Tender Document
Tender Document
Tender Document
Corporate office
Description of Materials
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -1- Envac Consulting And Engineering
No.67, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
1. Quotation must be submitted giving complete details: in particular, the offers should clearly
specify applicable taxes, make offered, warranty / guarantee terms, delivery charges, if the
price quoted is ex-works / ex-go-down / ex-shop.
2. Quotations must be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the tender.
3. Tenders shall be submitted in sealed envelope duly super-scribed with the Technical Bid
and commercial bid separately with the Tender enquiry Number and the Due date,
addressed to the DGM(CO.HR&S), Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited,No.67, Mount
Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032 and delivered before 1500hrs on the due date specified.
Tender will be opened in the presence of attending tenderer on the due date at 1600hrs on
the same day.
6. Tender in which do not comply with the above conditions are liable to be rejected.
7. TNPL shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any other tender received in
response to this tender notice and shall be entitled to reject any tender without assigning
any reason whatsoever.
8. We reserve the right to place the order for part/reduced quantity than what is specified in
the tender.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -2- Envac Consulting And Engineering
1. Quotations must be submitted in duplicate giving complete details; in particular, the offers
should clearly specify applicable taxes, make of the AHU, warranty / guarantee terms,
delivery period and delivery charges, if the price is ex-works/ex-Godown/ex-shop.
2. Quotation should be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the tender.
3. Tenders in sealed envelopes duly super scribed with the Tender No. and due date, shall be
addressed to the DGM(CO.HR&S), Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, No.67, Mount
Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
4. Initially the technical bid submitted by the tenderer will be opened and on the basis of
submission of satisfactory documents the commercial bid will be opened on the same day.
7. Tender in which do not comply with the above conditions are liable to be rejected.
8. TNPL will not defray any expenses whatsoever incurred by the Bidders for the preparation
of bids.
9. In case Bidder finds discrepancies or omissions from the specifications or other documents
or has any doubt on the meaning, he shall at once request in writing to the SENIOR
MANAGER (ESTATE) TNPL, for interpretation / clarification. The issue of interpretation and
clarifications shall be considered as an addendum. Copies of such addendum, if issued,
shall be signed by the Bidder and shall form a part of the bid. Verbal clarifications given
shall not be binding on TNPL.
10. Before submitting the bids, the Bidders shall make themselves fully conversant with the
technical specifications and other documents as attached so that no ambiguity arises at a
later date in this respect.
11. TNPL reserves the right to postpone the date of submission and opening of bids.
12. The bidders shall quote in English their rates/prices both in figures, as well as in words
against each item of the work as detailed in the enclosed Schedule of Quantities. In the
event of any discrepancy between the quoted rates / prices in words and that quoted in
figures, the rates/prices quoted in words shall govern.
13. The bidders must return the complete set of bid document. Each page of the bid document
must be signed and dated by the bidder. Any bid not so signed and dated is likely to be
rejected. All writing shall be in ink only. Any corrections in the entries in the Schedule of
Quantities of this bid document shall be initialed and dated by the bidder before
submission of the bid. No parts of the bid document shall be altered, overwritten or
amended by the Bidder.
14. TNPL shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender received in response
to this tender notice and shall be entitled to reject any tender without assigning any reason
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -3- Envac Consulting And Engineering
1.1 In construing these general conditions and the specifications the following works shall have
the meanings herein assigned to them unless there is something in the subject or context
inconsistent with such works.
1.2 The term `Contractor / Supplier / Bidder / Vendor shall mean the Tenderer whose tender
has been accepted by TNPL and shall include the Tenderer’s heirs, successors and assignees
approved by the Purchaser:
1.3 The `Purchaser’ shall mean Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL), and shall
include TNPL’s heirs, successors and assignees.
1.4 The term `Sub-Contractor’ shall mean the firm or persons named in the contract for any
part of the work or any person to whom any part of the work has been sublet with the
consent in writing of the Engineer-In-Charge of TNPL and shall include his heirs, successors
and assignees approved by the Purchaser.
1.5 The Term `Consultant’ shall mean person appointed by/or on behalf of the Purchaser to
inspect supplies, stores or work under the contract or any person deputed by the
Consultant for the purpose.
1.6 Any other details governing the construction / manufacture and /or supply as existing for
the contract.
1.7 The term `Engineer’ shall mean Engineer, Tamilnadu Newsprint and Papers limited, Guindy,
Chennai or some other person for the time being or from time to time duly appointed in
writing by TNPL to act as Engineer for the purpose of the Contract or in default of such
appointment the Purchaser.
1.8 The term `Specification’ shall mean the specifications annexed to or issued with these
Conditions of Contract. The ‘specification’ should include described under section Technical
specifications, Bill of quantities, Drawings etc.,
1.9 The term `Site’ shall mean the place or places at which the Equipment is to be delivered or
work done by the Contractor shall include where applicable the lands and buildings upon or
in which the works are to be executed and shall also include the place or places at which
fabrication and other work is being carried out by the Contractor.
1.10 `Electrical Equipment’, `Stores’, `Work’ or `Works’ shall mean and include equipment and
materials to be provided and work to be done by the Contractor under the Contract.
1.11 The `Contract’ shall mean acceptance of the work order placed on contractor / supplier
under section (2) of these conditions and shall include these conditions of Contract,
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -4- Envac Consulting And Engineering
Specifications, Schedule, Drawing, Letter of Intent of the Purchaser and any subsequent
amendments mutually agreed upon.
1.12 `Tests on Completion’ shall mean such tests are prescribed by the specifications or have
been mutually agreed to between the Contractor / Supplier and the Purchaser to be made
before the equipment is taken over by the Purchaser.
1.13 `Writing’ shall include any manuscript, typewritten or printed statement under or over
signature or seal as the case may be. Words importing `person’ shall include firms,
companies, corporations and association of individuals whether incorporate or not.
1.14 Words importing singular shall also include plural and vice versa where context requires.
2.0 Contract:
2.1 Contractor / Supplier should send their acceptance letter on receipt of `Letter of Intent’ or
work order within stipulated period. On expiry of said period or exorbitant delay in
commencing or executing the work, the Purchaser shall not be liable to any claim from the
Contractor/ Supplier for work entrusted to and may revoke the contract.
3.1 The contractor should ensure that his people follow safe practices at work.
3.2 Access to the works shall be allowed only to the Contractor / Supplier, Sub-Contractors or
his duly appointed representatives. The Contractor/ Supplier shall not object to the
execution of work by other contractors or tradesman and shall afford them every facility for
execution of their several works simultaneously with his own.
3.3 Work at the Purchaser’s premises shall be carried out at such time as the Purchaser may
approve but the Purchaser shall give the Contractor/ Supplier all reasonable facilities for the
same. The Contractor/Supplier shall provide sufficient fencing, notice boards etc. to guard
the works and warn the public.
3.4 The Contractor shall obey Central, local and State regulations and enactment pertaining to
workmen and labour and the Engineer shall have the right to enquire into and decide all
complaints on such matters.
4.0 Delays:
The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for any loss suffered by him on
account of delays in commencing or executing the work, whatever the cause for such delays
may be, including delays in procuring Government controlled or other materials and delay
in obtaining instructions and decisions from Engineer-In-Charge. The Contractor shall,
however, merit extension of time as hereinafter mentioned.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -5- Envac Consulting And Engineering
5.0 Taking Over:
The equipment when erected at site shall be deemed to have been taken over by the
Purchaser when the Engineer will certify in writing that the equipment has fulfilled the
contract conditions.
7.1 The Contractor/Supplier shall reinstate all damage of every sort mentioned in this clause, so
as to deliver up the whole of the contract works complete and perfect in every respect and
so as to make good or otherwise satisfy all claims for damage to the property of third
7.3 The Contractor/Supplier shall indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be
made against the Purchaser, by any member of the public or other party, in respect of
anything which may arise in respect of the works or in consequence thereof and shall, at his
own expense, effect and maintain, until the work has been ‘taken over’.
7.4 The Contractor/Supplier shall also indemnify the Purchaser against all claims which may be
made upon the Purchaser whether under the Workmen’s Compensation Act or any other
statute in force during the currency of this contract or at common law in respect of any
employee of the Contractor/Supplier or of any of his sub-contractor and shall at his own
expense effect and maintain until the work has been `Taken Over’, with an approved office.
7.5 The Purchaser, with the concurrence of the Engineer, shall be at liberty and is hereby
empowered to deduct the amount of any damages compensation costs, charges and
expenses arising or accruing from or in respect of any such claims or damages from any
sums due to or become due to the Contractor/Supplier.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -6- Envac Consulting And Engineering
1.0 The bids are invited for supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Air Handling Units
for Corporate office building with associated ducting, Insulation, piping, cabling etc at TNPL
on No.67, Mount Road, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
2.0 The Air Handling Units shall be installed in the AHU rooms of each floor of the building.
3.0 It is important that the bidder must satisfy himself before quoting that the space existing is
adequate for installation of his AHU along with all equipments and accessories as no extra
space can be provided. The tenderers must visit the site and take the actual measurement
before quoting. The bidders shall furnish a fully dimensioned layout for his Package unit,
with all equipment and accessories along with quotation.
4.0 Bidder shall furnish the data called for in data sheets and the schedules in the standard
Proforma to facilitate correct evaluation of his bid in a most expeditious manner. It is in the
interest of the bidder to submit the bid in above manner with complete technical details,
failing which it is likely that his bid may not be considered.
5.0 Bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined the specification in its complete form
and to have fully informed and satisfied himself as to the details, nature, character and
quantities of the work to be carried out, site conditions, and other pertinent matters and
6.0 It is the intent of the owner/purchaser to incorporate these specification documents in the
final contract order for the supply of material, equipment and services. Bidders are required
to review these documents and clearly state in their proposals the acceptance of the same.
Exceptions, if any shall be clearly stipulated in appropriate bidding schedule. The final
contract between purchaser and vendor shall be subjected to such changes, if any, mutually
agreed upon by purchaser and vendor and included in the main text of the contract/order.
7.0 Bidder shall clearly specify all the deviations with respect to this specification in the
appropriate schedule.
8.1 All equipments mentioned in the enclosure should conform to the respective technical
specifications. Only main items of the tender have been brought out specifically in this
schedule, however all accessories as per specification or otherwise should be furnished at
the time of quotation with cost of individual item.
8.2 Tenderers are required to fill in unit rates for all the items mentioned in the enclosure and
any additional items quoted by them in the Financial Bid. In absence of the unit rates, the
offer may be considered as invalid.
8.3 All the equipments supplied shall be as per the ‘List of Approved Make’ attached.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -7- Envac Consulting And Engineering
9.1.2 Water and power for testing and commissioning.
The purchaser will provide for the contractor following services during the performance of
10.1 Temporary electric power at 415 V, 3 ph., 50 Hz at one point only which will be within 50 M
of location of works free of cost. Water shall be provided free of cost for testing and
10.2 The contractor shall make his own arrangement for supply, erection and dismantling on
completion of works of his temporary distribution system, distribution panels and other
equipments they may require to receive the power from the purchaser's supply points.
10.3 The contractor's temporary distribution system shall be subjected in every respect to the
approval of the purchaser and shall be arranged so as to avoid any interference with other
operations on the site.
10.4 The purchaser will not hold himself responsible for the consequences of any interruptions
to the continuity of the power supply or power system voltage and frequency fluctuations.
10.5 The electric power shall not be used for heating purposes.
10.6 Electrical power made available to the contractor, during testing and commissioning for the
Air handling unit is free of charge.
10.7 There is no EOT crane or mono rail to assist in erection work. Tenderer should provide
suitable derricks & tripods for lifting heavy load.
11.1 The bidder shall provide in detail the Service Support Set-up in Chennai of the manufacturer
or himself and lead time for replacement of faulty parts and for providing technical service.
11.2 The tenderer shall bring complete set of tools & wrenches for making adjustments, repairs
& preventive maintenance including those required for erection.
8.1 The contractor shall submit tracings in original with five prints of all installation drawings
based on which equipments are installed & commissioned.
8.2 Contractor shall supply the following literature in four sets:
a. Start-up, operation and maintenance instructions of Air-conditioning unit and its parts.
b. Installation instructions.
c. Field wiring diagrams.
d. Operation and Maintenance Manual of electrical parts used in the same.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -8- Envac Consulting And Engineering
1.0 The details in respect of Earnest Money, Security Deposit
Bidder must deposit Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousands only) towards the EMD along with the
tender failing which tender will be rejected. EMD will be accepted in the form of Bank Draft
only favoring TAMILNADU NEWSPRINT AND PAPERS LIMITED, payable at Chennai.
b) Security Deposit:
5% (i.e. five percent) of the gross value of the work will be deducted from the Contractor’s bills
towards Security Deposit.
The Security Deposit (5%) will be refunded to the contractor after the expiry of defect liability
12 (twelve) calendar months from the date of satisfactory completion will be taken as defect
liability period.
e) The EMD of the Bidders other than successful bidder will be refunded within 2 months from
the date of opening of the tender and no interest shall be paid against the said deposit.
f) In case the successful bidder fails to undertake the said work, his EMD amount will be
g) The EMD paid shall be part of Security Deposit, i.e. 5% of the Contract value which will be
refunded after expiry of Defects Liability period.
2.0 No interest will be payable on the deductions towards Security Deposit/ Earnest Money.
3.0 The Bidder shall submit the copy of their PAN card and GST Certificate.
4.0 Prices and rates quoted shall include cost of all materials, labour, plant, equipment,
temporary work, tools, setting out, supervision, transport, taxes, royalties, octroi and any
local tax or levy payable on all transactions, insurance and everything necessary for due
performance of work under this contract.
5.0 Prices and unit rates shall be valid even if the contract is split.
6.0 Contract should be fixed rate contract. No escalation in prices of the materials during the
currency of the contract is permitted. However any statutory variations like change in excise
duty, taxes etc. if levied after award of the work shall be paid on production of proof of such
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited -9- Envac Consulting And Engineering
7.0 Site Visit:
The bidders may like to visit the work site before submitting their bids to get conversant
with site conditions, which may affect the work.
8.0 The work should be completed within 3 months from the date of issue of Purchase Order.
9.0 Work shall commence at site within 1 month from the date of issue of letter of Purchase
10.0 The Contractor should plan and give his daily program for execution of work in advance so
that no disturbance is created in the routine working of TNPL.
14.0 The contractor shall not without the consent in writing of the Owner assign or sublet the
16.0 Contractor shall be liable to pay workman compensation to his labour as per prevailing
rules for any accident occurring at our site.
17.0 The contractor shall pay wages to his workmen as per the Statutory Minimum Wages Act.
18.0 The Contractor shall provide all risk insurance for his men, material and machines and
absolve us of all risk and liabilities whatsoever pertaining to his men, material and machines.
19.0 The Contractor will arrange for photo passes of his personnel and get the same endorsed
by TNPL Estate/Security Department before beginning the work.
20.0 The Contractor will ensure that his workmen follow safe practices at Work.
21.0 The Contractor will be permitted to work on weekends (Friday from 5.00p.m. to 6.00a.m of
Monday) and also on public holidays.
22.0 No labour camp etc. will be allowed to be put up inside or in the vicinity of TNPL.
23.0 Any dispute arising from this contract will be referred to two arbitrators one to be
appointed by you and one by us. The two arbitrators, in the event of their disagreement
24.0 The contractor should ensure that his engineer / supervisor is present at site throughout the
progress of works till completion.
27.0 The schedule of quantities and rates shall be read in conjunction with the specification,
tender drawings, other tender documents, relevant IS Codes, Engineering hand books, etc.
the Contractor shall not rely merely on the description given in the Schedule of Quantities.
28.0 The quantities mentioned in “Bill of Quantities” are estimated quantities. However the
payment shall be made as per actual quantities measured at site, after completion of work.
29.0 Contractor will be fully responsible for lifting, shifting and handling TNPL’s properties such
as any articles and materials lying nearby to proper place as instructed by Site In-Charge.
30.0 All the materials proposed to ne used shall be used only after approval and tests of the
Engineer-In-Charge as per specifications.
31.0 All the debris shall be removed by the Contractor at his cost to any nearest GCMP approved
dumping yard.
32.0 Storage and custody of material, till the time of handing over to TNPL, shall be the
responsibility of contractor.
33.0 The contractor after award of work, should submit detailed schedules showing program and
order in which contractor proposes to carryout the work with dates and estimated
completion time for various parts of work. This should be submitted in the form of Bar-
34.0 The Engineer can instruct the contractor to make any alteration, omission, or variation in
work. The difference in cost due to instruction shall be added or deducted from contract
price as the case may be in accordance with the rate applicable in the contract.
The Contractor must tender for the equipment as herein specified but may submit alternate
proposals for modifications to details where such modifications offer technical advantages
and will make cost savings to the owner. The basis and details of calculations of operating
cost and the net expected final saving shall be indicated wherever such a claim is made.
The acceptances or otherwise of alternate proposal/deviations/ modifications etc. will be
decided solely by the owner.
Supplier shall arrange for inspection/testing of AHUs at his works. TNPL will have liberty to
inspect / test the parts of AHUs during the manufacturing / assembly. No charges will be
paid extra towards inspection / testing. The bidder shall make necessary arrangements for
travel, boarding & lodging for 3 engineers from TNPL deputed for inspection & testing of
the AHUs at manufacturer’s premises.
1.1 Design Parameters for selection of air handling unit & its components shall be:
2.0 The proposed new AHUs will be put after replacing the old AHUs, which are at present in
running position. The contractor shall have to carry out the work in short span of time
(during shut down), preferably during weekends including Sunday and holidays. The
contractors need to work day and night to ensure minimum disturbance to the office.
3.0 The contractor should inspect the site before quoting and ascertain for himself the nature,
character and extent of work to be executed and should include all items and services
necessary, whether specially mentioned or not in the specifications, scope etc. to meet with
the intent and purpose of these specification.
4.0 After award of work contractor should submit the GA drawing as well as data sheet of AHU,
parts etc. for engineer’s approval. He shall start the manufacturing only after the approval.
6.0 During the replacement of AHU contractor shall cut/modify the existing header/coil
connection as per the new requirement. The new piping shall be paid on RMT basis as per
the tender rate. Similarly ducting connection includes cutting / modifying the existing
ducting including making new plenum, if necessary. The new ducting shall be paid on Sqm
basis as per tender rate.
11.0 The Contractor shall make arrangements to store his tools, equipments etc. in his own tool
box having proper locking arrangements. Material required for carrying out the work such
as flanges, nuts and bolts, rubber gasket, pipes etc. shall be provided by the Contractor. All
the above material shall be of high standards and subjected to the approval of the Engineer
12.0 The work shall be carried out with least disturbance to the users. The shut down if any
required for carrying out the works shall be minimum and advance intimation to be given.
Shut down periods will be intimated for the work to be taken up after obtaining the
necessary approval form the Users.
13.0 The Contractor shall inspect the site and ascertain for himself the nature and extent of work
to be executed and shall include all the items and services necessary whether specifically
mentioned or not in the tender specification, drawing, so as to meet the intent and purpose
of this specification.
2.0 TYPE
The air handling units shall be double skin construction, draw-thru type comprising of
various sections, filter section, coil section and fan section, mixing box, (wherever the
return air and fresh air are ducted) as shown on drawings and included in schedule of
The air handling capacities, maximum motor horse power and static pressure shall be as
shown on Drawings and in Schedule of Quantities.
General arrangement of the (GA) drawings of the AHU, fan equipments with parts
details, static & operating weight.
Fan Performance curve for the required air quantity and the static head, showing the
Rpm, Efficiency, Fan absorbed power, Actual motor capacity, Max.fan speed, Max
absorbed power, noise level in dBA at different octave band spectrum from 63hz to
8khz. etc.,
Fan total static pressure drop calculation indicating the internal pressure drop and
external pressure drop in mm of water column or in Pascal.
ARI certified performance data at standard design conditions and performance data for
the actual site conditions, dimensional data, and installation requirements should be
provided for all the cooling / heating coils.
Filter type with filtration data, dimensional data, and installation requirements should be
provided for the filters.
AHU noise level calculation using the Fan Inlet & outlet noise level in different octave
band spectrum from 63hz to 8 kHz and the attenuation by the cabinet etc.,
Fan total static pressure drop calculation indicating the AHUs internal pressure drop and
external pressure drop in mm of water column or in Pascal.
Seismic design calculations
Factory fan vibration balancing reports
Factory performance test certificates.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited - 16 - Envac Consulting And Engineering
o Horizontal Floor Mounted units
The cabinet shall be constructed suitable to accommodate the fan section, drive motor,
cooing coils, heating coils, filters, mixing box, dampers etc., as required. Necessary powder
coated GI canopy to be provided for the AHU located at outdoor.
The cabinet shall be of airtight construction and sufficiently rigid for the entire capacity of
the unit. The cabinet shall be constructed with double skin acoustic panels with minimum
0.8mm thick Pre painted Galvanized sheet outer skin and minimum 0.8mm thick plain
Galvanized sheet inner skin. All the panels shall be of thickness 25/50mm as mentioned in
the BOQ. The insulation shall be sandwiched between the inner & outer skin with pressure
injected with CFC free Polyurethane Foam (PUF) of density not less than 40kg/m³ and
thermal conductivity K value not exceeding 0.020w/m⁰K at 0⁰C as per ASTM-C518.
The AHU panels shall be of modular construction. All the panels shall be detachable or
hinged. The hinges shall be of powder coated die-cast aluminum with stainless steel pivots.
EPDM gaskets and stainless steel screws are only to be used for fastening the panels. The
AHU panels to be provided with opening for the drain pipe and electrical cable entry. The
Entire panel shall be mounted on aluminum alloy channel of minimum 10mm high. The
lifting lugs of minimum 4Nos. to be provided on the base channels. The entire rigid &
corner joint frame shall be of high rigid Extruded Aluminum alloy channels.
The AHU shall be provided with double skin quick opening type panel door for the fan and
the filter sections. The door should be provided with powder coated die-cast aluminum
hinges and hard nylon handles. The door should be providing with view port and limit
switches. The AHU should be provided with marine lamp suitable for wet room application
for easy visibility at the time of service.
The fan & motor to be mounted on the high grade aluminum extruded slide rail base
frame. It should be isolated from the main casing using high quality vibration isolators. The
fan outlet shall be connected to the main casing, using high quality fire and moisture
resistant flexible connection to avoid vibration transmittance. The AHU to be provided with
high grade extruded opposed aerofoil blade leak proof outlet damper suitable for the
manual or motorized operation as required.
** All the AHU units located outdoor should be suitable for outdoor ambient condition and
shall be provided with necessary weather canopy. And all the Cooling / Heating AHU
connected directly with supply and return air duct or located in the outdoor condition
should be provided with Thermal break profile section.
All fans shall be of factory fabricated only and shall be selected for the lowest operating
noise level. High efficiency, Capacity ratings , Low power consumption, with operating
points clearly indicated, shall be submitted and verified at the time of testing and
commissioning of the installation.
The EC Centrifugal Fan unit shall be of rugged bolted construction made of sheet steel,
statically and dynamically balanced.
The fans should be Single Inlet Centrifugal Impeller with High Efficiency Backward curved
blades and external rotor EC (Electronically Commutated) motor, energy optimized for
operation without spiral housing for high efficiency and favorable acoustic behavior. The
Impeller shall have 7-bladed backward curved profiled blades (Aerofoil) for achieving low
noise. The high efficiency backward curved impeller with rotating diffuser, made of high
performance composite material, with external rotor motor shall be statically and
dynamically balanced according to DIN ISO 1940 Part 1.
The EC fan should be capable of being fitted in horizontal or vertical position in the AHU,
depending on the application.
Galvanised Inlet cone shall be provided with a nozzle for volume flow measurement of the
The minimum efficiency class of the motor shall be IE4. The motor shall be external rotor
motor construction with integrated electronics and suitable for continuous operation. The
speed of the motor shall be variable depending on an external control signal. The fans shall
be Modbus RTU compatible for communication with BMS (Building Management System).
The fan in totality shall be of most efficient type so that the power consumption and noise
level is minimal. The EC motor shall have a wide voltage input range: 3~380…480V, 50/60
The motor shall be minimum IP54 protection class, with Thermal class 155 (Insulation class
F). The EC motor shall be provided with suitable protection from moisture & hot climate.
The ball bearing shall be provided with long time lubrication for maintenance free
The EC fan shall meet all necessary EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) directives. The EC
fan should comply with applicable EMC standards: Interference Emission Standard EN
61000-6-3 / 2.
External VSD (Variable Speed Drive) is not required for speed modulation of EC fans.
Fan characteristic curves shall be related to measurements on an inlet- side chamber test rig
in accordance with DIN 24163 Part 2 OR ISO 5801.
The performance data of the fan shall comply with Precision Class 2 according to DIN
The EC Fan shall have the following protective features already integrated in the controller:
Overvoltage protection
Short Circuit protection
Under voltage/ Over voltage detection
Locked rotor protection
Line fault detection
Active Temperature Management for thermal protection of motor and electronics
Alarm relay 250V/2A
Over temperature protection of electronic and motor
External LED display shall be provided for indication of the status of the fan
The Cooling Chilled Water Coil shall be suitable for chilled water flow. The number of rows
of cooling coil shall be as per BOQ or as per the manufacturer selection whichever is
The coil section of the AHU shall be of the cartridge type, removable from the side of the
casing and supported over the entire length of the coil. The Cooling coil section shall have
10mm to 15 mm dia inner grooved copper tubes of wall thickness not less than 0.40mm
with minimum of 0.15mm thick hydrophobic coated sine wave aluminum fins firmly bonded
to copper tubes assembled in zinc coated steel frame. The fins spacing shall be of 10 to 13
fins per inch. Face and surface area shall be such as to ensure rated capacity from each unit
and such that air velocity across each coil shall not exceed 2.5 m/sec. An appropriate panel
of the Coil Section shall incorporate factory made openings for coil inlet & outlet
connections. Tube shall be hydraulically expanded for minimum thermal contact resistance
with fins. The Coil shall be mounted on castors to facilitate removal for cleaning. Flanges of
resilient isolation material shall be provided both at the inlet and outlet connections of all
The coils shall be mounted over an adequately sized condensate drain pan. Particular, care
shall be taken to ensure that condensate is drained totally without leaving any stagnant
pools anywhere in the unit. The drain pan shall be of stainless steel of thickness not less
than 1.2mm and of grade not less than SS 304 of minimum 100mm high and shall be
insulated for thermal protection with of not less than 15mm thick Nitrile rubber or
equivalent insulation to avoid any surface condensation.
Moisture eliminator shall be fitted after the cooling coil / humidifier section to avoid
carryover of moisture. Eliminator blades are made of PVC / Stainless steel and are
assembled within in a heavy gauge Galvanized / SS steel frame.
The filtration are classified as per the standards of ASHRAE 52.2, DIN 24185, EN779,
EN1822 based on the efficiency of filtration as a function of specific particle sizes. (For more
details regarding the filtration kindly see the details under the main heading AIR FILTERS)
The AHUs shall be provided with Pre filter, Fine filter, as mentioned in the BOQ and
requirements. These filters should be fixed on the modular type mounting frames made of
heavy gauge Powder coated GI or anodized aluminum. The filters shall be with Neoprene /
felt gasket to be used for airtight fixing of the filters. These filters should be provided with
handles for easy removable.
The Pre & fine filters shall be provided at the suction side of the fan section before the coil
Pre filter:-
The pre filters shall be of quality not less than MERV-8 or equivalent of ASHRAE standards.
The Pre filters are with high quality high graded density synthetic fiber media supported by
HDPE and aluminum mesh. These filters should offer a lesser initial pressure drop with high
dust holding capacity. These filters should provide longer life. It should have temperature
resistance of 100⁰C and Flame retarding as per DIN 53438 shall be of Class-F1. The filter
should be selected with the face velocity not exceeding 2.5m/sec (500fpm) and initial
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited - 20 - Envac Consulting And Engineering
pressure drop not exceeding 40pascals and final pressure drop under clogged condition
shall be within 100 Pascal. These filters should be air cleanable and washable with water.
The filter outer casing shall be of heavy gauge Anodized aluminum or Powder coated GI.
Fine filter:-
The pre filters shall be of quality not less than MERV-13 or equivalent of ASHRAE standards.
The Fine filters are with high quality high graded density synthetic fiber media supported by
HDPE and aluminum mesh for cleanable type and with Glass fiber for disposable type.
These filters should offer a lesser initial pressure drop with high dust holding capacity.
These filters should provide longer life. It should have temperature resistance of 100⁰C and
Flame retarding as per DIN 53438 shall be of Class-F1. The filter should be selected with the
face velocity not exceeding 2.5m/sec (500fpm) and unit should be provided with multiple
pleat to have the velocity across the media is less than 0.5m/sec (100fpm) The initial
pressure drop not exceeding 70pascals and final pressure drop under clogged condition
shall be within 150pascals. These filters should be air cleanable and washable with water.
The filter outer casing shall be of heavy gauge Anodized aluminum or Powder coated GI.
Each air handling unit shall be provided with manual air vent at high point in the cooling
coil and drain plug-in the bottom of the coil. In addition, the following accessories may be
required at air handling units, their detailed specifications are given in individual sections, &
quantities separately identified in schedule of Quantities.
a) Insulated butterfly valves, balancing valves, `Y’ strainer, union & condensate
drain piping with ‘U’ trap up to sump or floor drain in air handling unit room, as
described in section “Piping”. G.I. insulated condensate drain piping with drain
valve, up to sump or floor drain within the air handling unit room. The drain shall be
provided with proper ‘U’ loop. Only piping and valve shall be measured and paid at
unit rate.
b) Thermometers in the thermometer wells &pressure gauge (with cocks) within gauge
ports in chilled water supply and return lines as per the section “Piping”.
Vibration isolators shall be provided with all air handling units. Vibration isolators shall be
cushy foot mounting type. Minimum vibration isolation efficiency shall be 90%.
Extruded aluminium construction duly anodized (20 microns and above) fresh air louvers
with bird screen and dampers shall be provided in the clear openings in masonry walls of
the air handling unit rooms having at least one external wall. Louvers, damper, pre-filters,
ducts and fresh air fan with speed regulator shall be provided as shown on Drawings and in
Schedule of Quantities. Fresh air dampers shall be of the interlocking, opposed-blade louver
type. Blades shall be made of extruded aluminium construction and shall be rattle-free.
Dampers shall be similar to those specified in “Sheet metal works”. Fresh air fans and fresh
air intakes shall be as per the requirements of Schedule of Quantities.
The Contractor / manufacturer shall describe the tests that will be conducted at their
works on the Air Handling Units. They shall furnish a test certificate / certificates to the
effect that such tests have been duly performed on the AHUs.
Tests shall be conducted on all AHU’s at the factory for measurement of fan delivery vs.
static Pressure, total pressure, BKW, efficiency & noise level at 100%, 80% 60%, 50% & 40%
speeds. The cooling/heating coil performance shall be tested at the factory for 100%, 80%
60%, 50%, 40% & 20% water flow for water side pressure loss, air temperature after the coil
etc., The Consultants / Project managers / Architects shall be intimated in advance of the
date of the tests, which they will witness at their option.
A manufacturer’s representative for the fans shall be provided as necessary to assist the
Subcontractor during installation, and to provide written certification that the equipment
has been installed complete as specified and in accordance with the manufacturer’s
directions as approved.
All the AHUs to be installed over a civil / structural elevated pedestal / platform of height
not less than 100mm and shall be provided with ripped neoprene rubber gasket or
additional cushy mounts to avoid any vibration transmittance from AHUs.
All fan equipment shall be verified by field vibration tests that factory balance has been
maintained during shipment and erection. Field rebalances should be done if required
without any additional cost.
The floor below the AHU and the AHU room shall be finished by respective agencies with
gentle slope towards the drain point to avoid any water stagnation below the AHU / AHU
room. The AHU room door shall be of air tight, panel type, acoustically insulated Double /
Single door type of width suitable to shift the AHU & fan to the room. The AHU room shall
be provided with 100mm high threshold at the door point by the respective agencies. The
AHU room shall be provided with one normal water point for easy cleaning of the AHU
room and the filters etc.,
The Ceiling Suspended Air Handling units shall be installed with necessary heavy duty
fasteners, threaded rods, Galvanized MS angles / channels supports, spring / rubber mount
isolation as required. The Contractor should ensure that the equipment vibration should
not transmit to the structures.
Cooling capacity of various air handling unit models shall be computed from the
measurements of airflow and dry & wet bulb temperature instruments. The Volume control
damper shall be used for air adjustments and the water side valve shall do the water flow
adjustments. The Contractor is responsible in all the respects to balance the whole system.
Computed results shall confirm to the specified capacities and quoted ratings. Power
consumption shall be computed from measurement of incoming voltage and input current.
The following test result shall be furnished during commissioning in the presence of
department’s Engineer;
a) Air Side
Air Flow Rate in CFM or Cu.mt per hour
Static pressure in mm / wg
Entering Dry bulb & Wet bulb temperature
Leaving Dry bulb & Wet bulb temperature
b) Water Side
Inlet temperature in degree C
Outlet temperature in degree C
Pressure drop in psig
Ducts shall be made of galvanized steel sheets. Galvanized steel sheet shall be of Class VIII
– light coating of zinc, nominal 120gms/Sqm as per IS-277.
Dimensions Type of Joints Type of Bracings
Upto 600 24 22 G.I. Flange at 2.5 centre Cross bracings
** All the MS angle, use for duct support & brazing etc, shall be hot dip galvanized.
All supply air Ducts coming out of ductable split units shall be provided with approved
make fire dampers of at least 120 minutes fire rating certified by CBRI Roorkee as per
UL555:1995. Fusible link shall melt at a temperature of 60 Deg. C.
The fire dampers shall be factory fabricated made out of high quality galvanized steel sheet.
The outer frame shall be formed of 16G galvanized steel sheets and the blades shall be
formed of 18G mm galvanized steel sheets.
The damper blade shall be pivoted on both ends using chrome plated spindles in self-
lubricating bushes. Stop seals shall be provided on top & bottom of the damper housing
made of 16G Galvanized steel sheet. For preventing smoke leakage side seals will be
The fire Damper shall be mounted in fire rated duct sleeve min. 600 MM long. The sleeve
shall be factory fitted on fire damper. The joints at sleeve end shall be slip on type.
Minimum thickness of GI Sheet shall be 18G. The damper shall be installed in accordance
with the installation method recommended by the manufacturer.
Hinged access doors of suitable size complete with air tight gaskets shall be provided in all
fire dampers & plenums.
5.1 The duct fabrication & installation shall generally conform to I.S. 655-1963.
The scope of this section comprises the supply & laying of all pipes required for this project.
On the award of the contract, the tenderer shall prepare their, own detailed working
2.1 All chilled water piping and fittings shall be of M.S. heavy duty Class `C’ only. The pipe
confirming to BIS 1239 for pipe size upto 150 mm dia. and for pipe size 200 mm dia. and
above shall be as per BIS 3589 having minimum 6 mm thickness. All joining in piping shall
generally be by welding unless otherwise mentioned or as directed at site. All welding shall
be done by qualified welders and shall strictly confirm to Indian Standard code of
procedure for manual metallic welding of mild steel as per BIS 823.
2.2 The piping shall be so designed that the water velocity through the piping shall not exceeds
maximum 8 fps and also the piping friction drop shall be limited to 4 m per hundred meter
of pipe length.
Pipe threads shall be of I.S. 554/1955 and flanges of I.S. 1536/1960.. Pipes shall be sloping
towards drain points.
2.3 Fittings shall be new and from standard manufacturers. Fittings shall be malleable casting
of pressure ratings suitable for the piping system. Fittings used on welded piping shall be
of the weldable type. Flanges shall be new and from standard manufacturers. Supply of
flanges shall include bolts, washers etc. as required.
2.4 Tee-off connections shall be through reducing tees, wherever possible. Otherwise ferrules
welded to the main pipe shall be used.
2.5 All equipment and valve connections or connections to any other mating pipes, shall be
through unions/screwed flanges upto 50 mm dia. And flanges (welded or screwed for G.S.)
for larger diameters or as required for the mating connection.
2.6 All welded piping is subject to the approval of the Engineer and sufficient number of
flanges and unions shall be provided as required under.
2.7 All the drain piping shall be of G.I. ‘C’ class of TATA/Jindal/SAIL make with the Insulation as
specified in the ‘Insulation’
Butterfly valves shall be of slim seal, short wafer type with standard finish shall be suitable
for mounting between flanges drilled to ANSI 125. The valve body shall be of cast iron /
Ductile Iron. The disc shall be of quality ductile iron with epoxy coated finish or equivalent
quality material. The disc shaft consists of SS-420 or equivalent material, pivot and driving
stem. The disc shall move in bearings on both ends with ‘O’ Ring to prevent leakage. The
seat shall be molded black EPDM / Nitrile rubber. The valve operation shall be with flow
control lever and notches up to dia of 250mm and shall be with gear for 300mm and above.
The body shall be short wafer type up to 250mm dia and shall be flanged / lugged type for
the valve equal to and above 300mm dia. The valves shall be suitable for a working pressure
of 16kg/cm².
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited - 27 - Envac Consulting And Engineering
All gate valves and check valves shall be of Forged Brass / Bronze body, non rising stem,
screwed / flanged for up to 100mm dia. All such valves shall be supplied with I.S.I marking
and certification. The valves shall be suitable for a working pressure of 16kg/cm².
The ball valve shall be of full bore design. It shall have body of carbon steel / Forged brass /
bronze. The ball and the shaft shall be of stainless steel / chrome plated. The seat shall be
of PTFE. The valve shall be complete with socket weld ends. The valves shall be suitable for
a working pressure of 16kg/cm².
Check valves shall be of short wafer type with Dual plates and with standard finish shall be
suitable for mounting between flanges drilled to ANSI 125. The valve body shall be of Cast
Iron / Ductile Iron or equivalent. The disc plate shall be of Alu-bronze / SS 316 / Equivalent.
The shaft, hinge pins, springs shall be of SS 316 or equivalent. The seat shall be EPDM /
Buna-N. The check valves shall be suitable for a working pressure of 16kg/ cm².
The Control valves from 10 to 50mm dia shall be with thread / flange connections. The
body shall be of Red Brass / Copper Alloy / Bronze. It is with stainless steel stem and brass
plug, spring load self adjusted packing. The stroke shall be of 20mm and the range ability of
50:1, with low seat leakage rate of less than 0.1% of kvs. The valve shall be suitable for
Electric/Electronic actuator. The valve shall be suitable for temperature range of 2⁰C to
120⁰C and also to be suitable for a working pressure of 16kg/ cm².
The Control valves above 50mm dia shall be with flanged connections. The body shall be of
Ductile Iron / Cast iron. It is with stainless steel stem and pressure balanced plug, spring
load self adjusted packing. The stroke shall be of 20mm and the range ability of 50:1, with
low seat leakage rate of less than 0.1% of kvs. The valve shall be suitable for
Electric/Electronic actuator. The valve shall be suitable for temperature range of 2⁰C to
120⁰C and operating pressure of 16kg/ cm².
The Actuator shall be of heavy duty and robust construction of spring return type with
spring return time of around 15seconds. It shall be of corrosion resistant design housed in
IP54 class protection. It shall be with manual operation knob, position feedback signal, 0 to
10V or 2 to 10V DC input signal selectable, Direct or Reverse action selectable, Stroke
position on signal failure selectable. The actuator shall be suitable for operating
temperature of 0⁰C to 60⁰C, 5 to 95% RH and at 24 ±5%V, 50 Hz AC power supply.
Necessary step down transformer with proper enclosure is the scope of HVAC contractor.
The actuator shall be suitable for hook to BMS system for remote control operation to work
based on the BMS commend and shall also be able communicate the position feed back to
the BMS system.
The unit shall be provided with necessary Electronic Temperature controller. It shall be of
wall mounted / Duct mounted (with extended sensor) type as required for the project and
Wherever individual room area with individual cooling / heating unit provided and the
controller kept inside the room for personal operation, it shall be provided with additional
energy saving mode settings with external input from card key overrides the temperature
settings to user defined heating and cooling temperature. It shall be also with on / off
switch and 3speed fan selector switch. The Temperature controller sample shall be provided
to the Architect / PMC for approval for aesthetic before supply of the same.
The cost of the valve shall be inclusive of all Valve, Actuator, Thermostat and necessary
control cabling etc. The cost shall be inclusive of necessary power & control cabling
between nearby main power source to the valve, and to the thermostat to the valve etc.
Pressure gauges shall be not less than 150 mm dia. They shall be selected for appropriate
range and shall be complete with siphon and cock, needle valve etc. The body shall be of
stainless steel/brass/bronze of IP 55 protection.
Thermometer shall be of bourdon dial type gauges shall be not less than 150 mm dia.
Thermometer shall be provided with stainless steel/brass/bronze body of IP 55 protection. It
should be provided with SS/brass/bronze thermo well fixed on the chilled water pipe.
It should be of compact & efficient design made of Brass construction to efficiently remove
air pockets from hydraulic systems with a maximum working pressure of 4-6 bars &
working temperature of 120 deg C. The air vent shall be of 10mm dia for the AHUs and for
the pipe up to 150mm dia, and 15mm dia for other areas. The air vents shall be provided
with additional ball valves. The air vent shall be connected with necessary Copper / GI tubes
and left to the nearest waste drain point / pipe.
4.1 Pipe runs and sizes should to meet the site conditions. The contractor on the award of the
work shall prepare detailed working drawings, showing the cross section, longitudinal
sections, details of fittings, locations of isolating, drain and air valves etc. They must keep in
view the specific openings in buildings and other structures through which the pipes are
designed to pass.
4.2 Piping shall be properly supported on or suspended from strands, clamps, hangers etc. as
specified and as required. The tenderer shall adequately design all the brackets, saddles,
clamps, hangers etc. and be responsible for their structural integrity.
4.3 Pipe supports shall be of steel, adjustable for height and prime coated with rust preventive
paint and finish coated black. Where pipe and clamp are of dissimilar material, a gasket
shall be provided in between.
(mm) (M)
Up to 12 1.22
19 to 25 1.83
32 to 150 2.44
Pipe hangers shall be fixed on walls and ceilings by means of metallic drawl plugs or
approved shear fasteners.
4.4 Vertical risers shall be parallel to wall and column lines and shall be straight and plumb.
Risers passing from floor to floor shall be supported at each floor by clamps or collars
attached to pipe and with a 12 mm thick rubber pad or any resilient material. Where pipes
pass through the terrace floor, suitable flashing shall be provided to prevent water leakage.
Risers shall also have a suitable elbow or concrete pipe support at the lowest point.
4.5 Pipe sleeves of 50 mm diameter shall be provided wherever pipes pass through walls and
the annular space filled with felt and finished with retaining rings.
4.6 Insulated piping shall be supported in such a manner as not to put undue pressure on the
4.7 Cut-outs required in the floor slabs for taking the various pipes are provided. Tenderers
shall carefully examine the cutouts provided and clearly point out wherever the cutouts do
not meet with the requirements.
4.8 Piping work shall be carried out with minimum disturbance to the other work on the site. A
program of work shall be chalked out in consultation with the Engineer.
4.10 Drains shall be provided at all low points in the piping system and shall be of the following
Mains Drain
(mm) (M)
Upto 300 mm 25 mm
Over 300 mm 40 mm
Drains shall be provided with gate valves of equal size with rising spindle. Drains shall be
piped through equal size G.I. pipe to the nearest drain or floor waste. Piping shall be
pitched towards drain points.
Piping installation shall be carried out with vibration elimination fittings wherever required.
7.1 All piping shall be tested to hydrostatic test pressure of at least 1½ times the maximum
operating pressure, but not less that 7 Kgs/Sq.Cm. for a period of not less than 24 hours.
All leaks and defects in joints revealed during the testing shall be rectified to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
7.2 Piping repaired subsequent to the above pressure test shall be retested in the same
7.3 System may be tested in sections and such sections shall be securely capped.
7.4 TNPL shall be notified well in advance by the Contractor of his intention to test a section or
sections of piping and all testing shall be witnessed by the Engineer or his authorized
7.5 The contractor shall provide all materials, tools, equipment, instruments, services and
labour required to perform the test and to remove water resulting from cleaning and/after
7.6 The contractor shall make sure that proper noiseless circulation of fluid is achieved through
all coils and other heat exchanger in the system concerned. If proper circulation is not
achieved due to air bound connections, the Contractor shall rectify the defective
connections. He shall bear all the expenses for carrying out the above rectifications,
including the tearing up and re-finishing of floors, walls, etc. as required.
8.1 After all the piping has been installed, tested and run for at least 10 days of eight hours
each, the piping shall be given two finish coats, as follows:
8.2 The direction of flow of fluid in the pipe shall be visibly marked in White arrows.
The scope of this section comprises the supply and application of insulation as herein
The insulation for chilled water piping shall be carried out from flexible pipe sections sheets
of closed cell elastomeric insulation having a ‘K’ valve of 0.037 W/m⁰K at a mean
temperature of 20ºC and a minimum density of 55 Kg/m³. The thickness of insulation shall
be 25 mm upto 40 mm pipe dia and 32 mm for above 40 mm dia pipes.
2.3 No insulation shall be applied on pipes until the pipes are satisfactorily tested.
a) Pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire brush and rendered free from all rust and
b) Apply preferred synthetic adhesive by manufacturer over the pipes and insulation.
c) Insulation shall be fixed tightly to the surface taking care to seal all joints and covered with
same material tape to avoid condensation over the pipes and insulation.
e) The pipe insulation shall be covered with 26 Gauge Aluminium Cladding with superior
2.5 All valves, fittings, strainers etc. in chilled water piping shall be insulated to the same
thickness as specified for the main run of piping. Valve bonnets, yokes and spindles shall be
insulated in such a manner as not to cause damage to insulation when the valve is used or
2.6.1 Thermal insulation of the sheet metal ducting shall be done in any one of the following
insulation & methods, as asked in the tender BOQ and specifications and as given in the
tender drawings.
2.6.2 Thermal Insulation of ducting with Closed Cell Elastomeric Foam
Thermal insulation of ducting shall be done with 6/9/13/16/19/22/25mm thick Closed Cell
Elastomeric Foam structure of density 55 to 90 kg/m³ as per ASTM-D-1667., of Class ‘O’
insulation material. Apply one coat of adhesive on the outer surface of the sheet metal
ducting and one coat of adhesive on one surface of the insulation material allow it to dry
S.Air duct passing through air-
9mm thick.
conditioned area:
S.Air duct passing through non
19mm thick.
air-conditioned area (indoor):-
S.Air duct passing through non
25mm thick.
air-conditioned area (outdoor):
R.Air duct passing through air-
6mm thick.
conditioned area:-
R.Air duct passing through non
13mm thick.
air-conditioned area (indoor):
R.Air duct passing through non
25mm thick.
air-conditioned area (outdoor):
All adhesives used to stick insulation shall also be non-flammable. The adhesive shall be
strictly as recommended by the insulation manufacturer.
B Construction Features
Outer skin material &
2 Inner skin material & Thickness
Insulation material, Thickness
& Density.
Drain Pan Material &
Access Door for fan Section
Access Door for Filter Section
C Fan Details
1 Fan Make
2 Fan Type
3 Country of Origin
4 Fan Air flow - m³/hr & CFM
5 Design Static Pressure-Pascal
6 Fan Outlet Velocity - m/sec.
7 Casing Material & Thickness.
8 Impeller Material & Thickness.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited - 35 - Envac Consulting And Engineering
9 Blade Material & Thickness.
10 Type of Bearing
11 Make of Bearing.
12 Type of Drive
13 Fan RPM.
14 Fan BHP. - Kw.
15 Fan Static Efficiency - %
16 Fan Total Efficiency - %
Statically & Dynamically
Balanced (Yes / No)
Attach Fan Performance
19 Operating Weight of the Fan.
Fan noise level at 1m distance
– dBA
21 63hz.
22 125hz.
23 250hz.
24 500hz.
25 1000hz.
26 2000hz.
27 4000hz.
28 Max. Fan speed - RPM.
29 Max. Fan Absorbed Power-Kw.
D Motor
1 Electrical Characteristic
2 KW of Motor - Kw.
3 Motor Efficiency - %
4 Make
5 Type
6 Motor RPM.
7 Mounting type
8 Class of Insulation
9 Class of Protection - IP
10 Full Load current FLA (Amps)
11 Starting current (Amps)
Locked rotor current on full
load (Amps)
13 Weight of the motor - Kg.
E Pre-Filters
1 Pre-filter Class.
2 Type
3 Make
4 Country of Origin
5 Filter Media.
6 Type of fixing.
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited - 36 - Envac Consulting And Engineering
Air Face Velocity across filter-
Air Pressure drop at Clean &
dirty - mm. of WC.
F Fine Filters
1 Fine filter Class.
2 Type
3 Make
4 Country of Origin
5 Filter Media.
6 Type of fixing.
Air Face Velocity across filter-
Air Pressure drop at Clean &
dirty - mm. of WC.
Suitable for VFD drive (Yes /
2 Marine Lamp (Yes / No)
Access Door Limit Switch (Yes /
Base frame for Fan & Motor
(Yes / No)
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited - 37 - Envac Consulting And Engineering
5 Type of Vibration isolators.
6 Drive set (Yes / No)
Commissioning Filters
8 Attach GA. Drawing
Factory Test Certificate
provided (Yes / No)
10 Factory Inspection (Yes / No).
1 Make
2 Country of Origin
3 Type
4 Dia – mm
5 Material of construction.
6 Pressure measuring Range - kg/cm²
7 Needle valve provided (Yes/No)
8 Pressure Rating – PN
9 Attach Catalogue & Drawing
Tamilnadu Newsprint And Papers Limited - 39 - Envac Consulting And Engineering
Project:- Date:-
1 Material of Insulation
2 Insulation Make
3 Country of Origin
4 Density of Material
5 Thermal Conductivity at 0ºC in w/mºC
6 Thermal Conductivity at 10ºC in w/mºC
7 Thermal Conductivity at 20ºC in w/mºC
8 Density of Material
9 Type of Cell Structure
10 Type of Bonding
11 Moisture absorption rating
12 Class of Fire rating.
13 Not Allow microbial growth (Yes/No)
Should not cause or accelerate Corrosion
and Odor Emissions (Yes/No)
15 Covering material details
16 finishing material details
17 Attach catalogue.
a 25mm Nos 10
b 12mm Nos 8
13 Drain piping
a 32mm Rmt 50
b 25mm Rmt 40
14 Auto Air vents valves