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Sample Copy: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."

Phil Dirt
Name (Operator and/or Responsible Authority)

5/13/11 Date

Project Name and location information:

Pink Flamingo Fabrications 1111 Cypress Avenue Tallahassee, FL 32311 850-867-5309

A site map must be developed and must contain, at a minimum, the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Drainage patterns, Approximate slopes after major grading activities, Areas of soil disturbance, Outline all areas that are not to be disturbed, Location of all major structural and non-structural controls, The location of expected stabilization practices, Wetlands and surface waters, and Locations where stormwater may discharge to a surface water or MS4.

Site Description Describe the nature of the construction activity: Build a 34,000 sq ft facility that will manufacture plastic parts and fabricate pink flamingo lawn decorations.

Describe the intended sequence of major soil disturbing activities:

0-2 days, site prep and stabilized construction entrance; 3-6 days, install perimeter sediment and erosion controls; 3-10 days, install stormwater retention basin 7-10 days, clearing/grubbing over all areas except those that are designated as buffers/conservation easements; 11-13 days, site grading; 14-30 days, install storm sewer and utilities; 31-42 days, concrete slab; 43-90 days, frame structure; 91-205 days, finish building; 206-234 days, stabilize site. 235-240 days, clean out sediments in retention basin, bring to final design grades, deep rake to reduce compaction, and vegetate To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1, 2, & 3 Total area of the site: 9.5 Acres Total area of the site to be disturbed: 7.5 Acres Existing data describing the soil or quality of any Existing soil type is Myakka and Leon with a stormwater discharge from the site: seasonal high water table of 4.0 ft below existing grade and has a natural slope of approx 1% draining towards the wetland area. Estimate the drainage area size for each discharge 1. 4.50 acres (east side of site) point: 2. 3.00 acres (west side of site) Latitude and longitude of each discharge point and identify the receiving water or MS4 for each discharge point: 1. LAT : 27 deg 30 31 LON: 80 deg 2610 Discharges to Cypress Creek via an unnamed jurisdictional wetland. 2. LAT : 27 deg 30 51 LON : 80 deg 2630 Discharges to Leon Countys MS4.


Give a detailed description of all controls, Best Management Practices (BMPs) and measures that will be implemented at the construction site for each activity identified in the intended sequence of major soil disturbing activities section. Provide time frames in which the controls will be implemented. NOTE: All controls shall be consistent with performance standards for erosion and sediment control and stormwater treatment set forth in s. 62-40.432, F.A.C., the applicable Stormwater or Environmental Resource Permitting requirements of the Department or a Water Management District, and the guidelines contained in the State of Florida Erosion and Sediment Control Designer and Reviewer Manual, FDOT, FDEP (2007) and any subsequent amendments. Prior to clearing, a silt fence (trenched 4 inches deep and backfilled on the uphill side), shall be installed around the perimeter of the site. A double row of silt fence reinforced with field fencing (with the same installation as above) shall be placed around the vegetative buffers and wetland area as shown on site plan. During the clearing, grubbing and site grading stages, areas that are disturbed more than 7 days shall be stabilized with rye grass or other appropriate temporary vegetation applied at manufacturers recommendations. After seeding, each area shall be mulched with 4,000 pounds of straw per acre. On all exposed slopes that are equal to or greater than 5%, an Erosion Blanket shall be used until the area achieves final stabilization. A rock entrance road (that is 50ft long with a 6 inch depth of FDOT #1 stone and lined with filter fabric) shall be constructed to minimize the effects of truck traffic and sedimentation tracking both on and off of the site. There will be only one construction entrance at this site. After the initial site grading work, all proposed inlet(s)/outfalls, once installed, shall be protected from erosion and sediment runoff by the use of filter fabric and properly installed geohay inlet filters. Disturbed portions of the site where construction activities have permanently ceased shall be stabilized with sod or other permanent stabilization methods (if other methods are used, this SWPPP will be modified) no later than 14 days after the last construction activity. Seeding shall be the same as in temporary seeding. All installation shall be commenced as depicted on the attached site map and installation typicals sheet. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1, 2, & 3 Describe all temporary and permanent stabilization practices. Stabilization practices include temporary seeding, mulching, permanent seeding, geotextiles, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, protection of trees, vegetative preservations, etc. Temporary seeding shall be rye grass or other appropriate ground covers depending upon season of installation that is applied at manufacturers recommendations to any disturbed areas that are inactive more than 7 days. Mulching practices and sod shall be applied to the parking lot island. Sod shall be used to stabilize the sides of the retention basin. Filter fabric shall be placed under the rock entrance/exit, the swale outfall and the stormwater retention pond outfall.

Vegetative buffers shall be left undisturbed at the southeast and northeast corners of the property.

To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1, 2, & 3 Describe all structural controls to be implemented to divert stormwater flow from exposed soils and structural practices to store flows, retain sediment on-site or in any other way limit stormwater runoff. These controls include silt fences, earth dikes, diversions, swales, sediment traps, check dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, level spreaders, storm drain inlet protection, rock outlet protection, reinforced soil retaining systems, gabions, coagulating agents and temporary or permanent sediment basins. A silt fence (with the same installation as indicated under the Best Management Practices heading) shall be placed around the entire perimeter. A double row of silt fence reinforced with field fence (with the same installation as indicated under the Best Management Practices heading) shall be placed around the vegetative buffers and wetland area. A retention basin shall be constructed in the lower quadrant of the northeast corner of the property and may be used as a temporary sediment basin (prior to being connected to a discharge structure) if needed. Care shall be taken to assure the removal of accumulated fine sediments and that the excessive compaction of soil by construction machinery is avoided. After final site stabilization, the basin bottom shall be deep raked to restore infiltration rates and sodded. A swale shall be placed at the southwest corner of the property. Inlet(s)/Outfalls shall be protected with filter fabric and properly installed geohay inlet flters(with the same installation as indicated under the Best Management Practices heading). Rock outlet protection lined with filter fabric shall be installed at all outfall points. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1, 2, & 3 Describe all sediment basins to be implemented for areas that will disturb 10 or more acres at one time. The sediment basins (or an equivalent alternative) should be able to provide 3,600 cubic feet of storage for each acre drained. Temporary sediment basins (or an equivalent alternative) are recommended for drainage areas under 10 acres. Not applicable, may use the retention basin (prior to being connected to a discharge structure) as a temporary sediment basin if needed. Describe all permanent stormwater management controls such as, but not limited to, detention or retention systems or vegetated swales that will be installed during the construction process. A stormwater retention basin shall be constructed per ERP permit No. 03-123456 A vegetated swale with concrete spill way to act as a velocity dissipation device shall be constructed per ERP permit No. 03-123456. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1

Describe in detail controls for the following potential pollutants Waste disposal, this may include construction All construction materials and debris will be debris, chemicals, litter, and sanitary wastes: placed in a dumpster and hauled off site to a landfill or other proper disposal site. The dumpster shall be located as shown on the site map. No materials will be buried on site. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1, 2, & 3 Off site vehicle tracking of sediments and dust generation will be minimized via a rock construction entrance, daily street sweeping and the use of water to keep dust down. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1 Florida-friendly fertilizers and pesticides will be used at a minimum and in accordance with the manufacturers suggested application rates. The fertilizers and pesticides will be stored in a covered shed, as indicated on site map. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1&3 A spill prevention plan is in place. A double walled fuel tank will be placed on a drip pan to contain and prevent any drips or leaks from being discharged in stormwater runoff. All paints and other chemicals will be stored in a locked covered shed, as indicated on site map. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1 Port-o-lets will be placed away from storm sewer systems, storm inlet(s), surface waters and wetlands. Specific placement is depicted on the site map. No vehicle maintenance shall be conducted on-site. A washdown area shall be designated at all times and will not be located in any area that will allow for the discharge of polluted runoff. A small-vegetated berm shall be placed around the washdown area. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1 5

Offsite vehicle tracking from construction entrances/exits:

The proper application rates of all fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides used at the construction site:

The storage, application, generation and migration of all toxic substances:


Provide a detailed description of the maintenance plan for all structural and non-structural controls to assure that they remain in good and effective operating condition. Contractor shall provide routine maintenance of permanent and temporary sediment and erosion control features in accordance with the technical specifications or as follows, whichever is more stringent: Silt fence shall be inspected at least weekly. Any required repairs shall be made immediately. Sediment deposits shall be removed when they reach approximately one-half the height of the barrier. Maintenance shall be performed on the rock entrance when any void spaces are full of sediment. Inlet(s)/outfalls shall be inspected immediately after each rain event and any required repairs to the geohay filter inlets, silt fence, or filter fabric shall be performed immediately. Bare areas of the site that were previously seeded shall be reseeded per manufactures instructions. Mulch and sod that has been washed out shall be replaced immediately. Maintain all other areas of the site with proper controls as necessary. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1 Inspections: Describe the inspection and inspection documentation procedures, as required by Part V.D.4. of the permit. Inspections must occur at least once a week and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event that is 0.50 inches or greater (see attached form). Qualified personnel will inspect all points of discharges, all disturbed areas of construction that have not been stabilized, constructed areas and locations where vehicles enter and exit the site, and all BMPs at least once every 7 calendar days or within 24 hours of the end of a rainfall event that is 0.5 inches or greater. Where sites have been finally stabilized, said inspections shall be conducted at least once every month until the Notice of Termination is filed. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1

Identify and describe all sources of non-stormwater discharges as allowed in Part IV.A.3. of the permit. Flows from fire fighting activities do not have to be listed or described. It is expected that the following non-stormwater discharges may occur from the site during construction period: water from water line flushing, pavement wash water (where no spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have occurred), and uncontaminated groundwater (from dewatering excavation). Dewatering shall be done in accordance with the requirements of the DEP Generic Permit for the Discharge of Produced Ground Water from any Noncontaminated Site Activity. If said discharges do occur, they will be directed to the temporary sediment basin prior to discharge. Turbid water from the stormwater pond shall not be pumped directly into either of the receiving waters. Any pumped water from the stormwater pond shall be treated so as to not allow a discharge of polluted stormwater. Treatment can include silt fences, settling ponds, the proper use of flocculating agents or other appropriate means. To be completed by Contractor/Subcontractor(s): 1

This SWPPP must clearly identify, for each measure identified within the SWPPP, the contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) that will implement each measure. All contractor(s) and subcontractor(s) identified in the SWPPP must sign the following certification: I certify under penalty of law that I understand, and shall comply with, the terms and conditions of the State of Florida Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities and this Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan prepared thereunder. Name 1. Bill Smith Bill Smith Title Vice President Company Name, Address and Phone Number ABC Site Grading 1234 Coconut Drive Tallahassee, FL 32311 850-745-6214 EZ Utilities 3974 Turtle Lane Tallahassee FL 32399 850-279-4451 Larrys Landscaping LLC 1532 S Ocean Dr Tallahassee FL 32311 850-774-6987 Date 10/14/04

2. Rob Robertson Rob Robertson



3. Larry Walker Larry Walker



Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Inspection Report Form
Inspections must occur at least once a week and within 24 hours of the end of a storm event that is 0.50 inches or greater. Project Name: Location

Pink Flamingo Fabrications

Rain data Type of control (see below) 1, 25, & 28 14 23 4 & 23 10 24 Date installed / modified 12/09/04 12/09/04 12/09/04 12/09/04 12/09/04 12/09/04

FDEP NPDES Stormwater Identification Number: Current Condition (see below) M C G G M P


Corrective Action / Other Remarks

All veg buffer areas 0.75 Maintained silt fence and remove sediments Entrance Cleaned out trapped sediments Stormwater pond Swale Parking Lot Inlet Replaced silt fence Mulch on the Berm Mulch washed away on Northwest corner. Replaced 12/9/04 Condition Code: G = Good M = Marginal, needs maintenance or replacement soon P = Poor, needs immediate maintenance or replacement C = Needs to be cleaned O = Other Control Type Codes 1. Silt Fence 10. Storm drain inlet protection 19. Reinforced soil retaining system 28. Tree protection 2. Earth dikes 11. Vegetative buffer strip 20. Gabion 29. Detention pond 3. Structural diversion 12. Vegetative preservation area 21. Sediment Basin 30. Retention basin 4. Swale 13. Retention Basin 22. Temporary seed / sod 31. Waste disposal / housekeeping 5. Sediment Trap 14. Construction entrance stabilization 23. Permanent seed / sod 32. Dam 6. Check dam 15. Perimeter ditch 24. Mulch 33. Sand Bag 7. Subsurface drain 16. Curb and gutter 25. Geohay inlet filters 34. Other 8. Pipe slope drain 17. Paved road surface 26. Geotextile 9. Level spreaders 18. Rock outlet protection 27. Rip-rap Inspector Information: John Miller FDEP Sediment and Erosion Inspector Course 12/09/04 Name Qualification Date The above signature also shall certify that this facility is in compliance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and the State of Florida Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge from Large and Small Construction Activities if there are not any incidents of non-compliance identified above. ****** "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." Phil Dirt Name (Responsible Authority) 12/10/04 Date



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