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16 Tensiss

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 Present Tense 2. Present Continous Tense

Keterangan waktunya : always, often, every ( day, week, Keterangan waktunya : now, right now, at present, today, at this
month), usually, sometimes, now and then, seldom, never, moment, when, still, soon dan lainnya.
when, tomorrow, tonight, this morning, next year, next day dan
sebagainya. Rumus : subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + Predikat
+ Objek
Rumus : Subjek + Verb 1 + es / s + Predikat + Objek
She is washing her hair now.
She goes to school everyday. Dia (perempuan) sedang mencuci rambutnya sekarang.
Dia perempuan pergi ke sekolah setiap hari. They are playing basketball right now.
I always wake up in the morning. Mereka sedang bermain bola basket sekarang ini juga.
Saya selalu bangun di pagi hari.

3. Present Perfect Tense 4. Present Perfect Continous Tense

Keterangan waktunya : already, just, yet, so far, lately, never, Keterangan waktunya : for, since, long, how long, all the
ever, once, twice, several times, three times dan lainnya. morning dan lainnya.
Rumus : Subject + Have/has + verb 3 + Predikat + Objek Rumus : Subject + has / have + been + verb-ing + Predikat +
I have gone to Bali island for three times.
Saya sudah pernah pergi ke pulau Bali 3 kali. The passengers have been waiting for the next flight since this
The mechanic has fixed my car, so  I can go along with my morning.
friend in this weekend Para penumpang telah menunggu penerbangan berikutnya
Pak montir sudah memperbaiki mobilku, jadi saya bisa pergi sejak pagi ini.
dengan temanku akhir pekan ini. My Mother has been cooking the Chinese food all the morning
Ibu saya telah memasak masakan Cina sepanjang pagi ini.
9. Future Tense 10. Future Continuous Tense
Keterangan waktunya : tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, Keterangan waktunya : tomorrow, next …, at the same time, at
next …, tonight, soon, later,  dan sebagainya. … o’clock tomorrow, by this time dan sebaginya.
Rumus : Subjek + will + Verb 1 + Predikat + Objek Rumus : Subjek + Shall/will + be + Verb-ing + Predikat +
They will arrive from Japan next week.
Mereka akan tiba dari jepang minggu depan. I shall be going to school at seven o’clock tomorrow morning.
The rainy season will come  again in a few days. Saya akan sedang ingin ke sekolah pada jam tujuh besok pagi.
Dalam beberapa hari ini musim hujan akan tiba. We will be studying if you will come at seven o’clock p.m
Kami akan sedang belajar jika kamu datang pada jam tujuh
malam besok.

11. Future Perfect Tense 12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Keterangan waktunya : by the of…, before, by now, by next, this Keterangan waktunya : by next …, by … o’clock, by this time
time tomorrow dan sebagainya. tomorrow dan sebagainya.
Rumus : Subjek + shall/will + have + Verb III + Predikat + Rumus : Subjek + Shall/will + Have been + Verb-ing +
Objek Predikat + Objek
Mira will have been visiting her family for a week by the end of
Dewi will have made a new dress by the and of this week. this year.
Dewi akan sudah membuat baju baru menjelang akhir minggu Mira akan sedang mengunjungi keluarganya selama satu
ini. minggu menjelang akhir tahun ini.
He will have married with Jesi by the and of this week. Father will have been building the house for a month on next
Dia ( laki – laki )akan sudah menikah dengan Jesi menjelang week.
akhir minggu ini. Ayah akan sudah sedang membangun rumah selama satu
tahun pada minggu depan.
13. Future Past Tense 14. Future Past Continuous Tense
Keterangan waktunya : the day before, the previous day, the Keterangan waktunya : at … o’clock yesteday, on … ( month )
year before, when dan sebagainya. last year, tomorrow, the day before dan sebagainya.
Rumus : Subjek + Should/would + V-1 + Predikat = Objek Rumus : Subjek + Should/Would + Be + V-ing + Predikat +
He would buy magazine the previous day.
Dia ( Laki – laki ) akan membeli majalah hari sebelumnya. We should be waiting for the next two hours.
Sometimes, she would sing when she felt bored. Kita harus menunggu dua jam berikutnya.
Terkadang, dia akan bernyanyi saat merasa bosan. She would be cleaning my room last night.
Dia akan membersihkan kamar saya tadi malam. 

15. Future Past Perfect 16. Future Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Keterangan waktunya : at yesterday, on last week, in last year Keterangan waktunya : by the end of this …, by next month, by
dan sebagainya. the next year dan sebagainya.
Rumus : Subjek + Should/Would + Have + V-3 + Predikat + Rumus : Subjek + should/would + have + been + verb-ing +
Objek Predikat + Objek
I should have worked in this office last night. By last Saturday I should have been sailing for three days.
Seharusnya aku bekerja di kantor ini tadi malam. Pada hari Sabtu yang lalu saya seharusnya sudah berlayar
She would have not come late to school if she had got up early. selama tiga hari.
Dia tidak akan terlambat datang ke sekolah jika dia bangun I would have been building a wall for three days.
pagi-pagi. Saya dulu pernah berencana akan terus membangun dinding
selama 3 hari.
5. Past Tense 6. Past Continuous Tense
Keterangan waktunya : yesterday, the day before, ago, last Keterangan waktunya : all day yesterday, the whole day
week, last month dan sebagainya. yesterday, at … o clock yesteday dan sebagainya.
Rumus : Subjek + Verb2 + Predikat + Objek Rumus : Subjek + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + Predikat +
She crossed over the bridge by motorcycle last night.
Dia ( perempuan ) menyebrangi jembatan dengan sepeda motor I was praying when you came to my house yesterday.
kemarin malam. Aku sedang beribadah ketika kamu datang ke rumahku kemarin.
They left me alone in the middle of the jungle yesterday. Rino was playing PS 3 the whole night yesterday.
Mereka meninggalkan aku di tengah hutan kemarin. Rino sedang bermain PS 3 sepanjang malam kemarin.

7. Past Perfect Tense 8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Keterangan waktunya : by the end of …., before, after, as soon Keterangan waktu yang dipakai: when, by last, by yesterday dan
as, until dan sebagainya. sebagainya.
Rumus : Subjek + Had + Verb III + Predikat + Objek Rumus : Subject + had been + Verb-ing + Predikat + Objek
Sinta had studied English before she came to my house. When the guests came, we had been waiting for an hour.
Sinta sudah belajar Bahasa Inggris sebelum dia datang ke Ketika para tamu datang, kita telah menunggu selama satu jam.
rumahku. She had been reading eight story books since last month.
By the time Tio was graduated from this University, she had not Dia ( perempuan )telah sedang membaca delapan buku cerita
been in London for over four years. semenjak bulan lalu. 
Pada saat Tio lulus dari Universitasnya, dia belum pernah
berada di Australia selama lebih dari 4 tahun.

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