Chapter1 3
Chapter1 3
Chapter1 3
Biola, Althea D.
Caare, Isaleah B.
Lugar, Myrine
i. Acknowledgement
v. Communication Letter
vi. Documentation
First and foremost, praises and thanks to God, the Almighty, for His
The researchers would also like to express our deep and sincere gratitude
tutelage during our research study. We would also like to thank him for his
empathy, patience, and knowledge that he imparts unto us. It was a great
endless pursuit of knowledge. Also, to the senior high teachers who have given
Maritime and HUMSS Criminology students. Without their help, our research
paper would not be possible. Our thanks and appreciations also go to our
respondents who willingly helped with their full cooperation which has made
Last but not the least, to our dearest parents for their deep consideration
for the finances and undying support throughout the making of the research
study. As well as for their words of encouragement to all those nights that
The Researchers
of a
Private Institution in Cagayan de Oro City” prepared and submitted by Howell
Gorgolon, Alysha Mae Cabugsa, Ivy Grace Malacaya, Nikka Salan, Crisem Kyth
Barbado, Judy Abiva, and Jude Roxas, in partial fulfilment of the requirements
the Practical Research 02 has been examined and recommended for acceptance
adopted survey questionnaire was the main instrument in gathering the data
used in answering the research problems and in testing the hypothesis. The
They were chosen using random sampling techniques. Thereafter the raw data
were encoded and statistically treated for analyses and interpretation to find
answers to the research problems and test the hypotheses. The assessment of
Index Terms: Knowledge Level, Sexual Health, Middle and Late Adolescence.
In this study, the researchers used a survey questionnaire with two (2)
parts to get the appropriate data needed. Part I is about the Personal Data of
the respondents. The researchers made the tool for profiling; it determines
consists of five (5) statements. The researchers used Likert Scale Method in the
survey questionnaire. This tool determined the knowledge level of Middle and
Dear Ma’am:
Thank you very much in anticipation of your favorable approval and support.
Respectfully yours,
Erwin B. Langam
Research Paper Adviser
Misamis Oriental
Misamis Oriental
de Oro City
Adolescence is one of life's most complex stages, when young people take
When encouraged, they have the potential to change negative social norms and
pave a brighter future for themselves and their future families. According to the
World Health Organization, there are currently around 1.2 billion teenagers
totaling one-sixth of the global population living in the globe today, regarded as
sexual maturation and fertility. Yet as adolescents around the world enter
puberty, taboos, discomfort, and fear prevent parents and other trusted adults
(AIDS), and hepatitis, are among the leading causes of adolescent mortality
decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, and being protected from
health education, there is also evidence that boys are treated with less respect.
Teenage boys and young men have frequently been overlooked, they represent
half of the issue and half of the solution. According to the Department of
the HIV/AIDS & ART Registry of the Philippines (HARP) in January 2022,
symbolic theory, in which he states that what society says and does, affects the
the social world in which they live. This theory explains that adolescents do
what they are vulnerable to do. It accentuates that people follow what they
have seen through others that they think is appropriate. (Mueller, 2018). This
theory relates to our research regarding the fact that our research is about
collecting data about the perception of students, which relates to the use of
offspring of young parents are less educated about open issues due to their
their children. Young people at the age range of 12-18 years old receive sex
Dicenso (2018) stated that the primary goal of sex education is to inform
and guide youth in making informed life decisions. Young people are at risk for
in schools will help the students be guided and prevent them from
Implication of the
demographic profile of the
respondents to the
knowledge level on Sex
The process phase, or the requirements and stages the researchers need
research study.
The final product of the study is the knowledge level of Middle and Late
and the average level of awareness a student should perceive in Sexual Health
rise of HIV.
1.1 Gender
1.2 Section
1.3 Strand
terms of:
HIV, and AIDS, are some of the risks connected with unsafe sex that can be
themselves with knowledge and be better prepared. The objective of this study
is the following:
Health Education. Also, to perceive and let the students understand the issues
The researchers
gathered by the researchers resulting in more information about the topic that
made this research paper relevant and helped aspiring researchers gain
knowledge and ideas for their research papers when conducting a similar
The readers
the issues of sexual health education in the Country, the lack of knowledge
among teens and pre-adult people about safe sex practices, and the absence of
The students
This study helped the students to be aware of sexual health education
school because it gave them the idea to propose an optional subject that can
benefit the learners, especially the Grade 12 Senior High School Students.
Recent research and studies related to the topic was used as a reference for
this study as the source of information. This study's primary focus was the
students' views and responses to questions about sexual health education. The
research is descriptive, and the researcher didn’t delve further into how to
help the body fight infection, making a person more vulnerable to other
one person to another through sexual contact. The contact is usually vaginal,
how to talk about and make decisions about sex and their sexual health as well
Gender Identity - Gender identity is the personal sense of one's own gender.
Gender identity can correlate with a person's assigned sex or can differ from it.
The review of literature for this study focuses on sexual health education
issues being tackled around the globe. This study will give the knowledge level
sexual health education is a topic that is being avoided much in the public.
Much of the people, children, young adults, and teens are becoming exposed
without a proper orientation of sex Weksler (2021). Wilson (2019) said that
communication is the key that young people must use to express themselves in
the right way. As Michael (2022) stated, sex education began to be taught in
its objectives are to help the young generation to have a healthy relationship as
Strange, Oakley, and the RIPPLE team, p. 200). But this is not the case. Some
schools are not teaching or informing their students about sexual health
assistance in terms of sex. Students or teens began to read about articles that
having sex is healthy or can benefit them, on the other hand, it says, prevent
sex to avoid pregnancies and contracting diseases. This will result in their
confusion of beliefs and end up trying it. Sexual education comes in. In sexual
health, facts should be stated, and biased words are not welcome. Not only
schools but in the house. Education begins inside the house and parents are
responsible to teach their children such manners, traits, attitudes, and other
life or school related purposes. Since parents are the closest people to their
children and can transmit sources with authority (Swan 2013). Parents should
be open minded to such topics and not avoid topics such as sex that can make
their children ignorant. Parents who avoid sex-related topics will make their
parents about sex, they will start experimenting young, this will result in
This study aims to; recognize the knowledge level of Middle and Late
sexual health education, to assess the problems and issues of sex education in
HUMSS Criminology.
According to (Diaz & Fiel, 2019), their study concluded that the
educational performance and wages than young adults in the same study.
Mainly, behavior issues and criminality were more prevalent among pregnant
teenagers, and they also had lower self-worth, academic prowess, risk aversion,
and educational expectations for their offspring. It's stated that at home, kids
had less mental and emotional stimulation, shared fewer significant life events
with their parents, & Fiel, 2019). Students in the traditional teaching method
group were subjected to reduced expectations for their future. (Diaz appeared
knowledge. (Haruna, 2018). Although all students agreed that the three
the gamification condition reporting that “it is easy to understand and catch-up
examples from real life. Young people will receive sufficient concepts from this
material to help them make wise decisions in their life. According to A Review
young people themselves. They must work together to influence the youths
children who receive sexual health education are less likely to engage in risky
sexual activities. If a youth chooses to remain sexually active then they should
unplanned pregnancies. Dr. Randhir Kumar stated that students felt that sex
local clinic services and address adolescents' concerns (Decker, 2021). Because
they are already open-minded about sexual health education, those who are
dealing with something won't be ashamed to inquire about it at the local clinics
worries to yourself because you may not realize how serious they are at this
(Furstenberg 2003; Geronimus 2021).
In conclusion, this literature review gives the idea that many different
tackle this topic, which will relate to our research about getting the perception
of grade 12 students in sexual health education. The problems with the related
education in school programs while ignoring the reality that there are children
who are already impacted by the issue, resulting in poverty and the inability to
review, students believe sex education is vital and should be in the school
according to their age and physical intimacy. Health education programs can
This chapter presents the research methods and necessary data and
Reasons and presentations for the research design, research locale, research
education. The number of cases involving sexual health education during the
past years inspired the researchers to investigate further the knowledge level of
This research study seeks to discover and quantify the knowledge level of
is critical, especially now that cases involving sexual health education are on
the rise, such as teen pregnancy, HIV, and STDs. Researchers can accurately
explain quantitative data using unbiased statistics. The analysis, when done
populations that are bigger and more general than the test sample.
The researchers selected the enrollees under the Senior High School
respondents of the research study. The respondents of the study are composed
namely, Aquila, Boötes, Cassiopeia, Achilles, and Apollo. Those sections that
stated have a total of 119 students. Given the topic of the study, broad-minded
people from the provinces seek greener pastures here, thus diversifying the
people who live in the city and the students who study in schools located in
registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and it works with the
Department of Education for its primary and secondary programs, besides the
and programs that lead to officially recognized higher education degrees such
Engineering, Criminology, Liberal Arts, and Computer Studies are all master
and Doctorate Degree programs that offer a variety of master's and Doctorate
Degree programs in different fields. The school opened its Senior High School
The respondents for the study were chosen using a simple probability
the persons (sample), and then randomly choosing from those numbers
chosen by the researchers using either the lottery system or a random number
for the study. This sampling method is as easy as assigning numbers to the
individuals (sample) and then randomly choosing from those numbers through
an automated process. Finally, the numbers that are chosen are the members
that are included in the sample. Simple random sampling, as the name
There are two ways in which researchers choose the samples in this
around a large population and has its fair share of advantages and
disadvantages as this research aims to study the knowledge level of Middle and
the targeted population would be 119 students. The said population contains
and HUMSS Criminology. Of the targeted population the sample size was
n = N / (1 + Ne²)
N = population size
e = margin of error
n = 119 / (1 + 0.2975)
n = 119 / 1.2975
n = 91.71483622
n = 91
of 119.
In this study, the researchers used a survey questionnaire with two (2)
parts to get the appropriate data needed. Part I is about the Personal Data of
the respondents. The researchers made the tool for profiling; it determines
consists of five (5) statements. The researchers used Likert Scale Method in the
survey questionnaire. This tool determined the knowledge level of Middle and
the names of the respondents and its sections, followed by the formulated
questionnaires using an online tool called Google Forms when given a signal. A
The minimum number of respondents that expected is 80, and the maximum
Non-Secular Institution.' The responses will be kept confidential, and they will
not share personal information with the public. The researchers will do their
After the researchers collected their data, it was compiled and tabulated.
They were subjected to statistical analysis to answer the study's questions. The
X= X = N
X = Mean
√ ∑ ( X −M 2)
N −1