Correct Explain
Correct Explain
Correct Explain
1 c see
3 b Loud
4 b Quickly (adverb)
5 d Carefully
Headquarters = a place from which sth.(such as abusiness or a military
6 a
action) is controlled or directed
7 b bad omen
9 d Wounded = hurt
11 c I`m dog tired right now = exhausted = to tire out or wear out
13 b Answer
38 b are paid
39 d on the Radio
43 d a dozen
47 c beautifully (adv.)
Counterpart = the person who has the same purpose or does the same
48 d
job as another in different system
49 b Zoo
51 b abolished = ended
52 c speak
opponent = enemy = aperson,team,group, that is competing against
53 a
another in a contest
54 a a strife = struggle = an act of contention
Lobbed = throw // grenades = small bombs those are designed to be
55 d
thrown by so. Or shot from a rifle
devious in manner = willing to lie and trick people in order to get what is
56 c
57 a a little (non countable // positive )
58 d was painted
59 a whom
62 b on base
64 b I (subject pronoun)
66 c we (subject pronouns)
67 b at grammar
68 d is spoken
72 b didn`t have
73 d will be shown
74 d was stolen
76 a subject = topic
Receipt = apiece of paper on which the things that you buy or the services
77 c
that you pay for are listed with the total amount paid and the price for each
81 d severity
fired = discharge = to end the service of so. In a formal or official way: to
82 b
release so. From duty
83 b proficient = skilled
84 a an assingment = task
86 a tightwad = stingy = a person who does not like to spend or give money
hygiene = the things that you do to keep yourself and surroundings clean
87 d
in order to maintain good health
disseminated = spread = to cause (sth.,such as information) to go to many
88 d
89 d agile = able to move quickly and easily
91 a like
93 b walks
94 b colder
95 c faster than
96 c ought to = should
97 c cockpit = the area in a boat,airplane, etc., where the pilot or driver sits
98 c is
99 b hung up
102 b carburator
105 b easily
118 d yet
123 d so
126 c very
127 a had to
manufactured = made = To make (sth.) usually in large amounts by using
128 c
129 d assault = a violent sudden a ttack
133 c signals
aggressive = offensive = causing so. To feel hurt,angry, or upset: rude or
134 c
135 a lingered = to remain alive while becoming weaker
dedicated = having very strong support for or loyalty to a person, group,
136 d
cause, etc.
137 a has
138 a do
139 b didn`t
140 d some
141 a are
142 d reasonable
169 a are
178 a and
180 c already
185 a there is
189 b made
193 a told
194 a choosed
195 c smokes now
200 b ate
201 d because
calamity = disaster = catastrophe = an event that causes great harm and
202 c
203 a supports
207 a didn`t
212 c a dozen
226 d employed
239 a in spit of
The violin = a musical instrument that has four strings and that you usually
240 hold against your shoulde under your chin and play with abow
246 d should
247 c both
251 a in ( months)
252 d wrote
254 a victims = a person who has attacked, injured, robbed, or killed by so. Else
255 b friendly
256 d accused of
257 b hazardous
258 c weatherman
a helix = spiral = the shape formed by a line that curves around and along
259 d
a central line
260 d not being
261 b awfully
263 c dangerous
268 b falsified
269 a in spit of
273 a smells
274 d felt
277 d personnel = the people who work for a particular company or organization
278 b too many
279 a to sign
281 b in (city)
282 d easiest
283 d beef
284 b hire
286 d speaks
288 d has
289 d is
291 a in (country)
292 c brakes
294 c were
296 b letters
299 b boxes
300 a discount
307 b tastes
309 a swimming
317 a so
318 c groceries
320 b insist on
322 c reduction
333 a involved
334 d surgical procedure = relating to surgery
337 d sticking your neck out for me = taking the risk to help me
340 c overnight
341 c hold
343 a erased
346 b got
348 d gets
353 c told me
357 a on profile
358 d is
361 c tonight
362 c should = ought to
364 d is
370 b unfaltering = abiding = firm = continuing for a long time: not change
371 a at fault
388 a these
395 c ambidextrous = can write equally well with both her left and right hand
399 c am
407 a courage
412 d was
413 b obsessed = preoccupied = to think and talk about sth. Too much
414 b will
417 a strict
418 a depart = take off
424 a an appointment
425 a hold
426 a carefully
427 c recommend
431 b rancher
433 d what to do
434 b repairing
435 b in
436 b of
438 a were
441 a were
442 a staying
445 a were
446 d out off
447 c duty
allegory = astory in which the characters and events are symbols that
454 stand for ideas about human life or for political or historical situation
459 a pratfall = a sudden fall in which you end up sitting on the ground
466 a despite
467 c denying
481 d (un) substantaited = (un) confirmed = (not) to prove the truth of sth.
486 c on acupcake