ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has wide variety of topics based on user prompts; Talk to Books,
become inevitable in various fields including education. which has a large curated database of books that returns
Many studies have found significance in the use of AI, quotes based on user prompts; Sheet Plus, which converts text
particularly in education, as it adapts to students’ to Google Sheets or Excel formulas; Bearly, which
learning processes. This study investigates how teachers summarizes long texts; Lex, which also generates essays;
and students perceive the use of AI tools in classrooms. Glasp, which generates summaries based on users’ notes and
Twenty-six teachers and 68 high school students highlights) Perplexity, which provides short answers with
participated in an online survey that included two citations; DALL-E 2, which can create unique and realistic
questionnaires to collect information. The findings images based on text prompts written in natural language; and
showed that although teachers' and students' perspectives many more (University of Gronengen, 2023).
on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in education
varied, they largely agreed. While teachers indicated that AI has brought a lot of changes in education. Many studies
AI tools may help them manage their classrooms more have shown that integrating technology into education has
successfully and provide their students with more several advantages. According to Muttappallymyalil (2016),
feedback, students said that AI could help learning be newer educational technology can be an effective tool for
made more efficient and improved through the teaching and learning in this rapidly changing technological
comprehension and retention of material. On the flip side, world and can be part of a comprehensive system for lifelong
there are some disadvantages as well, such as the education. Artificial intelligence can personalize students’
possibility of misuse as cheating tools, weakened human learning depending on their needs (Newton, 2016). It can be
connections, and job displacement of teachers and other used to facilitate teaching and learning because it offers
educational professionals. The study concluded that using various tools and technologies (D'Mello et al., 2018). Apart
AI tools in education has more benefits than from the fact that it can customize learning for each learner, it
disadvantages and should be performed properly. can also increase the accuracy and speed of the feedback. This
differentiation can provide students with equal opportunities
Keywords:- Artificial Intelligence, Education, Perception. to maximize their learning.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is described by McCarthy Therefore, the purpose of this study was to improve our
(2007) as "the science and engineering of creating intelligent understanding of students' and teachers' perceptions of AI
machines, particularly intelligent computer programs." tools in education. Understanding the perceptions of these
Although it is related to the related job of utilizing computers stakeholders is critical for the successful adoption of AI tools
to comprehend human intellect, AI should not be limited to in education. Researchers can also gain insights into how to
techniques that can be observed by biological means. design and implement AI tools in ways that benefit both
Artificial Intelligence has been integrated into many students and teachers.
applications that are relevant to education (University of
Gronengen, 2023). Some recent educational applications are The primary goal of this research was to examine the
the AI tool called ChatGPT, which can generate texts on a perceptions of students and teachers regarding the use of AI