How To Fall in Love With Parliamentary Procedure at D73 District Meetings
How To Fall in Love With Parliamentary Procedure at D73 District Meetings
How To Fall in Love With Parliamentary Procedure at D73 District Meetings
Procedural motions only affect the running of Substantive motions are motions ordering
the current meeting. something to be done, authorising some past
Eg: That the meeting do now adjourn. or proposed action, expressing the meeting’s
opinion in regard to some subject, or
otherwise dealing with the organisation’s
general activities. Eg: That the president send
a letter of invitation to the world champion.
Motion Specifics
1. Must commence with ‘That’ 10. Must be proposed and seconded (not by
2. Must be specific the Chairman)
3. Must be unambiguous 11. May be amended
4. Must not be worded in the first person 12. May be altered ‘by leave’
5. Must be in one sentence 13. May be withdrawn ‘by leave’
6. May be in parts 14. Gives a right of reply to mover, closing the
7. May incorporate an explanation debate
8. May be in the negative 15. Should preferably be submitted in writing
9. Must not attempt to revive a previously 16. May be rescinded after being adopted
rejected motion
1. There can only be one substantive motion before the chair at any time.
2. There can be a substantive motion and a procedural motion before the chair at the same time.
3. If a procedural motion is moved, then the meeting moves on to process the procedural motion, in much
the same way as you process an amendment. When the debate on the procedural motion is finished
then the meeting goes back to the original motion.
Rules for the wording of amendments are similar as those for motions. One important thing to remember is that the
amendment should improve the motion, and never contradict it.
An Amendment:
1. Must commence with ‘That’ 8. Must be proposed and seconded, but not by the
2. Must be specific Chairman or mover or seconder of the original
3. Must be unambiguous motion
4. Must be relevant to the motion 9. Must be moved after the motion has been
5. Must be within the scope of the notice convening seconded but before it has been voted on
the meeting 10. May not be amended
6. May not contradict the motion or any amendment 11. May be altered ‘by leave’
previously adopted 12. May be withdrawn ‘by leave’
7. Must not attempt to revive any amendment 13. Gives no right of reply to the mover of the
previously rejected amendment
14. Should preferably be submitted in writing
1. The mover and seconder of the original motion can be among the ‘other speakers’ to any amendment if they so
desire ([5:16]).
2. Only one speech on any question is permitted, except for the mover’s right of reply. ([4.25]).
3. When an amendment is before the chair, discussion must be confined to that amendment ([5:15], [5.16]).
What do you want How can you What is the motion? Things to Note
to achieve? achieve this?
End debate on the topic under Move a procedural motion “That the question be now put.”^ ^You may not propose this
discussion Or motion if you have already
“That the speaker no longer be participated in the debate.
Want to hear more from a Move a procedural motion “That the speaker be heard for a
speaker further xx minutes.”
Have a motion withdrawn Move a procedural motion “That the meeting proceed to the
next business” or
“That the motion be withdrawn”
Want to improve the motion so Move an amendment. A better A mover or seconder of a
the debating time is reduced worded motion may reduce motion is not entitled to move
debating time. or second an amendment.
An amendment must not alter
the substantial nature of the
motion that it results in a
motion relating to an entirely
different subject.