Jamapsychiatry Hasin 2018 Oi 170112
Jamapsychiatry Hasin 2018 Oi 170112
Jamapsychiatry Hasin 2018 Oi 170112
Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE No US national data are available on the prevalence and correlates of
DSM-5–defined major depressive disorder (MDD) or on MDD specifiers as defined in DSM-5.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Prevalence of DSM-5 MDD and the DSM-5 specifiers. Odds
ratios (ORs), adjusted ORs (aORs), and 95% CIs indicated associations with demographic
characteristics and other psychiatric disorders.
RESULTS Of the 36 309 adult participants in NESARC-III, 12-month and lifetime prevalences
of MDD were 10.4% and 20.6%, respectively. Odds of 12-month MDD were significantly lower
in men (OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.46-0.55) and in African American (OR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.54-0.68),
Asian/Pacific Islander (OR, 0.6; 95% CI, 0.45-0.67), and Hispanic (OR, 0.7; 95% CI,
0.62-0.78) adults than in white adults and were higher in younger adults (age range, 18-29
years; OR, 3.0; 95% CI, 2.48-3.55) and those with low incomes ($19 999 or less; OR, 1.7; 95%
CI, 1.49-2.04). Associations of MDD with psychiatric disorders ranged from an aOR of 2.1
(95% CI, 1.84-2.35) for specific phobia to an aOR of 5.7 (95% CI, 4.98-6.50) for generalized
anxiety disorder. Associations of MDD with substance use disorders ranged from an aOR of
1.8 (95% CI, 1.63-2.01) for alcohol to an aOR of 3.0 (95% CI, 2.57-3.55) for any drug. Most
lifetime MDD cases were moderate (39.7%) or severe (49.5%). Almost 70% with lifetime
MDD had some type of treatment. Functioning among those with severe MDD was Author Affiliations: Department of
approximately 1 SD below the national mean. Among 12.9% of those with lifetime MDD, all Psychiatry, Columbia University
Medical Center, New York, New York
episodes occurred just after the death of someone close and lasted less than 2 months. The (Hasin, Sarvet); Department of
anxious/distressed specifier characterized 74.6% of MDD cases, and the mixed-features Epidemiology, Mailman School of
specifier characterized 15.5%. Controlling for severity, both specifiers were associated with Public Health, Columbia University,
New York, New York (Hasin);
early onset, poor course and functioning, and suicidality.
New York State Psychiatric Institute,
New York (Hasin, Sarvet, Stohl);
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among US adults, DSM-5 MDD is highly prevalent, comorbid, Department of Psychiatry, State
and disabling. While most cases received some treatment, a substantial minority did not. University of New York Downstate
Medical Center, Brooklyn (Meyers);
Much remains to be learned about the DSM-5 MDD specifiers in the general population. Epidemiology and Biometry Branch,
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse
and Alcoholism, National Institutes of
Health, Rockville, Maryland (Saha,
Ruan); Fedpoint Systems, LLC,
Arlington, Virginia (Grant).
Corresponding Author: Deborah S.
Hasin, PhD, Department of
Psychiatry, Columbia University
Medical Center, 1051 Riverside Dr,
JAMA Psychiatry. 2018;75(4):336-346. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.4602 Ste 123, New York, NY 10032
Published online February 14, 2018. (dsh2@cumc.columbia.edu).
ver the past 25 years, the US prevalence of adoles-
cent and adult depression indicators has increased.1,2 Key Points
However, national epidemiologic information on ma-
Question What is the national prevalence of DSM-5 major
jor depressive disorder (MDD) is limited to pre–DSM-5 stud- depressive disorder, the DSM-5 anxious/distressed and
ies conducted more than 15 years ago. The DSM-IV diagnosis mixed-features specifiers, and their clinical correlates?
of MDD was associated with impairment,3,4 psychiatric and
Findings In this national survey of 36 309 US adults, the
substance use disorders (SUDs),5-9 poor health,10,11 mortality,12
12-month and lifetime prevalences of major depressive disorder
disease and economic burden,12 and disability-years.13-16 were 10.4% and 20.6%, respectively, with most being moderate
Updated knowledge is needed on the prevalence of MDD and (6-7 symptoms) or severe (8-9 symptoms) and associated with
its association with sociodemographic and clinical character- comorbidity and impairment. The anxious/distressed specifier
istics, including other psychiatric disorders, suicidality, characterized 74.6% of major depressive disorder cases, and the
impairment, and treatment use. mixed-features specifier characterized 15.5%; almost 70% with
lifetime major depressive disorder received some type of
In 2013, DSM-IV17 was replaced with the fifth edition of the
DSM-5.18 Among changes in MDD,19 DSM-5 added specifiers.
One specifier indicates MDD episodes associated with anx- Meaning Major depressive disorder remains a serious US health
ious distress. A second indicates “mixed” MDD episodes (ie, problem, with much to be learned about its specifiers.
accompanied by manic or hypomanic features not meeting cri-
teria for a bipolar disorder). These specifiers have been stud- Data were adjusted for oversampling and nonresponse and
ied in patients20-23 but not national data; the proportion of MDD weighted to represent the US civilian population based on the
cases diagnosed as positive after bereavement has also not 2012 American Community Survey.25 Weighting adjustments
been studied. The DSM-IV and DSM-5 include a severity compensated for nonresponse.24 Comparing participants with
specifier (mild, moderate, or severe) not previously exam- the total eligible sample (including nonrespondents), no sig-
ined in national data. Furthermore, DSM-5 removed the DSM-IV nificant differences were found in percentages of African
MDD exclusion criterion for bereavement. While DSM-5 does American, Asian, or Hispanic individuals or in population den-
not include bereavement as a new MDD specifier, exploring sity, vacancy rate, or proportion in group quarters or renters.
the potential influence of this change on national rates of DSM-5 Compared with the eligible sample, respondents included
MDD by identifying the proportion of MDD cases that would slightly different percentages of men (46.2% vs 48.1%) and
have been excluded as bereavement under DSM-IV rules is of those aged 30 to 39 years (17.4% vs 16.7%), 40 to 49 years (18.3%
considerable interest. vs 18.1%), and 60 to 69 years (12.6% vs 13.7%), respectively.24
The National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and The sample sociodemographic characteristics are reported
Related Conditions III (NESARC-III) is a nationally represen- elsewhere.24
tative 2012-2013 survey of DSM-5 psychiatric and SUDs in Interviewer field methods and quality control included struc-
adults 18 years or older, including MDD and the specifiers tured training, supervision, and random respondent verification
described above. Herein, we report NESARC-III findings on callbacks, as previously reported.24 Oral informed consent was
the adult prevalence, sociodemographic and clinical corre- recorded, and respondents received $90. The National Institutes
lates, disability, course, and treatment for 12-month and of Health and Westat, Inc (NESARC-III contractor) institutional
lifetime DSM-5 MDD, as well as on the specifiers and review boards approved the protocols.
DSM-5 Diagnostic Interview
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
DSM-5 version of the Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated
Disabilities Interview Schedule 5 (AUDADIS-5)26,27 was used.
Sample and Procedures This fully structured interview for lay interviewers was
The NESARC-III target population was the US noninstitu- used to measure DSM-5 mood, anxiety, substance use, and
tionalized civilian population aged at least 18 years, includ- personality disorders.
ing household and selected group quarter residents (eg,
group homes and dormitories). Probability sampling was DSM-5 MDD
used to select respondents.24 Primary sampling units were Major depressive episode was diagnosed when at least 2 weeks
counties or groups of counties, secondary sampling units of persistent depressed mood, anhedonia, or hopelessness oc-
(SSUs) were groups of US Census–defined blocks, and ter- curred (reported by self or observed by others), plus addi-
tiary sampling units were households within SSUs; within tional symptoms from criterion A, for a total of 5 of the 9 DSM-5
households, eligible adults were randomly selected. African major depression criteria26 and the clinical significance crite-
American, Asian, and Hispanic adults were oversampled; in rion. Lifetime DSM-5 MDD was defined as at least one life-
households with at least 4 eligible racial/ethnic minority time major depressive episode without full DSM-5 manic,
individuals, 2 were selected (n = 1661). The sample size was mixed, or hypomanic episodes,26,28 excluding substance-
36 309. The total response rate was 60.1%. Data were col- induced and medical-induced disorders. Those with at least
lected from April 2012 to June 2013 and were analyzed in one episode in the prior 12 months were classified as having
2016-2017. 12-month MDD.
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338 JAMA Psychiatry April 2018 Volume 75, Number 4 (Reprinted) jamapsychiatry.com
Table 1. Prevalence and OR of 12-Month and Lifetime DSM-5 MDD by Sociodemographic Characteristicsa
statistical software (SUDAAN, version 11.0; RTI International)45 lower among African American, Asian, and Hispanic adults.
to take the sample design into account, were considered sta- Compared with respondents 65 years or older, odds of 12-
tistically significant when 95% CIs excluded 1.00. month MDD were greater for younger age groups. Compared
with the highest income category ($70 000 or higher), odds
of 12-month MDD were greater in each successively lower
household income category (higher categories differed little
Results from $70 000 or higher) (eTable in the Supplement). The as-
DSM-5 MDD Prevalence and Sociodemographic Correlates sociations between lifetime MDD and sociodemographic char-
Of the 36 309 adult participants in NESARC-III, the 12-month acteristics were similar (Table 1).
and lifetime prevalences of DSM-5 MDD were 10.4% and 20.6%,
respectively (Table 1). The respective 12-month and lifetime Associations With Other Psychiatric Disorders
prevalences were 13.4% and 26.1% among women and 7.2% and All disorders were significantly associated with 12-month and
14.7% among men. As summarized in Table 1, men had sig- lifetime MDD (Table 2). The aORs were larger for drug use dis-
nificantly lower odds of 12-month MDD (OR, 0.5) than women. order than for alcohol or nicotine use disorders and were larger
Compared with white adults, odds of 12-month MDD were for borderline than other personality disorders. Additional
jamapsychiatry.com (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry April 2018 Volume 75, Number 4 339
Table 2. Twelve-Month and Lifetime Prevalence of Other Psychiatric Disorders Among Those With DSM-5 MDDa
12 mo Lifetime
Comorbid Prevalence Adjusted aOR Prevalence Adjusted aOR
Psychiatric Disorder (SD)b aOR (95% CI)c (95% CI)d (SD)b aOR (95% CI)c (95% CI)d
Any substance use disorder 45.3 (0.86) 2.0 (1.84-2.16) 1.4 (1.24-1.52) 57.9 (0.75) 2.2 (2.02-2.31) 1.5 (1.35-1.57)
Alcohol use disorder 22.2 (0.86) 1.8 (1.63-2.01) 1.2 (1.06-1.33) 40.8 (0.86) 2.0 (1.88-2.20) 1.3 (1.16-1.40)
Any drug use disorder 10.1 (0.57) 3.0 (2.57-3.55) 1.5 (1.20-1.79) 17.6 (0.65) 2.5 (2.21-2.78) 1.3 (1.14-1.49)
Nicotine use disorder 32.8 (0.94) 1.9 (1.69-2.07) 1.3 (1.12-1.41) 38.9 (0.83) 1.9 (1.75-2.02) 1.2 (1.12-1.34)
Any anxiety disorder 36.4 (0.96) 4.2 (3.81-4.57) 2.2 (1.94-2.44) 37.3 (0.70) 3.9 (3.57-4.17) 2.2 (2.05-2.43)
Panic 11.4 (0.59) 4.4 (3.73-5.25) 1.8 (1.45-2.21) 12.8 (0.53) 3.4 (3.05-3.89) 1.6 (1.40-1.86)
Agoraphobia 05.6 (0.44) 4.2 (3.28-5.27) 1.3 (1.05-1.70) 05.0 (0.33) 3.7 (3.04-4.54) 1.3 (1.07-1.64)
Social phobia 09.4 (0.64) 3.9 (3.32-4.66) 1.5 (1.19-1.76) 08.7 (0.46) 3.4 (2.95-3.86) 1.4 (1.22-1.61)
Specific phobia 11.6 (0.59) 2.1 (1.84-2.35) 1.0 (0.86-1.15) 12.2 (0.40) 2.3 (2.10-2.57) 1.3 (1.10-1.41)
Generalized anxiety disorder 19.9 (0.76) 5.7 (4.98-6.50) 2.4 (2.10-2.83) 20.5 (0.57) 4.9 (4.39-5.47) 2.5 (2.18-2.78)
Posttraumatic stress disorder 16.3 (0.85) 4.4 (3.92-5.03) 1.8 (1.54-2.12) 15.6 (0.64) 4.1 (3.70-4.63) 1.9 (1.67-2.23)
Any personality disordere 40.9 (1.13) 4.6 (4.12-5.03) 2.4 (2.10-2.70) 31.9 (0.86) 3.9 (3.58-4.29) 2.0 (1.83-2.25)
Schizotypal 18.4 (0.94) 3.8 (3.33-4.30) 1.2 (1.04-1.46) 13.6 (0.68) 3.4 (2.90-3.88) 1.2 (1.03-1.47)
Borderline 35.7 (1.06) 5.2 (4.70-5.74) 2.6 (2.28-2.94) 26.6 (0.73) 4.4 (4.02-4.81) 2.2 (1.94-2.43)
Antisocial 08.4 (0.56) 2.3 (1.92-2.72) 0.9 (0.76-1.15) 07.4 (0.39) 2.5 (2.15-2.84) 1.2 (0.97-1.35)
Abbreviations: aOR, adjusted odds ratio; MDD, major depressive disorder. among individuals who do not have MDD. The aORs were adjusted for sex,
The aORs indicate associations of MDD with other psychiatric disorders. race/ethnicity, age, marital status, educational level, family income, urbanicity,
and region.
Prevalence of the given disorder among those with MDD in the corresponding
time frame (eg, prevalence of 12-month disorders among those with 12-month The aORs were adjusted for sex, race/ethnicity, age, marital status, educational
MDD). level, family income, urbanicity, region, and psychiatric disorders other than
bipolar I disorder.
All aORs represent the odds of having a specific comorbid disorder among
individuals with MDD relative to the odds of having specific comorbid disorder Personality disorders assessed on a lifetime basis.
adjustment for other psychiatric disorders decreased all aORs past-year suicide attempts were reported by 13.6% and
(some substantially), but most remained significant. 4.8%, respectively.
340 JAMA Psychiatry April 2018 Volume 75, Number 4 (Reprinted) jamapsychiatry.com
impaired functioning, especially in severe cases. Therefore, MDD Nonprofessional organized support 14.93 (0.53) 5.77 (1.13)
remains a widespread, serious US health problem. Emergency department 10.15 (0.47) 3.82 (1.04)
Demographic correlates were consistent with previous Hospitalized overnight or longer 11.84 (0.46) 2.60 (0.88)
surveys.2,5 Major depressive disorder was more prevalent among Age at first MDD treatment, 31.98 (0.29) 40.19 (1.54)
mean (SE), y
women, possibly related to gender discrimination,50 differen-
Duration from onset to first treatment, 47.54 (1.63) 01.18 (0.32)
tial exposure to childhood or adult adversities51 such as sexual mean (SE), mo
abuse,52 differential exposure to a complex host of different de- Suicidality, % (SE)a
velopmentally organized risk factors,53 or biologically differ- Thought a lot about one’s own death 34.78 (0.72) 28.79 (2.69)
ent stress responses.54 Greater prevalence was found among Wanted to die 46.74 (0.91) 32.05 (2.45)
younger adults and among white adults and Native American Thought a lot about suicide 39.31 (0.80) 22.75 (2.19)
adults than among African American, Asian American, and His- Attempted suicide 13.62 (0.58) 4.77 (1.09)
panic adults. Reasons for racial/ethnic differences in MDD re-
Abbreviations: MDD, major depressive disorder; NA, not applicable.
main unclear55 but do not reduce the importance of treatment a
When mood or anhedonia was at its worst.
for minorities, among whom treatment disparities remain.56 b
Mixed features do not meet full criteria for either mania or hypomania and
This study found association between low income and could characterize any MDD episode.
12-month MDD, consistent with other studies conducted within c
All or only episodes began just after someone close died and were less than 2
the last 3 years.1,57,58 While this association could be due to months in duration.
depression-impaired functioning leading to lower income, the
increases in depression and suicide that have accompanied
growing income inequality suggest that the relationship of low ciations by a factor of approximately 50%, although ORs re-
income to MDD is due to stress from inadequate financial re- mained statistically significant. These findings reflect the
sources for life necessities or pessimism about improved future underlying association of anxiety disorders with each other and
prospects.1 If so, while treatment can benefit those with MDD, MDD within the internalizing component of the transdiagnos-
prevention may require change in larger societal processes.59,60 tic spectrum.61
Major depressive disorder was associated with anxiety dis- M a j o r d e p re s s ive d i s o rd e r w a s a s s o c i ate d w it h
orders, particularly panic disorder and generalized anxiety dis- SUDs, particularly drug disorders, as found previously for
order, as well as with PTSD. Associations were strongest with cannabis,40,62 nonmedical prescription opioids,5,57,63 and
models adjusting only for sociodemographic characteristics. drug use disorders.41 With increasingly positive attitudes
Further adjusting for psychiatric comorbidity reduced asso- toward substance use64-66 and increasing rates of adult SUDs
jamapsychiatry.com (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry April 2018 Volume 75, Number 4 341
and associated problems, 24,41,42,67-69 MDD comorbidity treatment.12,84 Studies should examine the demographic and
with SUDs remains a substantial public health 24,70 and clinical correlates of treatment and whether these factors are
economic16 burden. Evidence suggests that efforts to self- changing over time.
manage depression with cannabis are increasing71-75 (also This study contributes novel information about the epi-
Aaron L. Sarvet, MPH, written communication, January 2, demiology of 2 new DSM-5 major depression specifiers. That
2018) despite lack of evidence that cannabinoids are almost three-quarters of those with MDD had the anxious/
effective for this purpose 76,7 7 ; prospectively, cannabis distressed specifier confirms clinical observation and
worsens the course of depressive disorders.78 The likelihood research.46 We also provide the first nationally representa-
of treatment for depression is reduced in those with SUDs.79 tive information on demographic and clinical correlates of
However, dual-focused treatment is more effective when these specifiers. In patient samples, the anxious/distressed
2 disorders are present. 70 Therefore, clinician education specifier predicts a poor course of MDD.20,21 Clearly, more
and training in dual-disorder screening and treatment information on both specifiers is needed.
should be prioritized.
Of participants with lifetime DSM-5 MDD, 69.4% re- Limitations
ceived any treatment for their disorder, slightly higher than in This study has limitations. The study was cross-sectional;
the 2001-2002 NESARC (60.6%).5 This result is higher than the associations do not necessarily indicate causal relationships.
treatment rate in one recent study80 that used less specific mea- Lifetime associations of MDD with other psychiatric disor-
sures to identify depression but is consistent with rates from ders may be influenced by recall bias, although this possibil-
other studies published in the last 4 years.81,82 The NESARC- ity is less likely for 12-month findings, which were similar. Some
III treatment rates are plausible given the extent of direct-to- groups were not included (eg, homeless and prisoners), so
consumer advertising of antidepressants83 and widespread dis- NESARC-III may underestimate MDD prevalence. Also, as
tribution through primary care. 79 However, with 30% of noted,85 DSM-5 left differentiating MDD from normal bereave-
patients still untreated, improved treatment delivery for MDD ment to clinical judgment. The NESARC-III interviews were
remains needed; much distress or social or economic burden conducted by lay interviewers, precluding clinical judg-
is avoidable through behavioral and pharmacologic MDD ments. Therefore, all cases of MDD beginning shortly after the
342 JAMA Psychiatry April 2018 Volume 75, Number 4 (Reprinted) jamapsychiatry.com
Age at onset of first episode, mean (SE), y 31.16 (0.35) 28.34 (0.23) <.001 <.001 <.001 29.60 (0.22) 26.11 (0.47) <.001 .009 .17
No. of lifetime episodes, mean (SE) 2.70 (0.12) 4.26 (0.13) <.001 <.001 <.001 3.69 (0.12) 4.81 (0.36) .006 .009 .09
Duration of longest or only lifetime episode, 22.60 (1.19) 33.43 (2.99) .001 .002 .08 25.70 (0.12) 51.41 (0.39) .002 <.001 <.001
median (SE), wk
DSM-5 Specifiers, % (SE)
Mild (5 symptoms) 23.53 (1.17) 6.48 (0.41) 12.06 (0.47) 3.93 (0.55)
Moderate (6-7 symptoms) 53.53 (1.25) 34.96 (0.87) <.001 <.001 NA 42.12 (0.80) 26.32 (1.55) <.001 <.001 NA
Talk therapy with a professional 54.79 (1.49) 65.11 (0.92) <.001 <.001 <.001 61.99 (0.89) 65.22 (1.73) .10 <.001 .02
Nonprofessional organized support 9.87 (0.83) 16.65 (0.65) <.001 <.001 <.001 13.48 (0.55) 22.83 (1.52) <.001 <.001 <.001
Emergency department 5.06 (0.61) 11.88 (0.62) <.001 <.001 <.001 9.07 (0.46) 16.02 (1.38) <.001 <.001 .001
Hospitalized overnight or longer 6.23 (0.63) 13.75 (0.58) <.001 <.001 <.001 10.60 (0.49) 18.60 (1.41) <.001 <.001 <.001
Age at first MDD treatment, mean (SE), y 33.74 (0.48) 31.46 (0.34) <.001 <.001 .008 32.56 (0.29) 29.02 (0.62) <.001 .04 .17
Duration from onset to first treatment, 41.36 (3.83) 49.37 (1.73) .06 .09 .31 46.27 (1.83) 54.02 (4.28) .11 .04 .07
mean (SE), mo
Suicidality, % (SE)a
Thought a lot about one’s own death 19.97 (1.14) 39.82 (0.87) <.001 <.001 <.001 31.55 (0.80) 52.36 (1.58) <.001 <.001 <.001
Wanted to die 31.39 (1.45) 51.95 (1.08) <.001 <.001 .07 43.82 (0.91) 62.59 (1.76) <.001 <.001 <.001
Thought a lot about suicide 25.90 (1.23) 43.87 (0.96) <.001 <.001 .02 36.85 (0.83) 52.68 (1.77) <.001 <.001 .002
Attempted suicide 6.27 (0.74) 16.12 (0.70) <.001 <.001 <.001 11.97 (0.64) 22.59 (1.52) <.001 <.001 <.001
Research Original Investigation Epidemiology of Adult DSM-5 Major Depressive Disorder and Its Specifiers
death of someone close and remitting in less than 2 months reasons, 90 including methodological (eg, DSM changes
were characterized as bereavements, as was done in previous and unspecified survey effects) or substantive (eg, true
research.32 Other studies with relevant data could explore other increases, perhaps due to growing economic insecurities1 or
bereavement definitions. Our definition of the anxious/ other societal changes). Removing the bereavement exclu-
distressed specifier used a lower threshold than DSM-5, which sion in DSM-5 could have accounted for a small amount of
may have somewhat inflated the rates, an issue meriting fu- the prevalence increase in NESARC-III, but not for all of it by
ture study using different data. AUDADIS-5 used a slightly dif- any means. Studies examining methodological issues would
ferent algorithm for PTSD than the final DSM-5 definition, be valuable but are beyond the present scope. The likeli-
caused by a last-minute DSM-5 change that occurred too late hood that NESARC-III indicates valid increases in preva-
to implement in NESARC-III. Furthermore, we defined the lence is supported by the coherence of its results with 6
DSM-5 severity specifier by MDD symptom counts, which are other reports showing national increases in depression
straightforward, transparent, and replicable. This approach indicators1,2 (also Katherine M. Keyes, PhD, written commu-
enabled us to examine the association between these sever- nication, January 2, 2018) and suicidality.1,86,91,92 Based on
ity levels and SF-12v2 impairment scores. The DSM-5 also sug- this consistent picture of increasing depression indicators
gests incorporation of distress and impairment levels into the from multiple sources, we suggest that a prudent public
severity classifications but defines these vaguely. Future stud- health response would be to take these increases seriously
ies should develop brief, psychometrically sound measures of in formulating service delivery and policy rather than dis-
these domains for epidemiologic studies. Also, a response rate missing all of the findings, including the NESARC to
greater than 60.1% would be preferable. However, NESARC-III NESARC-III increases, on methodological grounds. Of some
response rates compare favorably with other recent national interest is whether participants diagnosed as having MDD in
health surveys.86-88 Finally, methodological studies address- NESARC and NESARC-III differ on severity indicators,
ing the addition of hopelessness and symptoms observed by including suicide attempts and hospitalization rates, a
others but not subjectively experienced would contribute use- useful topic to address in a future study.
ful information, as would future surveys using DSM-5 foot-
notes to MDD on bereavement to develop a new bereavement
instrument or incorporating complicated grief measures (eg,
those by Shear and colleagues).89 These limitations are offset
by the large sample, reliable and valid measures of psychiat- This study on MDD prevalence, demographic and psychiatric
ric and substance disorders, and rigorous study methods. correlates, disability, treatment use, and specifiers can in-
NESARC-III is also unique in providing current, comprehen- form policymakers, clinicians, and the public, as well as stimu-
sive national information on DSM-5 MDD and its specifiers that late investigation in several areas. While many with MDD re-
is unavailable from any other source. ceive treatment, others remain untreated. The high prevalence
The NESARC-III 12-month and lifetime MDD preva- of MDD among US adults is a substantial concern given the per-
lences (10.4% and 20.6%, respectively) are higher than sonal, public health, and economic burdens that the disorder
those of the 2001-2002 NESARC (5.3% and 13.2%, respec- imposes. Therefore, the need to reduce the prevalence of this
tively). Increases between surveys can occur for many disorder remains.
ARTICLE INFORMATION with supplemental support by the National Institute 3. Spijker J, Graaf R, Bijl RV, Beekman AT, Ormel J,
Accepted for Publication: December 14, 2017. on Drug Abuse, and by the Intramural Research Nolen WA. Functional disability and depression in
Program of the NIAAA. Support is also the general population: results from the
Published Online: February 14, 2018. acknowledged from the New York State Psychiatric Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence
doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.4602 Institute (Dr Hasin), from the State University of Study (NEMESIS). Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2004;
Author Contributions: Drs Hasin and Grant had full New York (Dr Meyers), and from grant 110(3):208-214.
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responsibility for the integrity of the data and the Health (Dr Meyers). depression across cultures. Annu Rev Public Health.
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Study concept and design: Hasin, Grant. had no role in the design and conduct of the study;
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All 5. Hasin DS, Goodwin RD, Stinson FS, Grant BF.
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authors. interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or
Drafting of the manuscript: Hasin, Sarvet, Meyers. from the National Epidemiologic Survey on
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Obtained funding: Grant. Comorbidity of mental disorders with alcohol and
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