Sierra Madre Oriental Endemismo 2018
Sierra Madre Oriental Endemismo 2018
Sierra Madre Oriental Endemismo 2018
Keywords: More than 50% of the Mexican flora is represented by 11,001 species of endemic vascular plants. These high
Mountain levels of endemisms should be a primal criterion for the recognition of areas for conservation. However, it is
Endemism unknown whether the current network of protected areas guarantees the conservation of endemic vascular plant
Hotspot species. We focused in the Sierra Madre Oriental (SMOr), a mountain chain along Eastern Mexico that is re-
cognized as one of the most important hotspots of vascular plant endemism in the country. At present, SMOr
includes 73 protected areas, but their effectiveness for conservation of endemic species has not been evaluated.
Protected areas
We aimed to calculate the number of endemic species that are currently considered in protection areas and
propose the recognition of new areas that may include a greater endemic species diversity. Hotspots of en-
demism in SMOr were identified using herbaria information of 734 endemic species. The location of hotspots
were identified from distribution patterns generated in the program MaxEnt. Also, Marxan program to re-
construct a map to propose new protected areas that include a greater number of endemic species. We observed
that the richest hotspots are located in broken terrains with temperate or semi-arid climates, chalky soils, and a
mixture of forests and scrublands featuring pines and oaks. When considering that at least 10% of the geographic
distribution of each species should be conserved, the current protection areas include 66% of the endemic
species, which might be an acceptable percentage, although it excludes an important number of potentially
threatened species. Therefore, we propose the recognition of ten more areas that might be promising for the
conservation of the remaining 34% of endemic plants in SMOr. This study demonstrates that current efforts for
conservation in Mexico may be greatly improved when considering the hotspots of vascular plant endemisms.
1. Introduction 1985), which is the case of around 11,001 vascular plants in Mexico
(Villaseñor, 2016). This means that more than 50% of the Mexican
Mexico represents one of the most importanthotspots of biodiversity vascular plants are endemic, and merit consideration in local and global
on Earth (Myers, Mittermeier, Mittermeier, Da Fonseca, & Kent, 2000). conservation plans, given their potential vulnerability to extinction
This richness is associated with a high heterogeneity of habitats: three- (Brundu et al., 2017; Lamoreux et al., 2006; Riemann & Ezcurra, 2005).
quarters of the Mexican territory is mountainous (Cantú, Estrada, The usual conservation strategy applied in Mexico has been the de-
Salinas, Marmolejo, & Estrada, 2013; Espinosa & Ocegueda, 2008) and claration of Protected Areas (PAs) (García-Frapolli, Ramos-Fernández,
includes eight biomes (WWF, 2001) categorized in 55 types of vege- Galicia, & Serrano, 2009), which are geographic regions where the
tation (INEGI, 2011). Such environmental variation might be also the utilisation and conservation of species is regulated by public institu-
reason why Mexico shelters more than 10% of the endemic species of tions. Unfortunately, this measurement often disregards the conserva-
the world (Mittermeier & Goetsch, 1997; Villaseñor, 2016). The concept tion of endemic plant species because their inclusion represent a big
of endemic species refers to taxa that are confined to narrow distribu- challenge: endemic plants usually show disparate distributions and
tion areas (Anderson, 1994; Gaston, 1994; Kruckeberg & Rabinowitz, depend of non-continuously distributed abiotic factors, such as
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez).
Received 9 January 2018; Received in revised form 22 August 2018; Accepted 22 August 2018
1617-1381/ © 2018 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
geomorphology, type of bedrock, or climate, which are difficult to de- million hectares representing 11.2% of the continental surface of
limitate geographically. It is necessary to find an optimal trade-off be- Mexico. Its altitude ranges from 5 to 1313 m above sea level (m. a. s. l.)
tween the areas that merit conservation and the occurrence of endemic (INEGI, 1998). The bedrock is sedimentary, dates to the Cretaceous;
species. lithosoils are predominant, but some zones have high concentrations of
There are previous researches that have demonstrated the risk of chalk (INEGI, 2013). The high variation of geomorphology and topo-
low efficiency of PAs for the conservation of endemic species. For ex- graphy, with steep slopes and a great range of altitude favored biolo-
ample, the endemic plants in Tadzhikistan are located in mountains gical diversification (Luna, Morrone, & Espinosa, 2004; Rzedowski,
that historically constrained their distribution (Nowak, Nowak, & 2015). Until 2015, there were 177 PAs covering 12.10% of Mexican
Nobis, 2011). This geographic restriction has kept the endemic species territory about 25,628,239 ha according to the Comisión Nacional de
out from the currently established PAs, despite that activities such as Áreas Naturales Protegidas de Mexico (SEMATNAT, 2015). SMOr has
intense grazing goats are threatening the endemic species (Nowak et al., 73 out of 177 Mexican PAs that encompass 3,294,874 ha (9.97% of the
2011). Likewise, in China, more than 90% of the total endemic seed polygon). Six of them belong to the network of PAs of UNESCO's Man
plant species are mainly distributed at mountains, but only nearly 27% and the Biosphere Programme: El Cielo, Sierra Gorda de Querétaro,
of their distribution are covered by PAs (Huang et al., 2016). The same Barranca de Metztitlán, Cuatro Ciénegas, Parque Nacional Cumbres de
happens in Italy, where a large number of type localities of endemic Monterrey and Maderas del Carmen (World Database on Protected
plants occur in mountain areas, but 33% of them are outside PAs Areas).
(Brundu et al., 2017). In Lebanon, the highest concentration of endemic
species occurs at mountains, but only 26% of sites rich in endemism are 2.2. Collection of vascular plants data
designated as PAs, which represent only the 45% of the total plant
species diversity of the country (Dagher-Kharrat, El Zein, & Rouhan, We assembled a database of endemic vascular plants species from
2018). Similar patterns have also been seen at regional level. A research the SMOr physiographic province based on information from herbaria
in Valencia, Spain, a territory of high plant diversity, showed that re- (CFN.L., MOBOT, MEXU, AAU, ANSM, ARIZ, ASU, BH, TEX, NY, among
gional networks do not provide protection to 70% of the most en- others), a Mexican biodiversity database (Red Mundial de Información
dangered plant species (Laguna et al., 2004). The authors proposed the sobre la Biodiversidad, REMIB-CONABIO) and the Global Biodiversity
necessity of increasing the number of small PAs named micro-reserves Information Facility (GBIF). Each collection site was reviewed using the
to provide effective protection to rare, endemic and endangered plants, specialised bibliography of each species and validated with Google
since most of these have a scattered distribution and occupy micro- Earth Plus and ArcGis 10.1 to ensure that the locations occur within the
environments. Even at smaller areas as in New Caledonia, 83% of en- SMOr polygon. To reduce sampling bias, only species that had more
demic and threatened species do not occur in PAs, suggesting that ex- than five collection sites were taken into account, since most of endemic
tinction risk may be greatly reduced if the areas for conservation are species are micro-endemic and have only one collection site. All the
increased between five and nine times (Jaffré, Bouchet, & Veillon, used taxonomic nomenclature follows the International Plant Name
1998). In Mexico, Riemann and Ezcurra (2005) suggested that in Baja Index Byng et al. (2016); Christenhusz, Reveal et al. (2011) and
California, PAs shelter a proportion of 75% of endemic plants. How- Christenhusz, Zhang, and Schneider (2011).
ever, studies that have tried to conserve important groups, such as
Cactaceae (Del Conde, Contreras, & Luna, 2009; Gómez & Hernández, 2.3. Modelling patterns of species’ distribution
2000; Hernández, Gómez, & Bárcenas, 2001; Martínez & Jurado, 2005),
have disregarded the inclusion of many other endemic plant species. To construct distribution models, we used MaxEnt 3.3.0 (Phillips,
To formulate effective strategies to conserve a high number of en- Anderson, & Schapire, 2006) and SDM Toolbox (Brown, 2014) to pro-
demic species in such rich areas, researchers and land managers must cess data that included 19 bioclimatic variables (Hijmans, Cameron,
know the spatial pattern of the distribution of those species (Bojórquez, Parra, Jones, & Jarvis, 2005) from the WorldClim database (http://
Azuara, Ezcurra, & Flores, 1995; Townsend & Watson, 1998). For this, the raster layer from the Serial Edaphic Vec-
reason, evaluating the spatial patterns of endemic plants might be an torial Data II of INEGI (2013), and the use of land and vegetation type
appropriate approach to identify an optimal species assembly that in- layer V of INEGI (2011) (Appendix A). The prediction capability of
cludes important hotspots sheltering rich and unique biodiversity models for each species was evaluated by calculating the area under the
(Godoy-Bürki, Ortega-Baes, Sajama, & Aagesen, 2013; Villero, Pla, curve (AUC) (Phillips et al., 2006). Jackknife was used to calculate the
Camps, Ruiz-Olmo, & Brotons, 2016). This is especially important when relative contribution of each variable to the models.
hotspots are located throughout heterogeneous environments that vary
in soil types (Kruckeberg & Rabinowitz, 1985; Major, 1988; Stebbins, 2.4. Identification of hotspots of endemism
1980), climate variation (Barthlott, Lauer, & Placke, 1996; Raupach &
Finnigan, 1997; Ricklefs, 1977), or altitudinal gradients (Agakhanjanz The SMOr polygon was divided into a hexagonal grid of 7110 cells
& Breckle, 1995, 2002; Kazakis, Ghosn, Vogiatzakis, & Papanastasis, of 30 km2 due to the following three reasons: 1) hexagonal planning
2007; Noroozi, Akhani, & Breckle, 2008; Pawłowski, 1970). In this units are often more economically efficient and will produce more ef-
study, we focus in Sierra Madre Oriental (SMOr), a mountain chain ficient results of conservation (Birch, Oom, & Beecham, 2007; Nhancale
distributed along Eastern Mexico (Fig. 1). We aimed to a) identify & Smith, 2011); 2) we determine that 30 km2 is approximated to 10% of
hotspots of endemic plants species to facilitate their conservation, b) the average size of PAs in Mexico, which facilitates the data manage-
evaluate the effectiveness of the current network of PAs, and c) propose ment; and 3) smaller areas are easier to identify than large areas,
new PAs to ensure the conservation of at least 10% of the ranger of each especially for conservation of micro-endemic species (Laguna et al.,
species, and at least the 60% of the total of species that we identified, 2004). To determine the species richness at each cell, we superimpose
according to the recommendation of IUCN and Global Strategy of Plant the grid map and the rasters maps obtained from MaxEnt distribution
Conservation 2011–2020 (Sharrock, Oldfield, & Wilson, 2014). model of each species.
2.1. Study area Worldwide, the declaration of PAs has been considered a main
strategy for conservation (Bruner, Gullison, Rice, & Da Fonseca, 2001;
SMOr is a mountain region that encompasses a little more than 22 Chape, Blyth, Fish, Fox, & Spalding, 2003). Attempting the protection
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
Fig. 1. Geographical position of Sierra Madre Oriental polygon defined according to Cervantes et al. (1990).
of all species in PAs would be costly and unworkable at the short-term. layers of species distributions generated by MaxEnt, into a layer in-
Therefore, we followed the recommendations of the International cluding all of Mexican PAs. This was used to analyse the effectiveness of
Union for Conservation of Nature to aim that at least 10% of each PAs with the software Marxan 1.8.10 (Ardron, Possingham, & Klein,
species’ range of distribution lies within the PAs. If at least 60% of the 2010; Game & Grantham, 2008). We used threshold of at least 10% of
target range (10%) of all endemic species considered in this study lie distribution range of each species and at least 60% of the total of en-
within the PAs network, then the network would be considered effec- demic specie that lies within one or more of the PAs (Sharrock et al.,
tive, in agreement with the Global Strategy of Plant Conservation 2014). This was also used to identify hotspots that are excluded from
2011–2020 (Sharrock et al., 2014). It is expected that certain percen- PAs and that should be considered in conservation.
tage of endemic species will occur outside the current system of PAs.
Therefore, we added the hexagonal grid of the SMOr polygon and the
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
Fig. 2. Hotspots of species richness of endemic vascular plants of the Sierra Madre Oriental. The number of species per cell is indicated.
3.1. Collection of vascular plants data The average number of potential endemic species per cell was 38,
with a maximum of 165 and a minimum of 1. We found two large
We built a database of 3157 records belonging to 734 endemic concentrations of cells rich in endemic species (Fig. 2; one concentra-
vascular plant species (Appendix B). In order to strengthen the MaxEnt tion was observed in the center region of the SMOr, comprising lithosoil
models as much as possible, we only analysed species with at least five areas of the states of Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas. These
occurrence locations, thus, the average of localities of the total number areas contain the highest mountains with temperate forests, which are
of species was 5.23. dominated by oaks, pines, Pseudotsuga, Abies, Juniperus, and chaparral
communities. The second concentration of cells rich in endemism was
found in the southern region of the SMOr, throughout the states of
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
Fig. 4. Effectiveness of the ANP for the conservation of the endemic species of plants of the SMOr.
identifying hotspots of endemic species plants to consider them into cells are non-continuous, we had to select ten extra areas that may serve
guidelines for conservation of biodiversity (Mendoza-Maya et al., 2015; as links between the isolated cells and the current or our proposed PAs.
Smith et al., 2008). In our study, Marxan identified a set of 264 cells Coincidently, these extra areas have ecosystems that develop in soil
that should be added to the current network of PAs in order to protect types that might refuge endemic species (Anderson, 1994; Gaston,
more endemic species. Some cells were so rich in endemisms that 1994; Kruckeberg & Rabinowitz, 1985), particularly the chalky soils.
Marxan selected them in 70% of the iterations. However, since most Regrettably, the choice of PAs in Mexico mainly rely on the
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
Fig. 5. Cells or planning units proposed by Marxan for Sierra Madre Oriental. The intense color indicates highest conservation priority for endemic plants.
information of species richness and the presence of species at risk of to consider areas rich in endemism to when evaluating the location,
extinction in geographic areas. Yet, this criterion does not always dis- size, connection and the priority for the establishment of PAs. In a
criminate between endemic and non-endemic species (Godoy-Bürki broad sense, it is necessary to consider more than one aspect of biodi-
et al., 2013; Riemann & Ezcurra, 2005). Considering endemisms might versity, and not only species richness. Therefore, future conservation
provide a valuable approach for delineating important areas for con- proposals should analyse regional variations in spatial patterns of di-
servation (Bojórquez et al., 1995; Townsend & Watson, 1998). versity to expand criteria for selection of areas for conservation. Our
research represents a first attempt to propose an improvement for the
4.4. Conclusion conservation of endemic flora in SMOr.
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
Fig. 6. Priority areas for conservation with high frequency of selection in Sierra Madre Oriental: 1. Sierra Las Delicias 2. Sierra La Paila 3. Sierras de Parras and
General Cepeda 4. Pico de Teyra and adjacent mountains 5. Sierra del Astillero 6. Gran Sierra Plegada and chalky zones 7. Sierras de Aramberri and Zaragoza 8.
Altiplano de Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas 9. Arid hillsides of Querétaro and Hidalgo 10. Sierra Otomí-Tepehua of Hidalgo and Veracruz.
Acknowledgements the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León for supporting the doctoral
research, the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Mexico for
We thank the Laboratorio de Investigaciones Botánicas de la funding this investigation (CVU-376629 to first author), and Mr. Jim
Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina, without whose valuable Smith for the translation support. J.S.G.O. thanks the Japan Society for
support this investigation would not have been possible. We also thank the Promotion of Science for Grant-in-aid No. 18F18076.
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
Bioclimatic variables
Edaphic variables
Cultivated forest
Ayarín Forest
Oak forest
Oak-pine forest
Gallery forest
Mesquite Forest
Oyamel Forest
Pine forest
Pine-oak forest
Tascate Forest
Induced forest
Cloud Forest
Body of water
Crasicaule Shrub
Microphyllous shrubland
M.M. Salinas-Rodríguez et al. Journal for Nature Conservation 46 (2018) 6–27
Rosetophyllous shrubland
Tamaulipas thorny scrub
Submontane shrubland
Xerophilous mesquital
Induced palmar
Natural palmar
Cultivated grassland
Gypsophilous grassland
Halophylous grassland
Natural grassland
Evergreen forest
Deciduous forest
Low spiny deciduous forest
Subdeciduous low forest
Gallery evergreen forest
Subdeciduous medium evergreen forest
Sub evergreen medium evergreen forest
Vegetation of sandy deserts
Gallery vegetation
Gypsy vegetation
Hydrophilic halophilic vegetation
Halophyte xerophilous vegetation
Appendix B. Coah: Coahuila, NL: Nuevo Leon, Dgo: Durango, Zac: Zacatecas, Tamps: Tamaulipas, SLP: San Luis Potosi, Gto: Guanajuato,
Qro: Querétaro, Hgo: Hidalgo, Ver: Veracruz, Pue: Puebla. IUCN Red List: LC: Least concern, NT: Near Threatened, V: Vulnerable, E:
endangered, CE: Critically Endangered, DD: Deficient data. NOM059 SEMARNAT 2010: P: In danger of extinction, Pr. Special protection, A:
Division Family Endemic species Area of endemism IUCN red list Nom059
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