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Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Perception of Teachers and Students on the Use of

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools in Education
Teena Krisha Alcantara-Ebuena
PhD Student
St. Roberts International University
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Abstract:- The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has wide variety of topics based on user prompts; Talk to Books,
become inevitable in various fields including education. which has a large curated database of books that returns
Many studies have found significance in the use of AI, quotes based on user prompts; Sheet Plus, which converts text
particularly in education, as it adapts to students’ to Google Sheets or Excel formulas; Bearly, which
learning processes. This study investigates how teachers summarizes long texts; Lex, which also generates essays;
and students perceive the use of AI tools in classrooms. Glasp, which generates summaries based on users’ notes and
Twenty-six teachers and 68 high school students highlights) Perplexity, which provides short answers with
participated in an online survey that included two citations; DALL-E 2, which can create unique and realistic
questionnaires to collect information. The findings images based on text prompts written in natural language; and
showed that although teachers' and students' perspectives many more (University of Gronengen, 2023).
on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in education
varied, they largely agreed. While teachers indicated that AI has brought a lot of changes in education. Many studies
AI tools may help them manage their classrooms more have shown that integrating technology into education has
successfully and provide their students with more several advantages. According to Muttappallymyalil (2016),
feedback, students said that AI could help learning be newer educational technology can be an effective tool for
made more efficient and improved through the teaching and learning in this rapidly changing technological
comprehension and retention of material. On the flip side, world and can be part of a comprehensive system for lifelong
there are some disadvantages as well, such as the education. Artificial intelligence can personalize students’
possibility of misuse as cheating tools, weakened human learning depending on their needs (Newton, 2016). It can be
connections, and job displacement of teachers and other used to facilitate teaching and learning because it offers
educational professionals. The study concluded that using various tools and technologies (D'Mello et al., 2018). Apart
AI tools in education has more benefits than from the fact that it can customize learning for each learner, it
disadvantages and should be performed properly. can also increase the accuracy and speed of the feedback. This
differentiation can provide students with equal opportunities
Keywords:- Artificial Intelligence, Education, Perception. to maximize their learning.

I. INTRODUCTION Moreover, Chassignol et al. (2018) stated that measuring

learning progress is becoming increasingly effective with the
Technology has become an integral part of education. help of intelligent assessment systems. Through the
Technology’s continuous and rapid change has caused many implementation of these intelligent systems, the assessment of
changes in education – from the chalk-board discussion, many assignments and the detection of learning and teaching
which is limited to the four walls of a classroom, to online or gaps are no longer a problem.
distance learning, which can happen remotely and was made
widely known during the COVID-19 pandemic, to the rise of Despite the potential benefits of AI-based educational
artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate anything you need tools, research on how students and teachers view these
from making an essay, editing pictures, text to audio resources is lacking. This is especially true in the field of AI
conversions, word to PowerPoint presentations, and many tools, where data on how teachers and students perceive and
more. use these tools are scarce.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is described by McCarthy Therefore, the purpose of this study was to improve our
(2007) as "the science and engineering of creating intelligent understanding of students' and teachers' perceptions of AI
machines, particularly intelligent computer programs." tools in education. Understanding the perceptions of these
Although it is related to the related job of utilizing computers stakeholders is critical for the successful adoption of AI tools
to comprehend human intellect, AI should not be limited to in education. Researchers can also gain insights into how to
techniques that can be observed by biological means. design and implement AI tools in ways that benefit both
Artificial Intelligence has been integrated into many students and teachers.
applications that are relevant to education (University of
Gronengen, 2023). Some recent educational applications are The primary goal of this research was to examine the
the AI tool called ChatGPT, which can generate texts on a perceptions of students and teachers regarding the use of AI

IJISRT23JUN1592 www.ijisrt.com 1400

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
tools in education. Its specific goal was to answer the B. Teacher Perception of AI Tools
following questions: Teachers' perspectives on the application of AI tools in
1. What are the perceptions of students regarding the use of education have also been researched. In a poll of 500 teachers
AI tools in education? in the US, researchers discovered that 77% of teachers were in
2. What are the perceptions of teachers regarding AI tools in favor of using AI tools in the classroom. The teachers said
education? that AI tools could help them give individualized training to
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of AI tools in their pupils while saving time on grading and lesson planning
education? (Kou et al, 2020).

II. LITERATURE REVIEW In addition, Hosseinzadeh, A., & Hughes, J. (2021)

showed in their study that most teachers, in a sample of 1,200
In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the United Kingdom had a favorable assessment of AI tools
in education has become more widespread. Artificial in education. According to the study, teachers believed that AI
intelligence (AI) tools are computer programs that employ tools may help them run their classrooms more effectively and
algorithms to simulate intelligent behavior, enabling them to give their pupils greater feedback. The survey also discovered
spot patterns, address issues, and come to conclusions. that teachers believed AI tools could free up their time for
Teachers can improve student engagement, tailor instruction, tedious duties like grading and lesson planning.
and evaluate students' progress with the use of AI tools. But
how do educators and students feel about using AI tools in In contrast, in a study conducted by Rana, et al. (2019),
the classroom? The employment of AI tools in education is the authors found that teachers had a more mixed perception
examined from the perspectives of students and teachers in of AI tools, with some viewing them as an effective way to
this survey of related literature. improve student engagement, while others viewed them as too
expensive and difficult to use.
A. Advantages and Disadvantages of AI Tools
Teachers' perspectives on the application of AI tools in Overall, the research indicates that students generally have
education have also been examined. In a poll of 500 teachers a favorable attitude toward the use of AI tools in education
in the US, researchers discovered that 77% of teachers were in and see them as useful tool for enhancing student
favor of using AI tools in the classroom. Teachers said that AI comprehension. Teachers, on the other hand, typically have a
tools could help them provide individualized training to their more unfavorable opinion of AI tools, considering them to be
pupils while saving time on grading and lesson planning (Kou excessively expensive and challenging to use. It is crucial to
et al., 2020). make sure that both students and teachers are properly taught
in utilizing these tools and that the advantages of using AI
In addition, Hosseinzadeh, A., & Hughes, J. (2021) tools exceed the expenses to successfully integrate AI
showed in their study that most teachers, in a sample of 1,200 technologies in education.
in the United Kingdom had a favorable assessment of AI tools
in education. According to the study, teachers believed that AI C. Student Perception of AI Tools
tools may help them run their classrooms more effectively and Numerous studies have examined how students feel about
give their pupils more feedback. The survey also discovered using AI in the classroom. Seventy percent of college
that teachers believed that AI tools could free up their time for students in the United States who participated in an
tedious duties, such as grading and lesson planning. Education Research Center poll of 1,200 college students
said they had a favorable opinion of AI tools in the
In contrast, in a study conducted by Rana et al. (2019), the classroom. Students believed that AI tools may make
authors found that teachers had a more mixed perception of learning more efficient for them as well as improve their
AI tools, with some viewing them as an effective way to comprehension and retention of material, according to the
improve student engagement, whereas others viewed them as study (Education Research Center., 2021).
too expensive and difficult to use.
Ranganathan and Dutta (2021) discovered that students
Overall, the research indicates that students generally have usually had favorable sentiments toward AI tools in
a favorable attitude toward the use of AI tools in education education after reviewing studies on the topic. For instance,
and see them as useful tools for enhancing student students said that AI tools could speed up research, reduce
comprehension. Teachers, on the other hand, typically have a mistakes, and deliver individualized education. The study
more unfavorable opinion of AI tools, considering them to be also discovered that several students expressed worries about
excessively expensive and challenging to use. It is crucial to using AI technologies, including privacy issues, lack of
ensure that both students and teachers are properly taught in control, and worry about being replaced by computers.
utilizing these tools and that the advantages of using AI tools
exceed the expenses to successfully integrate AI technologies Furthermore, in a study by Akbulut, Akbulut, and Akbulut
in education. (2020), students usually had a good attitude toward the use of
AI tools in the classroom and saw them as useful tools for
enhancing their comprehension of the subject matter.

IJISRT23JUN1592 www.ijisrt.com 1401

Volume 8, Issue 6, June – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS C. Other Advantages and Disadvantages of Using AI

A. Teachers’ Perception 1) Teachers’ Perception

The results showed that there was an average overall According to the teacher respondents, other advantages of
perception of teachers regarding the use of AI tools in using AI include the following.
education. Specifically, teachers think that AI can help  This can lead to unprecedented innovation across
students gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts. different disciplines.
 This can help students monitor their mistakes in writing
The study further showed that primary school teachers and be more aware of the correct writing composition.
strongly agreed that AI can improve teacher productivity in  It can provide answers to everything, beyond what the
the classroom. They also view the use of AI to automate students and teachers can grasp; and
administrative tasks as very helpful. This result supports the  It can analyze the relationships between variables, thus
study of Hosseinzadeh, A., & Hughes, J. (2021) who said that making it easier for students to analyze complex data.
teachers believed that AI tools may help them run their
classrooms more effectively and give their pupils greater Some disadvantages that the teachers mentioned when
feedback and that it could free up their time for tedious duties using AI are as follows:
like grading and lesson planning.  AI can lead to job displacement among teachers and other
educational professionals.
Contrary to primary teachers, secondary teachers strongly  The use of AI in classrooms limits human interaction. It
believe that AI can effectively monitor students’ behavior and cannot provide emotional support to students, which is
attendance at school. This may imply that AI may not be crucial to their development and learning.
effective in monitoring primary students’ behavior as they  If not properly mediated, it can make students more
need more interaction from teachers.
reliant and lazier, resulting in the downgrading of the
quality of education. Critical thinking and innovation are
In addition to that, younger teachers use AI to automate no longer being practiced.
their administrative tasks most of the time. They also strongly
 It can also be used as a cheating tool.
agreed that it could help reduce the teaching workload.
Moreover, they believe that it can improve communication
2) Students’ Perception
between teachers and administrators. These results imply that
According to the student respondents, the advantages of
younger teachers typically use AI in their administrative
using AI are as follows:
work. This may further imply that they prefer to use AI in
 This can help students to perform urgent tasks.
communicating with their superiors rather than talking with
them in person.  This can help students deepen their knowledge and assist
them in challenging lessons. It can summarize lessons for
B. Students Perception easier understanding. It can assist in writing, especially in
Students, on the other hand, also agree with the utilization checking grammar and related contexts.
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in education. They neither  It reduces students’ stress by having more fun experiences
agree nor disagree that AI can improve communication in studying.
between students and teachers and that AI can successfully  It can help teachers analyze data on students’
identify and assess their learning needs. They also agreed that performance so that they can assist them better.
AI can improve the quality of education, reduce school-  It is always available. Teachers may not always be
related work, and have the potential to assess students’ available. It is also portable. It can be used anywhere if
learning. you have internet; and
 It filters out unnecessary websites that are not useful for
Specifically, junior college students strongly agreed that study.
AI can improve the quality of education. They also strongly
agree that it can help students gain a deeper understanding of In a study conducted by Ranganathan and Dutta (2021),
academic concepts, have the potential to assess student students said that AI tools could speed up research, reduce
learning, reduce school-related workloads, and improve the mistakes, and deliver individualized education.
overall school environment. This may imply that junior
college students use AI more to aid in their studies. Some disadvantages of using AI cited by the students
The overall results agreed with the findings of  It can also be used for cheating purposes. However,
Ranganathan and Dutta (2021) that students usually had according to the respondents, this can be neutralized if
favorable sentiments toward AI tools in education after learning is focused more on higher-order thinking skills.
reviewing studies on the topic.  This can be a distraction when it is allowed to be used
during class hours.
 Students may become lazy and dependent on AI, thus
limiting their ability to think independently.
 It can reduce social-emotional factors, including
engagement, communication, and overall relationships.

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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