Traditional marketing methods alone are not enough in current marketing world. Organizations have
started shifting to tools and techniques of Digital marketing from traditional tools. Digital Marketing is
not only a rapidly growing force in the current marketing playing field, it is set to be the future of
marketing, and it seems likely that digital media will soon replace more traditional forms altogether. As
the digital economy experiences major growth, the demand for skilled digital professionals is significant
and growing. In addition, those businesses that fail to adapt to this new marketing climate are at great risk
of going extinct sooner rather than later.Thus, in recent scenario, there is a greater need of understanding
the various elements of Digital marketing and there are very few sources / opportunities available for
someone who is interested in learning this emerging field.
Any Eligible Graduate can opt for the post Graduate Diploma in Digital Students from foreign nations: US$ 600/-*
Course Duration: 1 year (Divided into three semesters)
The Regular MBA students of GTU can also opt as additional post
graduate diploma Course Course Delivery:
The course will be offered through contact classes and E-mode with 1. The course shall be delivered through contact classes and E-mode
the Interaction Session for the subject guidance. platform. The course content will be available in the form of study
material, presentations, video and pre-recorded lectures and lectures.
The course material will be available online on the course portal and
2. Student may also request for the online interaction/contact classes for
will be provided during contact classes to all the students.
interaction with concerned faculty for resolving the learning difficulties in
The student has to study 7 subjects and prepare a project during the
span of course.
The passing criteria for the course is 50%. Last date for registration is 15th July, 2018
Centre for Business Ethics & CSR:
Centre for Global Business Studies: Vision:
Instrumental in creating and maintaining trust
About CGBS: Promoting practices based on principles of Ethics and behaviour, driven by human values.
Purpose: established to construct a coherent global perspective in Management education and research Mission:
Focused region for the study: Develop and Provide systems and procedures for training ‘Minds’ of people in such a way that they become capable of
• Middle East
• North America thinking ethically and an environment with mutual understanding is created in every organization
• Central Asia
• Europe Every individual may be able to reach his/ her optimum capability for harmoniously moving together towards achieving the
• East Asia
• South America and Caribbean countries larger objectives of the organization.
• Pacific Countries & South Asia.
• Africa
Desk: +91-079-23267514
Cell: +91- 9099063099