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Git Secretion

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Stimulation, Inhibition

↓ Stomach pH
Vagus nerve (ACh) Prostaglandins
Activates pepsinogen to pepsin
hydrochloric acid Gastrin Secretin
Kills microorganisms
Histamine Somatostatin
(except Helicobacter pylori)

vitamin Vagus nerve (ACh)
Binds to vitamin B12 and enables its • Prostaglandins
B12 binding Gastrin
absorption in the terminal ileum • Secretin
• Somatostatin

Vagus nerve (ACh) • High gastric pH

Pepsin Protein digestion
Low gastric pH • Somatostatin

Bicarbonate Neutralizes gastric acid Secretin • None

Vagus nerve (via gastrin-


peptide and GRP released

from presynaptic
↑ Gastric acid secretion
terminals • Somatostatin
Gastrin ↑ Gastric motility
of postganglionic fibers) • Gastric pH < 1.5
Proliferation of the gastric mucosa
Amino acids and peptides

Decreased acidity

Distention of the stomach

Chronic PPI administration

Stimulation, Inhibition

↑ Appetite and hunger (lateral


↑ Neuropeptide Y release
Ghrelin (arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus) • Stomach distention (food intake)
Sleep deprivation
↑ Growth hormone release (anterior


↑ Gastric motility [6]

Histamine ↑ Gastric acid secretion Gastrin • Somatostatin

↑ Contraction of the gallbladder

↑ Secretion of pancreatic Postprandial: fatty

enzymes by acting on neural acids and amino • Somatostatin

muscarinic pathways acids entering the small • Fasting

↑ Relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi intestine

↓ Gastric emptying

Inhibits gastrointestinal secretions

↓ Gastric acid

Inhibits gall bladder contraction Postprandial: gastric

Decreases motility of acid, fatty acids,

Somatostatin • Vagus nerve (ACh)
the stomach and intestine and amino acids entering

Causes splanchnic vasoconstriction [7]

the duodenum

Decreases growth

hormone and TSH secretion

Stimulation, Inhibition

↑ Secretion of bile

↑ Pancreatic secretion

of bicarbonate, which neutralizes the Postprandial: ↑ gastric

Secretin acidic chyme arriving from acid and fatty acids in • Somatostatin

the stomach (necessary the duodenum

for pancreatic enzyme function)

↓ Secretion of gastric acid

↑ Insulin secretion (more

Postprandial: fatty acids,
pronounced with the administration
Gastric inhibitory glucose, amino
of oral glucose compared to • Fasting
polypeptide (GIP) acids entering small
intravenous glucose)
↓ Secretion of gastric acid

Produces migratory motor

Motilin Fasting • Intake of food
complexes (↑ intestinal motility)

↑ Secretion of water and electrolytes

Distention of the stomach
VIP ↑ Relaxation of intestinal sphincters • Sympathetic activity
Vagal stimulation
and smooth muscle

Relaxation of smooth muscle and

Nitric sphincters (e.g., LES)

oxide (NO) [8] Improves circulation

(vasodilatory property)

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