1.1 Background
The use of chemicals to remove rust has been applied for a long time by
using inorganic chemicals such as acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, fostat acid,
oxalic acid, etc. At the beginning of its use, the use of these chemicals is seen as
the most effective way to overcome rust, this can be proven because in this way it
is still a powerful, effective, flexible, easy to obtain and relatively inexpensive
way to overcome rust. Many people who abuse this method without looking at the
negative of the excess usage.
The negative impacts of the use of these chemicals include smoke haze,
chlorine toxins, environmental pollution. And than there are chemicals that can
cause pain in the skin, burning skin, peeling skin, affected, can cause irritation,
cause respiratory damage, and can cause kidney damage In addition, a recent
study of the team from the University of Bergen, Norway, against 6.000 peoples
revealed regular exposure to human cleansing products significantly affected
lungs function, especially in women. Because of the negative effect, came various
alternatives in removing rust, one of which uses rust removers that is more
friendly and easier to obtain. This method uses materials derived from plants
(leaves, fruit, seeds, roots, and other parts) that have the function to remove rust
because it has substances that can eliminate rust. This method is memorable
environmentally friendly, inexpensive, and easy to obtain. By using this method
the risk of using hazardous chemicals can be avoided, one of the plants that can be
used is spinach, spinach is a plant that comes from tropical America named Latin
Amaranthus which contains chemicals including flavonoids, vitamin A, vitamin
B, vitamins C, vitamin K, oxalic acid, carbohydrates, calcium, sodime,
magnesium, phosphorus, thamin, riboflavin, and niancin. Plant parts used are
leaves and stems. According to phosphoric acid and oxalic acid
are two acids that effectively remove rust from metal objects.
Therefore the use of chemicals to remove rust must be limited in order to
prevent environmental pollution being maintained. Thus, the challenge sparked an
idea to apply spinach interactions as rust remover which is intended to find out the
comparative level of effectiveness of the use of spinach as rust remover and in
hopes of helping the community and helping to increase environmental pollution.