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Correct Explain

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no correct Explain

1 c see

2 a Listening to the Radio

3 b Loud

4 b Quickly (adverb)

5 d Carefully
Headquarters = a place from which sth.(such as abusiness or a military
6 a
action) is controlled or directed
7 b bad omen

8 d insist = to demand that sth. Happen or that so. Do sth.

9 d Wounded = hurt

10 d Skinny = underweight = very thin or too thin

11 c I`m dog tired right now = exhausted = to tire out or wear out

12 c Funds = supplies = available money

13 b Answer

14 d Tied at nil = zero : zero nil = zero

15 c Slightly injury = It`s not too serious

16 a dozen = twelve so half dozen = six

Famines = starvations = suffering or death caused by having nothing to
17 b
eat or not enough to eat
Integrate = join = to combine (two or more things) to form or creat
18 c
19 a compiled = gathering = to put together

20 c engage = involved = included in sth. = actively participating in sth.

21 c splinter = small piece of wood = flake

22 b lucid = inteligible = very clear and easy to understand
bugle call = taps = a song played on a bugle at military funerals and at
23 a
night as a signal for soldiers to go bed
24 c sit on the chair

25 d sluggish = slow and lazy

an atheist = a person who believes that God does not exist / supreme
26 a
being = Allah = God
27 c ripped = having rips: torn, split, or opened
Jettison = throw overboard = to drop sth. From a moving ship, airplane,
28 b
29 b was

30 a He began his new class because yesterday in question

outflank = to move around the side of (sth. Such as an opposing force) to
31 b
attack from behind

32 d messed up = to cause sb. To have serious emotional or mental problems

ratified = to make ( a treaty, agrement, etc.) official by signing it or voting
33 b
for it
34 a difficult = not easy

35 a refreshments = drink and food

kneel = to be in a position in which both of your knees are on the
36 c
floor//shin = the front part of vetebrate the knee
37 d seems

38 b are paid

39 d on the Radio

40 b be fried ( passive voice)

41 b was written (passive voice)

42 a on the table (above it)

43 d a dozen

44 c Remember +v+ing (putting)

45 b Thepolice are plural ,so the right answer is have been

46 c has been drawn

47 c beautifully (adv.)
Counterpart = the person who has the same purpose or does the same
48 d
job as another in different system
49 b Zoo

50 d Respect = look up to them

51 b abolished = ended
52 c speak
opponent = enemy = aperson,team,group, that is competing against
53 a
another in a contest
54 a a strife = struggle = an act of contention
Lobbed = throw // grenades = small bombs those are designed to be
55 d
thrown by so. Or shot from a rifle
devious in manner = willing to lie and trick people in order to get what is
56 c
57 a a little (non countable // positive )

58 d was painted

59 a whom

60 b What time the plane would take off

61 d Neither ………. Nor = singular so the best answer is has

62 b on base

63 b at 1540 so( at) comes with time

64 b I (subject pronoun)

65 b in 2001 so (in) comes with years

66 c we (subject pronouns)

67 b at grammar

68 d is spoken

69 c are not grown

70 b allowed to + simple form so the right answer is Buy

71 c had being watched

72 b didn`t have

73 d will be shown

74 d was stolen

75 d risking because( thereby +v+ing )

76 a subject = topic

Receipt = apiece of paper on which the things that you buy or the services
77 c
that you pay for are listed with the total amount paid and the price for each

78 d fruitful = producing a good result : very productive

79 a vehicle = an armored perssonel carrier

80 a account for = to be the reason why sth. Happened = explain

81 d severity
fired = discharge = to end the service of so. In a formal or official way: to
82 b
release so. From duty
83 b proficient = skilled

84 a an assingment = task

85 a enhance = to increase or improve sth.

86 a tightwad = stingy = a person who does not like to spend or give money
hygiene = the things that you do to keep yourself and surroundings clean
87 d
in order to maintain good health
disseminated = spread = to cause (sth.,such as information) to go to many
88 d
89 d agile = able to move quickly and easily

90 d inclement = stormy = having rain and storms

91 a like

92 b destruction = the act or process of destroying sth.

93 b walks

94 b colder

95 c faster than

96 c ought to = should

97 c cockpit = the area in a boat,airplane, etc., where the pilot or driver sits

98 c is

99 b hung up

100 a are going to be examined (planning in the future)

101 b Because of raining

102 b carburator

103 b what length is that room?

104 a boils (facts)

105 b easily

106 b unified commands = constant orders

Embark x debark EMBARK = to begin ajourney especially on a ship or
107 b
108 d confirm
ranch = a large farm especially in the U.S. where animals (such as
109 d
cattle,horses,and sheep) are raised
primitive = very simple and basic: made or done in away that is not
110 b
modern and that does not show much skill
111 c administrate = manage

112 d squalid = misery = very dirty and unpleasant

113 a No,he has none

114 d collective work = a group of persons did the work

arsonist = burned = the illegal burning of a building or other property : the
115 c
crime of setting fire to sth.
116 c performance = behavior

117 c downtown (don`t have to,the,and to the)

118 d yet

119 b were destroyed (passive voice)

120 c had never seen (past perfect tense)

121 c has been repaired (passive voice)

122 d will have taken

123 d so

124 a was died

125 d unable to walk

126 c very

127 a had to
manufactured = made = To make (sth.) usually in large amounts by using
128 c
129 d assault = a violent sudden a ttack

130 a can you keep me ………………? = I want to know

context = the words that are used with a certain word or phase and that
131 d
help to explain its meaning
132 a weak and useless = in effective

133 c signals
aggressive = offensive = causing so. To feel hurt,angry, or upset: rude or
134 c
135 a lingered = to remain alive while becoming weaker
dedicated = having very strong support for or loyalty to a person, group,
136 d
cause, etc.
137 a has

138 a do
139 b didn`t

140 d some

141 a are

142 d reasonable

143 a more ( more…………… than )

144 d has been neglected

145 d had been ( third conditional for if )

146 c amphibious = able to live both on land and in water

147 b flock of birds = group of birds of the same type

148 a do the minimum

149 c picked out = selected

rust = a reddish-brown substance that is formed on some metals by the
150 d
action of water and air
stood by = supported terrible adversity = a difficult or
151 c
unpleasant situation
152 d raise your hand
Evaluated = estimated = to judge the value or condition of (so. Or sth.) in
153 b
a careful and thoughtful way
shave // swarthy = having dark skin stubble = short hairs growing from
154 a
the face of a man who has not shaved very recently
155 a tried futilely = moaning and groaning = a complaint about something
heresy = a belief or opinion that does not agree with the official belief or
156 a
opinion of a particular religion
157 d up acreek without a paddle (idiom) = in difficulty
Ransacked = search thoroughly = to search (a place) for sth. In a way that
158 b
causes disorder or damage
159 a tariff = tax = a tax on goods coming into or leaving a country
tantalize = tease = to cause (so.) to feel interest or exictement about sth.
160 a
That is very attractive, appealing, etc
161 a bad (adverb)

162 c nepotism = favoritism to a relative

163 b compact = small and easy to carry

164 c the same = identical

165 d moving fast = rushing towards the gates

166 a hurricane = big storm

167 b rude = impolite

168 d failed = didn`t pass

169 a are

170 d to do ( like + to +verb)

171 c our staff are

172 a similar = almost the same

173 b so nice little boy !

174 d a japanese resturant

175 b had started ( past perfect tense)

176 b told me to (direct and indirect)

177 a company that makes office furniture

178 a and

179 c living (miss + v + ing)

180 c already

181 c where (places)

182 a where (places)

183 d blocks = an area of land surrounded by four streets in a city

184 b are made from

185 a there is

186 a in exchange for

As aresult of awkwardness = lacking skill and difficult to use
187 c
or handle
188 c take (they`d better +v)

189 b made

190 a the fastest

191 a had a broken arm

192 b who (what or which person or people)

193 a told

194 a choosed
195 c smokes now

196 c in a few minutes

197 b will (simple future tense)

198 c switch off = close = turn off

199 a I didn`t either

200 b ate

201 d because
calamity = disaster = catastrophe = an event that causes great harm and
202 c
203 a supports

204 b acknowledged = generally recognized, accepted, or admitted

recommendation = the act of saying that so. Or sth. Is good and dwserves
205 a
to be chosen
206 a my

207 a didn`t

208 a Are you taught

209 b need (Sheep consider as plural)

210 c little (coffee is noncountable)

211 b is (news is noncountable)

212 c a dozen

213 a having joined

214 b it is light = not heavy

215 c it might rain = possibility

216 d will be opened exhibition = a public showing for sth.

217 c costly = expensive

218 a pair of shoes

hand palm = part of the human hand between the bases of the
219 b
fingers and the wrist
220 b assault = a violent sudden a ttack

221 b sore throat = it is hard to swallow

222 a siblings = brothers aor sisters

incredible = extremely = difficult or impossible to believe or extremly
223 b
good, great, or large
224 d perpendicular = lines that are at 90-degree angle to each other

225 d flee = escape = to run away from danger

226 d employed

227 a He`s better, thanks

Smothering = suffocating = to be uncomfortable because there is not
228 c
enough fresh air

229 c rapture = ecstasy = a state of very great happiness or extreme delight

230 c survived = were saved = to remain alive or to continue to live

evident = clear to the sight or mind murder = the crime of
231 b
deliberately killing a person
232 d threat = danger = so. Or sth. That could cause trouble,harm,etc.

233 a happened to = became of

234 d concern about = worried = to think about problems or fears

235 a convince = persuade = to cause so. To believe sth.

236 a laws = rules

237 c a fever = high temperature

238 d were I you

239 a in spit of

The violin = a musical instrument that has four strings and that you usually
240 hold against your shoulde under your chin and play with abow

241 d Saturday`s (possessive apostrophe)

242 c Smith`s house

243 b taking (mind + v + ing )

244 a would have you done

245 a hadn`t seen

246 d should

247 c both

248 c i`m going to meet

249 c much (because money is uncountable)

250 d is there

251 a in ( months)

252 d wrote

253 d temporary x permenant

254 a victims = a person who has attacked, injured, robbed, or killed by so. Else

255 b friendly

256 d accused of

257 b hazardous

258 c weatherman
a helix = spiral = the shape formed by a line that curves around and along
259 d
a central line
260 d not being

261 b awfully

262 b irritated me = to cause so. To feel slightly angry

263 c dangerous

264 a resume = begin again

ran out of = exhausted skirmish = a brief and usually unplanned
265 c
fight during a war
266 d multiply

267 a were I you

268 b falsified

269 a in spit of

270 a eccentric = unusual = tending to act in strange or unusual ways

unsuitable = inappropriate = not right or suited for some purpose or
271 a
situation : not appropriate or suitable
272 a an offensive odor = a bad stink = very unpleasant

273 a smells

274 d felt

275 b neither do they

276 c what the procedure is

277 d personnel = the people who work for a particular company or organization
278 b too many

279 a to sign

280 b a dime = a small coin worth ten cents

281 b in (city)

282 d easiest

283 d beef

284 b hire

285 a final = last

286 d speaks

287 c yes, it`s the right answer

288 d has

289 d is

290 c how to wrap this package

291 a in (country)

292 c brakes

293 b boring (adjective)

294 c were

295 b had been working

296 b letters

297 a was eaten

298 a autumn = fall

299 b boxes

300 a discount

301 d will have been

302 b quadrable = it`ll become four times as great

303 c doesn`t have a leg to stand on = has no defense

put our heads together and come up with a conclusion = they need to
304 c
work together
305 a slouching = moving lazily
c allure = exciting appeal = to entrice by charm or attraction

307 b tastes

308 d must have been

309 a swimming

310 d whose car it is

311 c to extinguish (trouble + to + v )

312 d fundamentals = relating to the basic structure or function of sth.

launched = fired = to send or shoot (sth., such as a rocket) into the air or
313 c
water or into outer space
314 b be on time (expression)

315 c do me a favor = helped me

316 d too adj. to ….. To understand

317 a so

318 c groceries

319 d dropped off = to fall asleep

320 b insist on

321 b was told

322 c reduction

323 a compulsory = must

324 a the most carefully

325 a explain you

326 d assistance = help or support

327 c confidence in his soldiers

328 d stage = the front of the theater

329 a disappointed = feeling sad, unhappy

330 d notified = to tell (so.) officially about sth.

331 b has been taught

332 d didn`t they

333 a involved
334 d surgical procedure = relating to surgery

335 c hospitalized = to place (so.) in a hospital for care or treatment

336 c controversial = arguable = relating to or causing much discussion

337 d sticking your neck out for me = taking the risk to help me

338 a hit a snag = it encountered opposition

339 d in exchange for

340 c overnight

341 c hold

342 c pants = trousers

343 a erased

344 d would play

345 c incredible = unbelievable

346 b got

347 c lethal = deadly

348 d gets

349 c wary = cautious

350 b sluggish = slow and lazy

351 d smattering = not very many

352 d the childern`s teeth cleaned

353 c told me

354 a a true story

355 b were overrun

356 d reconsolidate \ consolidate = to join or combine together into one thing

357 a on profile

358 d is

359 d has had

360 a got married

361 c tonight
362 c should = ought to

363 d didn`t do anything

364 d is

365 a dormant = latent = not doing anything at this time

undermined = weakened = to make (so. Or sth. ) weaker or less effective
366 c
usually in a secret or gradual way
367 a my hair stand on end (idiom) = scaring me
preserved = conserved = to keep (sth.) in its original state or in good
368 b

369 a comprehend = to understand (sth., such as difficult or complex subject

370 b unfaltering = abiding = firm = continuing for a long time: not change

371 a at fault

372 d one another = each other

373 c achieve = reached = bring to

374 d intolerate = unbearable

rational = logical = based on facts or reason and not on emotions or
375 d
feelings / bizarre action = very unusual or strange
376 b bravely as they fought

377 a check out = investigate

378 b bring down = fall to ground

379 b simultaneous access = happening at the same time

380 a a hassle = aggravating = sth. That is annoying or that causes trouble

prescribe = to officially tell so. To use (a medicine, therapy, diet, etc.) as a
381 d
remedy or treatment
382 a block or slow down

383 b dispute arose = quarrel = hassle

384 b distinct = clearly different = noticeable different

385 d red tape = bureaucratic procedures = routine

386 c second language learning demands hard work

387 c contingency plan = sth. (such as an emergency) that might happen

388 a these

389 d how much - has

390 b could you adjust the volume ?

391 d hurt (past)

392 c was shoplifted

393 b anticipate + v +ing (going)

394 a be in his office at

395 c ambidextrous = can write equally well with both her left and right hand

396 c impeccable appearance = steve is usually neat and clean

397 a succinct = clear and breif

398 d cigar factories

399 c am

400 a awkward = clumsy = difficult to use or handle

401 b fetching = attractive or pleasing

402 d go window shopping

403 b thirsty for

failed / immigrate = to come to a country to live there //fizzled = to
404 c
gradually fail or end
smeared = tainted = an untrue story about a person that is meant to hurt
405 b
that person`s reputation
406 c unequivocal = clear = not showing or allowing any doubt

407 a courage

408 d perplexed = baffled = unable to understand sth. Clearly or to think clearly

409 a capital (of crime) = death penalty

410 a came down with

411 c bear in mind = remember

412 d was

413 b obsessed = preoccupied = to think and talk about sth. Too much

414 b will

415 a pleased = happy

416 b if she gave it to me or not

417 a strict
418 a depart = take off

419 a had already burned down

was assassinated = to kill (so.,such as a famous or important person)
420 b
usually for political reasons
421 d among

422 b going (dread + v + ing )

423 a not drunk = sober

424 a an appointment

425 a hold

426 a carefully

427 c recommend

428 b fond of = love

429 d was written (passive voice)

430 d didn`t they

431 b rancher

432 c purchase = buy

433 d what to do

434 b repairing

435 b in

436 b of

437 c quarrel = bicker = to argue about or disagree with sth.

438 a were

439 d thank`s god

440 d vital = extremely important

441 a were

442 a staying

443 d while = whereas

444 b recession = a period of reduced economic activity

445 a were
446 d out off

447 c duty

448 a doubtful = uncertain or unsure about sth.

449 b cost an arm and a leg = expensive

450 b obligated = forced

451 b impatience = intolerance

452 d would rather = prefers to

453 b deteriorating ‫ﺗدھور‬ they are depositing money

allegory = astory in which the characters and events are symbols that
454 stand for ideas about human life or for political or historical situation

455 a transferred = moved

456 d unanimous = all the members agreed on the decision

457 b eccentric = peculiar = tending to act in strange or unusual ways

458 d the earth and atmosphere are rotate together

459 a pratfall = a sudden fall in which you end up sitting on the ground

460 a a stute = shrewd = mentally sharp and clever

461 d foot the bill (idioms) = pay for everyone

crestfallen = dejected = sad and disappointed because you have failed
462 b
and you did not expect to
463 b We have to hurry

464 c couple = two

spun (ppt. of spin) skidding = asudden,uncontrolled sliding movement

465 treacherous = very dangerous and difficult to deal with

466 a despite

467 c denying

468 c assembly area

469 c gist = main idea = the main point or part

470 a rudiments = basics ‫أﺳﺎﺳﯾﺎت‬

471 b brags = boasts = you express to much pride in yourself

472 a cynical = sarcastic ‫ﺳﺎﺧر‬

473 d imminent = implending = happened very soon ‫ﻗرﯾب اﻟﺣدوث‬

474 a affable = friendly and easy to talk to

475 a modified = altered = to change ‫ﺗﻐﯾر‬

476 b poignant = moving = causing astrong feeling of sadness

477 b emaciated = thin from hunger ‫ھزﯾل‬

478 d corroborated = backed up = confirm

479 b arson = fire

480 b finicky = overly particular ‫ﺻﻌب إرﺿﺎءه‬

481 d (un) substantaited = (un) confirmed = (not) to prove the truth of sth.

482 a relevant = pertinent ‫ذو ﺻﻠﺔ أو ﻋﻼﻗﺔ‬

483 b perch ‫ﺳﻣك ﻧﮭري‬

484 d obstinate = stubborn ‫ﻋﻧﯾد‬

485 c sham = fake ‫ھدﯾﺔ ﻣزﯾﻔﮫ‬

486 c on acupcake

487 d fragged = deliberately killed by his own men

488 d zap = kill quickly ‫إﻧطﻠق‬

489 a counterfeit = bogus

490 d grub = chow = food,victuals ‫طﻌﺎم وﻣؤن‬

chicken(idiom) = afraid =so. Who is too afraid to do what is right or
491 b
492 b golash (on the feet) = a shoe with a heavy sole

493 a gloat = show self-satifaction

494 a Henceforth = from now on

495 a flunked = he failed it

496 b eschew = avoid ‫ﺗﺟﻧب أو ﺗﺣﺎﺷﻰ‬

497 b maimed = crippled = to injure very badly by violence ‫ﻣﺷوه‬

498 c clobbered = defeated ‫ﻣﺿروب أو ﻣﮭزوم‬

dandruff = very small white pieces of dead skin that form especially on a
499 a
person's head so the write answer is shampoo
500 a finked = rattedon ‫ﻣﺧﺑر‬

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