

Speed Field Control 240 Volt Field Control 500 Volt
10 2500 2875 SC2512ATZ 2875 SC2512ATZ
1750 1950 LC2512ATZ 1950 LC2512ATZ
1150 1380 MC2812ATZ 1380 MC2812ATZ
850 1020 MC3212ATZ 1020 MC3212ATZ
650 1600 MC3612ATZ 1600 MC3612ATZ
15 2500 2875 MC2812ATZ 2875 MC2812ATZ
1750 1950 LC2812ATZ 1950 LC2812ATZ
1150 1380 MC3212ATZ 1380 MC3212ATZ
850 1020 LC3612ATZ 1020 LC3612ATZ
650 1600 ² 1600 ²
20 2500 2875 LC2812ATZ 2875 LC2812ATZ
1750 1950 MC3212ATZ 1950 MC3212ATZ
1150 1380 LC3612ATZ 1380 LC3612ATZ
850 1020 ² 1020 MC4013ATZ
650 1600 ² 1600 MC4013ATZ
25 2500 2875 MC3212ATZ 2875 MC3212ATZ
1750 1950 MC3612ATZ 1950 MC3612ATZ
1150 1380 C3613ATZ 1380 MC4013ATZ
850 1020 ² 1020 MC4013ATZ
650 1600 ² 1600 MC4013ATZ
30 2500 2875 MC3612ATZ 2875 LC3212ATZ
1750 1950 LC3612ATZ 1950 LC3612ATZ
1150 1380 MC4013ATZ 1380 ²
850 1020 ² 1020 ²
40 2500 2875 LC3612ATZ 2875 LC3612ATZ
1750 1950 ² 1950 LC3612ATZ

Notes: S ee page 54.

Multiplier Symbol: N2
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d N o n - V e n t i l at e d 57

Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated
60 Minute Duty

• 240V Armature • 500V Armature Hp Speed, RPM Frame16

• 150V or 240V Field¹⁵ • 240V or 300V Field¹⁵ Base Speed Nominal by Field Control 240V or 500V
• Power Code C • Power Code C 20 2500 2875 SC2512ATZ
1750 1950 MC2512ATZ
Features 1150 1380 MC2812ATZ
• 60 Minute Duty ¹⁵ 850 1020 LC2812ATZ
• Class F Insulation 650 1600 LC3212ATZ
• 40°C Ambient 500 1500 ²
• 1.0 Service Factor 25 2500 2875 MC2512ATZ
• Straight Shunt 1750 1950 LC2512ATZ
Wound Fields ¹⁷ 1150 1380 LC2812ATZ
850 1020 MC3212ATZ
650 1600 MC3612ATZ
DC Motors 3 - 125 Hp 500 1500 ²
30 2500 2875 MC2812ATZ
Hp Speed, RPM Frame 16

240V or 500V 1750 1950 MC2812ATZ

Base Speed Nominal by Field Control
1150 1380 LC3212ATZ
3 2500 2875 C1811ATZ
850 1020 MC3612ATZ
1750 1950 C1811ATZ
650 1600 LC3612ATZ
1150 1380 C1812ATZ
500 1500 ²
850 1020 SC2113ATZ
40 2500 2875 LC2812ATZ
650 1600 SC2113ATZ
1750 1950 LC2812ATZ
5 3500 3850 SC2113ATZ
1150 1380 LC3212ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ
850 1020 LC3612ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ
650 1600 ²
1150 1380 MC2113ATZ
500 1500 ²
850 1020 LC2113ATZ
50 1750 1950 MC3212ATZ
650 1600 MC2512ATZ
1150 1380 ²
7.5 3500 3850 SC2113ATZ
850 1020 ²
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ
650 1600 ²
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ
500 1500 ²
1150 1380 LC2113ATZ
60 1750 1950 MC3212ATZ
850 1020 SC2512ATZ
1150 1380 ²
650 1600 LC2512ATZ
850 1020 MC4013ATZ
500 1500 ²
650 1600 ²
10 3500 3850 SC2113ATZ
500 1500 ²
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ
75 1750 1950 MC3612ATZ
1750 1950 MC2113ATZ
1150 1380 LC3612ATZ
1150 1380 SC2512ATZ
850 1020 C3613ATZ
850 1020 MC2512ATZ
650 1600 ²
650 1600 MC2812ATZ
500 1500 ²
500 1500 ²
100 1750 2000 ²
15 3500 3850 LC2113ATZ
1150 1380 ²
2500 2875 LC2113ATZ
850 1020 LC4013ATZ
1750 1950 SC2512ATZ
650 1600 ²
1150 1380 LC2512ATZ
500 1500 ²
850 1020 MC2812ATZ
125 1750 2000 ²
650 1600 MC3212ATZ
1150 1380 ²
500 1500 ²
850 1020 C4414ATZ
Notes: S ee page 54.
650 1600 ²
Multiplier Symbol: N2

Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated
30 Minute Duty

• 240V Armature Features Hp Base Speed RPM Frame16

• 150V or 240V Field¹⁸ • 30 Minute Duty ¹⁸ 240V or 500V
• Power Code C • Class F Insulation 20 3500 SC2113ATZ
• 500V Armature • 40°C Ambient 2500 SC2113ATZ
• 240V or 300V Field¹⁸ • 1.0 Service Factor 1750 LC2113ATZ
• Power Code C • Straight Shunt 1150 MC2512ATZ

Wound Fields ¹⁷ 850 LC2512ATZ

650 LC2812ATZ
25 3500 LC2113ATZ
2500 LC2113ATZ
1750 SC2512ATZ
1150 LC2512ATZ
850 MC2812ATZ
DC Motors 1 - 150 Hp 650 MC3212ATZ
30 2500 SC2512ATZ
Hp Base Speed RPM Frame16 1750 MC2512ATZ
240V or 500V
1150 MC2812ATZ
1 850 ²
850 LC2812ATZ
1.5 1150 ²
650 LC3212ATZ
850 ²
40 2500 MC2512ATZ
2 1750 ²
1750 LC2512ATZ
1150 ²
1150 LC2812ATZ
850 C1811ATZ
850 MC3212ATZ
650 C1812ATZ
650 MC3612ATZ
3 1750 ²
50 2500 LC2512ATZ
1150 C1811ATZ
1750 MC2812ATZ
850 C1812ATZ
1150 MC3212ATZ
650 SC2113ATZ
850 LC3212ATZ
5 1750 C1811ATZ
650 LC3612ATZ
1150 C1812ATZ
60 2500 MC2812ATZ
850 MC2113ATZ
1750 LC2812ATZ
650 MC2113ATZ
1150 LC3212ATZ
7.5 3500 C1812ATZ
850 LC3612ATZ
2500 C1812ATZ
650 ²
1750 C1812ATZ
75 2500 LC2812ATZ
1150 MC2113ATZ
1750 MC3212ATZ
850 LC2113ATZ
1150 MC3612ATZ
650 MC2512ATZ
850 LC3612ATZ
10 3500 C1812ATZ
650 ²
2500 C1812ATZ
100 2500 MC3212ATZ
1750 SC2113ATZ
1750 LC3212ATZ
1150 MC2113ATZ
1150 LC3612ATZ
850 LC2113ATZ
125 2500 MC3612ATZ
650 MC2512ATZ
1750 MC3612ATZ
15 3500 SC2113ATZ
150 2500 LC3612ATZ
2500 SC2113ATZ
1750 LC3612ATZ
1750 MC2113ATZ
1150 SC2512ATZ Notes: S ee page 54.
Multiplier Symbol: N2
850 MC2512ATZ
650 MC2812ATZ
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d E x p lo s i o n P r o o f 59

Totally Enclosed Explosion Proof

• 180V Armature
Explosion-Proof Motor Availability
• 100 V or 200V Field
Refer to Application Data Section for Additional Data
• Power Code K ¹⁹

• The basic explosion-proof motor is Underwriters

Laboratories, Inc. listed for service in hazardous locations
• Continuous Duty
indicated by the following table.
• Class F Insulation
• The basic motor is either TENV or TEFC as noted on the
• 40°C Ambient ·
rating page.
• 1.0 Service Factor
• A price addition must be made to obtain TEAO construction.
• Straight Shunt Wound Fields
(Refer to Modification Section)
• Thermostat
• Class B or F Rise
Classification Temp Code 1 Frame TENV TEFC TEAO TEAO
In-Line Piggy
Caution: Back
The application of motors and other electrical equipment in CL. I GR. C & D T4A-120° C XC180ATY ³ Yes Yes Yes Yes
hazardous locations is restricted by the National Electrical XC250ATY
Code. Customers must observe these regulations and consult CL. II GR. E T3B-165° C XC180ATY ³ Yes Yes No No
with local code inspection and enforcement agencies to insure XC250ATY
compliance. Motors listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. CL. II GR. F & G T3B-165° C XC180ATY ³ Yes Yes Yes No
for use in specific locations are listed for user in the specified XC250ATY
location only. CL. I GR. C & D T4-135° C XC328ATZ ³ Yes Yes Yes Yes

Explosion-proof motors have one or more thermostats CL. II GR. E T3B-165° C XC328ATZ ³ Yes Yes No No
designed to trip before the frame reaches the maximum
CL. II GR.F & G T3B-165° C XC328ATZ ³ Yes Yes Yes No
allowable temperature for the specific class and group.

The normally closed contacts of the thermostat MUST be ¹ Temperature code applies for motors with required thermostats

connected in the motor control circuit so that power to the Notes: ¹⁹ Motors rated 1150 rpm and 1750 rpm are suitable tor use on Power Supply
motor armature and filed is removed immediately when the without the use of external reactors or chokes. Power supplies without the
free wheeling diode may require an external choke.
thermostat strips. An explosion-proof tachometer mounted
on the motor will also have an internal thermostat which must Multiplier Symbol: N2

be connected to stop the drive immediately upon tripping.

DC Motors 1 - 5 Hp

Hp Class I Group C & D, Class II Group E, F & G

Base Nominal By TEFC Frame TENV Frame
Speed Field Control
1750 2050 XC1811ATY XC1811ATY
1150 1380 XC1811ATY XC1811ATY
2500 2750 XC1811ATY XC1811ATY
1-1/2 1750 2050 XC1811ATY XC1811ATY
1150 1380 XC1812ATY XC1812ATY
2500 2750 XC1811ATY XC1812ATY
2 1750 2050 XC1811ATY XC1812ATY
1150 1380 XC1812ATY XC257ATY
2500 2750 XC1812ATY XC257ATY
3 1750 2050 XC1812ATY XC257ATY
1150 1380 XC257ATY XC257ATY
2500 2750 XC257ATY XC257ATY
5 1750 2050 XC257ATY XC257ATY
1150 1380 XC258ATY XC259ATY

Totally Enclosed Explosion Proof

• 240 Armature • 40°C Ambient Features

• 150V or 240V Field • 1.0 Service Factor • Continuous Duty
• Power Code C ²⁰ • Straight Shunt Wound Fields • Class F Insulation
• Thermostat

DC Motors 1 - 5 Hp

Hp Class I Group C & D, Class II Group E, F & G

Base Speed TEFC TENV
RPM Nominal By Frame Nominal By Frame
Field Control Field Control
1 1750 2050 XC1811ATY 2100 XC1811ATY
1150 1750 XC1811ATY 1750 XC1811ATY
1.5 2500 2750 XC1811ATY 2875 XC1811ATY
1750 2050 XC1811ATY 2190 XC1811ATY
1150 1380 XC1811ATY 1750 XC1811ATY
2 2500 2875 XC1811ATY 2875 XC1811ATY
1750 2190 XC1811ATY 2190 XC1811ATY
1150 1750 XC1811ATY 1750 XC1812TY
3 2500 2875 XC1811ATY 2875 XC1812ATY
1750 2190 XC1812ATY 2190 XC1812ATY
1150 1750 XC1812ATY 1380 XC257ATY
5 2500 2875 XC1812ATY 2875 XC257ATY
1750 2050 XC257ATY 2190 XC257ATY
1150 1380 XC258ATY 2000 XC258ATY
850 1020 XC259ATY 1750 XC259ATY

Notes: ² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame size

²⁰ Motors rated 1750 rpm and 1150 rpm base speed at 3/4 through 40Hp will operate on Power Code 0 without external choke or reactor.
Other ratings may require choke on Power Code D.
²¹ Class II, Group G is Class B Rise.
²² Will be labeled Class I, Group D and Class II, Group E, F & G
²³ Limited to Class I, Group D only

Multiplier Symbol: N2
Tota l ly E n c lo s e d E x p lo s i o n P r o o f 61

Totally Enclosed Explosion Proof

• 240V Armature • 500V Armature • 1.0 Service Factor Features

• 150V or 240V Field • 240V or 300V Field • Straight Shunt Wound Fields • Continuous Duty
• Power Code C ²⁰ • Power Code C ²⁰ • Thermostat • Class F Insulation
• Class 8 or F Rise ²¹ • 40°C Ambient

DC Motors 7.5 - 200 Hp

Hp Class I Group C & D, Class II Group E & F Class II, Group G (22)
Base Speed Nominal By 240 Volt 500 Volt 240 Volt 500 Volt
RPM Field Control TEFC-XP Frame TEFC-XP Frame TEFC-XP Frame TEFC-XP Frame
7.5 2500 2950 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY
1750 1850 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY
1150 2000 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC259ATY XC259ATY
850 1020 XC259ATY XC259ATY XC328ATZ XC328ATZ
10 2500 2700 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY
1750 1950 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY XC257ATY
1150 1380 XC258ATY XC258ATY XC328ATZ XC328ATZ
850 1020 XC328ATZ XC328ATZ XC3210ATZ XC328ATZ
15 2500 2875 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC258ATY XC258ATY
1750 1950 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC259ATY XC259ATY
1150 1380 XC328ATZ XC328ATZ XC328ATZ XC328ATZ
850 1020 XC3210ATZ XC3210ATZ N/A N/A
20 2500 2875 XC257ATY XC257ATY XC259ATY XC258ATY
1750 1950 XC259ATY XC259ATY XC328ATZ XC3210ATZ
1150 1380 XC328ATZ XC328ATZ N/A XC3210ATZ
25 2500 2875 XC328ATZ XC259ATY XC328ATZ XC328ATZ
1750 1950 XC328ATZ XC328ATZ XC328ATZ XC3210ATZ
1150 1380 XC3210ATZ XC3210ATZ N/A N/A
30 2500 2875 XC328ATZ XC328ATZ N/A N/A
1750 1950 XC328ATZ XC3210ATZ N/A N/A
40 2500 2875 XC3210ATZ XC3210ATZ N/A N/A

Notes: ²⁰ Motors rated 1750 rpm and 1150 rpm base speed at 3/4 through 40Hp will operate on Power Code 0 without external choke or reactor.
Other ratings may require choke on Power Code D.
²¹ Class II, Group G is Class B Rise.
²² Will be labeled Class I, Group D and Class II, Group E, F & G
²³ Limited to Class I, Group D only
² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame size

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Paper Mill Service Motors

Definite purpose motors designed for paper mill and other Additional modifications as required for the application may
severe industrial applications as listed on the following pages be priced from the Modification Section.
are available with a choice of enclosures and temperature rise.
Ratings are listed in either separately-ventilated enclosures Features:
with the required cooling air supplied by the customer or • Class F Rise Ratings
with an integral motor mounted blower driven by a three- - 1 .0 Service Factor at Class F Rise
phase motor. - 1 50% Load for One Minute

Both Class F and Class B temperature rise ratings are listed • Class B Rise Ratings
to permit the customer to select the temperature rise of his - 1 .0 Service Factor at Class B Rise
choice. Class F temperature rise motors are rated 1.0 service - 1 .15 Service Factor at Class F Rise
factor. Class B temperature rise motors are rated 1.0 service - 200% Load for One Minute at Base Speed and Below
factor at Class B rise and 1.15 service factor at Class F rise.
The Class B rise motors are suitable for 200% load for one • Both Class F Rise Ratings and Class B Rise Ratings
minute at base speed and below. - Continuous Duty
- 40° C Ambient
Certain modifications commonly required for these - 240 V or 300 V Field (Specify field voltage)
applications are noted on the basic rating pages. These - Paper Mill Duty Features
modifications include Paper Mill Duty Features which is - Shaft Grounding Brush
similar to XT features except applicable to motors not totally - Splashproof Covers
enclosed, Splashproof Covers, Transparent Handhole Covers, - Transparent Handhole Covers
Shaft Grounding Brush and Thermostat. - Thermostat

Note: Location of transparent handhole covers must be Refer to General Information Section For additional basic
specified on sales order. motor features.

Frame B845AT rated 400 Hp 300/1200 rpm driving paper machine winder
Pap e r M i l l S e rv i c e M oto rs 63

Paper Mill Service Motors
Splash-Proof Guarded Separately Ventilated ²⁹

• 240V Armature • Continuous Duty

• 240V or 300V Field • 40°C Ambient
• Power Code C
Make list price additions from the Modification section
Features for the following features required for Paper Mill Service.
• Class F Rise Ratings • Paper Mill Duty Features
- 1.0 Service Factor • Shaft Grounding Brush
- 150% Load for One Minute • Splashproof Covers
• Class B Rise Ratings • Transparent Handhole Covers
- 1.0 Service Factor at Class B Rise • Thermostats
- 1.15 Service Factor at Class F Rise
- 200% Load for One Minute at Base Speed and Below

DC Motors 7.5 - 250 Hp

Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise
RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame
7.5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ C1811ATZ 20 650 1000 LC2512ATZ C2514ATZ
2500 2875 C1811ATZ C1811ATZ Cont. 500 750 C2514ATZ C2514ATZ
1750 1950 C1811ATZ C1812ATZ 400 600 LC2812ATZ C2815ATZ
1150 1380 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 300 450 C2815ATZ LC3212ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 25 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ
650 1000 SC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ
500 750 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ 1750 1950 MC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
400 600 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 1150 1380 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ
300 450 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 850 1020 MC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ
10 3500 3500 C1811ATZ C1812ATZ 650 1000 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ
2500 2875 C1811ATZ C1812ATZ 500 750 LC2812ATZ C2815ATZ
1750 1950 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 400 600 C2815ATZ LC3212ATZ
1150 1380 SC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 300 450 C3214ATZ MC3612ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 30 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
650 1000 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 2500 2875 SC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
500 750 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 1750 1950 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ
400 600 MC2512ATZ C2514ATZ 1150 1380 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ
300 450 LC2512ATZ LC2812ATZ 850 1020 LC2512ATZ MC2812ATZ
15 3500 3500 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 650 1000 C2515ATZ C2515ATZ
2500 2875 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 500 750 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 400 600 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ
1150 1380 MC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 300 450 C3214ATZ C3613ATZ
850 1020 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ 40 3500 3500 LC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
650 1000 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 2500 2875 LC2113ATZ SC2512ATZ
500 750 LC2512ATZ C2514ATZ 1750 1950 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ
400 600 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ 1150 1380 LC2512ATZ MC2812ATZ
300 450 LC2812ATZ C2815ATZ 850 1020 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ
20 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 650 1000 C2515ATZ C2815ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 500 750 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 400 600 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
1150 1380 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ 300 450 C3613ATZ ²
850 1020 LC2115ATZ MC2512ATZ
Notes: S ee page 64 for notes.
Multiplier Symbol: N2

DC Motors 7.5 - 250 Hp (continued)

Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise
RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame
3500 3500 MC2115ATZ MC2115ATZ 3500 3500 MC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
2500 2875 LC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 2500 2500 LC2812ATZ LC3212ATZ
1750 1950 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 1750 2000 C2813ATZ LC3212ATZ
1150 1380 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ 1150 1380 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
50 850 1020 C2515ATZ C2815ATZ 125 850 1020 LC3612ATZ C4011ATZ
650 1000 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ 650 1000 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
500 750 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ 500 1350 LC4013ATZ N/A
400 600 LC3612ATZ C3613ATZ 400 1050 C4413ATZ N/A
300 450 C3613ATZ ² 300 900 C4414ATZ N/A
3500 3500 MC2115ATZ MC2512ATZ 2500 2875 LC3212ATZ MC3612ATZ
2500 2875 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 1750 2000 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ
1750 1950 LC2512ATZ C2514ATZ 1150 1380 C3613ATZ C3613ATZ
1150 1380 C2515ATZ C2815ATZ 150 850 1020 C3613ATZ MC4013ATZ
60 850 1020 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ 650 975 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
650 1000 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ 500 1150 C4412ATZ N/A
500 750 LC3612ATZ C4011ATZ 400 925 (2) N/A
400 600 C3613ATZ MC4013ATZ 2500 2875 C3214ATZ C3214ATZ
300 450 LC4013ATZ ² 1750 1900 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
3500 3500 MC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ 1150 1380 C3613ATZ C3613ATZ
2500 2875 LC2512ATZ MC2812ATZ 850 1020 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
1750 1950 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ 650 1600 C4413ATZ C4414ATZ
1150 1380 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ 500 1300 C4414ATZ N/A
75 850 1020 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ 1750 1750 LC3612ATZ C4011ATZ
650 1000 LC3612ATZ LC3612ATZ 1150 1380 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
500 750 MC4013ATZ MC4013ATZ 850 1020 LC4013ATZ N/A
400 600 MC4013ATZ N/A 650 1350 C4413ATZ N/A
300 450 C4414ATZ N/A
3500 3500 ² MC2812ATZ
2500 2500 MC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ
1750 2000 C2515ATZ C2813ATZ
1150 1380 C2815ATZ MC3612ATZ
100 850 1020 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
650 1000 C3613ATZ MC4013ATZ
500 750 MC4013ATZ N/A
400 1200 C4413ATZ N/A
300 900 C4414ATZ N/A

Notes: ² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame size.

⁶ Motor speed under any condition must not exceed maximum safe speed on nameplate.
⁷ Motor must be speed regulated and/or speed limit switch must be included to limit speed on winder duty.
Motor speed under any condition must not exceed maximum safe speed listed in on nameplate.
²⁹ Enclosure is Splash-Proof Guarded, Separately-Ventilated (SPG-SV). Motor must have cooling air supplied when field are excited at rated voltage.
³⁰ Percentage Addition to either Class F or Class B List price applies to either Continuous
Duty maximum Field Weakened Speed or Winder Duty Maximum Field Weakened Speed.
³¹ Armature voltage is 600 V
³² Enclosure is Splash-Proof Guarded, Force-Ventilated (SPG-FV). Motor mounted blower(s) without filter with motor(s) for 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 230/460 AC power supply is
included in list price. Motor must have cooling air supplied when
fields are excited at rated voltage.

Multiplier Symbol: N2
Pap e r M i l l S e rv i c e M oto rs 65

Paper Mill Service Motors
Splash-Proof Guarded Separately Ventilated ²⁹

• 500V Armature • Continuous Duty

• 240V or 300V Field • 40°C Ambient
• Power Code C
Make list price additions from the Modification section
Features for the following features required for Paper Mill Service.
• Class F Rise Ratings • Paper Mill Duty Features
- 1.0 Service Factor • Shaft Grounding Brush
- 150% Load for One Minute • Splashproof Covers
• Class B Rise Ratings • Transparent Handhole Covers
- 1.0 Service Factor at Class B Rise • Thermostats
- 1.15 Service Factor at Class F Rise
- 200% Load for One Minute at Base Speed and Below

DC Motors 300 - 500 Hp

Hp Base Speed Nominal Field Temperature Rise Extended Field Range Percentage
RPM Weakening Speed - Continuous Duty Winder Duty Addition to Basic
RPM Motor Price for
Non- Reversing Class F Class B Non- Reversing Duty Maximum Field Maximum Field
Reversing Duty Frame Frame Reversing Duty Weakening Speed - Weakened Speed
Duty RPM
Class F Class B Class F Class B Class F Class B
300 1750 1900 1900 LC3613ATZ MC4013ATZ 2300 2200 2300 1980 - 2200 10
1150 1600 1600 LC4013ATZ C4413ATZ 2000 2100 2000 2100 - - -
850 1300 1300 C4413ATZ C4414ATZ 1900 1500 1900 1500 2200 1900 10
400 1750 1900 1900 MC4013ATZ C4412ATZ - 2200 - 2200 - - 10
1150 1200 1200 C4413ATZ C4414ATZ 1600 1650 1600 1650 - - 10
850 1000 1000 C4414ATZ - 1300 - 1300 - - - 10
500 1750 1750 1750 C4412ATZ - 2000 - 2000 - - - 10
1150 1200 1200 C4414ATZ - 1450 - 1450 - - - 10

Notes: ² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame size.

⁶ Motor speed under any condition must not exceed maximum safe speed on nameplate.
⁷ Motor must be speed regulated and/or speed limit switch must be included to limit speed on winder duty.
Motor speed under any condition must not exceed maximum safe speed listed in on nameplate.
²⁹ Enclosure is Splash-Proof Guarded, Separately-Ventilated (SPG-SV). Motor must have cooling air supplied when field are excited at rated voltage.
³⁰ Percentage Addition to either Class F or Class B List price applies to either Continuous
Duty maximum Field Weakened Speed or Winder Duty Maximum Field Weakened Speed.
³¹ Armature voltage is 600 V
³² Enclosure is Splash-Proof Guarded, Force-Ventilated (SPG-FV). Motor mounted blower(s) without filter with motor(s) for 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 230/460 AC power supply is
included in list price. Motor must have cooling air supplied when
fields are excited at rated voltage.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Paper Mill Service Motors
Splash-Proof Force Ventilated with Motor Mounted Blower ³²

• 500V Armature • Continuous Duty

• 40V or 300V Field • 40°C Ambient
• Power Code C
Make list price additions from the Modification section
Features for the following features required for Paper Mill Service.
• Class F Rise Ratings • Paper Mill Duty Features
- 1.0 Service Factor • Shaft Grounding Brush
- 150% Load for One Minute • Splashproof Covers
• Class B Rise Ratings • Transparent Handhole Covers
- 1.0 Service Factor at Class B Rise • Thermostats
- 1.15 Service Factor at Class F Rise
- 200% Load for One Minute at Base Speed and Below

DC Motors 7.5 - 250 Hp

Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise
RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame
7.5 3500 3500 C1811ATZ C1811ATZ 20 650 1000 LC2512ATZ C2514ATZ
2500 2875 C1811ATZ C1811ATZ Cont. 500 750 C2514ATZ C2514ATZ
1750 1950 C1811ATZ C1812ATZ 400 600 LC2812ATZ C2815ATZ
1150 1380 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 300 450 C2815ATZ LC3212ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 25 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ
650 1000 SC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ
500 750 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ 1750 1950 MC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
400 600 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 1150 1380 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ
300 450 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 850 1020 MC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ
10 3500 3500 C1811ATZ C1812ATZ 650 1000 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ
2500 2875 C1811ATZ C1812ATZ 500 750 LC2812ATZ C2815ATZ
1750 1950 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 400 600 C2815ATZ LC3212ATZ
1150 1380 SC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 300 450 C3214ATZ MC3612ATZ
850 1020 SC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 30 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
650 1000 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 2500 2875 SC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
500 750 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 1750 1950 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ
400 600 MC2512ATZ C2514ATZ 1150 1380 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ
300 450 LC2512ATZ LC2812ATZ 850 1020 LC2512ATZ MC2812ATZ
15 3500 3500 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 650 1000 C2515ATZ C2515ATZ
2500 2875 C1812ATZ SC2113ATZ 500 750 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 400 600 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ
1150 1380 MC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 300 450 C3214ATZ C3613ATZ
850 1020 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ 40 3500 3500 LC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ
650 1000 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 2500 2875 LC2113ATZ SC2512ATZ
500 750 LC2512ATZ C2514ATZ 1750 1950 MC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ
400 600 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ 1150 1380 LC2512ATZ MC2812ATZ
300 450 LC2812ATZ C2815ATZ 850 1020 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ
20 3500 3500 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 650 1000 C2515ATZ C2815ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 500 750 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 400 600 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
1150 1380 LC2113ATZ MC2115ATZ 300 450 C3613ATZ ²
850 1020 LC2115ATZ MC2512ATZ
Notes: S ee page 64 for notes.
Multiplier Symbol: N2
Pap e r M i l l S e rv i c e M oto rs 67

DC Motors 7.5 - 250 Hp (continued)

Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise Hp Base Speed Nominal By Temperature Rise
RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame RPM Field Control Class F Frame Class B Frame
50 3500 3500 MC2115ATZ MC2115ATZ 125 3500 3500 MC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
2500 2875 LC2115ATZ LC2115ATZ 2500 2500 LC2812ATZ LC3212ATZ
1750 1950 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 1750 2000 C2813ATZ LC3212ATZ
1150 1380 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ 1150 1380 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
850 1020 C2515ATZ C2815ATZ 850 1020 LC3612ATZ C4011ATZ
650 1000 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ 650 1000 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
500 750 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ 500 1350 LC4013ATZ N/A
400 600 LC3612ATZ C3613ATZ 400 1050 C4413ATZ N/A
300 450 C3613ATZ ² 300 900 C4414ATZ N/A
60 3500 3500 MC2115ATZ MC2512ATZ 150 2500 2875 LC3212ATZ MC3612ATZ
2500 2875 LC2115ATZ LC2512ATZ 1750 2000 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ
1750 1950 LC2512ATZ C2514ATZ 1150 1380 C3613ATZ C3613ATZ
1150 1380 C2515ATZ C2815ATZ 850 1020 C3613ATZ MC4013ATZ
850 1020 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ 650 975 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
650 1000 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ 500 1150 C4412ATZ N/A
500 750 LC3612ATZ C4011ATZ 400 925 ² N/A
400 600 C3613ATZ MC4013ATZ 200 2500 2875 C3214ATZ C3214ATZ
300 450 LC4013ATZ ² 1750 1900 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
75 3500 3500 MC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ 1150 1380 C3613ATZ C3613ATZ
2500 2875 LC2512ATZ MC2812ATZ 850 1020 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
1750 1950 C2514ATZ C2515ATZ 650 1600 C4413ATZ C4414ATZ
1150 1380 C2815ATZ C2815ATZ 500 1300 C4414ATZ N/A
850 1020 C2815ATZ C3214ATZ 250 1750 1750 LC3612ATZ C4011ATZ
650 1000 LC3612ATZ LC3612ATZ 1150 1380 MC4013ATZ LC4013ATZ
500 750 MC4013ATZ MC4013ATZ 850 1020 LC4013ATZ N/A
400 600 MC4013ATZ N/A 650 1350 C4413ATZ N/A
300 450 C4414ATZ N/A
100 3500 3500 ² MC2812ATZ
2500 2500 MC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ
1750 2000 C2515ATZ C2813ATZ
1150 1380 C2815ATZ MC3612ATZ
850 1020 C3214ATZ LC3612ATZ
650 1000 C3613ATZ MC4013ATZ
500 750 MC4013ATZ N/A
400 1200 C4413ATZ N/A
300 900 C4414ATZ N/A

Notes: ² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame size.

⁶ Motor speed under any condition must not exceed maximum safe speed on nameplate.
⁷ Motor must be speed regulated and/or speed limit switch must be included to limit speed on winder duty.
Motor speed under any condition must not exceed maximum safe speed listed in on nameplate.
²⁹ Enclosure is Splash-Proof Guarded, Separately-Ventilated (SPG-SV). Motor must have cooling air supplied when field are excited at rated voltage.
³⁰ Percentage Addition to either Class F or Class B List price applies to either Continuous
Duty maximum Field Weakened Speed or Winder Duty Maximum Field Weakened Speed.
³¹ Armature voltage is 600 V
³² Enclosure is Splash-Proof Guarded, Force-Ventilated (SPG-FV). Motor mounted blower(s) without filter with motor(s) for 3-phase 50/60 Hz, 230/460 AC power supply is
included in list price. Frames C4414ATZ and smaller have one blower motor. Motor must have cooling air supplied when
fields are excited at rated voltage.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Paper Mill Service Motors
Splash-Proof Force Ventilated with Motor Mounted Blower ³²

• 500V Armature • Continuous Duty

• 240V or 300V Field • 40°C Ambient
• Power Code C
Make list price additions from the Modification section
Features for the following features required for Paper Mill Service.
• Class F Rise Ratings • Paper Mill Duty Features
- 1.0 Service Factor • Shaft Grounding Brush
- 150% Load for One Minute • Splashproof Covers
• Class B Rise Ratings • Transparent Handhole Covers
- 1.0 Service Factor at Class B Rise • Thermostats
- 1.15 Service Factor at Class F Rise
- 200% Load for One Minute at Base Speed and Below

DC Motors 300 - 500 Hp

Hp Base Speed Nominal Field Temperature Rise Extended Field Range Percentage
RPM Weakening Speed - Continuous Duty Winder Duty Addition to Basic
RPM Motor Price for
Non- Reversing Class F Class B Non- Reversing Duty Maximum Field Maximum Field
Reversing Duty Frame Frame Reversing Duty Weakening Speed - Weakened Speed
Duty RPM
Class F Class B Class F Class B Class F Class B
300 1750 1900 1900 LC3613ATZ MC4013ATZ 2300 2200 2300 1980 - 2200 10
1150 1600 1600 LC4013ATZ C4413ATZ 2000 2100 2000 2100 - - -
850 1300 1300 C4413ATZ C4414ATZ 1900 1500 1900 1500 2200 1900 10
400 1750 1900 1900 MC4013ATZ C4412ATZ - 2200 - 2200 - - 10
1150 1200 1200 C4413ATZ C4414ATZ 1600 1650 1600 1650 - - 10
850 1000 1000 C4414ATZ - 1300 - 1300 - - - 10
500 1750 1750 1750 C4412ATZ - 2000 - 2000 - - - 10
1150 1200 1200 C4414ATZ - 1450 - 1450 - - - 10

Notes: ³¹ Armature voltage is 600 V

Multiplier Symbol: N2
R a n g e D r i v e M oto rs 69

Range Drive Motors
Splash-Proof Guarded

• 240V Armature • Specially designed for use on multi-motor drives operating

• 240V Field on a common voltage power supply such as textile range
• Power Code C drives, roofing machines, tube mills, etc.
• Provision for Adding Flange Mounted Tachometer
• F1 Mounting Features
• Continuous Duty
• Range drive motors have matched IR drops within • Class F Insulation
approximately 5 volts .and good regulation characteristics • 40°C Ambient
out to the maximum field weakened speed of 2300 rpm. • 1.0 Service Factor
• Stabilized Shunt Wound Fields
• Capable of operation at 25% base speed with 67% armature • Thermostat
current and motor field pre-weakened to 2100 rpm.

DC Motors 3 - 50 Hp

Hp Base Speed RPM Maximum Field Weakened Speed RPM Frame Electrical Design Number Mounting Model Number
3 1750 2300 C1811ATCZ G2001C ³³ 180T C-Face/Foot T18R1009
5 1750 2300 C1811ATCZ G2002C ³³ 180T C-Face/Foot T18R1010
7.5 1750 2300 C1812ATCZ G2003C ³³ 180T C-Face/Foot T18R1011
10 1750 2300 SC2113ATCZ G6190A ³³ 210T C-Face/Foot T21S1001
15 1750 2300 LC2113ATCZ G6191AA ³³ 250T C-Face/Foot T21S1002
20 1750 2300 LC2113ATCZ G6068BA 250T C-Face/Foot T21S1003
25 1750 2300 SC2512ATCZ G6237AB ³³ 250T C-Face/Foot T25S1001
30 1750 2300 MC2512ATCZ G6411AA ³³ Foot T25S101
40 1750 2300 LC2512ATZ G6410AA Foot T25S102
50 1750 2300 MC2812ATZ G6407AA Foot T28S101

Notes: ³³ Suitable for Power Code D

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Extruder Duty Motors
Drip-Proof Guarded Force-Ventilated (¹¹) (³⁶)
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower and Filter
• 240V Armature Features Make list price additions from the Modification section
• 150V or 240V Field • Continuous Duty for the following features required for Extruder Duty Design.
• Power Code C • 40°C Ambient • Fiberglass Replaceable Filter
• 1.0 Service Factor • Transparent Hand Hole Cover
• 500V Armature • Stabilized Shunt Wound Fields • Warning Thermostat
• 240V or 300V Field • Enclosed Commutator Design • High Limit Thermostat
• Power Code C

DC Motors 10 - 400 Hp

Speed RPM DPG-FV Frame Speed RPM DPG-FV Frame

Hp Base Nominal By Hp Base Nominal By
240 Volts 500 Volts 240 Volts 500 Volts
Speed Field Control Speed Field Control
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113TZ 2500 2875 LC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ SC2113TZ 1750 1950 LC2812ATZ LC2812ATZ
10 75
1150 1380 MC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 1150 1380 LLC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
850 1020 LC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 850 1020 LC3612ATZ LC3612ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 2500 2875 ² C2813ATZ
1750 1950 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 1750 1950 ² MC3212ATZ
15 100
1150 1380 LC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 1150 1380 ² MC3612ATZ
850 1020 SC2512AZ SC2512ATZ 850 1020 ² LC3612ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ SC2113ATZ 2500 2875 ² LC3212ATZ
1750 1950 MC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 1750 1950 ² LC3212ATZ
20 125
1150 1380 SC2512ATZ SC2512ATZ 1150 1380 ² LC3612ATZ
850 1020 MC2512ATZ MC2512ATZ 850 1020 ² C4011ATZ
2500 2875 SC2113ATZ MC2113ATZ 2500 2875 ² MC3612ATZ
1750 1950 LC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 1750 1950 ² MC3612ATZ
25 150
1150 1380 MC2512ATZ MC2512ATZ 1150 1380 ² C4011ATZ
850 1020 LC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ 850 1020 ² MC4013ATZ
2500 2875 LC2113ATZ LC2113ATZ 2500 2875 ² MC3612ATZ
1750 1950 SC2512ATZ SC2512ATZ 1750 1950 ² LC3612ATZ
30 200
1150 1380 LC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ 1150 1380 ² MC4013ATZ
850 1020 LC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ 850 1020 ² LC4013ATZ
2500 2875 SC2512ATZ SC2512ATZ 2500 2875 ² LLC3612ATZ
1750 1950 MC2512ATZ MC2512ATZ 250 1750 1950 ² C4011ATZ
1150 1380 MC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ 1150 1380 ² LC4013ATZ
850 1020 MC3212ATZ LC2812ATZ 300 1750 1950 ² MC4013ATZ
2500 2875 MC2512ATZ MC2512ATZ 400 1750 1950 ² LC4013ATZ
1750 1950 LC2512ATZ LC2512ATZ
50 Notes: ² Refer to a local ABB Sales Office for frame size.
1150 1380 LC2812ATZ LC2812ATZ Multiplier Symbol: N2
850 1020 MC3212ATZ MC3212ATZ
2500 2875 MC2812ATZ LC2512ATZ
1750 1950 LC2812ATZ MC2812ATZ
1150 1380 LC3212ATZ MC3212ATZ
850 1020 LC3212ATZ LC3212ATZ
IEC D C M oto rs 71

IEC DC Motors
Complete with Motor Mounted Blower

Features • 1.0 Service Factor • Thermistor

• 460V Armature, 310V Field • Class H Insulation • Provision for Tachometer
• S-1 Duty • Straight Shunt Wound • F-2 Mounting
• 40°C Ambient • Foot Mounted • Power Code 6/6 - 415 - 50 - 0

DC Motors 15.9 - 396 kW

kW Base Speed Frame Enclosure

15.9 1690 GK1303 IP23-IC06
17.6 1775 GK1305 IP23-IC06
16 1368 GK1305 IP23-IC06
24.7 1685 GK1307 IP23-IC06
31.9 1945 GK1309 IP23-IC06
21.5 1215 GK1309 IP23-IC06
42.4 1985 GK1311 IP23-IC06
36.9 1675 GK1311 IP23-IC06
47.9 1905 GK1606 IP23-IC06
31.7 1190 GK1606 IP23-IC06
60.3 1725 GK1608 IP23-IC06
49 1365 GK1608 IP23-IC06
41.3 1135 GK1608 IP23-IC06
80.9 1805 GK1610 IP23-IC06
59.7 1250 GK1610 IP23-IC06
99.3 2055 UGK1808 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
80.9 1615 UGK1808 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
113 1625 UGK1810 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
84.4 1200 UGK1810 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
177 2075 ULGK2008 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
141 1600 UGK2008 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
115 1265 UGK2008 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
103 1130 UGK2008 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
192 1965 ULGK2010 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
254 1825 ULGK2208 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
246 1670 ULGK2208 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
181 1195 ULGK2208 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
204 1210 ULGK2210 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
292 1660 GK2508 IP23-IC06
371 1640 GK2510 IP23-IC06
228 940 UGK2510 ³⁷ IP23-IC06
327 1210 GS2808 IP23-IC06
396 1150 GS2810 IP23-IC06

Notes: ³⁷ Roller bearing for belted duty only.

Multiplier Symbol: N2

Laminated Frame DC Modifications and Accessories

Modifications which can be manufactured as part of a custom motor design.

Table of contents

Air pressure switch Speed limit switch

Altitude Provisions for mounting only
Ambient temperature Field windings
Balance, dynamic Filters
Bases Footless frame
Bearings & bearing modifications Gearmotor provisions
Blowers Insulation
Brackets Leads
Brakes & brake modifications Lead lugs
Brake limit switch Lubrication grease
Brake mounting provision Mounting of customer supplied equipment
Brush - special Overload, special momentary
Bus bar terminations Packaging
Conduit box Paint
Covers Service factor
Drain plugs Shaft modifications
Enclosures Space heaters
Enclosure enhancements- severe duty Speed-base speed 3500 rpm
Feedback devices Speed range
Coupled encoders Technical data
Bearingless encoders Tests
Explosion-proof encoders Thermal protection
Resolvers Vertical lifting
Tachometers Voltage
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 73

Laminated Frame DC Modifications and Accessories

Air pressure switch

Standard Enclosure
Weatherproof Enclosure

Mounted on motor bracket at air inlet end or output side of the blower housing. Monitors pressure differential between inside
and outside of motor or blower to actuate SPDT switch when pressure drops below preset value giving an immediate indication
that the air supply to the motor is reduced. Applicable to forced ventilated motors with either motor mounted blower or
separately forced ventilated by customer supplied air. Since motors dependent on force ventilation will have a rapid rise in
temperature after the air supply is interrupted, the customer must take immediate corrective action when the switch trips.
Contacts rated 15 amps, 120-480 volts, 60 Hz AC resistive; 1/8 Hp at 125 volts; 1/4 Hp at 250 volts, 60Hz AC. Applicable to frames
C180ATZ through C4413ATZ.

Note: Use price for Weatherproof Enclosure switch when specifying an Explosion Proof switch on non -explosion proof motor.


High Altitude
For motors and generators operating over 3,300 feet, refer to the derating chart in CA608D. Select the appropriate motor frame and rating based on this
chart. Use this higher HP motor frame and list price.

Standard guarantees are made on the basis that the motor will operate at an altitude from sea level to 3300 feet per
NEMA MG1-14.04. Applicable to all enclosures. Note: Frame may change.

Ambient temperature

High Ambient
For motors and generators operating over 40°C, refer to the derating chart in CA608D. Select the appropriate motor frame and rating based on this chart.
Use this higher HP motor frame and list price.

For motors suitable for operation in ambients greater than 40º C. Note: Frame size may change.

Low Ambient
Ambient as low as -1 to -25°C
Special brushes provided as required.
Ambient as low as -40°C
Low temperature grease, special
Ambient as low as -60°C
Low temperature grease, special brushes, high tensile strength shaft material, special commutator and special fan on TEFC motors provided as required.
Not available on explosion-proof motors.

Note: For DC Machines operating in low ambient conditions, the base speeds and regulation may not be in accordance with
NEMA standards. Motors should have space heater added to prevent condensation of moisture when unenergized.

Balance, dynamic

Electric motor balance and vibration

Balance can be defined as the state of the mass distribution within the rotating assembly about its axis of rotation.
The eccentricities of this mass distribution are referred to as unbalance. The amount of unbalance is stated in units of mass
times a distance, such as gram-inches, gram-centimeters or gram-millimeters. Vibration is defined as the motion of a body
in response to forces imposed upon that body. Vibration in assembled motors can be measured a amplitude in inches, peak-
to-peak, or as velocity in inches per second or as velocity in millimeters per second.

• Displacement, inches, Peak to Peak = 19.10 x Velocity, Inches per Second, Peak ÷ RPM
• Displacement, Inches, Peak to Peak = 1.062 x Velocity, Millimeters per Second, RMS ÷ RPM
• Displacement, Inches, Peak to Peak = 0.752 x Velocity, Millimeters per Second, Peak ÷ RPM
• Velocity, in/sec peak = Displacement, inches peak x 2 p x f ÷ 60 or Displacement, in p-p x π x f ÷ 60
• RMS = Peak to Peak x 0.707
• Peak = Peak to Peak x 0.50 (f=rpm)

In addition to unbalance, there are other sources of motor vibration such as uneven air gap, frame distortion due to improper
torquing of foot mounting bolts, operation at or near critical speed and various bearing, support, coupling and electromagnetic
effect problems. Unbalance is the predominant component in vibration when displacement is measured. The many other, higher
frequency components show up when measuring velocity.

Standard Baldor-Reliance motors are manufactured in accordance with the vibration limits stated in NEMA MG1, Part 7.
Per NEMA, bearing housing vibration is stated as “the peak value of the unfiltered vibration velocity in inches per second”.
Table I shows bearing housing vibration velocity in inches per second as well as other units for comparison. Shaft vibration
measurements are recommended for sleeve bearing machines only. Contact a local ABB Sales Office when you have sleeve
bearing requirements.

Table I - Standard Machine Vibration Limits

Vibration Speed (New NEMA Standard) Unfiltered Vibration (IEC Terminology) (Old NEMA Terminology)
Category RPM Unfiltered Vibration Velocity mm / sec peak Unfiltered Vibration Amplituted Displacement
Velocity in /sec peak Velocity mm / sec rms Inch Peak to Peak
Standard 1801-3600 0.15 3.8 2.7 0.0008
1201-1800 0.15 3.8 2.7 0.0016
901-1200 0.15 3.8 2.7 0.0024
721-900 0.12 3.0 2.1 0.0025
601-720 0.09 2.3 1.6 0.0025
Less than 600 0.08 2.0 1.4 0.0025

Table II - Special Machine Vibration Limits

Vibration Category Speed RPM Unfiltered Vibration Velocity in/sec peak
Ultra-Standard 1801-3600 0.10
1201-1800 0.08
Less than 1200 0.08
Precision 1801-3600 0.06
1201-1800 0.04
Less than 1200 0.04
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 75

— —
Bases Bearings & bearing modifications

Base Type Bearing

Heavy Duty Two adjusting bolts for adjusting belt tension. modifications
Base Not suitable for wall or ceiling mounting. Insulated Frame sizes C440ATZ come standard with an
Adjustable Not suitable for wall or ceiling mounting. Bearings insulated bearing on the non-drive end.
B500ATZ Roller Bearings Roller Bearings (Belted Drive) — Provides for roller
Slide Rails / Belted Drive bearings and special shaft on frames UC180-C4414 used
B580ATZ for belted drive. C180ATZ-C250ATZ frames
Adapter Rails Provides adapter rails to permit using a current design are suitable for belted drive as standard. Refer to the
Frames motor with its small “D” dimension in the same location as Application Data Section for minimum sheave diameter
DC180ATZ - a Super RPM, RPM, or Super T motor. The modification and center-to-center distance. Details of the drive
C4414 provides rails only and is normally used for coupled system must accompany the order. Belted drive
applications. Note that difference in shaft diameter and applications not meeting the standard minimum sheave
length will probably require a change in customer’s diameters, etc., require special pricing. Refer to Mounting
coupling. Also allows using RPM III to replace old DC motors of Customer Property for pricing to mount customer’s
by other manufacturers. finished bore sheave.
Soleplates Provides two steel plates for customer installation Grease Fittings Alemite No. 1610 fittings to replace pipe plugs provided as
between motor and foundation. standard. NOTE: Not available on DC180ATZ or DC2112ATZ
frame - to obtain this modification on 180
frame, price a C180ATZ frame by using the 500 V armature
basic motor price at same Hp and base speed.
Grease Relief Two automatic grease relief fittings to replace standard
Fittings pipe plugs. Note: Not available on DC180ATZ or DC2112ATZ
frame. To obtain this modification on 180
frame, price C180ATZ frame by using the 500v armature
basic motor price at same HP and base speed.


Standard blower motor voltages included in the base price of a Force Ventilated enclosure are 3 phase 50/60 hertz 240/480 volts
(230/460). For other voltages and frequencies or for 1 phase add the charge below.

Special. blower motor

Single Phase- 50 or 60 Hz
Three Phase - 50 or 60 Hz


Bracket Type

NEMA AC C-Face or D-Flange bracket with standard dimensions. C-Face available on frames DC180ATCZ through C360ATCZ only.
D-flange available on frames DC180ATDZ except D-flange not available on DC2112ATZ frame. Special seals required when oil will
be around the shaft. Add modification for footless frame if desired. Vertical P-base available on frames C180ATZ-C440ATZ. Since
there is not a NEMA standard for DC P-base motors, customer dimensions must be supplied with
the order. An adaptor may be added to the D-flange to meet the desired P-base dimensions.

Note: NEMA defines different shaft dimensions for AC and DC C-face motors. Since standard C-face reducers require NEMA
AC motor shaft dimensions, specify which NEMA AC motor C-face size when DC motor will be connected to a reducer.
No special price addition other than this modification is required for NEMA AC C-face and shaft. Our standard is to be
considered the AC C-face for that frame diameter.

Motor C-Face is intended for mounting auxiliary equipment such as pumps, gears, etc. When mounted horizontally, frames
C280ATCZ through C360ATCZ should be supported by the feet and not by the C-Face. Installations requiring a horizontally
mounted motor without feet supported should use a D-flange bracket. (These D-flange frames require support by feet when
mounted horizontal: C2515ATDZ, C2815ATDZ, C3214ATDZ, C3613ATDZ, and all D-flange C400, C440.)

Brakes & brake modifications

Motor Mounted Brakes (Disc Type) - These motor mounted brakes are continuously rated, non-adjustable, electrically released
and spring set applicable for both holding and stopping service within the nominal torque ratings listed. Brakes used for
frequently repeated stopping service or other severe applications may be limited by thermal capacity and should be referred
to ABB.

• Motor mounting position, i.e., horizontal or vertical, shaft up, or down, or ceiling, must be specified on the order.
For vertical mounting standard enclosures and dust tight / waterproof see adders below.
• Brakes can be mounted on all enclosures except TEAO-INLINE Blowers and TEFC C400ATZ
Frames. Use TEAO Piggyback enclosure to mount brakes on C400ATZ.
• For some combinations of brake and motor, the brake may extend below the motor feet.
Special motor mounting is required to provide clearance.
• Add space heater modification on brake when required.
• A manual release is included as standard on all brakes listed.
• Refer to ABB for separately mounted shoe brake, special brakes, and brakes of specific manufacturer.
For higher speeds, contact ABB.
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 77

Brake limit switch

Indicates condition of brake. Specify if switch is to be OPEN or CLOSED when brake coil is energized.

Brake Torque
Single Phase- 50 or 60 Hz
750 - 1000 ft. -lbs

Brake mounting provision

Frame Size
Brake mounting provision Provides flange and motor shaft extension on opposite drive end for customer mounting of brake through
C4414ATZ frame.

Brush - special
Frame Size
Low Current Density Special brush grade to allow motor to be operated below 50% of rated current
and retain good commutation and brush life.
PVC Environment Brush Special brush grade to allow motor to be operated in a environment where PVC is present.

Conduit box

Conduit Box Type

One Size Larger than Standard Note: Not available on DC180ATZ, DC2112ATZ, C400ATZ or C440ATZ frames. To obtain this modification on DC180ATZ
frame price a C180ATZ frame by using the 500V armature basic motor price at same Hp and base speed.
Cast Iron Standard Sizes Note: Not available on C400ATZ and larger.
Mill Type Heavy gauge, large rectangular metal box standard for frames C400ATZ and larger. Note: Not available on DC180ATZ or
DC2112ATZ frames. To obtain this modification on DC180ATZ ratings, price a C180ATZ frame.
Oversize Mill Type Note: Applicable only on C400ATZ thru C4400ATZ frames.
Conduit Box
Top Mounted Conduit Box Note: Conduit box cannot be located in the same quadrant as blower on frames C440ATZ and below. Frames DC180ATZ and
DC2112ATZ have top mounted conduit box as standard.
Explosion-Proof Conduit Box
on Separately Ventilated

Add to pipe-in, pipe-out (TESV) motors only. Provides a motor with explosion-proof conduit box, four thermostats on the
intercoil windings, explosion proof air pressure switch, two thermostats on the main field winding and special nameplate to
indicate that the motor, when separately ventilated with required air flow and installed in accordance with the National Electric
Code (NFPA 70) and applicable local codes, is suitable for use in Class 1, Group D, Division
2 locations for temperature code T2D. The three thermostats will be connected in series inside the motor with only two leads
brought into the terminal box. The motor control must disconnect motor power immediately in an orderly manner when the
PROOF MOTOR. Refer to Application Data section HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS for additional application details. For Class 1,
Groups A, B, or C and Class II applications, contact a local ABB Sales Office.

Note: Not available on DC180ATZ or DC2112ATZ frames. To obtain this modification on DC180ATZ frame price a C180ATZ frame
by using the 500V armature basic motor price at same Hp and base speed.


Cover Type
Splashproof Covers For drip proof machines to meet NEMA MG1-1.25.2 requirements for splashproof enclosures. Provides protection against
liquid drops or solid particles from entering the motor at any angle not greater
than 100 degrees downward from the vertical.
Transparent This modification provides a cover made of polycarbonate plastic as a substitute for one solid (not screen or louvered) steel
Hand Hole Cover cover. This substitution does not change the basic enclosure (drip-proof, etc.). Cannot be added to DC180ATZ frames with
DPG enclosure or any explosion proof enclosure.
Vertical Mount Special drip covers to insure drip-proof protection for vertically operated foot or flange mounted motors.
Hand Hole Covers
Drip Cover Drip cover for standard TEFC motors for extra protection from dripping liquids and falling objects when motor is mounted
in vertical shaft down position. Not available when accessories (brakes, feedback devices etc.) are mounted on the ODE.

Drain plugs

Standard "T" Drain
Automatic Breather Drain Drain Plugs are at the lowest point of the motor.
Stainless Steel


Separately Ventilated (DPG-SV)- For applications where ventilated air is piped into the machine from an external source, basic
DPG-FV enclosures may be separately ventilated at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock for the following list price deductions. The inlet pipe
can be fastened to one end bracket, and, if required and specified, an outlet pipe can be fastened to the other end bracket. Price
does not include blower or pipe. Locations of air entry and air exhaust, if used, should be specified on order. Motors must not be
operated without the separate air supply. Refer to Application Data Section for separate ventilating air requirements. If air is
to be vented out of the bottom, clearance must be provided for that example. To insure adequate protection of a separately
ventilated motor against loss of cooling air, an overtemperature device for interlocking with the controller overload protection
circuit is recommended and should be added as standard practice. An air pressure differential switch is also recommended.

Enclosure Type
Separately Ventilated- Pipe In
Separately Ventilated- Pipe In Totally Enclosed Air Over (TEAO) - For Applications requiring a totally enclosed fan cooled motor with external ventilation
& Out independent of motor shaft speed. Required for continuous constant torque operation below 60% base speed. Add all
TEAO modification prices to TEFC basic motor price.
TEAO Inline Similar to TEFC construction, except with external ventilating fan driven by AC motor flange mounted to fan shroud. Double
shaft extension or tachometer mounting is not available. Includes 3-phase 60 Hz 230/460 Volt AC Induction Motor without
starter. Note: Not available on DC180ATZ frame. To obtain this modification on DC180ATZ frame price a C180ATZ frame by
using the 500V armature basic motor price at same Hp and base speed.
TEAO Piggyback Similar to TEFC construction, except with top mounted blower and shroud to direct ventilating air over motor frame.
Includes 3-phase 60 Hz 230/460 Volt AC Induction Motor without starter. Available on C180ATZ through C4400.
Note: Not available on DC180ATZ frame. To obtain this modification on DC180ATZ frame price a C180ATZ frame by using
the 500V armature basic motor price at same Hp and base speed.
TEAO Inline Explosion Proof Similar to TEFC construction, except with external ventilating fan driven by explosion-proof AC motor flange mounted to
fan shroud. Double shaft extension or tachometer mounting is not available. Includes 3-phase 60 Hz 230/460 Volt AC
Induction Motor without starter. Refer to Pricing Section for applicable Classes and Groups.
Add modification list price to TEFC-XP basic motor list price.
TEAO Piggyback Explosion Similar to TEFC construction, except with top mounted blower and shroud to direct ventilating air over motor frame.
Proof Includes explosion-proof 3-phase 60 Hz 230/460 Volt AC Induction motor without starter. Available frames XC180ATY,
XC250ATY and XC320ATY. Refer to Pricing Section for applicable Classes and Groups.
Add modification list price to TEFC-XP basic motor list price.
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 79

Enclosure enhancements - severe duty

XT Features The XT motor is designed for operation in damp locations where the motor will be subjected to corrosive conditions. Typical
applications are paper, chemical, petroleum, fertilizer and plastics industries. XT motors are provided in totally enclosed
non-ventilated, totally enclosed fan-cooled, totally enclosed separately ventilated, totally enclosed air-over.
Refer to Application Data Section for complete description of XT Motor Construction.
Motors operating in dirty areas with fine abrasive dust such as taconite surrounding the motor should have Dustproof/
Taconite features added in addition to this modification
Outdoor Duty - Weather This washdown modification provides a motor suitable for operation outdoors subject to direct weather conditions.
Proof-Washdown Applicable enclosures are totally enclosed nonventilated, totally enclosed fan-cooled, totally enclosed separately-
ventilated, totally enclosed air-over.
Outdoor duty motors include the features of XT motors plus extended hoods over the fan inlets on TEFC and TEAO
enclosures to prevent water being blown over the frame by the fan or blower. Additional sealing around the hand hole covers
is provided to prevent entrance of water applied from a hose. Slingers are provided on shaft extensions.
Washdown duty motors must have a lip seal modification added for each exposed external shaft extensions.
Outdoor duty motors must have space heaters or the fields energized at reduced (usually 50%) voltage to protect against
condensation when the motor is not operating.
Motor accessories such as brakes must be specified and priced as suitable for outdoor use. Standard tachometers are not
recommended for outdoor duty. Motors operating in dirty areas with fine abrasive dust such as taconite surrounding the
motor should have Dustproof / Taconite features added in addition to this modification.
Paper Mill Duty Features The paper mill duty motor is designed for operation at the wet end of a paper mill and in other harsh environments. This
modification can be provided on separately ventilated, force-ventilated, drip-proof or totally enclosed motors. Paper Mill
Duty Motor construction and features can be seen in the Application Data Section for Paper Mill Duty Feature Modification.
Crane & Hoist Duty Crane & Hoist Duty (C180ATZ - C440ATZ) – The Outdoor Crane & Hoist duty motor provides severe duty features for crane
duty motors such as Hoist, Gantry and Trolley motors. For Outdoor Crane & Hoist environments, make the following pricing
additions to TENV and TEFC. For Indoor Crane & Hoist environments, DPFV motors can be utilized. Crane & Hoist Duty Motor
construction and features can be seen in the Application Section for Crane & Hoist Duty Modification.
Press Duty High Vibration Press Duty motor is suitable for applications in which the motor is exposed to higher than normal mechanical stress and
high vibration. This modification increases the motor mechanical endurance up to a maximum of 3G’s of shock for
applications such as a stamping press line. Standard features include high vibration blower (when applicable), special high
vibration insulation system and lock washers and loctite for all nuts and bolts.

Feedback devices
Hollow shaft encoders

Mounts on the motor stub shaft with no coupling required. A Tether-Arm mounts to the motor bracket and provides insulation
from shaft currents. Standard Output is two channels (A & B), quadrature.

Encoder Type PPR Power VDC Max Oper. Temp. Max Oper. Speed Output
BEI HS-35 Up to 5000 5 - 15V 70°C 6000 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Dynapar HS-35R Up to 5000 5 - 26V 70°C 6000 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Northstar / Lakeshore HSD-35 Up to 5000 5 - 26V 70°C 6000 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Avtron HS35M Up to 3072 5 - 26V 85°C 6000 rpm Single Output
Avtron HS45 60 to 5000 5 - 24V 100°C 5000 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Northstar / Lakeshore HS-56 Up to 2048 5 - 26V 80°C 3600 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Avtron HS-M4 240 to 1200 5 - 24V 85°C 5000 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Avtron AV685 SMARTachII™ 8 to 5000 5 - 24V 85°C 4000 rpm Single Output
Dual Output

• BEI HS-35 – A Photoelectric Encoder suitable for applications involving Robotics, Oil Service & Web Process Control. Enclosure
meets IP65. Comes standard with a 10 Pin Mating MS Connector.
• Dynapar HS-35R – (Replaces HS-35) A Photoelectric Encoder. Enclosure meets IP67. Comes standard with a 10 Pin Mating
MS Connector.
• Northstar / Lakeshore HSD35 – A heavy duty photoelectric hollow shaft encoder. Dynapar has replaced the HS35M with this
HSD35 encoder. The industrial duty latching connector is standard.
• Avtron HS35M – Magnetic hollow shaft encoder.
• Avtron HS45 – (Replaces M3) Magneto-resistive encoder suitable for Mill Duty applications. Enclosure is IP65 sealed against
dirt, water, dust and chemical ingress. Comes standard with a 10 pin industrial connector. For 2 inch and 2.375 in hollow shaft
see Avtron M4.
• Northstar/Lakeshore HS-56 – A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for applications involving Grease, Salt Water, Dust or other
common contaminants. Enclosure is chemical resistant to salt spray, most solvents, mild acids, and bases. Comes standard
with a 10 Pin Latch Style Industrial Connector.
• Avtron HS-M4 – A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for Heavy Mill Duty applications. Enclosure is Liquid & Dust tight, and a
Stainless Steel Breather Drain is supplied. Comes standard with a 10 Pin Industrial Connector. 1.5 to 2.375 inch bore diameter.
• Avtron AV685 – (Replaces M685) A heavy mill duty magnetoresistive modular pancake encoder suitable for severe duty applica-
tions , ideal for larger motors.

Coupled encoders

Mounts to motor with the use of a stub shaft, flexible coupling & flange adapter. Standard Output is two channels
(A & B), quadrature.

Encoder Type PPR Power VDC Max Oper. Temp. Max Oper. Speed Output
Dynapar H20 1 - 2500 5 - 26V 85°C 5000 rpm Single Output
BEI H-25 500, 1000, 1024 5 - 24V Single Output
Allen Bradley 845H 1024 / 2048 8 - 24V 60°C 6000 rpm Single Output
Single Output
Dynapar H56 1024 / 2048 5 - 26V 80°C 3600 rpm
Dual Output
Avtron AV485 Single Output
8 - 5000 5 - 24V 85°C 4500 rpm
SMARTachII™ Dual Output

• Dynapar H20 – A Photoelectric Encoder suitable for Industrial Motion applications. Enclosure meets IP66. All Dynapar encoders
are CE labeled.
• A BEI H25 encoder with a servo style shaft and flange mounted to the commutator end of the motor. Encoder has index marker
with complements, and line driver.
• Allen Bradley 845H – A Photoelectric Encoder suitable for Industrial applications. Enclosure meets IP66.
• Dynapar H56 – A direct replacement for the RD62 for mill duty applications. The H56 is a Photoelectric Encoder suitable Severe
Duty Applications. Enclosure meets IP66. All Dynapar encoders are CE labeled.
• Avtron AV485 – (Replaces M485) A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for Severe Duty (IP66) applications. Enclosure is sealed
against Dust & Water ingress. Comes standard with a 10 Pin Industrial Connector. NEMA 56C face pancake mounting with
stainless steel shaft, sealed bearings and shaft seal.
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 81

Bearingless encoders

Mounts directly to the motor stub shaft without bearings or couplings. The Pulse Wheel of this type of encoder mounts directly
to the motor stub shaft, which is then encased by the bracket of the encoder.

Encoder Type PPR Power VDC Max Oper. Temp. Max Oper. Speed Footnotes
Dynapar RD-120-1 120 5 - 15V 80°C 6000 rpm Single Output (B) (C) (D)
Dynapar RD-120-2 120 5 - 15V 80°C 6000 rpm Dual Output (B) (C)
Northstar/Lakeshore ST67 1024/2048 5 - 15V 90°C 7000 rpm Single Output(B)
Northstar/Lakeshore ST85 64 - 2048 5 - 15V 90°C 7000 rpm Single Output
Single or Double C-Face Dual Output
Avtron AV85 ThinLineII™ 8 - 5000 5 -24V 100°C 5400 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Avtron AV850 SMARTach II 8 - 5000 5 - 24V 100°C 5400 rpm Single Output
Dual Output
Northstar/Lakeshore RIM8500 64 - 600 5 - 26V 80°C 7000 rpm Single Output
64 - 600 Dual Output
960, 1024 or1200 Single Output
960, 1024 or1200 Dual Output
2048 Single Output
2048 Dual Output
Northstar/Lakeshore RIM1250 1024/2048 5 - 26V 80°C 7000 rpm Single Output
Dual Output

• Danaher RD-120 – A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for Mill Duty applications. Designed to fit the front end cavity of RPM
III motors, it adds only 1.88” to motor length. It is available for single direction of motor operation, or as the RD-120-2 for
reversing applications.
• Northstar/Lakeshore ST67 – A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for Mill Duty applications. Enclosure allows for heavy machine
vibration and accidental impacts. The RL67 adds only 1.0” to overall motor length. Comes standard with 10 Pin Latch Style
Industrial Connector.
• Northstar/Lakeshore ST85 – A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for Mill Duty applications. Enclosure allows for heavy
machine vibration and accidental impacts. The SL85 adds only 1.25” to overall motor length. Comes standard with 10 Pin
Latch Style Industrial Connector.
• Avtron AV85 – (Replaces M85) A thin line magnetoresistive encoder suitable for Heavy Mill Applications. Large sensor-rotor
air gap. Double C-Face design. Comes standard with 10 pin Latch Style Industrial Connector.
• Avtron AV850 SMARTach II™ – (Replaces the M285) magneto-resistive modular pancake Tach with 8.5" double C-Face.
Comes standard with 10 pin Latch Style Industrial Connector.
• Northstar/Lakeshore RIM8500 – A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for Rugged Mill Duty applications. Enclosure is made
of Ductile Cast Iron. Comes standard with 10 Pin Latch Style Industrial Connector. Offered with a maximum shaft diameter
of 2.875”. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for shaft diameters up to 3.75".
• Northstar/Lakeshore RIM1250 – A Magnetoresistive Encoder suitable for Rugged Mill Duty applications. Enclosure is made
of Ductile Cast Iron. Comes standard with 10 Pin Latch Style Industrial Connector. Offered with a maximum shaft diameter
of 2.875”. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for requirements with larger shaft diameters, up to 8.00".

Notes: ( B) Cannot be used with opposite drive end brake.

(C) May not be used on TENV frames DC180, DC210 or C180.
(D) Unidirectional.

Explosion-proof encoders

A coupled encoder approved for National Electric Code (NEG) Class I & II, Divisions I & II, Groups C, D, E, F & GasUL Listed,
Explosion Proof.

Encoder Type PPR Power VDC Max Oper. Temp. Max Oper. Speed Footnotes
Dynapar X25 1 - 5000 5-26v 70°C 5000 rpm Single Output

• Dynapar X25 - A Photoelectric Encoder Suitable for Explosion Proof Applications & Environments. Enclosure meets IP56.


A resolver is a shaft angle sensing transducer. Interfacing with an input module, the resolver provides position and velocity
feedback information to the Control System. Three outputs are available to meet application requirements. Resolvers are
provided in industrial duty and heavy duty industrial enclosures and can be face or foot mounted. Heavy duty resolvers with
double shaft extensions can be supplied when a second feedback device such as an overspeed switch is required mounted in
line. The table below defines the available outputs and mounting arrangements. The price includes mounting of the resolver
to the motor.

Resolver 607980-38A – XP Class I Group C and D, 3000 rpm max.
Resolver 800123-2R – used with 1750 rpm motors.
Resolver 800123-2S – used with motor with top speeds of 1150 rpm and less.
Resolver 800123-2T – sometimes used with motors with top speeds of 500 rpm and less.
Resolver 800123-R – used with 1750 rpm motors.
Resolver 800123-S – used with motor with top speeds of 1150 rpm and less.
Resolver 800123-T – sometimes used with motors with top speeds of 500 rpm and less.
Resolver 800123-1R – includes scoop for mounting an overspeed switch or other feedback device, used with 1750 rpm motors.
Resolver 800123-1S – includes scoop for mounting an overspeed switch or other feedback device, used with motor with top speeds of 1150 rpm and less.
Resolver 800123-1T – includes scoop for mounting an overspeed switch or other feedback device,
sometimes used with motors with top speeds of 500 rpm and less.

Resolver parT No. 800123- Features on above Resolvers

2R 2S 2T R S T 1R 1S 1T
1X (360- electrical = 360- mechanical) • • •
2X (360- electrical = 180- mechanical) • • •
5X (360- electrical = 72- mechanical) • • •
Flange Mount • • •
Foot Mount & C-Face • • • • • •
Single Shaft • • • • • •
Double Shaft • • •
General Industrial Duty • • •
Heavy Industrial Duty • • • • • •
Use with Flange Type Mounting Adapter • • • • • •
Use with Scoop Mount • • •
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 83


Analog tachometer generators mount to motor with the use of a stub shaft, flexible shaft coupling & flange adapter
(all except TG300-19). Tachometers output is an analog signal, either DC or AC, proportional to the speed at which
the tachometer is rotating.

Tachometer Type Description V/1000RPM Max. Speed

XPY IV Baldor-Reliance XPY IV tachometers mounted to commutator end of the motor. 50 DC 5000 RPM
100 DC 2500 RPM

Speed limit switch

NEMA I enclosed centrifugal switch flange or scoop mounted on commutator end bracket. Provides output contact when motor
reaches a predetermined calibrated speed. Form C contacts rated 120, 240, or 480 volts 60 Hz, 360 volt-amps or 125 VDC
at 25 amps, 240 VDC at 12 amps.

Switch Enclosure
UL Listed

Provisions for mounting only

Requires specific brand and part number of feed back device with order entry.
Machined motor bracket and counter bore of opposite drive end shaft only.
Machined motor bracket and stub shaft with protective cover over stub shaft.
Stub shaft on motor with Opposite Drive End Shaft Extension. (Modifications for standard opposite drive end extension and shaft guard must also be
Machined motor bracket, cast iron adapter, stub shaft and coupling for mounting of any feedback device with 56 C-Face or PY flange device.
PIGGYBACK MOUNTING PROVISION – Allows one of the tachometers to be coupled to the motor by means of a timing belt. Use this adder in addition to the
flange mounted prices.
PROVISION-APPLICABLE TO TEFC ENCLOSURES. Requires specific brand and part number of feedback device with order entry.
Adapter, stub shaft and coupling - for future mounting of any feedback device with 56 C-Face, or PY flange device.

Field windings

Field Winding Mod.

Dual Voltage Shunt Field Fields may be provided as series-parallel connections for dual voltage, such as 150/300 volts or 120/240 volts. When
specifying a dual voltage field, the higher voltage will be the standard field voltage and the lower voltage
will be 1/2 of the higher voltage.
Continuous Duty Shunt Field Continuous Duty Shunt Field for Standby Condition. Standard continuous duty DPG, TEFC, and TENV DC motors have
continuous duty fields capable of continuous excitation at standstill (armature circuit not energized) under normal
industrial conditions. This addition is required for continuous fields on intermittent duty (30 or 60 minute) motors.
IMPORTANT: Motors designed for forced ventilation or with a dual-cooled heat exchanger as standard must have cooling air
when fields are excited at rated voltage. Installations having the air supply interrupted when the motor is not operating
must have field disconnected or field voltage reduced to 50% rated by the control.
Continuous duty fields can not be provided on these motors.
Standard Compound Field A standard compound wound motor has a speed regulation of approximately 30% in accordance with NEMA Standard MG1-
12.65.2. Compound wound motors are not suitable for operation over an extended field range by shunt field weakening
because of the very high no-load speeds that may result. A full load range of 1.25:1 is the usual maximum.
Note: Not available on C440ATZ frame.
WARNING: Motor control must limit motor speed to Maximum Safe Speed listed in Application Data Section, and stamped
on the motor nameplate.
Stabilized Shunt Field The standard DC motor has a separately excited straight shunt field which may have a rising speed characteristic. This
adder provides a stabilizing winding that will ensure a drooping speed characteristic.
Note: Not available on C440ATZ frame.
WARNING: Motor control must limit motor speed to Maximum Safe Speed listed in Application Data Section, and stamped
on the motor nameplate.
Series Field WARNING: Series wound motors must be solidly connected to the driven machine and never operated without load to avoid
possible destructive high speeds. The speed of a series motor is defined only at rated load.
Special Field Voltage Standard shunt field voltages are specified on the basic rating pages. Add this modification
for field voltages not listed as standard.

• Filter Addition for DPG - FV motor with motor mounted blower. Filter is washable type. Recommended when filterable
contaminates are present. Totally enclosed construction rather than blower with filter is recommended for extremely dusty,
dirty environments.
• Standard DPG - FV designs are supplied with motor mounted blower without filter. Basic list price for force ventilated motors
includes 3-phase, 50/60 Hz, 230/460 volt blower motor but no starter. Blower motor on DC180ATZ frame may be single phase,
230 volts if specified.
• Motor mounted blowers cannot be added to standard DPG ratings. Refer to Application Data Section for speed vs. torque
operation of a DPG enclosure. Operation of self-ventilated motors at continuous full load torque below approximately
60% base speed requires a force ventilated (DPG-FV) enclosure priced from the basic rating pages.
• To insure adequate protection of a blower ventilated motor against loss of cooling air, an over temperature device for
interlocking with the controller overload protection circuit is recommended and should be added as standard practice.
An air pressure switch is also recommended.

Motors designed for forced-ventilation as standard must have cooling air when fields are excited at rated voltage. Installations
having the air supply interrupted when the motor is not operating must have fields disconnected or field voltage reduced to
50% rated by the control.

Footless frame

Footless Frame Motor feet are removed. Add C-Face or D-Flange for mounting motor. Available only on DC180ATZ, C180ATZ, DC2112ATZ.

Gearmotor provisions

Includes a D-Flange, footless frame (when applicable), shaft lip seal, and special shaft with threads and nut for
Gearmotor Provisions
Gear Pinion Mounting.
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 85


Insulation System Mod.

Tropical Protection Standard DC motors utilize an advanced insulation system that provides excellent protection against fungus and high
humidity as found in tropical climates. The standard motor is suitable for operation in tropical climates without additional
treatment. (Refer to the General Information section for features of the insulation system.) For additional protection,
especially during shipment and prolonged storage, this modification provides a fungicidal air dry varnish treatment per
MIL-V-173C (Type I Treatment) applied over all motor windings.
Important: Motors applied in highly corrosive, moist and dirt-laden environments should have an enclosure with XT features
to limit the entrance of contaminants into the motor.
Insulation Class H Total insulation system is of a class H design, motor is class F temperature rise for longer insulation life.
VPI Insulation VPI insulation system provided on armature and stationary coils.


Lead Modification
Extra Length Leads For armature and field leads longer than standard. Add List Price per foot of additional lead length requested.
Lead Lugs- Standard Type
Lead Lugs - Burndy Crimp type lead lugs for armature and any series fields.
Terminal Board in
Main Conduit Box
Terminal Board Provides terminal board in conduit box for armature, shunt field, and series field connections instead of the standard leads.
Also includes auxiliary terminal strip for thermostat and accessory leads.
Note: Not available on DC180ATZ, DC212ATZ or any explosion-proof frames.


High Temp-Dow 44 J
Mobilith SHC-1 00 v/
Mobilith SHC-220 w
Mobilith SHC-460 J
Low Temp. Aero Shell #7

Overload, special momentary

A. I n accordance with NEMA MG1-12.68, standard direct current motors shall be capable of operating with successful commuta-
tion for a period of one minute with a current load of 150 percent of the base speed full-load current at all speeds within the
rated speed range. Refer to ABB for momentary overloads greater than standard. Specify magnitude, duration, speed range
and frequency of occurrence.

B. For machine capable of carrying 125 percent rated load current for two hours, use the price of the listed machine with the
same enclosure and speed with a ) horsepower rating equal to 125 percent of the nominal rating. If the rating thus calculated
is not standard, use the next higher standard rating.


Packaging Modification
Standard or Euro Pallet
Open Slat Crate Provides additional protection for air and land shipment..
Enclosed Crate Provides enhanced protection for ocean shipment. Does not provide for any overseas fees, documentation, etc.


Paint Modification
Special Paint-Factory Supplied Special color paint, refer to Application Data Section tor a description at standard paint finish. Supply Federal Standard,
RAL number or paint chip with order. Special color or type of paint must be compatible with our standard air dry primer.
Two-Coat Epoxy 2 coat epoxy/Omega Plus is a paint system that provides protection to moderate chemical environments
and UV exposure, ISO C-3.
Extreme Paint System Extreme duty paint system for marine duty/offshore or highly corrosive atmospheres, requires a sand blast surface
preparation, ISO C-5.
Custom Custom paint system requires customer to supply specification for sales/engineering review.

Service factor

Standard listed motors are tor 1.0 service factor. For greater than standard service factor, use the price of the listed
machine with the same enclosure and speed with a horsepower rating equal to the rated Hp times the required service
factor. It the Hp thus calculated is not standard, use the next higher standard rating.

Note: Paper Mill Service motors with Class B rise listed in Pricing Section may be operated at 1.15 Service Factor
with a Class F rise.

Shaft modifications

Shaft Modification
Standard Opposite Drive Opposite Drive End (Commutator End) Shaft Extension having dimensions per the standard dimension sheets.
End Shaft Extension Note: Not suitable for tandem motor operation. If tandem motors are required, contact a local ABB Sales Office.
Shaft Guard Provides a protective cover over opposite drive end shaft extensions.
WARNING: To prevent injury, shaft guard must be specified or supplied by customer for exposed shaft extensions.
Shaft Grounding Brush Protects bearings from failure caused by circulating shaft currents.
Ground Provision, External Provides a drilled and tapped hole, complete with fastener and star washer for external grounding located on bracket foot
for C180ATZ through C440ATZ frames.
Special Shaft Diameter – Drive Non-standard shaft with dimension less than standard diameter or larger than standard with the maximum diameter as
End listed in table below.
Special Shaft Diameter – Non-standard shaft having dimension less than standard diameter or larger than standard with the maximum diameter as
Opposite Drive End listed in table below. Do not add shaft grounding brush when adding this modification.
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 87

Maximum allowable shaft diameters

Frame Opposite Drive End Drive End Frame Opposite Drive End Drive End
Std. ‘FU’ Max ‘FU’ Std ‘U’ Max ‘U’ Std. ‘FU’ Max ‘FU’ Std ‘U’ Max ‘U’
DC180ATZ 1.125 1.125 1.125 ¹ 1.125 ¹ C2815ATZ 2.125 2.125 2.375 2.875
C180ATZ 1.125 1.125 1.375 1.5 UC2815ATZ 2.125 2.125 2.625 2.875
DC2112ATZ 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 C320ATZ 2.25 2.5 2.625 2.75
C210ATZ 1.625 1.75 1.875 1.875 UC320ATZ 2.25 2.5 2.875 3.25
C2512ATZ 1.875 1.938 2.125 2.25 C360ATZ 2.875 3.125 2.875 3.625
C2514ATZ 1.875 1.938 2.375 2.5 UC360ATZ 2.875 3.125 3.25 3.625
C2515ATZ 1.875 1.938 2.375 2.5 C400ATZ 3.625 3.625 3.625 3.625
C2812ATZ 2.125 2.125 2.375 2.5 UC400ATZ 3.625 3.625 4.125 4.125
UC2812ATZ 2.125 2.125 2.625 2.875 C440ATZ 3.625 3.625 3.625 4.125
C2813ATZ 2.125 2.125 2.375 2.875 UC440ATZ 3.625 3.625 4.125 4.125
UC2813ATZ 2.125 2.125 2.625 2.875

¹ “U” of 1.375 available with D-flange bracket

Shaft Modification
Special Shaft Length Non-standard length for either drive end or opposite drive end shaft (use twice modification price for non-standard length
on both ends). Maximum length limited to two times standard length.
CAUTION: Belted drives using smaller than standard diameter shafts and/or longer than standard shafts must be referred
to a local ABB Sales Office with complete belt drive data.
Non Contact Seal - Inpro® This labyrinth non-contact brass Inpro® bearing isolator on either motor bearing protects against liquids, solids,steam and
slurry. Efficiency is maintained with no seal drag. Add per seal.
Note: Not available on DC180ATZ or DC2112ATZ frames. To obtain this modification on 180 frame, price a C180ATZ frame
by using 500 volt armature basic motor rating at same HP and base speed.
Lip Seal This modification provides a lip seal on either bearing to protect the bearing when operated with oil splashing against the
shaft. Typical application is on a horizontal motor mounted to a gear case where the stationary oil level is below the motor
shaft. Seals operated dry for extended periods will be damaged. Add per seal.
Face Seal Provides a face seal on the drive end to protect the bearing when operated with a head of oil against the shaft. Typical
application is a vertical shaft-up motor connected to a gear case with oil against the motor shaft. Seals operated dry for
extended periods will be damaged.
Note: Not available on DC180ATZ or DC2112ATZ frames. To obtain this modification on 180 frame, price a C180ATZ frame
by using 500 volt armature basic motor rating at same HP and base speed.
Dustproof/Taconite This modification provides non-magnetic labyrinth-path seals on all exposed shafts. This modification intended for totally
Features enclosed machines only for protection against fine, abrasive dust such as taconite.
Note: Not available on DC180ATZ or DC2112ATZ frames – to obtain this modification, price a C180ATZ frame by using 500
volt armature basic motor rating at same Hp and base speed.
Shaft Slinger Seal This modification helps protect either bearing from oil and dust contamination. C180ATZ- C440ATZ use nitrile rubber
slingers. Add per seal.
Shaft Step Each step or reduced diameter from standard straight shaft. Modification for shaft threads is usually required
with this modification.
Shaft Threads Class 2A right hand thread of size compatible with shaft diameter. Modification for a stepped shaft is usually required
with this modification.
Shaft Tapered Provides standard NEMA AC shaft tapered 1.25 inches per foot. May be added for either drive end or opposite drive end
shaft extension. Includes threads, washer, and locknut. Specify ‘U’ or ‘FU’ required.
Special Shaft Material AISI Standard shaft material is AISI 1045 for C180 thru. Add for AISI 4140/4150 on these frames if required.
Special Shaft Material 316 Standard shaft material is AISI 1045 for C180 thru C440. Add for 316 stainless.

* Contact sales team for availability and price of forged alloy steel shaft on B840 thru B1600.

Space heaters

Space Heaters Mounted inside the motor. Recommended to prevent condensation for motors remaining unenergized for long periods of
time. Standard heater is single phase 120, 240, or 480 volts, 50/60 Hz. Leads are terminated in motor conduit box unless
modification for Separate Conduit Box for Space Heater Leads is specified.
Note: Not available on DC180ATZ or DC2112ATZ frame - to obtain this modification on 180 frame, price a C180ATZ frame by
using 500 volt armature basic motor rating at same Hp and base speed.
Separate Conduit Box for Not available on explosion-proof frames, DC180ATZ, or DC2112ATZ.
Motor Space
Heater Leads
Space Heater on Add when space heater is mounted in motor.
Motor Mounted Brake
3 - 105 lb-ft
125 - 1000 lb-ft
Speed – Base Speed
3500 RPM
For 3500 RPM base speed
designs listed on the basic
rating pages, make the
following adder to the basic
list price.

Speed range

Speed Range By Field Weakening Greater Than Standard – Applicable for Integral Horsepower DPG-SV and DPG-FV, 500v
armature DC Motors. Provides for continuous duty, maximum speed by field weakening greater than the nominal field weakened
speed listed. From the table below, determine the frame size needed for the field weakened speed required. Determine the list
price from the basic motor price page by selecting the matching frame size.

Inherent speed regulation may cause high speed field weakened motors to exceed safe speeds at light loads.
Motor speed control must be provided to hold the maximum safe speeds listed in the Application Data Section. Refer to
a local ABB Sales Office for values of inherent speed regulation.
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 89

Speed range (continued)

Price Motor by Frame Size
Base Fld. 5 Hp 7.5 Hp 10 Hp 15 Hp 20 Hp 25 Hp 30 Hp 40 Hp 50 Hp
Speed Weakened
1750 1950 C1811 C1811 C1812 SC2113 SC2113 MC2113 LC2113 MC2115 LC2115
2300 C1811 C1811 C1812 SC2113 SC2113 MC2113 LC2113 MC2115 MC2512
2700 C1812 C1812 SC2113 SC2113 MC2113 LC2113 SC2512 LC2115 MC2512
3000 C1812 SC2113 SC2113 SC2113 LC2113 LC2113 SC2512 LC2115 MC2812
1150 basic C1811 C1812 SC2113 MC2113 LC2113 MC2115 LC2115 LC2512 C2514
1900 C1812 SC2113 SC2113 MC2113 LC2113 LC2115 LC2115 LC2512 C2514
2000 C1812 SC2113 SC2113 MC2113 LC2113 LC2115 MC2512 LC2512 C2515
2300 SC2113 SC2113 SC2113 LC2113 SC2512 SC2512 LC2512 C2514 C2515
850 basic C1812 SC2113 SC2113 LC2113 LC2115 MC2512 LC2512 C2514 C2515
1700 SC2113 SC2113 LC2113 LC2113 MC2512 C2514 C2514 LC2812 C2815
2200 SC2512 SC2512 SC2512 LC2512 LC2512 LC2812 LC2812 MC3212 MC3212
2400 SC2512 SC2512 SC2512 LC2512 MC2812 LC2812 LC2812 MC3212 MC3212
2500 SC2512 (2600) SC2512 MC2512 LC2512 LC2812 LC2812 LC2812 MC3212 MC3212
650 basic SC2113 MC2113 MC2115 LC2115 LC2512 C2514 C2515 C2515 C2815
1600 MC2113 LC2113 SC2512 LC2512 MC2812 LC2812 LC2812 LC2812 C3214
1950 MC2113 LC2512 LC2512 MC2812 MC2812 LC2812 MC3212 MC3612 C3214
2400 SC2512 LC2512 MC2812 LC2812 LC2812 MC3212 C3214 (2550) MC3612 LC3612 (2300)
500 basic MC2113 LC2113 MC2115 LC2512 C2514 LC2812 C2815 C2815 C3214
1300 SC2512 SC2512 LC2512 C2514 LC2812 LC2812 C2815 MC3612 MC3612
1500 SC2512 MC2812 LC2512 C2514 LC2812 C2815 C2815 MC3612 MC3612
1850 MC2812 MC2812 MC2812 LC2812 C2815 LC3212 MC3612 MC3612 MC3612 (1800)
2000 MC2812 MC2812 MC2812 LC2812 LC3214 MC3612 MC3612 LC3612 C3613

Base Fld. 60 Hp 75 Hp 100 Hp 125 Hp 150 Hp 200 Hp 250 Hp 300 Hp 400 Hp

Speed Weakened
1750 1950 LC2512 C2514 C2515 C2813 C2815 C3214 LC3612 LC3613 MC4013
2300 LC2512 C2514 LC2812 C2813 (2500) C2815 C3214 LC3612 LC3613 —
2700 MC2812 C2514 LC2812 C2815 (3400) C2815 C3214 LC3612 — —
3000 MC2812 LC2812 C2815 C2815 (3400) C2815 C3214 MC4013 — —
1150 basic C2515 C2815 C2815 C3214 LC3612 C3613 MC4013 LC4013ATZ C4414
1900 C2515 C2815 C2815(1850) C3214 LC3612 C3613 MC4013 LC4013ATZ —
2000 LC2812 C2815 LC3212 C3214 LC3612 C3613 MC4013 LC4013ATZ —
2300 C2815 C2815 LC3212 LC3612 C3613 C3613 MC4013 — —
850 basic C2815 C2815 C3214 LC3612 C3613 MC4013 LC4013 — —
1700 C2815 LC3212 C3214 LC3612 C4011 MC4013 LC4013 (1850) — —
2200 MC3612 MC3612 C4011 C4011 (2170) MC4013 LC4013 C4413 (2000) — —
2400 MC3612 LC3612 C4011 MC4013 MC4013 LC4013 — — —
2500 MC3612 LC3612 (2550) C4011 MC4013 MC4013 LC4013 — — —
650 basic C3214 LC3612 C3613 MC4013 MC4013 C4413 C4413 — —
1600 C3214 LC3612 C3613 MC4013 C4413 C4413 C4413 (1750) — —
1950 LC3612 LC3612 (2100) C4011 (2150) C4413 C4413 C4413 — — —
2300 LC3612 C4011 C4413 C4413 C4413 — — — —
500 basic LC3612 MC4013 MC4013 LC4013 C4412 C4414 — — —
1300 LC3612 MC4013 MC4013 LC4013 C4414 C4414 — — —
1500 LC3612 MC4013 MC4013 (1650) C4413 C4414 C4414 (1650) — — —
1850 C4011 MC4013 LC4013 (2200) C4414 C4414 — — — —
2000 C4011 MC4013 C4414 (1800) C4414 C4414 — — — —
2500 — C4414 — — — — — — —

Speed range (continued)

Winder Duty
These motors drive the center of a reel for winding a coil of strip material. The application is characterized by a continuously
varying speed in the field speed range, limited overload requirements with peak overloads needed for acceleration and
deceleration only, and short time operational the maximum speeds. Winder duty performance is defined as follows:
• “Winder Duty” means that at the maximum rated winder speed, the motor is limited to 100% armature current and
on minute duty. There is no peak overload capability beyond 100% current at the winder speed. For speeds at or
below the maximum continuous RPM, the standard NEMA overload criteria of 150% current for one minute applies.
• “Winder Duty” designs require the motor to be speed regulated. Refer to tables for percentage additions to
motor price for extended winder duty field weakened speed.
• Applications requiring greater than 100% load at maximum speed, should be referred to ABB.
Frame size may differ from basic size.


one minute duty range

continuous duty range



Base Max. Horsepower – 240 Volt Armature
Speed Speed By Power Code A or C
Field Control
1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150
650 1950 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2300 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
2400 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
2550 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 — —
2600 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 — — — —
3000 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 20 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) — — — —
500 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2300 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2400 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2500 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2750 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 — — —
3000 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 20 20 (1) 25 25 25 25 (1) 25 25 — Contact
a local
400 1600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ABB Sales
2000 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Office
2300 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 — —
2400 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 — —
300 1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1500 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1800 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
¹ Contact a local ABB Sales Office
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 91

Speed range (continued)

Base Max. Horsepower – 500 Volt Armature
Speed Speed By Power Code A or C
7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 250
650 1950 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
2300 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 10 10 15 15 (2200)
2400 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 — 15 15 20 20
2600 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 20 20 20 — 20 20 — —
500 2000 10 10 10 10 10 10 — — — 10
2300 20 20 20 20 20 20 — — — 20
2400 20 20 20 20 20 20 — — — 20
400 1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 — — — —
1600 10 10 10 10 10 10 — — — —
2000 20 20 20 20 20 20 — — — —
Contact a local ABB Sales Office
2300 20 20 30 30 30 30 — — — —
2400 30 30 30 30 30 30 — — — —
300 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 — — — —
1200 10 10 10 10 10 10 — — — —
1500 20 20 20 20 20 20 — — — —
1800 25 25 25 25 25 25 — — — —

Technical data

Data Transmittal, Certified Dimension Sheets, Connection Diagrams & Performance Data – When requested at the time
of order entry, ABB will provide an electronic copy via E-mail, of a software package for each order containing:
Data Transmittal, Certified Dimension Sheet, Connection Diagram & Performance Data at NO CHARGE. E-mail address
must be provided at time of order entry.
• Performance Data is calculated and includes motor horsepower, speed, torque & efficiency as a function of armature current
up to 150 percent of rated armature current. Standard motor is rated for 150 percent current for one minute. The data is
presented in both tabular and graphical format. In addition, performance data includes a speed curve showing variation of
speed and generated counter-emf with shunt field current for both no load and full load conditions. Values of field resistance
and inductance are included.
• For paper copies of the software package.
• For reproducible copies of the software package.

Note:Wiring diagrams showing the internal winding connections of the motor are not normally required by the customer
and are not supplied as part of the order. Motor repair or service work requiring a wiring diagram, should be done by
a Baldor-Reliance authorized service center.

• Instruction Manual – An instruction manual is supplied at no charge with each motor shipment. When requested at the time of
order entry, ABB will provide an electronic copy via E-mail at no additional charge. E-mail address must be provided at time of
order entry.
• For paper copies of instruction manual.



Routine Test – Certified copy of Test Report – This modification provides up to five (5) copies of the certified test report
containing the data on the standard routine test per IEEE Standard 113 that is given each motor. This test provides assurance
that the motor meets design specifications. The routine test consists of:
1. Neutral check
2. Shunt field wiring resistance check
3. Commutation check
4. High potential check
5. Motor operation under following conditions with speed, voltage and current checked
a. No load at rated voltage at base speed and maximum field weakened speed
b. Full load at rated voltage at base speed and maximum field weakened speed

Note: A
 ll motors are subjected to routine test; however test data is not recorded and submitted to customer unless
this modification is specified.

Witnessed Routine Test – The routine test described above to be witnessed by customer. Customer will be notified
approximately 2 days before motor is ready for test. Includes six certified copies of test report.

Performance Test – Provides complete motor performance test and heat run on dynamometer with motor horsepower, speed,
torque and efficiency recorded as a function of armature current up to 150% of rated armature current. Includes six certified
copies of test report.

Witnessed Performance Test – Performance test witnessed by customer. Customer will be notified approximately 2 days before
motor is ready for test. Includes six certified copies of test report.

Noise Test (No load) – This modification covers a broadband noise test conducted at a ABB facility. Measurements will be at five
points, with two of the points 3 ft. from each side, one point 3 ft. from the back end and one point 3 ft. from the front end with all
points on a horizontal plane "D" inches above the base where "D" is equal to the NEMA shaft center height. The 5th point will be 3
ft. from the top of the motor. Motor will be operating at base speed from a power supply as specified on the order. Modification
covers testing and five copies of certified test reports.

Note: T
 his modification covers testing of the motor only and does not provide a guarantee that the motor will meet a specified
noise level since motor noise is dependent on the acoustical characteristics of the installation. The noise level at the
customer's installation may be different than the value measured by this test.

• Combination motor and drive tests require pricing in addition to prices listed above. Contact a local ABB Sales Office for pricing.
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 93

Thermal protection

Thermal protection of the various windings in a direct-current motor, especially the armature winding which rotates, is
considerably complex. The wide range of load and speed (ventilation) in the typical direct-current motor application adds to
the difficulty. Current-sensing devices located remotely from the motor (frequently in control panels) cannot match the thermal
characteristics of direct-current motors over a wide speed range because of these variable motor cooling conditions. ABB offers
several modifications to protect the DC motor against overtemperature operation. (Refer to each modification for complete
description and limitations.)

Available Modifications Application

High limit thermostat on intercoil Minimum protection recommended. See Mod. For limitations.
Warning thermostat on intercoil Useful as a warning signal that motor is approaching maximum temperature.
Time between actuation of “WARNING” thermostat and “HIGH LIMIT” thermostat depends
on operating conditions and cannot be predetermined.
Air pressure switch Recommended for all forced-vent, separate-vent, and totally enclosed dual cooled motors
to give immediate indication of reduction in air flow.
Thermistors on intercoil Provides protection similar to thermostat but generally gives better indication of winding temperature since,
being a smaller device, it can make better thermal contact with the windings. Requires separate control module.
Thermistors on main field winding Gives indication of excessive field heating that may be caused by high field supply voltage,
loss of cooling air or operation of DPG and TEFC motors at low speed, high armature current conditions.
Requires separate control module.
Resistance temperature detector on When used with separate instrument, provides analog indication of intercoil temperature.
intercoil or field winding Recommended on large motors in conjunction with thermostat or thermistors.

High limit thermostat Complete with leads brought in to the standard conduit box. The thermostat normally closed contact is suitable for use in control
on intercoil circuits rated 120 - 500 volts AC, 1100 volt-amps for DC180ATZ through C440ATZ frames and 110 - 600 volts AC.

Protects against:
• High load, extremely low speed operation of DPG and TEFC motors. • High load operation of TENV motors.
• High load operation of DPG-FV motors at all speeds except • Operation in extremely high ambient temperatures.
very low speeds.
• After a time delay, gives indication of complete loss of cooling air.
• Low cost. • Operates directly into control circuit.
• Size of unit makes placement of winding critical to obtain good thermal •S
 ince intercoil thermal time constant is typically five times longer than
contact. the armature thermal time constant, extremely high short-term armature
• Does not provide dependable protection on DPFV and TEFC motors with overloads may damage the armature before the thermostat trips or
overloads at low motor speeds. At low speeds, the heat dissipating ability permit the motor to be operated at higher than normal rated temperature
of the armature is reduced due to decrease in armature velocity while the rise resulting in less than normal motor insulation life. Other load limiting
heat dissipating ability of the stationary intercoil, where the thermostat is devices in the control-thermal overload relays or instantaneous over-
located, remains constant. current relays, must be used to protect the motor.

Use in conjunction with High Limit Thermostat.
Provides low temperature thermostat on the intercoil with leads brought into the standard conduit box. This thermostat, selected to
trip at approximately 15-C below the high limit thermostat, may be used as a warning signal to indicate the intercoil temperature is
High limit thermostat approaching a high temperature. Under certain operating conditions -- extremely low speed operation of force ventilated motor or
on intercoil extremely high short-term overloads – the motor may be damaged before the high limit thermostat trips. If the condition of the
overload is determined to be due to these operating conditions, the tripping of the warning thermostat should be used to shut down
the drive, thus preventing possible damage to the motor by continued operation. In actual operation, the exact cause of the low
temperature thermostat tripping may be difficult to determine, although tripping of this warning thermostat can be used as a signal
to check drive operation.

Note: The usefulness of a warning thermostat is limited since the time between
activation of the warning thermostat is a function of load, ambient temperature,
and other factors, and cannot be predetermined.

Thermal protection (continued)

High Limit Complete with leads brought in to the standard conduit box. The thermostat normally closed contact is suitable for use in control
Thermostat on Field circuits rated 120 - 500 volts AC, 1100 volt-amps for DC180ATZ through C440ATZ frames and 110 - 600 volts AC. This option is
Coil recommended when a field regulator is used on the control.
Provides low temperature thermostat on the field coil with leads brought into the standard conduit box. This thermostat, selected
to trip at approximately 15-C below the high limit thermostat, may be used as a warning signal to indicate the field coil temperature
is approaching a high temperature. Under certain operating conditions -- extremely low speed operation of force ventilated motor
Warning Thermostat or extremely high short-term overloads -- the motor may be damaged before the high limit thermostat trips. If the condition of the
on Field Coil overload is determined to be due to these operating conditions, the tripping of the warning thermostat should be used to shut down
the drive, thus preventing possible damage to the motor by continued operation. In actual operation, the exact cause of the low
temperature thermostat tripping may be difficult to determine, although tripping of this warning thermostat can be used as a signal
to check drive operation.
High Limit
Quantity 2) Mounted on intercoil.
Warning Thermistors Quantity 2) Mounted on intercoil.
Baldor-Reliance P/N 418033-14B (S/N 115101-2) supplied in a NEMA 12 enclosure for separate mounting. Requires 120 volt, 50/60Hz
Control Module for
single phase 5 ampere unit. Provides two Triac outputs – one normally energized and one normally off – each rated 5 amperes
use with Thermistors
continuous. Add for unmounted control module, 1,508 list.
(Quantity 2) mounted on intercoil with four leads brought into standard conduit box.
Offers the same functional protection as a thermostat, but with the advantage of a smaller solid state sensing device to obtain better thermal contact
with windings. The PTC thermistor bonded to the intercoil provides an approximate 20:1 increase in resistance when it reaches its trip temperature. This
change in resistance is detected by an electronic module external to the motor having two Triac outputs -- one normally energized and one normally off --
each capable of switching 5 amps at 120 or 240 volts, 50/60Hz. These outputs can be used as a warning signal or in the drive control circuit, to shut down
the drive and remove field power in an orderly manner.
High Limit
(Quantity 2) Mounted on main field winding.
Warning Thermistors (Quantity 2) Mounted on main field winding.
P/N 418033-14B (S/N 115101-2) supplied in a NEMA 12 enclosure for separate mounting. Requires 120 volt,
Control Module for
50/60Hz single phase 5 ampere unit. Provides two Triac outputs – one normally energized and one normally off –
use with Thermistors
each rated 5 amperes continuous.
Quantity 2) on field winding.
Additional protection can be obtained by monitoring main field winding temperature with thermistors. Possible causes of excessive field temperatures are
as follows:

• Loss of cooling air on motors designed for forced ventilation as standard.

• High field voltage over 110% rated.
• Operation of a DPG self-ventilated motors at low speeds. Although the fields of DPG self-ventilated motors are capable of continuous excitation at rated
field voltage with no armature power applied, they may reach an excessive temperature when the armature is rotating at low speed, at high current, due
to increased heat transfer from the armature to the field.
The PTC thermistor bonded to the field winding provides an approximate 20:1 increase in resistance when it reaches its trip temperature. This change in
resistance is detected by an electronic module external to the motor having two Triac outputs – one normally energized and one normally off – each
capable of switching 5 amps at 120 or 240 volts, 50/60Hz. These outputs can be used as a warning signal or in the drive control circuit, to shut down the
drive and remove field power in an orderly manner.
Temperature Detector This modification provides a 3-wire Resistance Temperature Detector mounted on the intercoil or field coil winding with leads wired
(RTD) to a terminal board in an auxiliary conduit box (included with this mod.) to permit monitoring the intercoil winding temperature with
10 ohm Copper a customer supplied instrument giving an analog indication of intercoil thermal rise. This information is useful in checking intercoil
temperature; however, the same limitations on relating this temperature to actual temperature apply
100 ohm Platinum with an RTD as with a thermostat.
120 ohm Nickel
IMPORTANT: Explosion proof motors (UL listed) must have a thermostat added when RTD is specified. Refer to ABB for availability of RTD on motors
requiring CSA approval (CSA monogram).
Bearing RTD
1 0 ohm Copper
For 3-wire RTD mounted on the bearing housing with leads wired to a terminal board in an auxiliary conduit box
100 ohm Platinum
(included with this mod.).
120 ohm Nickel
Lam i n at e d F ram e D C M o d i f i c at i o n s a n d A c c e ss o r i e s 95

Vertical lifting

Vertical Lifting
Provides provision for vertical lifting.


Voltage - Special Provides either 120 or 125 V armature on ratings 1 thru 40 Hp. Frame may differ from standard. Armature choke may be required and
Armature is not included in price for motor operated on Power Code E or 3/3-240. Refer to the Special Voltage Power Supply modification.
1 20 or 1 25 Volts For other voltages, consult a local ABB Sales Office.
Provides motor suitable for operation on power supply Code E or regenerative power S3R (3/3-480-60-0), with 240 volts armature
Voltage, Special
for motors rated 1/2 thru 75 Hp. Armature choke will not be required if field weakened speed range does not exceed 2.5 to 1, and
Power Supply- S3R-
maximum speed does not exceed 2500 rpm.


36 Month Extended 36 month extended Gold Seal Limited warranty covers any defect in workmanship for an additional12 months over the standard
Gold Seal product warranty. Does not cover failure from lack of preventative maintenance or misapplication.

ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc.
5711 R.S. Boreham, Jr. Street
Fort Smith, AR 72901
Ph: 1.479.646.4711


9AKK107331 01.2022 Litho 2,500

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