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TF June2022

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An In-house S&T

Bulletin of DRDO

www.drdo.gov.in Vol 30 | Issue 3 | June 2022 | ISSN No. 0971 - 4413

Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

Technology Focus focuses on the technological achievements in the organization

covering the products, processes and technologies.

June 2022 Laboratory Correspondents

Vol. 30 | Issue 3 | ISSN No. 0971-4413 Agra
Editor-in-Chief: Dr K Nageswara Rao Ambernath
Assoc Editor-in-Chief: Alka Bansal Bengaluru
Managing Editor: Ajay Kumar

Editor: Dipti Arora

Prepress: Raj Kumar

Printing: SK Gupta




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The Editor, Technology Focus Pune

DESIDOC, Metcalfe House
Delhi-110 054
Telephone: 011-23902403, 23902472
Fax: 011-23819151; 011-23813465 Tezpur
E-mail: director.desidoc@gov.in; techfocus.desidoc@gov.in;

2 JUNE 2022
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

From the Desk of Guest Editor

Electronic Warfare (EW) is the most vital form of conflict in the
present scenario of emerging technological trends. Defence Electronics
Research Laboratory (DLRL), Hyderabad is a premier EW laboratory of
DRDO meeting the EW system requirements of defence services. Among
various state-of-the-art technologies being developed by DLRL, antenna
technology continues to take a lead role in achieving indigenisation and
self-reliance. Antenna sub-systems play a major role in defining the
overall functioning of an EW system in strategic and tactical modes for
manipulation and control of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The demanding requirements of modern EW systems call for specially designed custom-made
antennas which are not available off the shelf on the international market. EW antennas are
distinctly different from radar antennas in their electrical characteristics as well as functioning.
EW antennas are tailor-made to meet the specific system as well as platform requirements
while ensuring the armed electrical performance. To meet such challenges, the laboratory has
established cutting-edge technology in antenna design and development by employing skilled,
dedicated manpower, the latest computational electromagnetic simulation tools, and advanced
design techniques. DLRL is equipped with the latest infrastructure for characterising antennas
in the frequency range of A to K bands.

This issue of Technology Focus presents a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art

broadband EW antennas and radomes that have been indigenously developed by DLRL and
successfully installed on a various ground-based, airborne, shipborne, submarine, and space-
borne platforms.

N Srinivas Rao
OS & Director, DLRL

JUNE 2022 3
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

The Electronic Warfare (EW) system can spectrum to accurately intercept, identify, locate
silently observe and capture the enemy’s radar and and counter the enemy radar and communication
communication signals without revealing its own systems.
identity and take appropriate action to disable the
In a modern war, weapon systems depend heavily
enemy’s signal operation. EW systems characterise
on this silent and invisible mode of EW. An EW is
the detected radar and communication systems, find
broadly classified based on frequency spectrum (radar,
out their location and counter them, if required. All
communication, EO/IR), functionality (electronic
these functions require antennas that are tailor-made
to play an extremely important role as the eyes and support/attack/protection), and application
ears of an EW system. (strategic, tactical). The three functionalities viz., ES,
EA, and EP define the role of EW systems in terms
Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), of actions taken to identify and locate threat signals,
a premier EW laboratory of the Defence Research attack or jam adversary’s signal operations, and
and Development Organisation (DRDO), has evolved actions taken to protect its own and friendly forces.
over the past six decades, to achieve self-reliance
in EW technologies and systems. Broadband EW Among other subsystems which form part of an
antennas and radomes are not available off the shelf EW system like transmitter, receiver, processor,
from foreign sources meeting specific requirements of and display, the antenna is the one that provides the
the Armed Forces. DLRL has indigenously designed, required interface between the RF system and free
developed, and productionised wide varieties of HF/ space. EW antennas are special in class, tailor-made
VHF/UHF, microwave, and millimeter-wave EW to suit the requirements of the platform, environment,
antennas and radomes without importing a single and radiation characteristics.
antenna. The dedicated and persistent endeavor of
Unlike conventional antennas which are narrow
DLRL has resulted in self-sufficiency and self-reliance
band antennas, EW antennas are capable of working
in the critical field of broadband EW antennas and
over multi-octave frequency bands, with desired gain,
beamwidth, and polarisation.
This issue of Technology Focus presents
ES antennas are receiving antennas with low to
an overview of state-of-the-art broadband
moderate gain to intercept, detect, and locate the
EW antennas and radomes which have been
enemy radar and communication signals. These
successfully productionised and incorporated
antennas are categorised into two groups: Frequency
into EW systems and delivered to the users.
Intercept Omni Antennas and Direction Finding
Electronic warfare is a silent and invisible war that
manipulates and controls the electromagnetic

4 JUNE 2022
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

ES Antennas
Frequency Intercept Omni applications. Airborne blade monopole antennas
operating in the A-C band and A-D band are designed
Antennas and developed for use with aircraft. Blade monopole
antenna consists of monopole antenna with matching
These omnidirectional antennas act as ears of network incorporated to accomplish broadband
an EW system and are capable of receiving signals operation without any tuning mechanism. They
from all directions. They are useful for frequency utilise the skin of the aircraft as a ground plane.
measurement. Following omnidirectional antennas
are developed by the laboratory: An airborne blade dipole antenna operating
in the A-D band is designed and developed for
Stacked Biconical Antennas use on UAVs. These blade dipole antennas are
incorporated with a matching network for achieving
The laboratory broadband operation. Both the versions of blade
has developed antennas are aerodynamically streamlined and
Stacked Biconical enclosed in an aerodynamically shaped radome to
Antennas with integral counter the air drag present during aircraft journey.
sandwich radome
for interception
and monitoring
applications, over the
frequency range of
E-K band. It consists
of two biconical
antennas stacked one
over the other, having
individual multilayer
polariser circuits and
enclosed in an integral Blade Antennas

cylindrical radome.
The integral radome
has ‘A’ sandwich Sleeve Dipole Antenna
configuration for the
A conventional dipole
lower bicone (E-J
antenna is a narrow
band) and ‘C’ sandwich
band antenna and offers
configuration for
Stacked Biconical Antenna only about 10 per cent
the upper Bicone
bandwidth. Overcoming
(J-K band).
this limitation, a
broadband sleeve dipole
Blade Antennas antenna operating in the
D-E band is developed
Broadband blade antennas are vertically polarised
for interception and
omnidirectional antennas used on airborne platforms
monitoring applications. Sleeve Dipole Antenna
for interception, monitoring, and direction-finding

JUNE 2022 5
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

Compact Discone Antennas Conformal Broadband Printed Antennas

Compact broadband discone antennas are Conformal broadband printed antennas operating
designed for operation in A band. The antenna is in the A band, A-C band, and C-E band were developed
incorporated with telescopic tubular elements for use for interception and monitoring applications of the
in both the disc and conical portion of the antenna. aerostat platform. The low-frequency band antenna
Also, special engineering features were incorporated is realised using the flexible conducting sheet. The
into the antenna for enabling quick assembly and antennas in higher frequency sub-bands are realised
disassembly operation in the field. The antenna can on flexible printed circuit boards. These antennas are
be folded like an umbrella and carried. The laboratory enclosed in polyurethane coated nylon fabric radome.
has also designed another compact discone antenna
in A band for ground-based EW system.

Compact Discone Antenna

Shuttle Cock Antennas Conformal Broadband Printed Antennas

A shuttle cock antenna Multi-bay Monitoring Antenna Sub-

operating over the systems
frequency range of the
A-C band is developed. Several broadband omnidirectional antennas
The antenna is designed are stacked one over the other and configured
with canonical shaped for monitoring applications to meet the platform
elements and has slots for requirements.
achieving lightweight and
low air drag. A further TT 2-bay monitoring antenna subsystem comprising
broadband variant of of compact broadband discone antenna covering A
this antenna is designed band and shuttle cock antenna covering A-C band
by incorporating a is developed for ground-based applications.
broadband matching
TT 2-bay monitoring antenna subsystem comprising
network for operation in of broadband shuttlecock antenna covering A-C
the A-C band. Shuttle Cock Antennas band and sleeve dipole antenna covering D-E
band is developed for shipborne applications.

6 JUNE 2022
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl
TT 3-bay monitoring antenna subsystem comprising (DoA) of the hostile target can be obtained by various
of conformal broadband printed antennas techniques of direction finding, viz., Rotary DF (RDF),
covering A band, A-C band, and C-E band is Amplitude comparison DF (ADF), Phase comparison
developed for deployment on aerostat platform. DF (PDF), or Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) DF.
The antenna subsystems that have been successfully
used for various platforms and developed recently for
ADF, PDF, and TDoA DF systems are described in the
following sections.

ADF Antennas
DoA is obtained by comparing the amplitude of
signals received by different antennas distributed
over a given platform to achieve 360o field of view. The
laboratory has developed a wide variety of Broadband
ADF antennas such as log-periodic antennas, cavity-
backed spiral antennas, horn antennas, etc. Spiral
Antennas are used in most ADF systems because of
their excellent features such as ultra broad bandwidth,
circular polarisation, flush mounting capability,
2-bay Monitoring Antenna Sub-system compact size, and lightweight. Horn antennas are
used when the high gain is required to realise high
sensitivity DF systems with linear polarisation.

Dielectric Loaded
Spiral Antennas
Dielectric loaded
spiral antennas
are a new class of
spiral antennas
developed by the
laboratory to meet
the constraints
of size and weight
on a given platform
covering the B-J band.
By introducing inductive
2-bay Monitoring Antenna Conformal Printed Antennas and capacitive loadings, Dielectric Loaded Spiral Antannas
Subsystem on Tail of Aerostat the size and weight
reduction of antennas are of the order of 40 per
Direction Finding Antennas cent. The dielectric material is optimised further in
terms of thickness with a tapered profile to achieve
Direction Finding (DF) antennas are antennas optimum performance. These antennas are being
with directional beams in free space which act as extensively employed in airborne platforms like
the eyes of the DF system. The Direction of Arrival UAVs and aircrafts.

JUNE 2022 7
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

Constant Beamwidth Horn wide field of view. Each element of the array has a
Antennas polariser embedded radome which enables it to
receive arbitrarily polarised emitter signals. The
Constant beamwidth horn antennas working over four-element array is covered by an absorber-loaded
the frequency band of the E-G band, and H-J band overall thin-wall radome. Sectoral horn BLI arrays
has been successfully designed and developed. The are suitable for high accuracy and high sensitivity DF
radiation patterns show minimal variation in 3 dB systems on shipborne and airborne platforms.
beamwidth over the frequency band of operation. The
antenna finds application in amplitude comparison
circular array DF systems for providing consistent
beam crossover points and hence constant roll-off
leading to better system accuracy and sensitivity.

Constant Beamwidth Horn Antennas

PDF Antennas
In phase comparison Base Line Interferometric
(BLI) array, DF is obtained by comparison of phase of
signals received by different antennas with different Sectoral Horn BLI Arrays
inter-element spacings. Moderate gain spiral BLI
arrays are used when circular polarisation and broad Broadband BLI Antenna Panel
bandwidth are of primary concern, whereas sectoral
horn BLI arrays are used for high sensitivity DF Broadband BLI antenna panel, C-J band, is
system. designed, developed, and successfully qualified for all
environmental tests including full qualification. Each
broadband BLI antenna panel, C-J band consists of
Sectoral Horn BLI Arrays
three Spiral BLI arrays in the C-D band, E-G band,
Spectoral horn BLI arrays working over multi- and H-J bands. Each BLI array further consists of 4
octave microwave frequency bands of E-G band cavity-backed spiral antennas which are mounted on
and H-J band, have been developed indigenously a common ground plane covered with an overall A
to meet the high sensitivity requirement of ongoing sandwich radome. The spacing among the antennas is
projects and programmes which employ phase thoroughly studied and optimised for overcoming the
comparison high accuracy DF technologies for EW electromagnetic interference among them to achieve
systems. End launch coaxial-to-waveguide transition a smooth radiation pattern in the C-J band. By using
RF input enables placement of antenna elements a novel hybrid loading technique a gain improvement
with the minimum required spacing to provide a of more than 3 dB was achieved in the C-D band. A

8 JUNE 2022
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl
total of 9 such panels are developed and successfully m o u n t e d ,
qualified for environmental tests for integration on complete the
large aircraft. 2–D BLI array
subsystem. The
For small aircraft and also for UAV platforms a
vertical and
compact size and lightweight broadband BLI antenna
the horizontal
panel, the C-J band is successfully designed and
arrays give the
developed. Each BLI panel consists of two BLI arrays
angle of arrival
in the C-D band and E-J band. In this lightweight
in elevation and
panel, the cavity-backed spiral antenna in the C-D
azimuth planes,
band is designed with a size reduction of 40 per cent
is achieved. The broadband BLI antenna panel, C-J
Two sets of
band is thus realised with a compact form factor and
lightweight. A total of 8 such panels are developed
horn arrays are
and successfully qualified for environmental tests for
employed to
integration on aircraft and UAV platform.
cover the E-G
Two dimensional BLI Array
band and H-J
band. The surface of the horn antenna mounting
bracket is covered with a magnetically loaded silicon
rubber sheet to suppress surface currents and
ensure smooth radiation patterns. All the material,
components, and processes used in realising this 2-D
array are space-qualified and have been subjected to
stringent quality tests as per ISRO standards.

Circular BLI Array DF Head

Spiral antenna-based circular BLI arrays have
been realised for the passive homing head of anti-
radiation missiles to meet the requirement of phase
comparison direction-finding. The dielectric-loaded
Broadband BLI Antenna Panel spiral antennas have been developed in two sub-
bands, 5 no. each
Two dimensional BLI Array
in the D-G band
Two-dimensional BLI array consisting of spiral and H-J band for
and pyramidal horn antennas as radiating elements phase comparison
has been realised for space-borne ELINT system. direction finding
The spiral BLI array working in the C-D band, has and 4 no. of
7 elements mounted in orthogonal axes, one being dielectric-loaded
common for vertical and horizontal BLI arrays for DF in spiral antennas
two orthogonal directions, i.e., elevation and azimuth. covering the D-J
The horn BLI array consists of four antennas mounted band for amplitude
in slant 45⁰ with different inter-element spacing. The comparison DF.
slant 45⁰ mounting enables the array to receive signals All these antennas
of both vertical and horizontal polarisation. Two are arranged
such arrays, one vertically and another horizontally in a circular
Circular BLI Array DF Head

JUNE 2022 9
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl
configuration to meet the form factor of the missile 3 Bay DF Antenna subsystem
Communication Intelligence (COMINT) system
using phase correlation DF techniques rely on
Broadband Phase-Matched DF phase-matching characteristics of broadband
Antennas omnidirectional antennas. Broadband phase-
The laboratory has designed and developed matched dipole antennas/monopole antennas
broadband phase-matched dipole antennas covering are generally used depending on the platform's
A band, A-C band, and D-E bands for a state-of-the- requirements. A 3-bay DF antenna subsystem
art shipborne intelligence system. The antennas are covering the A-E band is designed and developed for
incorporated with broadband balun and impedance the shipborne COMINT system. Each bay consists
matching networks. of five phase matched dipole antennas. The antenna
subsystem is incorporated with push on assemblies
for antenna to bay arm, bay arm to the bay mast,
and bay mast to bay mast assemblies for quick and
reliable assembly and performance.

DF Antenna sub system for COMINT

TDoA DF Antennas
The DF is obtained by comparing the Time
Difference of Arrival (TDoA) of signals received by
different antennas distributed over a given platform.
Broadband Dipole Antennas
The accuracy of the DF system depends on the spatial
separation between different antennas. DLRL has
developed four antennae TDoA systems using mm-

10 JUNE 2022
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl
wave bi-conical antennas and dual linear polarised and developed dipole loop
antennas for Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) systems. antennas in the A-D band
for the ground-based
MMW Biconical Antenna system. These antennas
have separate ports for
MMW biconical horizontal and vertical
antenna has been polarisations. DLRL has
developed with integral also developed a novel
4 layer Polariser and dual-polarised dipoloop
‘C’ sandwich radome antenna consisting of
meeting the requirement dipole and loop antennas
of standalone realised as a single
functionality for module and enclosed in
frequency interception in an integral radome. The
the mm-wave frequency antenna has a single port
band. The antenna has for the reception of both
a customised connector horizontal and vertical
with extended center polarised signals. Dipoloop
pin length to enable antenna operating in 70-
Bicone connectivity. 500 MHz is designed for airborne TDoA DF system.
This antenna has also
been used for TDoA and
DF subsystem on the Electronic Attack
airborne platform.

Dual Polarised Antennas

MMW Biconical Antenna
The purpose of Electronic Attack (EA) antennas
is to transmit very high power in the direction of the
To counter the stealth technology, there is renewed
hostile target so that the enemy receiver system gets
interest in the operation of radars in the VHF/UHF
jammed electronically and can’t extract any useful
band. Dual polarised omnidirectional antennas
information regarding the source platform. For
capable of intercepting both horizontal and polarised
jamming single targets, the laboratory has developed
signals are required for DF systems. DLRL has designed
high gain, high power handling capable horn antennas
and reflector antennas. DLRL has also developed
Omni and directional jammer antennas and antenna
subsystems for EW and homeland security systems
with applications for ground-based, shipborne,
and UAVs. Wide varieties of dipole antennas,
monopole antennas, helical antennas, log-periodic
antennas, and horn antennas in various frequency
bands are developed for EA roles in EW systems
and homeland security systems for anti-drone
applications. Moreover, in a modern threat scenario,
the protection of highly valued and strategic targets
is vital. They may be attacked by hostile targets from
different directions simultaneously. In this situation,
Dipole Loop Antenna conventional servo-based jammer systems cannot

JUNE 2022 11
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl
meet the requirements. DLRL has developed a state-
of-the-art Rotman Lens fed multiple-beam jammer
COM Jammer Antennas
antenna to protect vital targets from multi-threat Various types of jammer antennas are designed
attacks. This antenna simultaneously generates high for use in communication EW systems and
gain multiple beams to electronically attack multiple homeland security systems.

Rotman Lens fed multibeam jammer antenna

consists of inline fed sectoral horn linear array with
high power TNC connector for efficient power handling
of 100 W RF input, with minimum dissipation and
optimum thermal management. Rotman Lens
beamforming network generates 15 high power fixed
multiple beams providing effective jamming coverage
of 900 in the H-J band. The antenna has been installed
on naval ships to provide the functioning of a standoff

Compact Log Periodic Dipole Antenna

DLRL has also designed jammer antenna

subsystem consisting of helical antennas, biconical
antennas, and horn antennas for anti-drone

High Power Linear Array Antenna

Jammer Antenna Subsystem for Anti-drone System

Rotman Lens Beamforming Network

12 JUNE 2022
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

Helical Antennas

Biconical Antennas

Shared Aperture Antennas aperture for multiple (both ES and EA) functions to
counter modern threat radars. BoR antenna is a 3-D
A shared aperture antenna is broadband phased
Vivaldi antenna having rotational symmetry in both
array antenna that provides multiple functions using
planes and does not require any additional matching
a common aperture instead of using separate multiple
circuit. It is the most favourable array element
antennas for multiple functions. This can be done on a
because of ease of assembly and disassembly of the
time-sharing basis or by aperture segmentation basis
connector with elements in the planar configuration.
on a common aperture. These antennas reduce the
Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the platform drastically,
thereby enhancing platform survivability.

A planar array antenna in combination with solid-

state MMIC-based Transmit/Receive (T/R) modules
is an attractive choice for a shared aperture antenna.
DLRL has developed an innovative 16x16 Body of
Revolution (BoR) Vivaldi planar array antenna
suitable for T/R module-based active aperture phased
array EW Systems working in the G-J band. This
system is capable of using a planar array as a shared
BoR Antenna

JUNE 2022 13
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

Radomes are electromagnetic windows that monolithic and multi-layer sandwich configurations
protect the antennas from environmental extremities with conformal and streamlined construction. DLRL
with minimum degradation in electrical performance. has developed state-of-the-art 5 layer C sandwich
DLRL has designed and developed a wide variety radomes for the underwater platform and 3 layers A
of radomes to meet operational requirements of sandwich radomes for airborne platforms, meeting
antennas and antenna subsystems for deployment the contradictory requirements of high strength and
on different types of platforms. These include low loss.

Streamlined Radomes

Submarine Radomes Submarine Radomes for PDF

14 JUNE 2022
Technology Focus
VSDu¨ykWth Q¨dl

Infrastructure Facilities
As part of its infrastructure, the laboratory has
established a wide range of antenna measurement
facilities and a Computational Electromagnetic
(CEM) Centre.

Rectangular Anechoic Chamber

The PNA-based antenna measurement system
procured from M/s NSI, USA was installed in a
refurbished Anechoic Chamber having the dimensions
of 30(L) x 15(W) x 15(H) feet. In addition to using
the PNA as a receiver in the measurement system,
Computational Electromagnetic Centre
it can also be used for S- parameter measurement DLRL has established a
of antennas and microwave components being state-of-the-art CEM Centre
developed/used in antenna subsystems. The antenna with 72 core processor
measurement facility is being exhaustively used for having 2 TB RAM and with
radiation pattern measurement of various types of simulation tools such as
antennas being designed in the C-K band. Due to Ansoft HFSS with High-
swept-frequency capability, the measurement time Performance Capability
is drastically reduced especially for testing antennas (HPC), CST MW studio,
with a multi-octave frequency bandwidth. and FEKO for carrying
out antenna design and
simulation studies to achieve
optimum performance. This
is accomplished by carrying
out detailed simulation
studies concerning antenna
pattern distortion studies
onboard platforms. This
design approach has reduced
the development cycle of
antenna subsystems drastically.

Low Frequency Antenna Test Range

DLRL has established a ground reflection
antenna test range for the evaluation of antennas.
The frequency range of operation is from A band
to G band. The test range is equipped with a vector
network analyser-based antenna pattern recording
system. The distance between transmitting and
receiving antennas is about 20 m.

JUNE 2022 15
Technology Focus

Latest DRDO Monographs For Sale

Concepts and Practices for Cyber Security

Dr G Athithan and Dr Saibal K Pal
While the objective of the monograph is to address the compelling need
for cyber security awareness in the age of information systems, the focus is on
both theory and practice. Keeping this in view, the book starts with the basic
concepts behind the development and operation of information systems.
As is necessary for a book on security, it highlights threats to information
systems next. Guidelines for formulation of cyber security policies and the
means for their implementation and operation constitute the middle core of
the book. Incorporating cyber security during the many stages of a system
development cycle is given due coverage next, followed by a discussion on
applicable standards. The penultimate chapter gives an overview of the
emerging domain of quantum information technology and its impact on cyber
security. The treatment of the subject is at a level accessible to the middle-
level managers in public and private organisations. At the same time, experts
Price: in the domain too would find something to reflect upon and to evolve new
solutions to the persisting problems of cyber security.
INR ` 1500, US $ 35, UK £ 30

DEFENCE RESEARCH (1983 - 2018)
Dr KG Narayanan
This book is a historical account of Defence Research and Development in
India, covering the period 1983 – 2018, which were decades of explosive growth
and achievements, expectations and challenges. Annual budget grew from
Rs. 300 crores to Rs. 17,000 crores. Output of the defence R&D efforts measured
by financial value of indigenous production achieved went up steeply to
Rs. 300,000 crores. Hundreds of development projects were completed
covering every aspect of defence requirement. Through the efforts of a single
generation of scientists, soldiers, managers and policy makers, the indigenous
capabilities in nuclear weapons, guided missiles, fighter aircraft, aerial early Price:
warning system, UAVs, battle tanks, artillery guns, rocket launchers, strategic
INR ` 2100, US $ 75,
submarines, underwater sensors, torpedoes, radars, communications, UK £ 65
electronic warfare and other domains including life support measures for
the warfighters were inducted in service use. This chronicle describes the
huge efforts made by the establishments under the aegis of the Department
of Defence Research and Development, as succinctly and spontaneously as
possible, based on the reports and descriptions rendered by the laboratories
and by major contributors who participated in the vast national endeavour.

MslhMkWd }kjk izdkf'kr

Published by DESIDOC
RNI No. 55787/93

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