Platos School of Thoughts
Platos School of Thoughts
Platos School of Thoughts
School of Thoughts
Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher born in
Athens during the Classical period in Ancient
Greece. In Athens, Plato founded the
Academy, a philosophical school where he
taught the philosophical doctrines that would
later become known as Platonism
The aims of Plato's School of Thought, also known as Platonism,
can be summarized as follows:
Pursuit of Knowledge and Promotion of Just
Wisdom Societies
Study of
Philosophy held a central position in Plato's
curriculum. Plato saw philosophy as the pursuit
of wisdom and truth.
Moral and Ethical
Plato considered moral and ethical education as crucial for the
development of virtuous individuals and just societies
Plato recognized the importance of physical well-being and
its connection to intellectual development.