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Servo Amplifier VT 1600 Series 3X Data Sheet

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RA 29 716/06.


Servo Amplifier VT 1600 (Series 3X) 29 716/06.98
Euro Card Format
Replaces: 05.94

Electronic amplifier cards Model VT 1600 are used to control servo

valve (pilot) without LVDT feedback Model 4WS.EM, 2DS1EO,
and 3DS2EH. Typically for closed loop applications.

They incorporate the following features:

– Voltage stabilizer to provide clean voltage for consistent and
stable performance
– Face plate mounted ammeter for fast visual reference of current
to the valve
– Integrated PID (proportional, integrator, derivative) control circuit
which allows tuning for optimum performance of position control,
or constant velocity circuits. With the added ability to combine
the PI, PD, or PID controls for any circuit, which results in
complete versatility
– 3 internal potentiometers accessible through the face plate for
R 85/31
quick adjustment of the PID values
VT 1600 S 3X/E1
– Additional control input, control for use with VE 102, or UK 2
system cards, which allows increased control capabilities above
the standard PID closed loop

Technical data (for applications outside these parameters, please consult us!)
Power supply voltage (E0) VDC ± 15V regulated supply (voltage regulators removed)
(E1) VDC ± 22 to ± 28V (voltage regulators installed)
Power supply current IDC < 200 mA
Internal control voltage VIN 0 to ± 10V
Output current IO ± 60 mA, ± 100 mA
Dither current (typical) If 340 Hz/3 mAPP
Relay data
Relay coil voltage V 22V to 28V
Duty cycle t 1 ms
Nominal coil resistance R 2000 Ω
Card dimensions Euro card 100 x 160 mm (DIN 41 494)
Front plate dimensions
– Height 3U [5.05 in (128 mm)]
– Width solder side 1 division 0.20 in (5.08 mm)
– Width component side 7 divisions
– Total width 8 divisions (8 HP)
Ambient temperature range T 32 to 122 °F (0 to 50 °C)
Storage temperature – 4 to 158 °F (– 20° to 70°C)
Weight (approx.) w 0.33 lbs (0.15 kg)

RA 29 716/06.98
Terminal connections VT 1600 S 3X

Block diagram

Input 10ac Servo

valve current
R51 P 3
K1 SV-Null
4c B
4 7 A B
28ac J1 J3
V 26ac
30ac Σ I Σ I
32ac 2 6 D
R 9 P T
+Vload = 16ac C
2c D 10
Integrator K1 ≈
“on or off” Dither D
5 C
8 A B

+Vload 1 + VM
14ac 12ac +15V
Power M0
16ac 18ac 0V
supply = – VM
20ac 22ac –15V

1 Voltage regulator (E1 only) 4 Integrator amplifier 7 Voltage control

2 Summing amplifier 5 Derivative amplifier 8 Dither oscillator
3 Proportional amplifier 6 Summing amplifier 9 Output stage
10 Servo pilot valve

Detailed diagram For full details, refer to drawing supplied

with amplifier ES43-A8-...

R7 P
R12 7
10ac N1


J1 R11

28ac K1 +Vload
R18 R15 R36 R39
30ac C12 - R2 +
I R42 V14


1 R43
N1 R6 R19 1
R44 C10
R14 R16 N2 R40 1 J2 J3
32ac R37 N4 R48 R49 V2

R41 R28 R26

C8 26ac

C13 C14 N4
R27 24ac SV
R45 N3



2c D
+V C6

R57 7 V12
from 14ac N2 V1


V11 V13



R25 R1 R23 –Vload

C11 N3

R30 R22
14ac 12ac
+15V +15V
+ C4 + C2
Power 16ac 18ac
Supply 0V 0V
+ C3 + C1
for EO
20ac 22ac
–15V –15V

Voltage regulators removed

RA 29 716/06.98

Functional description

Electronic amplifier card VT 1600 drives a servo valve (10) without Inputs at pins 28ac, 30ac and 32ac are normally associated with
inductive feedback (LVDT). Typical valves include 4WS2EM, closed loop applications. This command should be connected to
4WS2EB, 3DS2EH, 4DS1EO, and A2V..HS pump with pin 28ac. J1 is only installed for feed forward circuits. Feedback
potentiometer feedback. An input signal is converted to a must be opposite in polarity. The signals are summed (2) together
proportional current for the torque motor. The torque motor controls to develop an error voltage for the PID control circuit. Proportional
the pressure balance in the pilot valve. (3) adjusts the loop gain. Integral (4) increases the signal if the
error is maintained. Derivative (5) uses the rate of change to
improve the response. The control values are combined (6) to
In an unregulated power supply system, the VT 1600 voltage
become the valve command. J2 is normally installed when the PID
regulators (1) must be used (option code “1”). The dual supply is
section is used. J3 can be installed with an external jumper from
connected to pins 14ac (+22 V..+28 V), pins 16ac (0 V), pins 20ac
4c to 10ac to replace J2, when the PID section is used.
(–22 V..–28 V). The card provides regulated voltage at pins 12ac
(+15), pins 22ac (–15 V).
Parts of the PID are not used in some applications. Hardware
changes can disable these corresponding potentiometers. The K1
In a regulated ± 15 V power supply system, the VT 1600 voltage
relay only disables the Integral control when it is energized. This
regulators must be removed (option code “0”). Otherwise, incorrect
is selected when using Integral, but the system is not able to
operation will result. The regulators are mounted on black heat
regulate in closed loop. Otherwise, the valve will start from an open
sinks along the edge connector. Note that installing a card without
condition when the system is able to begin regulation.
regulators into an unregulated system will damage the amplifier.
Regulated power is connected to pins 14ac (+15 V), pins 16ac (0
V), pins 20ac (–15 V). The VT 1600 is usually modified for valve type, application and
power supply. An electrical schematic details the specific changes.
Refer to this drawing and related documentation for more
The input at pin 10ac is a direct command to the valve driver, if J3
information. Include this drawing number when ordering spare
is installed. This is a common configuration that will bypass the
parts. Other Rexroth groups may use an SO number or a second
external PID section (2–6). Standard range is 0 to ±10 V. This
VT number (VT, 5–digits, A). For Rexroth (Bethlehem), the ES43–
input can be modified for 0 to ±5 V or 4 to 20 mA.
A8–... drawing number appears on 32 pin connector.

The voltage control (7) scales the input to the valve amplifier stage
(9). The “0” (zero) potentiometer can offset the input at pin 10ac.
A dither signal (8) is added to the output to reduce hysteresis.
Dither magnitude is adjusted by potentiometer R1 (~). The output
amplifier is shown with parallel coils. Output current can be
observed on the face plate with the servo ammeter.

A positive voltage at pin 10ac will provide a positive signal at pin

24ac to drive the valve. Refer to the valve data sheet for valve
direction. When a 4WS2EM10 pins C and D are connected to pin
24ac, the second stage flows P to B. Reverse coil connections (C
and D to 26ac) will cause flow P to A.

RA 29 716/06.98
Ordering code

VT 1600 S 3X 0 *
32 pin plug Euro card design =S Further details to be written in clear text
(for installation in Euro magazines and card holders)
0= without ± 15 V voltage regulator (± 15 V power)
Series 30 to 39 = 3X 1= with ± 15 V voltage regulator (± 24 V power)
(30 to 39 externally interchangeable) ES43-A8-… = Electrical schematic
(assigned by Rexroth)
For new application, specify contact person and telephone,
regarding control options E= English face plate
ES# is required for spares (prior to delivery, not prior to ordering).
The ES# is marked on the card connector.

Additional information
– Turn off power before connecting or disconnecting the amplifier card.
– Measurements to be made with high impedance meter Ri > 100 kΩ.
– Radio transmitters or similar devices may not be used within 3 ft (1 m) of the card.
– Switches used for input signal must handle currents under 1 mA (dry circuit contact, reed switches).
– Shield all control voltage wires, connect the card end of shield of panel ground on the enclosure and leave one end
of the shield open.
– Do not run wires in the vicinity of power wires.
– Input and output terminals which are labelled with the suffix “ac” are internally connected, therefore connections may be made to
either terminals “a” or “c”.

Unit dimensions: dimensions in inches (millimeters)

VT 1600 S 3X


6.67 (172) Dv
Valve currrent

3U P
3.93 5.05
(100) 3.50 (128.4) I

(89) 0.59 D
(15) ~

0.07 (2)
7.32 (186) (7)
8 HP

Mannesmann Rexroth Corporation

Rexroth Hydraulics Div., Industrial, 2315 City Line Road, Bethlehem, PA 18017-2131 Tel. (610) 694-8300 Fax: (610) 694-8467
Rexroth Hydraulics Div., Mobile, 1700 Old Mansfield Road, Wooster, OH 44691-0394 Tel. (330) 263-3400 Fax: (330) 263-3333

4/4 All rights reserved – Subject to revision

Printed in U.S.A.

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